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1,996 lines
diff -cb orig/bucket.c gdbm/bucket.c
*** orig/bucket.c Sun Jan 19 14:44:14 1992
--- gdbm/bucket.c Sun Jan 19 14:43:18 1992
*** 59,65 ****
is already in memory. If not, a bucket may be tossed to read the new
bucket. In any case, the requested bucket is make the "current" bucket
and dbf->bucket points to the correct bucket. */
! int
_gdbm_get_bucket (dbf, dir_index)
gdbm_file_info *dbf;
long dir_index;
--- 59,65 ----
is already in memory. If not, a bucket may be tossed to read the new
bucket. In any case, the requested bucket is make the "current" bucket
and dbf->bucket points to the correct bucket. */
! void
_gdbm_get_bucket (dbf, dir_index)
gdbm_file_info *dbf;
long dir_index;
*** 114,120 ****
_gdbm_split_bucket (dbf, next_insert)
gdbm_file_info *dbf;
! int next_insert;
hash_bucket *bucket[2]; /* Pointers to the new buckets. */
--- 114,120 ----
_gdbm_split_bucket (dbf, next_insert)
gdbm_file_info *dbf;
! long next_insert;
hash_bucket *bucket[2]; /* Pointers to the new buckets. */
*** 184,190 ****
dir_adr = _gdbm_alloc (dbf, dir_size);
new_dir = (long *) malloc (dir_size);
if (new_dir == NULL) _gdbm_fatal (dbf, "malloc error");
! for (index = 0; index < dbf->header->dir_size/sizeof (int); index++)
new_dir[2*index] = dbf->dir[index];
new_dir[2*index+1] = dbf->dir[index];
--- 184,190 ----
dir_adr = _gdbm_alloc (dbf, dir_size);
new_dir = (long *) malloc (dir_size);
if (new_dir == NULL) _gdbm_fatal (dbf, "malloc error");
! for (index = 0; index < dbf->header->dir_size/sizeof (long); index++)
new_dir[2*index] = dbf->dir[index];
new_dir[2*index+1] = dbf->dir[index];
*** 209,216 ****
for (index = 0; index < dbf->header->bucket_elems; index++)
old_el = & (dbf->bucket->h_table[index]);
! select = (old_el->hash_value >> (31-new_bits)) & 1;
! elem_loc = old_el->hash_value % dbf->header->bucket_elems;
while (bucket[select]->h_table[elem_loc].hash_value != -1)
elem_loc = (elem_loc + 1) % dbf->header->bucket_elems;
bucket[select]->h_table[elem_loc] = *old_el;
--- 209,216 ----
for (index = 0; index < dbf->header->bucket_elems; index++)
old_el = & (dbf->bucket->h_table[index]);
! select = (int) (old_el->hash_value >> (31-new_bits)) & 1;
! elem_loc = (int) (old_el->hash_value % dbf->header->bucket_elems);
while (bucket[select]->h_table[elem_loc].hash_value != -1)
elem_loc = (elem_loc + 1) % dbf->header->bucket_elems;
bucket[select]->h_table[elem_loc] = *old_el;
*** 260,266 ****
dbf->second_changed = TRUE;
/* Update the cache! */
! dbf->bucket_dir = next_insert >> (31-dbf->header->dir_bits);
/* Invalidate old cache entry. */
old_bucket.av_adr = dbf->cache_entry->ca_adr;
--- 260,266 ----
dbf->second_changed = TRUE;
/* Update the cache! */
! dbf->bucket_dir = (int) (next_insert >> (31-dbf->header->dir_bits));
/* Invalidate old cache entry. */
old_bucket.av_adr = dbf->cache_entry->ca_adr;
*** 296,302 ****
/* The only place where a bucket is written. CA_ENTRY is the
cache entry containing the bucket to be written. */
_gdbm_write_bucket (dbf, ca_entry)
gdbm_file_info *dbf;
cache_elem *ca_entry;
--- 296,302 ----
/* The only place where a bucket is written. CA_ENTRY is the
cache entry containing the bucket to be written. */
! void
_gdbm_write_bucket (dbf, ca_entry)
gdbm_file_info *dbf;
cache_elem *ca_entry;
diff -cb orig/dbm.h gdbm/dbm.h
*** orig/dbm.h Sun Jan 19 14:44:14 1992
--- gdbm/dbm.h Thu May 23 19:26:30 1991
*** 34,55 ****
} datum;
- /* These are the routines in dbm. */
! extern int dbminit ();
extern datum fetch ();
extern int store ();
extern int delete ();
- extern int delete ();
extern datum firstkey ();
extern datum nextkey ();
! /* To make some versions work we need the following define. */
! #define dbmclose()
--- 34,56 ----
} datum;
! /* To make some versions work we need the following define. */
+ #define dbmclose()
+ /* These are the routines in dbm. */
+ #ifdef __STDC__
+ extern int dbminit (char *file);
+ extern datum fetch(datum key);
+ extern int store (datum key, datum content);
+ extern int delete (datum key);
+ extern datum firstkey (void);
+ extern datum nextkey (datum key);
+ #else /* not __STDC__ */
+ extern int dbminit ();
extern datum fetch ();
extern int store ();
extern int delete ();
extern datum firstkey ();
extern datum nextkey ();
! #endif /* not __STDC__ */
diff -cb orig/dbminit.c gdbm/dbminit.c
*** orig/dbminit.c Sun Jan 19 14:44:14 1992
--- gdbm/dbminit.c Sun Jan 19 14:43:18 1992
*** 87,93 ****
--- 87,97 ----
if (stat (dir_file, &dir_stat) == 0)
if (dir_stat.st_size == 0)
+ #ifdef OS2
+ if ( 0 /* open (dir_file, O_RDWR|O_TRUNC, S_IREAD|S_IWRITE) < 0 */ )
+ #else /* not OS2 */
if (unlink (dir_file) != 0 || link (pag_file, dir_file) != 0)
+ #endif /* not OS2 */
gdbm_errno = GDBM_FILE_OPEN_ERROR;
gdbm_close (_gdbm_file);
*** 98,104 ****
--- 102,112 ----
/* Since we can't stat it, we assume it is not there and try
to link the dir_file to the pag_file. */
+ #ifdef OS2
+ if ( 0 /* open (dir_file, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, S_IREAD|S_IWRITE) < 0 */ )
+ #else /* not OS2 */
if (link (pag_file, dir_file) != 0)
+ #endif /* not OS2 */
gdbm_errno = GDBM_FILE_OPEN_ERROR;
gdbm_close (_gdbm_file);
diff -cb orig/dbmopen.c gdbm/dbmopen.c
*** orig/dbmopen.c Sun Jan 19 14:44:16 1992
--- gdbm/dbmopen.c Sun Jan 19 14:43:18 1992
*** 105,111 ****
--- 105,115 ----
if (stat (dir_file, &dir_stat) == 0)
if (dir_stat.st_size == 0)
+ #ifdef OS2
+ if ( 0 /* open (dir_file, O_RDWR|O_TRUNC, S_IREAD|S_IWRITE) < 0 */ )
+ #else /* not OS2 */
if (unlink (dir_file) != 0 || link (pag_file, dir_file) != 0)
+ #endif /* not OS2 */
gdbm_errno = GDBM_FILE_OPEN_ERROR;
gdbm_close (temp_dbf);
*** 116,122 ****
--- 120,130 ----
/* Since we can't stat it, we assume it is not there and try
to link the dir_file to the pag_file. */
+ #ifdef OS2
+ if ( 0 /* open (dir_file, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, S_IREAD|S_IWRITE) < 0 */ )
+ #else /* not OS2 */
if (link (pag_file, dir_file) != 0)
+ #endif /* not OS2 */
gdbm_errno = GDBM_FILE_OPEN_ERROR;
gdbm_close (temp_dbf);
diff -cb orig/extern.h gdbm/extern.h
*** orig/extern.h Sun Jan 19 14:44:18 1992
--- gdbm/extern.h Thu May 23 19:26:52 1991
*** 37,53 ****
/* External routines used. */
extern gdbm_file_info *gdbm_open ();
extern datum gdbm_fetch ();
extern datum gdbm_firstkey ();
extern datum gdbm_nextkey ();
extern int gdbm_delete ();
extern int gdbm_store ();
extern void gdbm_close ();
--- 37,56 ----
/* External routines used. */
! #ifdef __STDC__
! extern gdbm_file_info *gdbm_open (char *file, int block_size, int read_write, int mode, void (*fatal_func)());
! extern datum gdbm_fetch (gdbm_file_info *dbf, datum key);
! extern datum gdbm_firstkey (gdbm_file_info *dbf);
! extern datum gdbm_nextkey (gdbm_file_info *dbf, datum key);
! extern int gdbm_delete (gdbm_file_info *dbf, datum key);
! extern int gdbm_reorganize (gdbm_file_info *dbf);
! #else /* not __STDC__ */
extern gdbm_file_info *gdbm_open ();
extern datum gdbm_fetch ();
extern datum gdbm_firstkey ();
extern datum gdbm_nextkey ();
extern int gdbm_delete ();
extern int gdbm_store ();
+ #endif /* not __STDC__ */
extern void gdbm_close ();
diff -cb orig/falloc.c gdbm/falloc.c
*** orig/falloc.c Sun Jan 19 14:44:18 1992
--- gdbm/falloc.c Sun Jan 19 14:43:18 1992
*** 33,43 ****
--- 33,51 ----
/* The forward definitions for this file. See the functions for
the definition of the function. */
+ #ifdef __STDC__
+ static avail_elem get_elem (int size, avail_elem *av_table, int *av_count);
+ static avail_elem get_block (int size, gdbm_file_info *dbf);
+ static void push_avail_block (gdbm_file_info *dbf);
+ static void pop_avail_block (gdbm_file_info *dbf);
+ static void adjust_bucket_avail (gdbm_file_info *dbf);
+ #else /* not __STDC__ */
static avail_elem get_elem ();
static avail_elem get_block ();
static push_avail_block ();
static pop_avail_block ();
static adjust_bucket_avail ();
+ #endif /* not __STDC__ */
/* Allocate space in the file DBF for a block NUM_BYTES in length. Return
the file address of the start of the block.
*** 100,105 ****
--- 108,114 ----
avail structure. The value TRUE is returned if there were errors. If no
errors occured, the value FALSE is returned. */
+ int
_gdbm_free (dbf, file_adr, num_bytes)
gdbm_file_info *dbf;
long file_adr;
*** 109,115 ****
/* Is it too small to worry about? */
if (num_bytes <= IGNORE_SIZE)
! return;
/* Initialize the avail element. */
temp.av_size = num_bytes;
--- 118,124 ----
/* Is it too small to worry about? */
if (num_bytes <= IGNORE_SIZE)
! return TRUE; /* is that correct (was "return;")? -tho */
/* Initialize the avail element. */
temp.av_size = num_bytes;
*** 148,154 ****
adjust_bucket_avail (dbf);
/* All work is done. */
! return;
--- 157,163 ----
adjust_bucket_avail (dbf);
/* All work is done. */
! return TRUE; /* is that correct (was "return;")? -tho */
*** 159,165 ****
/* Gets the avail block at the top of the stack and loads it into the
active avail block. It does a "free" for itself! */
! static
pop_avail_block (dbf)
gdbm_file_info *dbf;
--- 168,174 ----
/* Gets the avail block at the top of the stack and loads it into the
active avail block. It does a "free" for itself! */
! static void
pop_avail_block (dbf)
gdbm_file_info *dbf;
*** 189,201 ****
/* Splits the header avail block and pushes half onto the avail stack. */
! static
push_avail_block (dbf)
gdbm_file_info *dbf;
int num_bytes;
int av_size;
! int av_adr;
int index;
long file_pos;
avail_block *temp;
--- 198,210 ----
/* Splits the header avail block and pushes half onto the avail stack. */
! static void
push_avail_block (dbf)
gdbm_file_info *dbf;
int num_bytes;
int av_size;
! long av_adr;
int index;
long file_pos;
avail_block *temp;
*** 216,221 ****
--- 225,237 ----
/* Split the header block. */
temp = (avail_block *) alloca (av_size);
+ #ifdef OS2
+ if (temp == (avail_block *) 0)
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "Error: alloca() failed in gdbm (%s).\n", __FILE__);
+ exit (-2);
+ }
+ #endif /* OS2 */
/* Set the size to be correct AFTER the pop_avail_block. */
temp->size = dbf->header->avail.size;
temp->count = 0;
*** 293,298 ****
--- 309,315 ----
/* This routine inserts a single NEW_EL into the AV_TABLE block in
sorted order. This routine does no I/O. */
+ int
_gdbm_put_av_elem (new_el, av_table, av_count)
avail_elem new_el;
avail_elem av_table[];
*** 366,372 ****
/* When the header already needs writing, we can make sure the current
bucket has its avail block as close to 1/2 full as possible. */
! static
adjust_bucket_avail (dbf)
gdbm_file_info *dbf;
--- 383,389 ----
/* When the header already needs writing, we can make sure the current
bucket has its avail block as close to 1/2 full as possible. */
! static void
adjust_bucket_avail (dbf)
gdbm_file_info *dbf;
diff -cb orig/findkey.c gdbm/findkey.c
*** orig/findkey.c Sun Jan 19 14:44:20 1992
--- gdbm/findkey.c Sun Jan 19 14:43:18 1992
*** 100,106 ****
/* Compute hash value and load proper bucket. */
*new_hash_val = _gdbm_hash (key);
! _gdbm_get_bucket (dbf, *new_hash_val>> (31-dbf->header->dir_bits));
/* Is the element the last one found for this bucket? */
if (*new_hash_val == dbf->cache_entry->ca_data.hash_val
--- 100,106 ----
/* Compute hash value and load proper bucket. */
*new_hash_val = _gdbm_hash (key);
! _gdbm_get_bucket (dbf, (int) (*new_hash_val>> (31-dbf->header->dir_bits)));
/* Is the element the last one found for this bucket? */
if (*new_hash_val == dbf->cache_entry->ca_data.hash_val
*** 114,120 ****
/* It is not the cached value, search for element in the bucket. */
! elem_loc = *new_hash_val % dbf->header->bucket_elems;
home_loc = elem_loc;
bucket_hash_val = dbf->bucket->h_table[elem_loc].hash_value;
while (bucket_hash_val != -1)
--- 114,120 ----
/* It is not the cached value, search for element in the bucket. */
! elem_loc = (int) (*new_hash_val % dbf->header->bucket_elems);
home_loc = elem_loc;
bucket_hash_val = dbf->bucket->h_table[elem_loc].hash_value;
while (bucket_hash_val != -1)
diff -cb orig/gdbm.proto gdbm/gdbm.proto
*** orig/gdbm.proto Sun Jan 19 14:44:20 1992
--- gdbm/gdbm.proto Thu May 23 21:57:34 1991
*** 53,72 ****
/* These are the routines! */
extern GDBM_FILE gdbm_open ();
extern void gdbm_close ();
extern datum gdbm_fetch ();
extern int gdbm_store ();
extern int gdbm_delete ();
extern datum gdbm_firstkey ();
extern datum gdbm_nextkey ();
extern int gdbm_reorganize ();
--- 53,74 ----
/* These are the routines! */
+ #ifdef __STDC__
+ extern GDBM_FILE gdbm_open (char *, int, int, int, void (*) ());
+ extern void gdbm_close (gdbm_file_info *);
+ extern datum gdbm_fetch (gdbm_file_info *, datum);
+ extern int gdbm_store (gdbm_file_info *, datum, datum, int);
+ extern int gdbm_delete (gdbm_file_info *, datum);
+ extern datum gdbm_firstkey (gdbm_file_info *);
+ extern datum gdbm_nextkey (gdbm_file_info *, datum);
+ extern int gdbm_reorganize (gdbm_file_info *);
+ #else
extern GDBM_FILE gdbm_open ();
extern void gdbm_close ();
extern datum gdbm_fetch ();
extern int gdbm_store ();
extern int gdbm_delete ();
extern datum gdbm_firstkey ();
extern datum gdbm_nextkey ();
extern int gdbm_reorganize ();
! #endif
diff -cb orig/gdbmdefs.h gdbm/gdbmdefs.h
*** orig/gdbmdefs.h Sun Jan 19 14:44:22 1992
--- gdbm/gdbmdefs.h Sun Jan 19 14:37:08 1992
*** 26,36 ****
--- 26,43 ----
phone: (206) 676-3035
+ #ifdef __STDC__
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <string.h>
+ #endif /*not __STDC__ */
/* Include the standard include files needed for gdbm. */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
+ #ifndef OS2
#include <sys/file.h>
+ #endif
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "gdbmconst.h"
#include "systems.h"
*** 198,200 ****
--- 205,247 ----
} gdbm_file_info;
+ #ifdef __STDC__
+ extern void gdbm_close (gdbm_file_info *dbf);
+ extern int gdbm_delete (gdbm_file_info *dbf, datum key);
+ extern datum gdbm_fetch (gdbm_file_info *dbf, datum key);
+ extern gdbm_file_info *gdbm_open (char *file, int block_size, int read_write, int mode, void (*fatal_func)());
+ extern int gdbm_reorganize (gdbm_file_info *dbf);
+ extern datum gdbm_firstkey (gdbm_file_info *dbf);
+ extern datum gdbm_nextkey (gdbm_file_info *dbf, datum key);
+ extern int gdbm_store (gdbm_file_info *dbf, datum key, datum content, int flags);
+ extern void _gdbm_new_bucket (gdbm_file_info *dbf, hash_bucket *bucket, int bits);
+ extern void _gdbm_get_bucket (gdbm_file_info *dbf, long dir_index);
+ extern void _gdbm_split_bucket (gdbm_file_info *dbf, long next_insert);
+ extern void _gdbm_write_bucket (gdbm_file_info *dbf, cache_elem *ca_entry);
+ extern long _gdbm_alloc (gdbm_file_info *dbf, int num_bytes);
+ extern int _gdbm_free (gdbm_file_info *dbf, long file_adr, int num_bytes);
+ extern int _gdbm_put_av_elem (avail_elem new_el, avail_elem *av_table, int *av_count);
+ extern char *_gdbm_read_entry (gdbm_file_info *dbf, int elem_loc);
+ extern int _gdbm_findkey (gdbm_file_info *dbf, datum key, char **dptr, long *new_hash_val);
+ extern long _gdbm_hash (datum key);
+ extern void _gdbm_end_update (gdbm_file_info *dbf);
+ extern void _gdbm_fatal (gdbm_file_info *dbf, char *val);
+ extern int dbminit (char *file);
+ extern datum fetch(datum key);
+ extern int store (datum key, datum content);
+ extern int delete (datum key);
+ extern datum firstkey (void);
+ extern datum nextkey (datum key);
+ extern gdbm_file_info *dbm_open (char *file, int flags, int mode);
+ extern void dbm_close (gdbm_file_info *dbf);
+ extern datum dbm_fetch (gdbm_file_info *dbf, datum key);
+ extern int dbm_store (gdbm_file_info *dbf, datum key, datum content, int flags);
+ extern int dbm_delete (gdbm_file_info *dbf, datum key);
+ extern datum dbm_firstkey (gdbm_file_info *dbf);
+ extern datum dbm_nextkey (gdbm_file_info *dbf);
+ extern int dbm_dirfno (gdbm_file_info *dbf);
+ extern int dbm_pagfno (gdbm_file_info *dbf);
+ #endif /* __STDC__ */
diff -cb orig/gdbmdelete.c gdbm/gdbmdelete.c
*** orig/gdbmdelete.c Sun Jan 19 14:44:22 1992
--- gdbm/gdbmdelete.c Sun Jan 19 14:43:18 1992
*** 79,86 ****
while (elem_loc != last_loc
&& dbf->bucket->h_table[elem_loc].hash_value != -1)
! home = dbf->bucket->h_table[elem_loc].hash_value
! % dbf->header->bucket_elems;
if ( (last_loc < elem_loc && (home <= last_loc || home > elem_loc))
|| (last_loc > elem_loc && home <= last_loc && home > elem_loc))
--- 79,86 ----
while (elem_loc != last_loc
&& dbf->bucket->h_table[elem_loc].hash_value != -1)
! home = (int) (dbf->bucket->h_table[elem_loc].hash_value
! % dbf->header->bucket_elems);
if ( (last_loc < elem_loc && (home <= last_loc || home > elem_loc))
|| (last_loc > elem_loc && home <= last_loc && home > elem_loc))
diff -cb orig/gdbmopen.c gdbm/gdbmopen.c
*** orig/gdbmopen.c Sun Jan 19 14:44:24 1992
--- gdbm/gdbmopen.c Sun Jan 19 14:43:20 1992
*** 110,130 ****
need_trunc = FALSE;
if (read_write == GDBM_READER)
! dbf->desc = open (dbf->name, O_RDONLY, 0);
else if (read_write == GDBM_WRITER)
! dbf->desc = open (dbf->name, O_RDWR, 0);
else if (read_write == GDBM_NEWDB)
! dbf->desc = open (dbf->name, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, mode);
read_write = GDBM_WRITER;
need_trunc = TRUE;
! dbf->desc = open (dbf->name, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, mode);
read_write = GDBM_WRITER;
if (dbf->desc < 0)
--- 110,130 ----
need_trunc = FALSE;
if (read_write == GDBM_READER)
! dbf->desc = open (dbf->name, O_RDONLY|O_BINARY, 0);
else if (read_write == GDBM_WRITER)
! dbf->desc = open (dbf->name, O_RDWR|O_BINARY, 0);
else if (read_write == GDBM_NEWDB)
! dbf->desc = open (dbf->name, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_BINARY, mode);
read_write = GDBM_WRITER;
need_trunc = TRUE;
! dbf->desc = open (dbf->name, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_BINARY, mode);
read_write = GDBM_WRITER;
if (dbf->desc < 0)
*** 206,212 ****
dbf->header->block_size = file_block_size;
/* Create the initial hash table directory. */
! dbf->header->dir_size = 8 * sizeof (int);
dbf->header->dir_bits = 3;
while (dbf->header->dir_size < dbf->header->block_size)
--- 206,212 ----
dbf->header->block_size = file_block_size;
/* Create the initial hash table directory. */
! dbf->header->dir_size = 8 * sizeof (long);
dbf->header->dir_bits = 3;
while (dbf->header->dir_size < dbf->header->block_size)
*** 223,229 ****
/* Allocate the space for the directory. */
! dbf->dir = (int *) malloc (dbf->header->dir_size);
if (dbf->dir == NULL)
gdbm_close (dbf);
--- 223,229 ----
/* Allocate the space for the directory. */
! dbf->dir = (long *) malloc (dbf->header->dir_size);
if (dbf->dir == NULL)
gdbm_close (dbf);
*** 250,256 ****
dbf->bucket->bucket_avail[0].av_size = dbf->header->block_size;
/* Set table entries to point to hash buckets. */
! for (index = 0; index < dbf->header->dir_size / sizeof (int); index++)
dbf->dir[index] = 2*dbf->header->block_size;
/* Initialize the active avail block. */
--- 250,256 ----
dbf->bucket->bucket_avail[0].av_size = dbf->header->block_size;
/* Set table entries to point to hash buckets. */
! for (index = 0; index < dbf->header->dir_size / sizeof (long); index++)
dbf->dir[index] = 2*dbf->header->block_size;
/* Initialize the active avail block. */
*** 310,316 ****
/* Is the magic number good? */
! if (partial_header.header_magic != 0x13579ace)
gdbm_close (dbf);
--- 310,316 ----
/* Is the magic number good? */
! if (partial_header.header_magic != 0x13579ACEL)
gdbm_close (dbf);
*** 336,342 ****
/* Allocate space for the hash table directory. */
! dbf->dir = (int *) malloc (dbf->header->dir_size);
if (dbf->dir == NULL)
gdbm_close (dbf);
--- 336,342 ----
/* Allocate space for the hash table directory. */
! dbf->dir = (long *) malloc (dbf->header->dir_size);
if (dbf->dir == NULL)
gdbm_close (dbf);
diff -cb orig/gdbmreorg.c gdbm/gdbmreorg.c
*** orig/gdbmreorg.c Sun Jan 19 14:44:26 1992
--- gdbm/gdbmreorg.c Sun Jan 19 14:43:20 1992
*** 74,79 ****
--- 74,80 ----
gdbm_file_info *new_dbf; /* The new file. */
char *new_name; /* A temporary name. */
int len; /* Used in new_name construction. */
+ int new_desc; /* Used to avoid walking file desc */
datum key, nextkey, data; /* For the sequential sweep. */
struct stat fileinfo; /* Information about the file. */
int index; /* Use in moving the bucket cache. */
*** 131,139 ****
gdbm_close (new_dbf);
unlink (new_name);
return -1;
- };
/* ERROR! Abort and don't finish reorganize. */
--- 132,141 ----
gdbm_close (new_dbf);
unlink (new_name);
+ free(new_name);
return -1;
+ }
/* ERROR! Abort and don't finish reorganize. */
*** 140,164 ****
gdbm_close (new_dbf);
unlink (new_name);
return -1;
nextkey = gdbm_nextkey (dbf, key);
free (key.dptr);
key = nextkey;
/* Move the new file to old name. */
if (rename (new_name, dbf->name) != 0)
gdbm_close (new_dbf);
return -1;
/* Fix up DBF to have the correct information for the new file. */
! close (dbf->desc);
free (dbf->header);
free (dbf->dir);
for (index = 0; index < CACHE_SIZE; index++)
--- 142,186 ----
gdbm_close (new_dbf);
unlink (new_name);
+ free(new_name);
return -1;
nextkey = gdbm_nextkey (dbf, key);
free (key.dptr);
+ free (data.dptr);
key = nextkey;
/* Move the new file to old name. */
+ #ifdef OS2
+ if (close (new_dbf->desc)
+ || unlink (dbf->name)
+ || rename (new_name, dbf->name)
+ || (new_dbf->desc = open (dbf->name, O_RDWR|O_BINARY)) < 0)
+ #else /* not OS2 */
if (rename (new_name, dbf->name) != 0)
+ #endif /* not OS2 */
gdbm_close (new_dbf);
+ unlink (new_name);
+ free(new_name);
return -1;
/* Fix up DBF to have the correct information for the new file. */
! /* close (dbf->desc); */
! if ((new_desc = dup2(new_dbf->desc, dbf->desc)) < 0)
! {
! gdbm_close(new_dbf);
! unlink (new_name);
! free(new_name);
! return -1;
! }
! dbf->desc = new_desc;
free (dbf->header);
free (dbf->dir);
for (index = 0; index < CACHE_SIZE; index++)
*** 169,180 ****
free (dbf->bucket_cache[index].ca_data.dptr);
! dbf->desc = new_dbf->desc;
dbf->header = new_dbf->header;
dbf->dir = new_dbf->dir;
dbf->bucket = new_dbf->bucket;
dbf->bucket_dir = new_dbf->bucket_dir;
! dbf->cache_entry = new_dbf->cache_entry;
dbf->last_read = new_dbf->last_read;
for (index = 0; index < CACHE_SIZE; index++)
dbf->bucket_cache[index] = new_dbf->bucket_cache[index];
--- 191,203 ----
free (dbf->bucket_cache[index].ca_data.dptr);
! /* dbf->desc = new_dbf->desc; */
dbf->header = new_dbf->header;
dbf->dir = new_dbf->dir;
dbf->bucket = new_dbf->bucket;
dbf->bucket_dir = new_dbf->bucket_dir;
! /* dbf->cache_entry = new_dbf->cache_entry; */
! dbf->cache_entry = &dbf->bucket_cache[new_dbf->last_read];
dbf->last_read = new_dbf->last_read;
for (index = 0; index < CACHE_SIZE; index++)
dbf->bucket_cache[index] = new_dbf->bucket_cache[index];
*** 187,192 ****
--- 210,217 ----
/* Make sure the new database is all on disk. */
fsync (dbf->desc);
+ free(new_name);
return 0;
diff -cb orig/gdbmseq.c gdbm/gdbmseq.c
*** orig/gdbmseq.c Sun Jan 19 14:44:26 1992
--- gdbm/gdbmseq.c Thu May 23 19:54:52 1991
*** 30,35 ****
--- 30,41 ----
#include "gdbmdefs.h"
+ #ifdef __STDC__
+ static void get_next_key (gdbm_file_info *dbf, int elem_loc, datum *return_val);
+ #endif /* not __STDC__ */
/* Special extern for this file. */
extern char *_gdbm_read_entry ();
*** 60,71 ****
/* Find the next bucket. It is possible several entries in
the bucket directory point to the same bucket. */
! while (dbf->bucket_dir < dbf->header->dir_size / sizeof (int)
&& dbf->cache_entry->ca_adr == dbf->dir[dbf->bucket_dir])
/* Check to see if there was a next bucket. */
! if (dbf->bucket_dir < dbf->header->dir_size / sizeof (int))
_gdbm_get_bucket (dbf, dbf->bucket_dir);
/* No next key, just return. */
--- 66,77 ----
/* Find the next bucket. It is possible several entries in
the bucket directory point to the same bucket. */
! while (dbf->bucket_dir < dbf->header->dir_size / sizeof (long)
&& dbf->cache_entry->ca_adr == dbf->dir[dbf->bucket_dir])
/* Check to see if there was a next bucket. */
! if (dbf->bucket_dir < dbf->header->dir_size / sizeof (long))
_gdbm_get_bucket (dbf, dbf->bucket_dir);
/* No next key, just return. */
diff -cb orig/gdbmstore.c gdbm/gdbmstore.c
*** orig/gdbmstore.c Sun Jan 19 14:44:28 1992
--- gdbm/gdbmstore.c Sun Jan 19 14:43:20 1992
*** 123,129 ****
/* Find space to insert into bucket and set elem_loc to that place. */
! elem_loc = new_hash_val % dbf->header->bucket_elems;
while (dbf->bucket->h_table[elem_loc].hash_value != -1)
{ elem_loc = (elem_loc + 1) % dbf->header->bucket_elems; }
--- 123,129 ----
/* Find space to insert into bucket and set elem_loc to that place. */
! elem_loc = (int) (new_hash_val % dbf->header->bucket_elems);
while (dbf->bucket->h_table[elem_loc].hash_value != -1)
{ elem_loc = (elem_loc + 1) % dbf->header->bucket_elems; }
*** 142,147 ****
--- 142,154 ----
/* Prepare write_data. The key is written first. */
write_data = (char *) alloca (key.dsize+content.dsize);
+ #ifdef OS2
+ if (write_data == (char *) 0)
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "Error: alloca() failed in gdbm (%s).\n", __FILE__);
+ exit (-2);
+ }
+ #endif /* OS2 */
dst = write_data;
src = key.dptr;
for (cnt=0; cnt < key.dsize; cnt++)
diff -cb orig/getopt.c gdbm/getopt.c
*** orig/getopt.c Sun Dec 09 23:59:50 1990
--- gdbm/getopt.c Sun Jan 19 14:43:20 1992
*** 15,26 ****
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
! #if defined(__STDC__) || defined(MSDOS)
#define CONST const
#define CONST
! #ifdef MSDOS
--- 15,26 ----
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
! #if defined(__STDC__) || defined(OS2)
#define CONST const
#define CONST
! #ifdef OS2
*** 47,53 ****
#ifdef sparc
#include <alloca.h>
! #ifdef MSDOS
#include <malloc.h>
char *alloca ();
--- 47,53 ----
#ifdef sparc
#include <alloca.h>
! #ifdef OS2
#include <malloc.h>
char *alloca ();
diff -cb orig/getopt.h gdbm/getopt.h
*** orig/getopt.h Sun Oct 28 10:50:34 1990
--- gdbm/getopt.h Sun Jan 19 14:37:08 1992
*** 73,79 ****
int val;
! #if defined(__STDC__) || defined(MSDOS)
extern const struct option *_getopt_long_options;
extern struct option *_getopt_long_options;
--- 73,79 ----
int val;
! #if defined(__STDC__) || defined(OS2)
extern const struct option *_getopt_long_options;
extern struct option *_getopt_long_options;
*** 90,96 ****
extern int option_index;
! #if defined(__STDC__) || defined(MSDOS)
int getopt (int argc, char **argv, const char *shortopts);
int getopt_long (int argc, char **argv, const char *shortopts,
const struct option *longopts, int *longind);
--- 90,96 ----
extern int option_index;
! #if defined(__STDC__) || defined(OS2)
int getopt (int argc, char **argv, const char *shortopts);
int getopt_long (int argc, char **argv, const char *shortopts,
const struct option *longopts, int *longind);
diff -cb orig/getopt1.c gdbm/getopt1.c
*** orig/getopt1.c Sun Dec 09 23:59:50 1990
--- gdbm/getopt1.c Sun Jan 19 14:43:20 1992
*** 17,23 ****
#include "getopt.h"
! #if defined(__STDC__) || defined(MSDOS)
#define CONST const
#define CONST
--- 17,23 ----
#include "getopt.h"
! #if defined(__STDC__) || defined(OS2)
#define CONST const
#define CONST
diff -cb orig/global.c gdbm/global.c
*** orig/global.c Sun Jan 19 14:44:28 1992
--- gdbm/global.c Sun Jan 19 14:43:20 1992
*** 41,44 ****
char *_gdbm_fetch_val = NULL; /* Used by fetch. */
/* The dbm error number is placed in the variable GDBM_ERRNO. */
! gdbm_error gdbm_errno;
--- 41,45 ----
char *_gdbm_fetch_val = NULL; /* Used by fetch. */
/* The dbm error number is placed in the variable GDBM_ERRNO. */
! /* won't go into library if not initialized! */
! gdbm_error gdbm_errno = GDBM_NO_ERROR;
diff -cb orig/ndbm.h gdbm/ndbm.h
*** orig/ndbm.h Sun Jan 19 14:44:30 1992
--- gdbm/ndbm.h Thu May 23 19:27:24 1991
*** 33,70 ****
/* The data and key structure. This structure is defined for compatibility. */
typedef struct {
char *dptr;
int dsize;
} datum;
/* The file information header. This is good enough for most applications. */
typedef struct {int dummy[10];} DBM;
/* These are the routines (with some macros defining them!) */
extern DBM *dbm_open ();
extern void dbm_close ();
extern datum dbm_fetch ();
extern int dbm_store ();
- extern int dbm_delete ();
extern int dbm_delete ();
extern datum dbm_firstkey ();
extern datum dbm_nextkey ();
#define dbm_error(dbf) 0
#define dbm_clearerr(dbf)
- extern int dbm_dirfno ();
- extern int dbm_pagfno ();
--- 33,79 ----
/* The data and key structure. This structure is defined for compatibility. */
+ #ifdef __STDC__
+ #include "gdbmdefs.h"
+ #else /* not __STDC__ */
typedef struct {
char *dptr;
int dsize;
} datum;
+ #endif /* not __STDC__ */
/* The file information header. This is good enough for most applications. */
+ #ifdef __STDC__
+ #define DBM gdbm_file_info
+ #else /* not __STDC__ */
typedef struct {int dummy[10];} DBM;
! #endif /* not __STDC__ */
/* These are the routines (with some macros defining them!) */
+ #ifdef __STDC__
+ extern DBM *dbm_open (char *file, int flags, int mode);
+ extern void dbm_close (DBM *dbf);
+ extern datum dbm_fetch (DBM *dbf, datum key);
+ extern int dbm_store (DBM *dbf, datum key, datum content, int flags);
+ extern int dbm_delete (DBM *dbf, datum key);
+ extern datum dbm_firstkey (DBM *dbf);
+ extern datum dbm_nextkey (DBM *dbf);
+ extern int dbm_dirfno (DBM *dbf);
+ extern int dbm_pagfno (DBM *dbf);
+ #else /* not __STDC__ */
extern DBM *dbm_open ();
extern void dbm_close ();
extern datum dbm_fetch ();
extern int dbm_store ();
extern int dbm_delete ();
extern datum dbm_firstkey ();
extern datum dbm_nextkey ();
+ extern int dbm_dirfno ();
+ extern int dbm_pagfno ();
+ #endif /* not __STDC__ */
#define dbm_error(dbf) 0
#define dbm_clearerr(dbf)
diff -cb orig/readme gdbm/readme
*** orig/readme Sun Jan 19 14:44:32 1992
--- gdbm/readme Thu May 23 21:55:46 1991
*** 1,3 ****
--- 1,26 ----
+ /*
+ * MS-DOS port (c) 1990 by Thorsten Ohl, td12@@ddagsi3.bitnet
+ *
+ * To this port, the same copying conditions apply as to the
+ * original release.
+ *
+ * These files are not identical to the original GNU release!
+ * You should have received this code as patch to the official
+ * GNU release.
+ *
+ * This port comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
+ */
+ Note: This port was done for 1.4.
+ I have applied a part of it to 1.5 and made some minor further changes
+ Kai Uwe Rommel
+ rommel@lan.informatik.tu-muenchen.dbp.de
+ -----------
This is release 1.5 of GNU dbm. Better documentation will be written
soon. For now, this file briefly describes the contents of this
release and how to use it.
diff -cb orig/systems.h gdbm/systems.h
*** orig/systems.h Sun Jan 19 14:44:32 1992
--- gdbm/systems.h Sun Jan 19 14:37:08 1992
*** 27,33 ****
/* System V changes and defines. */
--- 27,37 ----
! #ifdef OS2
! #ifndef SYSV
! #define SYSV
! #endif
! #endif
/* System V changes and defines. */
*** 35,45 ****
--- 39,59 ----
#ifdef SYSV
/* File seeking needs L_SET defined .*/
+ #ifdef OS2
+ #include <malloc.h>
+ #include <io.h>
+ #else /* not OS2 */
#include <unistd.h>
+ #endif /* not OS2 */
#define L_SET SEEK_SET
/* Some files need fcntl.h for locking. */
#include <fcntl.h>
+ #ifdef OS2
+ #define UNLOCK_FILE(dbf) /* later !!! */
+ #define READLOCK_FILE(dbf) lock_val = 0;
+ #define WRITELOCK_FILE(dbf) lock_val = 0;
+ #else /* not OS2 */
#define UNLOCK_FILE(dbf) \
{ \
struct flock flock; \
*** 64,69 ****
--- 78,84 ----
flock.l_start = flock.l_len = 0L; \
lock_val = fcntl (dbf->desc, F_SETLK, &flock); \
+ #endif /* not OS2 */
/* Send bcmp to the right place. */
#include <memory.h>
*** 71,83 ****
--- 86,104 ----
#define bcopy(d1, d2, n) memcpy(d2, d1, n)
/* Sys V does not have fsync. */
+ #ifdef OS2
+ #define fsync(f)
+ #else /* not OS2 */
#define fsync(f) sync(); sync()
+ #endif /* not OS2 */
/* Stat does not have a st_blksize field. */
#define STATBLKSIZE 512
/* Does not have rename(). */
+ #ifndef OS2
+ #endif /* not OS2 */
/* Get string definitions. */
#include <string.h>
*** 92,98 ****
/* Alloca is builtin in gcc. Use the builtin alloca if compiled with gcc. */
#ifdef __GNUC__
--- 113,119 ----
! #ifndef OS2
/* Alloca is builtin in gcc. Use the builtin alloca if compiled with gcc. */
#ifdef __GNUC__
*** 114,119 ****
--- 135,141 ----
/* Malloc definition. */
extern char *malloc();
+ #endif /* not OS2 */
/* String definitions. */
#ifndef _HAVE_STRING
diff -cb orig/testdbm.c gdbm/testdbm.c
*** orig/testdbm.c Sun Jan 19 14:44:34 1992
--- gdbm/testdbm.c Sun Jan 19 14:43:20 1992
*** 30,41 ****
--- 30,48 ----
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
+ #ifndef OS2
#include <sys/file.h>
+ #endif /* not OS2 */
#include <sys/stat.h>
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
+ #ifdef __STDC__
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <string.h>
+ #include "dbm.h"
+ #else /* not __STDC__ */
typedef struct {
char *dptr;
int dsize;
*** 44,49 ****
--- 51,57 ----
extern datum fetch ();
extern datum firstkey ();
extern datum nextkey ();
+ #endif /* not __STDC__ */
/* The test program allows one to call all the routines plus the hash function.
The commands are single letter commands. The user is prompted for all other
*** 50,61 ****
information. The commands are q (quit), f (fetch), s (store), d (delete),
1 (firstkey), n (nextkey) and h (hash function). */
main (argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
! char cmd_ch;
datum key_data;
datum data_data;
--- 58,70 ----
information. The commands are q (quit), f (fetch), s (store), d (delete),
1 (firstkey), n (nextkey) and h (hash function). */
+ void
main (argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
! int cmd_ch;
datum key_data;
datum data_data;
diff -cb orig/testgdbm.c gdbm/testgdbm.c
*** orig/testgdbm.c Sun Jan 19 14:44:38 1992
--- gdbm/testgdbm.c Sun Jan 19 14:43:20 1992
*** 43,49 ****
--- 43,132 ----
gdbm_file_info *gdbm_file;
+ #ifdef __STDC__
+ void _gdbm_print_bucket_cache (gdbm_file_info *dbf);
+ static void print_bucket (hash_bucket *bucket, char *mesg);
+ static void _gdbm_print_avail_list (gdbm_file_info *dbf);
+ void main (int argc, char **argv);
+ void usage (char *s);
+ void gdbm_perror (char *msg);
+ extern int getopt (int argc, char **argv, const char *shortopts);
+ #endif /* __STDC__ */
+ /* access GDBM_ERRNO. [tho] */
+ void
+ gdbm_perror (char *msg)
+ {
+ char *err_msg;
+ switch (gdbm_errno)
+ {
+ err_msg = "no error";
+ break;
+ err_msg = "can't malloc";
+ break;
+ err_msg = "bad block size";
+ break;
+ err_msg = "can't open file";
+ break;
+ err_msg = "can't write file";
+ break;
+ err_msg = "can't seek file";
+ break;
+ err_msg = "can't read file";
+ break;
+ err_msg = "bad magic number";
+ break;
+ err_msg = "empty database";
+ break;
+ err_msg = "can't be reader";
+ break;
+ err_msg = "can't be writer";
+ break;
+ err_msg = "can't delete";
+ break;
+ err_msg = "can't store";
+ break;
+ err_msg = "can't reorganize";
+ break;
+ err_msg = "unkown update";
+ break;
+ err_msg = "item not found";
+ break;
+ err_msg = "reorganization failed";
+ break;
+ err_msg = "can't replace";
+ break;
+ default:
+ err_msg = "unknown error";
+ }
+ fprintf (stderr, "%s (GDBM error: %s)\n", msg, err_msg);
+ }
/* Debug procedure to print the contents of the current hash bucket. */
+ void
print_bucket (bucket, mesg)
hash_bucket *bucket;
char *mesg;
*** 54,78 ****
mesg, bucket->bucket_bits, bucket->count);
printf (" # hash value key size data size data adr home\n");
for (index = 0; index < gdbm_file->header->bucket_elems; index++)
! printf (" %4d %12x %11d %11d %11d %5d\n", index,
! bucket->h_table[index].hash_value % gdbm_file->header->bucket_elems);
printf ("\nAvail count = %1d\n", bucket->av_count);
printf ("Avail adr size\n");
for (index = 0; index < bucket->av_count; index++)
! printf ("%9d%9d\n", bucket->bucket_avail[index].av_adr,
_gdbm_print_avail_list (dbf)
gdbm_file_info *dbf;
! int temp;
int size;
avail_block *av_stk;
--- 137,162 ----
mesg, bucket->bucket_bits, bucket->count);
printf (" # hash value key size data size data adr home\n");
for (index = 0; index < gdbm_file->header->bucket_elems; index++)
! printf (" %4d %12lx %11d %11d %11ld %5d\n", index,
! (int) (bucket->h_table[index].hash_value % gdbm_file->header->bucket_elems));
printf ("\nAvail count = %1d\n", bucket->av_count);
printf ("Avail adr size\n");
for (index = 0; index < bucket->av_count; index++)
! printf ("%9ld%9d\n", bucket->bucket_avail[index].av_adr,
+ void
_gdbm_print_avail_list (dbf)
gdbm_file_info *dbf;
! long temp;
int size;
avail_block *av_stk;
*** 81,87 ****
dbf->header->avail.size, dbf->header->avail.count);
for (temp = 0; temp < dbf->header->avail.count; temp++)
! printf (" %15d %10d \n", dbf->header->avail.av_table[temp].av_size,
--- 165,171 ----
dbf->header->avail.size, dbf->header->avail.count);
for (temp = 0; temp < dbf->header->avail.count; temp++)
! printf (" %15d %10ld \n", dbf->header->avail.av_table[temp].av_size,
*** 90,95 ****
--- 174,186 ----
size = ( ( (dbf->header->avail.size * sizeof (avail_elem)) >> 1)
+ sizeof (avail_block));
av_stk = (avail_block *) alloca (size);
+ #ifdef OS2
+ if (av_stk == (avail_block *) 0)
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "Error: alloca() failed in gdbm (%s).\n", __FILE__);
+ exit (-2);
+ }
+ #endif /* OS2 */
/* Print the stack. */
while (FALSE)
*** 102,108 ****
av_stk->size, av_stk->count);
for (temp = 0; temp < av_stk->count; temp++)
! printf (" %15d %10d \n", av_stk->av_table[temp].av_size,
temp = av_stk->next_block;
--- 193,199 ----
av_stk->size, av_stk->count);
for (temp = 0; temp < av_stk->count; temp++)
! printf (" %15d %10ld \n", av_stk->av_table[temp].av_size,
temp = av_stk->next_block;
*** 109,115 ****
! _gdbm_print_bucket_cache (dbf)
gdbm_file_info *dbf;
int index;
--- 200,206 ----
! void _gdbm_print_bucket_cache (dbf)
gdbm_file_info *dbf;
int index;
*** 119,125 ****
for (index=0; index < CACHE_SIZE; index++)
changed = dbf->bucket_cache[index].ca_changed;
! printf (" %5d: %7d %7s %x\n",
(changed ? "True" : "False"),
--- 210,216 ----
for (index=0; index < CACHE_SIZE; index++)
changed = dbf->bucket_cache[index].ca_changed;
! printf (" %5d: %7ld %7s %lx\n",
(changed ? "True" : "False"),
*** 139,144 ****
--- 230,236 ----
The commands are single letter commands. The user is prompted for all other
information. See the help command (?) for a list of all commands. */
+ void
main (argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
*** 145,151 ****
! char cmd_ch;
datum key_data;
datum data_data;
--- 237,244 ----
! int cmd_ch;
! int opt;
datum key_data;
datum data_data;
*** 155,161 ****
char data_line[1000];
char done = FALSE;
- char opt;
char reader = FALSE;
char newdb = FALSE;
--- 248,253 ----
*** 180,186 ****
--- 272,282 ----
+ #ifdef OS2
+ file_name = "junk.gdb";
+ #else
file_name = "junk.gdbm";
+ #endif
/* Initialize variables. */
*** 195,204 ****
gdbm_file = gdbm_open (file_name, 512, GDBM_WRCREAT, 00664, NULL);
if (gdbm_file == NULL)
! if (gdbm_errno != GDBM_CANT_BE_WRITER)
! printf ("gdbm_open failed.\n");
! else
! printf ("Can't open as a writer. \n");
exit (2);
--- 291,297 ----
gdbm_file = gdbm_open (file_name, 512, GDBM_WRCREAT, 00664, NULL);
if (gdbm_file == NULL)
! gdbm_perror ("gdbm_open failed");
exit (2);
*** 208,219 ****
while (!done)
printf ("com -> ");
! cmd_ch = getchar ();
if (cmd_ch != '\n')
char temp;
! temp = getchar ();
while (temp != '\n' && temp != EOF);
if (cmd_ch == EOF) cmd_ch = 'q';
--- 301,312 ----
while (!done)
printf ("com -> ");
! cmd_ch = (char) getchar ();
if (cmd_ch != '\n')
char temp;
! temp = (char) getchar ();
while (temp != '\n' && temp != EOF);
if (cmd_ch == EOF) cmd_ch = 'q';
*** 250,256 ****
key_data.dptr = key_line;
key_data.dsize = strlen (key_line)+1;
if (gdbm_delete (gdbm_file, key_data) != 0)
! printf ("Item not found or deleted\n");
printf ("\n");
key_data.dptr = NULL;
--- 343,349 ----
key_data.dptr = key_line;
key_data.dsize = strlen (key_line)+1;
if (gdbm_delete (gdbm_file, key_data) != 0)
! gdbm_perror ("Item not found or deleted");
printf ("\n");
key_data.dptr = NULL;
*** 289,295 ****
! printf ("No such item found.\n\n");
key_data.dptr = NULL;
--- 382,388 ----
! gdbm_perror ("No such item found");
key_data.dptr = NULL;
*** 308,314 ****
gets (data_line);
data_data.dsize = strlen (data_line)+1;
if (gdbm_store (gdbm_file, key_data, data_data, GDBM_REPLACE) != 0)
! printf ("Item not inserted. \n");
printf ("\n");
key_data.dptr = NULL;
--- 401,407 ----
gets (data_line);
data_data.dsize = strlen (data_line)+1;
if (gdbm_store (gdbm_file, key_data, data_data, GDBM_REPLACE) != 0)
! gdbm_perror ("Item not inserted");
printf ("\n");
key_data.dptr = NULL;
*** 324,330 ****
free (return_data.dptr);
! printf ("No such item found.\n\n");
case '2':
--- 417,423 ----
free (return_data.dptr);
! gdbm_perror ("No such item found");
case '2':
*** 339,345 ****
free (return_data.dptr);
! printf ("No such item found.\n\n");
--- 432,438 ----
free (return_data.dptr);
! gdbm_perror ("No such item found");
*** 347,353 ****
case 'r':
if (gdbm_reorganize (gdbm_file))
! printf ("Reorganization failed. \n\n");
printf ("Reorganization succeeded. \n\n");
--- 440,446 ----
case 'r':
if (gdbm_reorganize (gdbm_file))
! gdbm_perror ("Reorganization failed");
printf ("Reorganization succeeded. \n\n");
*** 369,375 ****
if (temp >= gdbm_file->header->dir_size /4)
! printf ("Not a bucket. \n\n");
_gdbm_get_bucket (gdbm_file, temp);
--- 462,468 ----
if (temp >= gdbm_file->header->dir_size /4)
! gdbm_perror ("Not a bucket");
_gdbm_get_bucket (gdbm_file, temp);
*** 379,385 ****
case 'C':
print_bucket (gdbm_file->bucket, "Current bucket");
printf ("\n current directory entry = %d.\n", gdbm_file->bucket_dir);
! printf (" current bucket address = %d.\n\n",
--- 472,478 ----
case 'C':
print_bucket (gdbm_file->bucket, "Current bucket");
printf ("\n current directory entry = %d.\n", gdbm_file->bucket_dir);
! printf (" current bucket address = %ld.\n\n",
*** 392,398 ****
for (temp = 0; temp < gdbm_file->header->dir_size / 4; temp++)
! printf (" %10d: %12d\n", temp, gdbm_file->dir[temp]);
if ( (temp+1) % 20 == 0 && isatty (0))
printf ("*** CR to continue: ");
--- 485,491 ----
for (temp = 0; temp < gdbm_file->header->dir_size / 4; temp++)
! printf (" %10d: %12ld\n", temp, gdbm_file->dir[temp]);
if ( (temp+1) % 20 == 0 && isatty (0))
printf ("*** CR to continue: ");
*** 406,418 ****
case 'F':
printf ("\nFile Header: \n\n");
! printf (" table = %d\n", gdbm_file->header->dir);
printf (" table size = %d\n", gdbm_file->header->dir_size);
printf (" table bits = %d\n", gdbm_file->header->dir_bits);
printf (" block size = %d\n", gdbm_file->header->block_size);
printf (" bucket elems = %d\n", gdbm_file->header->bucket_elems);
printf (" bucket size = %d\n", gdbm_file->header->bucket_size);
! printf (" header magic = %x\n", gdbm_file->header->header_magic);
printf (" next block = %d\n", gdbm_file->header->next_block);
printf (" avail size = %d\n", gdbm_file->header->avail.size);
printf (" avail count = %d\n", gdbm_file->header->avail.count);
--- 499,511 ----
case 'F':
printf ("\nFile Header: \n\n");
! printf (" table = %ld\n", gdbm_file->header->dir);
printf (" table size = %d\n", gdbm_file->header->dir_size);
printf (" table bits = %d\n", gdbm_file->header->dir_bits);
printf (" block size = %d\n", gdbm_file->header->block_size);
printf (" bucket elems = %d\n", gdbm_file->header->bucket_elems);
printf (" bucket size = %d\n", gdbm_file->header->bucket_size);
! printf (" header magic = %lx\n", gdbm_file->header->header_magic);
printf (" next block = %d\n", gdbm_file->header->next_block);
printf (" avail size = %d\n", gdbm_file->header->avail.size);
printf (" avail count = %d\n", gdbm_file->header->avail.count);
*** 427,433 ****
gets (key_line);
key_data.dptr = key_line;
key_data.dsize = strlen (key_line)+1;
! printf ("hash value = %x. \n\n", _gdbm_hash (key_data));
key_data.dptr = NULL;
--- 520,526 ----
gets (key_line);
key_data.dptr = key_line;
key_data.dsize = strlen (key_line)+1;
! printf ("hash value = %lx. \n\n", _gdbm_hash (key_data));
key_data.dptr = NULL;
diff -cb orig/testndbm.c gdbm/testndbm.c
*** orig/testndbm.c Sun Jan 19 14:44:38 1992
--- gdbm/testndbm.c Sun Jan 19 14:43:20 1992
*** 30,36 ****
--- 30,38 ----
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
+ #ifndef OS2
#include <sys/file.h>
+ #endif /* not OS2 */
#include <sys/stat.h>
#ifdef SYSV
#include <fcntl.h>
*** 50,61 ****
information. The commands are q (quit), f (fetch), s (store), d (delete),
1 (firstkey), n (nextkey) and h (hash function). */
main (argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
! char cmd_ch;
datum key_data;
datum data_data;
--- 52,64 ----
information. The commands are q (quit), f (fetch), s (store), d (delete),
1 (firstkey), n (nextkey) and h (hash function). */
+ void
main (argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
! int cmd_ch;
datum key_data;
datum data_data;
diff -cb orig/update.c gdbm/update.c
*** orig/update.c Sun Jan 19 14:44:40 1992
--- gdbm/update.c Thu May 23 20:01:20 1991
*** 31,39 ****
#include "gdbmdefs.h"
/* This procedure writes the header back to the file described by DBF. */
! static
write_header (dbf)
gdbm_file_info *dbf;
--- 31,44 ----
#include "gdbmdefs.h"
+ #ifdef __STDC__
+ static void write_header (gdbm_file_info *dbf);
+ #endif /* __STDC__ */
/* This procedure writes the header back to the file described by DBF. */
! static void
write_header (dbf)
gdbm_file_info *dbf;
*** 53,58 ****
--- 58,64 ----
/* After all changes have been made in memory, we now write them
all to disk. */
+ void
_gdbm_end_update (dbf)
gdbm_file_info *dbf;
*** 103,108 ****
--- 109,115 ----
/* If a fatal error is detected, come here and exit. VAL tells which fatal
error occured. */
+ void
_gdbm_fatal (dbf, val)
gdbm_file_info *dbf;
char *val;