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ZFront - a Front-End for UNZIP
Version 1.00
19 January, 1993
Oberon Software
518 Blue Earth Street
Mankato, MN 56001-2142 USA
Voice: 507-388-7001
Fax: 507-388-7568
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MCI Mail: oberon/413-5847
CIS: 72510,3500
If you are used to using PKUNZIP version 1.xx for OS/2 and have
attempted to migrate to the INFO-Zip 32-bit UNZIP utility for its
compatibility with the newer DOS versions of PKZIP and PKUNZIP, you
have undoubtedly noticed that you have had to sacrifice a certain
amount of functionality on the command line. In specific, UNZIP does
o Allow wildcards in the zipfile specification. I.e., PKUNZIP
allows "PKUNZIP -x *.ZIP" and UNZIP does not.
o Accept output paths for extracted files. I.e., PKUNZIP allows
"PKUNZIP -x ZIPFILE D:\OUTPATH\" and places extracted files in
the D:\OUTPATH directory, UNZIP does not.
o Because UNZIP lacks the output path ability, it does not operate
correctly with Oberon Software's PMQWK Offline Mail Reader!
ZFRONT acts as a front-end processor for UNZIP to correct these
problems. It DOES NOT perform the "unzipping" itself, it simply
"massages" the command line and the environment before executing
UNZIP.EXE allowing you, and PMQWK, the use of these constructs!
Use ZFRONT where you would normally use UNZIP. The command line
syntax is:
ZFRONT [-unzip_options] zipfilespec [outpath\] [filespec...]
Use ZFRONT with PMQWK by opening the "Paths" dialog from the
"Options" menu and setting ZFRONT.EXE as your "Unzipper" program.
If you execute ZFRONT with no command line parameters, it will
display a brief help message describing its usage.
ZFRONT requires UNZIP.EXE to be present in either the current
directory or in a directory referred to in your PATH setting in
order to operate.
ZFRONT is a 32-bit, OS/2 executable. It requires OS/2 2.0 or
later as the host operating system in order to function.
If you have renamed UNZIP.EXE to something else you may still use
ZFRONT but you must inform ZFRONT of the name change by way of the
ZFRONT environment variable. For example, if you have renamed
UNZIP.EXE to IUNZIP.EXE, place to following line in your Config.Sys
file: "set ZFRONT=IUNZIP.EXE" and ZFRONT will adapt to the new name.
You may also instruct ZFRONT to send the output it normally prints on
screen to a file by use of the ZFRONTLOG environment variable. To do
this, set the ZFRONTLOG variable to a valid file name; ZFRONT will
append all of its screen output to this file. For example, if you
"set ZFRONTLOG=E:\ZFRONT.LOG" before you execute ZFRONT, any
informational and/or error messages will appear in E:\ZFRONT.LOG.
This feature may be helpful when using ZFRONT with PMQWK if you have
any problems because PMQWK normally runs the packers and unpackers in
the background and any screen output is lost otherwise.
ZFront Version 1.00 is Copyright (c) 1993 by Oberon Software
All Rights Reserved
Permission is hereby granted to anyone to use this program for any purpose
whatsoever as long as the following is clearly understood:
If you use this software, you do so at your own risk. Oberon
Software will not be liable for any losses or damages to property,
data, time, or business which arise as the direct or indirect result
of the use, misuse, or failure to be able to use this software or
documentation. Your acceptance of these terms is implied by your use
of this software and documentation.