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I downloaded Guardian.DMS, and successfully extracted it. But it won't
run on my Amiga. I have an Amiga 2000 HD (52 meg) with 1 meg of Chip ram
and 1 Meg of Fast Ram. I also have the AT BridgeBoard w/5.25" drive and a single
3.5" Amiga drive. I have the 1 Meg ECS that does both NTSC and PAL.
Even if I boot into PAL mode, or killchip (down to 512k) or use KillFast (and
varying combinations of these) it still won't work.
It will boot, show the picture of the winged-skull thingy in front of the
mountains, load for a few more seconds then the screen starts hicupping
with these weird diagonal stripes. As if the sync signals went nuts.
So if you have Guardian, please mail me and tell me about your system
and or where I can get a working version (assuming my system isn't the problem)
. Also I'm using 1.3 ROMs but that shouldn't make a difference.
Wouldn't it be nice if all these European Crackin/Hacking/Swapping groups
could actually write software that works right on NTSC machines, regardless
of memory (fast or chip) or number of drives, or processor used, or clock
speed, or Agnus present, or version of the OS (come ON it should at least
work with 1.2 & 1.3)?
Wouldn't it be nice if the F10 became the defact-standard for turning on
the LACE bit so we could RECIRD these great demos? In the states, Cable
companies have to provide Public Access TV channels. But if the demo
only works in PAL, and won't allow the lace bit to be set, it can't be shown!
Wouldn't it be nice if the F9 key was the standard for toggling PAL/NTSC
mode. Wouldn't it be nice if all megademos came with options on their
bootblocks to set the # of drives, PAL/NTSC mode, LACE on/off, or set the
amount of chip/fast memory available? Even better if the settings could be
saved on disk!
Anyway, if you use Guardian, or have (are into) Demos, mail me:
obmm@sunyit.edu and/or obmm@pool.info.sunyit.edu
The last one will probably work best!