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/* $Id: cvs.h,v 91/01/18 12:13:48 berliner Exp $ */
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <direct.h>
#include "ndbm.h"
#include "regex.h"
#ifdef OS2
/* OS/2 can generally use / too, but not in some places when commands
* are passed to CMD.EXE for execution (i.e. I/O redirection). */
#define DIRSEP '\\'
#define DIRSEPSTR "\\"
#define ISDIRSEP(c) ((c) == DIRSEP || (c) == '/')
extern char *index_sep(char *);
extern char *rindex_sep(char *);
#define system(c) (flushall(),system(c))
#define DIRSEP '/'
#define DIRSEPSTR "/"
#define ISDIRSEP(c) ((c) == DIRSEP)
#define index_sep(p) index(p, DIRSEP)
#define rindex_sep(p) rindex(p, DIRSEP)
#define stricmp strcmp
#define strnicmp strncmp
* Copyright (c) 1989, Brian Berliner
* You may distribute under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as specified in the README file that comes with the CVS 1.0 kit.
* Definitions for the CVS Administrative directory and
* the files it contains. Here as #define's to make changing
* the names a simple task.
#define CVSADM "CVS.adm"
#define CVSEXT_OPT "CVS.opt"
#define CVSEXT_LOG "CVS.log"
#define CVSADM_ENT "CVS.adm/Entries"
#define CVSADM_ENTBAK "CVS.adm/Entries.Bak"
#define CVSADM_ENTSTAT "CVS.adm/Entries.Sta"
#define CVSADM_FILE "CVS.adm/Files"
#define CVSADM_MOD "CVS.adm/Mod"
#define CVSADM_REP "CVS.adm/Reposit.ory"
#define CVSADM_CIPROG "CVS.adm/Checkin.prg"
* Definitions for the CVSROOT Administrative directory and
* the files it contains. This directory is created as a
* sub-directory of the $CVSROOT environment variable, and holds
* global administration information for the entire source
* repository beginning at $CVSROOT.
#define CVSROOTADM_MODULES "CVSROOT.adm/modules"
#define CVSROOTADM_LOGINFO "CVSROOT.adm/loginfo"
/* support for the CVSROOTADM files */
#define CVSMODULE_FILE "modules" /* last component of CVSROOTADM_MODULES */
#define CVSMODULE_OPTS "ai:o:t:"
#define CVSLOGINFO_FILE "loginfo" /* last component of CVSROOTADM_LOGINFO */
/* Other CVS file names */
#define CVSATTIC "Attic"
#define CVSLCK "#cvs_lck"
#define CVSTFL "#tfl"
#define CVSRFL "#rfl"
#define CVSWFL "#wfl"
#define CVSPREFIX ""
#define CVSTEMP "#cXXXXXX"
/* miscellaneous CVS defines */
#define CVSLCKAGE 600 /* 10-min old lock files cleaned up */
#define CVSLCKSLEEP 15 /* wait 15 seconds before retrying */
#define DFLT_RECORD "nul"
#define BAKPREFIX "#"
#define DEVNULL "nul"
#define CONSOLE "con" /* or "/dev/tty" */
#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE 1
* Definitions for the RCS file names.
#define RCS "rcs"
#define RCS_CI "ci"
#define RCS_CO "co"
#define RCS_RLOG "rlog"
#define RCS_DIFF "rcsdiff"
#define RCS_MERGE "rcsmerge"
#define RCS_MERGE_PAT "^>>>>>>> " /* runs "grep" with this pattern */
#define RCSID_PAT "\"\\$Id.*\\$\"" /* when committing files */
#define RCSEXT Rcsext
#define RCSHEAD "head"
#define RCSBRANCH "branch"
#define RCSSYMBOL "symbols"
#define RCSDATE "date"
#define RCSDESC "desc" /* ends the search for branches */
#define DATEFORM "%02d.%02d.%02d.%02d.%02d.%02d"
/* Programs that cvs runs */
#define DIFF "diff"
#define GREP "grep"
#define RM "rm"
#define SORT "sort"
* Environment variable used by CVS
#define CVSREAD_ENV "CVSREAD" /* make files read-only */
#define CVSREAD_DFLT FALSE /* writable files by default */
#define TMPDIR_ENV "TMP" /* temp directory */
#define TMPDIR_DFLT "" /* directory to put temp files into */
#define RCSBIN_ENV "RCSBIN" /* RCS binary directory */
#define RCSBIN_DFLT "/bin" /* directory to find RCS progs */
#define RCSINIT_ENV "RCSINIT" /* RCS option settings */
#define EDITOR_ENV "EDITOR" /* which editor to use */
#define EDITOR_DFLT "emacs" /* somewhat standard */
#define CVSROOT_ENV "CVSROOT" /* source directory root */
#define CVSROOT_DFLT NULL /* No dflt; must set for checkout */
* If the beginning of the Repository matches the following string,
* strip it so that the output to the logfile does not contain a full pathname.
* If the CVSROOT environment variable is set, it overrides this define.
#define REPOS_STRIP "/src/master/"
* The maximum number of files per each CVS directory.
* This is mainly for sizing arrays statically rather than
* dynamically. 3000 seems plenty for now.
#define MAXFILEPERDIR 1000
#define MAXLINELEN 1000 /* max input line from a file */
#define MAXPROGLEN 30000 /* max program length to system() */
#define MAXLISTLEN 10000 /* For [A-Z]list holders */
#define MAXMESGLEN 1000 /* max RCS log message size */
* The type of request that is being done in do_module() &&
* the type of request that is being done in Find_Names().
enum mtype { CHECKOUT, TAG, PATCH };
enum ftype { ALL, ALLPLUSATTIC, MOD };
extern char *progname, *command;
extern char Clist[], Glist[], Mlist[], Olist[], Dlist[];
extern char Alist[], Rlist[], Wlist[], Llist[], Blist[];
extern char User[], Repository[], SRepository[], Rcs[];
extern char VN_User[], VN_Rcs[], TS_User[], TS_Rcs[];
extern char Options[], Tag[], Date[], prog[];
extern char *Tmpdir, *Rcsbin, *Editor, *CVSroot, *Rcsext;
extern int really_quiet, quiet;
extern int use_editor;
extern int cvswrite;
extern int force_tag_match;
extern int fileargc; /* for Find_Names() */
extern char *fileargv[];
* Externs that are included directly in the CVS sources
extern FILE *open_file();
extern char *xmalloc();
extern int ppstrcmp();
extern int ppstrcmp_files();
extern void Lock_Cleanup();
* Externs that are included in libc, but are used frequently
* enough to warrant defining here.
extern char *optarg; /* for getopt() support */
extern int optind;
#define DBLKSIZ 1024
#define MAXPATHLEN 256
#define COPYBUFFER 16384
#define R_OK 04
#define W_OK 02
#define mkstemp(n) (mktemp(n), open(n, O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_RDWR, 0644))
#define getwd(d) getcwd(d, MAXPATHLEN)
#define geteuid() 0
#define gethostname(n, s) -1
#define max(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define min(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define WEXITSTATUS(x) (x & 255)
#define index strchr
#define rindex strrchr
#define mkdir(p, m) mkdir(p)
#define bcmp(x, y, n) memcmp(x, y, n)
#define bcopy(s, d, n) memcpy(d, s, n)
#include "proto.h"