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319 lines
/* defs.h */
/* $Author: espie $
* $Id: extern.h,v 2.9 1991/12/04 08:28:53 espie Exp espie $
* $Revision: 2.9 $
* $Log: extern.h,v $
* Revision 2.9 1991/12/04 08:28:53 espie
* Separated mix/stereo stuff.
#include <stdio.h>
* This is the precise type for storing the samples:
* should be signed char.
* Don't change this to 'int' or anything else; I found out the hard way.
* Apparently, this is used everywhere other than the output drivers,
* so I don't see any reason to have it be device-dependent.
* "machine.h" doesn't contain anything else, and things would be simpler
* for the make if we didn't have it at all.
* -SH 6/92
typedef signed char SAMPLE;
/* How many audio channels by default (1 = Mono, 2 = Stereo) */
* What percent of the left/right channel should leak to the other side (-mix)
#define DEFAULT_MIX 0
/* error types. Everything is centralized,
* and we check in some places (see read, player and str32)
* that there was no error. Additionnally signal traps work
* that way too.
#define NONE 0 /* normal state */
#define FILE_TOO_SHORT 1 /* read error */
#define CORRUPT_FILE 2
#define NEXT_SONG 3 /* trap error: goto next song right now */
#define FAULT 4 /* run time problem */
#define ENDED 5 /* the song has ended */
/* unrecoverable problem: typically, trying to jump to nowhere land. */
/* Missing sample. Very common error, not too serious. */
#define SAMPLE_FAULT 7
#define ACCURACY 16
#define fix_to_int(x) ((x) >> ACCURACY)
#define int_to_fix(x) ((x) << ACCURACY)
#define OLD 0
#define NEW 1
#define BOTH 2 /* for when we try to read it as both types.*/
#define NEW_NO_CHECK 3 /* special type: does not check the signature */
#define NUMBER_NOTES 120
/* DO_NOTHING is also used for the automaton */
#define DO_NOTHING 0
#define PLAY 1
#define REPLAY 2
#define MAX_ARP 3
* there is no note in each channel initially. This is defensive
* programming, because some commands rely on the previous note.
* Checking that there was no previous note is a way to detect faulty
* modules.
#define NO_NOTE 255
#define SET_SPEED 1
#define SET_SKIP 2
#define SET_FASTSKIP 4
#define NORMAL_SPEED 6
#define BLOCK_LENGTH 64
#define MIN_PITCH 113
#define MAX_PITCH 1023
#define MIN_VOLUME 0
#define MAX_VOLUME 64
#define FUZZ 2 /* the fuzz in note pitch */
/* we refuse to allocate more than 500000 bytes for one sample */
#define MAX_SAMPLE_LENGTH 500000
/* the actual parameters may be split in two halves occasionnally */
#define LOW(para) ((para) & 15)
#define HI(para) ((para) >> 4)
#define MIN(A,B) ((A)<(B) ? (A) : (B))
#define MAX(A,B) ((A)>(B) ? (A) : (B))
#define FATAL_ERROR 1
#define MAXSONGS 200
struct channel
struct sample_info *samp;
int mode; /* automaton state for the sound generatio */
unsigned int pointer; /* current sample position (fixed pos) */
unsigned int step; /* sample position increment (gives pitch) */
int volume; /* current volume of the sample (0-64) */
int pitch; /* current pitch of the sample */
int note; /* we have to save the note cause */
/* we can do an arpeggio without a new note */
int arp[MAX_ARP]; /* the three pitch values for an arpeggio */
int arpindex; /* an index to know which note
the arpeggio is doing */
int viboffset; /* current offset for vibrato (if any) */
int vibdepth; /* depth of vibrato (if any) */
int slide; /* step size of pitch slide */
int pitchgoal; /* pitch to slide to */
int pitchrate; /* step rate for portamento */
int volumerate; /* step rate for volume slide */
int vibrate; /* step rate for vibrato */
void (*adjust) (); /* current command to adjust parameters */
struct automaton
int pattern_num; /* the pattern in the song */
int note_num; /* the note in the pattern */
struct block *pattern; /* the physical pattern */
struct song_info *info; /* we need the song_info */
int counter; /* the fine position inside the effect */
int speed; /* the `speed', number of effect repeats */
int finespeed; /* the finespeed, base is 100 */
int do_stuff; /* keeping some stuff to do */
/* ... and parameters for it: */
int new_speed, new_note, new_pattern, new_fastspeed;
int pitch, note, para; /* some extra parameters effects need */
struct pref /* User preference settings */
int type, speed, tolerate, repeats, stereo, verbose;
struct sample_info
char *name;
int length, rp_offset, rp_length;
int volume;
int finetune;
SAMPLE *start, *rp_start;
struct event
unsigned char sample_number;
unsigned char effect;
unsigned char parameters;
unsigned char note;
int pitch;
struct block
struct song_info
int length;
int maxpat;
char patnumber[NUMBER_PATTERNS];
struct block *pblocks;
struct song
char *title;
/* sample 0 is always a dummy sample */
struct sample_info *samples[NUMBER_SAMPLES];
struct song_info *info;
struct compression
char *extension; /* The last part of the filename */
char *decomp_cmd; /* The command to decompress to stdout */
extern int error;
extern int quiet;
extern int pitch_table[]; /* pitch of each and every note */
extern struct pref pref; /* user preferences */
/* xxx_audio.c */
/* close_audio():
* returns the audio to the system control, doing necessary
* cleanup
void close_audio (void);
/* set_mix(percent): set mix channels level.
* 0: spatial stereo. 100: mono.
void set_mix (int percent);
/* output_samples(l, r): outputs a pair of stereo samples.
* Samples are 15 bits signed.
void output_samples (int left, int right);
/* flush_buffer(): call from time to time, because buffering
* is done by the program to get better (?) performance.
void flush_buffer (void);
void flush_DMA_buffers(void);
/* automaton.c */
/* init_automaton(a, song):
* put the automaton a in the right state to play song.
void init_automaton (struct automaton *a, struct song *song);
/* next_tick(a):
* set up everything for the next tick.
void next_tick (struct automaton *a);
/* read.c */
/* s = read_song(f, type):
* tries to read f as a song of type NEW/OLD.
* returns NULL (and an error) if it doesn't work.
* Returns a dynamic song structure if successful.
struct song *read_song (FILE *f, int type, int tr);
/* release_song(s):
* release all the memory song occupies.
void release_song (struct song *song);
/* commands.c */
/* init_effects(): sets up all data for the effects */
void init_effects (void (**table) (/* ??? */));
/* do_nothing: this is the default behavior for an effect.
void do_nothing (struct channel *ch);
/* audio.c */
/* init_tables(oversample, frequency):
* precomputes the step_table and the pitch_table
* according to the desired oversample and frequency.
* This is static, you can call it again whenever you want.
void init_tables (int oversample, int frequency);
/* resample(chan, oversample, number):
* send number samples out computed according
* to the current state of chan[0:NUMBER_CHANNELS],
* and oversample.
void resample (struct channel *chan, int oversample, int number);
/* reset_note(ch, note, pitch):
* set channel ch to play note at pitch pitch
void reset_note (struct channel *ch, int note, int pitch);
/* set_current_pitch(ch, pitch):
* set channel ch to play at pitch pitch
void set_current_pitch (struct channel *ch, int pitch);
/* player.c */
/* init_player(oversample, frequency):
* sets up the player for a given oversample and
* output frequency.
void init_player (int o, int f);
/* prints error messages */
void trackerror(int err, char *txt, int errtype);
/* exits programs and restores sbpro mixer params if needed */
void quit(int rv);
/* restores SBPro parameters */
void restoreparams();