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BocaSoft System Sounds Version 1.0
BocaSoft Incorporated
117 NW 43rd St.
Boca Raton, FL 33431
BocaSoft System Sounds allows you to attach audio to over 40 system
events and any keyboard key. Over 100 sound effects in .WAV format are
included with the software. In addition a recording capability is provided
that allows you to record your own sound files in a variety of formats.
The software has been tested under OS/2 2.0 with MMPM/2 1.0 in addition
to OS/2 2.1 with MMPM/2 1.1. All currently supported audio cards have
been tested including the IBM M-AUDIO, Sound Blaster and Media Vision
Pro-Audio Spectrum. As more cards provide support for the MMPM/2
interface, BocaSoft System Sounds will automatically support them.
BocaSoft System Sounds uses the MMPM/2 subsystem to generate audio. When
attempting to debug problems with System Sounds the user should FIRST
determine if they are capable of playing digital audio from the MMPM/2
media player. If MMPM/2 can successfully play audio this assures a working
hardware/software subsystem for System Sounds.
1. Some audio cards may clip off the end of an audio file. For example
using the Sound Blaster Pro with the recorded keystrokes may cause
the keystroke recording to be cut off.
2. Using audio with WinOS/2 may cause a conflict between System Sounds
and WinOS/2 for the audio card. A small DOS program has been provided
which can be used in a DOS autoexec.bat to make System Sounds open
and close the device. The file is located in the sstoolkt directory
and is called "SSNDDOS.COM". Please see the readme file in that
directory for more information.
3. BocaSoft System Sounds creates a named pipe which can be accessed
from any OS/2, DOS, or WinOS/2 session. The pipe is called
"\pipe\bs_ssnd". Any program may write an index to this pipe which
in turn will play the associated sound. Index values for system
events are 0 - 49 in order of the list box. 5 user events 45 - 49
are provided specifically for use with the named pipe. Index values
for keys are displayed in the key setup dialog. Please see sstoolkt
and sstoolkt\sspipe for more information.
4. The named pipe interface can be used to instruct System Sounds to
close the audio device. An index value of -3 opens the audio device
and a value of -2 closes the device.
5. An error "Device Not Ready" can be caused by multiple conflicting
audio requests. This error should be ignored. If the error persists
try reducing the amount of active system events.
6. Record mode disables all sounds while the record dialog is on
the screen. Dismissing this dialog will return the application
to normal operation.
7. Overlapping events may not be heard. Some system activity may
generate multiple window messages. System Sounds will play the
first message received and ignore other messages while this sound
is playing. The effect also holds true for keystrokes. A faster
typist will be able to overrun the application and drop key sounds.
8. All event and key sounds files are loaded into swappable memory
for faster response. Disabling an event will remove the associated
audio file and free memory. Disabling the keys will remove ALL of
key sounds and free their memory. If the same audio file is used
for multiple events only one copy of the audio data is maintained
in memory. In light of this, users with low memory machines can
tune memory usage by using the same audio file for multiple events.
Users may also force files to be accessed from disk only by setting
the appropriate file size limit in the Memory File Size Limit field
of the System Sounds Setup dialog
9. Some keys such as F1 are difficult to enter into the Key Setup
Dialog. These keys are best entered using the scan code directly.
For example the F1 scan code is 59. See below for a list of scan
10. Support for all BocaSoft products is available through Compuserve.
Enter GO BOCASOFT at any ! prompt to access the BocaSoft section
of the OS/2 Vendor Forum.
Wave File Description On/Off Scan Code
--------- ----------- ------ ---------
"ESCAPE.WAV", "Escape", "1", /* ESCAPE 1 */
"1.WAV", "One", "1", /* ONE 2 */
"2.WAV", "Two", "1", /* TWO 3 */
"3.WAV", "Three", "1", /* THREE 4 */
"4.WAV", "Four", "1", /* FOUR 5 */
"5.WAV", "Five", "1", /* FIVE 6 */
"6.WAV", "Six", "1", /* SIX 7 */
"7.WAV", "Seven", "1", /* SEVEN 8 */
"8.WAV", "Eight", "1", /* EIGHT 9 */
"9.WAV", "Nine", "1", /* NINE 10 */
"0.WAV", "Zero", "1", /* ZERO 11 */
"HYPHEN.WAV", "Hyphen", "1", /* - 12 */
"EQUAL.WAV", "Equal", "1", /* = 13 */
"BACKSP.WAV", "Back Space", "1", /* BACKSPACE 14 */
"TAB.WAV", "Tab", "1", /* TAB 15 */
"Q.WAV", "Q", "1", /* Q 16 */
"W.WAV", "W", "1", /* W 17 */
"E.WAV", "E", "1", /* E 18 */
"R.WAV", "R", "1", /* R 19 */
"T.WAV", "T", "1", /* T 20 */
"Y.WAV", "Y", "1", /* Y 21 */
"U.WAV", "U", "1", /* U 22 */
"I.WAV", "I", "1", /* I 23 */
"O.WAV", "O", "1", /* O 24 */
"P.WAV", "P", "1", /* P 25 */
"LEFTBRK.WAV", "Left Bracket", "1", /* [ 26 */
"RIGHTBRK.WAV", "Right Bracket", "1", /* ] 27 */
"ENTER.WAV", "Enter", "1", /* ENTER 28 */
"CONTROL.WAV", "Left Control", "0", /* Left CTL 29 */
"A.WAV", "A", "1", /* A 30 */
"S.WAV", "S", "1", /* S 31 */
"D.WAV", "D", "1", /* D 32 */
"F.WAV", "F", "1", /* F 33 */
"G.WAV", "G", "1", /* G 34 */
"H.WAV", "H", "1", /* H 35 */
"J.WAV", "J", "1", /* J 36 */
"K.WAV", "K", "1", /* K 37 */
"L.WAV", "L", "1", /* L 38 */
"SEMICOL.WAV", "Semicolon", "1", /* ; 39 */
"APOSTRO.WAV", "Apostrophe", "1", /* Apostraphe 40 */
"GRAV.WAV", "Grave", "1", /* ` 41 */
"SHIFT.WAV", "Left Shift", "0", /* Shift Left 42 */
"BACKSL.WAV", "Back Slash", "1", /* \ 43 */
"Z.WAV", "Z", "1", /* Z 44 */
"X.WAV", "X", "1", /* X 45 */
"C.WAV", "C", "1", /* C 46 */
"V.WAV", "V", "1", /* V 47 */
"B.WAV", "B", "1", /* B 48 */
"N.WAV", "N", "1", /* N 49 */
"M.WAV", "M", "1", /* M 50 */
"COMMA.WAV", "Comma", "1", /* , 51 */
"PERIOD.WAV", "Period", "1", /* . 52 */
"SLASH.WAV", "Foward Slash", "1", /* / 53 */
"SHIFT.WAV", "Right Shift", "0", /* Shift Right 54 */
"ASTERSK.WAV", "Key Pad Astrck", "0", /* * 55 */
"ALT.WAV", "Left Alt", "0", /* Alt Left 56 */
"SPACE.WAV", "Space Bar", "1", /* Space Bar 57 */
"CAPSLCK.WAV", "Caps Lock", "1", /* Caps Lock 58 */
"F1.WAV", "Function Key 1", "0", /* F1 59 */
"F2.WAV", "Function Key 2", "0", /* F2 60 */
"F3.WAV", "Function Key 3", "0", /* F3 61 */
"F4.WAV", "Function Key 4", "0", /* F4 62 */
"F5.WAV", "Function Key 5", "0", /* F5 63 */
"F6.WAV", "Function Key 6", "0", /* F6 64 */
"F7.WAV", "Function Key 7", "0", /* F7 65 */
"F8.WAV", "Function Key 8", "0", /* F8 66 */
"F9.WAV", "Function Key 9", "0", /* F9 67 */
"F10.WAV", "Function Key 10", "0", /* F10 68 */
"NUMLCK.WAV", "Num Lock", "1", /* Num Lock 69 */
"SCROLLCK.WAV", "Scroll Lock", "1", /* Scroll Lock 70 */
"KEYP7.WAV", "Key Pad Seven", "0", /* Key Pad 7 71 */
"KEYP8.WAV", "Key Pad Eight", "0", /* Key Pad 8 72 */
"KEYP9.WAV", "Key Pad Nine", "0", /* Key Pad 9 73 */
"KEYP-.WAV", "Key Pad Minus", "0", /* Key Pad - 74 */
"KEYP4.WAV", "Key Pad Four", "0", /* Key Pad 4 75 */
"KEYP5.WAV", "Key Pad Five", "0", /* Key Pad 5 76 */
"KEYP6.WAV", "Key Pad Six", "0", /* Key Pad 6 77 */
"KEYP+.WAV", "Key Pad Plus", "0", /* Key Pad + 78 */
"KEYP1.WAV", "Key Pad One", "0", /* Key Pad 1 79 */
"KEYP2.WAV", "Key Pad Two", "0", /* Key Pad 2 80 */
"KEYP3.WAV", "Key Pad Three", "0", /* Key Pad 3 81 */
"KEYP0.WAV", "Key Pad Zero", "0", /* Key Pad 0 82 */
"KEYPDOT.WAV", "Key Pad Decimal", "0", /* Key Pad . 83 */
"SYSREQ.WAV", "SysRq", "0", /* System Req. 84 */
"NULL.WAV", "NULL", "0", /* 85 */
"NULL.WAV", "NULL", "0", /* 86 */
"F11.WAV", "Function Key 11", "0", /* F11 87 */
"F12.WAV", "Function Key 12", "0", /* F12 88 */
"NULL.WAV", "NULL", "0", /* 89 */
"KEYPENT.WAV", "Key Pad Enter", "0", /* Key Pad Ent. 90 */
"CONTROL.WAV", "Right Control", "0", /* Right Ctl 91 */
"KEYPFSL.WAV", "Key Pad B Slash", "0", /* Key Pad / 92 */
"PRINTSCR.WAV", "Print Screen", "1", /* Print Screen 93 */
"ALT.WAV", "Right Alt", "0", /* Alt Right 94 */
"PAUSE.WAV", "Pause", "1", /* Pause 95 */
"HOME.WAV", "Home", "1", /* Home 96 */
"UP.WAV", "Up Arrow", "1", /* Up Arrow 97 */
"PGUP.WAV", "Page Up", "1", /* Page Up 98 */
"LEFT.WAV", "Left Arrow", "1", /* Left Arrow 99 */
"RIGHT.WAV", "Right Arrow", "1", /* Right Arrow 100 */
"END.WAV", "End", "1", /* End 101 */
"DOWN.WAV", "Down Arrow", "1", /* Down Arrow 102 */
"PGDOWN.WAV", "Page Down", "1", /* Page Down 103 */
"INSERT.WAV", "Insert", "1", /* Insert 104 */
"DELETE.WAV", "Delete", "1", /* Delete 105 */