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Text File | 1990-03-05 | 46.2 KB | 1,340 lines |
- ;EASE$$$ READ ONLY COPY of file ╥wprocasm.a╙
- ; 1.0 CCH 11/16/1988 Added to EASE.
- ;
- ;File wProcAsm.a
- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; Window Definition Routine for the
- ; MacIntosh Window Manager
- ;
- ; written by Andy Hertzfeld Aug 4, 1982
- ;
- ; (c) 1982-1986 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
- ;
- ; This file contains the window definition procedure
- ; "DocumentProc", the standard Mac window type. It is
- ; a rectangular window with a title bar. It is assembled
- ; part of the window manager.
- ;
- ; Modification History:
- ;
- ; 21-Aug-82 AJH Made DocumentProc support rectangular windows only
- ; 30-Aug-82 AJH Added growIcon hit detection, fixed hit to exclude perimeter drag
- ; 07-Sep-82 AJH Added handler for grow message
- ; 12-Sep-82 AJH Made it so proc doesn't have to calcRgns when not visible
- ; 20-Sep-82 AJH Added go-away button drawing and hit-testing
- ; 25-Sep-82 AJH Added cheap dialogBox window definition proc
- ; 28-Sep-82 AJH New GoAway button; restructured goAway drawing
- ; 05-Oct-82 AJH Removed Init message to save code
- ; 06-Oct-82 AJH Fixed dialogBox dragRgn bug
- ; 10-Oct-82 AJH Converted to QuickDraw trap interface
- ; 16-Oct-82 AJH Fixed GoAway hit-test origin bug
- ; 17-OCt-82 AJH Made both windowProcs preserve A1
- ; 07-Nov-82 AJH Changed DocumentProc hiliting to Lisa way
- ; 14-Nov-82 AJH Improved shape of Grow outline ala Lisa
- ; 16-Nov-82 AJH Made branch table offset-based to save space
- ; 16-Nov-82 AJH Special-cased hiliting of small windows
- ; 20-Dec-82 AJH Changed title bar to 20 pixels tall
- ; 24-Dec-82 AJH Made wProcAsm a separate assembly
- ; 17-Mar-83 AJH Added third variant -- shadowless dBoxProc
- ; 27-Apr-83 AJH only plot, hit-test goAway if window is active
- ; 25-Jul-83 SC Fixed third variant -- frame was incorrect, see DrawDBox
- ; 06-Aug-83 AJH changed hiliting to use pattern
- ; 09-Aug-83 AJH added draw grow icon message receiver
- ; 20-Aug-83 AJH made it only hit-test or draws goAway if window is active
- ; 29-Oct-83 AJH new dBox border
- ; 10-Nov-83 AJH added variant 4 -- just like variant 0, but no inGrow
- ; 24-Dec-83 AJH fixed structRgn calc bug in variant 1
- ; 24-Feb-84 AJH fixed hit-testing of go-away -- was off by 2
- ; 09-Jan-85 JTC modified for MDS assembly: label DocumentProc changed
- ; to DocProc to avoid collision.
- ; 15-Jan-85 EHB fixed erase of 3 pixels of content rgn in DrawFrame;
- ; prevented erase of top line in DoTitleString.
- ; 15-Jan-85 EHB eliminated title flicker in CheckHilite; gnrl cleanup
- ; 30-Jan-85 EHB fixed boundary testing of GoAwayBox
- ; 14-Feb-85 JTC named rsrc.
- ; 16-May-85 EHB For GrowBox hitTesting, changed D4=16 to D4=14
- ;v3 16-May-85 EHB Check left of window title when no grow box too
- ; 29-Jul-85 EHB converted back to porkshop
- ;v4 5-Aug-85 EHB Allow variable size titles
- ;v5 29-Aug-85 EHB Variant 8 knows how to zoom
- ; 18-Sep-85 EHB Added routine ChkPoint to allow slop on large zoom size
- ; 09-Oct-85 EHB Added designer zoom icon, restored old close mask
- ; 18-Oct-85 EHB New Zoom positioning (avoid lawsuits). Needs title fixes too
- ; Add tempRgn to frame to save clip, to calc window's region
- ; 18-Oct-85 EHB Only allow zooming on new ROMs (just in case)
- ; 21-Oct-85 EHB In HitDoc, use BuildTBarRect to hit-test title bar. The old
- ; way didn't work with null content regions.
- ; 03-Nov-85 EHB Zoom was one pixel too far left (fix draw and hit)
- ;
- ;-Reno World------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; <C59/30Jun86> DAF Added color support on nuMac. Dropped Krispee stuff
- ; <C117/25Sep86> DAF Updated defproc to use RGBForeColor/RGBBackColor
- ; <C203/06Oct86> DAF Updated SetUpColor to look up window part color rather
- ; than assume part from position. Changed textMode to
- ; srcOr for titleString. Made window rgn square
- ; conditionally.
- ; <A285/28Oct86> DAF Changed SquareWindows conditional to be true on nuMac only.
- ; <C407/16Nov86> DAF Changed textMode to srcCopy, per Cary's recommendation
- ; <C424/18Nov86> DAF Added portToMap to correct problems in cWindows.
- ; <C491/08Dec86> DAF Locked titleString handle before drawing (OLD BUG!)
- ; <C666/22Jan87> DAF Universal defproc (version 10). With the exception of
- ; Square window flag, this defproc no longer has conditional
- ; build sections (all system determination is dynamic)
- ; <C700/26Jan87> DAF Square windows now supported dynamically
- ;
- LOAD 'inc.sum.d'
- LOAD 'nEqu.d'
- INCLUDE 'colorEqu.a'
- ;
- ; FUNCTION DocProc(selector: INTEGER;
- ; window: WindowPtr,
- ; message: INTEGER;
- ; parameter: LongInt): LongInt
- LinkSize EQU -34
- IsColor EQU -34 ; do we have colorQD and toolbox? [boolean]
- Align EQU -33 ; a dead byte for IsColor
- SavBkCol EQU -32 ; saved wmgrCPort RGBBackColor (color only)
- SavFgCol EQU -26 ; saved wmgrCPort RGBForeColor (color only)
- AuxCPtr EQU -20 ; pointer to auxCTable (color only)
- AuxCTab EQU -16 ; handle to auxCTable (color only)
- TempRgn EQU -12 ; <18Oct85>
- WInfoRec EQU -8 ; <1Aug85>
- WAscent EQU -8 ; <1Aug85>
- WDescent EQU -6 ; <1Aug85>
- WHeight EQU -4 ; <1Aug85>
- WBoxDelta EQU -2 ; <1Aug85>
- message EQU 12 ; <C666/22Jan87> DAF
- HasZoom EQU 3 ; bit 3 is zoom bit <EHB 29Aug85>
- hasGrow EQU 2 ; bit 2 is grow bit <EHB 29Aug85>
- wZoom EQU wGoAway+1 ; <EHB 29Aug85>
- DocProc
- ; standard header
- DC.W 0 ; flags word
- DC.B 'WDEF' ; resource type
- DC.W 0 ; resource ID
- DC.W 10 ; version number
- DP1
- LINK A6,#LinkSize ; set up a stack frame to address parameters
- MOVEM.L D3-D7/A1-A4,-(SP) ; save work registers
- ; test if the message is in range
- CMP.W #wGIconMsg,message(A6) ; compare to highest value <C666/22Jan87> DAF
- BGT OORange ; skip it, it's too high <C666/22Jan87> DAF
- CMP.W #wDrawMsg,message(A6) ; compare to lowest value, too <C666/22Jan87> DAF
- BMI OORange ; <C666/22Jan87> DAF
- MOVE.L (A5),A0 ; get pointer to quickDraw globals <7Aug85>
- MOVE.L (A0),-(SP) ; save current port on stack <7Aug85>
- ; Determine type of system. We need to know if we have color QuickDraw and a color
- ; window manager port.
- CMP.W #$3FFF,ROM85 ; do we have color QD?
- SLS IsColor(A6) ; set boolean depending on color or B&W system
- BHI.S @BWSys ; no, this system has B&W QD
- ; when using the wmgrCPort, it is the defproc's responsibility to reconcile
- ; the wmgrPort and the wmgrCPort.
- BSR UpdateCPort ; compare and update wmgrPorts, also set WMgrCPort
- BRA.S @CommonSys ;
- @BWSys
- MOVE.L WMgrPort,-(SP) ; and set port to window manager port
- _SetPort ;
- @CommonSys
- ; get the font info for this font. Put the height of the title bar in D7 and wHeight(A6).
- ; put the distance of the top of the goaway box from the top of the bar in WBoxDelta(A6).
- @1 LEA WInfoRec(A6),A3 ; point to our info rec <5Aug85>
- MOVE.L A3,-(SP) ; push a pointer <5Aug85>
- _GetFontInfo ; and get the font's info <5Aug85>
- MOVE.W (A3)+,D7 ; (rect inset by 1 when WAscent used) <5Aug85>
- ADD.W (A3)+,D7 ; add descent <5Aug85>
- ADDQ.W #4,D7 ; get the height <5Aug85>
- BSET #0,D7 ; make height odd for symmetry <5Aug85>
- MOVEQ #19,D1 ; get 19 <26Aug85>
- CMP.W D1,D7 ; force height to 19 min <26Aug85>
- BGE.S @3 ; => not a tiny font <5Aug85>
- SUB.W D7,D1 ; how much less than 19 is it? <26Aug85>
- LSR.W #1,D1 ; used for centering tiny fonts <26Aug85>
- ADD.W D1,WAscent(A6) ; make the ascent "bigger" <26Aug85>
- MOVEQ #19,D7 ; <5Aug85>
- @3 MOVE.W D7,(A3)+ ; WHeight = ascent+descent+2 <5Aug85>
- MOVE.W D7,D0 ; get height <EHB 29Aug85>
- SUB.W #13,D0 ; subtract height of box <5Aug85>
- LSR.W #1,D0 ; divide by 2 <5Aug85>
- MOVE.W D0,(A3) ; save delta to goAway box <5Aug85>
- ; set up a temp region
- CLR.L -(SP) ; make room for result <EHB 18Oct85>
- _NewRgn ; get a new region <EHB 18Oct85>
- MOVE.L (SP)+,TempRgn(A6) ; and save in our frame <EHB 18Oct85>
- ; save off the current port fore- & backcolors on color systems.
- TST.B IsColor(A6) ; is it a color system?
- BEQ.S @NoColor1 ; nope, so skip this
- PEA SavFgCol(A6) ; push a pointer to save area
- _GetForeColor ; get the current color
- PEA SavBkCol(A6) ;
- _GetBackColor ;
- ; also, find the auxWinRec and lock it down
- CLR.L -(SP) ; here's a space for the var handle
- CLR.W -(SP) ; function return here
- MOVE.L 14(A6),-(SP) ; push window ptr
- PEA 6(SP) ; a pointer to the space above
- _GetAuxWin ; find the auxrec
- ADDQ #2,SP ; pitch the boolean (it doesn't matter)
- MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; get the auxRecHandle
- MOVE.L (A0),A0 ; handle -> ptr
- MOVE.L winCTable(A0),A0 ; get the colortable handle
- MOVE.L A0,AuxCTab(A6) ; save this handle
- _HLock ; lock the table down in memory
- MOVE.L (A0),AuxCPtr(A6) ; and get a pointer too!
- ; fetch the parameters into registers
- LEA 8(A6),A0 ; get ptr to first parameter
- MOVE.L (A0)+,D3 ; get param in D3
- MOVE.W (A0)+,D0 ; get message
- MOVE.L (A0)+,A3 ; get the window pointer
- MOVE.W (A0)+,D5 ; get the selector integer
- MOVE D5,D6 ; keep copy in D6
- AND #3,D5 ; ignore "inGrow" variant
- CLR.L (A0) ; clear out function result
- ; case out on the message number
- ADD D0,D0 ; double for word index
- LEA GoDocProc,A0 ; get jump table address
- ADD.W GODOCPROC(D0),A0 ; compute dispatch address
- JSR (A0)
- ; we're done -- restore registers and return to caller
- MOVE.L TempRgn(A6),-(SP) ; dispose of temp region <EHB 18Oct85>
- _DisposRgn ; <EHB 18Oct85>
- TST.B IsColor(A6) ; are we on a color system?
- BEQ.S @NoColor2 ; if on B&W, then skip
- MOVE.L AuxCTab(A6),A0 ; get the colortable handle <DAF 15-Apr-86>
- _HUnlock ; release it <DAF 15-Apr-86>
- ; restore the fore- and backColors <C203/08Oct86> DAF
- PEA savBkCol(A6) ; pointer to RGBColor
- _RGBBackColor ;
- PEA savFgCol(A6) ; pointer to RGBColor
- _RGBForeColor ;
- _SetPort ; the old port is on top of stack <EHB 7Aug85>
- OORange ; 'Out Of Range, of course' <C666/22Jan87> DAF
- MOVEM.L (SP)+,D3-D7/A1-A4 ; restore work registers
- UNLK A6 ; unlink stack frame
- MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; get return address
- ADD #12,SP ; strip parameters
- JMP (A0) ; return to caller
- ; DocumentProc dispatch table -- entries must be long branches!
- DC.W DrawDoc-GoDocProc ; draw is message #0
- DC.W HitDoc-GoDocProc ; hit test is message #1
- DC.W CalcDoc-GoDocProc ; calc test is message #2
- DC.W InitDoc-GoDocProc ; init is message #3
- DC.W DisposeDoc-GoDocProc ; dispose is message #4
- DC.W GrowDoc-GoDocProc ; grow message is #5
- DC.W DrawGIcon-GoDocProc ; draw grow icon is #6
- ; utility UpdateCPort
- ; This utility compares the pertinent fields of the wmgrPort and the wmgrCPort,
- ; updating the wmgrCPort as necessary to match the wmgrPort.
- UpdateCPort ; <C666/22Jan87> DAF
- MOVE.L WmgrCPort,-(SP) ; make the wmgrCPort the current port
- _SetPort ; set it
- MOVE.L WmgrPort,A0 ; get the wmgrPort addr
- MOVE.L WmgrCPort,A1 ; and the wmgrCPort too
- PEA bkPat(A0) ; push pointers to pattern for later
- PEA pnPat(A0) ;
- ; copy all fields from pnLoc to end of grafPort, excluding pnPixPat and fillPixPat
- LEA pnLoc(A0),A0 ; point at source
- LEA pnLoc(A1),A1 ; point at dest
- MOVE.L (A0)+,(A1)+ ; copy pnLoc
- MOVE.L (A0)+,(A1)+ ; copy pnSize
- MOVE.W (A0)+,(A1)+ ; copy pnMode
- ADDQ #8,A0 ; skip pnPat (aka, pnPixPat,fillPixPat)
- ADDQ #8,A1 ;
- MOVE.W #((portRec-pnVis)/2)-1,D0 ; set up a counter (long sized)
- @1
- MOVE.W (A0)+,(A1)+ ; copy it
- DBRA D0,@1 ; loop
- ; now set up the patterns in the wmgrCPort (which is thePort)
- ; the parameters were pushed before the copying loop above
- _PenPat
- _BackPat
- RTS ; <C666/22Jan87> DAF
- ; InitDoc is used to initialize our zoom size
- InitDoc BTST #hasZoom,D6 ; does it want a zoom box? <EHB 29Aug85>
- BEQ.S noZoom ; => nope, no zoom <EHB 29Aug85>
- CLR.B wZoom(A3) ; assume no zoom box <EHB 29Aug85>
- TST.W ROM85 ; running on new roms? <EHB 18Oct85>
- BMI.S noZoom ; => no, use default <EHB 18Oct85>
- MOVEQ #16,D0 ; space for 2 rects <EHB 29Aug85>
- _NewHandle ,CLEAR ; allocate the space <EHB 29Aug85>
- BNE.S noZoom ; => not able to get space <EHB 29Aug85>
- ; set default zoom data. Consists of 2 fields: SmallSize, BigSize: Rect
- ADDQ.B #1,wZoom(A3) ; set zoom flag to TRUE <EHB 29Aug85>
- MOVE.L A0,WDataHandle(A3) ; save handle to data <EHB 29Aug85>
- MOVE.L (A0),A4 ; point to data <EHB 29Aug85>
- ADDQ.W #8,A4 ; point to bigSize <EHB 29Aug85>
- ; get the size of the zoomed out window in global coordinates. To do this,
- ; pull the screen size from screenbits.bounds and indent a little.
- MOVE.L GrafGlobals(A5),A1 ; point to QuickDraw globals <EHB 29Aug85>
- MOVE.L Screenbits+Bounds(A1),(A4)+ ; get topLeft <EHB 29Aug85>
- MOVE.L Screenbits+Bounds+4(A1),(A4)+ ; get botRight <EHB 29Aug85>
- MOVEQ #3,D0 ; get indent <EHB 29Aug85>
- SUB.W D0,-(A4) ; indent right <EHB 29Aug85>
- SUB.W D0,-(A4) ; indent bottom <EHB 29Aug85>
- ADD.W D0,-(A4) ; indent left <EHB 29Aug85>
- ADD.W D0,-(A4) ; indent top <EHB 29Aug85>
- ADD.W D7,(A4) ; past menu bar <EHB 29Aug85>
- ADD.W D7,(A4) ; and past window title <EHB 29Aug85>
- MOVE.L (A0),A4 ; A4 = smallsize <EHB 29Aug85>
- ; get current size into rect in A4
- GetRect MOVE.L A4,-(SP) ; push address of rect <EHB 29Aug85>
- MOVE.L PortRect(A3),(A4) ; get topLeft (local) <EHB 29Aug85>
- MOVE.L PortRect+4(A3),4(A4) ; get botRight (local) <EHB 29Aug85>
- MOVE.L A3,A0 ; copy portPtr for PortToMap <C424/18Nov86> DAF
- BSR PortToMap ; get the rect pointer <C424/18Nov86> DAF
- MOVE.L Bounds(A0),-(SP) ; push offset locToGlob <EHB 29Aug85>
- NEG.W (SP) ; make offset positive <EHB 29Aug85>
- NEG.W 2(SP)
- _OffsetRect ; convert rect to global
- NoZoom RTS
- ; IsItSmall returns NE if the window has been resized or moved (NE if window "small")
- ; It updates smallsize if it has. (If tab, only move small window).
- ; Trashes A0,A1,A4
- IsItSmall SUBQ #8,SP ; make room for a rect <EHB 29Aug85>
- MOVE.L SP,A4 ; point to it <EHB 29Aug85>
- BSR.S GetRect ; A4 = curSize <EHB 29Aug85>
- MOVE.L wDataHandle(A3),A0 ; get data handle <EHB 29Aug85>
- MOVE.L (A0),A2 ; A2 = bigSize <EHB 29Aug85>
- ADDQ #8,A2
- ; the window is large if all corners are within 7 of their default positions
- BSR.S ChkPoint ; compare topleft <EHB 18Sep85>
- BNE.S IsSmall ; => not close enough <EHB 29Aug85>
- BSR.S ChkPoint ; compare botright <EHB 18Sep85>
- BEQ.S NotSmall ; => it's close enough <EHB 29Aug85>
- IsSmall MOVE.L wDataHandle(A3),A0 ; get data handle <EHB 29Aug85>
- MOVE.L (A0),A4 ; save window's current size <EHB 29Aug85>
- BSR.S GetRect ; get current size into A4 <EHB 29Aug85>
- SaySmall MOVEQ #1,D0 ; return NE! <EHB 29Aug85>
- NotSmall ADDQ #8,SP ; strip rect from stack <EHB 29Aug85>
- ChkPoint MOVE.L (A2),-(SP) ; make point into a rect <EHB 18Sep85>
- MOVE.L (A2)+,-(SP) ; by pushing twice <EHB 18Sep85>
- MOVE.L SP,-(SP) ; and insetting by 7 <EHB 18Sep85>
- MOVE.L #$FFF9FFF9,-(SP) ; <EHB 18Sep85>
- _InsetRect ; <EHB 18Sep85>
- CLR.W -(SP) ; is cursize within 7 of <EHB 18Sep85>
- MOVE.L (A4)+,-(SP) ; that point? <EHB 18Sep85>
- PEA 6(SP) ; <EHB 18Sep85>
- _PtInRect ; <EHB 18Sep85>
- SUBQ.B #1,(SP) ; reverse sign of result <EHB 18Sep85>
- MOVE.B (SP)+,D0 ; <EHB 18Sep85>
- ADDQ #8,SP ; strip off the rect <EHB 18Sep85>
- RTS ; exit w/EQ if "Big" <EHB 18Sep85>
- ; IsThereZoom returns EQ if zoom not enabled
- IsThereZoom BTST #hasZoom,D6 ; zooming variant <EHB 29Aug85>
- BEQ.S IsNoZoom ; => no <EHB 29Aug85>
- TST.B wZoom(A3) ; did we get the handle? <EHB 29Aug85>
- IsNoZoom RTS ; EQ if no Zoom <EHB 29Aug85>
- ; DisposeDoc is called when the window is being closed. All we need to do is
- ; give back the handle we borrowed.
- DisposeDoc BSR.S IsThereZoom ; is there a zoom box? <EHB 29Aug85>
- BEQ.S InDisposed ; => no, we're done <EHB 29Aug85>
- MOVE.L wDataHandle(A3),A0 ; get handle to our data <EHB 29Aug85>
- _DisposHandle ; release it, ignoring errors <EHB 29Aug85>
- InDisposed RTS
- ; SetUpColor takes a window part identifier in D0, finds the corresponding
- ; part in the AuxWinTable (the part code is in the .value field) and returns
- ; a pointer to its RGB on the stack. If the requested part is not found,
- ; the first color table element is used (I'd use frameColor, but that might
- ; not be there!). Trashes A0/D0. ; rewritten <C177/25Sep86> DAF
- SetUpColor
- MOVE.L D1,-(SP) ; save a register
- MOVE.L AuxCPtr(A6),A0 ; get the color table pointer
- MOVE.W CTSize(A0),D1 ; get the color table size
- MULU #8,D1 ; convert to color table index
- LegalIndex
- CMP.W CTTable+value(A0,D1),D0 ; is this the one?
- BEQ.S FoundIt ; if equal, then done
- SUB.W #8,D1 ; try the previous one
- BGE.S LegalIndex ; loop while index positive
- MOVEQ #0,D1 ; OK, use the first one
- FoundIt
- LEA CTTable+rgb(A0,D1),A0 ; get the address of the color to use
- MOVE.L A0,D0 ; we'll need A0 in a second
- MOVE.L (SP)+,D1 ; restore the register
- MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; get the return address
- MOVE.L D0,-(SP) ; push the rgb addr on the stack
- JMP (A0) ; return to caller
- PORTTOMAP ; <C424/18Nov86> DAF
- ;----------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; Given a window pointer in A0, return the bitmap/pixmap pointer in A0
- ; DrawDoc -- draw the document window. The windowPtr is in A3
- DrawDoc
- TST.B WVISIBLE(A3) ; is it visible?
- BEQ DoneDoc ; if not, don't do anything
- ; see if its a EORGoAway call and special case it
- CMP #wInGoAway,D3 ; is it a goAway call?
- BGE EorStuff ; if so, go handle it <EHB 29Aug85>
- _PenNormal ; we want the normal pen
- TST.W D5 ; test dialogBox flag
- BNE DrawDBox ; dBox window has no title bar
- ; derive the titleBar rectangle from the structRgn and keep it in TempRect
- BSR BuildTBarRect
- ; draw the title bar
- TST.B IsColor(A6) ; is it color?
- BEQ.S @NoColor3 ; no, so skip this
- MOVE.W #wFrameColor,D0 ; color to set <C203/08Oct86> DAF
- BSR.S SetUpColor ; set it up <C203/08Oct86> DAF
- _RGBForeColor ; <C203/08Oct86> DAF
- MOVE.W #wTitleBarColor,D0 ; <C203/08Oct86> DAF
- BSR.S SetUpColor ; <C203/08Oct86> DAF
- _RGBBackColor ; <C203/08Oct86> DAF
- PEA TEMPRECT ; tempRect bounds the title bar
- MOVE.L (SP),-(SP) ; make another copy of tempRect pointer
- MOVE.L (SP),-(SP) ; and yet another
- _FrameRect ; frame the title bar
- MOVE.L OneOne,-(SP) ; push inset factor
- _InsetRect
- _EraseRect ; clear the inside
- BSR DoTitleString ;; and draw the centered Title
- ; To prevent title flicker, DoTitleString returns the left edge of the
- ; title in D3 and the right edge in D4. If the title bar needs to be
- ; highlighted, the highlighting is done in 2 sections, one on each side
- ; of the title.
- CheckHilite
- TST.B WHILITED(A3) ; is it hilited?
- BEQ DrawBody ; => go draw the frame
- DoHilite
- TST.B IsColor(A6) ; is it color?
- BEQ.S @NoColor4 ; no, so skip this
- MOVE.W #wTitleBarColor,D0 ; set up colors <C203/08Oct86> DAF
- BSR SetUpColor ;
- _RGBBackColor ;
- MOVE.W #wHiliteColor,D0 ;
- BSR SetUpColor ;
- _RGBForeColor ; <C203/08Oct86> DAF
- PEA TEMPRECT ; push the title rect
- MOVE.W #1,-(SP) ; push dh <5Aug85>
- MOVE.W WBoxDelta(A6),-(SP) ; push dv <5Aug85>
- _InsetRect ; inset it some
- MOVE.W TempRect+Right,-(SP) ; save right of TempRect
- MOVE.W D3,TempRect+Right ; new right = title left
- ; used A4 instead of A0 to save a couple o'bytes (EHB)
- MOVE.L TempRect,D0 ; get topLeft
- AND.L #$00070007,D0 ; only use mod 8
- MOVE.L (A5),A4 ; get globals, save in A4
- MOVE.L D0,PatAlign(A4) ; set up patAlign
- PEA TempRect ; fill this rect
- PEA HilitePattern ; push the pattern address
- _FillRect ; fill left half with the pattern
- BSR IsThereZoom ; is zooming allowed? (was .S) <EHB 18-Oct-85>
- BEQ.S @1 ; => no, use current d4 <EHB 18-Oct-85>
- MOVE.W (SP),D0 ; else get right edge of box <EHB 18-Oct-85>
- SUB.W #26,D0 ; how much room is there? <EHB 18-Oct-85>
- CMP.W D4,D0 ; need at least 26 pixels <EHB 18-Oct-85>
- BGE.S @1 ; => got 'em, use current d4 <EHB 18-Oct-85>
- MOVE.W D0,D4 ; else use right-26 <EHB 18-Oct-85>
- @1 MOVE.W (SP)+,TempRect+Right ; restore right of title box
- MOVE.W D4,TempRect+Left ; set new left of title box
- PEA TempRect ; fill this rect
- PEA HilitePattern ; push the pattern address
- _FillRect
- CLR.L PatAlign(A4)
- ; plot the goAway button
- DoGoAway
- TST.B WGoAway(A3) ; is there a goaway button?
- BEQ.S DoZoom ; => if not, try for zoom <EHB 29Aug85>
- BSR BuildTBarRect
- LEA GoAwayData,A1 ; get the goAway symbol
- MOVEQ #srcCopy,D0 ; plot in srcCopy mode <EHB 29Aug85>
- BSR PlotGoAway
- DoZoom BSR IsThereZoom ; is there a zoom box? <EHB 29Aug85>
- BEQ.S DrawBody ; => no, draw window frame <EHB 29Aug85>
- BSR BuildTBarRect ; build a title bar rect <EHB 29Aug85>
- LEA ZoomData,A1 ; get the zoom data <EHB 29Aug85>
- MOVEQ #srcCopy,D0 ; plot in srcCopy mode <EHB 29Aug85>
- BSR PlotZoom ; and plot the symbol <EHB 29Aug85>
- DrawBody MOVE.L OneOne,D4 ; constant for shadowing
- ; frame the body of the window
- DrawFrame
- TST.B IsColor(A6) ; is it color?
- BEQ.S @NoColor5 ; no, so skip this section
- MOVE.L #wFrameColor,D0 ; set up colors <C203/08Oct86> DAF
- BSR SetUpColor ; <C203/08Oct86> DAF
- _RGBForeColor ; <C203/08Oct86> DAF
- MOVE.L #wContentColor,D0 ; set up background too for variant 1 <CXXX/21Jan87> DAF
- BSR SetUpColor ; <CXXX/21Jan87> DAF
- _RGBBackColor ; <CXXX/21Jan87> DAF
- MOVE.L STRUCTRGN(A3),A0 ; get region handle
- MOVE.L (A0),A0 ; get region ptr
- LEA RGNBBOX(A0),A4 ; point A4 at the bounding box
- SUB D4,Bottom(A4) ; inset the bottom (ignore shadow)
- SUB D4,Right(A4) ; inset the right to ignore shadow
- MOVE.L A4,-(SP) ; push bounding box
- _FrameRect ; frame the body
- ; draw the drop shadow (for variant 0 and 3)
- CMP #3,D5 ; variant 3?
- BEQ.S @3 ; if so, paint it
- TST.W D5 ; variant 0?
- BNE.S @1 ; if not, skip
- @3
- BSR PaintDropShadow ; paint the drop shadow
- ; draw fancy for dialog box ( only for variant 1)
- @1
- CMP #1,D5 ; dialog box?
- BNE.S @2 ; if not, skip
- MOVE.L (A4),TempRect ; copy bounds into tempRect
- MOVE.L 4(A4),TempRect+4
- PEA TempRect
- MOVE.L (SP),-(SP) ; copy it
- MOVE.L (SP),-(SP)
- MOVE.L OneOne,-(SP)
- _InsetRect ; inset it
- MOVE.L #$00070007,-(SP) ; erase to edge of content rgn
- _PenSize
- MOVE.L (A5),A0
- PEA White(A0)
- _PenPat
- _FrameRect
- MOVE.L (A5),A0
- PEA Black(A0)
- _PenPat
- MOVE.L #$00020002,-(SP) ; push inset factor
- MOVE.L (SP),-(SP) ;; push new pen size
- _PenSize ; set new pen size
- _InsetRect
- PEA TempRect
- _FrameRect ; and frame it
- _PenNormal
- @2
- MOVE.L STRUCTRGN(A3),A4 ; get region handle again, for safety <S369/25Jan88> DAF
- MOVE.L (A4),A4 ; get region ptr <S369/25Jan88> DAF
- LEA RGNBBOX(A4),A4 ; point A4 at the bounding box <S369/25Jan88> DAF
- ADD D4,Bottom(A4)
- ADD D4,Right(A4)
- DoneDoc
- HilitePattern
- DC.W $FF00,$FF00,$FF00,$FF00
- ; BuildTBarRect builds a rectangle enclosing the titleBar in TempRect
- BuildTBarRect
- LEA TEMPRECT,A0 ; get pointer to tempRect
- MOVE.L STRUCTRGN(A3),A1 ; get structure region handle
- MOVE.L (A1),A1 ; get strucRgn pointer
- ADDQ #RGNBBOX,A1 ; point A1 at the bounding box
- MOVE.L (A1)+,(A0) ; copy bounding box into tempRect
- MOVE.L (A1),4(A0)
- ; make bottom := top + WHeight
- MOVE Top(A0),D0 ; get top
- ADD.W D7,D0 ; add precomputed height <29Aug85>
- MOVE D0,Bottom(A0) ; update bottom
- SUBQ #1,Right(A0) ; inset right
- RTS ; return to caller
- ; decide which icon needs hiliting
- EORStuff BEQ.S EORGoAway ; => it's the goAway <EHB 29Aug85>
- BSR IsThereZoom ; should we do zoom? <EHB 29Aug85>
- BEQ.S NoGo ; => no <EHB 29Aug85>
- ; EORZoom hilites/unhilites the zoom button. Falls into PlotZoom
- EORZoom BSR.S BuildTBarRect ; build the bounding rect <EHB 29Aug85>
- LEA ZoomData+32,A1 ; get the zoom data <EHB 29Aug85>
- MOVEQ #srcXOR,D0 ; set EOR as the plot mode <EHB 29Aug85>
- PlotZoom LEA TempRect,A0 ; start from titlebar rect <EHB 29Aug85>
- MOVE right(A0),left(A0) ; left := right-22 <EHB 03Nov85>
- MOVEQ #-22,D1 ; <EHB 03Nov85>
- BRA.S PlotIt ; use common code to plot it <EHB 29Aug85>
- ; EORGoAway hilites/unhilites the goAway button. It falls through into PlotGoAway
- EorGoAway
- BSR.S BuildTBarRect ; build the bounding rect
- LEA GoAwayData+32,A1 ; get the bitMap
- MOVEQ #srcXOR,D0 ; set EOR as the plot mode
- ; PlotGoAway plots the goAway button. A1 holds the symbol, D1 the plotting mode
- PlotGoAway
- ; make Temprect into a 16x16 square for our little bitmap
- LEA TempRect,A0 ; point to temprect <5Aug85>
- MOVEQ #7,D1 ; add margin to left <5Aug85>
- PlotIt ADD.W D1,left(A0) ; add offset to left <29Aug85>
- MOVE.W WBoxDelta(A6),D1 ; get offset from top to GABox <5Aug85>
- ADD.W D1,(A0) ; add offset to top <5Aug85>
- SUBQ.W #1,(A0) ; align bitmap <5Aug85>
- MOVE.L (A0)+,(A0) ; bottom/right = top/left <5Aug85>
- MOVEQ #16,D1 ; get a constant <5Aug85>
- ADD.W D1,(A0)+ ; Bottom = top + 16 <5Aug85>
- ADD.W D1,(A0) ; Right = Left + 16 <5Aug85>
- MOVE.L #$00100010,D1
- BSR PlotSymbol ; plot it in tempRect
- NoGo RTS
- ; DialogBoxes have no title bar and extra shadow
- DrawDBox
- MOVE.L #$00020002,D4 ; get shadow factor
- CMP.W #3,D5 ; does it have shadow?
- BEQ DrawFrame ; if so, we're cool (was .S)
- MOVEQ #0,D4 ; otherwise no shadow
- BRA DrawFrame ; go draw it (was .S)
- ; DoTitleString is the common code that draws the title centered in tempRect. Warning --
- ; it trashes D3. On exit, the left edge of the title's box is in D3 and
- ; the right edge is in D4.
- DoTitleString
- ; compute indent factor based on GoAwayButton state
- @1 MOVE.W TempRect+Right,D4 ; get right into D4 <EHB 18-Oct-85>
- MOVE.W D4,D3 ; <EHB 18-Oct-85>
- SUB.W TempRect+Left,D3 ; compute width
- SUB.W WTITLEWIDTH(A3),D3 ; compute extra x
- ASR.W #1,D3 ; divide by 2
- ; if the string is too long, position left edge
- MOVEQ #2,D0 ; start title at x = 2 <16-May-85 EHB>
- TST.B WGoAway(A3) ; is there a go away button <16-May-85 EHB>
- BEQ.S @2 ; skip if there's not <16-May-85 EHB>
- MOVEQ #32,D0 ; start title at x = 32 <16-May-85 EHB>
- @2 CMP.W D0,D3 ; to left of x? <16-May-85 EHB>
- BGE.S @3 ; => no, D3 is ok <16-May-85 EHB>
- MOVE.W D0,D3
- @3
- ADD.W TempRect+Left,D3 ; compute x position
- MOVE.W D4,-(SP) ; save right across clip <EHB 18-Oct-85>
- BSR IsThereZoom ; is there a zoom box? <EHB 18-Oct-85>
- BEQ.S @4 ; => no, edge ok <EHB 18-Oct-85>
- SUB.W #32,D4 ; get default right edge <EHB 18-Oct-85>
- @4
- ; set clip to d3..d4
- MOVE.L TempRgn(A6),-(SP) ; get our temp region <EHB 18-Oct-85>
- MOVE.L (SP),-(SP) ; copy for SectRgn <EHB 18-Oct-85>
- _GetClip ; and save for restore <EHB 18-Oct-85>
- MOVE.W D4,TempRect+Right ; set right for clipping <EHB 18-Oct-85>
- PEA TempRect ; point to tempRect <EHB 18-Oct-85>
- _ClipRect ; set clipping to it <EHB 18-Oct-85>
- MOVE.L (A5),A0 ; get globals <EHB 18-Oct-85>
- MOVE.L (A0),A0 ; get port <EHB 18-Oct-85>
- MOVE.L ClipRgn(A0),-(SP) ; and the rect region <EHB 18-Oct-85>
- MOVE.L (SP),-(SP) ; and use clip as dest <EHB 18-Oct-85>
- _SectRgn ; get the intersection <EHB 18-Oct-85>
- MOVE.W (SP)+,TempRect+Right ; restore tempRect <EHB 18-Oct-85>
- MOVE.W D3,-(SP) ; push left for MoveTo
- MOVE.W TempRect+Top,D0 ; get top <EHB 5Aug85>
- ADD.W WAscent(A6),D0 ; move down to baseline <EHB 5Aug85>
- ADDQ.W #1,D0 ; leave 2 pixels white space <EHB 7Aug85>
- MOVE.W D0,-(SP) ; push baseline <EHB 5Aug85>
- _MoveTo
- TST.B IsColor(A6) ; is it on a color system?
- BEQ.S @NoColor6
- MOVE.W #wTitleBarColor,D0 ; set up drawing colors
- BSR SetUpColor ;
- _RGBBackColor
- MOVE.W #wTextColor,D0 ;
- BSR SetUpColor ;
- _RGBForeColor ;
- MOVE.W #srcOR,-(SP) ; set the mode to source OR <C407/16Nov86> DAF
- _TextMode ; <C407/16Nov86> DAF
- MOVE.L WTITLEHANDLE(A3),A0 ; get titleHandle
- _HLock ; lock the title down <C491/08Dec86> DAF
- MOVE.L (A0),-(SP) ; push title pointer
- _DrawString ; draw it
- MOVE.L WTitleHandle(A3),A0 ; get the handle again <C491/08Dec86> DAF
- _HUnlock ; release it <C491/08Dec86> DAF
- MOVE.L TempRgn(A6),-(SP) ; push the old clip <EHB 18-Oct-85>
- _SetClip ; and restore it <EHB 18-Oct-85>
- ; now calculate the size of the clear area needed for the title
- ; (only used if the window is highlighted).
- MOVE.W D3,D0 ; left in D3, calc right in D0
- SUBQ #6,D3 ; indent to the left
- ADD.W WTitleWidth(A3),D0 ; add in the length <EHB 18-Oct-85>
- CMP.W D4,D0 ; was title longer than space? <EHB 18-Oct-85>
- BGE.S @5 ; => yes, use D4 <EHB 18-Oct-85>
- MOVE.W D0,D4 ; <EHB 18-Oct-85>
- @5 ADD.W #6,D4 ; indent on right <EHB 18-Oct-85>
- RTS ; Left in D3, right in D4
- ; old arrow zoom data
- ;ZoomData .WORD $0000,$0000,$0078,$0038
- ; .WORD $0078,$00E8,$01C0,$0380
- ; .WORD $0700,$2E00,$3C00,$3800
- ; .WORD $3C00,$0000,$0000,$0000
- ; mask
- ; .WORD $0000,$0000,$0078,$0038
- ; .WORD $0198,$0008,$0020,$0820
- ; .WORD $0800,$2000,$3300,$3800
- ; .WORD $3C00,$0000,$0000,$0000
- ; Snazzy new zoom data
- ZoomData DC.W $0000,$0000,$BFFB,$2088
- DC.W $A08B,$2088,$A08B,$2088
- DC.W $BF8B,$2008,$A00B,$2008
- DC.W $BFFB,$0000,$0000,$0000
- ; mask
- DC.W $0000,$0000,$0000,$0180
- DC.W $09A0,$05C0,$0080,$1CF0
- DC.W $1F80,$0540,$0920,$0100
- DC.W $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000
- ; BitMap for default GoAway button
- GoAwayData
- ; This is the real goAway Data
- DC.W $0000,$0000,$BFFB,$2008
- DC.W $A00B,$2008,$A00B,$2008
- DC.W $A00B,$2008,$A00B,$2008
- DC.W $BFFB,$0000,$0000,$0000
- ; starburst mask
- DC.W $0000,$0000,$0000,$0100
- DC.W $0920,$0540,$0000,$1C70
- DC.W $0000,$0540,$0920,$0100
- DC.W $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000
- ; Mask for goAway button (concentric squares)
- ; .WORD $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000
- ; .WORD $0FE0,$0820,$0BA0,$0AA0
- ; .WORD $0BA0,$0820,$0FE0,$0000
- ; .WORD $0000,$0000,$0000,$0000
- ; HitDoc -- perform a hit test on the document. On entry, D3 contains the mousePoint
- ; in global coordinates while A3 holds the window pointer
- HitDoc
- CLR.W -(SP) ; make room for function result
- MOVE.L D3,-(SP) ; push the mouse point
- MOVE.L CONTRGN(A3),-(SP) ; push content region handle
- _PtInRgn ; is the point in the content region?
- TST.B (SP)+ ; well, is it?
- BEQ.S NotInContent ; if not, go check out drag region
- ; it's in the content region -- see if its in the grow icon area
- TST.W D5 ; is it a dialogBox?
- BNE.S justContent ; if so, its only in the content
- BTST #hasGrow,D6 ; inGrow enabled? <EHB 29Aug85>
- BGT.S justContent ; if not, skip
- TST.B WHilited(A3) ; is it active?
- BEQ.S justContent ; if not, it cant be in grow
- MOVE.L ContRgn(A3),A0 ; get region handle
- MOVE.L (A0),A0 ; get region ptr
- MOVE.L RgnBBox+botRight(A0),D0 ; get bottom left of content
- ; first consider the x coordinate <16-May-85 EHB>
- MOVEQ #14,D4 ; keep 14 in a register to save code
- SUB D4,D0 ; offset x by 14
- CMP D0,D3 ; if <, just in content
- BLT.S justContent
- ; its within range on x so try y
- SUB D4,D0 ; check out y dimension
- CMP D0,D3 ; compare y coordinates
- BLT.S justContent
- MOVEQ #wInGrow,D0 ; flag in grow Icon
- BRA DoneHitDoc
- ; the point is in the content region so return a '1'
- justContent
- MOVEQ #wInContent,D0 ; return in content
- BRA DoneHitDoc ; go store function result and return
- ; its not in the content -- see if its in the dragRgn (content extended by titleBar)
- NotInContent
- TST D5 ; is it a dialogBox?
- BNE DoneHit1 ; dBoxes have no drag region
- BSR BuildTBarRect ; get the title bar rect into A0 <EHB 21-Oct-85>
- CLR.W -(SP) ; make room for function result
- MOVE.L D3,-(SP) ; push the mouse point
- MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ; and push the rect <EHB 21-Oct-85>
- _PtInRect ; is the point in the title bar?
- TST.B (SP)+ ; examine result
- BEQ.S DoneHit1 ; if not, return 0 (do nothing)
- TST.B WHilited(A3) ; is it hilited?
- BEQ.S ItsInDrag ; if not, can't be in GoAway
- ; test vertical for goAway and Zoom since they're the same
- MOVE.L D3,D0 ; check vertical <EHB 29Aug85>
- SWAP D0 ; which is high word of D3 <EHB 29Aug85>
- MOVE.L A3,A0 ; convert the pointer if its a pixmap <C424/18Nov86> DAF
- BSR PortToMap ; convert <C424/18Nov86> DAF
- ADD.W Bounds+Top(A0),D0 ; convert to local <EHB 29Aug85>
- SUB.W PortRect+Top(A3),D0 ; compensate for origin <EHB 29Aug85>
- ADD.W WBoxDelta(A6),D0 ; below box? <5Aug85>
- BPL.S ItsInDrag ; => yes <5Aug85>
- ADD.W #11,D0 ; in box? <5Aug85>
- BMI.S ItsInDrag ; => no <5Aug85>
- TST.B WGoAway(A3) ; is there a goAway button?
- BEQ.S HitZoom ; => no, hit-test zoom <EHB 29Aug85>
- MOVE.L D3,D0 ; get mousePt
- ADD Bounds+Left(A0),D0 ; convert to local (A0 still valid) <C424/18Nov86> DAF
- SUB PortRect+Left(A3),D0 ; compensate for origin
- CMP #18,D0 ; is it too far right?
- BGT.S HitZoom ; if so, its in drag <EHB 29Aug85>
- SUBQ.W #8,D0 ; it must be at least 7
- BMI.S ItsInDrag
- ; its in the goAway button so signal it
- MOVEQ #wInGoAway,D0
- BRA.S DoneHitDoc
- HitZoom BSR IsThereZoom ; is zooming permitted? <EHB 29Aug85>
- BEQ.S ItsInDrag ; => not in these here parts <EHB 29Aug85>
- MOVE.W D3,D0 ; get mousePt <EHB 29Aug85>
- MOVE.L A3,A0 ; convert the pointer if its a pixmap <C424/18Nov86> DAF
- BSR PortToMap ; convert <C424/18Nov86> DAF
- ADD.W Bounds+Left(A0),D0 ; convert to local <EHB 29Aug85>
- SUB.W PortRect+Right(A3),D0 ; make right edge = 0 <EHB 29Aug85>
- CMP.W #-19,D0 ; too far left? <EHB 03Nov85>
- BLT.S ItsInDrag ; => if so, it's in drag <EHB 29Aug85>
- CMP.W #-9,D0 ; too far right? <EHB 03Nov85>
- BGT.S ItsInDrag ; => if so, it's in drag <EHB 18Oct85>
- BSR IsItSmall ; is window big? <EHB 29Aug85>
- BEQ.S @1 ; => oh boy, right again <EHB 29Aug85>
- MOVEQ #wInZoomOut,D0 ; say window small <EHB 29Aug85>
- BRA.S DoneHitDoc ; und scram-muller <EHB 29Aug85>
- @1 MOVEQ #wInZoomIn,D0 ; say window big <EHB 29Aug85>
- BRA.S DoneHitDoc ; and muller out of here <EHB 29Aug85>
- ItsInDrag MOVEQ #wInDrag,D0 ; flag in drag region
- DoneHitDoc MOVE.L D0,20(A6) ; update function result
- DoneHit1 RTS
- ; CalcDoc -- calculate the structure and content regions for the window pointed
- ; to by A3. First update size for zooming if necessary
- CalcDoc BSR IsThereZoom ; zoom feature enabled? <EHB 29Aug85>
- BEQ.S @1 ; => no <EHB 29Aug85>
- BSR IsItSmall ; update window size <EHB 29Aug85>
- @1
- LEA TEMPRECT,A0 ; get a pointer to the work rectangle
- MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ; push for later offset
- MOVE.L PORTRECT(A3),(A0)+ ; copy topLeft of portRect
- MOVE.L PORTRECT+4(A3),(A0) ; copy botLeft of portRect
- ; offset it to global coordinates
- MOVE.L A3,A0 ; convert the pointer if its a pixmap <C424/18Nov86> DAF
- BSR PortToMap ; convert <C424/18Nov86> DAF
- MOVE.L BOUNDS(A0),-(SP) ; push topLeft of port.portBits.bounds <C424/18Nov86> DAF
- NEG 0(SP) ; negate offset
- NEG 2(SP) ; both words
- _OffsetRect ; offset tempRect to global coordinates
- ; make the rectangular content region
- MOVE.L CONTRGN(A3),-(SP) ; content region gets the result
- PEA TempRect ; tempRect is the rectangle
- _RectRgn ; go make the region into content region
- ; now do the structure region. First correct the bounding rectangle (tempRect) for
- ; structure instead of content
- MOVE.L #$00020002,D4 ; get the shadow factor for DBox
- MOVE.L STRUCTRGN(A3),-(SP) ; push the structRgn for later
- PEA TEMPRECT ; push a pointer to the rect
- MOVE.L (SP),-(SP) ; make two copies
- MOVE.L MinusOne,-(SP) ; make 1 pixel bigger, all around
- _InsetRect ; make it bigger
- TST.W D5 ; is it dBox?
- BNE.S DoDBoxCalc ; skip if it is
- MOVE.W D7,D0 ; move up to top of window <29Aug85>
- SUBQ.W #1,D0 ; tweak it <5Aug85>
- SUB.W D0,TempRect+Top ; and set top of struct region <5Aug85>
- LSR.L #1,D4 ; adjust shadow factor
- CalcCommon
- _RectRgn ; RectRgn(structRgn,tempRect)
- ; now add in the 1 or 2 pixel drop shadow (if necessary)
- TST D5
- BEQ.S @1 ; if so, it has shadow
- CMP #3,D5 ; is it variant 3?
- BNE.S NoDropShadow ; if not, no shadow
- @1
- TST.B IsColor(A6) ; are we on a multi-bit Mac?
- BEQ.S NormShadow ; if not, then do normal shadows
- TST.W D5 ; if it's a dialog box, do a normal shadow also
- BNE.S NormShadow ;
- ADD.L D4,TempRect+botright ; increase rect by shadow size
- MOVE.L StructRgn(A3),-(SP) ; push the regionHandle
- PEA TempRect ; and the rect
- _RectRgn ; and set it
- BRA.S CommShadow ; and continue
- NormShadow
- MOVE.L TempRgn(A6),-(SP) ; get temp region <EHB 18Oct85>
- PEA TempRect ; push tempRect
- MOVE.L (SP),-(SP) ; save another copy
- MOVE.L D4,-(SP) ; push shadow factor
- _OffsetRect ; offset it
- _RectRgn
- MOVE.L StructRgn(A3),-(SP)
- MOVE.L TempRgn(A6),-(SP) ; get temp region <EHB 18Oct85>
- MOVE.L StructRgn(A3),-(SP) ; structure gets the result
- _UnionRgn ; add it in
- CommShadow
- ; all done with CalcDocRgns
- NoDropShadow
- DoDBoxCalc
- CMP #1,D5 ; is it variant 1?
- BNE.S CalcCommon
- PEA TempRect ; push our rectangle
- MOVE.L #$FFF9FFF9,-(SP) ; push (-7,-7)
- _InsetRect ; inset it
- BRA.S CalcCommon ; use common code for the rest
- ; GrowDoc handles the grow message by drawing a grow outline based on the rectangle
- ; passed in D3
- GrowDoc
- ; first make it one pixel bigger to jibe with the structure
- MOVE.L D3,-(SP) ; push the rect
- MOVE.L MinusOne,-(SP) ; push (-1,-1)
- _InsetRect
- MOVE.L D3,A3 ; get rect ptr
- MOVE.L Top(A3),-(SP) ; save topleft for below <5Aug85>
- MOVE.W D7,D0 ; adjust for title <29Aug85>
- SUB.W #1,D0 ; and tweak it <5Aug85>
- SUB.W D0,Top(A3) ; and save it <5Aug85>
- MOVE.L D3,-(SP) ; push the rectangle
- _FrameRect ; frame it
- ; now that the rectangle is drawn, draw the lower horizontal line
- MOVE.W Left(A3),-(SP) ; push left
- MOVE.W Bottom(A3),-(SP) ; push bottom
- SUB #16,(SP) ; really 16 pixels above bottom
- MOVE.L (SP),-(SP) ; make a copy of this point
- _MoveTo ; move to it
- MOVE.W Right(A3),2(SP) ; now go to the right edge
- _LineTo ; draw the horizontal line
- ; draw the upper horizontal line
- MOVE.L (SP),Top(A3) ; restore topLeft, leave on stack <5Aug85>
- MOVE.L (SP),-(SP) ; make a copy of this point
- _MoveTo ; move to it
- MOVE.W Right(A3),2(SP) ; now go to the right edge
- _LineTo ; draw the horizontal line
- ; draw the vertical line
- MOVE.W Right(A3),-(SP) ; push right
- SUB #16,(SP) ; really want right - 16
- MOVE.W Top(A3),-(SP) ; push top
- MOVE.L (SP),-(SP) ; make a copy of this point
- _MoveTo ; and move to it
- MOVE.W Bottom(A3),(SP) ; now go to bottom edge
- _LineTo ; draw the vertical line
- ; restore the rect back to how it was when we got it
- MOVE.L D3,-(SP) ; push the rect
- MOVE.L OneOne,-(SP) ; push (1,1)
- _InsetRect
- RTS ; all done!
- ; Utility PaintDropShadow -- drop shadows the rectangle in A4, by the amount in D4
- PaintDropShadow
- MOVE.L D4,-(SP) ; push shadow factor
- _PenSize ; make penSize = shadow factor
- MOVE RIGHT(A4),D0 ; get right of menuRect
- MOVE D0,-(SP) ; push right
- MOVE TOP(A4),-(SP) ; push top
- ;+++ IF not SquareWind THEN ; <C203/06Oct86> DAF
- ;+++ ADD D4,(SP) ; want top+shadow
- ;+++ ENDIF ; <C203/06Oct86> DAF
- MOVE D0,-(SP) ; push right
- MOVE BOTTOM(A4),D0 ; get bottom
- MOVE D0,-(SP) ; push bottom
- MOVE LEFT(A4),-(SP) ; push left
- ;+++ IF not SquareWind THEN ; <C203/06Oct86> DAF
- ;+++ ADD D4,(SP) ; want left+shadow
- ;+++ ENDIF ; <C203/06Oct86> DAF
- MOVE D0,-(SP) ; push bottom
- TST.B IsColor(A6) ; are we on a multi-bit Mac?
- BNE.S NOffSh ; if so, then don't offset shadow
- TST.W D5 ;
- BEQ.S NOffSh ;
- ; adjust shadow line ends
- ADD D4,2(SP) ; want left+shadow
- ADD D4,8(SP) ; want top+shadow
- NOffSh
- ; colors are OK here
- _MoveTo ; MoveTo(left+shadow,bottom)
- _LineTo ; LineTo(right,bottom)
- _LineTo ; LineTo(right,top+shadow)
- _PenNormal ; restore normal pen
- ; PlotSymbol -- plot the little 16 by 16 symbol bitmap pointed to by A1 into the rectangle
- ; pointed held in TempRect. D0 holds the mode.
- PlotSymbol
- LEA IconBitMap,A0 ; get pointer to source bitmap
- MOVE.L A1,(A0)+ ; update base address of bitMap
- MOVE #2,(A0)+ ; update rowBytes
- CLR.L (A0)+ ; topLeft is zero, zero
- MOVE.L D1,(A0) ; adjust boundsRect
- ; push parameters for CopyBits call to transfer arrow bitMap
- PEA IconBitMap ; push pointer source bitmap
- MOVE.L (SP),A0 ; remember in A0, too
- MOVE.L GrafGlobals(A5),A1 ; get lisaGraf global baseaddress
- MOVE.L THEPORT(A1),A1 ; get thePort
- PEA PORTBITS(A1) ; that's the destination bitmap
- PEA BOUNDS(A0) ; boundsRect of bitmap is source
- PEA TempRect ; tempRect is the destination
- MOVE.W D0,-(SP) ; theMode is in D0
- CLR.L -(SP) ; no mask region
- ; the colors should be OK here <DAF 16-Apr-86>
- ; transfer the bitMap (stretching as necessary...)
- _CopyBits ; let Bill stretch those bits
- RTS ; return to caller
- ; Draw the grow icon. First make this window the current grafPort
- DrawGIcon
- MOVE.L GrafGlobals(A5),A0 ; get the current port and save it <C203> DAF
- MOVE.L thePort(A0),-(SP) ; <C203> DAF
- MOVE.L A3,-(SP) ; push the window's port
- _SetPort ; make that the port
- ; save the foreground and background of the user port & set new colors <DAF 16-Apr-86>
- TST.B IsColor(A6) ; is this a color system?
- BEQ.S @NoColor7 ; nope, so skip this stuff
- SUBQ #6,SP ; make room for rgbColor on stack <C???/11Jan87> DAF
- MOVE.L SP,-(SP) ; push pointer to placeholder <C???/11Jan87> DAF
- _GetForeColor ; get the window port's foreColor <C???/11Jan87> DAF
- SUBQ #6,SP ; make room for the backColor too <C???/11Jan87> DAF
- MOVE.L SP,-(SP) ; push pointer to placeholder <C???/11Jan87> DAF
- _GetBackColor ; get the window port's backColor <C???/11Jan87> DAF
- MOVE.W #wContentColor,D0 ; get the drawing color
- BSR SetUpColor ;
- _RGBBackColor ; <C117/25Sep86> DAF
- MOVE.W #wFrameColor,D0 ;
- BSR SetUpColor ;
- _RGBForeColor ; <C117/25Sep86> DAF
- ; compute the grow icon rectangle in tempRect
- LEA TempRect,A4 ; get pointer to tempRect
- MOVE.L PortRect+4(A3),4(A4) ; copy in botRight of tempRect
- MOVE.L 4(A4),(A4) ; into the topLeft, too
- SUB.W #15,Top(A4)
- SUB.W #15,Left(A4) ; and left, too
- ; plot the grow icon
- TST.B WHilited(A3) ; is it hilited?
- BEQ.S ClearGoAway ; if not, go clear it
- LEA GrowBits,A1 ; get pointer to the bits
- MOVEQ #0,D0 ; use srcCopy
- MOVE.L #$00100010,D1
- BSR PlotSymbol ; plot it
- ; plot the boundary lines
- PlotBoundary
- MOVE.W Left(A4),-(SP) ; push tempRect.left
- MOVE.W (SP),-(SP) ; copy it again for later
- MOVE PortRect+Top(A3),-(SP) ; push portRect.top
- _MoveTo ; move to it
- MOVE PortRect+Bottom(A3),-(SP) ; push portRect.bottom
- _LineTo ; draw the vertical line
- ; now draw the horizontal line
- MOVE.W PortRect+Left(A3),-(SP) ; push portRect.left
- MOVE.W Top(A4),-(SP) ; push tempRect.top
- _MoveTo
- MOVE.W PortRect+right(A3),-(SP) ; push portRect.right
- MOVE.W Top(A4),-(SP) ; push tempRect.top
- _LineTo
- ; all done with DrawDocGrow
- DoneDDG
- TST.B IsColor(A6) ; is it a color system?
- BEQ.S @NoColor8 ; no, so skip this restore
- MOVE.L SP,-(SP) ; push ptr to rgbColor previously saved on top of stack <C117/25Sep86> DAF
- _RGBBackColor ; <C117/25Sep86> DAF
- ADDQ #6,SP ; trash backcolor <C117/25Sep86> DAF
- MOVE.L SP,-(SP) ; <C117/25Sep86> DAF
- _RGBForeColor ; <C117/25Sep86> DAF
- ADDQ #6,SP ; <C117/25Sep86> DAF
- _SetPort ; restore the incoming port (saved above) <C203> DAF
- ClearGoAway
- PEA TempRect
- _EraseRect
- BRA.S PlotBoundary
- ; BitMap for GrowIcon
- GrowBits
- DC.W $0000,$0000,$0000,$1FE0
- DC.W $1020,$103E,$1022,$1022
- DC.W $1022,$1022,$1FE2,$0402
- DC.W $0402,$0402,$07FE,$0000
- ; end of Window DefProc #0