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667 lines
#define PROGRAM "SHOWBMP" // Program Name
#define LEVEL "Level 00" // Program Level
#define COPYRIGHT "Copyright (c) 1990 George S. Brickner"
#pragma title (PROGRAM " " LEVEL " - Display Bitmap")
#pragma linesize(120)
#pragma pagesize(55)
** **
** SHOWBMP - Display an OS/2 bitmap in a PM window. **
** Level 00, June 19th, 1990 **
** **
#define INCL_DOS // Include OS/2 Doscalls
#define INCL_GPI // Include OS/2 PM GPI Calls
#define INCL_WIN // Include OS/2 PM Win Calls
#define INCL_BITMAPFILEFORMAT // Include OS/2 PM Bitmap File Hdr
#define INCL_ERRORS // Include All OS/2 Errors
#include <os2.h> // Standard OS/2 Definitions
#include <mt\process.h> // C/2 Standard Process Defs
#include <mt\string.h> // C/2 Standard String Defs
#include <mt\stdlib.h> // C/2 Standard Library Defs
#include <mt\stdio.h> // C/2 Standard I/O Defs
#include <SHOWBMP.h> // SHOWBMP Header File
#include <UTILITY.h> // UTILITY Header File
#include <BITMAP.h> // BITMAP Header File
#include <FILEREQ.h> // FILEREQ Header File
#define STACK_SIZE (16384) // Thread stack size
#pragma subtitle ("Define Global & Static Data Areas")
#pragma page()
** Define Global Data **
CHAR szClientClass[] = PROGRAM; // Client window class & pgm name
HWND hwndFrame; // Frame Window Handle
** Define Static Data **
static CHAR const eyepopper[] = PROGRAM "-" LEVEL "-" __TIMESTAMP__ "-" COPYRIGHT;
static HAB habMain; // PM Anchor Block Handle
static HWND hwndClient; // Client Window Handle
static HWND hwndVscroll; // Vertical Scroll Bar Handle
static HWND hwndHscroll; // Horizontal Scroll Bar Handle
static SHORT cxClient; // Client Window Width
static SHORT cyClient; // Client Window Height
static SHORT cxScreen; // Desktop screen Width
static SHORT cyScreen; // Desktop screen Height
static SHORT cxBorder; // Thin border Width
static SHORT cyBorder; // Thin border Height
static SHORT cyTitleBar; // Title Bar Height
static SHORT cyMenu; // Menu Bar Height
static SHORT cxVScroll; // Vertical scroll bar width
static SHORT cyHScroll; // Horizontal scroll bar height
static SHORT sVscrollPos; // Vertical Scroll Position
static SHORT sHscrollPos; // Horizontal Scroll Position
static SHORT sVscrollMax; // Vertical Scroll Limit
static SHORT sHscrollMax; // Horizontal Scroll Limit
static BMPCTL BmpCtl; // Bitmap control area
static CHAR szFileName[256]; // File name area
#pragma subtitle ("About Dialog Box Procedure")
#pragma page()
** About Dialog Box Procedure **
switch (msg) // Process Dialog Message
case WM_COMMAND: // Command Message
switch (COMMANDMSG (&msg)->cmd) // Process Command ID
case DID_OK: // User Clicked "OK"
WinDismissDlg (hwnd, TRUE); // Done With Dialog
break; // Normal Exit
default: // Default Command Processing
return WinDefDlgProc (hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2);
break; // Normal Exit
default: // Default Dialog Processing
return WinDefDlgProc (hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2);
return MPFROMSHORT (FALSE); // Return To PM
#pragma subtitle ("Bitmap Fetch Thread")
#pragma page()
** Bitmap Fetch Thread **
static VOID _cdecl FAR BitmapThread (PBMPCTL pCtl)
USHORT rc; // Return code
pCtl->habThread = WinInitialize (0); // Connect To PM
while (DosSemWait (&pCtl->hTriggerSem, SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT) == NO_ERROR)
DosSemSet (&pCtl->hTriggerSem); // Set semaphore
rc = CreateBitmap (pCtl); // Load bitmap into memory
if (rc == NO_ERROR) // Bitmap load successful
WinPostMsg (pCtl->hwndClient, UWM_BITMAP_READY, 0, 0);
else // Bitmap load failed
WinPostMsg (pCtl->hwndClient, UWM_BITMAP_ERROR, MPFROM2SHORT (rc, 0), (MPARAM) pCtl->Err);
WinTerminate (pCtl->habThread); // Disconnect From PM
_endthread (); // Terminate thread
#pragma subtitle ("Set Window Title Text")
#pragma page()
** Set Window Title Text **
static VOID SetTitleText (PCHAR pTitle)
USHORT Size; // Data size
CHAR szTitleText[256]; // Window Title Text
WinLoadString (habMain, (HMODULE) NULL, IDS_TITLE,
sizeof szTitleText - 1, szTitleText);
strcat (szTitleText, " - ");
if (pTitle) // Title string supplied
strcat (szTitleText, pTitle);
else // Title string omitted - substitute
Size = strlen (szTitleText); // Get title length so far
WinLoadString (habMain, (HMODULE) NULL, IDS_UNTITLED,
sizeof (szTitleText - 1) - Size, &szTitleText[Size]);
WinSetWindowText (hwndFrame, szTitleText);
#pragma subtitle ("View Bitmap Information")
#pragma page()
** View Bitmap Information **
static VOID ViewInformation (PBMPCTL pCtl)
USHORT size; // String Size
CHAR szFormat[256]; // Format Area
CHAR szMessage[256]; // Message Area
CHAR szCaption[256]; // Caption Area
WinLoadString (habMain, (HMODULE) NULL, IDS_FORMAT04, sizeof szFormat, szFormat);
sprintf (szMessage, szFormat, pCtl->Hdr.bmp.cx, pCtl->Hdr.bmp.cy, pCtl->cColors);
strcpy (szCaption, szClientClass);
size = strlen (szCaption);
WinLoadString (habMain, (HMODULE) NULL, IDS_VIEWINFO, sizeof szCaption - size, &szCaption[size]);
DisplayMsgBox (FALSE, szMessage, szCaption, MB_OK);
#pragma subtitle ("Main Client Window Procedure")
#pragma page()
** Main Client Window Procedure **
static BOOL BitmapReady; // Bitmap ready flag
HPS hps; // Presentation Space Handle
RECTL rcl; // Rectangle
POINTL aptl[3]; // GpiBitBlt point array
USHORT rc; // Return code
SHORT cxNew, cyNew, xNew, yNew; // New window size, position
SHORT sHscrollInc; // Horiz scroll Increment
SHORT sVscrollInc; // Vert scroll Increment
PBMPCTL pCtl; // Bitmap Control Ptr
CHAR szText[16]; // Text
pCtl = &BmpCtl; // Set Ptr
switch (msg) // Process Window Message
case WM_CREATE: // Window being created
hwndVscroll = WinWindowFromID (
WinQueryWindow (hwnd, QW_PARENT, FALSE),
FID_VERTSCROLL); // Get Vert Scroll Handle
hwndHscroll = WinWindowFromID (
WinQueryWindow (hwnd, QW_PARENT, FALSE),
FID_HORZSCROLL); // Get Horiz Scroll Handle
SetOpenMask ("*.BMP"); // Set initial open search mask
BitmapReady = FALSE; // Initialize switch
pCtl->hTriggerSem = NULL;
DosSemSet (&pCtl->hTriggerSem); // Set semaphore
pCtl->tidThread = _beginthread (BitmapThread, malloc (STACK_SIZE), STACK_SIZE, pCtl);
if (pCtl->tidThread != -1) // Thread started
if (pCtl->pFileName) // Bitmap on cmd line - fetch
DosSemClear (&pCtl->hTriggerSem);
else // Thread start failed
rc = _doserrno;
ShowDOSError (habMain, rc, IDS_ERROR05);
return MPFROMSHORT (TRUE); // Error return To PM
break; // Normal Exit
case WM_SIZE: // Window being sized
cxClient = SHORT1FROMMP (mp2); // New window width
cyClient = SHORT2FROMMP (mp2); // New window height
sHscrollMax = max (0, (SHORT) pCtl->Hdr.bmp.cx - cxClient);
sHscrollPos = min (sHscrollPos, sHscrollMax);
WinSendMsg ( // Set Scroll Bar Pos/Limits
MPFROM2SHORT (sHscrollPos, 0), // Set Current Position
MPFROM2SHORT (0, sHscrollMax)); // Set Min & Max Limits
WinEnableWindow ( // Enable Scrollbar If Not Zero
sHscrollMax ? TRUE : FALSE);
sVscrollMax = max (0, (SHORT) pCtl->Hdr.bmp.cy - cyClient);
sVscrollPos = min (sVscrollPos, sVscrollMax);
WinSendMsg ( // Set Scroll Bar Pos/Limits
MPFROM2SHORT (sVscrollPos, 0), // Set Current Position
MPFROM2SHORT (0, sVscrollMax)); // Set Min & Max Limits
WinEnableWindow ( // Enable Scrollbar If Not Zero
sVscrollMax ? TRUE : FALSE);
break; // Normal Exit
case WM_HSCROLL: // Horizontal Scroll Bar Moved
switch (SHORT2FROMMP (mp2)) // Process Scroll Amount
case SB_LINELEFT: // Move Left 1/25 window
sHscrollInc = -(cxClient / 25);
break; // Send Msg To Scroll Bar
case SB_LINERIGHT: // Move Right 1/25 window
sHscrollInc = cxClient / 25;
break; // Send Msg To Scroll Bar
case SB_PAGELEFT: // Move Left 1/4 window
sHscrollInc = -(cxClient / 4);
break; // Send Msg To Scroll Bar
case SB_PAGERIGHT: // Move Right 1/4 window
sHscrollInc = cxClient / 4;
break; // Send Msg To Scroll Bar
case SB_SLIDERPOSITION: // Slider Movement
sHscrollInc = SHORT1FROMMP (mp2) - sHscrollPos;
break; // Send Msg To Scroll Bar
default: // Ignore Other Scroll Msgs
sHscrollInc = 0; // No Scroll
sHscrollInc = max (-sHscrollPos, min (sHscrollInc, sHscrollMax - sHscrollPos));
if (sHscrollInc) // Perform Scroll
sHscrollPos += sHscrollInc; // Update Scroll Pos
WinScrollWindow (hwndClient, -sHscrollInc, 0, // Horz Scroll
WinSendMsg (hwndHscroll, SBM_SETPOS, // Set Scroll Bar Pos
MPFROM2SHORT (sHscrollPos, 0), NULL);
WinUpdateWindow (hwnd);
break; // Normal exit
case WM_VSCROLL: // Vertical Scroll Bar Moved
switch (SHORT2FROMMP (mp2)) // Process Scroll Amount
case SB_LINEUP: // Move up 1/25 window
sVscrollInc = -(cyClient / 25);
break; // Send Msg To Scroll Bar
case SB_LINEDOWN: // Move down 1/25 window
sVscrollInc = cyClient / 25;
break; // Send Msg To Scroll Bar
case SB_PAGEUP: // Move up 1/4 window
sVscrollInc = -(cyClient / 4);
break; // Send Msg To Scroll Bar
case SB_PAGEDOWN: // Move down 1/4 window
sVscrollInc = cyClient / 4;
break; // Send Msg To Scroll Bar
case SB_SLIDERPOSITION: // Slider Movement
sVscrollInc = SHORT1FROMMP (mp2) - sVscrollPos;
break; // Send Msg To Scroll Bar
default: // Ignore Other Scroll Msgs
sVscrollInc = 0; // No Scroll
sVscrollInc = max (-sVscrollPos, min (sVscrollInc, sVscrollMax - sVscrollPos));
if (sVscrollInc) // Perform Scroll
sVscrollPos += sVscrollInc; // Update Scroll Pos
WinScrollWindow (hwndClient, 0, sVscrollInc, // Vert Scroll
WinSendMsg (hwndVscroll, SBM_SETPOS, // Set Scroll Bar Pos
MPFROM2SHORT (sVscrollPos, 0), NULL);
WinUpdateWindow (hwnd);
break; // Normal exit
case WM_PAINT: // Paint The Window
DisplayBusyPtr (TRUE); // Display hourglass pointer
hps = WinBeginPaint (hwnd, NULL, &rcl);
if (BitmapReady) // Bitmap available - display
GpiCreateLogColorTable (hps, LCOL_RESET, LCOLF_CONSECRGB,
0L, (LONG) pCtl->cColors, pCtl->lLogColorTbl);
// Target bottom left corner of client window
aptl[0].x = rcl.xLeft;
aptl[0].y = rcl.yBottom;
// Target top right corner of client window
aptl[1].x = rcl.xRight;
aptl[1].y = rcl.yTop;
// Source bottom left corner of bitmap
aptl[2].x = rcl.xLeft + sHscrollPos;
aptl[2].y = rcl.yBottom + sVscrollMax - sVscrollPos;
GpiBitBlt (hps, pCtl->hpsBitmap, 3L, aptl, ROP_SRCCOPY, BBO_IGNORE);
else if (pCtl->pFileName) // Display "Working..."
WinLoadString (habMain, (HMODULE) NULL, IDS_WORKING,
sizeof szText - 1, szText);
WinQueryWindowRect (hwnd, &rcl);
WinDrawText (hps, -1, szText, &rcl, 0L, 0L,
else // Just erase client area
GpiErase (hps);
WinEndPaint (hps);
DisplayBusyPtr (FALSE); // Display normal pointer
break; // Normal Exit
case UWM_BITMAP_READY: // Bitmap ready to display
cxNew = min ((SHORT) (pCtl->Hdr.bmp.cx + (2 * cxBorder) + cxVScroll - 1), cxScreen);
cyNew = min ((SHORT) (pCtl->Hdr.bmp.cy + (2 * cyBorder) + cyTitleBar + cyMenu + cyHScroll - 1), cyScreen);
xNew = (cxScreen - cxNew) / 2; // New X co-ordinate
yNew = (cyScreen - cyNew) / 2; // New Y co-ordinate
BitmapReady = TRUE; // Bitmap is ready for display
sHscrollPos = sVscrollPos = 0; // Reset scroll bars
WinSetWindowPos (hwndFrame, 0, xNew, yNew, cxNew, cyNew, SWP_SIZE | SWP_MOVE);
WinInvalidateRect (hwnd, NULL, FALSE); // Force re-paint
break; // Normal edit
case UWM_BITMAP_ERROR: // Bitmap processing failed
BitmapReady = FALSE; // Bitmap is not ready for display
pCtl->pFileName = NULL; // Nothing to display
WinSetErrorInfo ((ERRORID) mp2, SEI_DOSERROR, SHORT1FROMMP (mp1)); // Save Error info
ShowPMError (habMain, IDS_ERROR04);
WinInvalidateRect (hwnd, NULL, FALSE); // Force re-paint
break; // Normal edit
case WM_HELP: // Process help command
DisplayMsgBox ( // Display dummy help
FALSE, // No beep
"Sorry, there is no help for you.", // Message
"Help", // Title
MB_OK // Use OK button
break; // Normal Exit
case WM_CHAR: // Process keystroke
switch (CHARMSG (&msg)->vkey) // Process Keystroke
case VK_LEFT: // Scroll Left
case VK_RIGHT: // Scroll Right
return WinSendMsg (hwndHscroll, msg, mp1, mp2);
case VK_UP: // Scroll Up One Line
case VK_DOWN: // Scroll Down One Line
case VK_PAGEUP: // Scroll Up One Page
case VK_PAGEDOWN: // Scroll Down One Page
return WinSendMsg (hwndVscroll, msg, mp1, mp2);
default: // Default Processing
return WinDefWindowProc (hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2);
break; // Normal exit
case WM_COMMAND: // Process Menu Command
switch (COMMANDMSG (&msg)->cmd) // Process menu selection
case IDM_FILE_NEW: // Process New Request
SetTitleText (NULL); // Default title
pCtl->pFileName = NULL; // No bitmap file name
BitmapReady = FALSE; // Bitmap is not ready for display
DestroyBitMap (pCtl); // Clean up existing bitmap
WinInvalidateRect (hwnd, NULL, FALSE); // Force repaint
break; // Normal exit
case IDM_FILE_OPEN: // Process Open Request
pCtl->pFileName = NULL; // No bitmap file name
BitmapReady = FALSE; // Bitmap is not ready for display
DestroyBitMap (pCtl); // Clean up existing bitmap
if (WinDlgBox ( // Invoke Open Dialog Box
HWND_DESKTOP, // Desktop Handle
hwnd, // Window Handle
OpenDlgProc, // Dialog Processing
(HMODULE) NULL, // Resource Is In .EXE
IDD_OPEN, // Dialog ID
szFileName)) // Dialog Data Ptr
pCtl->pFileName = szFileName; // Set file name ptr
SetTitleText (pCtl->pFileName); // Set new title
WinInvalidateRect (hwnd, NULL, FALSE); // Force repaint
DosSemClear (&pCtl->hTriggerSem); // Post thread
else // Open Failed
SetTitleText (NULL); // Default title
pCtl->pFileName = NULL;
break; // Normal Exit
case IDM_FILE_ABOUT: // Display About Box
WinDlgBox ( // Invoke Dialog Box
HWND_DESKTOP, // Desktop Handle
hwnd, // Window Handle
AboutDlgProc, // Dialog Processing
(HMODULE) NULL, // Resource Is In .EXE
IDD_ABOUT, // Dialog ID
NULL // Dialog Data Ptr
break; // Normal Exit
case IDM_FILE_EXIT: // Exit program
WinPostMsg (hwnd, WM_QUIT, NULL, NULL);
break; // Normal exit
case IDM_FILE_INFO: // View information
ViewInformation (pCtl);
break; // Normal exit
default: // Default processing
return WinDefWindowProc (hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2);
break; // Normal exit
case WM_INITMENU: // Initialize Menu items
switch (SHORT1FROMMP (mp1))
case IDM_FILE: // File menu - Disable
EnableMenuItem (IDM_FILE_SAVE, FALSE);
break; // Normal Exit
break; // Normal exit
case WM_DESTROY: // Window being destroyed
DosSuspendThread (pCtl->tidThread);
DestroyBitMap (pCtl); // Clean up
break; // Normal exit
default: // Default Window Processing
return WinDefWindowProc (hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2);
return MPFROMSHORT (FALSE); // Normal return To PM
#pragma subtitle ("Initialize Client Window")
#pragma page()
** Initialize Client Window **
BOOL InitClientWindow (PBMPCTL pCtl)
BOOL Response = FALSE; // Response to caller
ULONG flFrameFlags; // Frame flags
flFrameFlags = FCF_TITLEBAR | // Title bar
FCF_SYSMENU | // System menu
FCF_MINBUTTON | // Minimumize button
FCF_BORDER | // Thin border
FCF_ICON | // Icon present
FCF_MENU | // Menu bar
FCF_ACCELTABLE | // Keyboard accelerator table
FCF_SHELLPOSITION | // Let shell position window
FCF_TASKLIST | // Task list entry
FCF_VERTSCROLL | // Vertical scroll bar
FCF_HORZSCROLL; // Horizontal scroll bar
if (WinRegisterClass ( // Register client window class
habMain, // Anchor block handle
szClientClass, // Name of class being registered
ClientWndProc, // Window procedure for class
0L, // Class style
0)) // Extra bytes to reserve
hwndFrame = WinCreateStdWindow ( // Create Frame & Client Windows
HWND_DESKTOP, // Parent window handle
WS_VISIBLE, // Style of frame window
&flFrameFlags, // Pointer to control data
szClientClass, // Client window class name
NULL, // Title bar text
0L, // Style of client window
(HMODULE) NULL, // Resources in EXE file
ID_MAINWIN, // ID of resources
&hwndClient); // Pointer to client window handle
if (hwndFrame && hwndClient) // Window Created - continue
pCtl->hwndClient = hwndClient; // Client window to notify
SetTitleText (pCtl->pFileName); // Initial title
cxScreen = (SHORT) WinQuerySysValue (HWND_DESKTOP, SV_CXSCREEN);
cyScreen = (SHORT) WinQuerySysValue (HWND_DESKTOP, SV_CYSCREEN);
cxBorder = (SHORT) WinQuerySysValue (HWND_DESKTOP, SV_CXBORDER);
cyBorder = (SHORT) WinQuerySysValue (HWND_DESKTOP, SV_CYBORDER);
cyTitleBar = (SHORT) WinQuerySysValue (HWND_DESKTOP, SV_CYTITLEBAR);
cyMenu = (SHORT) WinQuerySysValue (HWND_DESKTOP, SV_CYMENU);
cxVScroll = (SHORT) WinQuerySysValue (HWND_DESKTOP, SV_CXVSCROLL);
cyHScroll = (SHORT) WinQuerySysValue (HWND_DESKTOP, SV_CYHSCROLL);
Response = TRUE; // Indicate success
else // Client WinCreateStdWindow Failed
ShowPMError (habMain, IDS_ERROR03);
else // Client WinRegisterClass Failed
ShowPMError (habMain, IDS_ERROR02);
return Response; // Return to caller
#pragma subtitle ("Main Program")
#pragma page()
** Main Program Entry Point **
USHORT main (USHORT argc, PCHAR argv[])
HMQ hmq = NULL; // Message Queue Handle
QMSG qmsg; // Message Queue Element
PBMPCTL pCtl; // Bitmap control area ptr
pCtl = &BmpCtl; // Set bitmap control ptr
memset (pCtl, 0x00, sizeof (BMPCTL));
if (argc > 1) // Filename supplied
pCtl->pFileName = argv[1];
habMain = WinInitialize (0); // Connect To PM
if (habMain) // Successful - Continue
hmq = WinCreateMsgQueue (habMain, 0); // Create Message Queue
if (hmq) // Successful - Continue
if (InitClientWindow (pCtl)) // Client Window OK
while (WinGetMsg (habMain, &qmsg, NULL, 0, 0)) // Msg loop
WinDispatchMsg (habMain, &qmsg); // Dispatch message
WinDestroyWindow (hwndFrame); // Destroy Window
WinDestroyMsgQueue (hmq); // Destroy Message Queue
else // WinCreateMsgQueue Failed
ShowPMError (habMain, IDS_ERROR01);
WinTerminate (habMain); // Disconnect From PM
else // WinInitialize Failed
return 0;