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OS/2 Help File
601 lines
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 1. About show ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
SHOW is an OS/2 Presentation Manager application, with which you can load,
display, print and save images with different formats.
SHOW highlights
Registration information
SHOW has been developed by:
Durlacher Allee 38
76131 Karlsruhe
West Germany
Fax: +49 721 693242
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 1.1. SHOW highlights ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Version 1.6
o Fully 32 bit architecture.
o Images of any size supported.
o Supported image formats:
- Compuserve GIF (extension GIF),
- OS/2 1.2 Bitmap (extension BMP),
- Sun OS Picture Manipulation (extension PM),
- Targa (extension TGA).
- Windows 3.x Bitmap (extension BMP).
- ZSoft PCX (extension PCX).
o Accelerator keys providing quick access to commands.
o Enhanced image printing support.
o Uses OS/2 multithreading capabilities.
o Color to grayscale conversion.
o Image rotations, flippings, inversions.
o Image resizing.
o Many halftone dithering algorithms supported.
o Palette manager support.
o Save settings function.
o Online help for every command by pressing F1.
o Easy to use.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 2. File Menu ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The File menu contains commands that you use to open, save and print images. In
addition, it also contains the command that you use to exit the application.
The following commands appear in the File menu:
Open... Opens an existing image file.
Save As... Saves the current image using a new name.
Print... Prints the current image on the default printer.
Exit Quits this application.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 3. Open... ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
You can open an image that exists on any drive or in any directory by using the
Open... command. To open an image, do the following:
o Select the File menu and choose the Open... command.
A dialog box appears, showing you a list of files in the current directory.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 4. Save As... ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
You use the Save As... command to name and save a new image.
Follow these steps to save a new image:
1. Select the File menu and choose the Save As... command.
A dialog box appears, prompting you for a new filename.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 5. Print... ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
You use the Print... command to print your image on the default printer.
Follow these steps to print an image:
1. Select the File menu and choose the Print... command.
A dialog box appears, prompting you for the desired image size.
Note: You should use dither your image before printing it on a monochrome
printer. For that purpose refer to the Dither command.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 6. Exit ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
You quit SHOW by using the Exit command. To quit this application, do the
1. Select the File menu and choose the Exit command.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 7. Edit Menu ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The Edit menu contains commands that you use to modify images or to get
information about an image format.
The following commands appear in the Edit menu:
Copy Puts the image on the clipboard.
Paste Retrieves an image from the clipboard.
Image Info Displays information about picture format and size.
Convert to Gray Converts a color image to a grayscale image.
Horizontal mirror Flips the image around the horizontal axis.
Vertical mirror Flips the image around the vertical axis.
Rotate Left Rotates the image by 90 degrees.
Rotate Right Rotates the image clockwise by 90 degrees.
Invert Inverts image colors.
Resize Changes the size of the dispayed image.
Dither... Provides halftone dithering algorithms.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 8. Copy ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Use the Copy command to put the current image on the clipboard.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 9. Paste ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Use the Paste command to retrieve an image from the clipboard.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 10. Image Info ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
You can use the Image Info command to get information about the format and size
of the currently loaded image.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 11. Convert to gray levels ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
You can use the Convert to gray command to convert a color into a gray level
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 12. Horizontal Mirror ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
You can flip horizontally an image by using the Horizontal Mirror command. To
flip your image, do the following:
o Select the Edit menu and choose the Horizontal Mirror command.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 13. Vertical Mirror ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
You can flip vertically an image by using the Vertical Mirror command. To flip
your image, do the following:
o Select the Edit menu and choose the Vertical Mirror command.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 14. Rotate Left ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
You can rotate an image to the left by using the Rotate Left command. To rotate
your image, do the following:
o Select the Edit menu and choose the Rotate Left command.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 15. Rotate Right ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
You can rotate an image to the right by using the Rotate Right command. To
rotate your image, do the following:
o Select the Edit menu and choose the Rotate Right command.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 16. Invert ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
You can invert the colors of an image by using the Invert command. To invert
your image's colors, do the following:
o Select the Edit menu and choose the Invert command.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 17. Resize ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
You can modify the size of your image by using the Resize command. To resize
your image do the following:
o Select the Edit menu and choose the Resize command.
o Choose the desired resizing factor.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 18. Dither ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Dithering is necessary when an output device is not capable of representing all
the colors needed for displaying an image. Laser printers, for example, do
normally only support two colors (including the background color). A method is
needed for converting color images into monochrome bitmaps. Halftone dithering
algorithms do exactly that work. SHOW supports the following halftone dithering
o Dithering with a constant threshold.
o Dithering with random numbers.
o Dithering with a matrix.
o Dithering with a matrix and random numbers.
o Dithering with one-dimensional error recovery.
o Floyd-Steinberg dithering.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 19. Window Menu ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The Window menu contains commands that you use to set the picture displaying
options and modify the program window behaviour.
The following commands appear in the Window menu:
Original size If checked, your image will be displayed in its
original size.
Window size Modifies application window size.
Adjust window size If checked, the window will be stretched to the image
Aspect Ratio If checked, the image's aspect ratio will be
Use Palette Manager If ckecked, the physical color palette will be changed
each time you modify an image for enabling a better
color representation.
Save options Use this command to save the current settings.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 20. Original Size ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The images you load can be shown in their original size or stretched to the
window size. When you check the Original Size menu item, all images will get
their original size. To check or uncheck the Original Size menu item, do the
o Select the Edit menu and choose the Original Size menu item.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 21. Window Size ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
You can change the size of the application window by using the Window Size
command. To change the size of the program window, do the following:
o Select the Edit menu and choose the Window Size command.
o Choose the desired window size.
The application window will be adjusted to the selected size.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 22. Adjust Window Size ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
When you load or modify an image, the application window size is normally
adjusted to the image size. You can modify this behaviour by unchecking the
Adjust Window Size menu item. To switch the Adjust Window Size menu item, do
the following:
o Select the Edit menu and choose the Adjust Window Size command.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 23. Aspect Ratio ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
When your Original Size menu item is unchecked, your image will be stretched to
the window size. Normally, this will modify the aspect ratio of your image and
your image will appear deformed. To avoid this, you can check the Aspect Ratio
menu item. To switch the Aspect Ratio menu item, do the following:
o Select the Edit menu and choose the Aspect Ratio command.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 24. Use Palette Manager ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
When you load an image, it will normally be displayed using the physical color
palette used currently by your graphics adapter. However, the physical color
palette may be changed for improving the color representation quality. This can
be done by using palette manager functions.
Check the Use Palette Manager menu item if you want to modify the physical
color palette each time you modify your image.
Note: This function should only be used when really necessary, because the
operating system cannot guarantee consistent colors in other windows.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 25. Save options ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Use Save options to store the current options. A file named SHOW.INI will be
created in your working directory. The next time you start this application
these same settings will be used.
The following settings will be stored:
o Frame size and position.
o Print dialog box settings.
o Resize dialog box settings.
o Dither dialog box settings.
o Window menu settings.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 26. Help Menu ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Refer to this menu to access the online help and to obtain information about
this product.
The following commands appear in the Help menu:
Help index use this command to access the help index
General help use this command to get a brief description of SHOW
Using help here you can learn how to use the online help
Registration Info... displays registration data (only if you registered the
Product information displays program version and copyright
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 27. Index ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Choosing this menu you can get access to the help index.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 28. General help ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
In this menu item you can get a brief description of SHOW.
Note: This screen will usually be handled by the default.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 29. Using Help ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
In this menu item you can learn how to use this online help.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 30. Keys ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
This application defines Function Keys, which you use to work with files and
display help. For key definitions, select from the list below:
Standard function keys
Accelerator keys
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 30.1. Standard function keys ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Displays help.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 30.2. Accelerator keys ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
The following accelerator keys are used in SHOW :
Ctrl+O Open a new image.
Ctrl+P Print current image.
Ctrl+Ins Copy image to the clipboard.
Shift+Ins Paste image from the clipboard.
Ctrl+I Display image information.
Ctrl+H Horizontal mirror.
Ctrl+V Vertical mirror.
Ctrl+L Rotate left.
Ctrl+R Rotate right.
Ctrl+S Resize current image.
Ctrl+D Dither current image.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 31. Tutorial ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
This application still doesn't offer any tutorial.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 32. Registration information ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
If you are working with an unregistered SHOW version, you may use it for a two
weeks trial period. After this time you must register or stop using it. You can
obtain a registered SHOW version by ordering it at the following address or fax
Durlacher Allee 38
76131 Karlsruhe
West Germany
Fax: +49 721 693242
As soon as you order SHOW, you will receive the latest version for US $20
(Germany DM 30, Spain 2800 Ptas.). Please don't forget to tell us which
diskette format you prefer when you order your registered version.
Please add US $8 for shipping and handling if you don't live in Europe. If you
live in Europe, add US $5 (Germany DM 5, Spain 700 Ptas.).
Please use the order form included on this online help. To print an order form,
do the following:
1. Select one of the following items and double-click.
2. Select Print.
3. Make sure that This section is selected.
4. Select Print.
o Order form (English)
o Bestellungsformular (Deutsch)
o Formulario de pedido (Espa╨┤ol)
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 32.1. StegSoft SHOW order form ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Name ___________________________________________________________
Address ___________________________________________________________
City __________________________ State _________ ZIP ____________
Country ___________________________________________________________
Phone Number (optional) __________________ Circle: home or work
Shipping (check one):
__ By mail, payment enclosed (add $8 U.S. if you don't live in
Europe, $5 U.S. if you live in Europe)
__ By mail, cash on delivery (charge for shipping and handling)
Choose Disk Size (check one):
__ 5 1/4" disk size
__ 3 1/2" disk size
SHOW for OS/2 2.x Registration Fee ($20.00 US) ______
SHOW Update Fee from any registered version ($5.00 U.S.) ______
Shipping and Handling ______
Total Enclosed ______
(Payment must be in U.S. Dollars)
Mail or fax to: StegSoft
Durlacher Allee 38
76131 Karlsruhe
West Germany
Fax: +49 721 693242
*** Thank you for your order! ***
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 32.2. StegSoft SHOW Bestellungsformular ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Name ___________________________________________________________
Adresse ___________________________________________________________
Ort __________________________________________ PLZ ____________
Land ___________________________________________________________
Telefonnummer (optional) _____________________ Zuhause / Arbeit
Lieferung (WДhlen Sie eine Option aus):
__ Per Post, Geld liegt bei (zzgl. DM 5,- Porto, fБr
Bestellungen innerhalb von Deutschland)
__ Per Post, gegen Nachnahme (zzgl. Porto)
WДhlen Sie das von Ihnen gewБnschte Diskettenformat:
__ 5 1/4"
__ 3 1/2"
SHOW fБr OS/2 2.x RegistrierungsgebБhr (DM 30,-) ______
SHOW Update von jeder registrierten Version (DM 7,-) ______
Porto fБr Versand ______
Gesamtbetrag ______
(Bezahlung muс in D-Mark erfolgen)
Schicken oder faxen Sie dieses Formular an:
Durlacher Allee 38
76131 Karlsruhe
Fax: +49 721 693242
*** Vielen Dank fБr Ihre Bestellung! ***
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 32.3. StegSoft SHOW - Formulario de pedido ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Nombre _________________________________________________________
Direcci╨▓n _________________________________________________________
Poblaci╨▓n _______________________ Provincia ______ C/P ____________
Pa╨▒s _________________________________________________________
TelВfono (opcional) ______________________ Indicar: casa o trabajo
Env╨▒o (elija una opci╨▓n):
__ Por correo, pago adjunto (a╨┤ada 700 Ptas. si vive en Europa o
1100 Ptas. si vive fuera de Europa)
__ Por correo, pago contra reembolso (m╨░s gastos de env╨▒o)
Elija formato de diskette:
__ diskette 5 1/4"
__ diskette 3 1/2"
Versi╨▓n registrada de SHOW para OS/2 2.x (2800 Ptas.) ______
Actualizaci╨▓n de cualquier versi╨▓n registrada (700 Ptas.) ______
Gastos de env╨▒o ______
Total adjunto ______
(Pago en pesetas)
Enviar a: StegSoft
Durlacher Allee 38
76131 Karlsruhe
Fax: +49 721 693242
*** ╨╜Muchas gracias por su pedido! ***
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 33. Product information ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Refer to this menu item to know about the program version you are using and the
people who wrote this application.
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 34. Acknowledgements ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
GIF, PCX and Targa support is partially based on the PBMPLUS library.
OS/2 is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.
The Graphics Interchange Format(c) is the Copyright property of CompuServe
Incorporated. GIF(sm) is a Service Mark property of CompuServe Incorporated.
o Copyright Notice for PBMPLUS Library
ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ 34.1. Copyright Notice for PBMPLUS Library ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ
Copyright (C) 1990 by Michael Davidson
Copyright (C) 1990 by David Koblas
Copyright (C) 1991 by Jef Poskanzer
Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that
the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright
notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. This
software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.