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379 lines
⌐ 1990 Eric W. Sink
This document describes the language Quinta, an object
oriented, stack based programming language. Quinta has been
implemented on the Macintosh.
Basic Definitions
The relevant terms in Quinta are object, class, message, and
response. These terms will be explained below with examples
given later.
Objects represent data. Each object is an instance of a class.
Different forms of data are represented by different classes. An
object my be pushed on the stack. An object may also be stored
into a variable. An object may be destroyed.
Messages manipulate data. A message is sent to the object(s) on
top of the stack. The actual manipulations which take place
depend entirely on the response of the receiving object(s) to the
message which was sent. It is possible that the object(s) will not
respond at all.
For a given message and object on top of the stack, the response
of the object to the given message is determined by the class of
the object. If the class of the object is defined to respond to the
message, then the object will respond in the defined manner.
Classes have a relationship to one another which allows them to
share responses. A class may have one or more subclasses. A
subclass inherits all of the responses of its parent. Any object of
the subclass may respond to any message to which objects of its
parent class may respond as well. Subclasses may have
subclasses themselves. Any inherited response has an original
definition class. This class, the class in which the response is
defined and not inherited, is referred to as the home of the
Generally, the definition of a response to a given message for a
given class is another stream of messages to be sent. In other
words, an object responds to a message by sending more
A response to a message for a given class may be public or
private. A private message may not be sent from outside of the
class in which it is defined. In other words, a response may only
send private messages successfully to objects of the same class as
its home. A public response may be sent by the response of any
object. If a private message is sent to an object by an entity
outside of the class of that object, the object will not respond.
Lexical Conventions
Quinta source code is stored in text files. The code consists of
tokens, delimited by white space. Delimiter characters are
defined so that a token may contain white space. Quinta source
code is a stream of tokens. A token can be either a message (a
command) or the textual representation of an object (a data
constant). A token is passed to the interpreter for processing by
typing it in the Worksheet window and pressing ENTER.
Quinta messages will appear in this text underlined.
Capitalization is important -- the Quinta interpreter is case
sensitive. Also, TOS is the abbreviation for Top Of Stack.
Quinta Constructs
The most important data structure of Quinta is the main stack,
simply referred to as the stack. The stack is global and can hold
objects, and only objects. The fundamental mechanism in
execution of a Quinta program is the passing of messages to the
stack. The object(s) on the stack respond appropriately to the
messages, perhaps generating more messages and modifying the
stack further.
The stack is used as the intermediate storage for all calculations
and manipulations of data. Therefore, all operations are
postfix. This "Reverse-Polish" system gives Quinta the flavor
of Forth, or an RPN calculator. Any token received by the
interpreter which is not a message will be processed as the
textual representation of an object. If the token does not match
any standard pattern for conversion to an object, it is an error.
If the token is converted to an object, it is pushed onto the stack.
For example, by typing
into the Quinta interpreter, a floating point object would be
pushed onto the stack. Then by typing
the floating point object on TOS would change to
22.0906360252. sqrt is a message. "487.9962" is the textual
representation of an object. The class of this object is float.
Objects of class float have a response defined for the message
sqrt. The effect of this response is to push a new object
containing the square root of the value of the receiver.
The interpreter continually obtains tokens from the user and
processes them. Any token is assumed to be a message and is
passed to the object on top of the stack. If the class of that object
or any of its super classes have a response defined for the
message specified by the token, that response is interpreted.
Otherwise, the interpreter attempts to convert the token to an
object and push it onto the stack.
Messages are always passed to the object or set of objects on
TOS. The number of receivers of the message is determined by
the order of the message. A message of order n requires n
receivers. For example, sqrt is a message of order 1. Exactly 1
object is needed to respond to this message. An example of such
an object is a float, which must be the object on TOS.
However, swap is a message of order 2. For this message to be
interpreted, there must be a response defined for the 2 objects in
level 1 and 2 of the stack. This particular message is a trivial
example, because swap is defined for ANY two objects on TOS.
swap has a response defined for the set of classes
"generic:generic". All object classes are subclasses of generic,
so any two objects can be swapped. The effect of swap is to
exchange the objects in level 1 and 2 of the stack. Note that swap
is not defined for a single object; i.e. the depth of the stack must
be at least 2.
A more complicated example is the message *. This message is
obviously used for multiplication. There are many different
responses possible for this message. For example, there is a
response to * defined for the classes "integer:float". In other
words, if the object in level 1 of the stack is an integer and the
object in level 2 is a float, then that response will be executed.
The effect of this message is to multiply the two numbers a push
the result onto the stack. (Incidentally, in Quinta, multiplication
of an integer and a float produces a float.) There is also a
separate response defined for the classes "float:integer".
Clearly, * is a message of order 2.
This mechanism, known in some other object oriented languages
as a multimethod, is quite flexible. For example, there is a
response to * defined for "matrix:integer" which implements
the multiplication of a matrix by an integer constant, pushing the
resulting matrix. However, there is no response to + defined for
"matrix:integer". The addition of a matrix and an integer does
not produce a defined result.
Consider the following line of Quinta source:
45 98 + dup print drop
45 is an Integer, it is pushed onto the stack. 98 is handled the
same way.
The next token is +. This is a message. The message is passed to
the top of the stack. + is a message of order 2. Both of the top
two items on the stack are of class integer. The classes
integer:integer have a response defined for message +. The
effect of this response is to add the two integers and return the
result to the top of the stack.
dup is a message. At this time, the object on top of the stack is an
integer (the sum of 45 and 98). The message dup has no
response defined in class Integer. However, the class integer is
indirectly a subclass of the class generic. Class generic has a
response defined which duplicates the object on top of the stack.
Because integer is a subclass of generic, it inherits all of the
responses defined for generic. Consequently, objects of class
integer may respond to dup, even though a special response to
this message is not defined for that class. Notice, that since all
classes are subclasses of generic, any object may be duplicated.
print and drop are messages which output an object's textual
representation and drop an object from the top of the stack,
Note that Quinta messages are untyped. In other words, a given
message does not always modify the stack in an identical known
manner for all its responses. Multiplication of two integers
yields an integer. Multiplication of two floats yields a float.
The interpreter places no restrictions on user defined responses,
except that all responses to a given message must be of the same
order. However, a user is free to define a response to * for
classes generic:string which exits the interpreter. It is good
practice to keep the essential effect and meaning consistent in all
responses to a given message. For example, drop should always
drop the object from the top of stack. Quinta will happily allow
you to define a response to drop which duplicates the receiver,
but to do so would be poor practice.
Response definitions
The essence of Quinta programming is in defining new classes
of objects and in defining new responses for the various classes.
To define a response to a message, the following four items are
needed on the stack, in order (the last item is the top of the
4: A Block of tokens which will become the response
3: A String containing the name of the message
2: A Logical which should be TRUE if the response is to be
1: A List object, containing the set of classes for which the
message is to be defined. The number of elements in this list is
the order of the message.
If an attempt is made to define a response to a nonexistent
message, the message is newly created.
For convenience, the messages priv and pub have been
predefined as true and false, respectively.
An example response definition: Suppose we wished to define a
public message to drop two objects from the stack and multiply
the third by 4. We will call this message TRYME.
[ drop drop 4 * ] "TRYME" pub generic 1 >list
This set of four tokens prepares the stack to create the new
response. To actually perform the operation, we must send the
message respond. This will be received by the class object on
top of the stack, and the response will be created.
Therefore, consider the following fragment of source:
[ drop drop 4 * ] "TRYME" pub generic 1 >list respond
7 4 9 TRYME print
The output of this fragment is
Class Definitions
To define a new class, the following objects are needed on top of
the stack, in order:
4: A List of strings giving the names of the Public data
members of the class
3: A List of strings giving the names of the Private data
members of the class
2: A String containing the name of the new class
1: A class object which will be the parent class.
The message which must be sent to perform the actual operation
is subclass.
For example, let us say we want to define a class to represent a
window, such as is found in a Window, Icon, Mouse and Pointer
operating system interface. The attributes of the window will be
the location of the cursor, the size of the window, and whether
or not it needs to be redrawn. These will correspond to 4
integers and a logical. The cursor coordinates will be public and
the other data members will be private.
"Height" "Width" "Dirty" 3 >list
"X_cursor" "Y_cursor" 2 >list
"Window" generic subclass
There is now a class Window which has 5 member variables. In
most cases, member variables may be treated exactly as
"regular" variables which are described in the next section.
A variable is a place to store an object. To store an object into a
variable, push the object, then push the variable and send the
message sto. To recall the value stored, push the variable and
send the message rcl. Once a value has been stored in a variable,
simply sending the variable name as a message results in a rcl as
A variable object may be removed by placing it (not its value)
on the stack and sending the message purge.
To clarify, a variable's contents may be pushed onto the stack by
sending the name of the variable as a message. You may think of
this as a message to CONTROL telling it to push the contents of
a variable onto the stack. To place the variable itself on the
stack, it must be surrounded by single quotes.
For example,
48 'simple' sto
this creates a variable called simple. After this, the message
will push 48 onto the stack. However the message
'simple' will push the variable itself onto the stack. Then,
sending the message
will push 48 onto the stack.
The fragment
33 'plok' sto plok 21 'plok' sto plok * 'plok' purge
will leave the value 693 on the stack. Also, after this fragment is
executed, the variable 'plok' will not exist.
A user defined class in Quinta may have a number of member
variables. Member variables operate as other variables,
generally. For a given member variable within an object, to
retrieve its contents or push it onto the stack, the object in which
it resides must be on top of the stack. After a sto into a member
variable, the newly modified object is left on the stack. For
example, consider the class Window described above and
presuppose that an object of class Window is in variable
'pocket'. By sending the message:
a copy of the window object in 'pocket' will be pushed onto the
stack. Then, by sending the message
the x_cursor member variable of the window object will be
pushed onto the stack (the actual window object will not be on
the stack). Now send the message
78 sto
After this operation, the window object will again be on the
stack, including its new value for x_cursor. The reason for this,
is that the contents of 'pocket' have not changed! Remember,
whenever a variable contents are recalled to the stack, only a
copy of the contents are ever obtained. To complete this
sequence, and store the resulting changes back into pocket, we
must do just that:
'pocket' sto
Finally, observe that Quinta variables are untyped.
Local variables
A local variable is one which exists only for the lifetime of its
enclosing and defining response. The variable may be
initialized at any time during a response definition, and is
destroyed upon exiting that response. Statically allocated local
variables are not allowed.
The message local is of order 2. In level one, a string containing
the name of the local variable. And, in level two, the initial
contents of the local variable, which may be any object.
[ "x" local x x * ] "sq" pub integer 1 >list respond
The above fragment of code is one way of implementing a
message to square the receiver.
Another way of doing the same thing would be:
[ dup * ] "sq" pub integer 1 >list respond
The second example uses no local variables, and is probably
faster. In general, local variables make Quinta code easier to
read, and less efficient. Local variables may be created at any
time in a block of code but they always expect there to be at least
one object on the stack to initialize the variable.
Recursion is allowed, and local variables with the same name as
other local or global variables (or messages !) previously in
existence do not destroy the previous definition for that name.
Try examining the response to fact for class integer. This is a
factorial function, actually defined in Quinta, and is recursive.
To do this,
_fact_ responses print