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* INIHELP.ITL - Information Tag Language file for Help Manager text
* INIMAINT NOT DONE HELP PANEL - This panel is displayed
* for any help item that has not had its help written
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* INIMAINT EXTENDED HELP PANEL - This panel is displayed
* for a help request when no dialogs or message boxes are visible.
About The Ini File Maintenance Program
Ini File Maintenance is a Presentation Manager-based
application which is an utility for the maintenance of the various
OS/2 INI Files. System Maintenance is an upgrade from IniMaint that
will also process Extended Attributes. If SysMaint is purchased,
then IniMaint is included, since SysMaint is the more capable
program. If IniMaint is purchased, then only the INI file code is
activated. An additional license fee is required to upgrade IniMaint
to SysMaint.
The help facility is designed to give a context-sensitive
description of either the current window or the highlighted menu item
within that window.
For more information about using the help facility, select
Help for help on the Help pull-down.
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************************ GENERAL INI HELP ******************************
General Help Information
There are a number of General area of information that do not
easily fit into any of the other Help categories. The purpose of
this section is to address these areas.
Getting Started Help Information
The primary purpose of this section is to help the user who did
not get IniMaint or SysMaint to address a specific problem and one
who is not familiar with the INI Files and Extended Attributes.
If you are a new OS2 user or are not familiar with INI Files and
Extended Attributes, then you should first review the various Help
entries that are listed under the See Also category for this Help
item. These General Help entries will give you an overview of
IniMaint and SysMaint and the environment in which they operate.
One of the biggest concerns of those who are not knowledgeable
about OS2 is that they do not want to do something that will damage
their Desktop. If this is your primary concern, then you should
start with IniSafe or SysSafe. Both of these have all of the menu
items that the main program has. However, all menu entries that
could make any change to the INI Files or Extended Attributes have
been disabled. Therefore, it is not possible to make any changes
with these programs. You can use these program to explore the
contents of the various INI files and Extended Attributes and can
play with all of the menu items without worrying about causing a
problem with your Desktop.
Once the user is ready to use the fully capable program, they
should be sure that they have a good backup of their Desktop. If you
have SysMaint, this can be accomplished in less than a minute using
the Desktop menu. The user should make a Backup of his Desktop and
be sure to create a Restore CMD file, so that the Restore can be done
if a problem occurs with the Desktop. If you are an IniMaint user,
then you can upgrade to SysMaint for a reasonable amount. If you
already have a desktop Backup program, you should be sure you have a
current Backup and make a new one anytime you make enough changes to
your Desktop that you would be very unhappy to have to do them over
One word about making sure the Backup is a current one. Much of
the information about those Desktop items that are represented as
files, which includes all folders, is kept in the Extended Attributes
of the Desktop Directory structure. Currently, the Extended
Attributes for the Desktop are not updated except during a Shutdown
of OS2. Therefore, if you have made significant changes to the
folders, the contents of folders or have rearranged the folders on
the Desktop, it would be a good idea to do a Shutdown and reboot
before making a Backup.
The Backup is not recommended because of any known problem with
IniMaint or SysMaint or even because using the programs will cause
any Desktop problems. It is recommended because there are many
things which can cause problems with a Desktop and, as time goes on,
the ways that a Desktop can be damaged will change. Noone should be
without a plan to recover from any kind of damage that might be done
to their Desktop, unless they want to gain experience doing their
Desktop customization over and over. It takes but a minute to make
the Backup and having it can save many hours of work. Here are Carry
Associates, we have clobbered the Desktop in many different ways, but
have never had to reinstall OS2 because we have always had a Backup
and a plan for how we would recover from a Desktop problem.
A word about the warnings that you will see both in the
documentation and when you are about to perform certain INI File or
Extended Attribute changes. There are those who say that some of the
warnings are too extreme and make the user very uncomfortable. It is
very possible that this is correct. However, we have left things the
way they are because we believe it is a good thing for any user to
pause and make sure that they really want to do what they are
attempting and to be sure that they understand what is happening. If
any user finds themselves at one of these warnings and is not sure
about what is going to happen, then they should Cancel. The purpose
of this Help file is to explain things to the point that each user
will understand each function before they use it. If this is not the
case, then we at Carry Associates will be more than happy to talk to
you and help you understand what is going on. This will also help us
to know where additional Help explanation is warranted.
Once the Backup of the Desktop is safely done. Each user should
use the Repair INI Files entry on the Recover Menu to do a Repair of
both the File Handles and the WPS Entries. The best way to do this
is to leave the Type of Repair at the default, Report Only, and ask
for a Repair of the File Handles and then the WPS entries. Once the
user is comfortable that all of the listed items should be Repaired,
the Do Repair button can be selected and then click on Execute to
actually perform the Repairs. These two Repair functions will remove
any entries in the OS2.INI or OS2SYS.INI files that represent files
or WPS Objects that no longer exist on the Desktop.
While the items discussed above are the primary Repair items,
there is a long list of other kinds of Repair. The best way to get
more information on a specific type of Repair, simply highlight one
of the Repair Types in the Drop Down Combox and hit the F1 key, this
will give you the Help for that specific Repair Action.
Aside from the above and lacking a specific problem, it is
suggested that users might want to go through both the OS2.INI and
OS2SYS.INI files, just to review their contents. Simply looking at
the names of the Applications, Key Names and the values will give any
user a lot of information on how OS2 works and the purpose of the INI
If you have SysMaint, then it is worthwhile to View the Extended
Attributes for the Desktop Directory, all of its sub directories and
files. This will make the structure of OS2 much clearer and will
help the user to understand the real power and utility of the
Extended Attributes.
Help for What is an INI File?
This is not intended to be a replacement for the normal
documentation on INI files, but just a very general orientation
explaining the reason I started the development of IniMaint.
Many, if not all applications that run in any computer environment
need to have a place to keep information that is system specific. In
a standard DOS environment, every application must define a place for
this information and manage it themselves. With the advent of
Windows and it's requirement that a lot of Windows information be
kept somewhere, a standard file approach was developed. In the
original Windows environment this file was called WIN.INI and could
contain information about Applications as well as Windows itself.
This file was, and still is, a standard ASCII text file and this
causes some problems. Specifically, much of the data stored in the
file could be more efficiently stored and used if it was in a binary
format and, more important, an ASCII file meant that the user could,
and almost always did, edit the file. This editing can introduce
errors, so the parsing of the file becomes a big problem. Because of
formatting and performance problems, some of the standard information
needed to run individual programs was still not stored in the INI
file, but was stored in individual Program Information Files or PIF
files. These files were binary, thus solving the performance and
editing problems, since they were maintained by Windows itself.
However, this generated a huge number of tiny files, each one taking
an entire allocation unit on the harddisk and generating a
significant backup problem. OS/2 takes the concept a step
further by making the INI files binary files and incorporating all of
the information that Windows stores in the PIF files in the same
file. These files OS2.INI, for user information, and OS2SYS.INI, for
system information. In addition, a set of OS/2 API's are
supplied to manage these files.
The OS/2 INI files are organized on three levels:
The highest level is the Application Name.
Within each Application, there is a series of individual entries
which are called Keys and identified by a Key name.
Associated with each Key name is the actual data for the
Application/Key pair or Key value.
For example, IniMaint will create a new Application called "INI
File Maintenance" in the OS2.INI file. This is the IniMaint
Application name. One of the Keys that IniMaint will create is
"Current INI" which is used to keep track of which INI file the user
is currently working with. The Key value for this
Application/Key pair will be the path and filename of the current
INI file.
Since the files are binary, the performance is reasonable,
especially since the files do not have to be accessed that often. In
addition, the contents of the files are managed by OS/2, so there
is not a problem of parsing the entries to insure that they are
properly formatted.
However, this creates other problems. For example, there is no
way for a user to even find out what is in the files, even for
applications that he has installed. One of the advantages of the
fact that the Windows INI files were ASCII and the PIF files were
application specific was that they user could install an application
on one system and then move it, with customizing, to other systems by
moving the PIF files and, sometimes, some entries from the INI
files. None of this is possible in an OS/2 environment. Every
machine must be customized manually and every change must be made in
every system. Further, it turns out that no application, including
OS/2 itself, makes any provision for removing obsolete entries
from the INI files. Therefore, as you change your OS/2
environment and upgrade or change your applications, the OS2.INI file
and OS2SYS.INI files get bigger and bigger as they fill with
information that no longer applies to your environment. Finally,
since OS/2 always has the User and System INI files open, there
is no way to create a backup of these files except during boot time.
This normally means you have to keep several layers of copies, since
you have to reboot to fix anything.
IniMaint was developed to address the new problems introduced by
the new INI file approach in OS/2. With IniMaint you can review
what is in the files, change it, delete old entries, do complete or
partial backups at any time and otherwise have an appropriate level
of control over these files.
Help for What is an Extended Attribute?
Extended Attributes are added to directories and files to describe
the contents, use, association and many other aspects of the
directory or file. The Extended Attributes are not an actual part of
the file, but are associated with the file. For HPFS this Extended
Attribute information is kept in the Directory entry, for FAT the
information is kept in a separate file, since there is not enough
room in the directory. Refer to the OS/2 documentation for a
more complete discussion of Extended Attributes themselves.
One of the problems with OS/2 is that, while it makes extensive
use of Extended Attributes, it does not provide the user with the
tools necessary to deal with problems or give users the tools
necessary to understand them. While this is a problem for everyone,
it is especially a problem for developers who might want to take
advantage of Extended Attributes in their applications.
SysMaint is designed to all the user to look at the Extended
Attributes that are present on their system, edit them, if necessary,
and do a number of different kinds of maintenance functions.
However, before discussing how SysMaint handles Extended Attributes,
it is necessary to be sure that everyone understands a little about
how Extended Attributes are structured. The following discussion
assumes that the reader is already familiar with IniMaint, the
structure of the IniMaint windows and how IniMaint displays and
maintains INI Files.
The is a parallel between how INI files are structured and how
Extended Attributes are structured so SysMaint uses most of the
IniMaint code to handle the Extended Attributes. INI Files are
organized into Applications that have one or more Keys and each Key
has a Value assigned to that Key. Extended Attributes are associated
with a Directory or a File, each of which can have more than one
Extended Attribute and each Extended Attribute has a Name and an
associated value. Therefore, SysMaint will display the names of the
Directories or Files in the Application Window, the Names of the
Extended Attributes in the Key Name Window and the Extended Attribute
Value in the Key Value Window.
The approach above works very well for Simple Extended Attributes.
However, the parallel between INI Files and Extended Attributes
breaks down when it encounters a Multiple Value Extended Attribute,
so some modifications are needed to handle this situation.
There are three general types of Extended Attributes as far as
SysMaint is concerned:
Extended Attributes that SysMaint does not understand and will
display just as they are found.
Simple Extended Attributes that use the type identifiers that are
documented in the OS/2 documentation. These are Extended Attributes
that closely parallel the INI File structure and are displayed that
Multiple Extended Attributes, which are Extended Attributes that
contain other Extended Attributes. These are the Extended Attributes
that do not closely parallel the INI File structure.
There were two different ways that SysMaint could handle the Multiple
Value Extended Attributes:
They could simply be identified as Multiple Value and the entire
Extended Attribute could be placed in the Key Value Window.
The structure of the Multiple Value Extended Attribute could be
decoded and displayed in the windows in a decoded form.
Since the decoding of the Multiple Value Extended Attributes is not a
trivial task, especially since a Multiple Value Extended Attribute
can contain other Multiple Value Extended Attributes, thus causing
multiple levels of decoding, SysMaint will decode the Multiple Value
Extended Attributes and display them in decoded form. This causes a
single Extended Attribute to have multiple entries in the Key Name
window. In order to create unique Key Entries and to display the
level of the Extended Attribute, each Key Name will be followed by
two additional pieces of data, each placed inside a pair of parens.
The Level of the Extended Attribute. For a Simple Extended
Attribute this will simply be: (01). For a Multiple Value Extended
Attribute the numbers will start with (01) and increase by one for
each of the Extended Attributes within the initial one. If another
level of Multiple Value Extended Attributes is encountered, then an
additional level will be added to the Level Information: (04.01),
would mean that the fourth main level Extended Attribute is a
Multiple Value Extended Attribute and this is the first entry for
that Extended Attribute.
The type of Extended Attribute, such as Ascii, Binary, Icon or
Multiple Value.
This arrangement sounds complicated, but it ends up looking very
much like an outline would look and is not difficult to understand.
Since all of the entries will start with the name of the Extended
Attribute, it is very easy to know which entries go with which.
The online Help for SysMaint has extensive detailed descriptions
of how to select which Extended Attributes you want to operate on,
what operation you want done and how you want to handle the various
default actions. Therefore, it might be very useful to review the
Online Help before doing much with the actual Extended Attributes.
Finally, a word of warning and a request for help.
The warning is that Extended Attributes can be critical to the
health of you environment. Therefore, you should not do something
with the Extended Attributes on your system if you are not sure you
understand what you are doing. You cannot hurt yourself if you
simply look at Extended Attributes via the Edit Function or Save
them. However, something like Splitting the Extended Attributes from
a file will leave the file without the Attributes. If you are doing
it so you can backup the file under DOS and will be careful to Join
the Extended Attributes back to the files before you use them. If
you are not sure about what you want to do, please go to the OS2AVEND
Forum on Compuserve, Section 1 and we will be more than happy to
discuss your intentions and any potential problems.
The request for help involves supplying documentation on any
unusual conditions you might encounter. One of the items in the
Default Dialog for the Extended Attributes is to activate a log to
the INIEA.LOG file. Anytime you encounter a condition where SysMaint
cannot handle an Extended Attribute condition or have invalid
Extended Attributes, I would ask you to turn on the logging, ask to
Edit the Extended Attributes that are invalid or causing a problem,
close SysMaint, zip the resulting INIEA.LOG file and Email it to use
using the Compuserve ID in the main documentation or mail to the
supplied address. This will allow us to be able to see the various
conditions that occur and modify the program to handle them.
Help for How to Modify Extended Attributes
The Extended Attributes for a set of Directories and/or Files
can obviously be modified by using the Extended Attribute Menu Item
Join. However, it is often the case that a user simply wants to look
at the Extended Attributes for a specific Directory or File and then
make some sort of minor modification to them. The purpose of this
Help entry is to explain how to do that, since a number of users have
expressed confusion in this area. Here is how it is done:
Use the View entry on the Extended Attribute Menu to get the
Extended Attributes for the appropriate Directory and/File into a
temporary file. It is okay to select more Directories and/Files
than you want to modify, since any set of Extended Attributes that
are not changed will simply get written back unchanged.
Modify the Extended Attributes in the various windows as desired.
There are a number of checks in the code to prevent a user from
making changes that would create illegal Extended Attributes,
however, care should still be exercised in this area. In short, if
you are clear on what is allowed and what is not allowed, then you
should not make any changes or be sure you have a solid backup of the
area you are changing.
Once the changes have been made, then the actual Extended
Attributes can be updated by selecting the Update From Current File
entry on the Extended Attribute Menu.
Help for What makes up the Desktop?
When OS/2 2.1 is booted and assuming the boot is from a
Harddisk, the PM Shell is loaded and one of the first thing the PM
Shell does is to start the Workplace Shell and the WPS, after
thinking about it for awhile, brings up the Desktop. While this is a
loose description of the sequence of events, it is a accurate picture
of what happens.
The Desktop consists of a Background and a bunch of Objects that
appear on the Background, most of which are called Folders and
contain either other Folders, Programs or other sorts of useful
things. This Desktop is mentioned over and over in the documentation
in order to teach the user how to use, maintain, modify and otherwise
interact with OS/2 via the Desktop.
A lot of Applications have been written by people outside of IBM
that are designed to help users maintain and backup the Desktop and
both IniMaint and SysMaint are in this category. However, little is
said in the documentation about exactly what is the Desktop, so I
thought I would address this question.
The WPS itself is actually a PM Application, much like any other
PM Application and runs as a single Process under the control of
OS/2. However, the WPS is an extremely complex and powerful
Application that controls the entire operating environment. The
Application code itself is made up of the same stuff that any other
Application is made of and that is executable files, all of which are
DLL's, I think. The actual code that runs the Desktop is clearly the
same for everyone that is using the same version of OS/2 and this
code is never changed during the operation of WPS, so the unique
characteristics of each Desktop must be somewhere else.
The is also a lot of discussion of INI files, especially the ones
used by the operating system, OS2.INI and OS2SYS.INI, and there is
some discussion of Extended Attributes. Finally, there is a
Directory structure that gets created on the drive used as the base
for the WPS that appears to contain nothing more than a bunch of
empty Directories.
The Desktop consists of a collection of Objects that are created
by WPS from the Object information that is kept in two places.
The first kind of
of Object on the Desktop is called a File Object and every File Object is
represented by a Directory in the Desktop Directory, including the
Desktop itself. The reason the Desktop Directories appear to be empty is
because all of the information needed to create a File Object is kept in
the Extended Attributes for the specific Directory.
The second kind of Object on your Desktop is called an Abstract Object and
the information needed to create this kind of Object is kept in the OS2*.INI
files, mostly the OS2.INI files.
In summary, the entire Desktop is contained in the Desktop Directory
structure, the Extended Attributes for the Desktop Directory and the
contents of the OS2*.INI files. With one exception, at least one of the
Desktop Directories will have files in it, the Templates Directory, and
these files along with their Extended Attributes are also part of the
Desktop. Therefore, all that is required to make a Simple Backup of the
Desktop that can be used to restore the current environment on the current
machine is to make a copy of the above items.
Help for System and User File Definition
There are two standard INI Files that are used by OS/2. The System INI
file, normally OS2SYS.INI, is used to store system level initialization
and control information. The User INI File, OS2.INI, is used to store
application level initialization and control information.
The distinction between what is system level information and what is
application level information appears to the author to be somewhat blurred.
It looks like a lot of information that could be considered system level
information is stored in the User INI file.
It makes little difference to the User how OS/2 decides where to put
various pieces of information, since it does not change how applications
that are installed on the Desktop should handle their initialization and
control information. The System INI File should not ever be used by any
application installed on the Desktop, except things such as device drivers
and other applications that are clearly System Applications. All user
Desktop applications must store their information in the User INI file or
in their own application INI file. To date, most applications have chosen
to use the User INI file rather than create an INI file just for their
Help for Non Write INI Files
V2.1 of OS/2 changed the way the INI files are kept updated. The new
scheme was a welcome one because it greatly improved the performance of
this area of OS/2 and removed the problem of INI files becoming very large
because of a lot of unused space. However, the change introduced a problem
that had not existed previously, that is, it is possible to get into a
situation where the OS2.INI and OS2SYS.INI files cannot be updated. When this
condition occurs and any changes are made to the Desktop, it appears that
the changes are being made correctly. However, only the INI file information
that is kept in memory is being updated, that actual INI files are not
changed in any way. Even though this situation exists, the user is given
not warning or information that there is a problem. Normally, the user would
discover the problem when the changes made to the Desktop disappeared the
next time that OS/2 was booted. Occasionally, the problem would be even more
serious because one of the INI files could be updated, but the other could
not. This can cause serious problems with the Desktop.
Many users, when they realize they have this problem, look at the INI
file entries in the directory and see that the RO attribute is turned on.
They then assume that this is the problem and reset the bit. However, the
RO attribute should always be on for any INI file that is open, and resetting
the attribute does not solve the problem. The real problem is that the files
used as a target for the INI file updates, zero length hidden files with a
!!! extension are missing. The reason these files are missing is because the
INI files already had the RO attribute turned on when the PM Shell was
started, therefore, the INI file code did not create the !!! files. The
best manual solution is to boot from a diskette or reboot, if the user has
ShiftRun, and reset the RO attribute off while the PM Shell is not active.
This will fix the problem and the INI files will now be updated normally.
Help for Automatic Repair of Non Write INI Files
Anytime that IniMaint or SysMaint attempts to update an INI file and the
update fails, a check is made to see if the file is either the User or
System INI files. If either file is found, the it is assumed that one or
both of the INI files is in a condition where is cannot be updated.
Normally, this condition would cause IniMaint or SysMaint to terminate.
Since there is a way to fix this situation, but the fix involves resetting
WPS, IniMaint and SysMaint will inform the user of the situation and ask
them if they want the condition fixed. If the user replies no, then the
application will terminate. If the user replies yes, then the INI files will
be fixed so that they can be updated.
Normally, IniMaint and SysMaint will recognize this condition during the
startup of the application. This is because the IniMaint and SysMaint
operational information is normally stored in the OS2.INI file, thus this
file is normally updated very often. However, it is possible that no
updates will be attempted to the file because all of the defaults are
already set or because the user has moved the application operational
information to a different INI file. In the first case, the condition will
be recognized as soon as any action is taken which changes any of the
IniMaint or SysMaint operational information. In the second case, the
condition will not be recognized unless the User or System INI files are
made the current INI file and an attempt is made to change something in
one of these files.
Help for What is an IniMaint Group?
An IniMaint Group is a set of Applications in a specific INI file
that has been formed and named by the user and is used as a
convenient way to manipulate the contents of the INI file. Without
some way to form subsets of all of the Applications in an INI file,
the only way to manipulate it is either Application by Application,
which can be tedious, or by using the entire file, which provides no
flexibility. Since one of the objectives of IniMaint is to give the
user an easy way to create backups of all or part of his INI files
and to provide an easy way to restore an INI file, neither level of
manipulation is satisfactory.
IniMaint solves this problem by giving the user the ability relate a
set of Applications together into a Group. Forming the Group does not
change the Application information in the INI file, it simply creates
an additional Application in the file that describes the Groups that
the user has formed. Once the Groups are created, then the Group
name can be used in IniMaint operations and all the Applications in
the Group will be included.
For example, many users install a number of programs that put entries
into the standard User INI file, normally OS2.INI. If there is a
problem with the environment, something happens to the INI files or
some other problem arises that clobbers the INI entries, then the
only recovery is to re-customize all of these applications. If the
user were to put all of these Applications into a Group called
'My Applications', then he would not have this problem. The My
Applications Group could be backed up to a backup INI file at any
time using the INICOPY program as follows:
INICOPY -IC:\OS2\OS2.INI -OC:\OS2\MYAPPS.INI -G"My Applications"
The above assumes the normal name and location for the INI files. The
name of the Group must be enclosed in ""'s if it contains any blanks
or the Command Processor will split it into two different command
line entries and INICOPY will return an error.
The same Group could be restored to the User INI file as follows:
INICOPY -OC:\OS2\OS2.INI -IC:\OS2\MYAPPS.INI -G"My Applications"
In other words, simply reverse the Input and Output filenames.
It is intended that this same approach can be used to keep multiple
physical computers in synch with each other. Right now, if the user
has multiple systems, he must customize every installed application
on every system. You cannot move the INI files from one system to
another, since there is a lot of information in the INI files that is
system specific. Using IniMaint, this process is made much easier,
since the target INI file can be on a diskette and, even if there are
some minor differences between the systems such as drive letters or
something like that, IniMaint can be used to make modifications to
the contents of the transfer INI file before it is copied to the new
system. This does not need to be limited to installation situations.
One possible approach would be to form an Applications Group and,
whenever any significant change is made to any application, the
changes can be transferred to the other systems. In fact, there is
not reason, assuming the user had many systems and a LAN, that a
separate transfer INI file could not be set up for every application,
have it updated from a central source whenever a significant change
is made and have a CMD file on individual client systems that would
use the transfer INI files just for the applications installed on
that system.
I suspect there are many ways to utilize the Group concept. As of
this writing, IniMaint has only been used by a few Beta testers and
only for a short time. Hopefully, as more users install and use
IniMaint, more ideas on how the IniMaint Groups can be used will be
developed. I will do my best to include this new information into the
IniMaint documentation and make it available on the Compuserve OS2AVEND
Help for What does Repair Do?
IniMaint has an item on the Recover menu called Repair. This item
gives the user the ability to perform a number of different automatic
Repair actions on his INI files. The Online Help documents how the
Repair function works, however, it does not detail the rational and
algorithms employed by IniMaint to accomplish the various Repairs.
This document is an attempt to do that.
Type of Repair
There are four different type of Repair Options.
The first one, Report Only, will never make any changes, but will
only list the items that would have been Repaired if the Do Repair
Option had been chosen.
The Ask First, will ask the user if he wants each item repaired as
the item is found and determined to be invalid. This can take a very
long time in some cases, since the number of items can become quite
Do Repair, will automatically remove all invalid items for the
category selected from the appropriate INI file. This should only be
used when the user is sure he wants all invalid items removed.
Do Selected can only be used after Report Only, since it requires
that the invalid items be visible in the window. When Execute is
chosen with the Do Selected button checked, then every line in the
window that is selected will be deleted. The only exception to this
is when doing either the Handles or WPS repair and a selected item
has dependent items, such as subdirectories or files, in this case
all dependent items will also be deleted. For example, if a Drive
name itself is selected and Do Selected is chosen, then all entries
for the drive, including all directories and files, that have been
identified as invalid will be deleted.
The easiest and safest way to remove invalid items when the user is
not sure if they want everything done is to use the Report Only
option, select the items that they want deleted and then use Do
Selected. This cycle can be repeated over and over until all of the
desired items have been deleted.
Window Behavior
When and item is deleted for any reason, the word 'Deleted' will
appear after the item in the window. If there are deleted items in
the window and additional items are selected for deletion then the
previously deleted items will be removed from the window. For
example, if the first item in the window is selected and deleted, the
word deleted would appear after the first item. If then the second
items is selected and deleted, the second item will now have the word
deleted after it and the first item will be gone from the window.
Different users want to handle directories and file that are on
removable, not ready, cdrom and vdisk devices differently. The
Options dialog gives each user the ability to choose how they want
each of these types of situations handled.
If Ignore is chosen, then directories and files on the appropriate
type of device will be completely ignored and will never appear in
the repair window.
If Report Only is selected, then the information will appear in the
window, but will not get automatically deleted if the Do Repair
option is chosen. The Report Only items can still be deleted by
selecting them and using the Do Selected option.
If Auto Repair, which is the default, is chosen, then the items will
be reported and will be automatically deleted if Do Repair is chosen.
The Do Not Save Deleted Items button will cause IniMaint to not save
items that are deleted from an INI file in the Save INI File.
Normally, the user must specify a Save INI File and any entries
removed from any INI file are written to the Save INI File before
they are modified. This allows the user to restore items that he has
deleted if they discover that something has been deleted in error and
no backup is available.
The Log to INIREP.LOG is used for diagnostic purposes.
List Items versus Repair Items
For a number of the repair categories there are multiple choices
available. The is always the Repair choice and it works the same for
each category of Repair. When the Repair choice is used, the only
items that will appear in the window will be items that are invalid
and should be deleted.
If the user want to see the valid items for the category or all the
items, then the appropriate List entry can be used to display these
entries. The List Invalid items is the same as the Repair as far as
the contents of the window is concerned, however, it is safer because
it is not possible to select or otherwise delete any of the items.
Repair Pathnames and Filenames
Many, if not all, applications installed under OS/2 store things in
various INI files. However, few, if any, applications will remove
things from these files when they are deinstalled or the directory
structure is changed. This Repair action looks at the Pathname and
Filename entries in an INI file, compares them to the current Desktop
and either identifies and/or removes entries that are obsolete.
The action IniMaint will take depends on the structure of the
individual Key Name or Key Value. There are two possibilities that
IniMaint looks for:
A Filename with no preceding Path information.
A full Pathname or Filename combination.
Each of the above are handled differently.
General Processing applicable to both type of names:
Any name that is too short, less than 3 characters, or too long,
longer than the maximum path length returned by DosQSysInfo, will not
be tested further.
Any name which contains non-printable characters will not be tested.
Processing of Filename with no Path information:
If the beginning of a Key Name or Key Value starts with either X:\ or
just \, IniMaint assumes it is a full Pathname or Filename and
processes it as described below. IniMaint will then check for a
Filename of the form *.XXX and ignore them, since this is simply a
definition of a type of file extension and not an actual file.
IniMaint will then look for .XXX as the last four characters of the
Filename and will search for the following combinations:
.EXE using the PATH Environment variable.
.CMD using the PATH Environment variable.
.DLL using the LIBPATH Environment variable.
.HLP using the HELP Environment variable.
Processing of full Pathname or Filename:
If the name starts with \, then the drive used as the drive for the
OS2.INI file, which is the boot drive, will be appended to the start
of the name.
Any name that starts with A: or B: will be ignored, since they are
assumed to be floppy drives and probably do not contain any media.
Any trailing semicolons are removed from the name, since there are a
number of entries that are valid Filenames except for the semicolons.
If the trailing character in the name is a \ or if the name contains
any embedded semicolons, it will be tried as a Pathname and made a
candidate for removal if it is not found.
All other qualifying names will be tried as both a Filename and a
Pathname and will be made a candidate for removal if they fail both
Remove Old PM_ProgramList Entries
There are some entries that can be left in the OS2.INI file from
V1.3 or V2.0, but these entries are no longer needed for V2.1. This
item will remove these old entries.
Delete Unused Printer Entries
When Printer Objects are removed from the Desktop, sometimes old
Printer information is left in the OS2SYS.INI file that will cause
problems for various applications that use these entries to determine
which Printers can be used for printing. A number of Word Processing
programs do this. Many, if not all, of these programs do not check to
verify that all of the entries in the OS2SYS.INI file actuall
represent Printers that are actually installed, therefore, will
sometimes attempt to use a Printer that does not exist. This entry
will remove all of the references to Printers that are no longer
Destroy Objects
Most, if not all, of the items on the Desktop have been assigned an
Object Number. This number along with the name of the Object is
stored in the OS2.INI file. This Repair entry will display and give
the user the option to delete and Object. It is not currently
possible for IniMaint to determine which Objects are valid and which
are invalid, so IniMaint will never identify an Object as invalid.
Great care should be exercised when deleting any of the Objects,
since it is possible to do serious damage to your Desktop.
The structure which stores all of the Object cross reference is used
by the WPS Repair code to determine if Objects are valid and to find
the names of valid Objects.
Restore Missing Location Entries
A conflict can arise between the entries in the
PM_Abstract:Objects entry in the OS2.INI file and the
PM_Workplace:Location entry. The conflict is that the Objects
entry will reference Locations that are not actually in the Location
entry. This will not normally represent a problem, but if unusual
things are going on with the Desktop, this entry allows the user to
identify the conflicts and, if they choose, have them fixed.
Repair Directory/File Handles
Many Drives, Directories and Files are assigned Handles. This Handle
information is stored in the OS2SYS.INI file. However, when files are
moved, directories changed or other changes are made to the Desktop,
the Handle information is not updated. This Repair option gives the
user the ability to see the contents of the INI file Handles entry
and Repair any or all of the invalid entries.
It is difficult to remove incorrect information manually, even
knowing the internal structure of the entries, because all of the
Handles information is stored in a single INI file entry and a small
mistake in modifying could cause serious Desktop problems and/or
create a non-bootable situation.
The structure which stores all of the Handles information is used
by the WPS Repair code to determine if Handles are valid and to find
the names of Directories and Files.
Repair WPS Entries
WPS stores a variety of Desktop information in the INI files. As with
the Handles information above, obsolete information is not always
removed from the INI files when changes are made to the Desktop. This
Repair option gives the user the ability to see what is in his INI
files and remove those entries that are invalid.
As with the Handles above, it is difficult to make these changes
manually because things are stored in a number of different formats
and the cross reference between the random looking numbers and the
actual Objects and Handles would be very tedious to track manually.
The Repair WPS Entries uses the Objects and Handles structures. This
means that these structures must be filled before the WPS structure
can be filled. This can take a significant amount of time in
situations where the Desktop is complex and/or there are a large
number of invalid entries.
Repair Both WPS and Handles Entries
This is simply a combination of Repair WPS Entries and Repair
Directory/File Handles above. It allows the user to do both types of
Repair with a single action.
Help about the Operational Environment
There are a number of Operation Environment considerations when running
IniMaint or SysMaint and they are discussed in this section.
There are situations where one or more recovery actions must be done
when the PM Shell is not active, such as Restoring the Desktop. Normally,
it is necessary to boot from a diskette to get into this mode, since the
PM Shell is loaded during the processing of the CONFIG.SYS file. However,
there is an IBM Employee Written program that is free and available on
Compuserve, ShiftRun that will interrupt the processing of the
CONFIG.SYS file at the point where all of the drivers are loaded, but the
PM Shell has not been started. All of the IniMaint and SysMaint recovery
activities that must be done without the PM Shell can be done during this
interruption. ShiftRun then allows the rest of the normal boot to continue.
This application can greatly ease the recovery problems and is mentioned here
for that reason.
The Simple Backup and Restore facilities in SysMaint assume that the user
has installed an OS/2 version of Zip and UnZip and that
the installed versions are ones that will handle Extended Attributes. Any
version of the programs from V1.93 and beyond have this capability. It is
further assumed that these programs are in a directory that is in the
PATH so they can be run without specifying the directory in which
the EXE files are located. If both of these assumptions are not true, the
Backup and Restore functions will not work correctly.
Help for Types of Desktop Backup
There are two different kinds of Desktop Backups, which will be
referred to as Simple and Portable. The purpose
of this section is to discuss the difference between them.
The most common type of Desktop Backup is a Simple Backup.
This is the fastest kind of Backup and is the easiest to use to restore
a damaged Desktop. This type of backup make an image, using one technique
or another, of the existing Desktop and saves the information in one or
more files that can then be used to Restore the Desktop to the condition
that existed at the time the Backup was made.
The advantage of this kind of Backup is that it is fast and simple.
The disadvantage is that the Backup can only be used to Restore the
Desktop of the machine it was run on and for the Version of OS/2 that
produced it. In other words, it is not possible to use the files generated
to Restore the Desktop on a different machine, unless the machines are
exactly the same and it is not possible to use to Restore the
Desktop after a new Version of OS/2 has been installed and the Desktop was
destroyed because the Harddisk had to be reformatted.
Most users will never need any other kind of Backup other than a Simple
one because they do not need to move the Desktop from one machine to another
and they can install each new Version of OS/2 over the previous Version and
this will preserve the existing Desktop.
The second type of Desktop Backup is a Portable one. This kind
of Backup is normally more complex to create and more complex to use. It
will normally also take considerably more time to create a Portable
The advantage of a Portable Backup is that it can be used,
normally, to set up a similar Desktop on another machine and can be used to
restore the Desktop after an installation of a new Version of OS/2 that
required that the Harddisk be reformatted.
The disadvantage of this kind of Backup is that it is harder to create,
harder to use, requires more resources and does not create a Backup that is
usable for simply Restoring the Desktop on the existing machine. The reason
a Portable Backup is not able to recreate the Desktop on the
existing machine is because there is information in the OS2.INI and OS2SYS.INI
files that is not saved in this process. Therefore, the INI files that would
exist after a Restore using this kind of Backup would be incomplete. The files
would lack both some of the OS/2 System information, which could be redone
manually with not too much effort, and they would lack all of the information
that was added to them by the various Applications that were installed. Most,
if not all, of these applications would have to be reinstalled or have their
INI information saved in some other manner. Since the easiest way to save the
INI file information is to make a Simple Backup of the Desktop,
there is little reason to make a Portable one for normal day to
day operation.
Help for Extended Attribute Name Matching
Many of the Extended Attribute functions involve taking the Extended
Attributes from one set of files and/or directories and adding them
to another set of files and/or directories. In order to do this,
SysMaint must have a way of deciding which files and directories
match each other. The basic way this is done is by removing the base
information from each path and doing the compare on the remainder of
the name. For example, if the Extended Attributes for all of the
files and directories in the C:\OS2\SOURCE directory were to be
copied to the D:\TARGET directory, then the file
C:\OS2\SOURCE\FILE.NME would be determined to match
D:\TARGET\FILE.NME and the Extended Attributes for the FILE.NME file
would be copied from one file to the other. In addition, the
directory C:\OS2\SOURCE\SUBDIR1 would be determined to match
D:\TARGET\SUBDIR1 and the directory Extended Attributes would be
copied from one directory to the other.
Help for What are IniSafe and SysSafe
Both IniMaint and SysMaint are powerful applications with the ability
to make many changes to the INI files, Extended Attributes and other items
that are vital to the normal operation of the Desktop. Sometimes it is not
desirable to have a program that has this much power, even though both
applications are structured so that the default settings will not allow a
user to make any critical change without confirming that they want it done.
Sometimes the user simply does not want to take the chance that he will
do something that will cause a problem with his Desktop. In other cases,
Corporations have many users that they simply do not want to have an
application that can cause a problem with the Desktop, since it can create
serious and time consuming support problems.
IniSafe and SysSafe are designed to address this problem for IniMaint
and SysMaint users respectively. IniSafe and SysSafe appear, as far as menus
are concerned, exactly the same as IniMaint and SysMaint. The sole difference
is that all of the menu selections that could cause a problem with the
Desktop are deactivated. Other than that, the programs are the same. If a
user is using IniSafe or SysSafe and it is desired to make some changes to
their Desktop, all that is required is to copy IniMaint or SysMaint into
the appropriate directory or to run the program from a different directory
on the LAN. IniMaint, SysMaint, IniSafe and SysSafe use the same DLL and HLP
files and the operational entries in the INI files are fully compatible
across all four applications.
* INIMAINT REGISTRATION HELP PANEL - This panel is displayed
* when the user asks about registration
Registration Information
IniMaint and SysMaint are Copyrighted programs owned and supported by:
Larry J. Martin
Carry Associates
990 Ironwood Court
Marco Island FL 33937
Tel: 813-642-9126
Fax: 813-642-1007
Compuserve: 71435,470
Unregistered copies of IniMaint will display an initial dialog that will
note the unregistered condition. This dialog will stay on the screen for 15
seconds, unless dismissed by clicking on the OK button. The dialog cannot
be dismissed until it has been visible for 3 seconds. In addition, the
Title Bar will contain a note that this is an unregistered version of
IniMaint. SysMaint, which includes the processing of the Extended Attributes,
requires a registered copy of IniMaint plus a registration ID for SysMaint,
which is separate from the Registration ID for IniMaint. However, if a
registered copy of SysMaint is purchased, then it will include IniMaint.
To obtain your registration identifier for IniMaint please send a check
for 29.95 per license for single licenses or 299.00 for an unlimited copies
license made payable to Carry Associates to the address above.
To obtain your registration identifier for SysMaint please send a check
for 49.95 per license for single licenses or 499.00 for an unlimited copies
license made payable to Carry Associates to the address above.
If you are already a registered user of IniMaint and have purchased it
prior to the release of SysMaint, then you can upgrade from IniMaint to
SysMaint for a fee of 15.00 for a single license or 150.00 for an unlimited
If you are a registered user of IniMaint and purchased it after SysMaint
was released, then the upgrade fee is 25.00 for a single license and
250.00 for an unlimited license.
If you want to register either IniMaint or SysMaint and would
prefer to use a credit card, you can register with either a Visa or
Once you have your registration identifier, you can register your copy
of IniMaint or SysMaint by selecting the appropriate Register
entry on the
Actions Menu. Once you are registered, this entry will no longer
appear on the menu.
If you want a preregistered copy of IniMaint or SysMaint, add 7.00 for
postage and
handling. We will return a diskette with a preregistered copy of IniMaint or
an Install CMD file and a registration ID. The purpose of the ID
is to allow preregistered users to download new versions, register and
use them until they can obtain a preregistered update.
The cost of a preregistered update is 10.00 per license for single
licenses or 100.00 for an unlimited copies license, plus 7.00 handling
and postage.
*********************** MAIN WINDOW ********************************
Help for Main Window
The MAIN WINDOW is the base of the IniMaint and SysMaint system.
When the
program is started, this window appears listing the options available.
Help for Menu Items
The IniMaint or SysMaint Menu Items are:
Extended Attributes
Help for Popup Menus
Pressing the Right Mouse Button when the Mouse Pointer is in the
Application, Key Name or Key Value windows will popup a Menu that
contains action items that can be done on the entries in that
specific window.
Most of the items on the menus are the same as the items on the
normal menus and are described in the Help for that specific Menu.
The Help for the duplicated items is not included here. However,
there are three entries on the Popup Menus that are unique to these
menus and the Help for these items is included here.
The IniMaint or SysMaint Special Popup Menu Items are:
Help for Dialogs
The Dialogs for IniMaint or SysMaint are listed below:
Add or Replace Key Value Dialog
Dump Dialog
Options Dialog
Select Group Dialog
Get Value or String Dialog
Groups Dialog
Find Dialog
Compare Files Dialog
Compare Files Write Options Dialog
Repair File Dialog
EA Test Dialog
EA Defaults Dialog
Explain Dialog
Desktop Defaults Dialog
Help for Accelerator Keys
The Accelerator Keys for IniMaint or SysMaint are listed below.
Refresh File
Dump Variables
Associate with *.INI
Switch to User INI File
Switch to System INI File
New File
Find Application Name
Find Current Key Name
Find Current Key Value
Find Application Value
Find Any Name
Find Any Value
Repeat Last Find
Compare Files on Application Level
Compare Files on Key Name Level
Compare Files on Key Value Level
Condense Current INI File
Condense System INI File
Condense User INI File
Condense Both System and User INI Files
Size Entire File
Size Selected Application
Ctrl Alt-M
Size System INI File
Ctrl Alt-E
Size User INI File
Write Updated Key Value to INI File
Delete Selected Application
Delete Selected Key
Add Application
Add Key
Add or Replace Key Value
Rename Selected Application
Rename Selected Key
Duplicate Selected Application
Duplicate Selected Key
Copy Entire File
Copy System INI File
Copy User INI File
Copy Both System and User INI Files
Copy Selected Application
Copy Selected Key
Move Entire File
Move Selected Application
Move Selected Key
Register Your Copy
Ctrl Alt-S
Backup System INI File
Ctrl Alt-U
Backup User INI File
Ctrl Alt-B
Backup Both System and User INI Files
Change User INI File
Change System INI File
Change Both INI Files
Repair File
Ctrl Alt-F4
Reset Non Write INI Files
Ctrl Alt-F5
Test for Non Write INI Files
Ctrl Alt-F1
EA Default Dialog
Ctrl Alt-F2
EA Describe Current File
Ctrl Alt-F3
EA Update File(s) from Current File
Ctrl Alt-D
Desktop Defaults Dialog
Ctrl Alt-K
Backup Desktop
Ctrl Alt-C
Generate Desktop Backup CMD File
Ctrl Alt-O
Generate Desktop Restore CMD File
Ctrl Alt-R
Reset WPS
Ctrl Alt-F
Restore Desktop INI Files
Ctrl Alt-A
Restore Desktop Directory
Ctrl Alt-I
Restore Desktop ID
Ctrl Alt-F6
Explain Current Selection
Ctrl Alt-F7
Write Window to File
Ctrl Alt-F8
Print Window
Help for Additional Programs
The Additional Programs for IniMaint or SysMaint are:
Help for IniCopy Program
The IniCopy Program is the program that is used by IniMaint to do the actual
COPY/MOVE operations. This option is implemented as a separate program
so that the user will have the ability to make copies of INI files,
including the User and System INI files, at any time during the day.
The parameters expected by IniCopy are:
Required Parameters:
-Ifilename - The fully qualified path and filename of the Source,
Input, INI file.
-Ofilename - The fully qualified path and filename of the Target,
Output, INI file. The Target will be created if it does not exist.
Optional Parameters:
-Fx - Function requested - Default is C(opy) C = C(opy) M = M(ove)
-E - COPY/MOVE Entire INI file - Default
-A - COPY/MOVE All Groups
-Ggroup - COPY/MOVE Specific Group
-Sapp - COPY/MOVE Specific Application
-T - Use Fast Copy. This is only valid if -E is also specified
Help for IniClean Program
The IniClean Program is designed to remove the Desktop
Directory Structure by deleting the Desktop Directory, all
Subdirectories, and all Files in all Directories.
IniClean is not normally designed to be run as a stand alone program. However,
it can be run to remove any Directory with it's Subdirectories and all files
in all Directories by passing the starting Directory as the only parameter.
For example, to delete the OS2 Directory from drive C, all Subdirectories of
the OS2 Directory and all Files in the OS2 Directory and all Subdirectories
run IniClean as shown: IniClean -iC:\OS2
DO NOT RUN this program unless you are sure you know what you want to delete.
Once the program is started, it will delete all Directories and Files without
requiring or asking for any additional input.
Help for Application Listbox
The APPLICATION LISTBOX displays the list of applications
that are in the current INI file, whose name is on the Title Bar.
Help for Key Listbox
The KEY LISTBOX displays the list of key names for the
application that is currently selected in the Application Listbox.
Help for Key Data Window
The MLE WINDOW displays the value of key for the
key that is currently selected in the Key Listbox.
********************* ABOUT BOX **************************************
Help for About
Select About on the Help pull down
to display copyright information about IniMaint or SysMaint.
***************************** DUMP ***********************************
Help for Dump Variables
Select Dump Variables to display a Dump Variables
debugging dialog. This selection will allow the user to "dump" the program
variables to a file.
************************ OPTIONS *************************************
Help for Options Selection
Select Options to display an Options
dialog. This selection will allow the user to change the various options that
control whether the initial dialog will be displayed and whether the user
is to be asked before the current INI file is updated.
*************************** GROUPS ***********************************
Help for Groups
Select Groups to display a Groups
dialog. This selection will allow the user to define, change and delete
Application Groups
*********************** FILE MENU ************************************
Help for File Menu
Select File to display a File
menu. This selection will allow the user to do a number of different file
actions and Exit from IniMaint or SysMaint. The File Menu Items are:
New File
User INI File Selection
System INI File Selection
Recall Files
Refresh File
Compare Files
Set INI File Association
Dump Variables
******************* ACTIONS MENU *************************************
Help for Actions Menu
Select Actions to display an Actions
menu. This selection will allow the user to make various changes to the
current INI file. The Actions Menu Items are:
Update Current Key Value
Delete Application
Delete Key
Add Application
Add Key to Application
Add or Replace Key Value
Rename Key
Duplicate Key
Rename Application
Duplicate Application
Copy Application(s)
Move Application(s)
Backup INI File(s)
Register Your Copy
********************* RECOVER MENU ***********************************
Help for Recover Menu
Select Recover to display a Recover
menu. This selection will allow the user to do various things to recover
from problems with various INI files. The Recover Menu Items are:
Change User INI File
Change System INI File
Change Both INI Files
Repair INI File
Condense INI Files
Reset Non Write INI Files
Test for Non Write INI Files
*********************** EA MENU **************************************
Help for EA Menu
Select Ext. Att. to display the EA
menu. This selection will allow the user to do various things with the
Extended Attributes for Directories and/or Files. The EA Menu Items are:
EA Defaults Dialog
Describe EA File Contents
Update EAs from the Current File
View EAs
Test EAs
Save EAs
Copy EAs
Move EAs
Split EAs
Join EAs
Compare EAs
Compare to Saved EAs
******************** DESKTOP MENU ************************************
Help for Desktop Menu
Select Desktop. to display the Desktop
menu. This selection will allow the user to do various things with the
OS/2 Desktop. The Desktop Menu Items are:
Defaults Dialog
Reset Desktop
Backup Desktop
Create Backup CMD File
Create Restore CMD File
Restore Desktop ID
Restore Desktop Directory
Restore Desktop INI Files
************************ SIZE ****************************************
Help for Size
Select Size to display the number of bytes of disk storage
that would be required to hold all or part of the current INI file, the
System INI file or the User INI File.
The user will be presented with a Size submenu that will allow
the selection of what to Size.
The selection Dialog will always contain four entries, one for the entire
file, one for the currently selected Application, one for the System
INI file and one for the User INI File. If there are any
Groups defined for the current INI file, then the Groups will also be
listed. If there are more than on Group defined for the current INI file,
then an All Groups selection will be displayed. Once the selection is made,
the Size calculation will commence. There will be a Calculating
Box displayed until the calculation completes.
**********************FIND MENU*****************************************
Help for Find Menu
Select Find to display a Find
menu. This selection will allow the user to do a number of different find
actions. The Find Menu Items are:
Find Application Name
Find Current Key Name
Find Current Key Value
Find Application Key Value
Find Any Key Name
Find Any Key Value
Repeat Last Find
****************** POPUP MENU ****************************************
Help for Write Window Contents
Select Write to Write the contents of the Window under
the Mouse Pointer to a File. The user will be asked to select the
Target File via the Standard File Dialog. Once the File is selected,
the Window contents will be written to the file or, if the file
already exists, appended to the current contents of the file.
There will be a Header line with the Date and Time. If the window
being written is the Key Name or Key Value window, then the currently
selected Application will be included in the Header. If the window
being written is the Key Value window, then the currently selected
Key Name will also be included in the Heading information.
Help for Print Window Contents
Select Print to Print the contents of the Window under
the Mouse Pointer.
There will be a Header line with the Date and Time. If the window
being printed is the Key Name or Key Value window, then the currently
selected Application will be included in the Header. If the window
being printed is the Key Value window, then the currently selected
Key Name will also be included in the Heading information.
Help for Explain
Select Explain to popup a Dialog with an Explanation of
the meaning and use of the currently selected Application and Key for
those Applications that are recognized as standard OS/2 Applications.
If the currently selected Application is not known, then the Dialog
will simply state that fact.
If the Mouse Pointer is over the Application Window when the
Explain is requested, then the Dialog will only contain a general
explanation of the use of the Application. If the Mouse Pointer is
over the Key Name or Key Value windows, then an attempt will be made
to give additional explanation information on the currently selected
Key. The amount of information available depends on a number of
things, not the least of which is Carry Associates current level of
knowledge about the various entries. Therefore, there is no general
way to characterize what the more detailed Explanation. It will vary
from nothing to a detailed list of items.
Carry Associates expects that this will be a continually evolving
area and we will make every attempt to include everything we learn
about the INI files in the Explain text. We would be very happy to
hear from any user who has additional information that could help.
We can be reached via any of the following:
Larry J. Martin
Carry Associates
990 Ironwood Court
Marco Island FL 33937
Tel: 813-642-9126
Fax: 813-642-1007
Compuserve: 71435,470
***************MAIN WINDOW FILE*****************************************
Help for Exit
Select Exit on the File pull down
or press F3 to leave IniMaint or SysMaint.
Selecting Exit will shutdown all open "threads"
before actually exiting the program so there may be a slight delay.
Help for New File Selection
Select New File to display a Files
dialog. This selection will allow the user change the current INI file.
Help for User INI File Selection
Select User INI File to make the User INI File the current
file being displayed by IniMaint. The User INI File is normally
Help for System INI File Selection
Select System INI File to make the System INI File the current
file being displayed by IniMaint. The System INI File is normally
Help for File Refresh
Select Refresh File to cause IniMaint to reload the contents
of the current INI file from disk. This entry would be used if some event
has occurred that may have modified the current INI file and it is desired
that these changes be reflected in the IniMaint listboxes and value area.
Help for Set File Association
Select Set File Association to put an entry in the User INI
file that will cause IniMaint to be automatically started with a specific
INI file as the current file simply by double clicking on the INI file in
the File Manager. This option only applies to versions prior to 2.0, since
the Workplace Shell provides this capability in subsequent versions.
Help for Compare Files
Select Compare Files to compare two different INI files on
any one of three different levels. The Source File will be the
Current INI file. The user will be prompted for the
Target File.
If the Application Level Compare is selected the Listbox in
the Compare Dialog will list all Application Names that are in
one INI file, but not in the other.
If the Key Name Level Compare is selected the Listbox in
the Compare Dialog will list everything that the Application Name Level
lists plus all Application/Key Names that are in
one INI file, but not in the other.
If the Key Value Level Compare is selected the Listbox in
the Compare Dialog will list everything in the other two Levels
lists plus all Application/Key Names that are in
both INI files, but have Unequal Key Values.
Help for Recall Files
Select Recall Files will display a submenu with a list of
previous INI and/or EA files that have been the current file. If any of
these files are selected, that file will become the current file and all
of the windows will be updated. The maximum number of files displayed in the
Recall Submenu is a user option that is set in the Options Dialog.
***************MAIN WINDOW ACTIONS**************************************
Help for Update Selection
Select Update Current Key to write any changes made to the
selected key value to the current INI file. Until this option is selected
or a new Key or Application is selected and the user chooses to allow an
update, the changes made to the Key Value in the bottom window will not be
reflected in the current INI file.
Help for Delete Application
Select Delete Application to Delete the Currently Selected
Application. Unless the Option has been turned off, the user will be asked
to confirm that the Application should be deleted.
Help for Delete Key
Select Delete Key to Delete the Currently Selected
Key. Unless the Option has been turned off, the user will be asked
to confirm that the Key should be deleted.
Help for Add Application
Select Add Application to Add a New Application to the current
INI File. This Selection will ask the user for the name of the New
Application. Once the name is verified, this Selection will fall through
to the Add Key Selection.
Help for Add Key
Select Add Key to Add a New Key to the current Application
This Selection will ask the user for the name of the New Key. Once the name
is verified, this Selection will fall through to the Replace Key Selection.
Help for Add or Replace Key Value
Select Add or Replace Key Value to display a Dialog that will allow
the user to modify the Value of the current Key. This is the only Selection
that will allow the user to change the length of a Key Value. The bottom
Window of the Main Window can be used to modify the Value of a Key, but it
cannot be used to change the length of a Value.
Help for Rename Key
Select Rename Key to Rename the Currently Selected
Key. The old Key Name will no longer exist in the Current INI file. If you
want to retain the old Key Name use Duplicate Key.
Help for Duplicate Application
Select Duplicate Application to Duplicate the Currently Selected
Application using a different Application Name.
The user will first be prompted to enter a New Application Name, then all
Key Names and Key Values will be duplicated under the new Application.
No check is made to insure that the New Application Name is not a
duplicate of an existing Application. If the New Application is a duplicate
then the effect of executing this item will be to copy every Key Name from
the Selected Application to the New Application. If the Key Name already
exists in the New Application, the Value will be replaced by the Value from
the Selected Application. If the Key Name does not exist in the New
Application, then it will be inserted into the New Application.
The old Application will still exist in the Current INI file. If you do not
want to retain the old Application then the Delete Application
item on the Action Menu can be used to delete the old Application.
Help for Rename Application
Select Rename Application to Rename the Currently Selected
Application using a different Application Name.
The user will first be prompted to enter a New Application Name, then all
Key Names and Key Values will be copied to new Application.
No check is made to insure that the New Application Name is not a
duplicate of an existing Application. If the New Application is a duplicate
then the effect of executing this item will be to copy every Key Name from
the Selected Application to the New Application. If the Key Name already
exists in the New Application, the Value will be replaced by the Value from
the Selected Application. If the Key Name does not exist in the New
Application, then it will be inserted into the New Application.
The old Application will no longer exist in the Current INI file. If you
want to retain the old Application use Duplicate Application.
Help for Duplicate Key
Select Duplicate Key to Duplicate the Currently Selected
Key Value using a different Key Name and, optionally, a different Application
Name. The user will first be prompted to enter a New Application Name and
can either change the Application or leave it the same. If the Application
Name is changed, then the Key Name does not need to be changed and the Key
Value will be copied to the new Application using the current Key Name. If
the Application Name is not changed, then Key Name must be changed.
The old Key Name will still exist in the Current INI file. If you
do not want to retain the old Key Name use Rename Key.
Help for Copy
Select Copy to Copy one or more Applications from the current
INI file to a Target INI File, to make a copy of the System INI File, the
User INI File or Both the System and User INI Files.
The user will first be asked to select a Target for the Copy and will
be presented with a Copy submenu that will allow the selection
of what to Copy.
The submenu will always contain five entries, one for the entire
file, one for the currently selected Application and one each for
the System, User and Both INI Files. If there are any
Groups defined for the current INI file, then the Groups will also be
listed. If there are more than on Group defined for the current INI file,
then an All Groups selection will be displayed. Once the selection is made,
the Copy will commence. There will be a Copy in Progress Box
displayed until the Copy completes.
Help for Backup
Select Backup to make a backup copy of either the System INI
File, the User INI file or both the System and User INI Files. In order to
backup these files a target file must be chosen for each source file. If
no target has been specified or if the Option to Ask Before Backup is set,
the user will be asked to specify a target file for the backup. Once a
target is specified for the System and/or User INI Files, then the user
will not be asked to verify the target filename if the Ask Before Backup
Option is not set.
If the target backup file already exists, it will be erased before the
backup is done. This is necessary to insure that the backup does not contain
old information.
If the option to display a copy in progress is set there will be a
Copy in Progress Box displayed until the Copy completes.
Help for Move
Select Move to Move one or more Applications from the current
INI file to a Target INI File.
The user will first be asked to select a Target for the Move and will
be presented with a Move submenu that will allow the selection
of what to Move.
The submenu will always contain two entries, one for the entire
file and another for the currently selected Application. If there are any
Groups defined for the current INI file, then the Groups will also be
listed. If there are more than on Group defined for the current INI file,
then an All Groups selection will be displayed. Once the selection is made,
the Move will commence. There will be a Move in Progress Box
displayed until the Move completes. Once the Move is complete, the Moved
Applications will be deleted from the Current INI file.
***************MAIN WINDOW RECOVER**************************************
Help for Change User INI File
Select Change User INI File to change to a new User INI File.
The normal User INI file is OS2.INI. Normally this
would only be done because the user was having trouble deleting an entry
from the User INI file, therefore, changing files would be part of a
multiple step process:
It is Strongly Suggested that you have a safe backup of your INI
files before you attempt to use this capability. In addition insure that
you know what you are doing before you attempt to make changes
that OS/2 would not allow you to make. It is possible that the actions
described below will be successful and still leave you in a condition that
will cause you problems.
When you change either the User or System INI files, your Desktop will revert
back to the Desktop at Boot time. Currently running PM Applications will
continue to run. Currently, the effect on files being printed by the
Spooler is not known. It is suggested that you insure that the Spooler is
not doing anything when you change the User or System INI files.
In addition, the switch of the User and System INI files will not persist
across booting of OS/2. In other words, if you change either of the files
and then re-boot, you will go back to the original User and System INI files.
Therefore, changing one of the files, then deleting a critical entry and
re-booting before you replace the critical entry will cause unknown, but
almost invariably bad, events to occur and could result in a system that
will not boot at all.
Insure that IniMaint was using the current User INI File.
Use the COPY IniMaint function to make a Copy of the current
User INI File.
Select this entry to change the User INI file to the Copy.
Use the DELETE or MOVE ability of IniMaint to
modify the old User INI File, which will still be the current IniMaint INI
Select this entry again to make the changed file the User INI file. If
an error is encountered when an attempt is made to switch back, then you
must use the IniMaint COPY function to Copy any Applications you
modified from the Copy to the original File until you can switch back
Help for Change System INI File
Select Change System INI File to change to a new System INI File.
The normal System INI file is OS2SYS.INI. Normally this
would only be done because the user was having trouble deleting an entry
from the System INI file, therefore, changing files would be part of a
multiple step process:
It is Strongly Suggested that you have a safe backup of your INI
files before you attempt to use this capability. In addition insure that
you know what you are doing before you attempt to make changes
that OS/2 would not allow you to make. It is possible that the actions
described below will be successful and still leave you in a condition that
will cause you problems.
When you change either the User or System INI files, your Desktop will revert
back to the Desktop at Boot time. Currently running PM Applications will
continue to run. Currently, the effect on files being printed by the
Spooler is not known. It is suggested that you insure that the Spooler is
not doing anything when you change the User or System INI files.
In addition, the switch of the User and System INI files will not persist
across booting of OS/2. In other words, if you change either of the files
and then re-boot, you will go back to the original User and System INI files.
Therefore, changing one of the files, then deleting a critical entry and
re-booting before you replace the critical entry will cause unknown, but
almost invariably bad, events to occur and could result in a system that
will not boot at all.
Insure that IniMaint was using the current System INI File.
Use the COPY IniMaint function to make a Copy of the current
System INI File.
Select this entry to change the System INI file to the Copy.
Use the DELETE or MOVE ability of IniMaint to
modify the old System INI File, which will still be the current IniMaint INI
Select this entry again to make the changed file the System INI file. If
an error is encountered when an attempt is made to switch back, then you
must use the IniMaint COPY function to Copy any Applications you
modified from the Copy to the original File until you can switch back
Help for Change User INI File
Select Change Both INI Files to change to a new User INI File
and a new System INI File. The normal User INI file is
OS2.INI. The normal System INI file is
OS2SYS.INI. Normally this
would only be done because the user was having trouble deleting an entry
from the User INI file, therefore, changing files would be part of a
multiple step process:
It is Strongly Suggested that you have a safe backup of your INI
files before you attempt to use this capability. In addition insure that
you know what you are doing before you attempt to make changes
that OS/2 would not allow you to make. It is possible that the actions
described below will be successful and still leave you in a condition that
will cause you problems.
When you change either the User or System INI files, your Desktop will revert
back to the Desktop at Boot time. Currently running PM Applications will
continue to run. Currently, the effect on files being printed by the
Spooler is not known. It is suggested that you insure that the Spooler is
not doing anything when you change the User or System INI files.
In addition, the switch of the User and System INI files will not persist
across booting of OS/2. In other words, if you change either of the files
and then re-boot, you will go back to the original User and System INI files.
Therefore, changing one of the files, then deleting a critical entry and
re-booting before you replace the critical entry will cause unknown, but
almost invariably bad, events to occur and could result in a system that
will not boot at all.
Insure that IniMaint was using the current User INI File.
Use the COPY IniMaint function to make a Copy of the current
User INI File.
Change IniMaint to the current System INI File.
Use the COPY IniMaint function to make a Copy of the current
System INI File.
Select this entry to change Both INI files to the Copies.
Use the DELETE or MOVE ability of IniMaint to
modify the old User and System INI Files.
Select this entry again to make the changed files the User and System
INI file. If an error is encountered when an attempt is made to switch back,
then you must use the IniMaint COPY function to Copy any
Applications you modified from the Copy to the original File until you can
switch back successfully.
Help for Repair INI File
Select Repair INI File to have the currently available
Repair actions performed on the appropriate INI File. A dialog
will be displayed that gives the user the ability to select the Type of
Repair and which of the available Repair Checks they want done. If a Repair
Type is chosen that will actually remove items from the Current INI file, a
Save INI file must be chosen and anything removed from or changed
in the Current file will be written to the Save file.
Help for Condense INI File
Select Condense to Condense one or more INI files. Whenever
a change is made to any INI file the space used by to old version of the
changed data is marked unused. Even though this space should be reclaimed
when subsequent changes are made, any INI file that has a lot of activity
will tend to accumulate a large amount of fragmented and unused space. The
only way to reclaim this space to to use the Prf APIs to copy the contents
of the INI file to another file, erase the old file and copy the contents
back, this entry accomplishes this task.
In addition, for the System INI file, OS2SYS.INI, and the User INI file,
OS2.INI, there is an additional complication. The existing file cannot be
erased as long as it is the System or User INI file currently being used by
OS/2. However, there is an Prf API that can change the current System or
User INI file to another file. IniMaint uses these APIs to change the files
so that it can delete the normal System or User INI files. That way, when
these files are recovered, they have the same name, but all the extra unused
space has been removed.
It is Strongly Suggested that you have a safe backup of your INI
files before you attempt to use this capability. In addition, it is
Extremely Important that you not interrupt the Condense or you can
leave your desktop in an indeterminate condition. The primary reason that
a backup is recommended is because it is possible for some external event,
such as a power failure, to occur during the Condense and this will require
that you go back to the backup copies.
If you are Condensing either the System or User
INI files, you should not make any modifications to your desktop during
the Condense. Depending on the timing of the changes you could end up
with the modifications being wiped out during the restore
portion of the Condense or, even worse, the modification could end up
partially reflected in the Condensed files
resulting in unexpected, but invariably bad events.
The user will first be asked to select a Temporary INI file that will be
used to temporarily hold the contents of the INI file being Condensed. This
should be a file that does not currently exist. If the file does exist, the
contents will be destroyed but the user will receive a warning and have
an opportunity to cancel the Condense of the file if they wish to use a
different Temporary file.
The submenu shows the different files that can be Condensed.
Help for Reset Non Write INI Files
Select Reset Non Write INI Files to have the OS2.INI and
OS2SYS.INI files changed from a condition where they cannot be updated
back to a normal condition. This menu item is not normally needed, since
IniMaint and SysMaint will both recognize when the INI files cannot be
written to and will automatically notify the user and ask them if they
want the condition corrected. However, if a user has chosen to have
IniMaint or SysMaint store their operational information in a file other
than the OS2.INI file, then this condition would not be recognized unless
the user chose to make a change to the OS2.INI or OS2SYS.INI files. For
this reason, a facility that would allow the user to manually fix the
situation has been added here.
Help for Test for Non Write INI Files
Select Test for Non Write INI Files to have the OS2.INI and
OS2SYS.INI files tested to see if they can be updated.
This menu item is not normally needed, since
IniMaint and SysMaint will both recognize when the INI files cannot be
written to and will automatically notify the user and ask them if they
want the condition corrected. However, if a user has chosen to have
IniMaint or SysMaint store their operational information in a file other
than the OS2.INI file, then this condition would not be recognized unless
the user chose to make a change to the OS2.INI or OS2SYS.INI files. For
this reason, a facility that would allow the user to manually make the
same test has been added here.
***************MAIN WINDOW EAS******************************************
Help for Describe EA File Contents
Select Describe EA File Contents to display a Message
Box that will describe the root Directory or File that was used to
create the current displayed set of Extended Attributes, what is
included in terms of Files and Directories and whether Subdirectories
were also searched.
Help for Update EAs from the Current File
Select Update EAs from the Current File to Update the actual
Extended Attributes for the Files and/or Directories that are in the
currently displayed file.
This would normally be used if a set of Extended Attributes were Edited,
had been modified by the user and the user now wanted the modified
Extended Attributes Joined to the actual Files and/or Directories.
Help for View Extended Attributes
Select View to display the submenu that lists the
different set of Directories and/or Files that can be viewed.
Once one of the submenu selections are made, the user will be
presented with an appropriate File/Directory/Drive Dialog
that will allow the selection of the Root for the View. Once the Root
is selected a file name will be built to hold the Extended
Attributes. This name can be built automatically or can be selected
by the user depending on the appropriate Default option. If the file
already exists it will be overwritten automatically or the user will
be asked if they want it overwritten, based on the appropriate
Default Option. Once all of this is done the Extended Attributes for
the Directories and/or Files will be extracted and placed in the
selected EA file Once the EAs have all been processed, the EA file
will appear as the current INI file.
The Application Listbox will contain the names of the Directories
and/or Files that have been found.
The Key Listbox will contain the List of EAs for the Directory or
File that is currently selected in the Application Listbox.
The Key Value window will contain the actual data for the EA.
If the Default option Keep Temporary Files is not
checked, then the user will never be asked for an Extended Attribute
Filename, since the created file will be automatically deleted as
soon as the View is completed. In addition, the generated filename
will not be placed in the File Recall list, since it does not make
sense to Recall a file that has been deleted.
Refer to the Whatisea.txt file for a more complete
description of how the Extended Attributes are displayed.
Help for Test Extended Attributes
Select Test to display the submenu that lists the
different set of Directories and/or Files that can be tested.
Once one of the submenu selections are made, the user will be
presented with an appropriate File/Directory/Drive Dialog
that will allow the selection of the Root for the Test. Once the Root
is selected the Extended Attributes for the Directories and/or
Files will be examined and a Dialog will appear listing each File
and/or Directory along with a notation as to whether the Extended
Attributes are Valid or, if they are not Valid, what error was found.
Help for Save Extended Attributes
Select Save to display the submenu that lists the
different set of Directories and/or Files that can have their
Extended Attributes saved. Once one of the submenu selections are
made, the user will be presented with an appropriate
File/Directory/Drive Dialog that will allow the selection of
the Root for the Save. Once the Root is selected a file name will be
built to hold the Extended Attributes. This name can be built
automatically or can be selected by the user depending on the
appropriate Default option. If the file already exists it will be
overwritten automatically or the user will be asked if they want it
overwritten, based on the appropriate Default Option. Once all of
this is done the Extended Attributes for the Directories and/or
Files will be extracted and placed in the selected EA file. The
actual Extended Attributes of the Source Files and/or Directories
will not be altered.
Help for Copy Extended Attributes
Select Copy to display the submenu that lists the
different set of Directories and/or Files that can have their
Extended Attributes copied. Once one of the submenu selections are
made, the user will be presented with an appropriate
File/Directory/Drive Dialog that will allow the selection of
the Source Root for the Copy. Once the Source Root is selected the
user will be presented with an appropriate
File/Directory/Drive Dialog that will allow the selection of
the Target Root for the Copy. Once the Target Root is selected the
Extended Attributes for the Source Directories and/or Files will
be extracted and Copied to the File or Directory that has the same
name in the Target. The Extended Attributes of the Source Files
and/or Directories will be not be modified so that after the Copy
these Files and/or Directories will have the same Extended
Attributes as before the Copy.
For example, if the Extended Attributes for Files were Copied from
a Directory \SOURCE on Drive D to a Directory \TARGET on Drive
E, and there was a file SOMESTUF.TXT in both Directories, then the
Extended Attributes for the file in the Source Directory would be
copied to the same file in the Target.
Help for Move Extended Attributes
Select Move to display the submenu that lists the
different set of Directories and/or Files that can have their
Extended Attributes moved. Once one of the submenu selections are
made, the user will be presented with an appropriate
File/Directory/Drive Dialog that will allow the selection of
the Source Root for the Move. Once the Source Root is selected the
user will be presented with an appropriate
File/Directory/Drive Dialog that will allow the selection of
the Target Root for the Move. Once the Target Root is selected the
Extended Attributes for the Source Directories and/or Files will
be extracted and Moved to the File or Directory that has the same
name in the Target. The Extended Attributes of the Source Files
and/or Directories will be Deleted so that after the Move these
Files and/or Directories will not have any Extended Attributes.
For example, if the Extended Attributes for Files were Moved from
a Directory \SOURCE on Drive D to a Directory \TARGET on Drive
E, and there was a file SOMESTUF.TXT in both Directories, then the
Extended Attributes for the file in the Source Directory would be
Moved to the same file in the Target.
Help for Split Extended Attributes
Select Split to display the submenu that lists the
different set of Directories and/or Files that can have their
Extended Attributes split. Once one of the submenu selections are
made, the user will be presented with an appropriate
File/Directory/Drive Dialog that will allow the selection of
the Root for the Split. Once the Root is selected a file name will
be built to hold the Extended Attributes. This name can be built
automatically or can be selected by the user depending on the
appropriate Default option. If the file already exists it will be
overwritten automatically or the user will be asked if they want it
overwritten, based on the appropriate Default Option. Once all of
this is done the Extended Attributes for the Directories and/or
Files will be extracted and placed in the selected EA file. The
actual Extended Attributes of the Source Files and/or Directories
will be deleted and these Files and/or Directories will no longer
have any Extended Attributes.
Help for Join Extended Attributes
Select Join to display the submenu that lists the
different set of Directories and/or Files that can have their
Extended Attributes Joined. Once one of the submenu selections are
made, the user will be presented with an appropriate
File/Directory/Drive Dialog that will allow the selection of
the Root for the Join. Once the Root is selected the Extended
Attributes in the Current File will be Joined to any Files and/or
Directories in the Target that have the same name as a corresponding
File or Directory in the Current File.
This function is very similar to the Update EA's from the Current
File except that the Extended Attributes can be Joined to a set of
Files and/or Directories different from the original ones.
Help for Compare Extended Attributes
Select Compare to Compare the Extended Attributes for
one set of Files and/or Directories to those current on another
set of Files and/or Directories. When this selection is made the
first action is to display the submenu that lists the different set
of Directories and/or Files that can be compared. Once one of the
submenu selections are made, the user will be presented with an
appropriate File/Directory/Drive Dialog that will allow the
selection of the Source Root for the Compare. Once the Source Root
is selected the user will be presented with an appropriate
File/Directory/Drive Dialog that will allow the selection of
the Target Root for the Compare. Once the Target Root is selected a
file name will be built to hold the Source Extended Attributes. This
name can be built automatically or can be selected by the user
depending on the appropriate Default option. If the file already
exists it will be overwritten automatically or the user will be asked
if they want it overwritten, based on the appropriate Default
Option. Then a file name will be built to hold the Target Extended
Attributes. This name can be built automatically or can be selected
by the user depending on the appropriate Default option. If the file
already exists it will be overwritten automatically or the user will
be asked if they want it overwritten, based on the appropriate
Default Option. Once all of this is done the Compare Dialog will
appear and do a Key Value level Compare of the Extended Attribute
information between the Source and Target. Once the Compare is
completed, the files that contain the Extended Attributes will be
deleted if the user has selected this Default Option.
If the Default option Keep Temporary Files is not
checked, then the user will never be asked for an Extended Attribute
Filename, since the created file will be automatically deleted as
soon as the View is completed. In addition, the generated filename
will not be placed in the File Recall list, since it does not make
sense to Recall a file that has been deleted.
Help for Compare to Saved Extended Attributes
Select Compare to Saved to Compare the Extended
Attributes that are currently on a set of Files and/or
Directories to those that have already been saved in an EA file. For
example, this entry would be used to compare the current Extended
Attributes for a set of Files and/or Directories to those saved
previously, in order to see what kinds of changes have occurred. When
this selection is made the first action is to display the submenu
that lists the different set of Directories and/or Files that can
be compared. Once one of the submenu selections are made, the user
will be presented with an appropriate File/Directory/Drive
Dialog that will allow the selection of the Source Root for the
Compare. Once the Source Root is selected the user will be presented
with a File Dialog that will allow the selection of the Target EA
File for the Compare. Once the Target Root is selected a file name
will be built to hold the Source Extended Attributes. This name can
be built automatically or can be selected by the user depending on
the appropriate Default option. If the file already exists it will
be overwritten automatically or the user will be asked if they want
it overwritten, based on the appropriate Default Option. Once all of
this is done the Compare Dialog will appear and do a Key Value level
Compare of the Extended Attribute information between the Source and
Target. Once the Compare is completed, the files that contain the
Source Extended Attributes will be deleted if the user has selected
this Default Option.
If the Default option Keep Temporary Files is not
checked, then the user will never be asked for an Extended Attribute
Filename, since the created file will be automatically deleted as
soon as the View is completed. In addition, the generated filename
will not be placed in the File Recall list, since it does not make
sense to Recall a file that has been deleted.
Help for Select EAs for a Single File
Select EAs for File to display the Extended Attributes for a single
file. A File Selection Dialog will be displayed allowing the user to select
the file.
Help for Select EAs for a Single Path
Select EAs for Path to display the Extended Attributes for a single
directory. A File Selection Dialog will be displayed allowing the user to select
the directory.
Help for Select EAs for all Files in Directory
Select EAs for all Files in Directory to display the
Extended Attributes for all the Files in a single Subdirectory. A
File Selection Dialog will be displayed allowing the user to select
the Root Directory to use.
Help for Select EAs for all Directories in Directory
Select EAs for all Directories in Directory to display
the Extended Attributes for all the Directories in a single
Subdirectory. A File Selection Dialog will be displayed allowing the
user to select the Root Directory to use.
Help for Select EAs for all Files and Directories in Directory
Select EAs for all Files and Directories in Directory to
display the Extended Attributes for all the Files and Directories in
a single Subdirectory. A File Selection Dialog will be displayed
allowing the user to select the Root Directory to use.
Help for Select EAs for all Files in Directory and Subdirectory
Select EAs for all Files in Directory and Subdirectory
to display the Extended Attributes for all the Files in a single
Directory and all of it's Subdirectories. A File Selection Dialog
will be displayed allowing the user to select the Root Directory to
Help for Select EAs for all Directories in Directory and Subdirectory
Select EAs for all Directories in Directory and
Subdirectory to display the Extended Attributes for all the
Directories in a single Directory and all of it's Subdirectories. A
File Selection Dialog will be displayed allowing the user to select
the Root Directory to use.
Help for Select EAs for all Files and Directories in Directory and Subdirectory
Select EAs for all Files and Directories in Directory and
Subdirectory to display the Extended Attributes for all the
Files and Directories in a single Directory and all of it's
Subdirectories. A File Selection Dialog will be displayed allowing
the user to select the Root Directory to use.
Help for Select EAs for all Files on Drive
Select EAs for all Files on Drive to display the
Extended Attributes for all the Files on a Drive. A Drive Selection
Dialog will be displayed allowing the user to select the Drive to
Help for Select EAs for all Directories on Drive
Select EAs for all Directories on Drive to display the
Extended Attributes for all the Directories on a Drive. A Drive
Selection Dialog will be displayed allowing the user to select the
Drive to use.
Help for Select EAs for all Files and Directories on Drive
Select EAs for all Files and Directories on Drive to
display the Extended Attributes for all the Files and Directories on
a Drive. A Drive Selection Dialog will be displayed allowing the
user to select the Drive to use.
***************MAIN WINDOW FIND*****************************************
Help for Find Application Name
Select Application Name on the Find menu to do a
Find on the entries in the Application Listbox. If the Find is successful
the Application Name will be Selected and the Listbox will be scrolled to
insure the found name is visible.
Help for Find Current Key Name
Select Current Key Name on the Find menu to do a
Find on the entries in the Current Key Listbox. If the Find is successful
the Current Key Name will be Selected and the Listbox will be scrolled to
insure the found name is visible.
Help for Find Current Key Value
Select Current Key Value on the Find menu to do a
Find on the entries in the Current Key Value MLE. If the Find is successful
the Current Key Value will be Selected and the MLE will be scrolled to
insure the found value is visible.
Help for Find Application Key Value
Select Application Key Value on the Find menu to
do a Find on all of the Key Values for the current Application. If the Find
is successful the Current Key Name will be Selected, the Listbox will be
scrolled to insure the selected Name is visible, the found Key Value will be
loaded into the Key Value MLE, and the Key Value MLE will be scrolled to
insure the found Value is visible.
Help for Find Any Key Name
Select Any Key Name on the Find menu to do a
Find on all of the Key Names in the current INI file. If the Find is
successful the Application that contains the Key Name will be selected in
the Application Listbox, the Application Listbox will be scrolled to insure
the selected Application is visible, the Key Names will be loaded into the
Key Listbox, the Current Key Name will be Selected and the Listbox will be
scrolled to insure the found Name is visible.
Help for Find Any Key Value
Select Any Key Value on the Find menu to do a
Find on all of the Key Values in the current INI file. If the Find is
successful the Application that contains the Key Value will be selected in
the Application Listbox, the Application Listbox will be scrolled to insure
the selected Application is visible, the Key Names will be loaded into the
Key Listbox, the Current Key Name will be Selected, the Listbox will be
scrolled to insure the selected Name is visible, the found Key Value will be
loaded into the Key Value MLE, and the Key Value MLE will be scrolled to
insure the found Value is visible.
Help for Repeat Last Find
Select Repeat Last Find on the Find menu to
Repeat the Last Find that was requested. This item is really a short
hand way to Repeat a Find and has been placed on the Find Menu
because it is probably the most common thing a user will want to do.
***************MAIN WINDOW DESKTOP**************************************
Help for Reset Desktop
Select Reset Desktop to Reset WPS to the same condition
as when OS/2 was last booted from the Harddisk. This selection
should not be needed except in special situations. Normally, all of
the Desktop menu selections will automatically do a Reset of the
Desktop, if it is necessary. However, there are a number of different
kinds of manual things that can be done to the INI files and/or the
Desktop Extended Attributes that will not take effect until WPS has
been restarted, therefore, this option is provided for that purpose.
When WPS is reset, the visual effect is the same as when WPS
encounters an error that prevents if from continuing. In this case,
all of the Icons and Folders on the Desktop will disappear and the
Desktop itself will appear to fold in on itself. After a few seconds,
the Icons will start to reappear and, if the appropriate option is
selected in the OS2.INI file, the Folders that were open at the time
of the WPS termination should also reopen. The first time this occurs
for each user, it is disconcerting. However, this is actually a very
good feature of WPS and has saved many users the need to reboot
Help for Backup Desktop
Select Backup Desktop to create a Simple Backup of the
Desktop. This selection will first rebuild the Backup CMD file, in
order to insure that it is current with the actual Desktop Directory
structure, and then will execute the CMD file. Normally, the user
will see a window open on the Desktop and can watch the CMD file
while it makes the backup.
The actual Backup procedure consists of:
Erasing the oldest Backup Generation, if it exists.
Renaming each remaining Generation to the next oldest generation.
Using Zip to zip the OS2.INI and OS2SYS.INI files into a
temporary zip file.
Using Zip to zip the Desktop Directory structure and it's
Extended Attributes into a temporary zip file.
Zipping the temporary zip files from above into a single zip file.
Erasing the two temporary zip files.
The reason the INI Files and the Desktop Directory structure are
zipped into separate files is so that they can be Restored
This item will not operate correctly if the version of Zip that is
first found in the CONFIG.SYS PATH variable is not an OS/2
version of Zip and is a version that supports zipping Extended
Attributes. If there is any question about this, please refer to the
discussion of the Operational Environment.
Help for Create Backup CMD File
Select Create Backup CMD File to create the CMD file
that would backup the current Desktop with the currently specified
number of Backup Generations. The CMD file will automatically be
rebuilt anytime the Desktop is actually Backed up, but it can also be
built manually, so that it can be used in other situations, such as
when the system is booted.
Any time the number of Backup Generations is changed, then this
CMD file should get rebuilt.
Help for Create Restore CMD File
Select Create Restore CMD File to Restore the Desktop
from any one of the Backup Generations created by the Backup Menu
item or the Backup CMD file.
This CMD files cannot be run while WPS is active, so it must be
run after a boot from a floppy or while the boot is interrupted by
ShiftRun. There are other menu items that will do a partial Restore
of the Desktop while WPS is active, but there did not seem to be much
of a reason to do a full Restore with WPS active, since it is
unlikely that WPS would even run if the Desktop is sufficiently
corrupted that a full Restore is necessary.
The Restore CMD file takes a single input parameter, which is the
Generation the user wants to use for the Restore. If no parameter is
specified, the CMD file will default to the first, and most recent,
Generation and will PAUSE to tell the user that the default is being
The steps involved in Restoring the Desktop are:
The current Desktop Directory and all files in any Subdirectories
are deleted.
The current OS2.INI and OS2SYS.INI files are erased.
The zipped Backup file is unzipped to create the two temporary
zip files.
One of the temporary zip files is unzipped into the Desktop
Directory structure.
The other temporary zip file is unzipped into the INI files.
ATTRIB is used to verify the unzipped INI files do not have
the RO Attribute set.
The temporary zip files are erased.
It is critical that the version of UNZIP used is one that will
restore the Extended Attributes. If there is any question about this,
you should review the Operational Environment section of
this Help file.
Help for Restore Desktop ID
Select Restore Desktop ID to Restore the proper ID to
the Desktop. For reasons that are unknown to this developer at this
time, the Desktop will sometimes forget that it is the Desktop and
revert to being a normal Folder. If a user opens up the Desktop menu
by using the RMB on the Desktop and the resulting menu is missing the
Desktop items, such as Shutdown, then the Desktop has forgotten it is
the Desktop. The actual problem is in the Extended Attributes for the
root Desktop Directory and this menu item will repair the error and
the Desktop menu will once again have the appropriate entries.
Help for Restore Desktop Directory
Select Restore Desktop Directory to Restore the Desktop
Directory structure while WPS is active. It is critical that nothing
else be going on with the Desktop while this activity is being done.
If any attempt is made to update or access the Desktop during this
activity, it is extremely likely that WPS will fail and will not come
back up again. In this case, it will be necessary to boot from a
floppy and do a full Desktop Restore.
The steps involved in Restoring the Desktop Directory are:
The current Desktop Directory and all files in any Subdirectories
are deleted.
The zipped Backup file is unzipped to create the two temporary
zip files.
One of the temporary zip files is unzipped into the Desktop
Directory structure.
The temporary zip files are erased.
It is unlikely that this particular menu item will be used very
often. In almost every case where the Desktop Directory structure is
sufficiently corrupted that it needs to be Restored, the corruption
is sufficient to prevent WPS form even running. When the Desktop is
corrupted, but WPS continues to run, the problem is seldom corruption
of the Desktop Directory structure, it is almost always a problem
with the INI files and this problem is fixed via a different menu
Help for Restore Desktop INI Files
Select Restore Desktop INI Files to Restore the
OS2*.INI files while WPS is active. It is critical that nothing
else be going on with the Desktop while this activity is being done.
If any attempt is made to update or access the Desktop during this
activity, it is extremely likely that WPS will fail and will not come
back up again. In this case, it will be necessary to boot from a
floppy and do a full Desktop Restore.
The steps involved in Restoring the INI Files are:
A copy is made of both INI files and these are made the current
System and User INI files.
The current OS2.INI and OS2SYS.INI files are erased.
The zipped Backup file is unzipped to create the two temporary
zip files.
One temporary zip file is unzipped into the INI files.
ATTRIB is used to verify the unzipped INI files do not have
the RO Attribute set.
The temporary zip files are erased.
The System and User INI files are switched back to the Restored
copies of OS2.INI and OS2SYS.INI.
The copies of the original INI files are erased.
Whenever the Desktop seems to be corrupted, but WPS will stay
active, it is most likely that this menu item will fix the problem,
as opposed to restoring the Desktop Directory structure. If the
Directory structure is corrupted, it is not very likely that WPS will
even run and a full Restore of the Desktop will probably be
***************REPLACE KEY DIALOG***************************************
Help for Add or Replace Key Value Dialog
The Add or Replace Key Value Dialog will allow the user to modify
the Value of the current Key. This is the only Selection that will allow
the user to change the length of a Key Value. The bottom Window of the
Main Window can be used to modify the Value of a Key, but it cannot be
used to change the length of a Value.
Help for Application Name
The Application Name is the name of the Application that
is currently being modified.
Help for Key Name
The Key Name is the name of the Key that
is currently being modified.
Help for Key Value Length
The Data Length shows the current length of the Key Value
that is currently being modified. This value will change dynamically as the
actual value length is changed. However, the length will not change when
only one character is added to the Hexidecimal Value
field, since two Hexidecimal characters are required to make a
single Ascii character.
Help for Ascii Key Value
The Ascii Key Value is the current contents of the Key Value
being modified. Any Ascii characters which would not print are replaced by
a '.' to improve readability.
Help for Items not yet done
The Hex Key Value is a two Hexidecimal character
display for each Ascii character of the current of the Key Value
being modified.
Help for Add Zero Terminator
The Add Zero Terminator Checkbox can be used to insure
that character string Key Values always end with a null character,
which is a binary zero. Since virtually all Applications which store
information in an INI file will store character strings with the null
character terminator, if this option is checked, the Dialog
termination code will insure that the Ascii value entered has the
null terminator. If the terminator is not there, then it will be
added and the length will be increased by one. This insures that both
the actual data and the stored length are as expected.
**********************DUMP DIALOG***************************************
Help for Dump Variables Dialog
The Dump Variables Dialog will display the current contents of
all Global Variables and various System and Application Error values. This
Dialog will be displayed automatically whenever a terminal error occurs and
gives the user the option of recording the values in a Dump File.
Help for Dump File Name
The File Name is the name of the File that will be used
to contain all of the Dump variable information displayed in the Dialog
if the Write Button is selected.
Help for Dump Logic Error
The Logic Error is the IniMaint or SysMaint Internal Error Code. Any
value other than zero is an error value. A short description of the error
will be displayed in the Logic Error Text field.
Help for Dump DOS Error
The DOS Error is the error code returned from the last call
to an OS/2 DOS API. It will normally be a further explanation of
the Logic Error, if IniMaint or SysMaint was terminated by an error.
Help for Dump Help Error
The Help Error is the error code returned from the last call
to an OS/2 Help API. It will normally be a further explanation of
the Logic Error, if IniMaint or SysMaint was terminated by an error or the
Message Box saying that the Help is not available was displayed.
Help for Dump PM Error
The PM Error is the error code returned from the last call
to an OS/2 PM API. It will normally be a further explanation of
the Logic Error, if IniMaint or SysMaint was terminated by an error.
Help for Dump PM Test Error
There are many situations where a call to an OS/2 PM API will
return a valid return, however, a call to the API that returns PM errors
will return a nonzero error. IniMaint or SysMaint attempts to record this error code
whenever the Dump Dialog is invoked. This error will normally be the last PM
non zero error code from an API that had a valid return.
Help for Dump PM Error Text
The PM Error Text is a short explanation of the
PM Error or the PM Test Error if the PM Error is zero.
Due to a problem in OS/2 1.3 CSD WR5050, this text will not be correct
for this particular level of OS/2.
Help for Dump Logic Error Text
The Logic Error Text is a short explanation of the IniMaint or SysMaint
error shown in the Logic Error field.
Help for Dump Variable Window
This window contains the contents of all of the IniMaint or SysMaint Variables and
is only of use in Debugging problems.
Help for Dump Write to File
Selecting this Button will cause the IniMaint or SysMaint Variable information to
be written to the current Dump File.
Help for Dump Select New File
This selection will cause the New File Dialog to be opened
so that a new Dump File can be selected.
******************OPTIONS DIALOG****************************************
Help for Options Dialog
The Options Dialog will display a set of Checkboxes that
allow the user to control the behavior of IniMaint or SysMaint in a number of different
Help for Options Recall Files
The Recall Files Option controls the maximum number of entries
that will appear on the File Recall submenu. Once the number of
files to be Recalled has reached this value, the oldest file will be
dropped from the list. The default is 10 and the maximum value is 100.
Help for Options Use Fast Copy
The Use Fast Copy Option controls whether IniMaint or SysMaint will
use the special fast methods to access the INI files when doing a Copy
or Move of an entire INI file, Backup of an INI file or Condense of an
INI file. This option significantly decreases the time needed to do these
Help for Options Apps and Keys in Alpha Order
The Apps and Keys in Alpha Order Option controls how IniMaint or SysMaint
will load the Application and Key Names into the Listboxes. If this option
is selected, the Names will be loaded in alphabetic order, otherwise, they
will be loaded in the order encountered. The default for this Option is
Help for Options Ask Before Backup
The Ask Before Backup Option controls whether IniMaint or SysMaint will
ask for verification of the name of the backup file for the INI File
that is being backed up. If no backup name has been specified, then
IniMaint or SysMaint will always ask. The default for this Option is Yes.
Help for Options Ask Before Deleting
The Ask Before Deleting Option controls whether IniMaint or SysMaint will
ask for verification before deleting an Application or Key. The default for
this Option is Yes.
Help for Options Ask Before Updating
The Ask Before Updating Option controls whether IniMaint or SysMaint will
ask for verification before writing changes to an Application or Key to
the current INI File. The default for this Option is Yes.
Help for Options Display Initial Dialog
The Display Initial Dialog Option controls whether IniMaint or SysMaint
will Display the Initial Dialog Box each time it is run. The default
for this Option is Yes.
Help for Options Display Size Calculation Box
The Display Size Calculation Box Option controls whether
IniMaint or SysMaint will Display a box saying that a Size Calculation
is in progress. During the Size Calculation no user input to
IniMaint or SysMaint will be accepted and the Wait Pointer will be displayed.
However, the PM Message Queue will not be blocked so the user can switch
away from IniMaint or SysMaint during this process. The default for this Option is
Help for Options Display Loading Listbox Box
The Display Loading Listbox Box Option controls whether
IniMaint or SysMaint will Display a box saying that it is Loading the
Applications, Keys or Current Key Value information. During the
Loading process no user input to
IniMaint or SysMaint will be accepted and the Wait Pointer will be displayed.
However, the PM Message Queue will not be blocked so the user can switch
away from IniMaint or SysMaint during this process. The default for this Option is
Help for Options Display Copying/Moving Box
The Display Copying/Moving Box Option controls whether
IniMaint or SysMaint will Display a box saying that a Copy or Move
is in progress. During the Copy or Move no user input to
IniMaint or SysMaint will be accepted and the Wait Pointer will be displayed.
However, the PM Message Queue will not be blocked so the user can switch
away from IniMaint or SysMaint during this process. The default for this Option is
Help for Options Display Find Box
The Display Find Box Option controls whether
IniMaint or SysMaint will Display a box saying that a Find
is in progress. During the Find no user input to
IniMaint or SysMaint will be accepted and the Wait Pointer will be displayed.
However, the PM Message Queue will not be blocked so the user can switch
away from IniMaint or SysMaint during this process. The default for this Option is
Help for Options Display Compare Box
The Display Compare Box Option controls whether
IniMaint or SysMaint will Display a box saying that a Compare
is in progress. During the filling of the Compare File Listbox
no user input to IniMaint or SysMaint will be accepted and the Wait Pointer
will be displayed.
However, the PM Message Queue will not be blocked so the user can switch
away from IniMaint or SysMaint during this process. The default for this Option is
Help for Options Display Compare Files Write or Print Box
The Display Compare Files Write or Print Box Option controls
whether IniMaint or SysMaint will Display a box saying that a
Compare Files Write or Print is in progress. Until the operation
is completed no user input to IniMaint or SysMaint will be accepted and the
Wait Pointer will be displayed.
However, the PM Message Queue will not be blocked so the user can switch
away from IniMaint or SysMaint during this process. The default for this Option is
Help for Options Display Repair Box
The Display Repair Box Option controls whether
IniMaint or SysMaint will Display a box saying that a Repair
is in progress. During the execution of the Repair File Function
no user input to IniMaint or SysMaint will be accepted and the Wait Pointer
will be displayed.
However, the PM Message Queue will not be blocked so the user can switch
away from IniMaint or SysMaint during this process. The default for this Option is
************SELECT GROUPS DIALOG****************************************
Help for Select Group Dialog
The Select Group Dialog will display a set of choices for an
IniMaint operation that can be performed on the Entire File, a
Single Application, or a Group. The options will
include the Groups, if there are any defined and an entry for
All Groups if there is more then one Group.
It is not possible to directly invoke this Dialog, it is
automatically called whenever some action is taken that requires the
user to select a Group.
Help for Select Group Group Listing
The Group Listing box will list all of the valid choices for
the selected IniMaint operation. As soon as any one of the items in the box
are selected by clicking on them with the mouse, the IniMaint operation will
start using the selected choice.
It is not possible to directly invoke this Window, it is
automatically called whenever some action is taken that requires the
user to select a Group.
***************GET STRING DIALOG****************************************
Help for Get Value or String Dialog
The Get Value or String Dialog is used to obtain any
Numberic or Character information that is needed from
the user.
Help for Get Value or String Data Entry Area
The Data Entry Area is where the requested information is
entered by the user.
****************** GROUPS DIALOG****************************************
Help for Groups Dialog
The Groups Dialog contains a Listbox with all the
Applications for the Current INI file. Any of the
Applications that are selected are included in the Group
whose name is in the Title of the Dialog. The Groups menu item
allows the user to change the Group currently being shown and to
add a new Group. A single Application can belong to
more than one Group. Applications are added to or
removed from a specific Group by Selecting or Deselecting the
Help for Groups Application Listing
The Groups Listbox lists all Applications in
the Current INI file with every member of the Group whose
name is in the Title selected.
If the Group currently being displayed is All, then the
Applications selected are the Applications that are in any Group.
Therefore, any Application that is not selected, is not in any Group.
When in this mode, any Application that is deselected will be removed
from all Groups that it is a member of. If an Application is
selected, the user will be asked which Group they want the
Application added to, unless there is only one Group defined, in
which case it will be added to that Group.
Help for Groups Add Group
The Add Group selection gives the user the ability to add
a new Group to the Current INI file. The user will be prompted
for a Group Name, the new Group will become the current Group and
the user can then add Applications to the Group by
selecting them.
Help for Groups Delete Group
The Delete Group selection gives the user the ability to
delete a Group from those defined for the Current INI file.
**********************FIND DIALOG***************************************
Help for Find Dialog
The Find Dialog will allow the user to do a number of different
Finds. The current Application and Key Listboxes and Key Value MLE can be
searched, or the search can be extended to all the Key Values in an
Application or the entire current INI file.
Help for Find Text
The Find Text is the text that will be used to do the next
Find. The text will be displayed in Ascii or Hex format, depending on the
format the user has selected. When doing a Find on Application Name or Key
Name, only Ascii text is valid.
Help for Find from Beginning
The Find from Beginning button causes the Find to start from
the beginning of the Listbox, MLE, or file, depending on which Find is
Help for Find from Current
The Find from Current button causes the Find to start from
the current position in the Listbox, MLE, or file, depending on which Find is
Help for Repeat Find
The Repeat Find button causes the previous Find to be
repeated. This option will ignore any changes made in the Find Text
Entryfield and will use the same field as the previous find.
Help for Ascii Find Text
The Ascii Find Text button causes the Find text field to
be displayed in Ascii format. This is the only valid format for all Finds
for Application and Key names.
Help for Hex Find Text
The Hex Find Text button causes the Find text field to
be displayed in Hex format. This is format is not valid for Finds
on Application and Key names.
Help for Case Sensitive
The Case Sensitive checkbox causes the Find to be case
sensitive. If this box is not checked, then the Find will force all fields
to upper case before doing a compare. This option does not apply to Hex
text format searches.
Help for Global Find Text
The Global Find Text checkbox causes the Find text to be
copied to the Default Find Text for all other Finds of the same
type. For example, if this Find is for a Key Value, then if this item is
selected and the FIND Button is selected, the text for this Find will become
the text for all Key Value Finds. If this checkbox is not selected, then the
text for this Find will only be copied to the other finds of the same type
if the other Finds have no current search text.
********************COMPARE DIALOG**************************************
Help for Compare Files Dialog
The Compare Files Dialog will allow the user to compare two
INI files on any of three different levels of detail.
Help for Source INI File
The Source INI File is the INI File that will be used as the
Source INI File.
Help for Target INI File
The Target INI File is the INI File that will be used as the
Target INI File.
Help for Application Level Compare
The Application Level Compare selection will cause the Listbox
to contain a list of any Application Name that is in one of the Compare Files
but not in the other.
Help for Key Name Level Compare
The Key Name Level Compare selection will cause the Listbox
to contain a list of any Application Name that is in one of the Compare Files
but not in the other. In addition it will list any Key Name that is in an
Application that is common to the two files, but where the Key Name is missing
from one of the files.
Help for Key Value Level Compare
The Key Value Level Compare selection will cause the Listbox
to contain a list of any Application Name that is in one of the Compare Files
but not in the other. It will also list any Key Name that is in an
Application that is common to the two files, but where the Key Name is missing
from one of the files. Finally, it will list any situation where the
Application and Key Names are in both files, but the Key Values are not
Help for New Target File
Selecting New Target File will cause the File Selection
Dialog to appear and ask for a New Target File. If a new file
is selected, it will become the current Target File and the Listbox will
be filled with the appropriate level compare entries for this file and
the current Source File.
Help for Write
Selecting Write will cause the Write Options Dialog to
appear allowing the user to decide what he wants to Write. If OK is
selected and the user has chosen to Write any data, the requested data
will then be written to the chosen files.
Help for Print
Selecting Print will cause the contents of the Listbox to
be printed. The printing is done in a separate thread, so that the message
queue is not blocked. However, the Compare Dialog cannot be dismissed until
the Print is finished, since dismissing the Dialog will cause the memory
allocated to hold the Listbox items to be released.
****************COMPARE WRITE OPTIONS DIALOG****************************
Help for Compare Files Write Options Dialog
The Compare Files Write Options Dialog will allow the user to
select the type(s) of writes and which files they want to use for the
Help for Write INI File
The Write INI File is the INI file that will be used as the
output INI file for all of the write options except the Write Listbox. This
must be a valid INI file. If the file does not exist, a valid INI file will
be created using the filename. If the INI file does exist, then the selected
INI write items will be added to those already in the INI file if they do
not already exist there and replace those items that do exist.
Help for Select New Write INI File
Select the Select New Write INI File checkbox to cause the New
File Dialog to be displayed asking for the name of the Write INI file. Once
the new file is selected and validated as an INI file or created, it will
be displayed as the Write INI file.
Help for Write Listbox File
The Write Listbox File is the Ascii file that will be used as the
output file for the Write Listbox selection. If the file does not exist, a valid Listbox file will
be created using the filename. If the file does exist, then the current
contents of the file will be replaced by the contents of the Listbox.
Help for Select New Write Listbox File
Select the Select New Write Listbox File checkbox to cause the
New File Dialog to be displayed asking for the name of the Write Listbox file.
Once the new file is selected and validated as a valid filename, it will
be displayed as the Write Listbox file.
Help for Write from Source INI File
Select Write from Source INI File to cause the Source INI
File to be used as the source for the INI entries that will be written
to the output INI file. For example, if Write Missing Applications is one
of the chosen options and this item is selected, then the output INI file
will contain all Applications that are in the Source INI File but not in
the Target File.
Help for Write from Target INI File
Select Write from Target INI File to cause the Target INI
File to be used as the source for the INI entries that will be written
to the output INI file. For example, if Write Missing Applications is one
of the chosen options and this item is selected, then the output INI file
will contain all Applications that are in the Target INI File but not in
the Source File.
Help for Write Missing Applications
Select Write Missing Applications to cause Applications which
are in one INI file, but not in the other, to be written to the output INI
File. Which Applications are written depends on whether the Source or Target
INI file was chosen as the Write From file.
Help for Write Missing Key Names
Select Write Missing Key Names to cause Key Names which
are in one INI file, but not in the other, to be written to the output INI
File. Which Key Names are written depends on whether the Source or Target
INI file was chosen as the Write From file.
In order for a Key Name to be considered a missing Key Name, the
Application must be in both the Source and the Target INI files, but the
specific Key Name missing from one or the other.
If this Write option is selected, but the Compare level is
Application, then there cannot be entries in the Listbox that would
qualify for this Write. In this case, this option would have no effect.
Help for Write Unequal Key Values
Select Write Unequal Key Values to cause Key Values for any
Application Key Name pair that is in both files but have Key Values that
are not the same, to be written to the output INI
File. Which Key Values are written depends on whether the Source or Target
INI file was chosen as the Write From file.
If this Write option is selected, but the Compare level is
Application or Key Name, then there cannot be entries in the Listbox
that would qualify for this Write. In this case, this option would have
no effect.
Help for Write Selected Items
Select Write Selected Items to cause an entry to be written
to the output INI file for each item in the Listbox that has been
highlighted. In this case, the Write From file will only apply to those
items that list Unequal Key Values, in which case, the Key Value in the
Write From file will be the one that is written to the output INI file.
If there are no items highlighted in the Compare Listbox, then this
option will have no effect, since there are no selected entries.
Help for Write Listbox Contents
Select Write Listbox Contents to cause the contents of the
Listbox to be written to a File. In this case, the output file is not an
INI file, but a flat Ascii File that contains one line for every entry in
the Compare Files Listbox.
********************REPAIR DIALOG***************************************
Help for Repair File Dialog
The Repair File Dialog will allow the user to Repair the Current
INI File.
Help for Save INI File
The Save INI File is the INI File that will be used to hold
any entries from the Source INI file that are changed or deleted during the
Repair process. It is possible to bypass saving the removed items via the
Options Dialog.
Help for Select New Save INI File
Select the Select New Save INI File checkbox to cause the New
File Dialog to be displayed asking for the name of the Save INI file. Once
the new file is selected and validated as an INI file or created, it will
be displayed as the Save INI file.
Help for Write Window File
The Write Window File is the Ascii file that will be used as the
output file for the Write selection. If the file does not exist, a valid file will
be created using the filename. If the file does exist, then the current
contents of the file will be replaced by the contents of the Window.
Help for Select New Write File
Select the Select New Write File checkbox to cause the
New File Dialog to be displayed asking for the name of the Write file.
Once the new file is selected and validated as a valid filename, it will
be displayed as the Write file.
Help for Report Only
The Report Only selection will cause the Window
to contain a list of any Repair that would have been made based on the
Repair Checks chosen and the contents of the INI file. No actual changes
will be made to the INI file.
Help for Ask First
The Ask First selection will cause the next Repair
to find an situation that needs to be Repaired. Once the condition is
identified, the user will be asked if he wants the Repair done. If the
response is No, then no Repair will be done and an entry will be
added to the Window saying that a Repair is needed. If the response is
Yes then the Repair will be done.
Help for Do Repair
The Do Repair selection will cause the next Repair
to find all appropriate items that need to be Repaired.
Once the condition is identified, the Repair will be done.
The user will not be asked if he wants each
Repair to be done, all requested repairs will be done automatically.
Help for Do Selected
The Do Selected selection will repair those items that
have been selected by the user. If a selected item has dependent items,
then the dependent items will be repaired also. For example, if a directory
is selected for repair, then all files in the directory, any
subdirectories and any files in those subdirectories will also be
Help for Write
Selecting Write will cause the contents of the Window
to be written to the Write File.
Help for Options
Selecting Options will cause Repair Options Dialog
to be displayed.
Help for Print
Selecting Print will cause the contents of the Window to
be printed. The printing is done in a separate thread, so that the message
queue is not blocked. However, the Repair Dialog cannot be dismissed until
the Print is finished, since dismissing the Dialog will cause the memory
allocated to hold the Window items to be released.
Help for Execute
Selecting Execute will cause the actual repair action to start.
All Checks that the user has selected will be made and the action
taken will depend on the Type that has been selected. Every Repair
action will cause a line of information to be added to the Window.
********************REPAIR TYPES****************************************
Help for Check Path and FileNames
The Check Path and FileNames selection will cause the
next Repair Execution to find every Key Name or Key Value in the
Current INI File that is a path or filename, compare it to
the actual paths and filenames on the various hardrives and remove or
report any entries that are not found on the harddisk.
Whether the entries
are removed or reported, depends on which Repair Type of button the user
has chosen.
Help for Look For Zero Length Key Values
The Look For Zero Length Key Values selection will cause the
next Repair Execution to look for any entries in the
Current INI File that have a zero length key value. This is a
condition which should never occur, but has been seen from time to time
in some INI files. Normally, when an entry is written to an INI file with
a zero length key, the entry is deleted by the INI file code.
Whether the entries
are removed or reported, depends on which Repair Type of button the user
has chosen.
Help for Remove Old PM_ProgramList Entries
The Remove Old PM_ProgramList Entries selection will cause the
PM_ProgramListxxx Entries from the OS2.INI file to be displayed.
These entries are a leftover from V1.3 and V2.0 and are no longer
needed. However, if these entries remain in the file, any Objects
referenced by these entries cannot be deleted. If it is deleted, it
will reappear as soon as the Folder that contained the Object is
Whether the entries
are removed or reported, depends on which Repair Type of button the user
has chosen.
Help for Delete Unused Printer Entries
The Delete Unused Printer Entries selection will cause the
Printer entries from the OS2SYS.INI file that are no longer OBjects
on the Desktop to be displayed. These entries are not really an
operational problem, however, they are not removed from the file when
the Printer Object is deleted and there are a number of PM
Applications that look in the OS2SYS.INI file to obtain the Printer
information and these Applications will treat these entries as real
Printers. However, any attempt to Print to the entries will not work.
Whether the entries
are removed or reported, depends on which Repair Type of button the user
has chosen.
Help for Display Valid Dir/File Handles
The Display Valid Dir/File Handles selection will cause the
next Repair Execution to
analyze the active PM_Workplace Handles entry in the OS2SYS.INI file,
compare each Drive, Directory and Filename entry to the actual contents
of the appropriate drive and place all valid entries into the Repair
The only type of Repair that is valid when listing items is the
Report Only button.
The handling of CD-ROM, Virtual Disk, Floppy and Not Ready Drives is
determined by the selections in the Repair Options Dialog.
Help for Display Invalid Dir/File Handles
The Display Invalid Dir/File Handles selection will cause the
next Repair Execution to
analyze the active PM_Workplace Handles entry in the OS2SYS.INI file,
compare each Drive, Directory and Filename entry to the actual contents
of the appropriate drive and place all invalid entries into the Repair
The only type of Repair that is valid when listing items is the
Report Only button.
The handling of CD-ROM, Virtual Disk, Floppy and Not Ready Drives is
determined by the selections in the Repair Options Dialog.
Help for Display All Dir/File Handles
The Display All Dir/File Handles selection will cause the
next Repair Execution to
analyze the active PM_Workplace Handles entry in the OS2SYS.INI file,
compare each Drive, Directory and Filename entry to the actual contents
of the appropriate drive and place all entries into the Repair
Window with an identification as to which are valid and which are invalid.
The only type of Repair that is valid when listing items is the
Report Only button.
The handling of CD-ROM, Virtual Disk, Floppy and Not Ready Drives is
determined by the selections in the Repair Options Dialog.
Help for Repair Dir/File Handles
The Repair Dir/File Handles selection will cause the
next Repair Execution to
analyze the active PM_Workplace Handles entry in the OS2SYS.INI file,
compare each Drive, Directory and Filename entry to the actual contents
of the appropriate drive, place all invalid entries into the Repair
Window and do the Repair action specified by the Type of Repair button.
Whether the entries
are removed or reported, depends on which Repair Type of button the user
has chosen.
The handling of CD-ROM, Virtual Disk, Floppy and Not Ready Drives is
determined by the selections in the Repair Options Dialog.
Help for Display Objects
The Display Objects selection will cause the
next Repair Execution to
analyze the PM_Abstract Objects entry in the OS2.INI file,
and place all entries into the Repair
Window. There is no automatic way to validate the Objects, so it is
assumed that they are all valid.
The only type of Repair that is valid when listing items is the
Report Only button.
Help for Destroy Objects
The Destroy Objects selection will cause the
next Repair Execution to
analyze the PM_Abstract Objects entry in the OS2.INI file,
and place all entries into the Repair
Window. There is no automatic way to validate the Objects, so it is
assumed that they are all valid, therefore, the Do Repair button will
not delete anything from the Repair Window. The items can be deleted
by Selecting individual items. Extreme care must be taken before deleting
any Objects as it can cause problems with the Desktop.
Help for Restore Missing Location Entries
The Restore Missing Location Entries selection will
examine each of the entries in the PM_Abstract:Objects entry in
the OS2.INI file looking for Location information. If the Location
information is found, then the PM_WorkPlace:Location entry will
be checked to see if the location is listed. If the Location is
listed then the Object Name and the Location will be added to the
Repair window.
Whether the entries are fixed or reported, depends on which Repair
Type of button the user has chosen.
Help for Display Valid WPS Entries
The Display Valid WPS Entries selection will cause the
next Repair Execution to
analyze the various WPS entries in the OS2.INI file,
validate the value range for each one,
compare each to the Handles or Objects structure
and place all valid entries into the Repair
The only type of Repair that is valid when listing items is the
Report Only button.
The handling of CD-ROM, Virtual Disk, Floppy and Not Ready Drive
handles is determined by the selections in the Repair Options Dialog.
The WPS Repair selections can take a considerable amount of time to
actually fill the Repair Window. The reason for this is because both the
Handles and Objects structures must be filled before the analysis of the
WPS entries in the INI files can start.
Help for Display Invalid WPS Entries
The Display Invalid WPS Entries selection will cause the
next Repair Execution to
analyze the various WPS entries in the OS2.INI file,
validate the value range for each one,
compare each to the Handles or Objects structure
and place all invalid entries into the Repair
Window with an notation as to why they are not valid.
The only type of Repair that is valid when listing items is the
Report Only button.
The handling of CD-ROM, Virtual Disk, Floppy and Not Ready Drive
handles is determined by the selections in the Repair Options Dialog.
The WPS Repair selections can take a considerable amount of time to
actually fill the Repair Window. The reason for this is because both the
Handles and Objects structures must be filled before the analysis of the
WPS entries in the INI files can start.
Help for Display All WPS Entries
The Display All WPS Entries selection will cause the
next Repair Execution to
analyze the various WPS entries in the OS2.INI file,
validate the value range for each one,
compare each to the Handles or Objects structure
and place all entries into the Repair
Window with an notation as to whether each item is valid or invalid.
For the invalid items there will also be a notation as to why they are
not valid.
The only type of Repair that is valid when listing items is the
Report Only button.
The handling of CD-ROM, Virtual Disk, Floppy and Not Ready Drive
handles is determined by the selections in the Repair Options Dialog.
The WPS Repair selections can take a considerable amount of time to
actually fill the Repair Window. The reason for this is because both the
Handles and Objects structures must be filled before the analysis of the
WPS entries in the INI files can start.
Help for Repair WPS Entries
The Repair WPS Entries selection will cause the
next Repair Execution to
analyze the various WPS entries in the OS2.INI file,
validate the value range for each one,
compare each to the Handles or Objects structure,
place all invalid entries into the Repair
Window with an notation as to why they are not valid
and do the Repair action specified by the Type of Repair button.
Whether the entries
are removed or reported, depends on which Repair Type of button the user
has chosen.
The handling of CD-ROM, Virtual Disk, Floppy and Not Ready Drive
handles is determined by the selections in the Repair Options Dialog.
The WPS Repair selections can take a considerable amount of time to
actually fill the Repair Window. The reason for this is because both the
Handles and Objects structures must be filled before the analysis of the
WPS entries in the INI files can start.
Help for Display All Valid WPS and Handle Entries
The Display All Valid WPS and Handle Entries selection will cause the
next Repair Execution to
analyze the active PM_Workplace Handles entry in the OS2SYS.INI file,
compare each Drive, Directory and Filename entry to the actual contents
of the appropriate drive and
analyze the various WPS entries in the OS2.INI file,
validate the value range for each one,
compare each to the Handles or Objects structure
and place all valid entries into the Repair
The only type of Repair that is valid when listing items is the
Report Only button.
The handling of CD-ROM, Virtual Disk, Floppy and Not Ready Drive
handles is determined by the selections in the Repair Options Dialog.
The WPS Repair selections can take a considerable amount of time to
actually fill the Repair Window. The reason for this is because both the
Handles and Objects structures must be filled before the analysis of the
WPS entries in the INI files can start.
Help for Display All Invalid WPS and Handle Entries
The Display All Invalid WPS and Handle Entries selection will cause the
next Repair Execution to
analyze the active PM_Workplace Handles entry in the OS2SYS.INI file,
compare each Drive, Directory and Filename entry to the actual contents
of the appropriate drive and
analyze the various WPS entries in the OS2.INI file,
validate the value range for each one,
compare each to the Handles or Objects structure
and place all invalid entries into the Repair
Window with an notation as to why they are not valid.
The only type of Repair that is valid when listing items is the
Report Only button.
The handling of CD-ROM, Virtual Disk, Floppy and Not Ready Drive
handles is determined by the selections in the Repair Options Dialog.
The WPS Repair selections can take a considerable amount of time to
actually fill the Repair Window. The reason for this is because both the
Handles and Objects structures must be filled before the analysis of the
WPS entries in the INI files can start.
Help for Display All WPS and Handle Entries
The Display All WPS and Handle Entries selection will cause the
next Repair Execution to
analyze the active PM_Workplace Handles entry in the OS2SYS.INI file,
compare each Drive, Directory and Filename entry to the actual contents
of the appropriate drive and
analyze the various WPS entries in the OS2.INI file,
validate the value range for each one,
compare each to the Handles or Objects structure
and place all entries into the Repair
Window with an notation as to whether each item is valid or invalid.
For the invalid items there will also be a notation as to why they are
not valid.
The only type of Repair that is valid when listing items is the
Report Only button.
The handling of CD-ROM, Virtual Disk, Floppy and Not Ready Drive
handles is determined by the selections in the Repair Options Dialog.
The WPS Repair selections can take a considerable amount of time to
actually fill the Repair Window. The reason for this is because both the
Handles and Objects structures must be filled before the analysis of the
WPS entries in the INI files can start.
Help for Repair Both WPS and Handle Entries
The Repair Both WPS and Handle Entries selection will cause the
next Repair Execution to
analyze the active PM_Workplace Handles entry in the OS2SYS.INI file,
compare each Drive, Directory and Filename entry to the actual contents
of the appropriate drive and
analyze the various WPS entries in the OS2.INI file,
validate the value range for each one,
compare each to the Handles or Objects structure,
place all invalid entries into the Repair
Window with an notation as to why they are not valid
and do the Repair action specified by the Type of Repair button.
Whether the entries
are removed or reported, depends on which Repair Type of button the user
has chosen.
The handling of CD-ROM, Virtual Disk, Floppy and Not Ready Drive
handles is determined by the selections in the Repair Options Dialog.
The WPS Repair selections can take a considerable amount of time to
actually fill the Repair Window. The reason for this is because both the
Handles and Objects structures must be filled before the analysis of the
WPS entries in the INI files can start.
****************REPAIR OPTIONS DIALOG***********************************
Help for Repair Options Dialog
The Repair Options Dialog will allow the user to control various
options during the repair process.
Help for Bypass Known Errors
The Bypass Known Errors.LOG checkbox will cause the Repair
function to bypass entries that are known to IniMaint and will quickly
reappear even if they are deleted.
The default for this item is Yes.
Among the kinds of things bypassed are:
Temporary files with the extension of files are updated.
The temporary NFD73 file that is created when WPSBKUP runs.
The zero entry in the Abstracts Icons Application generated by Deskman/2.
Help for Do Not Save Deleted Items
The Do Not Save Deleted Items checkbox will cause the items
that are removed from an INI file to simply be deleted and not saved. If this
option is chosen, then Repairs can be performed without specifying a
Save INI File.
Help for Log to INIREP.LOG
The Log to INIREP.LOG checkbox will cause diagnostic
information to be written to the INIREP.LOG file. This should only be
used as part of a problem determination sequence, since the saved
information will make little sense without a knowledge of the program
Help for Ignore CD-ROM Handles
The Ignore CD-ROM Handles button will cause all directories
and files on CD-ROM drives to be ignored, even if they are not valid. This
option would be used if the User normally has a specific CD-ROM mounted
and does not want to know if the Handles in the OS2SYS.INI file agree with
the directories and files on the drive.
Help for Report CD-ROM Handles
The Report CD-ROM Handles button will cause all directories
and files on CD-ROM drives to be reported in the Repair Window. However,
if the Do Repair button is selected in the Repair Dialog, the
invalid directories and files will not be removed from the OS2SYS.INI
file. This option would be used if the User wants to know about invalid
Directories and Files on the CD-ROM drive, but does not want them removed
unless they are specifically selected.
Help for Auto Repair CD-ROM Handles
The Auto Repair CD-ROM Handles button will cause all directories
and files on CD-ROM drives to be removed
if the Do Repair button is selected in the Repair Dialog. This is
the Default selection.
Help for Ignore Virtual Disk Drive Handles
The Ignore Virtual Disk Drive Handles button will cause all directories
and files on Virtual Disk drives to be ignored, even if they are not valid. This
option would be used if the User normally has a specific Virtual Disk Drive
and does not want to know if the Handles in the OS2SYS.INI file agree with
the directories and files on the drive.
Help for Report Virtual Disk Drive Handles
The Report Virtual Disk Drive Handles button will cause all directories
and files on Virtual Disk drives to be reported in the Repair Window. However,
if the Do Repair button is selected in the Repair Dialog, the
invalid directories and files will not be removed from the OS2SYS.INI
file. This option would be used if the User wants to know about invalid
Directories and Files on the Virtual Disk Drive, but does not want them removed
unless they are specifically selected.
Help for Auto Repair Virtual Disk Drive Handles
The Auto Repair Virtual Disk Drive Handles button will cause all directories
and files on Virtual Disk drives to be removed
if the Do Repair button is selected in the Repair Dialog. This is
the Default selection.
Help for Ignore Floppy Drive Handles
The Ignore Floppy Drive Handles button will cause all directories
and files on Floppy drives to be ignored, even if they are not valid. This
option would be used if the User normally has a specific Floppy mounted
and does not want to know if the Handles in the OS2SYS.INI file agree with
the directories and files on the drive.
Help for Report Floppy Drive Handles
The Report Floppy Drive Handles button will cause all directories
and files on Floppy drives to be reported in the Repair Window. However,
if the Do Repair button is selected in the Repair Dialog, the
invalid directories and files will not be removed from the OS2SYS.INI
file. This option would be used if the User wants to know about invalid
Directories and Files on the Floppy Drive, but does not want them removed
unless they are specifically selected.
Help for Auto Repair Floppy Drive Handles
The Auto Repair Floppy Drive Handles button will cause all directories
and files on Floppy drives to be removed
if the Do Repair button is selected in the Repair Dialog. This is
the Default selection.
Help for Ignore Not Ready Drive Handles
The Ignore Not Ready Drive Handles button will cause all directories
and files on Not Ready drives to be ignored, even if they are not valid. This
option would be used if the User has drives that normally have specific
voluems mounted, but are not currently ready,
and does not want to see the Handles in the OS2SYS.INI file for the drive.
Help for Report Not Ready Drive Handles
The Report Not Ready Drive Handles button will cause all directories
and files on Not Ready drives to be reported in the Repair Window. However,
if the Do Repair button is selected in the Repair Dialog, the
invalid directories and files will not be removed from the OS2SYS.INI
file. This option would be used if the User wants to know about invalid
Directories and Files on the Not Ready drive, but does not want them removed
unless they are specifically selected.
Help for Auto Repair Not Ready Drive Handles
The Auto Repair Not Ready Drive Handles button will cause all directories
and files on Not Ready drives to be removed
if the Do Repair button is selected in the Repair Dialog. This is
the Default selection.
Help for Ignore Network Type Handles
The Ignore Network Type Handles button will cause all directories
and files on Network Types to be ignored, even if they are not valid. This
option would be used if the User normally has a specific Network Entry
and does not want to know if the Handles in the OS2SYS.INI file agree with
the directories and files.
Help for Report Network Type Handles
The Report Network Type Handles button will cause all directories
and files on Network Entry to be reported in the Repair Window. However,
if the Do Repair button is selected in the Repair Dialog, the
invalid directories and files will not be removed from the OS2SYS.INI
file. This option would be used if the User wants to know about invalid
Directories and Files, but does not want them removed
unless they are specifically selected.
Help for Auto Repair Network Type Handles
The Auto Repair Network Type Handles button will cause all directories
and files on Network Entry to be removed
if the Do Repair button is selected in the Repair Dialog. This is
the Default selection.
******************EA DEFAULT DIALOG*************************************
Help for EA Defaults Dialog
The EA Defaults Dialog will allow the user to control various
options while working with the Extended Attributes.
The items that can be set are:
Help for EA File Directory
The EA File Directory is the Directory that will be
used whenever the name for a file to hold Extended Attributes is
automatically generated. This will also be used as the starting directory
for the File Dialog when the user is asked to select a filename.
Help for Display In Progress Box
The Display In Progress Box checkbox will cause the
Processing EAs Dialog to appear while the EAs are being
processed. If this option is not chosen, then only the Wait pointer
will apppear on the screen.
The Default for this item is YES.
Help for Ignore No EAs for View/Test
The Ignore No EAs for View/Test checkbox will prevent an
entry in the Edit of Test Windows for any Directory or Path that does not have any EAs.
If this item is set to NO and there is a Directory or File with no
EAs, there will be an entry in the Appropriate Window for this Directory
or File and, for the Edit, the Key Name will simply say there are no EAs.
If the user
is not interested in knowing which files do not have EAs, then this
option should be left as YES, since it will reduce the number of entries
in the Windows for those situations where a number of Directories or Files
are included.
p.The Default for this item is YES.
Help for Include Hidden Files
The Include Hidden Files checkbox will cause files with
the Hidden Attribute set to be included in the files that are candidates
to have their EAs processed.
The Default for this item is NO.
Help for Include System Files
The Include System Files checkbox will cause files with
the System Attribute set to be included in the files that are candidates
to have their EAs processed.
The Default for this item is NO.
Help for Ask for EA Filename
The Ask for EA Filename checkbox will cause the user to be
prompted for a Filename anytime that one is needed to contain the EAs
for the selected Directories and/or Files. If this items is left as the
Default NO, then the filenames will be constructed automatically and will
be a combination of the range of Directories and/or Files requested and the
root entry picked by the user.
The only exception to the above is when the Keep Temporary Files
option is not checked and the View or Compare menu items
are selected. Since all
files needed to accomplish the View or Compare will be automatically
deleted as soon as the function is completed, the user will not be asked
for a filename unless the filename constructed already exists and the
Overwrite Existing Files option is not selected.
The Default for this item is NO.
Help for Keep Temporary Files
The Keep Temporary Files checkbox will cause files that are
created to temporarily hold EA information, such as for a Compare of the
EAs between two sets of Directories and/or Files, to be kept after the
files are no longer needed. If this item is left as the Default NO, then
these files will be deleted. This will apply whether or not the name of the
files is chosen by the user or done automatically.
Selecting this option will also disable the Ask for EA Filename
for those
selections that use temporary files, such as View and Compare, since the
files used for these selections will be automatically deleted once the
user is finished with them.
The Default for this item is NO.
Help for Overwrite Existing Files
The Overwrite Existing Files checkbox will cause any existing
file that already exists to be overwritten when the same filename is chosen
by the user or built automatically. If this item is left as the Default NO,
then the user will always be prompted before a file is overwritten.
The Default for this item is NO.
Help for Log to INIEA.LOG
The Log to INIEA.LOG checkbox will cause diagnostic
information to be written to the INIEA.LOG file. This should only be
used as part of a problem determination sequence, since the saved
information will make little sense without a knowledge of the program
The Default for this item is NO.
Help for Continue on Sharing Violations
The Continue on Sharing Violations checkbox will prevent the
user from being asked if he wants to continue whenever a Sharing Violation
is encountered while attempting to access the Extended Attributes for a
Directory or File. If this item is checked, then SysMaint will assume that
the user wants to continue to the next Directory or File.
The Default for this item is NO.
********************EA TEST DIALOG**************************************
Help for EA Test Dialog
The EA Test Dialog displays the results of the Extended
Attribute Test that the user has requested.
Help for Print
Selecting Print will cause the contents of the Listbox to
be printed. The printing is done in a separate thread, so that the message
queue is not blocked. However, the Test Dialog cannot be dismissed until
the Print is finished, since dismissing the Dialog will cause the memory
allocated to hold the Listbox items to be released.
Help for Write
Selecting Write will cause the contents of the Listbox to
be written to the file that is selected from the File Selection Dialog.
The writing is done in a separate thread, so that the message
queue is not blocked. However, the Test Dialog cannot be dismissed until
the Write is finished, since dismissing the Dialog will cause the memory
allocated to hold the Listbox items to be released.
****************** EXPLAIN DIALOG ************************************
Help for Explain Dialog
The Explain Dialog displays the results of the Explain
requested by the user via one of the Popup Menus.
Help for Print
Selecting Print will cause the contents of the Listbox to
be printed. The printing is done in a separate thread, so that the message
queue is not blocked. However, the Explain Dialog cannot be dismissed until
the Print is finished, since dismissing the Dialog will cause the memory
allocated to hold the Listbox items to be released.
Help for Write
Selecting Write will cause the contents of the Listbox to
be written to the file that is selected from the File Selection Dialog.
The writing is done in a separate thread, so that the message
queue is not blocked. However, the Explain Dialog cannot be dismissed until
the Write is finished, since dismissing the Dialog will cause the memory
allocated to hold the Listbox items to be released.
******************DESK DEFAULT DIALOG***********************************
Help for Desktop Defaults Dialog
The Desktop Defaults Dialog will allow the user to control various
options while working with the Extended Attributes.
The items that can be set are:
Help for Save Desktop Directory
The Save Desktop Directory is the Directory that will be
used as the target directory for all Simple Backups of the Desktop.
This Directory will also be used as the default directory for the
Backup and Restore CMD files.
Help for Backup CMD Filename
The Backup CMD Filename is the Filename that will be
used for the Backup CMD file. This Filename must have an extension of
Help for Restore CMD Fileneame
The Restore CMD Filename is the Filename that will be
used for the Restore CMD file. This Filename must have an extension of
Help for Maximum Backup Generations
The Maximum Backup Generations is the number of
generations of Simple Backups that will be automatically maintained.
Once the number of Backups reaches the maximum, each new Backup will
cause the oldest generation to be deleted. The default value is 10
If the number of generations is increased, there will be no
problems with the actual backup files. However, if the number of
generations is reduced below the number of actual generations of
Backup that currently exist, then the extra generations must be
deleted manually. For example, if the maximum generations were to be
reduced from 10 to 5 and there were 10 generations of backup
currently in the Backup Directory, Backup generations 6 thru 10 would
not be deleted automatically. The reason for this is because it is
very possible that the user does not want the higher generations
deleted and this approach gives them complete control over deleting
old generations when the maximum is changed.