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HumaNeko - An OS/2 Neko Program With a Human Touch
Written By Eric A. Wolf - Copyright (C) 1994 - All Rights Reserved
This program is SHAREWARE! Please read the registration information at the end
of this document for details on how to register your copy of HumaNeko.
== Introduction ============
If you are familiar with "Neko the Cat" or the "Cat and Mouse" program that
comes bundled with OS/2, then you are already familiar with HumaNeko
(pronounced "Human Neko"). In short, HumaNeko is Neko (or Cat and Mouse) with
a human-touch. Instead of having a little animated cat chase your mouse cursor
around, in HumaNeko, a little human is trapped inside a window and playfully
follows your mouse pointer.
HumaNeko will faithfully follow your mouse cursor wherever it goes on the
screen. However, if you move it outside HumaNeko's window, HumaNeko will try
and get your attention so that you move the pointer back into the window and he
can play some more. Also, if your mouse cursor is inside the window, and
you don't move it for a while, HumaNeko will get tired of standing around and
he'll occupy himself doing other things. Once he's busy doing other things,
you can try and slowly move the mouse away from him. But do it slowly! If
he catches you, he'll jump and get back to chasing you around!
HumaNeko is playful and comes with one additional feature. Called Run-Away,
if you select this, you and your little human friend engage in a game of Tag,
and you're "it"! You have to use your mouse and click on HumaNeko as he
runs around the screen taunting you!
== Installation ============
Installing HumaNeko is easy. Simply put HUMANEKO.EXE somewhere on your hard
drive and go to the OS/2 desktop. Go to your templates folder and drag out
a program template. When the notebook appears, fill in the application name
(making sure to include the path where you put HUMANEKO.EXE).
For example, if I put HumaNeko on my hard drive (C:) and under my OS/2
directory, in a directory called HumaNeko, I would put
C:\OS2\HUMANEKO\HUMANEKO.EXE in the program portion of the settings
notebook. Close this settings notebook and you can start HumaNeko at any
time by double clicking on the HumaNeko icon.
You may also start HumaNeko from the OS/2 command line. Simply go to the
directory which holds HumaNeko and type: HUMANEKO <press enter>.
Further instructions for making an icon for an existing .EXE file or starting
an OS/2 application can be found in the OS/2 2.x documentation.
If you make a program object for the file (by dragging a program template out
of the templates folder), feel free to assign it any icon you wish. We have
provided a sample HumaNeko icon (found in the directory you uncompressed
HumaNeko) for your convenience.
== Using HumaNeko ==============
Once HumaNeko is started, you will see your little human follow your mouse
cursor around. He will follow you around whever you go. The program's use
is self-explanatory but, just for completeness, a few details about the
program's operation follow:
CHASE MODE: When you first start HumaNeko, this is the mode of
operation HumaNeko is in. In this mode, the human will
faithfully follow your mouse pointer wherever it goes.
If the mouse pointer is inside HumaNeko's window and you
don't move the mouse for awhile, HumaNeko will get bored
and occupy himself doing other things. Once he is busy
entertaining himself, you can try and slowly move the
mouse away from him. But do it very slowly so that he
doesn't notice! Moving your mouse outside of HumaNeko's
window only frustrates the poor guy!
RUN-AWAY MODE: Once you select this mode from the Options menu item,
HumaNeko tries to run away from you. He'll dart in
every direction dodging you. In fact, if you don't
catch him fast enough, he will even taunt you! You
catch him by clicking your first mouse button with
the pointer directly on top of him.
To disengage this mode of operation, select Chase Mode
from the Options menu to put HumaNeko back to his
cursor-chasing self.
OPTIONS: Selecting this will bring up a dialog box with different
settings you can change about HumaNeko. Each is changed by
dragging the slider left and right in each control. A
description of each follow:
Update Frequency: This indicates how often HumaNeko moves.
He can either move very often (quickly) or
not very often (thus, very slowly).
Step Rate: This indicates how far HumaNeko can move with each
step. HumaNeko can either take very large steps
(and move very fast) or take baby steps and move
very slowly.
Mouse Sensitivity: When HumaNeko is occupying himself, you can
try and be sneaky and slowly move the mouse
away from HumaNeko without his noticing.
This control decides how sensitive HumaNeko
is to your movement once he is busy.
EXIT: This function ends the HumaNeko program
GENERAL HELP: This brings up a very basic dialog box describing the
features and options in humaNeko
PRODUCT INFORMATION: This brings up a dialog with information on the
version number of the software, author information,
copyright information, etc.
== Registration ============
If you like HumaNeko, or perhaps, you enjoy having the complete source code
for an OS/2 PM program to aid you in writing your own programs, I ask you to
register your copy of the program. The registration cost is only $10.00 and
it will only be with your support that I continue to develop for OS/2,
and especially, provide the complete source code for any of my works.
You can register your copy of HumaNeko with me for only $10.00. Please send
your registration payment as a check or money order (US funds only) to:
Eric A. Wolf
498 Wiley Hall NW
West Lafayette, Indiana 47906-4223
After 4/30/94, please send your registration payment to:
Eric A. Wolf
1630 North Johnson Street
South Bend, Indiana 46628-2936
I want to encourage everyone to start writing applications for OS/2, no
matter how simple or complex. That is why I am providing the source code
with this program. If you've never developed for OS/2 before, now is your
time to start and you have this to look off of to get you going.
Please note, however, I provide the source code as-is and as a learning tool
for aspiring programmers. Please do NOT modify the source code and re-release
an exact or similar product. The source is provided solely as a learning
device. The $10.00 registration fee is cheaper than any OS/2 programming
book and what I provide is a complete, functional OS/2 PM application and
ALL component source files that comprise it (how many books do that?)
If the response is good enough, and only if the response is good, I will
continue to develop products and ship the source code along with them. It
benefits us all with this type of distribution, please do your part to
support it!!
I will answer no questions about the source code of the program from an
individual until a registration payment has been received. Once registered,
source questions can be directed to me via electronic mail only:
CompuServe: 71575,1515
internet: ericwolf@mentor.cc.purdue.edu
If you have general comments or questions about the program, you may also
send them to any of the electronic addresses above. Thanks!
== Source Code ===========
This program comes complete with the entire source code that generated it.
Please note the following restriction:
HumaNeko's source code is to be modified by the author alone. The source
code is provided as a learning tool ONLY! No modifications may be made
to it to reproduce a same or similar product. The copyright remains that
of solely the author and the program is protected under both United States
and International Copyright Laws.
The complete source code for this program can be found in the SOURCE
directory that was created when you uncompressed this program. It was
developed on Borland's C++ for OS/2. A project file (HUMANEKO.PRJ) has been
provided to facilitate your working with these files. Each source file
is documented and you should review the code with some good OS/2 references
in hand (PM references, etc.) Borland's online help system is great start!
In the SOURCE/BITMAP directory are all the bitmaps used in the animation
sequences in this project. The icon is a standard 32x32 16 color icon while
the bitmaps are all 48x48 16 color bitmaps.
== Distribution of HumaNeko ========================
You are free to distribute HumaNeko to whomever and however you wish as long
as the following conditions are upheld:
- HumaNeko should always be distributed in its entirety. This includes
all documentation, executables, and source files. Under no circumstances
should HumaNeko be distributed without ALL of its original files.
Distribution of HumaNeko is strongly encouraged, this includes distribution
by individuals, BBSes, electronic servies, shareware houses, cd-rom
pressers, etc. All I ask is that those who use HumaNeko pay their $10
registration fee.
- HumaNeko's source code is to be modified by the author alone. The source
code is provided as a learning tool ONLY! No modifications may be made
to it to reproduce a same or similar product. The copyright remains that
of solely the author and the program is protected under both United States
and International Copyright Laws.
- If you use HumaNeko, you MUST register it (directions for doing so
preceeded this section of the text). "Use" includes both the actual
use of (or playing with) the HumaNeko program -or- using the source code
as a reference for your own works. If you use the source as a reference,
please register your copy ($10.00 is cheaper than any book you can buy on
OS/2 programming and what is going to teach you as much??)
- Remember, if you like the program (even if you don't care much for the
source code) you should still register!!
Remember if you like HumaNeko and use it or if you use or plan to use the
source code as a reference for your own works, please register today!