OS/2 Professional
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# PAMAKE makefile by Roundhill Computer Systems Limited September 1989
# This PAMAKE makefile builds the PAMAKE programs for DOS and OS/2,
# which are named PAMAKER and PAMAKEP respectively, using Microsoft
# C version 5.1. We recommend that you rename these to PAMAKE and
# place them in your BIN directories for DOS and OS/2 executables.
# You can make a bound version if you wish, but the Microsoft version
# is quite a bit larger than either of the other versions. If you
# need a bound version which runs under OS/2 and DOS, you will find
# that Lattice C is *much* better than Microsoft for this. There's
# a makefile called MAKEFILE.LC which builds a family mode program.
# If you only have the Microsoft compiler, you will probably find it
# preferable, as we did, to build a dual-mode version PAMAKE.EXE by
# defining the DOS version as the stub for the OS/2 version. The EXE
# file is bigger, but you do not have the Microsoft family-mode
# run-time overhead. This file contains command to build such a
# dual-mode version.
# Of course, you will need one of these programs to run this makefile
# to build them. This phenomenon is known as `self-reference'.
# For information on the PAMAKE make utility, see PAMAKE.DOC
# The directory structure for which this makefile was constructed is
# as follows:
# \msc51\bin : DOS C compiler executables
# \msc51\binp : OS/2 C compiler executables
# \msc51\binb : miscellaneous bound executables
# \msc51\include : .H files
# \msc51\lib : compiler library files
# This makefile is invoked from the \msc51\pamake directory which
# contains the C and H files for PAMAKE.
# Note: use a renamed version of one of the targets of this make
# in order to rebuild it under OS/2. OS/2 will not allow
# writing to the EXE file while it is actually running, and
# you will get an error when LINK writes to it or BIND tries
# to delete it.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
target: pamakep.exe pamaker.exe pamake.exe
+@echo make complete: target is up-to-date
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# The following macro definitions are placed in the DOS environment
# during execution of PAMAKE. Modify them to specify the pathnames
# which apply in your system. Note that the PATH must include all
# directories which contain commands to be executed by PAMAKE, since
# it overrides your previous path during the execution of the make.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
RAM=h:\ # ram drive: change this line if yours is different
#TMP=$(RAM) # set TMP environment variable for MSC: delete if none
#if TEST=1
O=/Od # disable optimisation
Z=/Zi # generate CV records in OBJ
C=/CO # generate CV records in EXE
O=/Olt # maximum optimisation, without intrinsics
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# The following macro definitions are used to specify to PAMAKE the
# overrides required in Microsoft C v5.1 if both real and protected
# mode libraries are in use with different names.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
REALLIB=/nod:$Mlibce $Mlibcer # real-mode libary override
PROTLIB=/nod:$Mlibce $Mlibcep # protect-mode library override
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# PAMAKE has a built-in command of $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CFILES) for C
# compilations. Here we set these macros for the Microsoft compiler.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
M=S # small model
CC=cl # Microsoft C compilation
CFLAGS=/c $O /A$M /W3 $Z /DMSC
.SUFFIXES: # clear suffixes list
.SUFFIXES: .c # not .asm and .pnl as built-in
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Here are the programs to build
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
OBJS= check.obj input.obj macro.obj reader.obj rules.obj ifproc.obj mtime.obj
# Protected Mode Version
pamakep.exe: mainp.obj makep.obj $(OBJS)
link @$-
pamakep $C
$(PROTLIB) doscalls
# Real Mode Version
pamaker.exe: mainr.obj maker.obj $(OBJS)
link @$-
pamaker $C
# Dual-mode Version
pamake.exe: mainp.obj makep.obj $(OBJS) pamaker.exe
copy $- pamake.def
link @$-
pamake $C
$(PROTLIB) doscalls
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Commands to build objects.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
mainr.obj: main.c h.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) /DPAMDOS /Fomainr.obj main.c
mainp.obj: main.c h.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) /DPAMOS2 /Fomainp.obj main.c
maker.obj: make.c h.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) /DPAMDOS /Fomaker.obj make.c
makep.obj: make.c h.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) /DPAMOS2 /Fomakep.obj make.c
$(OBJS): h.h
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# end of makefile
# --------------------------------------------------------------------