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SPAWN - An alternative to Command.com
1.0 Overview
Spawn is a command processor that takes over many of the
functions of command.com (to the uninitiate, this is the program
that reads commands from the keyboard in PC-DOS), providing
different or additional functionality. Anything that it does
not provide it simply passes unchanged down to command.com. The
major features of spawn are:
* Command line recall and edit for the last 32 commands.
* File name completion using Ctrl-D and Ctrl-F.
* Ability to define symbols abbreviating command strings
* Ability to define logical names to replace path names
* Directories sorted in alpha order, showing the file attributes
* Ability to define command strings as function keys
* Enhanced delete command, with multiple file specs
* Xdel command, to delete all files except specified
* Selectable colors using the color command
* Function to remember the last file being edited
* Function to save and restore a default drive and directory
* Current date and time accessible with Ctrl-T
* Multiple spawn support under OS/2
Spawn is an ordinary application program. Once started it never
terminates until requested to do so. It simply reads keystrokes
from the keyboard, and checks to see if they translate to a
command for spawn. If they do, it executes the appropriate
function. If not, it invokes a copy of command.com, passing it
the enigmatic command line.
1.1 Startup
Spawn is started by simply running the program spawn.exe (In
OS/2 protected mode, run spawnp.exe). When it loads, it will
first check its own command line for a parameter of the form
"/maxdir:n", where n is a number. This is the number of entries
it will allocate to its directory buffer. This number
represents the maximum number of files that can be processed on
a call to dir, fdir, del or xdel. If this parameter is not
present, n defaults to 512. Since each entry in the directory
buffer requires 25 bytes, changing this parameter can
significantly affect the amount of memory used by spawn. Next
it attempts to open the file SPINIT.SPN, checking both the
current directory, and the directory defined in the environment
variable SPFILS. If found, it will read input from that file
until end of file, then reconnect to the keyboard. Generally
this file will contain the define and alias commands required to
set up the symbols and logical names for the session.
set SPFILS=c:\spawn\ (note the trailing backslash)
(spinit.spn can be on current directory or on c:\spawn.) Spawn
will perform better if command.com is loaded into a ram disk,
since it makes repeated calls to command.com.
1.2 Keyboard interface
Before examining the commands spawn uses, the keyboard interface
is worthy of note. One of the major incentives in writing spawn
was to beef up the keyboard handling of command.com.
Spawn uses a fairly simple model; characters typed at the
keyboard appear on the screen, as in command.com. However,
where command.com uses F1-F5 to edit the command line, spawn is
much simpler. The left and right arrow keys move back and forth
within the command line. The delete key deletes the character
under the cursor, backspace deletes to the left. The insert key
toggles between insert and typeover modes (typeover is the
default; the cursor changes to a block when in insert mode).
Ctrl-left and Ctrl-Right will move left and right a word at a
time. Home goes to the beginning of the line, End to the end.
Ctrl-Home will delete all characters to the left of the cursor,
Ctrl-End will delete all characters to the right of the cursor.
The Escape key will delete the current line. So far nothing is
really unusual, though the ability to move without deleting is
handy. Also worth noting is the fact that the cursor does not
need to be at the end of the command line to press <Enter>. All
characters in the command line are processed regardless of the
current cursor position.
The up arrow and down arrow trigger command line recall. The
last 32 commands are held in a queue. Pressing the up arrow
will bring the previous command in the queue, pressing the down
arrow will bring up the next. The queue wraps around, so you
may cycle through it continuously. When a line from the queue
is brought to the screen, it may be editted with the keys
described above. If the line is changed, it is added to the end
of the queue. If it is unchanged, it is simply reused, without
being added to the queue. This can be sometimes confusing, but
has the benefit that command lines tend to stay in the queue
longer, and may be reused many times without causing the queue
to fill with duplicates. The queue may be flushed using
Ctrl-PgUp. This is handy for removing incriminating evidence of
games playing.
In addition to the command line recall, several other keys are
available to make command line entry easier. For users
accustomed to VMS, Ctrl-R will start a new line and redisplay
the command line. This is rarely used but sometimes useful. In
the same vein, Ctrl-X and Ctrl-U function the same as <Esc>,
cancelling the current command.
Ctrl-T will print the current date and time, without affecting
the command line.
Ctrl-D and Ctrl-F attempt filename completion, much as is done
in the Unix raw shell. When Ctrl-D is pressed, the word under
the cursor is treated as a path/file name. Next the directory
is searched for any files starting with the fragment. (For
example, if c:\tools\sc^D is entered, spawn searches for
c:\tools\sc*.*). If only one file matches, the remainder of the
file name is filled in for you, and the cursor advanced to the
end of the completed name. If multiple files match, the name is
completed as far as possible until the the possibilities
diverge. (In the above example, if the files scanner.dat and
scanrun.dat were present, the name would be completed until
c:\tools\scan). All of the possibilities are displayed on the
screen, so you may choose from the alternatives. You may then
enter another character or two and press Ctrl-D to fill in the
rest, or type the rest in manually. Though this sounds
confusing, it is really quite simple. Ctrl-F is the same as
Ctrl-D, but merely lists all the possibilities without
attempting to complete the name on the command line. This is
useful if you are not sure which file you want and need to jog
your memory. Together Ctrl-D and Ctrl-F can greatly simplify
the entry of pathnames from the keyboard. Both also understand
logical names, and will translate them as required (see the
section on logical names).
1.3 Operations
Spawn acts just like command.com, in that you type commands at
the prompt and they get executed. You do not generally care how
the are executed, so long as they get done.
Command.com divides commands into two different classes:
internal and external. Internal commands are those for which
the code resides directly in command.com and is called directly.
External commands are those which are contained in another
program and which must be loaded from disk.
Spawn is the same way; it has a number of internal commands
which are performed by spawn itself. Anything that it can not
recognize as an internal command it simply passes along to
command.com, which in turn decides if it is internal or
external. This is required because spawn does not replicate all
of the internal functions of command.com.
Having said all this, it should be obvious (or at least not
surprising), that the only things that are different when using
spawn are spawn's own internal commands. The exception to this
is the spawn keyboard interface as described above.
2.0 Commands
Spawn has a large number of internal commands. Some provide no
additional functionality over command.com, but are included
simply because they are done so many times.
The define command creates symbols. A symbol consists of a tag
and its translation. Generally a symbol is used to abbreviate a
long command line or portion thereof, or to tie a particular
command to a function key.
For example, consider the command
define bkp backup c:\sct21\*.* a: /s/m:12-25-88
The keyword define says that we are creating a symbol. The
symbol is bkp, and its translation is "backup c:\sct21\*.* a:
/s/m:12-25-88". Once defined, if you type "bkp" at the
keyboard, the command "backup c:\sct21\*.* a: /s/m:12-25-88"
will be executed. This is the simplest form of a symbol, and
serves only to reduce the number of keystrokes you must type.
Consider the problem of navigating between directories.
Directories are tree structured, and it is not uncommon for you
to think of something as being a level higher or lower in the
tree, or on the same level but a different branch. DOS provides
the capabilities for navigating the tree, which are seldom
exploited. Few realize that the command "cd .." will change to
the parent directory (same branch, one level up) or that "cd
..\sibling" will go up and over. The command "cd child" will go
one level down in the tree. These commands are seldom used
partly because of the awkardness of typing "..\". Consider the
following symbols:
define side cd ..\
define up cd ..
define down cd
Typing "side sibling" translates to "cd ..\sibling" (it is
important that there be no trailing spaces after the ..\ when
the define is done, since we wish the sibling to bind directly
to the ..\, and not as "..\ sibling"). Similarly "up"
translates to "cd ..". These shorthands are very convenient for
traversing large directory trees.
The astute reader may have noticed that the heading of this
section said "DEF*INE". The asterisk is part of the symbol
definition. Its presence indicates the minimum acceptable
abbreviation for the symbol. "def*ine" says that "def", "defi",
"defin", and "define" are all valid, but "de", "defo" and
"defile" are not. An asterisk can be placed in any symbol to
define the minimal abbreviation.
Function keys can be defined as symbols. Any symbol with the
form "define funct_keyN", where N is the number of a function
key, defines that function key as a symbol. Function keys will
take precedence over whatever command line is displayed; that
is, if a function key is pressed while a command line is being
built, only the function key press is processed. Function keys
are always acted on immediately, so they can not be used to
enter partial commands. You can think of pressing a function
key as the equivalent of <Esc>, function key, <Enter>. Only F1
- F10 may be defined, using the syntax funct_key1, funct_key2,
Once created, symbols can not be deleted, though they can be
changed by defining the same symbol with a different
translation. The definition of all symbols can be list by using
the "show sym" command.
The alias command defines a logical name. Logical names are
similar to symbols but different in scope and grouping. To be
translated, a symbol must always be the first token (basically a
word) on the command line. Symbol translation is single level,
and is assisted with the abbreviation logic.
Logical names are intended to serve as shorthand for file or
path names, but can be treated similarly to symbols. When
encountered anywhere on the command line, the logical name is
translated to its physical name.
For example, consider the following:
alias bootdir c:\system\boot
dir bootdir
The alias command defines the logical name bootdir to mean the
directory c:\system\boot. The dir command will list all of the
files in the directory c:\system\boot. So far this is very
similar to symbol translation. However, a logical name can be
combined with a physical name using a colon (:).
alias bootdir c:\system\boot
dir bootdir:vdisk.sys
The dir command in this instance translates to dir
c:\system\boot\vdisk.sys. When a logical name is translated,
the translation routine decides whether the colon should be left
in place, omitted, or translated to a '\'. It always attempts
to turn the physical name into a file name if possible.
Logical name translation is recursive; consider
alias bootdir c:\system\boot
alias ramdriver bootdir:vdisk.sys
To resolve ramdriver, the logical name bootdir must be
translated, so the definition of ramdriver becomes
More than one logical name can appear on a line. Consider
alias rev20 c:\sct20\source
alias rev21 d:\sct21\source
copy rev20:*.c rev21:*.old
In this instance both logicals are translated, so the resulting
command is "copy c:sct20\source\*.c d:\sct21\source\*.old".
Once assigned, logical names remain in effect until destroyed
with the DEASS command. Logical names are translated by Ctrl-D
and Ctrl-F, but are not completed by them. The definition of
all current logical names can be listed with the "show log"
This command is the opposite of alias. It removes from the
logical name table the logical name specified.
The ved command is designed to work with a text editor (in my
case, not suprisingly, vedit), but can really be applied to any
program. What it does, is examine the command line associated
with the command; if it is not null, it saves it. If it is
null, it appends the last value of the command line to the
translation of the symbol and executes that. Though the
description is rather long winded, the explanation is simple
enough; if you do not supply a filename to a text editor, it
will start up with the last one you worked on. When a file name
is saved, it is expanded into a complete filespec, including
drive and directory. In this way, the default directory may be
changed, but the editor will still edit the same file. The
actual program executed by the vedit command is the value of the
environment variable VEDEXE. For example:
set VEDEXE=c:\jfe\vedit.com
vedit config.sys
Editing file: c:\config.sys
(do your editing here...)
Editing file: c:\config.sys
(do your editing here...)
The vedit command has some smarts; if there is more than one
token on the command line it will not attempt to expand out file
specs, and if the file spec contains a \ or : it assumes it is
already a pathname and will not try to expand it.
Under OS/2 more applications are smart enough to remember what
they were doing before exiting, and this command is not needed
nearly as often. What I have done in OS/2 is to reassign this
command so that it invokes make with the last makefile used.
The proper commands are (these should go in spinit.spn):
define ve*dit mep ; this switches the normal vedit to mep
define make $$i ; define make to internal command i
define funct_key5 ved ; keep f5 as editor invocation
define funct_key6 $$i ; but make f6 remember the command line
Then in you config.sys for OS/2, place the following:
SET VEDEXE=<your make path>make.exe
One of the more obnoxious commands in PC-DOS is the dir command.
Its chief offenses are that it does not sort the files before
displaying them, it does not give the total size of the files
listed, it does not display the attributes of the files, and it
will only accept a single specification at a time. The spawn
dir command fixes all of these problems. Syntactically, the
format of the command is:
[f]dir[ectory] [file_spec [file_spec [file_spec... ]]] [/p][/w]
That is, the word dir or fdir, followed by zero or more
path/file specifcations. The actual rules for interpreting the
file specifications are surprisingly complex, but quite
intuitive if you are used to the DOS version of the command.
If the /p qualifier is present, the display will stop every
screenful and prompt for a key before continuing. This
qualifier may appear anywhere on the command line. In DOS spawn
always assumes that a screen is 25 lines. In OS/2 it is smarter
and will use the proper number of lines when /p is used. (If
you are running in a window, the number of screen lines is the
number of lines the window would have when maximized, not the
number of lines displayable at the current size of the window.
The scroll bars on the window can move around within the full
screen size).
The /w qualifier displays only the file names, and displays as
many as possible on each line. Directories are preceded with an
asterisk (*).
The output from spawn is sorted alphabetically by name (to make
directory management easier, subdirectories always appear at the
beginning of the display), with the file attributes shown at the
beginning of the line. The three possible attributes are 'r'
for read only, 'h' for a hidden file, and 's' for a system file.
Absence of an attribute is indicated by a dash (-), so normal
files will be preceded by a "---" on the directory listing. The
dir command will not display hidden or system files, while the
fdir command will. Otherwise the two commands are identical.
Entry of multiple file specifications to the dir command
complicates matters. For example, the command:
dir *.c *.lst
will show all of the .c and .lst files on the current directory,
sorted by alphabetical order. So far, so good. The command:
dir c:\*.sys c:\system\boot\*.sys
will show all of the .sys files in both directories -- however,
because multiple directories are involved, the directory name
will be shown preceding each file, and the sorting will sort by
the full pathname, grouping all of the files in each directory
together. In contrast, the command:
dir sl:*.c sl:*.obj (where sl is a logical name)
will translate the the logical name sl, then give a directory of
all the .c and .obj files on the directory that sl evaluates to.
In this case, since all of the files reside on the same
directory, only the file names are displayed. Finally a command
dir *.c .\*.c *.c
will produce a list of all the .c files on the current
directory, and a list of the same files preceded by ".\". This
is because so far as spawn is concerned, two different
directories are involved: the current (no string) and the
directory ".\" (which evaluates out to mean the current
directory). The duplicate *.c specs do not bother it -- the
duplicates created there will be flushed and only displayed once
-- but it will be fooled by the ".\". The moral of the story
here is that if you don't try to fool spawn it won't try to fool
Spawn replaces the del command from PC-DOS with its own version
(by default ERASE is not defined, and will invoke the DOS erase
command), which has much of the same enhancements that the dir
command does. It accepts multiple specifications on the same
command, and has a /v option that prints out the name of each
file as it is deleted. Syntactically, the command is:
[x]del[ete] file_spec [ file_spec... ] [/v]
Up to ten different file specifications can be included on the
command line. Unlike DOS, the spawn delete command does not
prompt with "Are you sure?" if the file specification evaluates
out to *.*. If you ask for *.*, you get *.* with no backtalk.
The xdel command is similar to del, but deletes all of the files
except those listed. For instance,
xdel *.c makefile.*
will delete all the files on the current directory except those
with a .c extension or a name portion of makefile. Overlapping
specifications (in this instance a file makefile.c) cause no
Xdel attempts to establish a target directory for its deletions.
It need not be the current directory, but all file
specifications must evaluate out to the same directory. For
instance, the command
xdel c:\*.sys c:\system\boot\*.sys
will give an error message to the effect that only one target
directory can be referenced, while the command
xdel c:\system\boot\*.sys c:\system\boot\*.drv
would work without complaint, deleting all files on
c:\system\boot that do not end .sys or .drv.
Xdel also supports the /v option (which may be anywhere on the
command line), to print out the name of each file that is being
deleted or preserved. Xdel is vulnerable to confusion in the
same way that the dir command is, by pathnames that are
different but actually refer to the same path; in this instance
it will give the error about multiple target directories.
The sdir command simply saves the current default drive and
directory for later use. It produces no output. This command
is automatically executed when spawn is started.
The rdir command will set the default drive and directory to the
values saved by sdir. Again, no output is produced.
You may find it handy to tie these commands to function keys, so
that they can be quickly invoked:
def funct_key7 sdir
def funct_key8 rdir
The color command sets the color that spawn will use for its
output and the output of programs that it calls, unless those
programs override it with their own color setting (as most do).
The syntax is:
color [bright] foreground_color on background_color
where foreground_color and background_color must be one of:
black, blue, green, cyan, red, magenta, yellow or white. The
bright parameter is optional and will cause the foreground color
to be high intensity. Good choices for color are white on blue
and green on black, but by all means experiment.
Color setting is done primarily through ansi.sys, so the
ansi.sys device driver must be installed in your config.sys
file. Failure to install ansi.sys will not cause catastrophic
errors, but output will look somewhat odd.
The default color setting is green on black.
The ptog command stands for "prompt toggle". Unlike PC-DOS (and
one of the few areas where spawn is not as versatile as
command.com), the prompt in spawn is not defineable. By default
the prompt is the volume name of the default drive (or drive
letter if the default drive is unlabelled), followed by the
default directory and a greater than sign. If this is
undesirable, or too long, the ptog command will minimize the
prompt. Typing ptog again will change it back.
In real mode (DOS or OS/2 compatibility mode) the prompt is
preceded by an (R) to indicate real mode. In OS/2 protected
mode the prompt is proceeded by the session nickname, such as
(Bert). When minimized, the real mode prompt is R$, and the
OS/2 prompt is n$, where n is the ordinal number of the session.
(Ordinal numbers are generally assigned in the order of startup,
until one session terminates, in which case the next startup
will reuse its ordinal number. See the section on OS/2 for more
on this stuff).
This command simply lists the commands in the keyboard history
queue. The last 32 commands are saved, not counting function
key presses or commands that were reused from the queue.
The show command requires one of the arguments shown above.
Each produces different output.
SHOW MEM will display the amount of memory installed (up to
640KB), the amount used by the system (DOS, device drivers,
TSR's, etc.), the amount used by spawn, and the amount available
for programs called by spawn. This last value will generally be
about 4K more than the value shown by the chkdsk command,
because of the overhead incurred by calling command.com to call
In OS/2 protected mode the show mem command is not nearly as
interesting. It shows the approximate size of the spawn program
itself (not counting environment and shared memory), and the
size of the largest remaining free block. This is the amount
that is available for other applications to use. This may not
represent the true amount of memory remaining in the system,
since OS/2 may well be able to coalesce free blocks if a request
is made for a block exceeding the remaining size. The virtual
memory aspects of OS/2 and the MEMMAN command in the config.sys
file give it considerable flexibility to find memory.
SHO LOG will display the logical and physical names of all the
defined logicals.
SHO SYM will display the symbol and translation for all of the
symbols defined.
SHO VED will display the program tied to the vedit command and
the currently saved command line for that program.
SHO VER will display the version level of spawn.
This command exits spawn, returning you to command.com (or
whatever program invoked spawn).
CLS and CD and SET
These commands do nothing that command.com doesn't do, but are
implemented in spawn so that a copy of command.com doesn't have
to be loaded just to do these trivial functions.
Additionally, SET is internal because copies of the environment
are always passed by value, so it is not generally possible for
one program to modify anothers environment. Spawn will inherit
the DOS environment, but after that maintains its own.
Changing drives is also done internally (a command such as
"d:"), because in OS/2 the notion of default drive and directory
are local to a process and no other process can change spawn's
default drive and dir.
Technically speaking, @ is a command qualifier and not a
command, but it helps to think of it as a command in and of
itself. The presence of an @ sign preceding a command indicates
that the next token on the command line is a filename containing
commands for spawn to execute (analogous to a DOS batch file).
The file is presumed to have an extension of .SPN, and to be
either on the current directory or in the directory referenced
by the SPFILS environment variable. Any spawn or DOS command can
be executed inside of a spawn file, though the DOS commands that
work only within batch files are not available. Spawn will not
echo the contents of .spn files. When all commands in the file
have been read, input is reattached to the keyboard.
The & is also a command qualifier. It tells spawn that instead
of invoking command.com to execute the command line, the first
token should be treated as a program name and executed directly,
without going through command.com. This is slightly faster, and
saves about 4KB of memory, but will not work for commands
internal to command.com, and commands which are not well behaved
about reading their command line.
This command will search the current PATH for the file to be
This qualifier is also available in OS/2, but to avoid
conflicting with the normal usage of the & in OS/2, it has been
changed to the right bracket character "]".
The program spawnp.exe is an OS/2 protected mode version of
spawn. In general the two behave identically, with the slight
differences noted in the descriptions above. However, the OS/2
version has a different prompt scheme (as described in the PTOG
command), and has two commands that are not available in DOS
HIGHT nickname (OS/2 only)
This command changes the session nickname. The session nickname
is the word displayed in parentheses before the volume label as
part of the prompt. If the nickname is blank the current name
is printed. Nicknames can consist of any ASCII characters up to
a length of 31.
This command is not available in DOS (real) mode.
SYNC {/query | /notify | /nonotify} [nickname] (OS/2 only)
The sync command is used to (what else) synchronize processing
between multiple OS/2 sessions. It's intended usage is to give
you a quick method of checking on another process. For
instance, suppose you are using 3 screen groups: an edit
process, a compile process, and a test environment. You edit a
file, flip over to the compiler process to compile, go back to
the editor and edit some more, then want to know if the compile
has finished so you can test. You Alt-Tab through all screen
groups until you find the right process, discover it is not
done, then Alt-Tab back. All in all, a laborious process.
With spawn, you use:
sync /query Bert
spawn responds with
Bert is busy doing "make"
Bert is idle.
Bert in this instance is a session nickname. Sync /query is a
single check on the status of a session, or, if no nickname is
given, all sessions.
sync /notify is slightly more sophisticated. If notify is
turned on (it is enabled for all sessions by default), whenever
another session completes a command while in the background, the
foreground session will display a message of the form
session has finished "command"
where "session" is the session nickname and "command" is the
command that was just executed. /notify is only operative while
spawn is in the foreground and is taking input from the
keyboard. sync /nonotify disables notify mode for either a
single session or for all sessions if no name is given.
This command is not available in DOS (real) mode.
Getting started:
Spawn uses two environment variables:
VEDEXE should be set to the full pathname of the program to be
used with the vedit command.
SPFILS should be set to the directory where .spn (spawn batch
files) can be found. This specification must include
a trailing backslash (i.e. c:\spawn\)
The file spinit.spn (in the SPFILS directory) is executed upon
In DOS, start spawn with:
spawn /maxdir:n (a good value for n is 250)
in OS/2, start spawn with
spawnp /maxdir:n (again, n=250 is about right).
Ctrl-D Complete filename
Ctrl-F List matching filenames
Ctrl-T Display date and time
Ctrl-R Repaint current command line
Esc Delete current command line
Ins Toggle between Insert and typeover modes
Up arr Restore previous command line from queue
Dn arr Restore next command line from queue
Lft arr Move cursor left
Rgt arr Move cursor right
Home Move cursor to beginning of line
End Move curosr to end of line
Ctrl-Rft Delete all characters to left of cursor
Ctrl-Rgt Delete all characters to right of cursor
Ctrl-PgUp Delete queue of previous commands
Define a symbol
Define a logical name
Destroy a logical name
Invoke a text editor, restoring last command line if
none given
Display a directory for normal files (dir) or all files
(fdir). Pause every screenful if /p is given. Display
in wide format if /w is given.
Delete files (del) or delete all but specified files
(xdel). Be verbose if /v is given.
Save current drive and directory.
Set default drive and directory to those saved by SDIR.
Set colors to use for display.
Toggle prompt between default and minimized.
Show contents of history buffer.
Show things.
Terminate spawn
Invoke a spawn batch file.
Call a program directly (no command.com or cmd.exe)
HIGHT nickname (OS/2 only)
Set the session nickname.
SYNC {/query | /notify | /nonotify} [nickname] (OS/2 only)
Query the status of another spawn session, or enable and
disable sync notifications.
Spawn is written entirely in MicroSoft C, version 5.1. Its
roots go back to 1984, when version 1 was written in Aztec C.
Spawn has grown over the years, and now bears little resemblence
to the original. Portions of the original code still survive as
a testament to how ugly the code that is written by a beginning
C programmer can be.
As of version 2.0, spawn is spread across 4 source files.
spawn.c contains the bulk of the code, and is primarily
concerned with actually implementing the commands. Input.c
contains the keyboard routines and various support functions.
Both of these source files are compatible with both OS/2 and
DOS. The other two source files are sysdep-p.c and sysdep-r.c,
and are the system dependent functions for protected and real
mode. These files have the same entry points, but the
implementation of the functions is different. The DOS version
links with sysdep-r and the OS/2 version links with sysdep-p.
I have never claimed that spawn is the best product in its
class, or that its quality is all it could be. Much of the code
could be smaller and cleaner, and the source documentation in
particular ranges from nonexistent to out of date. All of that
said, it works and I know what does what, so it meets my
purposes. If there is a function you would like to see added,
you can take a crack at it yourself, or let me know and I may
try it. As of the moment I have no major features planned -- I
am most likely to spend the effort to try and get the amount of
memory consumed in real mode down.
Happy computing.