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C/C++ Source or Header
733 lines
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#if defined(MSDOS)
#define DO_FOPEN 1 /* use fopen */
#define ANSI_DECL /* use ANSI C function declarations/definitions */
#define FOPEN_R_ARG "rb"
#define FOPEN_W_ARG "wb"
#define EOL_STR "\r\n" /* end of line marking */
#elif defined(VMS)
#include <file.h> /* O_... flags for open */
#include <unixio.h> /* open prototype */
#define DO_FOPEN 0 /* use open & fdopen */
#define ANSI_DECL /* use ANSI C function declarations/definitions */
#define OPEN_R_ARG O_RDONLY, 0
#define OPEN_WN_ARG O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_CREAT, 0, "rat = cr","rfm = var"
#define OPEN_WD_ARG O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_CREAT, 0, "rfm = var"
#define FOPEN_R_ARG "r"
#define FOPEN_W_ARG "w"
#define EOL_STR "\n" /* end of line marking */
#define SYSTEM_ID "VMS"
#else /* don't use ANSI C function declarations/definitions */
#include <fcntl.h> /* O_... flags for open */
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h> /* S_... flags for open */
#define DO_FOPEN 0 /* use open & fdopen */
#if !defined(O_RAW)
#define O_RAW 0
#define OPEN_R_ARG O_RAW | O_RDONLY, 0
#define FOPEN_R_ARG "r"
#define FOPEN_W_ARG "w"
#define EOL_STR "\n" /* end of line marking */
#define SYSTEM_ID "UNIX"
/*----------------------- revision history ---------------------------------
* 26-10-92 (JAD): Pre/post encoding text used \n instead of \r\n for MSDOS.
* 08-04-92 (JAD): VMS specific help text restricted to VMS.
* Documented NCDC.
* 01-05-91 (AM): added smaller buffer for VMS; added /s option:
* Stream_LF decoding for VMS.
* 10-04-91 (JAD): added osize = 0 in decode; added get_start()
* because continuation files received from SIMTEL don't
* start with begin. When decodeing was expecting multiple
* of four in last line, now computes # actually expected
* (when encoding still writing multiple of four.
* 9-04-91 (JAD): changed VMS OPEN_W_ARG, added pre-ANSI C function
* headers for UNIX.
* 8-04-91 (JAD): Introduced MSDOS/VMS/UNIX versions.
* 4-04-91 (JAD): Bug fix: table was not kept when found at top of
* encoded file.
/*=========================== global help ==================================*/
char sProgram[] = "NCDC";
char sVersion[] = "version 1.51";
char sAuthor[] = "J.A. Doornik.";
static char *sUsage[] = /* array of strings instead of one string for VAX */
#if defined(VMS)
"\nUsage: NCDC infile [outfile] [/u] [/s] [/##]\n",
"\nUsage: NCDC infile [outfile] [/u] [/##]\n",
"Decodes if infile has no extension or extension ENC, XXE or UUE;",
"Encodes otherwise.\n",
"Encoding: uses XXencoding or UUencoding if /u is specified",
"\t /## sets maximum outfile size to ## kilobytes",
"\t Eg NCDC test.zip /50 could lead to",
"\t test.enc, test.en2 and test.en3 being created.",
"Decoding: decoding method is derived from first encoded line.\n",
#if defined(VMS)
"Decoded file defaults in Variable length format.",
"\t /s : decoded file in Stream_LF format.\n",
"Example : ncdc test. XXencode file test into test.enc",
" ncdc test XXdecode file test.enc into test",
#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE !FALSE
#define byte unsigned char
/*---------------- files and internal buffer for in/output ----------------*/
#define CONFIRM 0
#define NO_CONFIRM 1
#define IN_BUFLEN 20480
#if defined(VMS)
#define OUT_BUFLEN 512 /* 0.5K buffer */
#define OUT_BUFLEN 20480 /* 20K buffer */
byte Stream_LF = FALSE; /* indicates Stream_LF decoded file on VAX */
char sInbuf[IN_BUFLEN], sOutbuf[OUT_BUFLEN];
char sOutfile[80] = "", sInfile[80] = "";
/*-------------------- UUencode information --------------------------------*/
char sUUtable[] /* character table */
= "`!\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_";
int iUUlen = 'M';
/*-------------------- XXencode information --------------------------------*/
char sXXtable[] /* character table */
= "+-0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
int iXXlen = 'h';
/*---------------------- coding information --------------------------------*/
#define ERROR 0
#define WARNING 1
#define MESSAGE 2
#define NCODE 0
#define DCODE 1
#define BIT6MASK 0x3F
#define INLEN 45 /* # chars in line to be encoded, must be multiple of 3 */
#define OUTLEN 60 /* INLEN original bytes is OUTLEN encoded bytes */
#define UNDEF_CH -2 /* value if ch undefined in character map */
char sMethod[] = "XXencode";
int aiNNmap[257]; /* holds active map */
int *piNNmap = aiNNmap + 1; /* now piNNmap[-1] == aiNNmap[0] */
/* assumed is that EOF equals -1 */
int iNNlen; /* # bytes in a full length encoded line */
char sDefault_ext[] = ".enc"; /* default extension */
int cLine; /* current lineNumber in input file */
int chFirst = 0; /* first decoding char found in get_ouffname/get_start */
/* this is to avoid ungetc() */
#define MAXLINELEN 80
byte abLine[MAXLINELEN + 1]; /* input line, must be unsigned for <<,>> */
/*--------------------------- message --------------------------------------*/
#if defined(MSDOS) | defined(VMS)
#include <stdarg.h>
void message(int level, int line, char *msg, ...)
va_list args;
printf("%s ", sProgram);
if (line) printf("%s (%d) ", sInfile, line);
if (level == ERROR) printf("error: ");
else if (level == WARNING) printf("warning: ");
va_start(args, msg); /* args points to first argument */
vfprintf(stdout, msg, args); va_end(args);
if (level == ERROR) exit(0);
#include <varargs.h>
message(level, line, va_alist) int level, line; va_dcl
va_list args; char *msg;
printf("%s ", sProgram);
if (line) printf("%s (%d) ", sInfile, line);
if (level == ERROR) printf("error: ");
else if (level == WARNING) printf("warning: ");
va_start(args); /* args points to format string */
msg = va_arg(args, char *); /* args points to first argument */
vfprintf(stdout, msg, args); va_end(args);
if (level == ERROR) exit(0);
/*--------------------------- END message ----------------------------------*/
/*------------------------- fbase/fext -------------------------------------
* fname = path + base + extension (incl. dot)
* fbase returns pointer to start of base.
* fext returns pointer to start of extension, or end of file name.
#if defined(ANSI_DECL)
char *fbase(char *fname)
char *fbase(fname) char *fname;
char *s;
if ( (s = strrchr(fname, '\\')) != NULL)
s++; /* points to first character after last \ */
else if ( (s = strrchr(fname, ':')) != NULL)
s++; /* points to first character after last : */
s = fname; /* whole name, no : or \ */
#if defined(ANSI_DECL)
char *fext(char *fname)
char *fext(fname) char *fname;
char *s;
if ( (s = strrchr(fname, '.')) == NULL)
s = fname + strlen(fname); /* points to extension or end */
/*------------------------- END fbase/fext ---------------------------------*/
/*------------------------------ fopen_r/fopen_w ---------------------------
* does low level or high level opening, according to value of DO_FOPEN
* MSC: fopen "wb" is at least 5 times faster than "w"
#if defined(ANSI_DECL)
FILE *fopen_r(char *sfi, char *ibuf)
FILE *fopen_r(sfi, ibuf) char *sfi, *ibuf;
FILE *ifd = NULL; int ifh;
ifd = fopen(sfi, FOPEN_R_ARG);
if ( (ifh = open(sfi, OPEN_R_ARG)) != -1)
ifd = fdopen(ifh, FOPEN_R_ARG);
if (ifd == NULL) message(ERROR, 0, "cannot open input file %s", sfi);
if (ibuf != NULL) setvbuf(ifd, ibuf, _IOFBF, IN_BUFLEN);
#if defined(ANSI_DECL)
FILE *fopen_w(char *sfo, char *obuf, int confirm, int ncdc)
FILE *fopen_w(sfo, obuf, confirm, ncdc) char *sfo, *obuf; int confirm, ncdc;
FILE *ofd = NULL; int yn, ofh;
if (confirm == CONFIRM && (ofd = fopen(sfo, "r")) != NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "%s already exists", sfo);
#if !defined(VMS) /* VMS just makes a higher version */
fprintf(stderr, ", overwrite (Y/N)? ");
{ yn = getchar(); yn = toupper(yn);
} while (yn != 'Y' && yn != 'N');
if (yn == 'N') message(ERROR, 0, "%s not overwritten", sfo);
fprintf(stderr, ".\n");
ofd = fopen(sfo, FOPEN_W_ARG);
if ( ncdc == DCODE && (Stream_LF == TRUE ) )
ofd = fopen(sfo, FOPEN_W_ARG);
else if ( (ncdc == NCODE && (ofh = open(sfo, OPEN_WN_ARG)) != -1)
|| (ncdc == DCODE && (ofh = open(sfo, OPEN_WD_ARG)) != -1) )
ofd = fdopen(ofh, FOPEN_W_ARG);
if (ofd == NULL) message(ERROR, 0, "cannot open output file %s", sfo);
if (obuf != NULL) setvbuf(ofd, obuf, _IOFBF, OUT_BUFLEN);
/*-------------------------- END fopen_r/fopen_w ---------------------------*/
/*--------------------------- get_encmethod --------------------------------
* Determines the encoding method, and sets up the decoding info.
* Assumes that infile is at the start of the encoded text.
#if defined(ANSI_DECL)
void get_encmethod(FILE *infile, int notable)
get_encmethod(infile, notable) FILE *infile; int notable;
int i, ch;
chFirst = getc(infile); /* peek ahead to get line length */
if (notable) /* determine encoding method */
{ if (chFirst == iUUlen)
{ sMethod[0] = sMethod[1] = 'U';
for (i = 0; i < 64; i++)
sXXtable[i] = sUUtable[i]; /* replace XXmap by UUmap */
iXXlen = iUUlen;
else if (chFirst != iXXlen)
message(ERROR, 0, "unknown encoding method");
{ sMethod[0] = sMethod[1] = 'U'; /* table -> call it UUencode */
iXXlen = chFirst;
for (i = 0; i <= 255; i++) /* setup character map */
piNNmap[i] = UNDEF_CH;
for (i = 0; i < 64; i++)
{ ch = sXXtable[i];
if (piNNmap[ch] != UNDEF_CH)
message(ERROR, 0, "character %c already defined in table", ch);
piNNmap[ch] = i;
if (EOF != -1) message(ERROR, 0, "EOF is not -1");
piNNmap[EOF] = EOF;
iNNlen = piNNmap[iXXlen]; /* replace encoded value by # bytes */
/*--------------------------- END get_encmethod ----------------------------*/
/*----------------------- get_outfname/get_start ---------------------------
* get_outfname gets the original name of the encoded file from the input
* file. If a table is found, this is stored in sXXtable.
* Determines encoding method.
* get_start locates the start in the next file
#if defined(ANSI_DECL)
void get_outfname(FILE *infile, char *infname, char *outfname)
get_outfname(infile,infname,outfname) FILE *infile;char *infname, *outfname;
int i, notable = TRUE;
cLine = 1; /* current line number in input file */
while (TRUE)
{ if (fgets(abLine, MAXLINELEN, infile) == NULL)
break; /* EOF: break out of loop */
if (strncmp(abLine, "begin", 5) == 0) /* yes: begin found */
{ sscanf(abLine + 6, " %*s %s ", outfname);
get_encmethod(infile, notable);
else if (strncmp(abLine, "table", 5) == 0)
{ notable = FALSE;
fgets(abLine, MAXLINELEN, infile); /* 1st half of map */
fgets(abLine + 32, MAXLINELEN - 32, infile); /* 2nd half of map */
for (i = 0; i < 64; i++)
sXXtable[i] = abLine[i]; /* replace XXmap by new map */
else if (strncmp(abLine, "charmap", 7) == 0)
{ notable = FALSE;
for (i = 0; i < 64; i++)
sXXtable[i] = abLine[i + 8]; /* replace XXmap by new map */
message(ERROR, 0, "nothing to decode in file %s", infname);
#if defined(ANSI_DECL)
FILE *get_start(char *infname)
FILE *get_start(infname) char *infname;
int ch, nobegin = TRUE; FILE *infile;
cLine = 1; /* current line number in input file */
chFirst = 0;
infile = fopen_r(infname, sInbuf);
if ( (ch = getc(infile)) == iXXlen) nobegin = FALSE;
while (nobegin)
{ abLine[0] = ch;
if (ch != '\n' && fgets(abLine + 1, MAXLINELEN, infile) == NULL)
break; /* EOF: break out of loop */
if (strncmp(abLine, "begin", 5) == 0)
nobegin = FALSE;
else if ( (ch = getc(infile)) == iXXlen)
nobegin = FALSE;
if (nobegin)
message(ERROR, 0, "nothing to decode in file %s", infname);
else if (ch == iXXlen)
{ chFirst = ch;
message(WARNING, cLine,
"line starting with \'%c\' found before \"begin\"", chFirst);
/*----------------------- END get_outfname/get_start -----------------------*/
/*------------------------- encode -----------------------------------------*/
#if defined(ANSI_DECL)
int encode_file(long *fsize, int mxlines)
int encode_file(fsize, mxlines) long *fsize; int mxlines;
byte *buf = abLine + 1; /* 1st char of abLine is quant., rest is buffer */
int i, j, len, chbytes3;
int nbytes3; /* # decoded bytes (so 4 * nbytes / 3 when encoded) */
chbytes3 = sXXtable[INLEN];
{ /* get INLEN bytes from the input file */
nbytes3 = fread(buf, sizeof(char), INLEN, FILEin);
*fsize += nbytes3;
if (nbytes3 == INLEN)
{ abLine[0] = chbytes3; /* store quantity char */
len = OUTLEN;
{ abLine[0] = sXXtable[nbytes3]; /* store quantity char */
for (i = nbytes3; i < INLEN; i++) buf[i] = 0;
nbytes3 = (nbytes3 + 2) / 3; /* take ceiling of div */
len = 4 * nbytes3; /* # of encoded bytes */
nbytes3 *= 3; /* translate from 3-byte packets to bytes */
for (i = nbytes3 - 3, j = len - 4; i >= 0; i -= 3, j -= 4)/* encode */
buf[j + 3] =
sXXtable[buf[i + 2] & BIT6MASK];
buf[j + 2] =
sXXtable[((buf[i+1] << 2) + (buf[i+2] >> 6)) & BIT6MASK];
buf[j + 1] =
sXXtable[((buf[i] << 4) + (buf[i+1] >> 4)) & BIT6MASK];
buf[j] =
sXXtable[(buf[i] >> 2) & BIT6MASK];
#if defined(MSDOS)
buf[len++] = '\r'; /* file opened binary --> \r\n for MSDOS */
buf[len++] = '\n'; /* add end of line character */
if (fwrite(abLine, len + 1, 1, FILEout) != 1)
message(ERROR, cLine, "write error on output file");
cLine++; /* increment linecounter */
} while (nbytes3 > 0 && cLine != mxlines);
#if defined(ANSI_DECL)
void encode(int mxlines)
encode(mxlines) int mxlines;
int i, fnum = 1; char *outext; long fsize = 0;
printf("\n%s --- %s ---> %s\n", sInfile, sMethod, sOutfile);
fprintf(FILEout, "%s %s (%s)%s", sMethod, sVersion, SYSTEM_ID, EOL_STR);
fprintf(FILEout, "begin 644 %s%s", fbase(sInfile), EOL_STR);
cLine = 3; /* current line number in input file */
outext = fext(sOutfile);
while (encode_file(&fsize, mxlines) > 0)
outext[3] = ++fnum % 10 + '0'; /* create new : increment extension */
if (fnum / 10 > 0) outext[2] = fnum / 10 + '0';
FILEout = fopen_w(sOutfile, sOutbuf, NO_CONFIRM, NCODE);
printf("%*s --- %s ---> %s\n", strlen(sInfile), " ", sMethod, sOutfile);
fprintf(FILEout, "part %d%s", fnum, EOL_STR);
fprintf(FILEout, "begin 644 %s%s", fbase(sInfile), EOL_STR);
cLine = 3;
fprintf(FILEout,"end%s%ld bytes%s", EOL_STR, fsize, EOL_STR);
if (fnum > 0) fprintf(FILEout,"encoded into %d file(s)%s", fnum, EOL_STR);
/*--------------------------- END encode -----------------------------------*/
/*------------------------- decode -----------------------------------------
* decode_file skips undefined characters until the first normal character
* is found in the input file. The line counter is incremented and the
* line to be decoded is read into abLine.
* Returns the # bytes (# after decoding, so 4 * nbytes / 3 when encoded)
* in the line or EOF for eof (nothing more to decode).
* A line could end in \r\n (MSDOS), \n (VMS/UNIX?), or _EOF (unexpected
* end-of-file).
* Emailing to Southampton led to ' '\r\n being the end of line,
* reason why undefined chars are skipped.
* then it replaces the 4 byte packets (6-bits per byte) in abLine into 3 byte
* packets (8-bits per byte), and writes it to the output file.
#if defined(ANSI_DECL)
int recover(int i, int nbytes3, int len)
int recover(i, nbytes3, len) int i, nbytes3, len;
int j, ch;
/* line to short */
{ if (i >= len) return(sXXtable[0]);/*no problem: at end of decoding */
if (piNNmap[abLine[i]] == EOF)
{ for ( ; i < len; i++) abLine[i] = sXXtable[0];
message(WARNING, cLine, "unexpected end of file");
return(sXXtable[0]); /* return null char */
if (abLine[i] == '\n')
cLine++; /* increment linecounter */
if (nbytes3 == iNNlen) /* no: glue broken lines */
message(WARNING, cLine - 1, "unexpected line break - glued");
else if (nbytes3 < iNNlen)
{ message(WARNING, cLine - 1, "unexpected end of line");
for ( ; i < len; i++) abLine[i] = sXXtable[0];
message(WARNING, cLine - 1, "file probably corrupted");
else if (abLine[i] >= ' ')
message(WARNING, cLine, "skipped illegal character \'%c\'", abLine[i]);
message(WARNING, cLine, "skipped illegal character %#x", abLine[i]);
/* now remove offending character, and add new one at end */
for (j = i ; j < len - 1; j++) abLine[j] = abLine[j + 1];
if ( (ch = getc(FILEin)) == EOF) ch = sXXtable[0];
abLine[j] = ch;
} while (piNNmap[abLine[i]] < 0);
#if defined(ANSI_DECL)
int decode_file(long *fsize)
int decode_file(fsize) long *fsize;
int i, j, len, ch; int k1, k2, k3, k4;
int nbytes3; /* # decoded bytes (so 4 * nbytes / 3 when encoded) */
if (chFirst == 0) chFirst = getc(FILEin);
nbytes3 = piNNmap[chFirst]; /* read first quantity character */
if (nbytes3 == EOF) return(EOF);
{ len = (nbytes3 * 4) / 3 + (nbytes3 % 3 > 0); /* # of encoded bytes */
if (fread(abLine, len, 1, FILEin) < 1)
message(WARNING, cLine, "unexpected end of file");
for (i = j = 0; i < nbytes3; i += 3, j += 4) /* decode the line */
if ( (k1 = piNNmap[abLine[j]]) < 0)
k1 = recover(j, nbytes3, len);
if ( (k2 = piNNmap[abLine[j + 1]]) < 0)
k2 = recover(j + 1, nbytes3, len);
if ( (k3 = piNNmap[abLine[j + 2]]) < 0)
k3 = recover(j + 2, nbytes3, len);
if ( (k4 = piNNmap[abLine[j + 3]]) < 0)
k4 = recover(j + 3, nbytes3, len);
abLine[i] = (k1 << 2) + (k2 >> 4);
abLine[i + 1] = (k2 << 4) + (k3 >> 2);
abLine[i + 2] = (k3 << 6) + k4;
/* and write it */
if (fwrite(abLine, nbytes3, 1, FILEout) != 1)
message(ERROR, cLine, "write error on output file");
*fsize += nbytes3;
/* skip remaining characters on current line */
for (i = 0, ch = getc(FILEin); piNNmap[ch] >= 0; i++)
ch = getc(FILEin);
if (i > 0 && nbytes3 == iNNlen)/*no message for ending shorter line */
message(WARNING, cLine, "end of line expected");
do /* locate first character on next line */
{ if (ch == '\n') cLine++; /* increment linecounter */
ch = getc(FILEin);
} while ( (nbytes3 = piNNmap[ch]) == UNDEF_CH);
} while (nbytes3 > 0);
return(nbytes3); /* returns either 0 (last line) or EOF (more expected) */
#if defined(ANSI_DECL)
void decode(void)
int fnum = 1; char *inext; long fsize = 0, osize = 0;
char dummy[80];
printf("\n%s --- %s ---> %s ", sInfile, sMethod, sOutfile);
#if defined(VMS)
if (Stream_LF == TRUE)
printf(" [Stream_LF]\n");
printf(" [Variable length]\n");
inext = fext(sInfile);
while (decode_file(&fsize) == EOF)
inext[3] = ++fnum % 10 + '0'; /* find next: increment extension */
if (fnum / 10 > 0) inext[2] = fnum / 10 + '0';
printf("%s --- %s --->\n", sInfile, sMethod);
FILEin = get_start(sInfile); /* find start of encoded text */
/* check trailing line */
fscanf(FILEin, " %s %ld", abLine, &osize);
if (strncmp(abLine, "end", 3) != 0)
message(WARNING, cLine, "end line not found");
if (osize > 0 && osize != fsize)
{ fscanf(FILEin, " %s", abLine);
if (abLine[0] != 'l') message(WARNING, 0, "file size different");
/*--------------------------- END decode -----------------------------------*/
/*----------------------------- main ---------------------------------------*/
#if defined(ANSI_DECL)
main(int argc, char *argv[])
main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[];
int i, mxlines = -1; char *ext, temp[80];
printf("\n%s %s (%s), %s\n", sProgram, sVersion, SYSTEM_ID, sAuthor);
if (--argc == 0 || strcmp(*++argv,"?") == 0) /* check the command line */
{ for (i = 0; sUsage[i] != NULL; i++) printf("%s\n",sUsage[i]);
return; /* return(0) gives message on VAX */
while (argc > 0)
if (**argv == '/')
{ if (*++*argv == 'u' || **argv == 'U')
{ sMethod[0] = sMethod[1] = 'U';
for (i = 0; i < 64; i++)
sXXtable[i] = sUUtable[i]; /* replace XXmap by UUmap */
iXXlen = iUUlen;
else if (**argv == 's' || **argv == 'S') /* VAX-VMS Stream_LF */
{ Stream_LF = TRUE;
else if (isdigit(**argv))
{ mxlines = atoi(*argv); /* max no of kilobytes in a file */
mxlines = mxlines * 16; /* --> lines */
else if (*sInfile == '\0')
strcpy(sInfile, *argv); /* copy name of input file */
else if (*sOutfile == '\0')
strcpy(sOutfile, *argv); /* user specified output file */
--argc; ++argv;
} /* end of exploration of command line switches */
for (i = 0; sOutfile[i] != '\0'; i++) sOutfile[i] = tolower(sOutfile[i]);
for (i = 0; sInfile[i] != '\0'; i++) sInfile[i] = tolower( sInfile[i]);
ext = fext(sInfile);
if (*ext == '\0' || strncmp(ext, sDefault_ext, 4) == 0
|| strncmp(ext, ".xxe", 4) == 0 || strncmp(ext, ".uue", 4) == 0)
sMethod[2] = 'd'; sMethod[3] = 'e';
if (*ext == '\0') strcat(sInfile, sDefault_ext);/* add default ext */
FILEin = fopen_r(sInfile, sInbuf);
get_outfname(FILEin, sInfile, temp);/* temp holds recorded sOutfile */
if (*sOutfile != '\0') /* yes: user override of recorded name */
message(WARNING, 0, "%s specified outfile as %s", sInfile, temp);
strcpy(sOutfile, temp); /* store recorded name in sOutfile */
FILEout = fopen_w(sOutfile, sOutbuf, CONFIRM, DCODE);
FILEin = fopen_r(sInfile, sInbuf);
if (*sOutfile == '\0') /* no output file name on command line */
strcpy(sOutfile, sInfile);
strcpy(fext(sOutfile), sDefault_ext); /* replace or add extension */
if (strcmp(sOutfile, sInfile) == 0)
message(ERROR, 0, "input and output filename must differ");
FILEout = fopen_w(sOutfile, sOutbuf, CONFIRM, NCODE);