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- ;EASE$$$ READ ONLY COPY of file ╥LDefProc0.A╙
- ; 1.0 CCH 11/16/1988 Added to EASE.
- ; File LDefProc0.a
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; Standard List Definition Procedure for simple text
- ;
- ; Ernie Beernink March 1985
- ;
- ; This is the standard List defProc. Its primary task is to draw
- ; the contents of a list manager cell, either selected or deselected.
- ; It is passed a pointer to the cell's data, the length of the cell's
- ; data, and a rectangle in which to draw the cell. When it is called,
- ; the clip region is set to that rect. The cell data does NOT include a
- ; length byte.
- ;
- ; S3 05Jan87 JTC 32-bit support changes.
- ;
- ; version $0001
- ; 8jun87 sad color hilighting, trucation (conditional)
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------
- ; LOAD 'sysallqk.d'
- LOAD 'nequ.d'
- INCLUDE 'SysEqu.a'
- INCLUDE 'Traps.a'
- INCLUDE 'QuickEqu.a'
- INCLUDE 'PackMacs.a'
- truncate equ 0 ; truncation off
- ; PROCEDURE DrawCell(LMessage:INTEGER; LSelect:BOOLEAN; LRect:Rect; LCell: Cell;
- ; LDataOffset, LDataLen:INTEGER; LHandle:Handle);
- ; Message equates:
- ;InitMsg .EQU 0 ; tell drawing routines to init themselves
- ;DrawMsg .EQU 1 ; draw (and de/select) the indicated data
- ;HiliteMsg .EQU 2 ; de/select the indicated data
- ;CloseMsg .EQU 3 ; shut down, the list is being disposed
- ; Stack Frame definition for ListDefProc 0
- LHandle EQU 8 ; Handle to list data record
- LDataLen EQU LHandle+4 ; length of data
- LDataOffset EQU LDataLen+2 ; offset to data
- LCell EQU LDataOffset+2 ; cell that was hit
- LRect EQU LCell+4 ; rect to draw in
- LSelect EQU LRect+4 ; 1=selected, 0=not selected
- LMessage EQU LSelect+2 ; 0=Init, 1=Draw, 2=Hilite, 3=Close
- LParamSize EQU LMessage+2-8 ; # of bytes of parameters
- BRA.S @0 ; enter here
- ; standard header
- DC.W 0 ; flags word
- DC.B 'LDEF' ; type
- DC.W 0 ; ID
- DC.W $0001 ; version
- @0
- LINK A6,#0 ; set up a stack frame
- MOVEM.L D3-D7/A2-A4,-(SP) ; save the usual stuff
- MOVE.L LHandle(A6),A4 ; get handle to list record
- MOVE.L (A4),A3 ; get pointer to (locked) record
- MOVE.W LMessage(A6),D0 ; why am I being called?
- SUBQ #1,D0 ; check next in line
- BEQ.S ListDraw ; code = 1 -> draw cell
- SUBQ #1,D0 ; check next
- BEQ.S LHilite ; code = 2 -> invert cell
- BPL.S LDefExit ; other calls not needed here
- ;---------------
- ; LInit
- ; Here is the code that does the initialization for this defproc
- LInit
- ; just set up our indent
- SUBQ #8,SP ; make room for GetFontInfo record
- MOVE.L SP,-(SP) ; point to it
- _GetFontInfo ; and go get info
- MOVE.W (SP),indent+v(A3) ; indent.v := ascent
- MOVE.W #4,indent+h(A3) ; indent.h := 4
- ADDQ #8,SP ; fix up stack
- LDefExit
- MOVEM.L (SP)+,D3-D7/A2-A4 ; restore the usual stuff
- UNLK A6 ; unlink our frame
- MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; get return address
- ADD.L #LParamSize,SP ; strip off parameters
- JMP (A0) ; and return
- ;---------------
- ; LHilite -- Here is the code that hilights/unhilights the
- ; cell. We know that it's drawn, and that we're only called
- ; if it needs to be de/selected, so inverrect is all we need.
- LHilite
- bclr #7,HiliteMode ; now in color! <8jun87>
- MOVE.L LRect(A6),-(SP) ; push rect
- _InverRect ; and invert it
- BRA.S LDefExit ; all done
- ;---------------
- ; ListDraw -- Here is the code that does the drawing
- ; for the defProc.
- ListDraw
- MOVE.L LRect(A6),A4 ; get rect into A4
- MOVE.L topLeft(A4),-(SP) ; move pen to indent point
- MOVE.L indent(A3),-(SP)
- PEA 4(SP)
- _AddPt
- _MoveTo
- ; use default text mode
- _PenNormal
- MOVE.L cells(A3),A2 ; get data handle
- MOVEA.L A2,A0 ; data handle <S3>
- TST.W ROM85 ; old ROMs? <S3>
- BMI.S @oldROMs ; MI means old <S3>
- _HGetState ; D0 := lock state <S3>
- MOVE.B D0,-(SP) ; save lock state <S3>
- BRA.S @oldEnd ; skip over old way <S3>
- @oldROMs ; <S3>
- MOVE.B (A0),-(SP) ; save lock state old way<S3>
- @oldEnd ; <S3>
- _HLock ; lock across QD calls <S3>
- MOVE.L A4,-(SP) ; clear out the rect
- _EraseRect
- MOVE.W LDataLen(A6),D3 ; anything to draw?
- BLE.S @nodraw ; =>nope, don't draw <22jul87 sad>
- if truncate then ; <22jul87 sad> to endif
- MOVE.L (a2),d6 ; d6.l = ptr to the text <22jul87 sad>
- MOVE.W LDataOffset(a6),d5 ; d5.w = offset to first byte of this cell <22jul87 sad>
- ; calculate avail width
- move right(a4),d7
- sub left(a4),d7
- sub indent+h(a3),d7 ; left indent
- sub #1,d7 ; right indent
- moveq #0,d4 ; no trunc yet
- @truncloop
- sub #2,sp
- move.l d6,-(sp)
- move d5,-(sp)
- move d3,-(sp)
- _TextWidth
- cmp (sp)+,d7 ; will string fit?
- bge.s @truncout ; yes, leave
- ; no, truncate by one char
- tst.b d4 ; truncated any yet?
- bnz.s @3 ; yes, just drop a char
- ; no, add elipsis and drop a character
- sub #2,sp
- move #'╔',-(sp)
- _CharWidth
- sub (sp)+,d7
- moveq #1,d4 ; remember that we have truncated
- @3
- sub #1,d3 ; drop the last character
- bz.s @nodraw ; no more chars
- bra.s @truncloop
- @truncout
- MOVE.L d6,-(sp) ; point to the text
- MOVE.W d5,-(sp) ; offset to first byte of this cell
- else
- MOVE.L (A2),-(SP) ; point to the text
- MOVE.W LDataOffset(A6),-(SP) ; offset to first byte
- endif ; end <22jul87 sad>
- MOVE.W D3,-(SP) ; and number of bytes
- _DrawText
- if truncate then ; <22jul87 sad> to endif
- tst.b d4 ; truncated any?
- bz.s @noelipsis ; no, don╒t draw elipsis
- ; yes
- move #'╔',-(sp)
- _DrawChar
- @noelipsis
- endif ; end <22jul87 sad>
- @nodraw ; <22jul87 sad>
- MOVEA.L A2,A0 ; data handle <S3>
- TST.W ROM85 ; do we have new ROMs? <S3>
- BMI.S @old2ROMs ; MI means no, do it the old way <S3>
- MOVE.B (SP)+,D0 ; saved lock state <S3>
- _HSetState ; stuffed back to handle<S3>
- BRA.S @old2End ; <S3>
- @old2ROMs ; <S3>
- MOVE.B (SP)+,(A0) ; restore lock state
- @old2End ; <S3>
- TST.B LSelect(A6) ; selected? <22jul87 sad>
- if truncate then
- bnz LHilite ; yes <22jul87 sad>
- else
- bnz.s LHilite ; yes <22jul87 sad>
- endif
- ; no <22jul87 sad>
- if truncate then
- BRA LDefExit ; and return <22jul87 sad>
- else
- BRA.S LDefExit ; and return
- endif