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PM2BMP20.ZIP - Fast OS/2 PM window to BMP file picture grabber, by Wim Brul.
Contains also an associated BMP file to PM window viewer.
OS/2 2.0 and higher only.
Copyright (c) 1992, Wim Brul, NL1422CG25
May be freely used and exchanged, as long as it is not modified or sold
for more than the cost of duplicating disks (i.e. not to exceed $10).
Contains PM2BMP.TXT (this text file), PM2BMP.EXE (the fast grabber),
PMHOTKEY.DLL(the hot key) and BMP2PM.EXE (the fast displayer).
o PM2BMP.EXE - PM window to BMP file
This fast OS/2 PM program enables you to grab an active PM window by
simply pressing the PrintScreen key. It shows the grabbed picture in its
own window and writes it to a BMP file. The picture may later on be looked
at again by means of BMP2PM.EXE which has also been provided. It makes
use of the PMHOTKEY.DLL to intercept the PrintScreen key. The created BMP
files are named PM001.BMP, PM002.BMP and so on till PM999.BMP is reached,
after which it starts all over again with PM001.BMP etc..
o BMP2PM.EXE - BMP file to PM window
This fast OS/2 PM program enables you to look at a picture previously
grabbed via PM2BMP.EXE. Simply double click on the filename, or drag the
BMP file to its icon to let it show the picture in its own window. When it
is invoked without a parameter, then it tries to show C:\OS2\LIGHTHOU.VGA.
To install, create a subdirectory on your hard disk with a name you prefer,
e.g. PICTURES, and copy the ZIP file into this directory. After that unzip
the ZIP file. Copy two program templates into a folder of your choice.
Specify the full path and filename e.g. C:\PICTURES\PM2BMP.EXE in the one
program template, together with the working directory e.g. C:\PICTURES.
Specify the full path and filename e.g. C:\PICTURES\BMP2PM.EXE in the other
program template. No need to specify a working directory here.
For comments write to:
Wim Brul
Marsmanlaan 25
1422 CG Uithoorn
The Netherlands