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327 lines
00INDEX.TXT 49,620 12/07/92 Contains detailed descriptions of files
0INDEX.TXT 22,979 11/09/92 Contains one line descriptions of files
64UNITS.INF 402 12/07/92 info for 64UNITS.PIT
64UNITS.PIT 4,494 11/05/92 Expands unit table to 64 units in high memory
ACLOK131.INF 369 12/07/92 info for ACLOK131.CPT
ACLOK131.CPT 177,069 11/05/92 Dials up the Naval Observatory to set time
AKA.INF 315 12/07/92 info for AKA.HQX
AKA.HQX 10,451 11/05/92 Create alias with control and drag
AOLAID12.INF 339 12/07/92 info for AOLAID12.CPT
AOLAID12.CPT 3,839 11/05/92 Download from America OnLine in the background
APOL8B3.INF 118 12/07/92 info for APOL8B3.SEA
APOL8B3.SEA 190,440 11/05/92 apollo0.8b3.sea.hqx
APPLESHA.INF 331 12/07/92 info for APPLESHA.SIT
APPLESHA.CPT 4,382 11/05/92 Plugs AppleShare Prep name into Chooser name
APPSLI10.INF 315 12/07/92 info for APPSLI10.SIT
APPSLI10.SIT 18,747 11/05/92 Init splits Applemenu into several submenus
APPSW102.INF 506 12/07/92 info for APPSW102.SIT
APPSW102.SIT 39,506 11/05/92 menu of running applications for switching
APRIL1IN.INF 409 12/07/92 info for APRIL1IN.SIT
APRIL1IN.SIT 3,694 11/05/92 April 1st joke for mouse movement
ASSASIN1.INF 482 12/07/92 info for ASSASIN1.SIT
ASSASIN1.SIT 35,627 11/05/92 Make your computer deal with aliases correctly
AUSPIC25.INF 497 12/07/92 info for AUSPIC25.CPT
AUSPIC25.CPT 50,815 11/05/92 A reminder init. Very simple to use.
AUTOBLAC.INF 364 12/07/92 info for AUTOBLAC.SIT
AUTOBLAC.SIT 24,770 11/05/92 A screensaver program
AUTOCRUI.INF 341 12/07/92 info for AUTOCRUI.SIT
AUTOCRUI.SIT 27,906 11/05/92 Modify your mouse to control acceleration
BAD.INF 455 12/07/92 info for BAD.HQX
BAD.HQX 14,306 11/05/92 init allows you to format over bad sectors
BAIL.INF 409 12/07/92 info for BAIL.CPT
BAIL.CPT 52,717 11/05/92 mouse button aborts program launch instantly
BARTENDE.INF 117 12/07/92 info for BARTENDE.SIT
BARTENDE.SIT 5,939 11/05/92 bartender.sit.hqx
BASURA.INF 270 12/07/92 info for BASURA.HQX
BASURA.HQX 8,529 11/05/92 throws the selected file into the trash
BEEPFLAS.INF 248 12/07/92 info for BEEPFLAS.HQX
BEEPFLAS.HQX 2,460 11/05/92 Beep on volume mac is set for
BEEPSHUF.INF 422 12/07/92 info for BEEPSHUF.SIT
BEEPSHUF.SIT 18,643 11/05/92 Play a list of sounds randomly on beep
BEFOREDA.INF 268 12/07/92 info for BEFOREDA.SIT
BEFOREDA.SIT 4,072 11/05/92 Selects a random After Dark randomly
BFD.INF 333 12/07/92 info for BFD.HQX
BFD.HQX 1,841 11/05/92 Forces a "sys task" - background apps won't hang
BIGGERDE.INF 357 12/07/92 info for BIGGERDE.SIT
BIGGERDE.SIT 10,237 11/05/92 MaxAppleZoom version 1.3.1
BIGSCREE.INF 282 12/07/92 info for BIGSCREE.CPT
BIGSCREE.CPT 7,143 11/05/92 larger memory-based virtual screen
BLACKBOX.INF 589 12/07/92 info for BLACKBOX.CPT
BLACKBOX.SIT 76,213 11/05/92 frequently downloaded DA's, Apps & Inits
BOASTER.INF 373 12/07/92 info for BOASTER.SIT
BOASTER.SIT 29,673 11/05/92 add ICN# resources to this initfile
BOMBSHEL.INF 432 12/07/92 info for BOMBSHEL.SIT
BOMBSHEL.SIT 9,320 11/05/92 This tiny init lights the Resume button on bombs
BOOTSWIT.INF 356 12/07/92 info for BOOTSWIT.SIT
BOOTSWIT.SIT 10,316 11/05/92 allows inits in finder startup if caps is held
BOOTTIM.INF 373 12/07/92 info for BOOTTIM.SIT
BOOTTIM.SIT 10,559 11/05/92 Tells how long boot process took
CACHECON.INF 332 12/07/92 info for CACHECON.CPT
CACHECON.CPT 21,922 11/05/92 68030 programs for cache control
CAPS11.INF 303 12/07/92 info for CAPS11.CPT
CAPS11.CPT 4,312 11/05/92 extension to deactive the Caps Lock key
CFLOP10.INF 302 12/07/92 info for CFLOP10.CPT
CFLOP10.CPT 8,588 11/05/92 color floppy disk icons for Sys7
CMKEEP10.INF 313 12/07/92 info for CMKEEP10.CPT
CMKEEP10.CPT 9,059 11/05/92 Won't lose Get Info comments on rebuild
COLORCUR.INF 236 12/07/92 info for COLORCUR.HQX
COLORCUR.HQX 2,605 11/05/92 An INIT that makes your pointer color on a Mac II
COLORFIN.INF 466 12/07/92 info for COLORFIN.SIT
COLORFIN.SIT 80,003 11/05/92 Get a taste of System 7.0 now!
COMMANDE.INF 511 12/07/92 info for COMMANDE.SIT
COMMANDE.SIT 43,170 11/05/92 keyboard shortcuts to buttons
COPYBEEP.INF 311 12/07/92 info for COPYBEEP.SIT
COPYBEEP.SIT 21,734 11/05/92 Init makes Mac beep on file copy
CORNER.INF 463 12/07/92 info for CORNER.SIT
CORNER.SIT 8,993 11/05/92 info about cursor position
CRAM12 7,949 11/05/92 Make menu bar font a bit smaller
CRAM12.INF 236 12/07/92 info for CRAM12
CTOOL165.INF 281 12/07/92 info for CTOOL165.CPT
CTOOL165.CPT 53,913 11/05/92 CE Toolbox init (version 1.65)
CURSORFI.INF 330 12/07/92 info for CURSORFI.CPT
CURSORFI.CPT 6,390 11/05/92 make selected cursors user-configurable
DELDSK11.INF 325 12/07/92 info for DELDSK11.CPT
DELDSK11.CPT 4,481 11/05/92 extension deletes the unused Desktop file
DESKCRIT.INF 338 12/07/92 info for DESKCRIT.SIT
DESKCRIT.SIT 13,979 11/05/92 Two inits which put a pair of eyes in the menu bar
DESKPIC.INF 394 12/07/92 info for DESKPIC.SIT
DESKPIC.SIT 27,833 11/05/92 color background picture on a Mac II
DISKDOUB.INF 409 12/07/92 info for DISKDOUB.SEA
DISKDOUB.SIT 49,553 11/05/92 compress/decompress decompress files in the Finder
DISKPARA.INF 360 12/07/92 info for DISKPARA.SIT
DISKPARA.SIT 22,552 11/05/92 Saves the control panel settings to a disk file
DOSHELLI.INF 269 12/07/92 info for DOSHELLI.HQX
DOSHELLI.HQX 14,147 11/05/92 An startup document to scare your friends with
DROPPLEM.INF 344 12/07/92 info for DROPPLEM.HQX
DROPPLEM.HQX 11,911 11/05/92 allows drop on items in the Apple menu
DROPSAVE.INF 361 12/07/92 info for DROPSAVE.CPT
DROPSAVE.CPT 5,170 11/05/92 Drag and drop save to the finder
DSKEXP10.INF 338 12/07/92 info for DSKEXP10.SEA
DSKEXP10.SEA 68,863 11/05/92 Read and use files compressed with More Disk Space
DSKPRE11.INF 343 12/07/92 info for DSKPRE11.CPT
DSKPRE11.CPT 10,579 11/05/92 force a complete, total, rebuild of the desktop
DYLANTAL.INF 587 12/07/92 info for DYLANTAL.CPT
DYLANTAL.CPT 2,176,341 11/05/92 Change voice for dialog boxes, control titles
EARTH11.INF 318 12/07/92 info for EARTH11.SIT
EARTH11.SIT 10,545 11/05/92 Spinning globe instead of apple symbol
ENCHANTE.INF 246 12/07/92 info for ENCHANTE.HQX
ENCHANTE.HQX 1,986 11/05/92 Popdown menus appear in unexpected places
EQUALIZE.INF 386 12/07/92 info for EQUALIZE.SIT
EQUALIZE.SIT 77,212 11/05/92 plays a little song while you what finder about
ERAD12.INF 288 12/07/92 info for ERAD12.SIT
ERAD12.SIT 18,417 11/05/92 blocks attacks onto files by the WDEF virus
EVENT10.INF 412 12/07/92 info for EVENT10.CPT
EVENT10.CPT 11,983 11/05/92 Shows name of last event, memory, and mouse pos
EXCLPF10.INF 440 12/07/92 info for EXCLPF10.CPT
EXCLPF10.CPT 7,326 11/05/92 allows Excel 3.0 picts to work in other programs
FACADE.INF 303 12/07/92 info for FACADE.SIT
FACADE.SIT 21,867 11/05/92 change the icon of any mounted volume
FAKEF1.INF 294 12/07/92 info for FAKEF1.F10
FAKEF1.F10 2,777 11/05/92 Use CMD-1/CMD-0 instead of F1-F10
FFPACC.INF 403 12/07/92 info for FFPACC.SIT
FFPACC.SIT 42,035 11/05/92 Rewrites floating point up to 220% faster
FIRST201.INF 316 12/07/92 info for FIRST201.CPT
FIRST201.CPT 169,506 11/05/92 A personal projects reminder utility
FNDAPP11.INF 358 12/07/92 info for FNDAPP11.CPT
FNDAPP11.CPT 15,011 11/05/92 Builds a menu of system applications
FNDCUR10.INF 348 12/07/92 info for FNDCUR10.CPT
FNDCUR10.CPT 3,058 11/05/92 PowerBook users- find your cursor.
FNDHACK1.INF 365 12/07/92 info for FNDHACK1.0B1
FNDHACK1.0B1 16,079 11/05/92 Adds various options to the finder menu bar
FNDPTH11.INF 335 12/07/92 info for FNDPTH11.SIT
FNDPTH11.SIT 22,254 11/05/92 Easily copy the full path to clipboard
FNDSEL10.INF 286 12/07/92 info for FNDSEL10.CPT
FNDSEL10.CPT 4,688 11/05/92 Select icons in the background finder window
FORCEMOU.INF 344 12/07/92 info for FORCEMOU.SIT
FORCEMOU.SIT 4,428 11/05/92 mount all disks before inits or cdevs
FUSE.INF 243 12/07/92 info for FUSE.SIT
FUSE.SIT 7,494 11/05/92 Restart/shut-down animation of a bomb
FWPDIDDL.INF 308 12/07/92 info for FWPDIDDL.SIT
FWPDIDDL.SIT 2,851 11/05/92 Patches up some On-Cue bugs
GETINFOP.INF 326 12/07/92 info for GETINFOP.SIT
GETINFOP.SIT 8,115 11/05/92 view the type and creator of a file
GOOPAN10.INF 453 12/07/92 info for GOOPAN10.CPT
GOOPAN10.CPT 106,349 11/05/92 double click on a cdev icon to open the panel
HEIR11.INF 427 12/07/92 info for HEIR11.SIT
HEIR11.SIT 4,124 11/05/92 No need to hold command to get folder's parents
HELPMEIS.INF 635 12/07/92 info for HELPMEIS.SIT
HELPMEIS.SIT 4,853 11/05/92 press control-Help to toggle Balloon Help
HIDEALWA.INF 355 12/07/92 info for HIDEALWA.CPT
HIDEALWA.CPT 10,445 11/05/92 Keeps Hide Others active switching applications
ICONCOLO.INF 300 12/07/92 info for ICONCOLO.CPT
ICONCOLO.CPT 138,470 11/05/92 Yet another color icon/desktop package
ICONWRAP.INF 274 12/07/92 info for ICONWRAP.SIT
ICONWRAP.SIT 5,771 11/05/92 StartUp ICONs wrap at the edge of the screen
INITICON.INF 116 12/07/92 info for INITICON.APP
INITICON.APP 9,206 11/05/92 initicon.app.hqx
INTERJEC.INF 355 12/07/92 info for INTERJEC.CPT
INTERJEC.CPT 225,960 11/05/92 Play different beeps for alerts on your mac
INVSHUT.INF 366 12/07/92 info for INVSHUT.SIT
INVSHUT.SIT 4,259 11/05/92 Flashes shut down screen till you turn machine off
IRWINFPU.INF 291 12/07/92 info for IRWINFPU.HQX
IRWINFPU.HQX 1,887 11/05/92 Patches Irwin XL20/25 make SE realize FPU exists
ITRACK13.INF 485 12/07/92 info for ITRACK13.CPT
ITRACK13.CPT 50,548 11/05/92 Track down inits that cause glitches/crashes
JUSTCLIC.INF 379 12/07/92 info for JUSTCLIC.SIT
JUSTCLIC.SIT 11,013 11/05/92 Brings back an old system 6 feature to Sys7
KEYMEN10.INF 391 12/07/92 info for KEYMEN10.SIT
KEYMEN10.SIT 40,163 11/05/92 Access menus everywhere with MSWord keypad menus
KISS10B7.INF 467 12/07/92 info for KISS10B7.SIT
KISS10B7.SIT 18,849 11/05/92 Modifies Think C editor to provide features
KOPYKAT.INF 291 12/07/92 info for KOPYKAT.SIT
KOPYKAT.SIT 32,950 11/05/92 Turns the cut/paste/copy into a hierarchial menu
LASERFIX.INF 598 12/07/92 info for LASERFIX.SIT
LASERFIX.SIT 30,969 11/05/92 Create a output file easier from Print Dialog
LAUNCH20.INF 384 12/07/92 info for LAUNCH20.CPT
LAUNCH20.CPT 34,617 11/05/92 Keeps records of how long applications run
LEFTY13 5,171 11/05/92 make your cursor point in the other direction
LEFTY13.INF 240 12/07/92 info for LEFTY13
LOCKVOL.INF 387 12/07/92 info for LOCKVOL.SIT
LOCKVOL.SIT 5,862 11/05/92 change the name of startup volume under finder
MACPUKE.INF 260 12/07/92 info for MACPUKE.SIT
MACPUKE.SIT 26,204 11/05/92 make a very loud regurgitation on disk eject
MCOMP11.INF 363 12/07/92 info for MCOMP11.CPT
MCOMP11.CPT 1,940 11/05/92 Gives more room for other icons on right of menu
MENUTIM.INF 293 12/07/92 info for MENUTIM.PIT
MENUTIM.PIT 7,352 11/05/92 Places clock net to small multifinder icon
MFMENU.INF 354 12/07/92 info for MFMENU.HQX
MFMENU.HQX 22,298 11/05/92 Pop up menu of all applications
MHOOK.INF 469 12/07/92 info for MHOOK.HQX
MHOOK.HQX 2,596 11/05/92 allow events during menu drags/selections
MINISCR.INF 434 12/07/92 info for MINISCR.SIT
MINISCR.SIT 7,999 11/05/92 Makes larger screens small for developers
MOUSEODO.INF 561 12/07/92 info for MOUSEODO.SIT
MOUSEODO.SIT 39,863 11/05/92 Keep track of MILES mouse has travelled
MOVEWIND.INF 309 12/07/92 info for MOVEWIND.SIT
MOVEWIND.SIT 80,461 11/05/92 your Mac will voice off a most useful declaration
MURPHYSL.INF 255 12/07/92 info for MURPHYSL.SIT
MURPHYSL.SIT 30,435 11/05/92 Displays a different Murphy's Law at start-up time
NAMEDFOL.INF 317 12/07/92 info for NAMEDFOL.SIT
NAMEDFOL.SIT 4,387 11/05/92 Allows you to type in a name for new folders
NETBUN25.INF 373 12/07/92 info for NETBUN25.CPT
NETBUN25.CPT 46,044 11/05/92 Net Bunny 2.5, The Smell of Lawsuit
NEXTPREV.INF 317 12/07/92 info for NEXTPREV.CPT
NEXTPREV.CPT 5,966 11/05/92 Permits keyboard juggling of windows
NEXTSTYL.INF 271 12/07/92 info for NEXTSTYL.SIT
NEXTSTYL.SIT 6,325 11/05/92 changes your windows to look like NeXT
NOIBM.INF 216 12/07/92 info for NOIBM.HQX
NOIBM.HQX 6,362 11/05/92 Show what you think of IBMs
NOICON.INF 248 12/07/92 info for NOICON.SIT
NOICON.SIT 4,447 11/05/92 This one prevents the StartUp ICONs from appearing
NOT.INF 367 12/07/92 info for NOT.CPT
NOT.CPT 21,579 11/05/92 Reverses negative dialogs and puts NOT
OBNOXIOU.INF 321 12/07/92 info for OBNOXIOU.HQX
OBNOXIOU.HQX 30,806 11/05/92 bloodcurdling scream every 10-20 mins
OLIVER.INF 227 12/07/92 info for OLIVER.HQX
OLIVER.HQX 7,705 11/05/92 Modifies the appearance of the "buttons" a bit
OPTIONAL.INF 327 12/07/92 info for OPTIONAL.SIT
OPTIONAL.SIT 4,407 11/05/92 Hit a modifier key when you select balloon help
PLAY.INF 283 12/07/92 info for PLAY.SIT
PLAY.SIT 144,820 11/05/92 Plays a SND resource on startup. Mac IIs
POPIT.INF 494 12/07/92 info for POPIT.PIT
POPIT.PIT 20,517 11/05/92 Pops up menu bars
POWBRK10.INF 341 12/07/92 info for POWBRK10.SIT
POWBRK10.SIT 3,023 11/05/92 Drop into the debugger by pressing control-escape
PRAMPATC.INF 255 12/07/92 info for PRAMPATC.HQX
PRAMPATC.HQX 3,159 11/05/92 Patch for Mac IIs to recognize hard drive
PRODI40.INF 371 12/07/92 info for PRODI40.SIT
PRODI40.SIT 23,103 11/05/92 Make prodigy use a bit easier
PROKY142.INF 394 12/07/92 info for PROKY142.CPT
PROKY142.CPT 3,673 11/05/92 Turns the power key into a function key
PTRACK20.INF 344 12/07/92 info for PTRACK20.CPT
PTRACK20.CPT 56,464 11/05/92 Keep a log of a Mac's printing
PWRORG11.INF 427 12/07/92 info for PWRORG11.CPT
PWRORG11.CPT 126,023 11/05/92 your PowerBook orgasm's with the battery charger
QFOLDERS.INF 292 12/07/92 info for QFOLDERS.SIT
QFOLDERS.SIT 6,350 11/05/92 puts a new folder in your save as dialog box
RAN12.INF 295 12/07/92 info for RAN12.SIT
RAN12.SIT 18,674 11/05/92 Randomly select stuff upon start up
REALDRAG.INF 441 12/07/92 info for REALDRAG.HQX
REALDRAG.HQX 6,975 11/05/92 Drag window bitmaps instead of outlines
REBOUND.INF 365 12/07/92 info for REBOUND.HQX
REBOUND.HQX 5,363 11/05/92 remembers last directory accessed
REVERSE.INF 461 12/07/92 info for REVERSE.HQX
REVERSE.HQX 3,165 11/05/92 Inverses black and white macs
RIB10.INF 300 12/07/92 info for RIB10.SIT
RIB10.SIT 30,676 11/05/92 have serially connected microphones input sound
SAFEPOWE.INF 327 12/07/92 info for SAFEPOWE.HQX
SAFEPOWE.HQX 1,308 11/05/92 Turns power key into power-down/shut-off key
SARATOGA.INF 244 12/07/92 info for SARATOGA.SIT
SARATOGA.SIT 5,514 11/05/92 For the Saratoga Keyboard
SAV10.INF 434 12/07/92 info for SAV10.SIT
SAV10.SIT 6,461 11/05/92 makes the Finder's Get Info more useful
SCOHON11.INF 406 12/07/92 info for SCOHON11.SIT
SCOHON11.SIT 14,391 11/05/92 get through airport security faster
SCRAPSAV.INF 354 12/07/92 info for SCRAPSAV.SIT
SCRAPSAV.SIT 5,109 11/05/92 keep the clipboard from emptying upon shutdown
SCREENDE.INF 366 12/07/92 info for SCREENDE.SIT
SCREENDE.SIT 7,062 11/05/92 change the screen depth (how many colors can your
SCROLLME.INF 319 12/07/92 info for SCROLLME.HQX
SCROLLME.HQX 6,652 11/05/92 scroll the menu bar to accomodate more menu items
SCSIA15.INF 405 12/07/92 info for SCSIA15.SIT
SCSIA15.SIT 28,734 11/05/92 patch SCSI drivers to access hard disks faster
SCSIA70.INF 397 12/07/92 info for SCSIA70.CPT
SCSIA70.CPT 16,946 11/05/92 patch SCSI drivers to access hard disks faster
SFONT111.INF 352 12/07/92 info for SFONT111.SIT
SFONT111.SIT 25,465 11/05/92 Activate and deactivate fonts at startup
SFSCROL.INF 452 12/07/92 info for SFSCROL.HQX
SFSCROL.HQX 2,778 11/05/92 open to sameplace in file. like a bookmark
SFV.INF 613 12/07/92 info for SFV.HQX
SFV.HQX 5,722 11/05/92 disk switching INIT
SHTDWN12.INF 394 12/07/92 info for SHTDWN12.CPT
SHTDWN12.CPT 19,598 11/05/92 cancel/delay a shutdown/restart command
SHTSCR10.INF 277 12/07/92 info for SHTSCR10.CPT
SHTSCR10.CPT 27,219 11/05/92 display a picture upon restart/shutdown
SPACE11.INF 474 12/07/92 info for SPACE11.CPT
SPACE11.CPT 4,668 11/05/92 tells free space on disk
SPAREDDI.INF 327 12/07/92 info for SPAREDDI.HQX
SPAREDDI.HQX 2,412 11/05/92 disks with bad sectors appear with a bandage
SPINIT.INF 319 12/07/92 info for SPINIT.SIT
SPINIT.SIT 11,082 11/05/92 causes windows to spin into place
ST60009.INF 379 12/07/92 info for ST60009.CPT
ST60009.CPT 3,248 11/05/92 Increase the size of the System stack
STANDARD.INF 323 12/07/92 info for STANDARD.PIT
STANDARD.CPT 4,034 11/05/92 shift-select documents while in get file dialog
STINIT10.INF 356 12/07/92 info for STINIT10.CPT
STINIT10.CPT 12,534 11/05/92 adds a border to stretch windows
STMOOV10.INF 261 12/07/92 info for STMOOV10.CPT
STMOOV10.CPT 8,808 11/05/92 Plays a QuickTime movie on startup time
SUNDSK11.INF 118 12/07/92 info for SUNDSK11.SIT
SUNDSK11.SIT 302,858 11/05/92 sundesk1.1.sit.hqx
SUPERBAR.INF 307 12/07/92 info for SUPERBAR.SIT
SUPERBAR.SIT 5,216 11/05/92 fix problems with menu bar updates
SWA122.INF 418 12/07/92 info for SWA122.CPT
SWA122.CPT 28,141 11/05/92 shows distribution of memory bar heap
TATTLE.INF 350 12/07/92 info for TATTLE.CPT
TATTLE.SIT 13,567 11/05/92 creates a log file of each INIT as it loads
TECCLICK.INF 462 12/07/92 info for TECCLICK.CPT
TECCLICK.CPT 6,454 11/05/92 change text double click
TGROUCH.INF 409 12/07/92 info for TGROUCH.CPT
TGROUCH.CPT 312,859 11/05/92 trash something and have oscar the grouch appear
THBACK11.INF 282 12/07/92 info for THBACK11.CPT
THBACK11.CPT 14,173 11/05/92 compile in the background with THINK C and Pascal
TOMINIT.INF 315 12/07/92 info for TOMINIT.CPT
TOMINIT.CPT 44,070 11/05/92 Tear off menus in any application
TRANSFOR.INF 332 12/07/92 info for TRANSFOR.HQX
TRANSFOR.HQX 4,859 11/05/92 Maintain icons and info
TRANSLIN.INF 479 12/07/92 info for TRANSLIN.SIT
TRANSLIN.SIT 57,979 11/05/92 communicate with modem via any application
TRASH11.INF 278 12/07/92 info for TRASH11.CPT
TRASH11.CPT 17,209 11/05/92 trash a file with an alias and trash alias also
TURBOMOU.INF 320 12/07/92 info for TURBOMOU.SIT
TURBOMOU.SIT 2,523 11/05/92 fixes bugs wotj turbo mouse and system 6.05
TYPE4ME3.INF 676 12/07/92 info for TYPE4ME3.CPT
TYPE4ME3.CPT 42,461 11/05/92 store text and import it into anything
UNDERSTU.INF 308 12/07/92 info for UNDERSTU.SIT
UNDERSTU.SIT 7,498 11/05/92 customize the way the System 7 opens documents
WARP.INF 500 12/07/92 info for WARP.HQX
WARP.HQX 2,890 11/05/92 move the mouse cursor to the default button
WATCH100.INF 330 12/07/92 info for WATCH100.CPT
WATCH100.CPT 15,800 11/05/92 recognizes MS-DOS diskettes and tells you
WDEFII12.INF 368 12/07/92 info for WDEFII12.CPT
WDEFII12.CPT 115,930 11/05/92 change your windows to look like NeXT computer's
WINDOWLI.INF 360 12/07/92 info for WINDOWLI.SIT
WINDOWLI.SIT 6,686 11/05/92 move window to top by picking from list
WORDTTIN.INF 345 12/07/92 info for WORDTTIN.SIT
WORDTTIN.SIT 3,319 11/05/92 Fixes a problem with Microsoft Word