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6. CONFIG: how to configure UC
When UC is started without parameters there is the option to configure
UC (by pressing the 'C' key).
General options are:
A -> Default compression method
B -> Default operation
C -> Reliability level
D -> Automatic archive conversion
E -> Virus scan during conversion
F -> Smart skipping
G -> Amount of output/information
H -> Show (multimedia) banners
I -> Store OS/2 2.x extended attributes
J -> Store system/hidden files
System options are:
M -> Video mode
N -> Dynamic program swapping
O -> Use EMS
P -> Use XMS
Q -> Use 386/486/Pentium features
R -> Advanced networking
S -> Location for temporary files
T -> Location for manuals (*.DOC)
U -> Location for error logfile
V -> Loc. for batch&script files
Quick setup options are:
1 -> default
2 -> max speed
3 -> max compress
4 -> max safe
5 -> UNDO
The configuration you chose here will be your default configuration
when using UC. Some of the options in the configuration screen can
also be temporary set on the command line. The command line options
are also described in this document.
This document contains the following paragraphs:
- A. General options
- B. System options
- C. Quick setup
- D. Batch files
- E. Optimizing performance
To jump to a certain paragraph, press the corresponding letter. To
jump to a specific document/chapter, press the corresponding digit.
See chapter 1 paragraph E for an overview of all documentation.
A -> Default compression method
Equivalent command line options: -TN, -TT, -TF
The compression type can be NORMAL, TIGHT/MULTIMEDIA or FAST. When
installing UC the default compression type is normal.
In TT mode, UC will detect whether a file is a multimedia file.
Special (lossless) multimedia compression will then take place.
B -> Default operation
Equivalent command line options: -I, -B
The add operation can be in BASIC MODE or INCREMENTAL MODE. In
basic mode files that already exist in the archive will be replaced
by a new version.
In incremental mode more versions of a file can be kept in the
archive. When an already existing file is added to the archive, the
newer version of the file will be added. This mode increases the
speed of the addition significantly, especially for slow disks
and/or large archives.
Another advantage of the incremental mode is the possibility of
keeping multiple versions of a file in the archive. If, for
example, you want to see what is changed in the file, just look at
a previous version.
C -> Reliability level
Equivalent command line options: !RELIA=DETECT, !RELIA=PROTECT,
The reliability level can be DETECT, PROTECT or ENSURE.
Detect means errors will be reported, but no action will be taken.
Protect means errors will be avoided, by using damage protection.
Ensure mode means UC will make as sure as technically possible,
everything will go perfect. First the existing archive will be
tested. Then the command given will be executed. The third step
includes a complete test on the new archive. When something went
wrong, a 'rollback' will take place, and the original archive will
be restored. To ensure correct storage on your harddisk, U2_FLUSH
is called at appropriate moments during execution of your command.
(See paragraph D.)
D -> Automatic archive conversion
Equivalent command line options: !ARCON=ON, !ARCON=OFF
Automatic conversion of other archiver's archives can be ON or OFF.
When the automatic conversion is on, any operation can be done on
other archiver's archives. UC will automatically start rebuilding
the archive to a UC archive. After rebuilding, the command will be
When the automatic conversion is off, UC will not automatically
convert archives, but prompt the user, asking permission to convert
the archive.
E -> Virus scan during conversion
Equivalent command line options: !VSCAN=ON, !VSCAN=OFF
Virus scan can be ON or OFF during the conversion of another
archiver's archive (also see paragraph D).
F -> Smart skipping
Equivalent command line options: !SMSKIP=ON, !SMSKIP=OFF
Smart skipping can be ON or OFF.
When smart skipping is on, unchanged files (already in the archive)
are skipped during addition. This makes updating much faster.
G -> Amount of output/information
The amount of output/information can be MINIMAL, VERBOSE or NORMAL.
UC shows all kinds of information while it is executing your command.
Minimal information mode only shows the filenames being processed, no
progress indicators are given. Verbose information mode shows in
great detail what UC is doing, this includes small popup windows for
diskcache activities. For instance the file name in process is
followed by blocks indicating progress. Normal information mode shows
what UC is doing, but does not give undue attentention to details
which are not directly related to the given command.
H -> Show (multimedia) banners
Equivalent command line options: !BAN=ON, !BAN=OFF, !BAN=ASK
You can choose if the banners added to the archives are
shown/played automatically (ON), only when you agree (ASK) or never
I -> Store OS/2 2.x extended attributes
Equivalent command line options: !SOS2EA=ON, !SOS2EA=OFF
By putting this option ON, OS/2 EA's will be stored when UC finds
any during compression, when this option is OFF UC will not store
OS/2 2.x EA's. OS/2 2.x extended attributes (such as icons, WPS
long icon names, WordPerfect 5.2 for OS/2 summary information etc.)
will be retained in an archive when the option is ON. Please note
that OS/2 2.x EA's will ALWAYS be extracted, when present in an
archive. Extended attributes are preserved by the optimize command,
even if this is performed on a machine which does not run OS/2.
J -> Store system/hidden files
Equivalent command line options: !SYSHID=ON, !SYSHID=OFF,
You can choose if you want 'system' and 'hidden' files to be added
ON, OFF or if you want UC to ASK you how to deal with them.
M -> Video mode
If your card is not compatible with MDA, HERCULES, CGA, EGA, VGA,
SVGA, XGA, etc. (very unlikely but possible for some older
computers) choose BIOS mode. If you have a monochrome monitor (or
laptops etc.) choose MONO instead of COLOUR. Please note that if UC
detects DesqView (which prefers BIOS video on 286 computers) it
will use BIOS video, even if UC is not configured to use BIOS
N -> Dynamic program swapping
Dynamic program swapping can be ON (in which case UC will be
swapped to EMS or disk if it invokes DOS) or OFF.
O -> Use EMS
P -> Use XMS
Switch EMS/XMS OFF if your EMS or XMS (emulator) is not compatible
with the Lotus/Intel/Microsoft specifications. This is not likely
since UC uses these very conservative.
Q -> Use 386/486/Pentium features
Switch off use of 386/486/Pentium options. This is usefull in case
programs are active which violate 386/486/Pentium programming rules.
R -> Advanced networking
Equivalent command line options: !NET=ON, !NET=OFF, !NET=AUTO-SKIP
Network Support. If you have a version of DOS which does not
support DOS network calls (e.g. 2.0), or if you have a network
which behaves very differently from IBM, Lantastic, Microsoft, Novell
or Vines networks, you can set this option to OFF. Sharing archives is
then no longer possible.
When UC attempts to compress a locked file, it allows the user to
skip this file by hand. When auto-skip mode is active, locked files
will be skipped automatically. A warning is reported if files are
S -> Location for temporary files
The location for temporary files can be configured. When everything
goes well you will never notice the temporary files. Please make sure
the directory configured exists on your disk.
T -> Location for manuals (*.DOC)
UC will look for the manual files in the directory configured.
U -> Location for error logfile
The error logfile will register all errors and warnings that appear
while executing UC.
V -> Loc. for batch&script files
UC will look for its special batch and script files in the directory
1 -> default
The default setup changes the following subjects:
default compression mode into normal
default operation into basic mode
reliability level into detect
automatic archive conversion into off
virus scan during conversion into off
amount of output/information into normal
show (multimedia) banners into ask
store OS/2 2.x ext. attributes into off
store system/hidden files into ask
video mode into colour
dynamic program swapping into on
use EMS into on
use XMS into on
use 386/486/Pentium features into on
advanced networking into on
all locations will be set to the same location as UC.EXE
2 -> max speed
The max speed setup changes the following subjects:
default compression into fast
default operation into incremental
reliability level into detect
automatic archive conversion into on
virus scan during conversion into off
amount of output/information into minimal
show (multimedia) banners into off
video mode No matter whether the video mode is colour or
mono, this configuration will turn off BIOS usage
use EMS into on
use XMS into on
use 386/486/Pentium features into on
advanced networking into auto-skip
3 -> max compress
The max compress setup changes the following subjects:
default compression into tight
default operation into basic mode
reliability level into detect
automatic archive conversion into on
4 -> max safety
The max safe setup changes the following subjects:
default operation into incremental mode
reliability level into ensure
automatic archive conversion into off
virus scan during conversion into on
smart skipping into off
show (multimedia) banners into off
video mode No matter whether the video mode is colour or
mono, this configuration will turn on BIOS usage
use EMS into off
use XMS into off
use 386/486/Pentium features into off
only if advanced networking was auto-detect:
into on
5 -> UNDO
The configuration will be reset to the state it was before you
started the configuration screen.
The following batch files are described in detail:
U2_EDIT edit text file
U2_CHECK check files for viruses
U2_FLUSH flush harddisk cache
U2_SHOW show/play (GIF, MOD, JPG and TXT) banner files
U2_EXxxx extract all files from an archive
U2_XTRA perform user defined operations during conversion
You are free to edit supplied batch files, to make them call other
than the default programs. You can also add new files (e.g. U2_EXxxx)
to enhance the functionality of UC.
This file calls your favourite editor with the file to be edited
as parameter.
When is it called?
The file is used when you use the command REVISE COMMENT.
Standard contents
The default editor is the DOS 5.x/6.x/7.x EDIT.
This file calls virus scanner(s). The current directory and
its subdirectories are scanned for viruses. When no viruses are
found, the file U$~CHK3 is generated, which is used as a flag.
(When this file is present, UC knows that no viruses are found
and that it can continue its work.) When viruses are found, a UC
fatal error will occur.
When is it called?
When virus scanning is on in the configuration, this file is
used during conversion of archives.
Standard contents
Default McAffee (100 or higher) and F-PROT are called.
Everything in the disk-cache (e.g. SmartDrive, PC-CACHE or
Norton Cache) which is not yet written to the disk ('delayed' or
'deferred' write cache) will be written to disk immediately.
When is it called?
While using UC in ensure mode, it will secure its 'transactions'
using U2_FLUSH. This is to make sure contents of the disk are
correct, after the completion of a transaction.
Standard contents
Attempts to call PC-CACHE, Norton Cache, ADCACHE and SmartDrive.
Show/play banners while extracting files from an archive. The
banners are in the current directory when U2_SHOW is called.
When is it called?
When files are extracted from an archive and banners are present
they can be shown/played. In the configuration you can choose
whether you want the banners to be shown/played.
Standard contents
First MODPLAY is called to play the .MOD banner. The VPIC is
called to show the .GIF banner and then FullView is called to
show the .JPG file. Finally DOS TYPE is used to show the text
xxx stands for ARC, ARJ, HA, HPK, HYP, LZH, PAK, UCN, ZIP, ZOO etc..
These files are used to extract all files, from the archive to
be converted, into the current directory. To check if everything
worked out well the files U$~CHK1 and U$~CHK2 must be generated.
UC checks for the existence of those files.
When is it called?
When an archive is converted, one of these batch files is used
to extract the original archive. The extension of the archive
corresponds with the xxx in the name of the batch file.
Standard contents
All batch files first add a file to an archive and then extract
the entire archive. The main reason for this is improving
reliability of the conversion, especially if certain tools are
incompatible (e.g. older versions). If you are sure certain
tools are present and up to date, you can simplify their batch
files if you wish, to speed up conversion.
U2_EXARC.BAT First ARC is called.
When this fails, PK(X)ARC is called.
When this also fails PAK is called.
U2_EXARJ.BAT ARJ is called.
U2_EXHA.BAT HA (e.g. 0.982b) is called.
U2_EXHPK.BAT HPACK is called.
U2_EXHYP.BAT HYPER is called.
U2_EXLZH.BAT LHA is called.
U2_EXPAK.BAT PAK is called.
U2_EXUCN.BAT A .UC2 archive (being renamed to .UCN) is
U2_EXZIP.BAT First PK(UN)ZIP 2.04ceg is called. When this is
not present PK(UN)ZIP 1.x is called. When this
fails, Info(UN)ZIP is called.
U2_EXZOO.BAT ZOO is called.
Performs user defined operations during archive conversion.
When is it called?
When UC converts an archive, it first calls a U2_EX???.BAT file
to extract all files from the original archive, the U2_EX???.BAT
file then calls U2_XTRA.BAT when it has finished extracting all
files from the archive.
Standard contents
No operations are performed. A disabled sample for adding
banners to archives during conversion is included in
In general UC will automatically utilize available resources (RAM,
microprocessor) in an optimal fashion. Please note UC does not stretch
beyond the limits of your system to achieve this. It only uses
officially documented methods to access XMS, EMS, DOS, Windows, OS/2
etc.. In many cases the methods UC uses have been double checked with
IBM, Microsoft, QuarterDeck, Novell and others. And of course
everything has been extensively tested on many different environments.
There are some tips to allow UC to work as fast as possible:
- make as much base, EMS and XMS memory available as you can spare
- (but) on systems supporting virtual memory (e.g. Windows NT, OS/2)
you should not make TOO much memory available for UC (to prevent
- select maximal speed in the configuration menu
- or (e.g. if you prefer better compression)
- enable advanced networking (when applicable)
- enable EMS/XMS usage
- enable 386/486/Pentium usage
- set UC information to minimal
- redirect the output of UC to the NUL device (e.g. UC X test > NUL)
- install sufficient BUFFERS in your CONFIG.SYS and/or install a disk
caching utility