OS/2 Professional
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Text File
195 lines
# This is a non-functional skeleton for creating an autologin
# script. However you might not need it, since simple autologins
# can be achieved without script programming using the autologin
# feature of the phone book.
# Scenario:
# Let's assume Zaphod Beeblebrox uses the Megadodo bbs on Ursa
# Minor Beta to download new messages and upload the replys that
# he wrote offline.
# This script calls the bbs and eventually tries again until it
# gets a CONNECT. Then it goes to the main menu where it downloads
# a new mail packet and, if available, uploads Zaphod's replys.
# Prevent users from accidently dialling long distance to Ursa Minor Beta
request "Are you sure you want to make a call across the universe?" "No" "No"
goto finish
# To test your own script, change the next line to 'debug 1'
debug 0
# Set a few values (999 is the prefix for inter galactical calls :-)
setn waittime 10 ;# time between dials
setn maxtry 42 ;# max number of trys
seta phone "999-9283748742893478" ;# phone number to call
# Init the modem (and fail if no OK received within 5 seconds)
timeout 5
send "ATZ"
wait "OK"
ifbrk goto fail
# Reset counter, clear screen
setn counter 1
# Dial and see what happens
dial "%phone%"
# Set timeout to 90sec. and wait for a line of text to come
timeout 90
# if something arrived save incoming line to variable
# (lastline might change duringprocessing)
ifnbrk seta last "%lastline%"
# else
# if WAITLINE timed out, set our variable to TIMEOUT
ifbrk seta last "TIMEOUT"
# Set text compare to non exact matching (that is CONNECT=CONNECT 1200)
exact 0
# compare to for CONNECT or CARRIER and if equal, log in
compa "%last%" WITH CONNECT
ifequ goto login
compa "%last%" WITH CARRIER
ifequ goto login
# Try again for BUSY, NO CARRIER
compa "%last%" WITH BUSY
ifequ goto SomeMore
compa "%last%" WITH "NO CARRIER"
ifequ goto SomeMore
# for TIMEOUT hang up
compa "%last%" WITH "NO CARRIER"
ifequ hangup
# Ignore anything else (Zyxels say 'RINGING' or V42 say 'PROCOL xxx')
# and wait for something we know
goto loop1
# Increment counter and eventually try again
# ... wait and see if we ...
delay %waittime%
# ... want to try again?
inc counter
compn %counter% with %maxtry%
iflow goto loop0
ifequ goto loop0
# No success after %maxtry% tries
goto fail
# Make a bit noise
beep 3
writeln "^M^J^J^MConnection established!!"
timeout 30
# log in
wait "Name"
send "Zaphod Beeblebroox^m"
wait "Password"
send "heart of gold^m"
# care for the stuff they use to make script programming
# a bit harder (respond will be active whenever
# the script processes a DELAY, WAIT or WAITLINE)
respond "your birth date" "11/11/11^m"
respond "press <enter> to continue" "^m"
# Wait for the main menu, go to the mail area and
# request to download a mail packet
timeout 60
wait "your choice"
send "m^M"
wait "your choice"
send "d^M"
wait "file transfer protocol"
send "z^M"
wait "are you sure"
send "y^M"
# We could use the download command, but it's easier just to
# let autodownload jump in during a WAIT. So wait for the
# 'download finished' message and let autodownload care for
# the rest
timeout 600 ;# download could take a long time
wait "finished"
wait "your choice"
# Do the same for upload. To find out if an reply file exists
# try to open it for reading.
openfile "hitchh.rep" "r"
compa "%lastline%" with "##OK##"
ifnequ goto logout
send "u^M"
wait "file transfer protocol"
send "z^M"
wait "are you sure"
send "y^M"
timeout 600 ;# upload could take a long time
wait "finished"
# after up/download go to the main menu and log out
# main menu (send ESC)
send "^["
# log out
wait "your choice"
send "L"
writeln "ERROR"