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Amiga Empire Version 2.2w by Chris Gray & David Wright
If everything unpacked OK, you should have the following files on this disk:
ReadMe - this file.
Changes - A list of changes from 1.33w through 2.2w. Only useful for
people who have used Amiga Empire before, and want to see
what the new features of this version are.
Progs - directory of most executables. They are:
EmpShut - program to shut down the server and serial port clients.
Empire - local (CLI) client program. Start this up to play Amiga
Empire directly on the machine running the server.
SEREmp - serial port client program. Start this up directly to allow
a connection on the standard Amiga serial port, with auto-baud
selection for 300, 1200 or 2400 baud, and even or no parity.
Also present are some files which exist only to have .info files:
std-9600 - start up SEREmp using the standard Amiga serial port,
configured for 9600 baud, even parity, XON/XOFF enabled,
carrier detect ignored.
Port-0 - start up SEREmp using ASDG's dual port board, port 0,
2400 baud, shared.
Port-1 - start up SEREmp using ASDG's dual port board, port 1,
1200 baud, XON/XOFF enabled.
Game - directory to contain the data files for an Amiga Empire game.
In that directory are:
EmpCre - the program which creates an Amiga Empire world.
EmpServ - the server program which must be running to play the game,
either locally with 'Empire' or remotely with 'SEREmp'.
Also present are some files which exits only to have .info files:
16x16 - run EmpCre to create a 16 x 16 2 country world
32x32 - run EmpCre to create a 32 x 32 6 country world
64x64 - run EmpCre to create a 64 x 64 15 country world
128x128 - run EmpCre to create a 128 x 128 30 country world
256x256 - run EmpCre to create a 256 x 256 44 country world
16x16.fast - run EmpCre to create a small world which has a
20 second Empire Time Unit instead of a 30 minute one.
Note: the big one will not be practical without a hard disk, due
to the size of the empire.sectors file created. See 'hosting' under
'Doc' for info on how to split up the data files.
Libs - contains the normal minimal library files, and:
Empire.library - this is the AmigaDOS disk-resident shared library
which contains most of the game-specific code for Amiga Empire.
It must be in your 'LIBS:' directory when you run a client
CopyLib - this is an IconX script to copy Empire.library to your LIBS:
directory. If you are using a hard disk or have booted from a disk
that has space for the library and which you will be using when you
host Amiga Empire, double-click this icon to do the installation.
To verify that you have Amiga Empire set up correctly, and to try it out
a bit, you can do the following simple setup:
From WorkBench:
write-enable a boot disk, double click on 'CopyLib', and re-protect
your boot disk. Boot with that disk (if you weren't already) and
continue with this sequence. Copying the library file will
require slightly over 180K of space.
open the 'Game' drawer and double-click on '16x16.fast'. A window
should open and lots of output happen. If the last line isn't
'Empire world created!', try again. If there seems to be a serious
problem, check your installation, and perhaps read the documents in
more detail.
still in the 'Game' drawer, double-click on 'EmpServ'. There will be
quite a bit of I/O and your available memory will go down by a
couple of hundred K.
close the 'Game' drawer and open the 'Progs' drawer. To see if you can
start a serial port client, double-click on 'SerEmp' if you want
to (not necessary for this test). Double-click on 'Empire'. This
should bring up a window and ask you for a country name. Think up a
name and enter it. Say that you want to create it, and enter the
default country-creation password of 'creationpassword'. Think up a
password for your country and enter it twice. You should now be
playing Amiga Empire - see the files in the 'Doc' drawer for how
to proceed.
From a shell:
copy Empire.library to your LIBS: directory. It needs about 180K.
CD to the Game directory. Enter 'EmpCre < 16x16.fast'. There should be
lots of output, then lots of disk I/O. If the last line isn't
'Empire world created!', try again. If there seems to be a serious
problem, check your installation, and perhaps read the documents in
more detail.
Still in the Game directory, enter 'Run EmpServ'. There will be some
disk I/O as the server starts up. It will start a log file in
CD to '/Progs'. If you want to start up a serial port client on the
standard Amiga serial port, enter 'Run SEREmp'. If not, don't
bother. Enter 'Empire' to start playing locally. You will be asked
for a country name. Think one up and enter it. Say that you want to
create it, and enter the default country-creation password of
'creationpassword'. Think up a password for your country and enter
it twice. You should now be playing Amiga Empire - see the files in
the 'Doc' drawer for how to proceed.
*** You may also just boot this disk, and try out the smaller worlds. There
*** is enough space on the disk.
Note: the supplied startup scripts all set the country creation password
to 'creationpassword', and the password of the default deity ('god') to
'godpassword'. If you are hosting a real game, you will probably want to
change both, by changing the scripts, by running EmpCre directly without a
script, or by logging in as 'god' and using 'edit world' and 'change
Note that I (Chris Gray) have moved slightly since my last distribution of
Amiga Empire. I can now be reached at:
Chris Gray
#808 - 8515 - 112 St.
Edmonton, Alberta
Please note that I am EXTREMELY poor at answering physical mail - I have
unanswered mail that is over a year old. Email is much better; I usually
reply within a week or so. By Email, my preferred address is:
{uunet,alberta}!myrias!ami-cg!cg or ami-cg!cg@myrias.COM
I also have a CompuServe account, which I check every couple of weeks:
I (David Wright) can be reached at:
David Wright
4262 Bennington
Brunswick, OH USA 44212
(216) 273-1064 (voice)
You should try and contact me first if you have a question regarding
Empire 2.2w, as Chris may not have worked on that part of 2.2w, and I am
better about answering mail. :-)