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Oberon PMQWK Offline Mailreader
** BETA ** Version 1.00, Release #7
19 January, 1993
Oberon Software
518 Blue Earth Street
Mankato, MN 56001-2142 USA
Voice: 507-388-7001
Fax: 507-388-7568
BBS: 507-388-1154
Fidonet: 1:292/60
MCI Mail: oberon/413-5847
CIS: 72510,3500
Except for this note, this file has not been updated since the previous
version of PmQwk. Please see the online help file for any new information,
and the whats.new file for new features.
** CAUTION ***
The accompanying software is a BETA TEST version. It is NOT
guaranteed to be complete or free from defects. This software and
documentation are subject to change and do not in anyway imply a
commitment on the part of Oberon Software or the author.
If you use this software, you do so at your own risk. Oberon
Software will not be liable for any losses or damages to property,
data, time, or business which arise as the direct or indirect result
of the use, misuse, or failure to be able to use this software or
documentation. Your acceptance of these terms is implied by your use
of this software and documentation.
Although this is a BETA TEST version, Oberon Software has released
this version for wide distribution. All of the above disclaimers
apply and you are cautioned to not use this software if you do not
agree to the disclaimers in this file. Your use of this software
will imply your acceptance. You are free to distribute this package
as you would any other shareware program under the provision that
no changes are made in any way to the software or the accompanying
documentation and that the entire package, complete with this
documentation is distributed together as a unit.
If, while using this software, you should discover any program errors
or omissions which are not otherwise mentioned in this document
(please read "Features and Functions Absent in this BETA TEST
Version" below before submitting a problem report), please contact
Kimberly Bobrow at Oberon Software by one of the methods given below
and alert us to the existence of the problem so that it may be
corrected. If the problem results in a system error popup (i.e., a
TRAP 000D or other system trap) please make note of the values of
"CS" and "IP" from the system error display. Also, please indicate
the version and release number of the software which experienced the
│ Contact for bug reports and enhancements requests: │
│ │
│ Oberon BBS or OS/2 Shareware BBS to Kimberly Bobrow │
│ Fidonet to Kimberly Bobrow at either 1:109/347 or 1:292/60 │
│ Internet to kimberly.bobrow@f347.n109.z1.fidonet.org │
│ Voice phone: 212-465-3367 │
**** CONTENTS ****
I. Overview
II. Installation
A. Files
B. First time startup
1. Paths and Options
2. Your first QWK packets
A. Unpacking QWK packets
B. Reading messages
1. The "List" function
2. The "Copy" function
3. The "Replies" conference
C. Replying to messages
1. The editor
a. Word Wrap
2. Messages which are not replies
D. Packaging replies for upload
E. The Address Book
1. Copying information to the Envelope window
F. Options
1. Fonts
2. Colors
3. Paths
4. Editor
5. Preferences
a. Beep on personal messages
b. Attribute quotes
c. Wrap Column for Quotes
d. Prepend "Re:" to response subject lines
e. Strip existing "Re:" from subject lines
f. Prev/Next buttons on right in message reader
g. Use Taglines
h. Use PMQWK Cutline
i. Show only active conferences
6. Save options
7. Icons
I. Overview
PMQWK is a 32-bit, Presentation Manager (tm) based program for use
with OS/2 version 2.0 or later. Its purpose is to facilitate the
reading and reply process for messages downloaded from bulletin
boards and other sources which employ the "QWK" format for mail
You may use PMQWK to:
Unpack new QWK mail packets which have been downloaded from a
bulletin board or other service into a format which is readable
by PMQWK. QWK packets from any arbitrary number of bulletin
boards or services may be examined simultaneously.
Read your unpacked messages. Each bulletin board or service may
transmit any number of messages, grouped into 'conferences', and
all are handled via a tree-like mechanism within PMQWK. Any number
of conferences for any number of bulletin boards may be opened
simultaneously within PMQWK.
Reply to any message or enter new messages into a conference and
prepare them for retransmission to the bulletin board or service.
PMQWK handles such things as quoting the original message,
attributing quotes, maintaining reply links and other bookkeeping
details while you use the editor of your choice to edit the replies
or messages.
Entire messages or portions of messages may be saved to alternate
files either directly or via the system clipboard or may be
integrated via the clipboard into other documents or files.
Pack replies and messages into a format suitable for
retransmission to the bulletin board or service.
PMQWK currently supports the following compression programs for
purposes of packing and unpacking mail packets: PKZIP2 (and PKUNZIP2),
LH2 (LHArc for OS/2) and ARC2 (SEA ARC for OS/2). More will be
added in the near future.
PMQWK will NOT do the following:
Upload or download QWK mail packets to and from the bulletin boards
and/or on-line services. A separate telecommunications program is
required for this purpose. We recommend Oberon Software's Terminal
Emulator/2 (TE/2) as a good, general purpose, terminal program for
use with PMQWK and with OS/2 in general.
Pack or unpack QWK mail packets without the presence of at least
one archiving program on your system. Archiving schemes are, in
some cases, proprietary to the vendor of the archiving software and,
in almost all cases, subject to change at the vendors discretion.
For this reason, PMQWK relies on the presence of one or more of the
following programs on your system: PKZIP (and PKUNZIP) from PKWare,
LH2 (LHArc for OS/2), or ARC2 from System Enhancement Associates.
(PLEASE NOTE: the INFOZIP utilities for zipping and unzipping files
do NOT work correctly with PMQWK as they lack a key command line
feature which PMQWK requires. Oberon Software has developed a
small utility which will be of assistance in working with these
programs however. Beginning with PMQWK Beta #7 ZFRONT.EXE is
packaged with PMQWK; refer to the file ZFRONT.DOC for further
information regarding using ZFRONT.)
PMQWK does not include a built-in message editor. Most everyone
has his or her favorite text editor and, at the very least, all
installations of OS/2 should have E.EXE. PMQWK will use E.EXE by
default but you may specify the editor of your choice and it will
be automatically invoked for you.
Features and Functions absent in this BETA TEST Version:
This version of PMQWK is tested on OS/2 2.0 "GA" and OS/2 2.0
with the Service Pack (XR6055) installed only. We have experienced
problems running this version of PMQWK under the OS/2 2.1 BETA
release dated 12/9/92 and do NOT recommend using it in this
environment until we have determined the cause of these problems.
The March beta seems to have cleared up the problems.
Paths are not checked for validity in the "Paths" dialog nor are
the specified archive programs checked for validity at this point.
The paths and programs ARE checked for existence and/or validity
before an attempt is made to use any of these however. This feature
will be enabled before General Release.
Memory allocation checking is not complete in this version of
PMQWK. It is possible to "run out of memory" by opening too many
conferences and cause PMQWK to abend with a protection violation.
Define "too many conferences" in the vicinity of ten or more. This
feature will be made bulletproof before General Release.
The Color Settings dialog is not fully functional in this release;
it is not possible to change the color of highlighted text in
message displays although the setting for it appears in the dialog.
This feature may or may not be enabled before General Release.
The settings for PMQWK allow you to specify paths for ZOO and UNARJ
as packer/unpackers but neither of these programs are supported for
actual use by this release of PMQWK.
An automated setup procedure will be added before General Release.
The current method of setting personalized icons for BBSes and
conferences is completely manual and infers a certain amount of
skill with the file system on the part of the user. This procedure
will be automated and simplified.
PMQWK will not always sense when an archiving program has problems
packing or unpacking a file. If a new packet is mysteriously
creating problems, try unpacking the QWK packet by hand to see if
it might be a damaged file. Error checking here will be made
more robust before General Release.
Because this is a BETA TEST release, we expect that you may
encounter other program omissions or errors. Please alert Oberon
Software to these problems as you encounter them.
│ For bug reports and enhancements requests: │
│ │
│ Oberon BBS or OS/2 Shareware BBS to Kimberly Bobrow │
│ Fidonet to Kimberly Bobrow at either 1:109/347 or 1:292/60 │
│ Internet to kimberly.bobrow@f347.n109.z1.fidonet.org │
│ Voice phone: 212-465-3367 │
Other important notes and considerations:
As mentioned above, the INFOZIP packing and unpacking utilities
require use of the included program ZFRONT.EXE for use with PMQWK.
See ZFRONT.DOC for details.
Certain editors will cause problems with PMQWK. The OS/2 Enhanced
Editor (EPM.EXE) will work correctly with PMQWK if and only if
there are no other copies of EPM running on your machine at the
time you begin an edit session via PMQWK (this includes other PMQWK
edit sessions). The IBM IUO editor, LXPM, does not function
correctly for use with PMQWK.
If you have used an earlier (16-bit) beta version of PMQWK, you MUST
delete your PMQWK.INI file before running this version and then use
the current version to reset your options.
II. Installation
A. Files
For best results, a dedicated directory should be made for PMQWK.
We suggest that you make a directory, on the disk of your choice,
by the name PMQWK and copy PMQWK.EXE and TagLines.txt into that
directory. You should ensure that this directory is your current
working directory while you are running PMQWK as PMQWK will maintain
subdirectories for each bulletin board underneath this directory.
Copy the file REGEXPUT.DLL into a directory named in the LIBPATH
statement from your CONFIG.SYS.
Install PMQWK into PM or WPS as you deem fit. As mentioned above,
you should ensure that the directory containing PMQWK.EXE is the
designated "Working Directory" for executing PMQWK however.
B. First time startup
1. Paths and Options
You may start PMQWK from the OS/2 command line by first ensuring
that the disk and directory containing PMQWK are current and typing
"PMQWK" at the system prompt. If you have installed PMQWK into
your desktop setup (following the rules for current directory) you
may start it that way.
Example batch file for starting PMQWK assuming that it is installed
in to directory 'D:\PMQWK':
@echo off
Example of the first page of the 'Settings' Notebook for a PMQWK
installation assuming that it is installed into directory
│ │ PMQWK Offline Mail Reader - Settings │ │ │
│┌────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │
││ │┐ │
││ ││┐ │
││ │Program │
││ ││││ │
││ ││Session │
││ Required ││││ │
││ Path and file name: │││Assocation │
││ ┌───────────────────────┐ ┌───────┐ ││││ │
││ │D:\PMQWK\PMQWK.EXE │ │Find...│ ││││General │
││ └───────────────────────┘ └───────┘ ││││ │
││ ││││ │
││ Optional ││││ │
││ Parameters: ││││ │
││ ┌───────────────────────────────────┐ ││││ │
││ │ │ ││││ │
││ └───────────────────────────────────┘ ││││ │
││ Working directory: ││││ │
││ ┌───────────────────────────────────┐ ││││ │
││ │D:\PMQWK │ ││││ │
││ └───────────────────────────────────┘ ││││ │
││ ││││ │
││ ┌───────┐ ┌───────┐ ││││ │
││ │ Undo │ │ Help │ ││││ │
││ └───────┘ └───────┘ ││││ │
││ < >││││ │
│└────────────────────────────────────────────────┘│││ │
│ └────────────────────────────────────────────────┘││ │
│ └────────────────────────────────────────────────┘│ │
│ └────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ │
│ │
│ │
Immediately upon entering PMQWK for the first time, select the menu
item labeled "Options" and the submenu item labeled "Paths". Set
the following items:
Inbound QWK Packets: set this item to the name of the directory
in which new QWK packets will appear after they have been
downloaded from the BBS or on-line services. In general, this
will be the download directory which your telecommunications
program uses although you may wish to create a new directory
specifically for this purpose and move QWK packets into this
directory by other means after they have been downloaded. [NOTE:
in this version of PMQWK the validity of this path is NOT checked
at this point.]
Outbound Reply Packets: set this item to the name of the
directory where you wish PMQWK to deposit packaged reply packets
to be uploaded back to the BBS or on-line service. In general,
this will be a directory in which your telecommunications
program expects to find files for upload. [NOTE: in this version
of PMQWK the validity of this path is NOT checked at this point.]
Packers and Unpackers: fill in as many of these as are applicable
with the drive, path, and name of the appropriate archiving
program or programs. If they exist in a directory referred to in
your PATH environment variable, you may omit the drive and path
specification and give only the name of the program file. [NOTE:
in this version of PMQWK, these programs names and paths are NOT
checked for validity at this point. FURTHER NOTE: in this version
of PMQWK, only the first three archivers are supported:
PK(UN)ZIP, ARC, and LH. Entries exist for ARJ and ZOO for future
use only, they are not used by this version of PMQWK.]
[General note for beta release version: the previous three items
have disclaimers stating that validity on these items are not
checked during this dialog. The validity IS checked later at
appropriate points. If your "InBound" path is invalid or if you
have specified no valid archiver programs, PMQWK will find nothing
suitable for unpacking when that option is selected. If your
"OutBound" path is invalid, PMQWK will default to the current
directory for this function after alerting you to the problem. If
no valid archivers have been specified by the time you select the
option to package reply packets, PMQWK will alert you to the
[Further note: As mentioned above, the INFOZIP utilities for
zipping and unzipping files are not supported in this release of
After setting the paths, you may investigate the other items on the
"Options" menu for setting your favorite editor as default, setting
colors and fonts, and other options or you may leave these settings
for later.
After setting at least your "Paths", select "Save Options" from the
"Options" menu and your setup will be saved. [Technical note:
options are not saved in the system files; a file named PMQWK.INI
will be made in the same directory as PMQWK.EXE.] If you attempt
to exit PMQWK before you have saved your options, PMQWK will query
you for this.
2. Your first QWK packets
If you do not have any QWK packets available, you must first access
a bulletin board or on-line service and obtain at least one QWK mail
Make sure that all QWK mail packet in which you are interested are
in the directory which you specified as your "InBound" path above.
If you have exited PMQWK, restart the program now.
Select "Unpack QWK Packet" from the menu. A dialog will appear
listing the valid QWK packets which were found in your "InBound"
directory. Select the packet in which you are interested and press
the OK button. The QWK packet will be unpacked and the name of the
BBS should appear now in the "BBS List" window. Repeat this
procedure for all packets which you wish to unpack.
[Note: the first time you start PMQWK with a valid "InBound" path,
or the first time you select "Unpack QWK Packet" with a valid
"InBound" path, there may be some delay as PMQWK scans the inbound
directory for the first time. This delay will only be significant
if there are many files matching the pattern "*.qw*" in that
directory. Only "new files" are scanned so the delay should not
be significant on subsequent invocations.]
A. Unpacking QWK packets
Make sure that any and all QWK packets in which you are interested
are located in the directory which you specified as your "InBound"
path (see section II.B.1 above). Select "Unpack QWK Packet" from
the menu or press the "Unpack" button in the "BBS List" dialog
window. You will be presented with a list of valid QWK packets
which PMQWK was able to locate in your "InBound" directory. Select
one to unpack either by double clicking on the file name and info
or by selecting it and pressing the "OK" button. The packet will
now be unpacked (if you are about to overwrite another packet,
you will be given to opportunity to abort the action). Repeat this
procedure for every QWK packet you wish to unpack.
If you have never unpacked a packet from this source before, a new
item will appear in the "BBS List" window at this point.
B. Reading messages
To begin the process of reading messages, first select a BBS from
the "BBS List" window (if this list is empty, you must first unpack
at least one QWK packet! See "Unpacking QWK packets" above). After
selecting a BBS, another dialog will appear which will list the
available conferences for that BBS. Conferences which contain
messages will be indicated with a '+' sign in this list while empty
conferences will have a '-' as the first character. Each
conference also has an indication, in parentheses, of how many
message are available and your "current position" in the list. For
+4/Netmail (5/15)
indicates that area #4, called "Netmail" has messages, that it has
fifteen messages and that you will enter viewing the fifth message.
Please note that, by default, areas which contain no messages (and
would thus have a '-' as the first character in their listing, are
not shown at all. To enable their visibility, use the
"Preferences" dialog and toggle the checkbox labeled "Show only
active conferences" to OFF.
When you select a conference to view, you will be presented with a
window which contains a "message header" at the top of the window,
a scrollable region in the central area containing the message
text, and a set of buttons at the bottom of the window for
initiating various activities.
The "message header" contains the following information: the
message number, the number of the message it refers to (if any),
the position in the list of messages (in our example above, it
would read "#5 of 15"), the sender's name, the addressee's name, the
subject of the message, its time and date stamp, whether it is
a private or public message, and whether the bulletin board has
marked this message as "Seen by you" or not. If this is a net
mail message, the sender's net address will be given after his/her
name in parentheses.
Most of the activities are self-explanatory: "Next" and "Prev" will
view the next and previous message in the conference respectively,
"Quit" closes the window, "Help" invokes the help display (NOTE:
"Help" is NOT active in this BETA release!). "Reply" and "Enter"
will invoke the reply editor (see "Replying to messages" below) the
difference being that "Reply" will preset much of the reply header
information with data from the current message while "Enter" will
begin the creation of a new, unrelated (as least as far as the QWK
format is concerned) message. The other two functions deserve a
little more information which follows immediately.
1. The "List" function
This invokes a dialog window which, initially contains a list of
all messages in the area, their message number, subject, sender,
receiver, and time/date. Messages addressed to you are marked with
an asterisk "*". You may select a message from this list and press
the "OK" button to go immediately to that message.
The "Filter" button in this dialog allows you to view a subset of
the messages in the list. You may search for text in "envelope"
fields (Sender, Receiver, and Subject) or in the message body
The filtering is for purposes of the "List" dialog only, it does
not affect the behavior of the message window at all (except as
regards jumping to a message).
2. The "Copy" function
You may mark areas within the message text using the mouse pointer
and copy them to the system clipboard using CONTROL+INSERT or you may
use the "Copy" dialog. This dialog allows you to refine how you
export the data to a greater degree. You may chose to copy the
entire message or just the marked area (if any), you may optionally
include header information about the message in the export, and you
may copy it directly to a file or to the system clipboard.
3. The "Replies" conference
There is one extra, pseudo-conference which appears at the
beginning of each BBS's conference list named "Replies". This is
where all of your entered messages and replies will be kept until
they are packed for retransmission to the BBS. It behaves in most
ways exactly like a "normal" message window. However, the "Reply" and
"Enter" functions are replaced with "Edit" and "Delete". "Edit"
will allow you to reedit the message, possibly just the "envelope"
information or the entire message text, while "Delete" will erase
the currently viewed reply.
If this is a netmail message, the Receiver's net address will
appear in parentheses after his/her name.
C. Replying to messages
To reply to a message, simply invoke the "reply" button while you
are viewing the message in question. The message will be placed
into a file in "quoted" form and your editor will be invoked on
that file. You may edit any part of this file and/or append to the
file. While your editor is in the process of editing the reply, a
new icon will appear in the main client window. "Active Edit
Sessions" contains a list of all current invocations of the editor
and a button which will allow you immediately switch to any of the
listed editor sessions.
When you finish editing your reply, you will be returned to PMQWK
and given the opportunity to edit the "Envelope" information. This
will already have your name, the receivers name, net address (if
applicable), the conference for the message, and the subject filled
in. You may edit any of these items except your own name. If
"TagLines" are enabled (see "Options") you may select a tagline to
use from this dialog.
If you press "OK" and all of the required fields are filled in, the
reply will be saved. If you press "Cancel" the message will be
discarded after you confirm that this is your desire.
Should you need to reedit a reply message or delete a reply message,
invoke the "Replies" pseudo-confernce and perform the desired
action from there (see "The "Replies" Conference" above).
1. The editor
By default PMQWK will invoke E.EXE, the OS/2 system editor to edit
your replies and other outgoing messages. If you have an editor
which you prefer to use, use the "Editor" dialog from the "Options"
menu (see "Options" below) to specify your editor of choice.
a. Word Wrap
Because messages are reformatted based on your setting for "Wrap
Column" both when quoting a message before a reply and when
importing your message from the editor back into PMQWK, you should
be aware of the algorithm used for message formatting so that you
can achieve a pleasing result.
The message formatter is paragraph based. It assumes that a new
paragraph has started when it encounters either a blank line or
an indented line. It will pull the entire paragraph together
to make a "best fit" within your defined wrap column. For example,
assuming you have the (unlikely) wrap setting of 30, the following
Now is the time for all good men to
come to the aid
of their country.
would be reformatted as:
Now is the time for all good
men to come to the aid of
their country.
While the following:
Table data:
Column 1 Column 2
-------- --------
Apples Oranges
would not be reformatted at all because of the indentation. If you
are not aware of the way this behaves, you may end up with
undesirable results. For instance, if you entered the following:
Hello Joe!
Whatcha know?
I just got back from Kokomo!
Yours truly,
it would end up looking like:
Hello Joe! Whatcha know? I
just got back from Kokomo!
Yours truly, Ira
Use blank lines and indentation to avoid having lines pulled back
for you when you don't want this to happen.
2. Messages which are not replies
Sometimes you may wish to enter a message which is not a reply to
any existing message. There are two ways to do this: via the
"Enter" button while viewing a conference, and via the "Message"
button from the Conference List dialog. In both cases, the
procedure that follows is almost exactly that of creating a reply
message with the following exceptions:
* The "Envelope" dialog will appear both before AND after you
edit the message.
* No default information is filled in in the "Envelope" dialog
the first time; you must specify all fields.
Otherwise, for all intents and purposes, a message of this sort is
treated exactly like any other reply.
D. Packaging replies for upload
Select "Pack Replies" from the menu or press the "Pack" button is
the "BBS List" dialog window. You will be presented with a
list of all BBSes which have unpacked reply messages defined.
Select one or more from this list and press "OK".
For each selection from the previous list, you will be given a
dialog wherein you may select the archiver to use for packaging
this reply packet and, if a file by the target name already exists
in your "OutBound" directory, the option of overwriting that file
or appending the new messages to it.
There are possibly two buttons in this dialog labeled "List
Replies"; one which always appears and another which will only be
present if there already exists a reply packet in your "OutBound"
path. This second button appears inside of a group box labeled
"Existing Replies" in this case. The first of these buttons will
provide a list of "Reply Headers" (the conference number, receiver,
and subject) for each message in the group of new messages the
second will do the same for the existing replies. Note, if the
existing reply packet was not created using PMQWK, PMQWK will not
attempt to list its contents.
The button labeled "Change Path" will invoke a dialog wherein you
may override the currently set "OutBound" path (or reset it to the
default value if you have changed it).
Press the "OK" button to begin the packing process, press "Cancel"
to abort the process.
E. The Address Book
The address book feature of PMQWK is activated by choosing "Address
Book" from the "Files" menu in the main client window of PMQWK.
This is a small database wherein you may keep an organized list
of names, netmail addresses, and notes for future reference.
Each data record in the Address Book consists of four fields:
a 'Search key', and 'Name', and a 'Net Address', each of which may
be up to 25 characters long plus a 'Notes' field which can hold
up to 949 characters of information.
The reason for having the 'Key' field separate from the 'Name'
field is so that you may enter the name as it is to appear in
your reply envelopes (i.e., Name: "Barney Rubble") and still have
your list sorted by something other than first name (i.e.,
Search Key: "Rubble, Barney").
There are five buttons in the Address Book window, each of which
will initiate an action. 'Close' will close the address book
window, 'New' will insert a new, empty record and place the
Address Book in edit mode for that record, 'Edit' will place the
address book into edit mode for the currently viewed record,
'Delete' will delete the currently displayed record (NOTE WELL:
in the BETA release of the program, the user is NOT queried at
this point whether or not to really delete the record!), and
'Help' will display help for the Address Book functions (NOTE:
in this BETA release, the 'Help' button is not active.).
By default, the Address Book comes up in 'lookup mode'. You may
view the details for any entry by either selecting its key from
the listbox at the left of the window or by typing the first
character or characters of the key into the entry field labeled
'Search Key' in the upper left of the window. The latter performs
an 'incremental search' through the list of keys, that is, if you
type 'F', the listbox highlight moves to the first entry which
begins with an 'F' (this is not case sensitive), if you then
proceed to type an 'L', the highlight moves to the first entry
in the listbox which begins with 'FL'.
You enter 'edit mode' by pressing either the 'New' button or the
'Edit' button. The 'New' button inserts a new, blank record and
allows you to edit that record; the 'Edit' button is only available
if a valid record is currently displayed and it allows you to edit
the currently viewed record.
In 'edit mode', the listbox is replaced with a short, informational
message and all four of the entry fields (Search key, Name, Net
Addr, and Notes) will now accept input. You may type anything into
these fields you wish; you may use all of the standard OS/2 editing
keys and clipboard functions (i.e., Shift+Delete, Ctrl+Insert, and
Shift+Insert for Cut, Copy, and Paste). To save the record as
edited, press the "Save" button, to cancel changes press the
"Cancel" button (NOTE: in this BETA release of the program, the
"Help" button is not active). If you have edited the 'Search Key',
the listbox in the 'view mode' window will be rearranged as needed.
1. Copying information to the Envelope window
As mentioned above, the OS/2 editing keys which allow you to access
the system clipboard are active, that is, you may 'Mark' the name
in the Address Book with the mouse or the keyboard, copy it to
the clipboard (Ctrl+Insert) and paste it into any OS/2 application
which will accept clipboard data. This, of course, includes the
the fields in PMQWK's Envelope windows. For direct communication
with the Envelope window, however, you may elect to use the built-in
"Drag and Drop" interface.
If you press and hold Mouse Button Two (usually the right mouse
button) while the mouse pointer is over the 'Name" field or field
label in the Address Book window, the mouse pointer will change
into a small rectangle with the word "NAME" in it. Still holding
mouse button two, move the mouse pointer to the Envelope window
in which you wish this name to appear until the superimposed circle
with a slash disappears and release the mouse button. The name
will replace whatever text is currently in the "To:" field in the
envelope window. If you begin this operation from the "Net Addr"
field or field label in the Address Book window, the mouse pointer
will instead read "NET" and the data will be placed into the "Net:"
field in the envelope window. If you begin from anywhere else in
in the Address Book window other than directly over the above
mentioned fields or their labels, the mouse pointer will appear as
two rectangles, "NAME" and "NET", and the data will go to both
fields in the Envelope window. To cancel the drag and drop
operation, simply release the mouse button anywhere where it DOES
have the circle-slash visible.
There is no corresponding drag and drop mechanism for copying data
from the Envelope into the Address Book in this release of PMQWK.
You may, of course, use the system clipboard to accomplish this as
outlined above.
F. Options
There are several user settable options which you may specify via
the various items on the "Options" menu.
1. Fonts
This dialog will allow you to set the fonts which PMQWK will use
for message displays and list boxes.
2. Colors
This dialog will allow you to set the colors which PMQWK will use
for message displays and list boxes. [NOTE: In this BETA release
of PMQWK, entries appear for "Message HiLited Text" and "Message
HiLited Text Background". These setting are NOT functional in this
release, the highlighted colors in message displays are a function
of the normal, non-hilighted colors.]
3. Paths
This topic has already been covered elsewhere in this document.
Please refer to Section II.B.1 for information on these settings.
4. Editor
You may select your editor of choice here for purposes of editing
reply messages. Type the name of the editor in the indicated
field, if the program file is not in a directory referred to in
your PATH environment variable, you must include the entire drive
and path specification for the program. Once you have specified
a valid program name here you will be given the opportunity to
select how the program will be executed, i.e., as a Presentation
Manager program, in a full screen session, or in a windowed
5. Preferences
Preferences is a catchall for a number of semi-related settings.
a. Beep on personal messages
If this setting is checked, PMQWK will alert you with a tone
whenever you view a message addressed to you.
b. Attribute quotes
If this setting is checked, you specify that you want PMQWK to
provide an "Attribution" to the quotes in your reply messages and
you may further specify how you wish this Attribution to appear.
Type any text you wish into the associated entry field and it will
be echoed into your reply messages. There are several special
character sequences which you may embed into this text which will
cause PMQWK to insert relevant information from the message header:
%s inserts the SENDER's name from the original message
%r inserts the RECEIVER's name from the original message
%j inserts the SUBJECT of the original message
%d inserts the DATE of the original message
%t inserts the TIME of the original message
%_ inserts a line break in the attribution string
%% is used to insert a '%' character in the string.
Please note, these codes ARE case sensitive! "%S" will NOT work
like "%s", instead it will simply insert the characters "%S" into
the attribution string.
c. Wrap Column for Quotes
The column at which lines will be broken for purposes of quoting
original messages. PMQWK attempts to be intelligent about word
boundaries and will try to wrap lines at word breaks.
d. Prepend "Re:" to response subject lines
Automatically place the characters "Re: " at the beginning of
subjects lines in replies. "Re: " will NOT be prepended if those
characters are already present at the beginning of the subject.
e. Strip existing "Re:" from subject lines
Remove the characters "Re:" and any white space following from
subject lines in replies. Note that this option and the previous
are NOT mutually exclusive! If they are both checked, subject
lines in replies will always contain one and only one "Re:", if
neither is checked, no subject line is ever altered by PMQWK.
Note further that you have the ability to add or remove any
characters you wish from a subject line via the "Envelope"
dialog; these setting are provided as a convenience.
f. Prev/Next buttons on right in message reader
You may prefer it if the "Next" and "Prev" buttons appeared on the
right side of the message reader window and closer to the scroll
bars which govern the message text. If so, set this option ON.
Be warned, however, that if you move the focus in this window
using the TAB or arrows keys that the focus will appear to move
out of order with respect to these buttons!
g. Use Taglines
If this option is checked, PMQWK will look in the same directory
that contains the PMQWK.EXE file for a file named "TagLines.txt".
If it is found it will use this for it's source of tag lines
(humorous or provocative short quotes which will be appended to
your outgoing messages) and the "TagLine" drop-down list will
be enabled in the various "Envelope" dialogs. From there you
may select a line from the list, type in a fresh one "on the fly",
or erase it entirely.
The TagLines.txt file is a flat ASCII file containing one tagline
per line of file; you may edit this file with any text editor.
Taglines should not be longer than about 60 or 70 characters.
h. Use PMQWK Cutline
If this option is set OFF then PMQWK will not append it's own
"signature line" to your outgoing messages.
i. Show only active conferences
If this option is set ON (the default), PMQWK will only display
those conference names belonging to conferences containing more
than zero messages in the "Conference List" dialog. Use this
setting if you have a large number of empty conferences listed
by a BBS and you do not wish to navigate past them to find the
active areas.
6. Save options
All options discussed in this section may be saved
semi-permanently in an initialization file by selecting this
option. You may always change an option again and resave it.
If you change options and do not select "Save options" before
you attempt to exit PMQWK, you will be alerted to this fact and
given the opportunity to do so at that point.
Options are saved in a file named PMQWK.INI in the same directory
as PMQWK.EXE. If you've really made a mess of your settings and
wish to "start from scratch" just delete this file while PMQWK is
not running and restart the program (see section II.B.1 for first
time startup directions).
7. Icons
Though not on any menu within this version of PMQWK, you may
specify your own custom icons and attach them to any "BBS
Conference List" dialog or to any "Conference" dialog. You must
use OS/2 version 1.3 compatible color or black and white icon
files (.ICO). To do this, create a directory underneath the
directory containing PMQWK.EXE named "PMQIcons" and place all of
your custom icon files in this directory. PMQWK will determine
how to use these icons by the names you give the files:
To attach an icon to a BBS (Conference List Dialog) give the
icon file the same "first name" as the BBS id and an extension
of .ICO. (Example: A BBS id might be "FERNWOOD", name the
icon file "FERNWOOD.ICO").
To attach an icon to a specific conference for a specific BBS,
use the same first name as above but give the file an extension
which is the conference number, left padded to three characters
with zeros (Example: to attach an icon to conference #5 for the
"FERNWOOD" BBS, name the icon file "FERNWOOD.005").
To attach an icon to the "Personal Messages" conference, do as
above but give the icon file the extension ".PER". To attach
it to the "Replies" pseudo-conference, give it the extension
[NOTE: This procedure will be built into the program and made more
easy for the average user in the future. Do not attempt this
procedure if the above discussion made little or no sense to you!]
Happy Mail Reading!
Brady Flowers
Kimberly Bobrow
Oberon Software
19 January, 1993