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A game door for Xenolink, DLG, and TransAmiga
Alan Bland
442 Seven Hills Drive
Boulder, CO 80302
CYBERMIGA BBS (303)939-9923
Fidonet 1:104/121
| Refer to the end of this file for a |
| list of changes since the last release! |
---=== WHAT IS IT? ===---
What is Wanderer? It's a UNIX game written several years ago by
Stephen Shipway. The game is somewhat like Emerald Mines, Boulderdash,
etc. I ported it to the Amiga several years ago as my first programming
project, complete with spiffy graphics and digitized sound effects.
The original version appeared in an issue of the disk-based magazine
New AMnews right before they went bankrupt (they never paid me for it).
I released an updated version shortly afterwards, and then left it
alone for a few years. More recently, one of the other disk magazines
published the old version of Wanderer. Why they didn't grab the newer
version from the Fish disk, I'll never know!
What you're looking at now is my latest version, recompiled as a
Xenolink door. Oh yeah, it works on DLG too, just like my other BBS
game door, Al's Xeno Casino. I had to do quite a bit of hacking to
make it work respectably at 2400 baud, but I think I've succeeded.
I also fixed a few minor display bugs along the way, and modified the
load/save game feature to work in a BBS environment, but otherwise
it's identical to the stand-alone version.
Reports have come in that Wanderer also works with TransAmiga BBS!
The more the merrier!
Some users complain that they can't see all of the graphics characters.
The DLG local port problems are fixed in version X2 so that DLG sysops
can run the game locally. I've done extensive testing using JRcomm 1.02
connected to Xenolink and DLG systems and have seen no problems. JRcomm
is one of the most complete IBM ANSI emulations available on the Amiga.
Since Wanderer works well with JRcomm, I assume any problems are due to
terminal programs that are incorrectly implemented. I regret that I
don't have the time to insure that it works with every possible terminal
program. If your users are having troubles, tell them to switch to a
different terminal program.
---=== HOW DO I INSTALL IT? ===---
First you must create a directory named DOORS:Wanderer. Extract the
distribution archive in this directory. Note that it will create a
sub-directory named "screens" containing all of the screen files.
If this sub-directory isn't there, the game won't run.
Next, if you're running a Xenolink BBS, use the following menu entry:
XenolinkDoor "wanderer/wanderer"
If you're running a DLG BBS, do the appropriate magic to cause the
following command to be executed:
doors:wanderer/wanderer -u "%NAME" -p %PORT
For DLG, the -u option specifies the name of the user, and the -p
option specifies which port the game is using. The port is used
to determine whether Wanderer is running remotely or locally, and
assumes the default DLG port names are used (TLx for local, TRx for
remote). The AMIGA console window does not display certain IBM graphics
characters, so if Wanderer is running locally, it will display those
characters as ugly ASCII characters instead. When running locally, you
should use an 8 or 16 color Workbench screen and an IBM font.
For TransAmiga, please read the enclosed README.TRANSAMIGA file. It
looks somewhat involved, so rather than botch it by trying to paraphrase
it here, I'll let you digest the enclosed instructions from Sami Radwan.
And for you folks who just want to run it from a CLI (8 or 16 colors
with an IBM font, please) run the following command that makes it
appear to be running locally on DLG:
doors:wanderer/wanderer -u "Your Name" -p TL0
The game correctly handles score file contention, so you may run it
on any number of nodes at once. I haven't really looked at RAM usage,
so you might want to check it before running it on 22 nodes at once!
I've linked it using SAS/C cres.o, which means it should be possible
to make it resident. I haven't verified that this actually works, so
use at your own risk.
Wanderer sets its own stack size, so you don't have to worry about it.
A rather large stack is needed to handle the boulder avalanches (hey,
I didn't write the code, I just ported it!).
The first time the game runs, the "hiscore" file will be created.
Remove this file whenever you wish to reset the high scores. A directory
named doors:wanderer/save will also be created automatically to hold saved
game files. Each user can only have one saved game at a time, so you
don't have to worry much about disk space.
Take a look in the doors:wanderer/screens directory and you'll see
one file per screen level. The non-door version of Wanderer supports
a level-editor so you can create your own screens. I have not compiled
the level-editor into this version of Wanderer, but you can grab the
non-door version and use it. Any screen files created for that version
are compatible with this version. I think this version is limited to
127 screens. If you need more, let me know and I'll see what I can do.
No, it's freeware. The original author holds the copyright and has made
it freely distributable. As the person who ported it to the Amiga, I
only ask that you let me know how your BBS users like this game. Give
my BBS a call, or send me net-mail or snail-mail to let me know what you
think. If you're ever in the Boulder/Denver area, feel free to drop in
and buy me a beer!
---=== REVISION HISTORY ===---
Version 2.2 X1
* First release of Wanderer for Xenolink and DLG.
Version 2.2 X2
* Fixed a rather annoying bug when reading in a new level that causes some
levels to be unsolvable (level 4 being the first one!) If you've saved
a game on level 4, the bug will remain when the game is restored. Just
save on an earlier level to get things back to normal.
* Removed BEEP commands since they weren't fully implemented in the
original version 2.2 anyway.
* ANSI cursor sequences are done a bit more intelligently in an attempt to
make screen updates go faster.
* Added PORT kludge to allow certain characters to display properly in a
CLI window. This allows DLG sysops to run it locally.
* Arrow keys are now recognized as input when run locally on DLG.
* ^C now returns the console to cooked mode.
* Restoring a game no longer removes the save file. That was really
* Instructions for TransAmiga BBS are now included.
Version 2.2 X3
* The number of moves remaining is now displayed properly after eating a
time capsule.
* Password selection was buggy and has been reworked. Players should no
longer be able to jump to levels higher than they've played.
* The bug that allowed boulders to fall into the right-side border has
been squashed. This bug made level 10 (and possibly others) unsolvable.
UNFORTUNATELY, any users who have a saved game on level 10 will have to
restart the game because the conditions that caused this bug are saved
in the save file.
* The TransAmiga BBS instructions have been updated to include a slightly
different script file.