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OS/2 Help File
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ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 1. About KWQ Mail/2 ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
KWQ Mail/2 is a 32 bit Presentation Manager application for reading mail
downloaded from electronic bulletin boards. KWQ Mail/2 can unpack files
conforming to the "QWK" mail packet specification and display the mail in an
easy-to-read, configurable manner. Adobe Type Manager fonts are supported for
displaying of messages. Many archival programs are supported, including Zip,
Zoo, Arj, Arc, and Lha. There are a great number of configuration options
available, including tagline support, reply options, etc. Searching is very
powerful using KWQ Mail/2, and includes searching using OS/2's multithreading
techniques (searches occur "in the background"). Bookmarks can be added
anywhere within a mail packet for returning to interesting spots at a later
New messages can be composed using KWQ Mail/2 with your favorite editor (OS/2 ,
Presentation Manager, DOS or Windows programs are supported as editors).
Replies can be made to a messages written by another person. At the end of a
KWQ Mail/2 session the new mail messages and replies you composed will be
placed into a file which can be uploaded to a BBS to be integrated into the
common " message pool."
Help is available for many options and actions in KWQ Mail/2. Displaying help
for menu choice is accomplished by highlighting the menu choice and pressing
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 2. The KWQ Mail/2 Main Window ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The main window of KWQ Mail/2 is divided into five main parts: a menu, a
toolbar, a message header area, the message body, and a status area. The main
menu contains all the possible actions you may perform from the KWQ Mail/2
application. The toolbar is a set of buttons which can be used to access
commonly used functionality. The message header area includes the information
about the message as to who it's addressed to, who its from, etc. The message
body is the scrollable area in which the message is displayed, and the status
area includes a display of the current time on the lower right, and a display
of the bulletin name and information on the left.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 2.1. KWQ Mail/2 Menus ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
This section describes the use and functions of the KWQ Mail/2 menus.
There are several main menu topics that you may choose to view help for:
o File Menu
o Setup Menu
o Packet Menu
o Message Menu
o Find Menu
o Bookmark Menu
o Help Menu
Many of the menu items have accelerator keys defined that make it easier to use
KWQ Mail/2. These key combinations allow you to access commonly used menu
choices while not actually using the mouse or 'Alt' key combinations to access
the menu.
Note: Many users will find these "hotkey" accelerators useful.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 2.1.1. File Menu ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Use the choices on the File pull-down to display:
Open Mail Packet
Open a QWK mail packet to browse conferences, messages bulletins, file
lists, search for information, etc.
Close Mail Packet
Close the current mail packet.
Pack Replies
Save the replies you have composed into a packed .REP file.
Save Message
Save the message you are currently viewing to an ascii file. This file
may be 'appended' to or replaced, allowing a single file to contain
many messages.
Print Message
Print the message you are currently viewing.
Print Setup
Setup the printer and job properties that KWQ Mail/2 will use to print
you messages. From this dialog you may choose the font you wish to use
when printing, or choose to print raw text information instead of using
the OS/2 outline font subsystem.
Save Packet Configuration
Save the current packet's configuration files for later use. You may
open a packet configuration file to write messages without actually
having a mail packet to open.
Open Packet Configuration
Open a packet configuration file in order to write messages without
actually having a mail packet to open.
Quick Exit
Exit KWQ Mail/2 quickly without clearing the temporary directory and
without prompting for confirmation. Useful if you plan to close KWQ
Mail/2 and return later to the same packet. Bookmarks will be saved
and any replies or messages you have composed will be packed to the
reply packet.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 2.1.2. Setup Menu ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Use the choices on the Setup pull-down to display:
Open the KWQ Mail/2 setup dialog; most of the configuration options
with the application are found from this dialog.
Sort Options
Choose the order you wish the message list to display in.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 2.1.3. Packet Menu ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Many electronic bulletin boards offer the ability to add extra files to a mail
packet for you to review offline. KWQ Mail/2 offers the ability to detect the
presence of these extra files and display them as requested. In addition, KWQ
Mail/2 can be configured to automatically display components of the mail packet
when you open your mail.
Note: Each mail packet generator may not generate each packet component that
KWQ Mail/2 can show. Also, some mail packet generators allow for different
components to be included in the mail packet. Your mileage may vary.
Use the choices on the Packet pull-down to display:
Display information about the mail packet you are viewing. Information
shown in this dialog are the size (uncompressed) of the mail packet
(the sum of the size of all the messages), the number of messages in
the packet, the number of pending replies for this BBS, the number of
conferences in the packet, and the date and time the packet was
created. In addition, information may be supplied about the BBS the
packet was downloaded from, including the name of the BBS, the Address,
the "Sysop", and the phone number.
Display the BBS welcome screen. Some BBS-es will supply a "welcome"
file which will display a logon screen that a user would see when
logging on to the system.
Display the BBS news screen. Some BBS-es will supply a "news" file
containing all the latest information about the BBS.
Display the current BBS bulletins. Bulletins may be provided by the
BBS to show detailed information about services the BBS is providing,
interesting trivia, statistics, etc.
Display a list of the newest files provided by the BBS. Many BBS-es
contain support files and shareware for downloading.
Display the host mail session screen. Some mail generation doors will
send a view of the mail session results included in the mail packet.
This screen may contain summary information about the packet you have
Display the logoff screen. The "Goodbye" screen may have interesting
twists, sayings, statistics about remaining time available, etc.
Automatically Show
KWQ Mail/2 may be configured to automatically show the Welcome, News,
Files or Goodbye screen. Choose any of these menu choices as a
"toggle:" if the menu choice is selected, it will automatically display
one of the above screens, if it is deselected, the screens will only be
shown if manually selected.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 2.1.4. Message Menu ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Use the choices on the Help pull-down to display:
Choose Message
This menu choice will display the messages dialog containing a list of
all the messages in the currently selected conference.
Choose Conference
This menu choice will display the conferences dialog containing a list
of all the conferences in the mail packet you a viewing.
Next Subject
If you have KWQ Mail/2 setup to use a Subject or Thread sort, then
pressing this button will advance the current message to the next
subject in the conference you are reading.
Previous Subject
If you have KWQ Mail/2 setup to use a Subject or Thread sort, then
pressing this button will advance the current message to the previous
subject in the conference you are reading.
Read Reply
Read the next reply to the message you are currently viewing.
New Reply
Compose a reply to the message you are currently viewing.
Edit Reply
If you are currently viewing a message you composed (either reply or
original), then you may choose to further edit the message.
Kill Reply
If you are currently viewing a message you composed (either reply or
original), then you may choose to destroy the message.
Write New
Compose a brand new message.
Copy To Clipboard
You may choose to copy the message you are currently viewing to the
Presentation Manager clipboard, which may be useful in importing data
to other applications in the system.
Steal Tagline
You may choose to steal the tagline of the message you are currently
viewing. KWQ Mail/2 will attempt to guess which line has the tagline
in it, and open a dialog with this guess in a edit/listbox control. If
the guess was not accurate, you may scroll through each line from the
current message and try to steal the tagline yourself.
Display Message In Viewer
Display the message you are currently viewing in the ANSI character
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 2.1.5. Find Menu ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Use the choices on the Find pull-down to:
Start Find
Open the Find dialog box, allowing you to search for text in any of the
messages you have downloaded. If your search is successful, you will
be able to choose among all the messages that contain your search
Found List
Displaying the found list will display all the messages you have
searched for previously by your previous search criteria.
Find Next
This will display the next "hit term" for your search within the
message base according to the order displayed in the found list.
Find Previous
This will display the previous "hit term" for your search within the
message base according to the order displayed in the found list.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 2.1.6. Bookmark Menu ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Use the choices on the Find pull-down to:
Add a bookmark. A bookmark is a placeholder within the message base
that allows you to save a spot to later return for reading. Bookmarks
can be configured to be saved along with the packet for later use.
List the current bookmarks. This menu choice will display a list of
all the bookmarks you have saved in the message base. You will be able
to choose among the messages and jump to any.
Clear the current bookmarks list. This menu choice will display a a
message box asking to confirm the deletion of the bookmarks you have
saved. If you choose "yes", then all bookmarks will be removed (the
messages that the bookmarks pointed to will remain available).
Save To File
Save the messages in the bookmark list to a file you specify. Each
message will appear in the file, seperated by its message header
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 2.1.7. Help Menu ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Use the choices on the Help pull-down to display:
Help index
Displays the index of help menu. The help index lists the titles of
the help information that is available.
General Help
Displays some general information about KWQ Mail/2. The help index
lists the titles of the help information that is available.
Using Help
Provides detailed information on the kinds of help available and how to
use help. Use this choice to obtain information on how to use the OS/2
Help facility.
Keys Help
Displays a list of keys usage within KWQ Mail/2. Use this choice to
see a list of keys and a description of the function of the keys used
within KWQ Mail/2.
Registration Information
How to register KWQ Mail/2. This dialog displays information about how
to register the KWQ Mail/2 application.
Product information
Displays information about the version of KWQ Mail/2 you are currently
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 2.2. Toolbar ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The toolbar window is located at the top of the main KWQ Mail/2 application
window, and contains buttons (icons) for commonly used functions found on the
KWQ Mail/2 main menu. KWQ Mail/2, Version 1.1 adds a fast access button toolbar
at the top of the window. There are four groups of buttons visible, grouped
according to functionality. The first group, for file management, contains the
open packet, save message, and print message buttons. The next group, dialog
management, contains two buttons for opening the messages and conferences
dialog, respectively. The next set buttons is more "miscellaneous", and
provides buttons for search, bookmark, steal tagline, write new message, and
reply/edit reply. The last group of buttons are used for message browsing, and
contain the buttons for previous subject, next subject, previous message, next
message, page down, and page up. The subject buttons are functionaly only if
KWQ Mail/2 is configured for one of the Subject type sort methods. If you
forget what a toolbar button's function in life is, simply press mouse button 2
on the toolbar button, and you will see a description of the function provided
at the bottom of the KWQ Mail/2 screen. The following picture shows KWQ
Mail/2's toolbar with each button labelled.
Open Mail
Open a QWK mail packet to browse conferences, messages bulletins,
file lists, search for information, etc.
Save Message
Save the message you are currently viewing to an ascii file. This
file may be 'appended' to or replaced, allowing a single file to
contain many messages.
Print Message
Print the message you are currently viewing.
Messages List
Display the messages dialog containing a list of all the messages in
the currently selected conference.
Conference List
Display the conferences dialog containing a list of all the
conferences in the mail packet you a viewing.
Search for text in any of the messages you have downloaded. If your
search is successful, you will be able to choose among all the
messages that contain your search criteria.
Drop Bookmark
Add a bookmark. A bookmark is a placeholder within the message base
that allows you to save a spot to later return for reading. Bookmarks
can be configured to be saved along with the packet for later use
Steal Tagline
Steal the tagline of the message you are currently viewing. KWQ
Mail/2 will attempt to guess which line has the tagline in it, and
open a dialog with this guess in a edit/listbox control. If the
guess was not accurate, you may scroll through each line from the
current message and try to steal the tagline yourself
Write New
Compose a brand new message.
Create/Edit Reply
Compose a reply to the message you are currently viewing. If you are
currently viewing a message you composed (either reply or original),
then you may choose to further edit the message.
Previous Subject
If you have KWQ Mail/2 setup to use a Subject or Thread sort, then
pressing this button will advance the current message to the previous
subject in the conference you are reading.
Next Subject
If you have KWQ Mail/2 setup to use a Subject type sort then presing
this button will advance the current message to the next subject in
the conference you are reading.
Previous Message
The "previous" button causes the previous message to be displayed. If
the first message in a conference is currently being displayed, then
no change to the message will occur.
Next Message
The "next" button advances to the next available message. If the
last message in a conference is currently being displayed, then the
conferences dialog will be automatically opened.
Page Down
This button will cause the next page of text in the current message
to be displayed. If you are currently viewing the last page of text,
this button will advance you to the next message.
Page Up
This button will cause the previous page of text in the current
message to be display.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 2.3. Message Header ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The message header are includes 8 pieces of information about each message.
The information displayed is the 'Date' the message was created, the person the
message is 'From', the person the message is 'To', the 'Subject' of the
message, the 'Number' assigned to the message, the message the current message
referes to ('Ref#'), and the 'Conference' the message appears in.
In addition to the message header information display, the message are contains
4 text display fields which are displayed if appropriate messages are shown
Message Private
This flag will appear when the current message displayed has been
marked private.
Message To You
This flag will appear when the currrent message displayed is
addressed to you.
Message Read
This flag will appear when you have already read the current message.
Message 1 of N
This flag displays the current message number relative to the
messages within the current conference.
Note that the field Message 1 of N is displayed for each message and is
dependent on your sort order. Changing the sort order will change what number
is displayed in this field.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 2.4. Message Body ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
This is the display of the current message. This message will appear in the
font selected by the Font Notebook Page in the setup notebook. In addition to
selection of the display font, you may also choose to display messages in
several different colors. Color setup can be found in the Colors Notebook Page
in the setup notebook.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 3. KWQ Mail/2 Dialogs ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The are four special dialogs within KWQ Mail/2 that act as "modeless" dialogs
and can be called up at any time. A modeless dialog is one that can be
operated on without need to be dismissed to continue work with the application.
It is a "peer" dialog to the main window.
There are three dialogs KWQ Mail/2 provides for viewing messages in list form :
the messages dialog, the bookmarks dialog, and the found list dialog. The
fourth special dialog is the conference list.
Several other special-purpose dialogs are provided for opening new mail packets
and saving messages to text files.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 3.1. Messages Dialogs ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The three messages dialogs all share common functionality: the display a list
of messages, and allow you to choose a message to display on the KWQ Mail/2
main window.
There are a few conventions used in KWQ Mail/2 that bear mentioning in special
detail. These conventions may not be initially intuitive, but after using
them, they should become clear:
o Keep Open
o Cancel Dialog
o Goto Button
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 3.1.1. Keep Open ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Selecting the "Keep Open" checkbox within the Messages, Found List or Bookmarks
dialogs will cause the Goto action to occur without dismissing the dialog box.
This will allow you to do quick browse actions using a "point-and-shoot"
For example, setup the message display dialog somewhat away from the main
window, select "Keep Open", and double click each item in the messages list.
Watch the main KWQ Mail/2 window: each time you double-click a message in the
message list the message will change within the main window.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 3.1.2. Cancel Dialog ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Selecting the Cancel button within the Messages, Found List or Bookmarks
dialogs will dismiss the dialog. This action will also occur if the Esc key is
pressed when one of these dialogs has the focus.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 3.1.3. Goto Message Button ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Selecting the Goto button within the Messages, Found List or Bookmarks dialogs
will cause the currently selected message to be displayed in the KWQ Mail/2
main window. Depending on the whether the Keep Open option is set, the dialog
may or may not be closed.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 3.2. Conferences Dialog ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Switching between conferences in KWQ Mail/2 is easy. Simply select the "
Message->Choose Conference" menu from the KWQ Mail/2 main window or press the
Ctrl-C hot key combination, and a dialog displaying a list of the current
conferences will appear.
The list of conferences displays the id, the name, the number of messages, the
percentage of messages read and an optional add/drop status for each
conference. The conference id is assigned by the host BBS and can be used for
reference purposes. The confernece status may appear either "Add" or "Drop".
Add means the conference is scheduled for an "Add" with the host BBS, and
"Drop" means the conference is scheduled for a "Drop" with the host BBS.
You may close the conferences dialog by selecting the "Cancel" button or by
pressing Esc.
There are several buttons righthand side of the conferences dialog that control
conferences and the dialog. The are:
The goto button within the conferences dialog will close the
conferences dialog and make the selected conference
"current." If there are no messages within the currently
selected conference, a warning beep will be sounded.
The add button within the conferences dialog will mark the
current conference as "Added." When the current packet is
closed, KWQ Mail/2 will add a mail message to the reply
packet which will tell the mail door of the BBS you login to
to "add" the current conference to the list of the
conferences you download mail from.
The drop button within the conferences dialog will mark the
current conference as "Dropped." When the current packet is
closed, KWQ Mail/2 will add a mail message to the reply
packet which will tell the mail door of the BBS you login to
to "drop" the current conference to the list of the
conferences you download mail from.
The Cancel button closes the Conferences dialog.
Show All
By default the Conferences dialog shows only the conferences
that have messages within them. Selecting the "Show All"
checkbox displays every conference, whether or not there are
messages within them. If there are no messages within the
conference, the conference name will be drawn in grey text.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 3.3. Open Mail Dialog ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
To open a mail packet, you must find a file on your hard drive with the
extension .QWK, or find a QWK-compatible mail packet. To do this, simply
choose the drive and subdirectory where your mail packets are stored, highlight
a file, and press "Open." Alternately, you may double click on the file in the
file list box. This will cause the file to be opened.
Deleting Mail
You may delete a mail packet within KWQ Mail/2 by selecting a
file within the open dialog and pressing the Delete button.
KWQ Mail/2 will always display the name of the file you are
about to delete and ask you for confirmation.
Renaming Mail
You may rename a mail packet within KWQ Mail/2 by selecting a
file within the open dialog and pressing the "Alt" key with
the first mouse button on the selected file. Just as in an
OS/2 file details view, the filename list will allow you to
edit the name of the file in place. You can choose to abort
your edit by pressing the "Esc" key. To finish the edit and
force KWQ Mail/2 to rename the file, simply click your mouse
button anywhere on the open dialog.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 3.4. Save Message ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
To save a message, you must specify a legal file name in the save dialog box
for you system. If you have enabled OS/2's High Performance File System, then
you may enter long file names with embedded blanks. Otherwise, the file name
you specify must be no longer than 8 characters, with a 3 character extension.
You may browse your hard drive to find an existing file, and KWQ Mail/2 will
prompt you to append or replace the file when you choose "Save."
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4. Setup Notebook ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
KWQ has a host of features that may be saved as part of its INI file. Most
setup options are saved after opening the "Setup->Options..." notebook dialog
and pressing the "Save" button. If at any time inside the options notebook you
are unsure of what a field or switch is for, you may press F1 or the Help
button within the dialog to receive context sensitive help. There are 6
different notebook "pages" within the options notebook, each having a seperate
category of setup information. These pages are: General, Replies, Archiver,
Header/Footer, Colors and Fonts. Each of these pages is described in detail in
one of the following sections
Configure KWQ Mail/2 to point to directories for new QWK mail
packets , reply packets, default save message name, the
reply/compose message editor, tagline file name and twit file
name. Also, configure on/off type settings for KWQ Mail/2
options. These include such options as append on save,
saving window positions, saving bookmarks, etc.
Configure KWQ Mail/2 for quoting assistance, taglines and
other reply options.
Configure the name of each pack and unpack archiver on your
system with optional parameters. KWQ Mail/2 detects and
supports packets created with the Zip, LHA, Zoo, Arc and Arj
Configure the additional text that will be inserted at the
beginning and end of messages you create. The header or
footer can be composed of parts of the message you are
currently reading.
Configure the colors for the display of messages and other
dialog components in KWQ Mail/2.
Configure the fonts for the display of messages and other
dialog components in KWQ Mail/2.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.1. General Notebook Page ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The General Notebook Page contains two subsections for setting up toggles and
the paths to various data on your system.
General Options General toggle options include the following:
o Beep On My Mail - sound an audible beep whenever a message is
addressed to you.
o Use Twit Filter - turn the twit filter on or off
o Internal Editor - turn on the internal editor for all message editing
o Conference Jumping - automatically goto the next conference with
messages when reading the last message in a conference and a "next
page" command is requested.
o Save Bookmark On Mail Packet - Save messages read and current
position within each conference on mail packet when KWQ Mail/2 is
closed or the packet is closed. NOTE: the bookmark data is stored as
an OS/2 extended attribute, and is usually less than 512 bytes.
o Save Window Settings On Exit - Save the position, font, color, and
size of each KWQ Mail/2 window when KWQ Mail/2 is closed.
o Always Append On Save - Do not prompt for appending on a file save
when the file exists.
o Strip 'Re:' Subject Prefixes - Remove all 'Re:' type prefixes from
message subject lines for readability. Note that if this option is
turned off, KWQ Mail/2 will still ignore these prefixes when sorting
on the subject field. This is for cosmetic purposes only.
Paths The paths dialog is used to change the setup for configuration
options that require the setting of directory paths on your system's
hard drive. Some of these configuration options will require that you
setup a "fully-qualified" path. A fully qualified path is one that
contains a drive letter and subdirectory. When you are finished
configuring you mail reader paths, press the "Save" button to make your
changes permanent. Pressing the "Cancel" ignores any changes you have
made. Help is available on the following topics for the setup paths
o *.QWK Files
o Replies
o Save Message To
o Tagline File
o Twit Filter File
o External Editor
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.1.1. *.QWK Files ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
*.QWK Files
When you choose "File->Open" from the main menu, KWQ Mail/2 will display a
dialog box displaying a list of files in the subdirectory configured in this
field. By default, this dialog will initially display files with the file
extension *.QWK, but this may be overwritten by specifying an alternate
For example, if your communications program places downloaded files into the
subdirectory "C:\DOWNLOAD", then it makes sense to set up KWQ Mail/2 to look
for QWK files in this subdirectory. It is also possible to append a file
specification in this configuration option, so that if you wish to look for a
different type of file by default, you may do so.
The following are all legal "QWK Files" specifications:
The first example contains a simple subdirectory. KWQ Mail/2 appends the file
specification *.QWK at the end of the subidirectory before displaying a list
of files. The second example may be useful with certain types of
communications programs that auto-rename files with duplicate names. Such
files may then appear in the subdirectory as OS2WINS.QW1, OS2WINS.QW2, etc.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.1.2. Replies ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
After new mail or reply mail is created with KWQ Mail/2, the mail reader will
create a reply packet for uploading to your host BBS. Place the name of the
subdirectory here where you would like to have reply packets placed.
Note: Reply packets appear as files with the 8-character name assigned by the
BBS followed by the extension .REP. For example, if you logon to a
hypothetical bulletin board called "OS/2 Wins", and this bulletin board had the
name assigned "OS2WINS", then reply packets would appear as "OS2WINS.REP". This
file should be uploaded to the bulletin board using the mail door provided by
the system.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.1.3. Save Path ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Save Path
The 'Save Path' setting sets up the default name that KWQ Mail/2 will prompt
you to save messages to when you would like to save a message. This file name
may be a fully-qualified name, and may contain spaces if you are running with
HPFS long-names enabled.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.1.4. Tagline File ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Tagline File
The 'Tagline File' setting should contain the name of the file that contains
your sample taglins you wish KWQ Mail/2 to load each time you create or reply
to a message. This file contains one sentence per line, and may have comments
that start with the '#' character.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.1.5. Twit Filter File ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Twit Filter File
The 'Twit Filter File' setting should contain the name of the file that
contains the names of people you wish KWQ Mail/2 to ignore each time load a
mail packet. This file contains one name per line, and may have comments that
start with the '#' character.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.1.6. External Editor ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
External Editor
When you wish to write a new message or reply to a message using KWQ Mail/2,
the mail reader will assemble information to pass to an external editor for
composing the message. This external editor may be another Presentation
Manager application, or it may be an OS/2, DOS, or Window program. The name of
your external editor should be a fully qualified path name if the editor
executable does NOT reside in your PATH statement. You may pass parameters to
your editor , and your external editor configuration may be a DOS or OS/2 batch
Note: KWQ Mail/2 does not supply an internal spell checker, but it is possible
to create a batch file that opens the reply file after the editor is finished
and run a spell checker against the file. KWQ Mail/2 will wait until the batch
file is finished and then load the output message. The name of the file KWQ
Mail/2 creates/opens is called "REPLY.MSG", and is located in the ".\
KWQMAIL.$$$" temporary subdirectory underneath the subdirectory that the
KWQ.EXE executable resides in.
The following is an example batch file for accessing an editor and a spell
checker after the editor finishes running:
@echo off
edit.exe %1
d:\util\spell\spellit %1
In this example, we are running the hyphothetical editor "edit" against the
first argument of the batch file, which is the name of the quoted reply
message. We then run a spell checker called "spellit" against the same file,
which should produce the desired effect. This same file syntax could be used
for either DOS or OS/2 batch files (.BAT or .CMD files).
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.2. Replies Notebook Page ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Replies Notebook Page
The replies notebook page is used to change the setup for the way KWQ Mail/2
handles new messages and replies to existing messages. The options are grouped
into three categories:
o Reply Options
o Reply Quoting
o Taglines
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.2.1. Reply Options ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
There are several miscellaneous reply options that allow you to control the way
replies are created and handled within KWQ Mail/2.
In addition to quoting styles, other reply options available are auto-
formatting replies and forcing replies to be upper case. Auto-formatting is
useful when when the editor you use does not automatically line-wrap the text.
Selecting this option tells KWQ Mail/2 to make each line fit into 80 character
or less lines. Selecting the upper case option is useful if the BBS you
receive your mail packets from requires the use of upper case formatted mail.
Expand Tabs
This option is used to configure KWQ Mail/2 to expand tabs to a
certain number of spaces whenever a messages is created and a real
tab character is used.
Autoformat Replies
This option is useful when when the editor you use does not
automatically line-wrap the text. The OS/2 system editor, E.EXE,
falls into this category, as well as the internal editor, since they
both depend on the OS/ 2 multiple line editor control. Selecting
this option tells KWQ Mail/2 to make each line fit into the number
of characters specified in the edit field next to this option. This
edit field is labeled "N Characters Per Line"
Reformat Lines That Start With A Blank
Turning this option on will tell KWQ Mail/2 to allow lines it
interprets to start with a blank to be line wrapped if Auto-Format
Replies (see above) is turned on. If this option is turned off,
then you can avoid any formatting by placing a blank at the
beginning of each line you do not wish to be reformatted.
Create Case Insensitive Replies (Upper Case)
Selecting the upper case option is useful if the BBS you receive
your mail packets from requires the use of upper case formatted mail
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.2.2. Reply Quoting ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
When you would like to reply to message you are reading within KWQ Mail/2 you
have the option to have the message you are reading quoted. Quoting takes the
text of the message you are replying to and places it into a file before you
start editing, which makes it easier to remember what you are writing about,
and makes the message flow more conversation-like.
There are several different reply options available for quoting the message you
are replying to.
The available quoting types are:
1. Use Initials to quote reply.
2. Use ' >' to quote reply.
3. No quoting.
4. The fourth option allows you to create custom quote masks, using the
keyword "%i" to allow you to insert the recipient's initials. For
example, you could supply the custom quote mask " [%i] " which might
expand out to be " [KW] ".
The first option allows the person's initials to be placed before each line in
a style like: 'KW> '. The second quotes each line of the original message in
a format like ' >'. The third type does no quoting.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.2.3. Tagline Options ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Tagline Options
There are three available options for setting up tagline options:
1. Use taglines.
2. Pick tagline at random.
3. Use Fidonet style taglines.
The first option, "Use Taglines", turns the tagline feature of KWQ Mail/2 on
or off, and is forced on with the demo (shareware) version. This means with
the demo version taglines will always be generated. The second option, "Pick
Tagline At Random", tells KWQ Mail/2 to generate a random tagline from the
Tagline File specified in the Paths Setup dialog. The third option tells KWQ
Mail/2 to generate Fidonet style taglines, which have no tearline ('---') and
Look like :
* KWQ/2 1.1 * A 32 bit, QWK-Compatible Reader for Presentation Manager.
If the Fidonet style is turned off, then the following tagline would be
Γûá KWQ/2 1.1 Γûá A 32 bit, QWK-Compatible Reader for Presentation Manager.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.3. Archivers Notebook Page ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Mail Packets in QWK format may be configured to come in many archived formats ,
and KWQ Mail/2 will recognize these packets and call an appropriate "unpacker"
program so your mail may be read. Currently, KWQ supports the use of packets
archived in Zip, LHA, Zoo, Arj, and Arc formats.
Each archiver you specify in the "Setup Archivers" dialog may be an application
that runs under OS/2 character mode, Presentation Manager, DOS, or Windows.
KWQ Mail/2 can detect which type of application the archiver you specify is,
and start the appropriate session for it to run. When the archiver program is
completed, KWQ Mail/2 looks for the "MESSAGES.DAT" and "CONFIG.DAT" files in a
temporary subdirectory under the same subdirectory that KWQ Mail/2 was
originally run from. (In other words, wherever KWQ.EXE is, there will be a
subdirectory called KWQMAIL.$$$, which is where unpacked files should end up).
"Seamless Windows" support has not been added, so if you require a Windows mode
archiver, you will need to run it in fullscreen mode.
In addition to the program name, you may also specify optional parameters for
each archiver. These parameters will be passed along to the archiver program
along with the name of the mail packet. Each program you specify may be fully-
qualified with the path to the program, and may contain the name of an OS/2 or
DOS batch file (.CMD or .BAT).
When you are finished configuring you mail reader archiver utilities, press the
"Save" button to make your changes permanent. Pressing the "Cancel" ignores
any changes you have made.
Further help is available on the following topics:
o Examples
o Special Considerations
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.3.1. Examples ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The following archiver type support is provided in KWQ Mail/2 for both packing
and unpacking mail bundles:
o ZIP (including PKZIP, GNU-UnZip, and GNU-Zip).
The following are some example archiver definitions for the Zip unpacker.
The first example includes a fully-qualified name, and the second assumes the
program 'UNZIP' is in the current 'PATH'.
The following is an example archiver definition for the LHA packer.
Note that this example illustrates the use of a parameter sent to the
archiver. The 'a' parameter tells the packer to add the given file to the
archive. Parameters sent the packer programs are the archive mail packet and
the file to archive. The resulting command line for the packer would then
look like:
This example illustrates the packing of a reply packet for the
hypothetical BBS 'OS2WINS'. The first parameter is the name of the
archiver reply packet (D:\REPLIES\OS2WINS.REP) followed by the name of the
temporary message file assembled by KWQ Mail/2
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.3.2. Special Considerations ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Special considerations
Note: Batch files can be used in KWQ Mail/2, but care should be taken to
ensure that a change directory is made to the <EXEPATH>\KWQMAIL.$$$ path or to
specify this path as an output path before unpacking the files. KWQ Mail/2 will
look for unpacked files in this directory. The following is an example batch
file for KWQ mail unpacking called UNPACK.CMD, and might be specified as the
unpack program for the Zip type:
@echo off
echo Arguement to batch file is %1.
echo Current directory is
Reply packets will be created from the type of archiver that was used to
create the original mail packet. For example, if you reply to mail that was
created using the "Arj" type, then your reply packet will be of type "Arj."
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.4. Header And Footer Notebook Pages ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
You may choose to add text to the beginning and/or the end of messages you
create with KWQ Mail/2 by configuration a header or footer in the Header or
Footer Notebook page. In these sections, you specify substitution keys that
tell KWQ Mail/2 to pull portions of the message you are replying to into the
mesage you create. The substitution keys provided are the following:
ΓöéFull Name Of Recipient Γöé%r Γöé
ΓöéFull Name Of Author Γöé%a Γöé
ΓöéFirst Name Of Recipient Γöé%o Γöé
ΓöéFirst Name Of Author Γöé%i Γöé
ΓöéMail Address Of Author Γöé%n Γöé
ΓöéCurrent Date Γöé%c Γöé
ΓöéCurrent Weekday Γöé%u Γöé
ΓöéActual Percent Sign Γöé%% Γöé
ΓöéMessage Subject Γöé%s Γöé
ΓöéMessage Date (mm/dd/yy) Γöé%f Γöé
ΓöéMessage Month (mm) Γöé%m Γöé
ΓöéMessage Day (dd) Γöé%d Γöé
ΓöéMessage Year (yy) Γöé%y Γöé
ΓöéMessage Weekday Γöé%w Γöé
ΓöéMessage Conference Γöé%e Γöé
ΓöéMessage Number Γöé%b Γöé
By using one of these substitution keys, you may give the recipient (or anyone
else who may read your message) a better idea about the past conversation
history. For example, by using the header "On %w %f, %a wrote to %r about
'%s'" , KWQ Mail/2 could expand this string to: "On Wednesday, 4/28/93, Kurt
Westerfeld wrote to Melanie Kim about 'Love and War'."
The Message Date will use the system default date format from the Country
settings object if you use the "Message Date" key.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.5. Colors Notebook Page ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Color can be applied to eight different window components within KWQ Mail/2.
Four of these are specific to the display of the current message and include:
Message Background
The background color of the message display window
Message Text Normal
The color of normal text of a message
Message Text Quote
The color of a quoted portion of a message
Message Text Tagline
The color of a tagline portion of a message
The remaining comonents whose color may be changed are the detail list view
portions of the four subdialogs within KWQ Mail/2: Message Dialog Background
Bookmark Dialog Background Findlist Dialog Background Conference Dialog
To change one of the listed colors, simply select its radio button and choose
a color from the 16 shown. If you wish to use a custom color for one of the
listed colors, open an OS/2 Color Pallette and drop one of the colors on the
large color example display on lower right of the setup page. Optionally, you
may drop the color you wish to change onto the message display or any of the
listed dialog subcomponts. This will only change the background color of
these components, however.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4.6. Fonts Notebook Page ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
A number of facilities for changing fonts within KWQ Mail/2 exist. The Fonts
notebook page contains a set of radio buttons and the OS/2 standard font
selection dialog which name eleven different components of KWQ Mail/2.
Choosing one of the radio buttons at the top of the notebook page will cause
the lower half to display the font assigned to that component of KWQ Mail/2.
You can change this component's font by using the standard font selection
dialog. The components you may change for KWQ Mail/2 you may change from the
Fonts notebook page are:
ΓöéMain Window ΓöéSet the font for the entire main window Γöé
ΓöéMessage Text ΓöéSet the font for just the message display text Γöé
ΓöéInternal Editor ΓöéSet the font for the internal editor Γöé
ΓöéFoundlist Dialog ΓöéSet the font for the found list dialog window and dialog Γöé
Γöé Γöécomponents Γöé
ΓöéFoudlist Details ΓöéSet the font for the found list dialog details view list Γöé
ΓöéMessage Dialog ΓöéSet the font for the message dialog window and dialog componentsΓöé
ΓöéMessage Details ΓöéSet the font for the message dialog details view list Γöé
ΓöéBookmarks Dialog ΓöéSet the font for the bookmark list dialog window and dialog Γöé
Γöé Γöécomponents Γöé
ΓöéBookmarks Details ΓöéSet the font for the bookmark list dialog details view list Γöé
ΓöéConferences Dialog ΓöéSet the font for the conferences dialog window and dialog Γöé
Γöé Γöécomponents Γöé
ΓöéConferences Details ΓöéSet the font for the conferences dialog details view list Γöé
System default fonts and any outline fonts (Adobe fonts) loaded into the system
will appear in this dialog. Generally, outline fonts can be supported for any
pitch value. Some fonts displayed in larger pitch values will cause KWQ to
activate the horizontal scroll bar for the messages window. You may also change
a font selection in KWQ Mail/2 by opening an OS/2 Font Pallette object and
dragging and dropping a font onto the window or subwindow you wish to change.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 5. Key Assigments ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Help for keys is arranged in groups according to function:
o Accelerators
o Movement
o Message
o Help
o System
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 5.1. Accelerator Keys ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Accelerator Keys
Save Current Message
Open new mail packet
Close current mail packet
Open conference list dialog
Insert (Ins)
Open message list dialog
Open message list dialog
Open found list dialog
Goto next hit term
Goto previous hit term
Open bookmark list dialog
Drop bookmark
Quick Exit
Steal tagline from current message
Display message in ANSI viewer.
Pack replies
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 5.2. Help For Movement Keys ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Movement Keys
Scroll Message Up
Scroll Message Down
Page Up
Page Message Up
Page Down
Page Message Down
Plus (+)
Move forward one message
Minus (-)
Move backward one message
Move forward one message
Move backward one message
Read Reply
Move to next subject
Move to previous subject
Move forward within message; if at the end of the messsage, go to
the next message
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 5.3. Help For Message Keys ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Message Keys
Find Message
Write New Message
Compose Reply
Edit Current Reply
Kill Current Reply
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 5.4. Help For Help Keys ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Help Keys
Get help
Previous Help Panel, or End help if only one panel
Switch IN/OUT action bar
End help or End program
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 5.5. Help For System Keys ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
System Keys
Switch to the next program, including full-screen programs
Switch to the Task List
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 6. Registering KWQ Mail/2 ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
KWQ Mail/2 is a shareware package. To those of you who don't know or have a
vague idea what this means, read on. Otherwise, skip to the next section.
Shareware is software you may "share" with your friends and colleagues. You may
use KWQ Mail/2 as much as you wish for up to 45 days with absolutely no
obligation to buy it. But shareware isn't free. You must pay for KWQ Mail/2 if
you decide to use it past 45 days. The initial charge for KWQ Mail/2 is $25
(or $30 if obtained through the Compuserve software registry outlined above),
which will include free upgrades to the software through the next major
The copy of KWQ Mail/2 you have is not crippled, and hopefully it isn't "
annoyware." There will be very few features that are provided with the
registered version that are left out with the demo version. However, there are
still many benefits to registering this reader. For example, many users during
the beta testing of KWQ Mail/2 found problems and anomolies with the different
QWK packet generation programs available on different BBS systems. Many of
these problems were fixed, and if KWQ Mail/2 was not in beta, a "fix" would
have been made available to all registered users.
When you register KWQ Mail/2, you will receive a letter containing your "
registration number." This number is used to unlock the automatic "Product
Information" dialog box that is displayed on application startup, and the
Tagline feature can then be turned off. Your registration number is private to
your copy of KWQ Mail/2, and may not be "shared." Sharing a registration id
constitutes a violation of copyright. Since this package is self-contained,
the copy of KWQ Mail/2 you have obtained electronically will effectively become
your "legal" copy. All the documentation is provided in "soft" format.
If you decide to register KWQ Mail/2, please send $25 for the registration fee
to the following address: (U.S. Mail)
Kurt Westerfeld
7935 Tyson Oaks Circle
Vienna, VA, 22182.
Registration for KWQ Mail/2 will also available through the Compuserve software
registry. If you would like to register KWQ Mail/2 using your credit online,
logon to Compuserve and GO:SWREG. The cost for KWQ Mail/2 obtained through the
software registry is $30.
Support is given by contacting Kurt Westerfeld directly at the above address
or one of the following addresses:
Fido Netmail:
Kurt Westerfeld, 1:109/347 (OS/2 Shareware)
Direct BBS:
Kurt Westerfeld,
"Local Area" on OS/2 Shareware, (703) 385 4325
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 7. Write New Message ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Write New Message
After you have requested to create a new message (either a reply or brand new
message) using the "Message->Write New" or "Message->Reply To Message" menus,
the external editor you have selected in the Paths Dialog will be opened by KWQ
Mail/2, if you have setup KWQ Mail/2 for an external editor, or the internal
editor will be opened. If you are using an external editor, KWQ Mail/2 will
open the "Write New Message" dialog to obtain information about the message you
are creating after you have saved and exited the editor. If you are using the
internal editor, the information needed to address the message is integrated
into the editor.
In either case, you must specify the person you are addressing the message to ,
the message subject, the message conference, and an optional tagline. You may
make your message private, or choose to make it available for anyone to read (
this is usually the case with public forums).
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 7.1. Internal Editor ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
For people who wish to simplify the creation of new messages, KWQ Mail/2
provides a simple text editor to create messages, called the "internal editor."
To setup and use the internal editor, open the settings notebook General page,
and choose the check box marked "Use Internal Editor. The internal editor has
three major sections. The first section starting from the top of the window
are a set of buttons which give quick access to commonly used functions within
the editor. The second section is referred to as the message envelope, which
contains entry fields to allow you to enter the addressee, subject and
conference for the message you are writing. The last section is the area where
you type the body of the text. If you are replying to a message, this area may
be divided into two parts: one for the original message and one for your reply.
When replying to a message, try selecting an area of the original message and
pressing this button. The text you have selected will be copied to the message
you are editing along with the quoting style you have selected in the Replies
page of the setup notebook. Note that if you do not have selected text in the
original message hat all of the text is quoted. This is a change from Version
1. 1, which gave you a Quote and Quote All button. Quick Access Buttons
Pressing this button closes the editor and saves any changes you
have made to your message
Pressing this button or the escape key will abort editing your
message. Any changes you have made to the message envelope or
message text will be lost.
When replying to a message, try selecting an area of the
original message and pressing this button. The text you have
selected will be copied to the message you are editing along
with the quoting style you have selected in the Replies page of
the setup notebook. Note that if you do not have selected text
in the original message hat all of the text is quoted. This is
a change from Version 1. 1, which gave you a Quote and Quote All
This button allows you to open a file for importing into your
editing session.
Pressing this button causes any text selection you have made in
the message you are editing to be removed and placed in the
workplace clipboard.
Pressing this button causes any text selection you have made in
the message you are editing to be placed in the workplace
Pressing this button causes text in the Workplace clipboard to
be copied to the message you are editing.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 8. Find Message ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Find Message
KWQ Mail/2 provides many useful searching capabilities for finding information
within the mail packets you download. Messages can be searched for strings
across multiple conferences, in case sensitive or case insensitive mode, and
for whole words or only partial matches.
There are several sections of options available within the "Find Message"
dialog. The first and foremost is the "Text" to search for. Any length string
can be entered in this field, and depending on the "Type" of search indicated,
may result in different search results.
The following sections outline the use of the options within the Find Message
o Within Field
o Type
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 8.1. Within Field ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Within Field
Find text within the person field each message is addressed to.
Find text within the person field each message is addressed
Find text within the subject field each message is concerns.
Find text within the body of any message.
Any of the Above
Find text within any of the previous four categories.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 8.2. Find Type ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Find Type
Case Insensitive Search
Ignore text case: in this mode the letter 'a' matches the
letter 'A'.
Match Entire Word
The entire word specified in the "Text" field must be matched.
If this option is set, matches will only occur for words that
are either bounded by spaces or non-alphanumeric characters.
For example, if you search for the string "OS" within your mail
packet with this option set, you will find occurrences of that
word, you would find occurrences of the word "OS/2," but you
would not find occurrences of the word "OS2."
Search All Conferencs
Checking this option will tell KWQ Mail/2 to construct a search
across all the conferences in the mail packet you download.