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ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 2. Extended Help for CLIPS ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
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ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4. Clips Manual Contents Page ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
PMClips consists of two separate programs, the CLIPS inference system from NASA
and PMCLIPS; a Presentation Manager Front End. PMClips basically forks CLIPS
as a background process and manages all of the I/O through named pipes
(re-directed stdin and stdout). In this BETA release, The following are not
completely implemented:
-- Edit and Delete features of
-- Embeded EMACS Editor (This
will be provided as a forked
-- Some minor problems with Color
-- Formating of many of the HELP
screens is not yet complete.
See appendix "E" for support and licensing information.
CLIPS Online Manual Chapters:
1) CLIPS Overview
2) Rule Lefthand Side Syntax
3) Rule Righthand Side Syntax
4) Using CLIPS
5) Appendices
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 5. CLIPS Overview ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Section 1 - CLIPS Overview
This section gives a general overview of CLIPS and the basic concepts used
throughout this manual.
CLIPS Basic Cycle of Execution
CLIPS Reference Manual Syntax
Defining Constructs
Commenting Rules
Integration with other Languages
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 5.1. Rules ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
1.1 Rules
The primary method of representing knowledge in CLIPS is a rule. A rule is a
collection of conditions and the actions to be taken if the conditions are met.
The developer of an expert system defines the rules which describe how to solve
a problem. The entire set of rules in an expert system is called a knowledge
base. CLIPS provides the mechanism (the inference engine) which attempts to
match the rules to the current state of the system and applies the actions.
The current state is represented by a list of facts.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 5.2. Facts ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
1.2 Facts
Facts are the basic form of data in a CLIPS system. Each fact represents a
piece of information which has been placed in the current list of facts, called
the fact-list. Rules execute (or fire) based on the existence or non-existence
of facts. A fact is constructed of several positional fields separated by
spaces or, a word followed by slots separated by parentheses. Any number of
fields may be stored in a fact, and the number of facts in the fact-list is
limited only by the amount of memory in the computer. Facts may be asserted
into the fact-list prior to starting execution and may be added (asserted) or
removed (retracted) as the action of a rule firing. If a fact is asserted into
the fact-list that exactly matches an already existing fact, the new assertion
will be ignored.
Each field within a fact can be one of three things: a number, a word, or a
string. A number is any field which consists only of numbers (0-9), a decimal
point (.), a sign (+ or -), and, optionally, an (e) for exponential notation
with its corresponding sign. Some examples are
237 15.09
+12.9 -32.3e-7
All numbers are stored as single-precision floating-point values, regardless of
whether a decimal point was included or not. The number of significant digits
will depend on the machine implementation. Roundoff errors also may occur,
again depending on the machine implementation. As with any computer language,
care should be taken when comparing floating-point values.
A word in CLIPS is any sequence of characters that starts with any printable
ASCII character and is followed by zero or more characters (there are
exceptions to this rule). When a delimiter is found, the word is ended. The
following characters act as delimiters, a space, a tab, a carriage return, a
line feed, a double quote, a opening and closing parentheses "(" and ")", an
ampersand "&", a bar "|", a less than "<", and a tilde "~". A semicolon ";"
starts a CLIPS comment (see sec. 2.6) and also acts as a delimiter. Some
simple examples are
foo Hello
B76-HI bad_value
CLIPS is case sensitive; i.e., uppercase letters only will match uppercase
letters. Some printable ASCII characters may or may not be used as the first
character in a word, depending on the character that follows it.
A string is a set of characters that starts with a double quote (") and is
followed by one or more characters (any printable character). A string ends
with double quotes. Double quotes may be embedded within a string by placing a
backslash (\) in front of the character. A backslash may be embedded by
placing two consecutive backslash characters in the string. Some examples are
"foo" "a and b"
"1 number" "a\"quote"
Note that a string surrounded by double quotes will only match another string.
A string will not match a word or vice versa. Strings are sometimes referred
to as quoted strings.
A slot consists of an opening parenthesis ("("), a slot name, one or more slot
values of type number, word, or string, and a closing parenthesis (")"). Slots
may only be used when the first field of the fact is a word and that word was
previously declared as a template (See deftemplate below). Slots may not be
mixed with the usual, or positional, fields. Also, slots are required when the
value of the first field was declared to be a template.
All fields may be of any allowed type, and no restriction is placed on the
ordering of fields, except as follows. CLIPS facts are free form, which means
that there are very few reserved words. The following words are reserved and
should not be used as the first field in a fact: test, and, or, not, declare.
These words are reserved only when used in the first position; they may be used
in any other field position.
The first fact in the fact-list is asserted automatically by the system during
a reset. This fact (initial-fact) can be treated like any other fact and may
be matched or retracted.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 5.3. Basic Cycle Of Execution ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
1.3 Basic Cycle of Execution
Once a knowledge base (in the form of rules) is built and the fact-list is
prepared, CLIPS is ready to execute rules. In a conventional language, the
starting point, the stopping point, and the sequence of operations are defined
explicitly by the programmer. With CLIPS, the program flow does not need to be
defined quite so explicitly. The knowledge (rules) and the data (facts) are
separated, and the inference engine provided by CLIPS is used to apply the
knowledge to the data. The basic execution cycle is as follows:
a) The knowledge base is examined to see if any rule's conditions have
been met.
b) All rules whose conditions currently are met are activated and placed
on the agenda. The agenda is essentially a stack. Rules are pushed onto
the stack when they are activated. If the priority of the new rule is
less than the rule currently on top of the stack, the new rule is pushed
down the stack until all rules of higher priority are above it. Rules of
equal or lower priority will remain below the new rule.
c) The top rule on the agenda is selected and its right-hand side (RHS)
actions are executed.
As a result of RHS actions, new rules can be activated or deactivated. This
cycle is repeated until all rules that can fire have done so or until the rule
limit is reached. The number of rule firings allowed in a cycle may be set by
the programmer and rule priorities can be assigned (see salience, sec. 2.8.1).
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 5.4. CLIPS Refference Manual Syntax ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
1.4 Reference Manual Syntax
The terminology used throughout this manual to describe the CLIPS syntax is
fairly common to computer reference manuals. Plain words or symbols,
particularly parentheses, are to be typed exactly as they appear. Symbols
enclosed in single-angle brackets, such as <name>, represent a single field to
be defined by the user. Symbols enclosed in double-angle brackets, such as
<<pattern>>, represent one or more fields which must be defined by the user.
Symbols enclosed within square brackets, such as [<<comment>>], are optional
parameters. Vertical bars indicate a choice between multiple parameters.
White spaces (tabs, spaces, carriage returns) are used by CLIPS only as
delimiters between fields and are ignored otherwise (unless inside double
quotes). Examples in this manual show recommended indentation style.
Small pieces of C code also are used in this manual. The syntax used for C
code is slightly different and is more in keeping with the convention used in
standard C manuals.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 5.5. Defining Constructs ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
1.5 Defining Constructs
Three defining constructs appear in CLIPS: defrule, deffacts, and deftemplate.
All constructs in CLIPS are surrounded by parentheses. The construct opens
with a left parenthesis and closes with a right parenthesis. Each pattern or
block within a construct also opens and closes with parentheses.
Subtopics :
Defining Rules
Defining Initial Facts
Defining a Fact Template
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 5.5.1. Defining Rules ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
1.5.1 Defining Rules
Rules are defined using the defrule construct.
(defrule <name> ["<comment>"]
[(<<first pattern>>)
. ; Left-Hand Side
(<<nth pattern>>)]
[(<<first action>>)
. ; Right-Hand Side
(<<mth action>>)])
where <name> is similar to a word, except that it must start with an alphabetic
character. The comment is optional and can be any string enclosed within
double quotes. The left-hand side (LHS) is made up of a series of patterns
which represent the condition elements for the rule. An implicit and always
surrounds all of the patterns on the LHS. On the right-hand side (RHS), we
have a list of actions to be performed when the LHS of the rule is satisfied.
The arrow (=>) separates the LHS from the RHS. There is no limit to the number
of conditions or actions a rule may have (other than the limitation placed by
actual available memory). Actions are performed sequentially if, and only if,
all condition elements on the LHS are satisfied.
If no patterns are on the LHS, the pattern (initial-fact) is automatically
used. If no actions are on the RHS, the rule can be activated and fired, but
nothing will happen.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 5.5.2. Defining Initial Facts ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
1.5.2 Defining Initial Facts
With the deffacts construct, facts can be added to the initial fact-list.
Facts asserted through deffacts may be retracted or pattern matched like any
other fact. The initial fact-list, including any defined deffacts, is always
reconstructed after a reset. All facts added via a deffacts may also be
retracted by using undeffacts to remove the fact-list (See Section 5.5).
(deffacts <name> ["<comment>"]
[(<<fact 1>>)
(<<fact n>>)])
where <name> is similar to a word, except that it must start with an alphabetic
character. <name> is used to identify the set of facts. An optional comment
also may be included. There may be multiple deffacts constructs. Any number
of facts may be asserted into the initial fact-list in each deffacts statement.
Dynamic expressions may be included in a fact by using the pattern expansion
(=) operator (See Section 2.4.3). All such expressions are evaluated when
CLIPS is reset.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 5.5.3. Defining a Fact Template ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
1.5.3 Defining a Fact Template
Facts, while free form, encode information positionally. To access that
information a user must know, not only what data is stored in a fact, but which
field contains the data. Templates provide the user with the ability to
abstract a fact's structure by assigning names to each field found within the
Templates are created by using the deftemplate construct.
(deftemplate <name> ["<comment>"]
(field <name>
(default ?NONE | <<One token of type word, string, or number>>) |
(type <<One or more of NUMBER, WORD, STRING>> | ?VARIABLE) |
(allowed-words <<list of allowed WORDS>>) |
(allowed-strings <<list of allowed strings>>) |
(allowed-numbers <<list of allowed numbers>>) |
(range <number> | ?VARIABLE <number> | ?VARIABLE)
) |
(multi-field <name>
(default ?NONE | <<One or more tokens of type of word, string,
number>>) |
(min-number-of-elements <number> | ?VARIABLE) |
(max-number-of-elements <number> | ?VARIABLE) |
(type <<One or more of NUMBER, WORD, STRING>> | ?VARIABLE) |
(allowed-words <<list of allowed WORDS>>) |
(allowed-strings <<list of allowed strings>>) |
(allowed-numbers <<list of allowed numbers>>) |
(range <number> | ?VARIABLE <number> | ?VARIABLE)
where <name> is similar to a word, except that it must start with an alphabetic
character. <name> is used to identify the template. The value of ?VARIABLE
must be taken in context. For example, (range ?VARIABLE ?VARIABLE) is
equivalent to (range -. +.). The attributes labeled "<ignored-..." are not
processed by CLIPS, hence the name. They are provided for the CLIPS Cross
Reference, Style, and Verification (CRSV) utility.
See the Monkees and Bananas Sample Problem for the complete example.
A template may have, at most, one multi-field-slot.
CLIPS inforces the definition of the template on all instances. For example,
it is an error to store (or match) multiple values in a single value field.
Fields which are not specified in a pattern are defaulted according to the
following rules:
If the pattern is in the LHS, unspecified slots are equivalent to
wildcarded (?) fields. Unspecified multi-value slots are equivalent to
multi-value wildcards ($?).
If the pattern is in an assert, unspecified slots are equivalent to
fields specifying the default value(s) for that field. The word nil is
used as the value of a single value slot that has no user-defined
default. The default for a multi-value slot is nothing (i.e. a
multifield value of length 0).
Redefining a deftemplate will result in the previous definition being
discarded; adverse effects on facts and rules loaded with the old definition
should be expected. The reason for this is that the template acts as a
translator during fact and rule I/O; internally, facts and rules always use
positional fields. Defining a new template may result in a different mapping
of name to position which then results in misinterpretation of previously
defined facts and rules.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 5.6. Commenting Clips Rules ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
1.6 Commenting CLIPS Rules
As with any programming language, it is highly beneficial to comment the code.
The def... forms defrule, deffacts, and deftemplate allow a comment directly
following the construct name. Comments also can be placed within CLIPS code by
using a semicolon (;). Everything from the semicolon until the next return
character will be ignored by the CLIPS reader. If the semicolon is the first
character in the line, the entire line will be treated as a comment. Examples
of commented code will be provided throughout the reference manual. Comment
text is not saved by CLIPS when loading rules.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 5.7. Integeration with Other Languages ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
1.7 Integration with Other Languages
When using an expert system, two kinds of integration are important: embedding
CLIPS in other systems, and calling external functions from the RHS or LHS of a
CLIPS rule. CLIPS was designed to allow both kinds of integration.
Using CLIPS as an embedded application allows the easy integration of CLIPS
with existing systems. This is useful in cases where the expert system is a
small part of a larger task or needs to share data with other functions. In
these situations, CLIPS can be called as a subroutine and information may be
passed both to and from CLIPS. Embedded applications are discussed in the
Advanced Programming Guide.
It also may be useful to call external functions while executing a CLIPS rule.
CLIPS allows external function calls on both the LHS and RHS of a rule. On the
LHS, they can be called as predicate functions to allow specialized testing of
a rule's conditions. On the RHS of a rule, they can be called for a number of
reasons, such as a function to alert the user when an error condition is
detected. User-defined external functions also may be called from the top
level of the interactive interface. CLIPS variables or literal values may be
passed to an external function, and functions may return values to CLIPS. The
easy addition of external functions allows CLIPS to be extended or customized
in almost any way. The Advanced Programming Guide describes how to integrate
CLIPS with functions or systems written in C as well as in other languages.
Section 2 - LHS Syntax - Conditions
This section describes the syntax of patterns on the LHS of a rule. These
patterns represent the conditions that must be satisfied before a rule can
The template fact 'set' is used throughout this section. The template
definition to define 'set' is as follows:
(deftemplate set "A structure describing a set of numbers"
(field size
(type NUMBER)
(default 0))
(field avg
(type NUMBER)
(default 0.0))
(multi-field list
(type NUMBER)))
Subtopics :
Literal Patterns
Constraining Fields
Using Test to Constrain Variables
Constraining Patterns
Pattern Bindings
Declaring Rule Properties
2.1 Literal Patterns
The most basic pattern is one which precisely defines the exact fact that will
match. This is called a literal pattern. It does not contain any variables or
wildcard fields. All fields in a literal pattern must be matched by all fields
in a pattern in the fact-list.
Note that space or control characters inside double quotes (i.e., in a string)
could cause problems. Roundoff errors also could make it difficult to match
numerical values to more than three or four decimal places. Also, field
ordering does not affect matching when using a template (See previous
2.2 Wildcards Single- and Multifield
CLIPS has two wildcard symbols that may be used to represent fields in a
pattern. These are the question (?) and dollar-question ($?) wildcards. CLIPS
interprets these wildcard symbols as standing in place of some part of a fact.
The question wildcard matches any value (number, word, or string) stored in
exactly one field in the fact. It is a single-field wildcard symbol. The
dollar-question wildcard matches any value in zero or more fields in a fact.
It is a multifield wildcard symbol standing in the place of multiple fields.
Single- and multifield wildcards may be combined in a single pattern in any
Multifield wildcard and literal fields can be combined to provide very powerful
constructs. A pattern to match all of the facts that have the word YELLOW in
any field (other than the first) could be written as
(data $? YELLOW $?)
Some examples of what this pattern would match are
(data YELLOW blue red green)
(data YELLOW red)
(data red YELLOW)
(data YELLOW)
(data YELLOW data YELLOW)
The last fact will match twice, since YELLOW appears twice in the fact. The
use of multifield wildcards should be confined to cases of patterns in which
the single-field wildcard cannot create a pattern that satisfies the match
required, since the multifield wildcard produces every possible match
combination that can be derived from a fact. This derivation of matches
requires a significant amount of time to perform compared to the time needed to
perform a single-field match.
2.3 Variables Single- and Multifield
Wildcard symbols replace portions of a fact pattern and accept any value. The
value of the field being replaced may be captured in a variable for comparison,
display, or other manipulations. This is done by directly following the
wildcard symbol with a variable name.
?<name> ; a single-field variable
$?<name>; a multifield variable
where <name> is similar to a word, except that it must start with an alphabetic
character. Double quotes are not allowed as part of a variable name; i.e. a
string cannot be used for a variable name. The rules for pattern matching are
similar to those for wildcard symbols. On its first appearance, a variable
acts just like a wildcard in that it will bind to any value in the field(s).
However, later appearances of the variable require the field(s) to match the
variable's binding. The binding will only be true within the scope of the rule
in which it occurs. Each rule has a private list of variable names with their
associated values; thus, variables are local to a rule. Bound variables can be
passed to external functions.
Once the initial binding of a variable occurs, all references to that same
variable have to match the same value that the first binding matched. This
applies to both single- and multifield variables. It also applies across
2.4 Constraining Fields
Field constraints are functions that constrain the range of values which a
particular field within a pattern may have. There are two types of field
constraints: logical operators and predicate functions.
Subtopics :
Logical Operators
Predicate Functions
Constraining Fields Through Pattern Expansion
2.4.1 Logical Operators
Three logical operators are available for constraining values inside of a
pattern. These are the & (AND), | (OR), and ~ (NOT) operators. The logical
operators can be combined in almost any manner or number to constrain the value
of specific fields while pattern matching. Evaluation of multiple constraints
can be considered to occur from left to right.
<value1>&<value2> ; the AND operator
<value1>|<value2> ; the OR operator
~<value> ; the NOT operator
AND operator typically is used only in conjunction with the other logical
operators or variable bindings. Logical operators may be used together with
variable bindings.
More Syntax
?x&<value1>|<value2> ; the OR operator with variable
?x&~<value> ; the NOT operator with variable
If this is the first occurrence of the variable name, the field will be
constrained according to the logical operators only. The resulting value will
be stored in the variable. If the variable has been bound previously, it is
considered an additional constraint along with the logical operators; i.e., the
field must have the same value already bound to the variable and it
additionally must match the constraints defined by the logical operators.
2.4.2 Predicate Functions
Sometimes it becomes necessary to constrain a field to more complex values than
can be defined by logic operators. CLIPS allows the use of predicate functions
to accomplish this. Predicate functions check to see if the value of the field
meets the constraints defined in the function. If it does, the function
returns TRUE and pattern matching continues. Otherwise, it returns FALSE and
the pattern fails to match. Predicate functions are called by combining a
logical operator with a colon (&:, |: or ~:). The value of the field must be
bound to a variable and passed to the function.
?x&:(<function> <<arguments>>)
?x| :(<function> <<arguments>>)
?x&~:(<function> <<arguments>>)
Multiple predicate functions may be used to constrain a single field. They are
evaluated from left to right and are each separated by a logical
operator/colon. Several predicate functions are provided by CLIPS; users also
may develop their own predicate functions. Predicate functions operate on the
arguments passed to them. The predicate functions provided by CLIPS are
Function Purpose
(numberp <arg>) Is the value a number?
(stringp <arg>) Is the value a string?
(wordp <arg>) Is the value a word?
In addition to these functions, the following functions are included in the
CLIPS extended math package. integerp does not imply a CLIPS integer data
(evenp<arg>) Is the value an even number?
(oddp <arg>) Is the value an odd number?
(integerp <arg>) Is the value a whole number?
2.4.3 Constraining Fields through Pattern Expansion
It is possible to use the return value of an external function to constrain the
value of a field. The pattern expansion (=) operator allows the user to call
external functions from inside of a pattern. (The pattern expansion operator
(=) is different from the comparison function which uses the same symbol (=).
The difference can be determined from context.) The return value must be either
a string, a word, or a number. This value is incorporated directly into the
pattern at the position at which the function was called, and any matching
patterns must match this value as though the rule were typed with that value.
=(<function> <<args...>>)
Note that the return from a pattern expansion may be negated.
Pattern expansion also can be used within variable bindings and combined with
other logical operators.
2.5 Using Test to Constrain Variables
The field constraint functions allow very descriptive constraints to be applied
to pattern matching. An additional constraint capability is provided with the
test function. As with predicate functions, the user can compare the variable
bindings that already have occurred in any manner. Mathematical comparisons on
variables (e.g., is the difference between ?x and ?y greater than some value?)
and complex logical or equality comparisons can be done. External functions
also can be called which compare variables in any way that the user desires.
Any kind of external function may be embedded within a test operation (or
within field constraints). User-defined predicate functions must take
arguments as defined in the Advanced Programming Guide and should return FALSE
for false and TRUE for true. (The symbols, TRUE and FALSE, are defined in the
clips.h file which always should be included in files with user-defined
functions.) All defined functions use the prefix notation, so the operands to a
function always appear after the function name. Several logical, comparison,
and arithmetic functions are provided by CLIPS. A complete list of
CLIPS-defined functions can be found in appendix A.
(test (<defined-function> [<<arguments>>]))
Since test is a special type of function call, patterns may not use the word
test as the first field in a pattern. A test operation also may not be the
first pattern on the LHS of a rule. Functions within a test can be nested and
are evaluated from the inside out. The functions inherit their syntax and
terminology from both LISP and C.
The comparison functions (=, !=, >=, etc.) are valid only for comparing numeric
fields. When checking the equality of strings, the eq and neq comparison
functions should be used. eq and neq can compare strings or numbers and will
not produce an error when comparing a string to a number. All the comparison
functions also will compare more than two values; e.g., if eq is given a list
of values, it will only return true if all the values are equal to the first
value, if >= is given a value, it will return true only if each value is
greater than the preceding value.
The logical functions and and or provide short-circuited logical operations.
For those not familiar with short-circuited logic, the functions perform as
follows. The and (or) function evaluates its arguments from left-to-right and
returns false (true) immediately after evaluating an argument whose value was
false (true). If all arguments evaluate to true (false) then the function
returns true (false). The advantages of short-circuited forms are two-fold.
First, they are faster since not all of their arguments need be evaluated.
Secondly, a programmer can use the short-circuited behavior to implement
optionally executed software.
All defined functions may be used as predicates, although usually it is
meaningful only for the comparison functions.
2.6 Pattern Matching with Template Facts
Template facts provide users with the ability to abstract fact structure.
Templates are a derivative of the relation form of fact. In this form the
first field of a fact specifies a "relation" that applied to the remaining
fields in the fact. For example, (father-of jack bill) states that bill is the
father of jack. Templates differ from relations by using slots for the fields
following the template name. The template name (i.e. relation) is required
since CLIPS uses it to determine the set of valid slot names.
The example relation, father-of, may be abstracted by choosing names for the
two variable fields. For this example, the slot names parent and child are
chosen. The resulting template may be declared with the deftemplate form:
(deftemplate father-of
(field parent
(default ?NONE))
(field child
(default ?NONE)))
Now that father-of is a template, the fact that bill is jack's father may be
expressed as either (father-of (parent bill) (child jack)) or (father-of
(child jack) (parent bill)). The immediate advantages of clarity and slot
order independence should be readily apparent. There is an additional, less
obvious advantage associated with using templates.
That advantage is that a template pattern need not contain all of the slots
defined for that template. When the pattern is on the LHS of a rule, the
missing slots are equivalent to specifying the slot with a wildcard. For
example, the pattern (father-of (parent ?father)) is equivalent to (father-of
(parent ?father) (child ?)). Missing slots in a template being asserted are
assigned their default value, if any, nil if it is a single value slot, or
nothing (i.e. a multifield value of length 0) if it is a multivalue slot.
Template patterns may be used wherever patterns are permitted. Provided, of
course, that the deftemplate defining a template is parsed prior to all
instances of that template.
Template fields are declared at definition time (See deftemplate) to contain
either single or multiple values. Patterns which do not conform to the
template definition will be flagged as errors.
A single value slot used in the LHS may only contain constraints intended to
match a single value, $? and $?<var> may not be used.
A multi-value slot has not limitations on the number of values.
2 . 6 Constraining Patterns
The LHS of a CLIPS rule is made up of a series of relation or
template patterns which represent the conditions that must be
satisfied for the rule to be placed on the agenda . CLIPS assumes
that all rules have an implicit and surrounding the patterns on the
LHS . This means that all conditions on the LHS must be met before
the rule can be activated . There is no need to explicitly define
an implicit and condition . However , it is possible to override
this default and define other logical combinations of conditions which
would cause a rule to fire .
Logical pattern blocks allow patterns to be combined using inclusive
or and explicit and logic . The entire block is treated as a
single condition on the LHS and must be satisfied together with all
other conditions before the rule can fire . Logical blocks may be
mixed with other logical blocks in any order , and patterns within
the logical block may use field constraints . As with all CLIPS
features , the blocks are marked by opening and closing parentheses .
Subtopics :
Inclusive OR
Explicit AND
Pattern Negation
2 . 6 . 1 Inclusive Or
The or logical block allows any one of several patterns to trigger
a rule firing . If any of the patterns inside of the or block
exist , the constraint is satisfied . If all other LHS conditions
are true , the rule will be activated . Any number of patterns may
be within an or block . The identical effect could be accomplished
by writing multiple rules with similar left - and right - hand sides .
(defrule <name>
[(<<additional patterns>>)]
(or (<<pattern 1>>)
(<<pattern n>>))
[(<<additional patterns>>)]
If more than one of the patterns in the or block can be met, the rule will fire
multiple times, once for each satisfied combination of conditions.
2.6.2 Explicit And
An explicit and is provided to allow the mixing of and and or conditions. This
allows logical combinations of patterns within an or block. The constraint
will be satisfied when all of the patterns inside of the explicit and block are
satisfied. If all other LHS conditions are true, the rule will be activated.
Any number of patterns may be placed in an and block. Any number of and's may
be within an or block.
(defrule <name>
[(<<additional patterns>>)]
(or (and(<<pattern 1>>)
(<<pattern n>>))
(<<other patterns>>))
[(<<additional patterns>>)]
2.6.3 Pattern Negation
Sometimes the lack of information is meaningful; i.e., one wishes to fire a
rule if a fact does not exist in the fact-list. The not function provides this
capability. As with logic blocks, any number of additional patterns may be on
the LHS of the rule and field constraints may be used within the negated
(defrule <name>
[(<<preceding patterns>>)]
(not (<<pattern 2>>))
[(<<additional patterns>>)]
Only one pattern may be negated at a time. Multiple patterns may be negated by
using multiple not statements. And and or logic blocks may not be placed
inside of a not pattern, although a not may be placed inside of an and or or.
Care must be taken when combining not with or and and blocks; the results are
not always obvious! The same holds true for variable bindings within a negated
pattern. Variables that are previously bound may be used freely inside of a
negated pattern. However, variables bound for the first time within a negated
pattern can be used only in that pattern. Since negated patterns are treated
differently by CLIPS, users always should perform a reset after creating or
loading rules that include negated patterns.
Negating a not is illegal; i.e., a (not (not (<<pattern>>))) is not allowed.
2.7 Pattern Bindings
Certain RHS actions, such as retract, operate on an entire fact. To signify
which fact they are to act upon, a variable can be bound to an entire fact.
The left arrow, "<-", is a required part of the syntax. A variable bound to a
fact can be compared to other fact variables or passed to external functions.
A fact variable is not 'defined' until the entire pattern has been parsed (see
examples below).
2.8 Declaring Rule Properties
This feature allows the properties or characteristics of a rule to be defined.
The characteristics are declared on the LHS of a rule using the declare
construct. A rule may have multiple declare constructs, but all declare
statements must appear before the first pattern on the LHS. The general syntax
(declare (<something> [<<args>>]))
Currently, only one declarative feature, salience, is allowed. Future CLIPS
versions may provide other declarative capabilities as well as functions to
allow users to define their own declarative properties.
Subtopics :
Assigning Rule Priority
2.8.1 Assigning Rule Priority
A salience statement allows the user to assign a priority to a rule. When
multiple rules are in the agenda, the rule with the highest priority will fire
(declare (salience <num>))
where <num> must be an integer. If not specified, the salience value for a
rule defaults to zero. Salience values may be either positive or negative.
The largest allowed value is 10000. The smallest allowed value is -10000.
Section 3 - RHS Syntax - Actions
This section describes the various actions available on the RHS of rules.
Subtopics :
Basic Actions
Multifield Functions
String Functions
CLIPS I/O System
Math Functions
Additional FUnctions
3.1 Basic Actions
The following actions are the most commonly used RHS actions. They deal with
basic functions like asserting and retracting facts.
Subtopics :
Creating New Facts
Removing Facts from the Fact List
Modifying Template Facts
Asserting a String
Binding Variables
Stopping CLIPS
3.1.1 Creating New Facts
The assert action allows the user to add a fact to the fact-list. Multiple
facts may be asserted with each call and multiple asserts may be placed on the
RHS of a rule.
(assert (<<pattern>>)
[(<<additional patterns>>)])
The fact asserted may contain bound variables, function calls, and literal
values. If an identical copy of the fact already exists in the fact-list,
the fact will not be added.
Subtopics :
Calling External Functions
3 . 1 . 1 . 1 Calling External Functions
Sometimes it is preferable to call an external function from inside
an assert . The return value from the function is incorporated
directly into the pattern at the position at which the function was
called . As with pattern expansion on the LHS of a rule , the
pattern expansion operator ( = ) is used .
(assert ([<<fields>>] =(<function> <<args...>>) [<<fields>>]))
This is the same as binding a variable to the return from a function using
the bind function, then placing the variable inside the assert.
3 . 1 . 2 Removing Facts from the Fact - list
The retract action allows the user to remove facts from the fact -
list . Multiple facts may be retracted with a single retract
statement . The retraction of a fact also removes all rules that
depended upon that fact for activation from the agenda .
(retract ?<fact-var> [?<<fact-vars>>] | <fact-num> [<<fact-nums>>])
Facts may be identified either as fact variables (?<fact-var>) bound on the
LHS as described in section 3.7 or by number (<fact-num>). Note that the
number generally is not known during the execution of a program, so facts
usually are retracted by binding them on the LHS of a rule. Only fact
variables or fact numbers may be used in a retract. External functions may
not be called.
3 . 1 . 3 Modifying Template Facts
The modify action allows the user to modify template facts on the
fact - list . Only one fact may be modified with a single modify
statement . The modification of a fact is equivalent to retracting
the present fact and asserting the modified fact .
(modify ?<fact-var> <<(<field-name> <<field-value>>)>>)
Facts may be identified either as fact variables (?<fact-var>) bound on the
LHS as described in section 3.7 or by number (<fact-num>). Note that the
number generally is not known during the execution of a program, so facts
usually are modified by binding them on the LHS of a rule. Only fact
variables or fact numbers may be used in a modify. External functions may
not be called.
3 . 1 . 4 Asserting a String
The str - assert function is similar to assert in that it will add
a fact to the fact - list . However , str - assert takes a single
string and breaks it into separate fields prior to asserting the
fact . The standard delimiters defined in section 2 . 2 will be used
between fields . Only one fact may be asserted with each str -
assert statement .
(str-assert <quoted-string>)
If an identical copy of the fact already exists in the fact-list, the fact will
not be added. Fields may contain a quoted string by escaping the quote with a
backslash. This function is particularly effective when used with the readline
function (see sec. Note that this function takes a string and turns
it into fields. If the fields within that string are going to contain special
characters, they need to be escaped twice.
In previous versions of CLIPS, this capability was provided by the
string_assert and str_assert functions. The name was changed for reasons of
consistency. Rules that use either string_assert or str_assert will be
accepted by CLIPS for compatibility, but they should be changed to ensure
compatibility with future versions of CLIPS.
3.1.5 Binding Variables
Occasionally it is important to create new variables or modify the value of
previously bound variables on the RHS of a rule. The bind function provides
this capability.
(bind ?<var-name> <value> or <variable> or (<defined-function>))
where <var-name> must be a variable name (it may have been bound previously).
<var-name> can be bound to literal values, to other bound variables, or to the
return from a function call.
3.1.6 Stopping CLIPS
The halt function may be used on the RHS of a rule to prevent further rule
firing. It is called without arguments. After halt is called, control is
returned to the top-level program. The agenda is left intact, and execution
may be continued with a run command.
3.2 Multifield Functions
The following functions operate on multifield variables.
Subtopics :
Number of Elements
Specifying and Element
Finding an Element
Comparing Multifield Variables
3.2.1 Number of Elements
The length function returns the number of elements bound to a multifield
(length <variable>)
where <variable> must be a multifield variable ($?). If the variable is not a
multifield variable, length returns a negative one (-1).
3.2.2 Specifying an Element
The nth function will return a specified element from a multifield variable. It
is similar in use to the LISP nth function.
(nth <constant-or-variable> <mvariable>)
where <constant-or-variable> is an integer from 1 to the number of elements
bound to the <mvariable>. <mvariable> must be a multifield variable ($?). The
symbol nil will be returned if <constant-or-variable> is greater than the
number of elements in the variable.
3.2.3 Finding an Element
The member function will tell if an atom is in a multifield variable.
(member <atom> $?<var>)
where <atom> can be either a literal value or a variable. <var> must be bound
to a multifield variable. If <atom> is one of the values bound to <var>,
member will return the number of the element. Otherwise it will return 0.
3.2.4 Comparing Multifield Variables
This function checks if one multifield variable is a subset of another; i.e.,
if all the elements in the first set are also in the second set.
(subset $?<list1> $?<list2>)
Both variables must have been bound previously. If <list1> is a subset of
<list2>, the function returns TRUE; otherwise it returns FALSE. The order of
the list is not considered. If $?<list1> is bound to an empty set, subset
always returns TRUE.
3.2.5 Deletion of Fields in Multifield Values
This function deletes an indexed field from a multifield value.
(mv-delete <field-index> <list>)
where <field-index> may be any CLIPS number and <list> may be any multifield
value. The modified multifield value is returned which is the same as
<list>with the field specified by <field-index> removed.
3.2.6 Appending Multifield Values
This function appends any number of values to create a multifield value.
(mv-append [<Item 1> <Item 2> <Item 3> ..... <Item n>])
where <Item i> may be any CLIPS value. A multifield value is returned as the
result. If any <item> is not multifield then it is assumed to be a
multifield value of length 1. If mv-append is called with no arguments, it
returns an empty multifield variable (which is meaningful!). If it is called
with one argument, it turns that value into a multifield variable.
3 . 2 . 7 Creating Multifield Values from Strings .
This function constructs a multifield value from a string by using
each field in a string as a field in a new multifield value .
(str-explode <string>)
A new multifield value is created in which each delimited field in order in
string is taken to be a field in the new multifield value which is returned.
3.2.8 Creating Strings from Multifield Values
This function creates a single string from a multifield value.
(str-implode <list>)
Each field in list in order is concatenated into a string value with a single
blank separating fields. The new string is returned.
3.2.9 Extracting a Sub-sequence from a Multifield Value
This function extracts a specified range from a multifield value and returns a
new multifield value containing just the sub-sequence.
(mv-subseq <start-index> <end-index> <list>)
where <start-index> and <end-index> are integers specifying the starting and
ending points of the desired sub-sequence in <list>.
3.3 String Functions
The following functions perform operations that are related to strings.
String Concatenation
Taking a String Apart
Searching a String
Converting a String to Lowercase
Converting a String to Uppercase
Compareng two Strings
Evaluating a String
3.3.1 String Concatenation
The str-cat function will concatenate words, numbers, or quoted strings and
return a single quoted string.
(str-cat <item1> <<items>>)
Each item can be any one of: a word, number, string, bound variable, or
In previous versions of CLIPS, this capability was provided by the str_cat
function. The name was changed for reasons of consistency. Rules that use
str_cat will be accepted by CLIPS for compatibility, but they should be changed
to ensure compatibility with future versions of CLIPS.
3.3.2 Taking a String Apart
The sub-string function will retrieve a portion of a string from another
(sub-string <starting-position> <ending-position> <string>)
where <starting-position>, counting from one, must be a number marking the
beginning position in <string> to get the sub-string, <ending-position> must be
a number marking the ending position in <string>, and <string> may be any valid
CLIPS string. If <starting-position> is greater than or equal to
<ending-position>, a null string is returned.
3.3.3 Searching a String
The str-index function will retrieve the position of a string inside another
(str-index <string-to-find> <string-to-search>)
where <string-to-search> is searched for the first occurrence of
<string-to-find>. Returns the starting position, counting from one, of
<string-to-find> in <string-to-search> or returns 0 if not found.
3.3.4 Evaluating a String
The eval function evaluates the string as though it were entered at the
command prompt.
(eval <string-or-word>)
where <string-or-word> the command to be executed. Note: eval does not permit
the use of variables nor will it evaluate any of the construct definition forms
(i.e. defrule, deffacts, deftemplate).
The eval function is not available for run-time modules.
3.3.5 Converting a String to Uppercase
The upcase function will return a string or word with uppercase alphabetic
(upcase <string-or-word>)
where <string-or-word> is the string to be converted.
3.3.6 Converting a String to Lowercase
The lowcase function will return a string or word with lowercase alphabetic
(lowcase <string-or-word>)
where <string-or-word> is the string to be converted.
3.3.7 Comparing Two Strings
The str-compare function will compare two strings to determine their logical
relationship (i.e. equal, less than, greater than). The comparison is
performed character-by-character until the strings are exhausted (implying
equal strings) or unequal characters are found. The positions of the unequal
characters within the ASCII character set are used to determine the logical
relationship of unequal strings.
(str-compare <string-or-word1> <string-or-word2>)
returns 0 if the strings are equal, < 0 if string-or-word1 < string-or-word2,
and > 0 if string-or-word1 > string-or-word2.
3.4 The CLIPS I/O System
CLIPS uses a system called input/output (I/O) routing to provide very flexible
I/O while remaining portable. A more complete discussion of I/O routing is
covered in the Advanced Programming Guide.
Subtopics :
Logical Names
Common I/O Functions
3.4.1 Logical Names
One of the key concepts of I/O routing is the use of logical names. Logical
names allow reference to an I/O device without having to understand the details
of the implementation of the reference. Many functions in CLIPS make use of
logical names. A logical name can be either a word, a number, or a string.
Several logical names are predefined by CLIPS and used extensively throughout
the CLIPS code.
3.4.2 Common I/O Functions
CLIPS provides some of the most commonly needed I/O capabilities through
several predefined functions.
Subtopics :
Fprintout and Printout
The open function allows a user to open a file from the RHS of a rule and
attaches a logical name to it. This function takes three arguments: (1) the
name of the file to be opened; (2) the logical name which will be used by other
CLIPS I/O functions to access the file; and (3) an optional mode specifier.
The mode specifier must be one of the following:
Mode Means
r read access only
w write access only
r+ read and write access
a append access only
If the mode is not specified, a default of read access only is assumed. The
access mode may not be meaningful in some operating systems.
Syntax (open "<file-name>" <logical-name> ["<mode>"])
The <file-name> must be enclosed in double quotes and may include directory
specifiers. The backslash (\) and any other special characters that are part
of <file-name> must be escaped with a backslash. The logical name should not
have been used previously.
The close function closes a file stream previously opened with the open
command. The file is specified by a logical name previously attached to the
desired stream.
(close [<logical-name>])
If close is called without arguments, all open files will be closed.
The user is responsible for closing all files opened during execution. If
files are not closed, the contents are not guaranteed to be correct.
The read function allows a user to input information for a single field. All
of the standard field rules (e.g., multiple words must be embedded within
quotes) apply.
(read [<logical-name>])
where <logical-name> is an optional parameter. If specified, read tries to
read from whatever is attached to the logical file name. If <logical-name> is
t or is not specified, the function will read from stdin. All the delimiters
defined in section 2.2 can be used as delimiters. If an end of file (EOF) is
encountered while reading, read will return the word EOF. If errors are
encountered while reading, the string "*** READ ERROR ***" will be returned.
The readline function is similar to the read function, but it allows a whole
string to be input instead of a single field. Normally, read will stop when it
encounters a delimiter. readline only stops when it encounters a carriage
return, a semicolon or an end of file. Any tabs or spaces in the input are
returned by readline as a part of the string. readline returns a quoted
(readline [<logical-name>])
where <logical-name> is an optional parameter. If specified, readline tries to
read from whatever is attached to the logical file name. If <logical-name> is
t or is not specified, the function will read from stdin. As with read, if an
end of file is encountered, readline will return the word EOF. If an error is
encountered during input, readline returns the quoted string "*** READ ERROR
These functions, fprintout and printout, allow output to a device attached to a
logical name. The logical name must be specified and the device must have been
prepared previously for output (e.g., a file must be opened first). To send
output to stdout, use a t for the logical name. The function will evaluate
variable bindings and print the value of a variable in the output string. Any
number of items may be placed in an fprintout or a printout.
(fprintout <logical-name> <item> ... <item> [crlf])
(printout <logical-name> <item> ... <item> [crlf])
where <item> is a literal value, a bound variable, or a function call. The
word crlf will force a carriage return/newline and may be placed anywhere in
the item list.
Note that the printout function has been modified from releases previous to
version 4.2 of CLIPS and uses the same syntax as fprintout. This function is
still provided for compatibility with code written in earlier releases of
CLIPS, but t will have to be supplied as the logical name to the printout
function call.
The format function allows a user to send formatted output to a device attached
to a logical name. It can be used in place of printout when special formatting
of output information is desired. Although a slightly more complicated
function, format provides much better control over how the output is formatted.
The format commands are similar to the printf statement in C. The format
function always returns a string containing the formatted output. A logical
name of nil may be used when the formatted return string is desired without
writing to a device.
Syntax (format <logical-name> "<control-string>" <<parameter-list>>)
where <logical-name> is any logical name. If t is given, output is sent to
stdout. The <control-string> is a quoted string which specifies how the output
should be formatted. The <<parameter-list>> is the bound variables or literal
values which are to be output. Function calls also may be embedded in the
<<parameter-list>> and the return from the function will be output. Format
currently does not support multifield variables in the <<parameter-list>>.
The control string consists of text and format flags. Text is output exactly
as specified, and format flags describe how each parameter in the
<<parameter-list>> is to be formatted. The first format flag corresponds to
the first value in the parameter list, the second flag corresponds to the
second value, and so on. The format flags must be preceded by a percent sign
(%) and are of the general format %-M.Nx
where x is one of the flags listed below, the minus sign is an optional
justification flag, and M and N are optional parameters which specify the field
width and number of digits following the decimal place. If M is used, at least
M characters will be output. If more than M characters are required to display
the value, format expands the field as needed. If M starts with a 0 (e.g.,
%07d), a zero is used as the pad character; otherwise spaces are used. If N is
not specified, it defaults to six digits for floating-point numbers. If a
minus sign is included before the M, the value will be left justified;
otherwise the value is right justified.
Format Flags
d Display parameter as an integer.
(The N specifier has no meaning.)
f Display parameter as a floating-point
e Display parameter as a floating-point
using power of 10 notation.
g Display parameter in the most general
format, whichever is shorter.
o Display parameter as an unsigned octal
number. (The N specifier has no
x Display parameter as an unsigned
hexadecimal number. (The N specifier
has no meaning.)
s Display parameter as a string. Quoted
strings will have the leading and
trailing quotes stripped. (The N
specifier has no meaning. Zero also
cannot be used for the pad character.)
n Put a carriage return/line feed in the
% Put the percent character into the
Portability Note
The format function uses the C function sprintf as a base. Some systems may not
support sprintf or may not support all of these features, which may affect how
format works.
3.5 Math Functions
CLIPS provides several functions for mathematical computations. They are split
into two packages: a set of standard math functions and a set of extended
math functions.
Subtopics :
Standard Math Functions
Extended Math Functions
3.5.1 Standard Math Functions The standard math functions include add,
subtract, multiply, and divide. These functions should be used only on numeric
arguments. An error message will be printed if a string argument is passed to
a math function. Arithmetic function calls can be used anywhere that an
external function is valid.
3.5.2 Extended Math Functions
In addition to the standard math functions, CLIPS also provides a large number
of scientific and trigonometric math functions for more extensive computations.
Although included in the generic version of CLIPS, if an expert system does not
need these capabilities, these functions may be excluded from the executable
element of CLIPS to provide more memory (see the Advanced Programming Guide).
The following functions all take one argument: eneral Syntax
(<fun> <arg>)
Function Returns
acos arccosine
acosh hyperbolic arccosine
acot arccotangent
acoth hyperbolic arccotangent
acsc arccosecant
acsch hyperbolic arccosecant
asec arcsecant
asech hyperbolic arcsecant
asin arcsine
asinh hyperbolic arcsine
atan arctangent
atanh hyperbolic arctangent
cos cosine
cosh hyperbolic cosine
cot cotangent
coth hyperbolic tangent
csc cosecant
csch hyperbolic cosecant
sec secant
sech hyperbolic secant
sin sine
sinh hyperbolic sine
tan tangent
tanh hyperbolic tangent
NOTE: All trigonometric functions
expect RADIAN arguments.
abs absolute value
deg-grad convert from degrees to gradiant
deg-rad convert from degrees to radians
exp e**<arg>
grad-deg convert from gradiant to degrees
log log base e
log10 log base 10
rad-deg convert from radians to degrees
sqrt square root
trunc truncates argument to integer
The following functions take multiple arguments:
** 2 arg1 raised to the arg2 power
max 1 or more max value of all args
min 1 or more min value of all args
mod 2 modulus of arg1 by arg2
pi none the value of pi
Portability Note
These mathematical functions use the C library math.h. If the user's system
does not support this library, the user needs to make some adjustments to
math.c. The system-dependent math functions are called from clcos, clsin, and
so on. The user must change each of these to call the appropriate functions
from his system. The user also must make sure that the functions clcos, clsin,
etc., always return FLOATING point numbers. To link these functions, most
compilers provide a separate math library that must be included during linking.
3.6 Additional Functions
The following are additional functions for use on the RHS of CLIPS rules.
Subtopics :
If Then Else
Using CLIPS Interface Commands
3.6.1 System
The system function allows a call to the operating system. It is patterned
after the system function provided to C on most UNIX systems.
(system <<args>>)
Note that any spaces needed for proper parsing of the system command must be
added by the user in the call to system.
Portability Note
Not all operating systems/compilers provide this function. The code is stored
in the sysdep.c file, and the default coding for generic CLIPS is a
nonfunctional stub that will compile on any machine.
3.6.2 Gensym
The gensym function returns a special, sequenced word that can be stored as a
single field. This is primarily for tagging patterns that need a unique
identifier, but the user does not care what the identifier is. Multiple calls
to gensym are guaranteed to return different identifiers of the form
where X is a positive integer. The first call to gensym returns gen1; all
subsequent calls increment the number. Note that gensym is not reset after a
call to clear. If users plan to use the gensym feature, they should avoid
creating facts which include a user-defined field of this form.
3.6.3 Setgen
The setgen function allows the user to set the starting number used by gensym
(see sec. 3.5.2).
(setgen <num>)
where <num> must be a positive integer value. All subsequent calls to gensym
will return a sequenced word with the numeric portion of the word starting at
After this, calls to gensym will return gen32, gen33, etc.
3.6.4 Call
Previous versions of CLIPS provide access to external functions through the
call syntax. CLIPS now allows external functions to be called directly from
the RHS. To provide compatibility with code written for earlier versions, call
is still available. Arguments may be passed to the external function as
described in the Advanced Programming Guide.
(call (<function-name> [<<args...>>]))
Functions called in this manner must be called for effect only. The return
value will not be captured.
3.6.5 If...then...else
Under certain circumstances, it is preferable to take actions based on
parameter testing on the RHS of a rule instead of writing two or more rules.
CLIPS provides an if...then...else structure to allow for this kind of
(if (<predicate-function> [<<args...>>])
[(<<action 1>>)
(<<action n>>)]
(<<action 1>>)
(<<action n>>)])
Any number of allowable RHS actions may be used inside of the then or else
section, including another if...then...else structure. The else portion is
optional. All predicate functions are available for use in this structure and
are used as proscribed in test. Variables used in the comparison must have
been bound previously.
3.6.6 While
The while structure is provided to allow simple looping on the RHS of a rule.
Its use is similar to that of if...then...else.
(while (<predicate-function> [<<args...>>]) [do]
[(<<action 1>>)
(<<action n>>)])
Again, all predicate functions are available for use in while. Any number of
allowable RHS actions may be placed inside the while block, including
if...then...else or additional while structures. The test is performed prior
to the first execution of the loop. The while may optionally include the word
do after the predicate function and before the first action.
3.6.7 Using CLIPS Interface Commands
Most of the commands documented in section 5.1 as part of the CLIPS interactive
interface are available on the RHS of a rule. They may be called just like any
other action. The exceptions are the run, reset, clear, and excise commands.
These commands are disabled when called from the RHS of a rule since the
consequences are unpredictable. See section 5.1 for descriptions of the
available commands.
Section 4 - Using CLIPS
CLIPS expert systems may be executed in three ways: interactively using a
simple, line-type interface, interactively using a window/menu/mouse interface
on certain machines, or as embedded expert systems in which the user provides a
main program and controls execution of the expert system. Embedded
applications are discussed in the Advanced Programming Guide. In addition a
command line option is available to allow commands normally issued in the
line-type interface to be read directly from a file.
The generic CLIPS interface is a simple, interactive, line-type interface for
high portability. The standard usage is to create or edit rules using any
standard text editor and save the file(s) as a text file, to exit the editor
and execute CLIPS, then load rule file(s) into CLIPS. The interface provides
commands for viewing the current state of the system, tracing execution, adding
or removing information, or clearing CLIPS.
A more sophisticated window interface is available for Macintosh and MS-DOS
machines. All of the interface commands described in this section are
available in the window interfaces. These interfaces are described in more
detail in the Utilities and Interfaces Guide.
Subtopics :
Environment Commands
System Status Commands
Debugging Commands
Memory Management Commands
Additional Commands
4.1 Environment Commands The following commands control the CLIPS environment:
(bload <file-name>)
Loads the rules and deffacts stored in the file specified by <file-name> into
the environment. The specified file must have been created by bsave.
Example (bload "rules.bin")
(bsave <file-name>)
Saves all of the rules and deffacts in the current environment into the file
specified by <file-name>. The save file is written using a binary format which
results in a smaller file, and faster save/load commands. The save file must
be loaded via the bload command. Defrelation and deftemplate forms are not
saved in the save file.
Example (bsave "rules.bin")
Removes all rules and deffacts from the environment. Removes all activations
from the agenda and all facts from the fact-list.
(load-facts <file>)
This function will assert a file of information as facts into the CLIPS
fact-list. It can read files created with save-facts or any ASCII text file.
Each line is treated as a separate fact. Input lines must be less than 512
(load <file-name>)
Loads the rules and deffacts stored in the file specified by <file-name> into
the environment. Files generated with the save command can not be loaded using
Example (load "rules.txt")
Resets CLIPS. Removes all activations from the agenda and all facts from the
fact-list, then asserts all facts listed in deffacts statements into the
(run [<limit>])
Starts execution of the rules. If <limit> is positive, execution will cease
after <limit> rule firings or when the agenda contains no rule activations. If
<limit> is not specified or is a negative integer, execution will cease when
the agenda contains no rule activations.
Example (run 3)
(save-facts <file>)
This function saves all of the facts in the current fact-list into the file
specified by <file>. Printed facts must not exceed 512 characters.
(save <file-name>)
Saves all of the rules and deffacts in the current environment into the file
specified by <file-name>.
Example (save "rules.txt")
4.2 System Status Commands The following commands display the current CLIPS
Displays all activations on the agenda.
(facts [<start> [<end> [<max>]]])
Displays facts stored in the fact-list. Without any arguments, it displays all
facts. If only <start> is specified, it displays all facts with id numbers
greater than or equal to <start>. If both <start> and <end> are specified, it
displays all facts between <start> and <end>, exclusive. If <start>, <end>, and
<max> are specified, it displays all facts between <start> and <end> up to a
limit of <max> facts.
Displays the names of all deffact blocks currently loaded in CLIPS.
Displays the names of all deftemplate forms currently loaded in CLIPS.
Generates a textual description of the status of the CLIPS compiler flags.
(ppdeffact <ID>)
Displays the text of the deffacts block named <ID>.
(ppdeftemplate <ID>)
Displays the text of the deftemplate named <ID>.
(pprule <rule>)
Displays the text of the rule named <rule>.
Example (pprule bogus-name)
Displays the names of all rules stored in the data base.
Returns the elapsed seconds since the system reference time.
4.3 Debugging Commands
The following commands control the CLIPS debugging aids:
Stop sending trace information to a file.
(crsv-trace-on <file>)
Sends all information normally generated by a (watch all) to the specified file
using a format that is more efficient for CRSV to read than the format used by
Stops sending watch information to a file.
(dribble-on <file>)
Sends all information normally sent to the logical names wclips, wdialog,
wdisplay, werror, wtrace, wagenda, and stdout to <file> as well as to their
normal place. Additionally, all information received from logical name stdin
is also sent to <file> as well as being returned by the requesting function.
(matches <rule>)
Displays a list of facts which matches each pattern on the LHS of the rule and
the combinations, if any.
(remove-break [<name>])
Removes a breakpoint for the rule <name>. If no rule name is given, removes
all breakpoints.
(set-break <name>)
Sets a breakpoint for the rule <name>. If a breakpoint is set for rule <name>
execution will stop prior to executing rule <name>. At least one rule must fire
before a breakpoint will stop execution.
Shows all current breakpoints.
(unwatch <item>)
Deactivates the watch command for <item>.
Example (unwatch rules)
(watch <item>)
If <item> is facts, all fact assertions and retractions will be displayed. If
<item> is rules, all rule firings will be displayed. If <item> is activations,
all rule activations and deactivations will be displayed. If <item> is
compilations, the progress of rule compilations will be displayed. If <item>
is all, facts, rules, activations, and compilations will all be displayed.
Example (watch rules)
4.4 Memory Management Commands
The following commands display CLIPS memory status information:
Displays the number of bytes CLIPS has currently in-use or held for later use.
Displays the number of times CLIPS has requested memory from the operating
Releases all free memory held internally by CLIPS back to the operating system.
(conserve-mem <arg>)
Turns on or off the storage of information used for save and pretty print
commands. <arg> either may be on or off. This can save considerable memory in
a large system. It should be called prior to loading any rules.
Example (conserve-mem on)
These functions generally should not be called unless the user knows exactly
what he is doing. CLIPS memory management is described more fully in the
Advanced Programming Guide.
4.5 Additional Commands
The following commands also are available: (<name> [<<args>>])
Any function, user-defined or CLIPS-defined, may be called directly from the
top level.
Example (system "dir")
(assert <<facts>>)
Asserts <facts> into the data base.
Example (assert (this is a fact))
(batch <file>)
Allows "batch" processing of CLIPS interactive commands. Processes all commands
stored in <file> as though they had been entered at the top level. All
interface commands can be used in a batch file, including rule definitions and
responses to read or readline calls. Full error checking will not be done on
rules defined in this manner (Users should use a load command in the batch file
rather the explicit defrule commands). Example (batch "rules.bat") where
"rules.bat" contains a number of load commands which will cause all rules to be
(deffacts <<facts>>)
Defines a new deffacts block, as described in section 2.5.2. If a deffacts
with the same name already exists, the previous deffacts will be excised, even
if the new deffacts has errors in it.
(defrule <<rule>>)
Defines a new rule, as described in section 2.5.1. If a rule with the same name
already exists, the previous rule will be excised, even if the new rule has
errors in it.
(deftemplate <<template>>)
Defines a new template, as described in section 2.5.3. If a template with the
same name already exists, the previous template will be excised, even if the
new template has errors in it. Furthermore, rules loaded under the old template
may not be compatible with the rules loaded under the new template.
(excise <rule>)
Removes the rule named <rule> from the system.
(retract <<fact#>>)
Retracts the fact(s) with number(s) <<fact#>> from the data base.
Example (retract 4) or (retract 3 24 7)
(undeffacts <name>)
Reverses the effect of a deffacts statement. All facts listed in the deffacts
construct named <name> will no longer be put into the initial fact-list after a
(undeftemplate <name>)
Reverses the effect of a deftemplate statement. No further uses of the template
<name> are permitted. Existing <name> facts will be displayed using positional
notation. Rules previously compiled with patterns using template <name> are
still valid.
In addition to the commands described here, most of the actions described in
section 4 can be used. As mentioned in section 4.5.10, most of the interface
commands also can be called from the RHS of a rule, but users must be aware of
how to display the information. Some information, such as from functions like
pprule, facts, agenda, and rules, are actual printouts which always are sent
through the router system to some output device. Other information sent to the
screen while using the interface is actually a return value from the function
call. Functions such as mem-used and all of the math functions are in this
category. This second kind of function can be used on the RHS, but its value
must be captured in a variable using bind and the variable printed.
The actions run, reset, excise, or clear commands should not be called from the
RHS of a rule since their effects will be unpredictable. The actions defrule,
deffacts and deftemplate will give an error message if they are used on the
4.6 Command-line Options (Not Yet implemented for PMCLIPS)
By using a command-line option, all commands normally input at the CLIPS prompt
may be read from a file instead. The syntax is as follows:
clips -f <filename>
The -f is required, and <filename> is a file that contains CLIPS commands. If
the (exit) command is included in the file then, CLIPS will halt and the user
is returned to the operating system after executing the commands in the file.
If an (exit) command is not in the file, CLIPS will enter in its interactive
state after executing the commands in the file.
Unlike batch, reading from the command line file will not replace stdin. Any
read or readline commands in the file which read from stdin (or t) must still
be input from the keyboard. Also, the CLIPS prompt or any commands will not be
displayed until CLIPS enters interactive state.
Reserved Function Names
Integrated Editor
Support Information
Appendix A - Reserved Function Names
This appendix lists all the functions provided by either standard CLIPS or
various CLIPS extensions. They should be considered reserved function names
and users should not create user-defined functions with any of these names.
Standard functions.
The following table lists all of the basic functions provided by standard
agenda mv-subseq
assert nth
batch open
bind ppdeffact
bload ppdeftemplate
bsave pprule
call printout
clear read
close readline
conserve-mem release-mem
crsv-trace-off remove-break
crsv-trace-on reset
deffacts retract
defrule rules
deftemplate rules-to-c
dribble-off run
dribble-on save
edit save-facts
eval set-break
excise setgen
exit show-breaks
facts str-assert
format str-cat
fprintout str-compare
gensym str-explode
halt str-implode
if str-index
length str-length
list-deffacts string_assert
list-deftemplates sub-string
load subset
load-facts system
lowcase time
matches undeffacts
mem-requests undefrule
mem-used undeftemplate
member unwatch
modify upcase
mv-append watch
mv-delete while
Logical Functions
The following table lists all of the logical functions provided by standard
Comparison Functions
The following table lists all of the comparison functions provided by standard
Math Functions
The following table lists all of the math functions provided by standard CLIPS.
On-line Help functions (Not used in PMCLIPS)
The following table list the functions available when the on-line help option
is used.
Text Processing functions (Not used in PMCLIPS)
The following table list the functions available when either the text
processing or the on-line help option is used.
Extended Math functions
The following table list the functions available when the extended math option
is used.
abs deg-rad
acos exp
acosh grad-deg
acot integerp
acoth log
acsch log10
asec max
asech min
asin mod
asinh pi
atan rad-deg
atanh sec
cos sech
cosh sin
cot sinh
coth sqrt
csc tan
csch tanh
deg-grad trunc
Internal functions
These functions are used internally by CLIPS. They can be called from the top
level, but would not be useful to most applications.
Appendix B - Integrated Editor (Not yet available in PMCLIPS)
CLIPS includes a fully integrated version of the full screen MicroEMACS editor.
You may call the editor from CLIPS, compile full buffers or just sections of
the editor (incremental compile), temporarily exit the editor back to CLIPS, or
permanently exit the editor. Since the editor is full screen, portions of it
are highly machine dependent. As it is currently set up, the editor will run
on VAX VMS machines using VT100/VT240-compatible terminals, UNIX systems which
support TERMCAP, the IBM PC, and most IBM compatibles.
The editor may be called from CLIPS with the following command: (edit
The file name is optional. If one is given, that file would be loaded. If no
file name is given, the editor is entered without loading a file. Once in the
file, all of the EMACS commands listed below are applicable. To exit the
editor and clear all buffers, use <Ctrl-Z> or <Ctrl-X><Ctrl-C>. To temporarily
exit the editor and retain the information in the buffers, use <Ctrl-X> Q. To
compile a rules section, mark a region and type <Ctrl-X><Ctrl-T>. To compile
the entire buffer, use <Meta-T>. The editor can use extensive amounts of
memory and a flag is available in clips.h to remove all of the editor code.
When using the editor on multiuser machines like the VAX or many UNIX
environments, be careful with the control S and control Q commands; they could
conflict with terminal XON/XOFF communications. All of the control S commands
have a work around built into the editor. The save file command, normally
<Ctrl-X><Ctrl-S>, is also <Meta> Z. The forward search command, normally
<Ctrl-S>, is also <Meta> J. The control Q command is rarely needed in a CLIPS
file and, therefore, has no substitute.
Control Commands
<ctrl-@> Set mark at current position.
<ctrl-A> Move cursor to beginning of line.
<ctrl-B> Move cursor BACK one character.
<ctrl-C> Start a new interactive command shell. Be careful!
<ctrl-D> DELETE character under cursor.
<ctrl-E> Move cursor to END of line.
<ctrl-F> Move cursor FORWARD one character.
<ctrl-G> Abort any command.
<ctrl-H> (backspace) delete previous character.
<ctrl-I> Insert a TAB.
<ctrl-J> Insert a CR-LF and indent next line.
<ctrl-K> KILL (delete) to end of line.
<ctrl-L> Redisplay screen.
<ctrl-M> Insert a CR-LF.
<ctrl-N> Move cursor to NEXT line.
<ctrl-O> OPEN a new line.
<ctrl-P> Move to PREVIOUS line.
<ctrl-Q> QUOTE the next character (insert next character typed).
<ctrl-R> Reverse SEARCH.
<ctrl-S> Forward SEARCH (also <Meta-J>).
<ctrl-T> TRANSPOSE characters.
<ctrl-U> Enter repeat count for next command.
<ctrl-V> VIEW the next screen (scroll up one screen).
<ctrl-W> KILL region (all text between cursor and last mark set).
<ctrl-X> Extended command prefix - see below.
<ctrl-Y> YANK (undelete) last text killed.
<ctrl-Z> Quick save of file in current buffer (only) and exit.
Extended (Control-X) Commands
<ctrl-X>( Begin keyboard Macro.
<ctrl-X>) End keyboard Macro.
<ctrl-X>! Execute a single external command.
<ctrl-X>= Show current cursor column and line number.
<ctrl-X>: Go to a specific line number.
<ctrl-X>1 Display current window only.
<ctrl-X>2 Split the current window.
<ctrl-X>B Switch to a different BUFFER.
<ctrl-X>E EXECUTE keyboard Macro.
<ctrl-X>F Set FILL column.
<ctrl-X>K KILL a buffer (other than current buffer).
<ctrl-X>M MATCH parenthesis (or {} or []).
<ctrl-X>N Move to NEXT window.
<ctrl-X>P Move to PREVIOUS window.
<ctrl-X>R Global search and REPLACE (backwards).
<ctrl-X>S Global SEARCH and replace (forwards).
<ctrl-X>Z Enlarge current window by repeat count <ctrl-U> lines.
<ctrl-X><ctrl-B> Show active BUFFERS.
<ctrl-X><ctrl-C> Exit without saving buffers.
<ctrl-X><ctrl-F> FIND file. Load if not already in buffer.
<ctrl-X><ctrl-N> Scroll current window up by repeat count lines.
<ctrl-X><ctrl-P> Scroll current window down by repeat count lines.
<ctrl-X><ctrl-R> RENAME file. Change file name for buffer.
<ctrl-X><ctrl-S> SAVE (write) current buffer into its file.
<ctrl-X><ctrl-V> VISIT file. Read file and display in current window.
<ctrl-X><ctrl-W> WRITE buffer to file. Option to change name of file.
<ctrl-X><ctrl-Z> Reduce current window by repeat count lines.
Special characters
<del> Delete previous character.
(also <ctrl-H> on some terminals)
<esc> Meta command prefix.
(also <ctrl-[> on some terminals)
Meta Commands (Activated by <esc> or <ctrl-[>)
<meta>! Move current line to repeat count lines from top of
<meta>> Move cursor to end of buffer.
<meta>< Move cursor to beginning of buffer.
<meta>. Set mark.
<meta>B Move cursor BACK one word.
<meta>C CAPITALIZE first letter of word.
<meta>D DELETE next word.
<meta>F Move cursor FORWARD one word.
<meta>J SEARCH forward (same as <ctrl-S>).
<meta>L LOWERCASE (lowercase) next word.
<meta>R Query search and REPLACE (backwards).
<meta>S Query SEARCH and replace (forwards).
<meta>U UPPERCASE (uppercase) next word.
<meta>V VIEW the previous screen (scroll down one screen).
<meta>W COPY region into kill buffer.
<meta>Z SAVE current buffer into file (same as
<meta><del> DELETE previous word.
Appendix E - Support Information
PMCLIPS (The GUI Front-End) is a product of Oregon Expert Systems. Bug
reports, enhancement, or other requests may be mailed to:
Oregon Expert Systems
6360 COrvallis Rd.
Independence, Oregon 97361
I have not yet (as of July, 1990) decided upon distribution or marketing of
this product, so I am currently releasing this BETA VERSION for free
distribution. Oregon Expert Systems however reserves all rights to this
product. It is released with OUT ANY WARANTY implied or otherwise.
CLIPS is available through the Computer Software Management and Information
Center (COSMIC), the distribution point for NASA software. The program number
is MSC-21208. The program price is $2OO.OO, and the documentation price is
$54.OO (as of September 1987). The program price is for the source code (at
the current time, this does not include PMCLIPS, the OS/2 front end). Further
information can be obtained from
382 E. Broad St.
Athens, GA 30602
(404) 542-3265
If you have problems using or installing CLIPS, a CLIPS Help Line is available
from 8:OO a.m. to 5:OO p.m. (Central Standard Time). The number is (713)
280-2233. Leave your name and number and a support person will get back to