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Alarm Clock version 2.9
Alarm Clock is SHAREWARE. You are allowed to try the program for 60 days.
If you find it useful you may register the program with WalkerWerks for
$25.00 U.S. Run the program for details.
Alarm Clock is also listed the the Compuserve Shareware registration
database. You can register the program on line using your Compuserve
account. To register type GO SWREG at any ! prompt and follow the
menues to register. The Alarm Clock Registration ID is 1164.
You may distribute the SHAREWARE version of this program on any legal
Bulletin Board for the purpose of trial distribution as long as this
notice is included and no contents are altered. You may not sell
this program or a disk containing this program for personal profit.
Bryan Walker
To run Alarm Clock place the DLLs in a directory in your LIBPATH= statement.
This can be found in your CONFIG.SYS file.
Place ALRMCLK2.HLP in a directory in the SET HELP=
statement from your config.sys. Finally use view for the INF file.
Inventory List for Alarm Clock
README This file.
The 32 bit OS/2 2.9 files
ALRMCLK2.EXE The program file.
ALRMCLK2.INF The Help screens in a form usable with VIEW.EXE.
DBPROCS.DLL The Database functions for Alarm Clock.
APMISC.DLL The lockup hook and misc. functions.
APUPGRAD.EXE Utility to update event databases that were created with
Alarm Clock prior to 2.9 revision. Run the program
and include the file name to convert on the command line.
Run for each event file to be converted.
ACREAD.ME This file.
ACINST.CMD Utility to install Alarm Clock.
ACUNINST.CMD Utility to remove all Alarm Clock settings from your
OS2.INI file if you remove Alarm Clock.
<The following files come with the registered version only>
STRT_VDM.EXE Command line utility for starting DOS sessions or
DOS image files from the command line. Allows you to
set the DOS settings for the application when launched.
STRT_VDM.TXT The instructions for using STRT_VDM.EXE.
EXIT_VDM.COM Exits Dos Image sessions like typing EXIT at a normal
OS/2 or OS/2-DOS session. Built from sample debug
program placed on Compuserve by IBM. Also provided
with OS/2 2.1 Beta.
Revision History
March 1992 Version 1.0 First Release of program.
March 1992 Version 1.1 Correct errors in midnight logic.
March 1992 Version 1.2 Still problems with midnight logic.
April 1992 Version 1.4 Adds Calendar and corrects error with
database storage.
May 1992 Version 1.6 Adds hourly chime and named directory.
June 1992 Version 1.8 Places all text in external DLL for possible
international support and event handler placed
in its own thread for efficiency. Corrects
problem with database storage that returned
in version 1.6.
June 1992 Version 1.81 Correct Bug for saving events during the
midnight hour. Also added ability to clear
the controls from the screen. Alarm Clock
now remembers if it was minimized or maximized
when closed and returns to that state.
June 1992 Version 1.9 Add digital clock option with 24 hour format
and international date format options. Last
16 bit OS/2 1.x version.
July 1992 Version 2.0 Port of version 1.9 to 32 bit. Also improves
the graphics for the Analog and Digital clocks.
August 1992 Version 2.01 Fix error in launching applications. Add Spanish
screens and help.
August 1992 Ver 2.01b Fix reversal in Calendar for November and December
Add Dutch screens.
October 1992 Ver 2.5 Move events to a flat file database and index,
increase daily events to 200, add return or snooze
feature to reminders.
December 1992 Ver 2.6 Added desktop lockup. Added shortcut keys for
scheduling dialog. Improved placement of dialogs
on screen. Added ability to choose font for
displaying the digital clock. 24 hour format is
available with the 12 hour analog clock.
January 1993 Ver 2.7 Printing of the Schedule database is now available.
Also the clock respects the OS/2 color pallete so
all those crazy colors are available.
March 1993 Ver 2.8 Adds the ability to play melodies with reminders.
Alarm Clock can play the melodies created with the
OS/2 PMTune editor.
April 1993 Ver 2.8 Revision c fixes the program to work correctly with
the newest release of the OS/2 2.1 Beta.
July 1993 Ver 2.8 Revision e is a rebuild with the new IBM Cset for
Sept 1993 Ver 2.9 Reworked interface with improved useability. Stabler
system with improved WPS interface.