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- /mac/development/source/appkiller1.1.cpt.hqx
- 29 3/23/92 BinHex4.0,Compact1.33
- Think C 5.0 source kills applications
- /mac/development/source/asciichar.pit.hqx
- 14 11/11/86 BinHex4.0,PackIt DA/
- Ascii chart.c is source for the Ascii chart
- /mac/development/source/assemblyroutines.txt
- 20 5/22/86 Text
- A set of assembly routines for toolbox routines
- /mac/development/source/canimcursor1.0b4.cpt.hqx
- 34 10/3/92 BinHex4.0,Compact1.33
- THINK C 5 class for handling of animated cursors
- /mac/development/source/cdef.sit.hqx
- 44 7/5/89 BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.5.1
- LS C source for simple button Control Definition
- /mac/development/source/cdevskeleton2.0.cpt.hqx
- 36 9/9/91 BinHex4.0,Compact1.31
- Object Pascal source for a cdev with resources
- /mac/development/source/chat1.00.sit.hqx
- 53 5/3/92 BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.5.1
- THINK Pascal 4.0 source lets Macs serve as IRC
- /mac/development/source/darksidefadertc.cpt.hqx
- 18 4/6/92 BinHex4.0,Compact1.33
- Think C source code to build DarkSide fader
- /mac/development/source/dehqx2.00.source.sit.hqx
- 95 9/9/91 BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.5.1
- The Pascal source code to the DeHqx utility
- /mac/development/source/divavspluginkit1.0.cpt.hqx
- 84 6/1/92 BinHex4.0,Compact1.33
- design modules and extensions for Diva VideoShop
- /mac/development/source/dragonsmith1.1.cpt.hqx
- 301 10/17/92 BinHex4.0, Compact1.33
- THINK C library to help implement drag and drop
- /mac/development/source/fingersource1.35.sit.hqx
- 218 3/9/92 BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.5.1
- Think Pascal 4 source for Finger and Finger Daemon
- /mac/development/source/flipabndlsrc1.0.sit.hqx
- 31 9/8/92 BinHex4.0,Stuffit3.01
- Think C source code for flipabndl 1.0
- /mac/development/source/floating.cpt.hqx
- 20 4/18/91 BinHex4.0,Compact1.3
- Think C 4.0 project for floating windows
- /mac/development/source/frontiersdk1.0.cpt.hqx
- 384 12/1/91 BinHex4.0,Compact1.33
- enhance your mac programs with "IAC Wires"
- /mac/development/source/gawksource2.11.cpt.hqx
- 190 8/29/91 BinHex4.0,Compact1.33
- Think C Project for building Gawk
- /mac/development/source/glviewersrc.sit.hqx
- 178 6/8/92 BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.5.1
- source code for a Mac GL/Grasp Viewer
- /mac/development/source/graph3d.sit.hqx
- 106 5/3/92 BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.5.1
- THINK C 3.0 source to do non-perspective 3D
- /mac/development/source/hyperglue.cpt.hqx
- 47 11/1/87 BinHex4.0,Compact1.33
- write XCMD and XFCN resources for HyperCard
- /mac/development/source/iconcolorize1.6s.cpt.hqx
- 56 1/26/91 BinHex4.0,Compact1.33
- The C source code for the Icon Colorizer init
- /mac/development/source/image1.44source.sit.hqx
- 516 9/8/92 BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.5.1
- The complete Think C source code to NIH Image
- /mac/development/source/irclesource1.0.sit.hqx
- 182 9/8/92 BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.5.1
- Think C source to Ircle
- /mac/development/source/isolationsource.cpt.hqx
- 28 5/20/92 BinHex4.0,Compact1.33
- Pascal source for GameMaster rulebook Isolation
- /mac/development/source/launch.p.txt
- 3 5/22/86 Text
- pascal source to launch programs from a program
- /mac/development/source/lowramdef.txt
- 7 5/22/86 Text
- allow C users to use low RAM toolbox global vars
- /mac/development/source/macintalk.cpt.hqx
- 4 8/25/85 BinHex4.0,Compact1.33
- MacInTalk High Level Interface for Aztec C
- /mac/development/source/macrayshade.sit.hqx
- 437 6/25/92 BinHex4.0,StuffItLite3.0
- full source code to the new version of Rayshade
- /mac/development/source/macstarter.sit.hqx
- 76 10/18/92 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.02
- simple application shell for THINK C 5.0
- /mac/development/source/manxarcv.c.txt
- 3 5/22/86 Text
- C source for Aztec C compiler system's arcv prog
- /mac/development/source/modemdtr.pit.hqx
- 5 1/11/91 BinHex4.0,PackIt
- Assembly src keeps serial driver from negating DTR
- /mac/development/source/mpwtools.cpt.hqx
- 275 8/30/92 BinHex4.0,Compact1.33
- MPW tools to convert between various file formats
- /mac/development/source/ncsatelnet2.5src.cpt.hqx
- 1085 7/22/92 BinHex4.0,Compact1.33
- MPW C source for NCSA Telnet
- /mac/development/source/nuntius1.1src.cpt.hqx
- 561 8/16/92 BinHex4.0,Compact1.33
- MacApp 3 and C++ source for the Nuntius newsreader
- /mac/development/source/oodlesofutils1.2.cpt.hqx
- 601 10/3/92 BinHex4.0,Compact1.33
- collection of MCL code to help access the ToolBox
- /mac/development/source/openselection.txt
- 7 9/29/92 Text
- Pascal code has the finder open a control panel
- /mac/development/source/orbitsource.cpt.hqx
- 37 8/9/91 BinHex4.0,Compact1.33
- Think project for Orbit orbital plotting package.
- /mac/development/source/povsrc.sit.hqx
- 566 8/28/92 Binhex4.0,Stuffit3.0
- MPW source code for Persistence of Vision.
- /mac/development/source/prefsfile.txt
- 13 10/3/92 Text
- THINK C 5.0 source for handling preferences files
- /mac/development/source/raytrace.sit.hqx
- 182 8/21/89 BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.5.1
- Lightspeed C source to a raytracer, with a sample
- /mac/development/source/rkeyboardsource.cpt.hqx
- 311 10/11/91 BinHex4.0,Compact1.33
- Think C Source to compile Reactive Keyboard WP
- /mac/development/source/rcpformpw.sit.hqx
- 44 10/5/92 BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51
- source code to demonstrate the UNIX rcp program
- /mac/development/source/sampleda.pit.hqx
- 69 11/20/85 BinHex4.0,PackIt
- Aztec C source for a sample desk accessory
- /mac/development/source/screensaversource.c.hqx
- 15 5/10/91 BinHex 4.0
- Think C formatted source for a simple screen saver
- /mac/development/source/sfgetfolder.cpt.hqx
- 18 6/14/92 BinHex4.0,Compact1.33
- Think C code for a custom Standard File Dialog
- /mac/development/source/sfmultiget1.1.cpt.hqx
- 14 10/14/92 BinHex4.0,Compact1.33
- C source (MPW and THINK) for a multiple-get SFGet
- /mac/development/source/simplelistmanager.txt
- 11 9/29/92 Text
- Pascal code to use List Manager
- /mac/development/source/simplespeechsource.pit.hqx
- 15 5/22/86 BinHex4.0,PackIt
- Source code for the Simplespeech program
- /mac/development/source/skipfinder6.1source.txt
- 58 5/22/86 Text
- Assembly source for the SkipFinder 6.1 DA
- /mac/development/source/sortinitinstallsource.pit.hqx
- 10 3/31/87 BinHex4.0,PackIt
- .asm and .link text source for the SortInitInstall
- /mac/development/source/soundplay.pit.hqx
- 54 5/22/86 BinHex4.0,PackIt
- Source for a playback program for digitized sound
- /mac/development/source/squarewavesound.c.hqx
- 9 10/31/86 BinHex4.0
- SW Sound.c is source for SW Sound
- /mac/development/source/suntar1.3src.cpt.hqx
- 2 8/3/92 BinHex4.0,Compact1.33
- Think C Source for SunTar
- /mac/development/source/talk1.06source.sit.hqx
- 219 5/10/92 BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.5.1
- Think Pascal 4.01 source for Talk and TalkD
- /mac/development/source/talkdemo.c.txt
- 2 4/15/87 Text
- C code written using the Aztec C <--> MacIntalk
- /mac/development/source/tarsrc3.0.sit.hqx
- 58 10/7/89 BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.5.1
- C source for Tar, in MPW 3.2, I think...
- /mac/development/source/threedgrafsys1.1.cpt.hqx
- 186 4/29/92 BinHex4.0,Compact1.33
- A Think Pascal library to manipulate 3d objects.
- /mac/development/source/tinyfinder.c.txt
- 11 7/30/85 Text
- C source for TinyFinder
- /mac/development/source/trackpopup.pit.hqx
- 33 5/21/87 BinHex4.0,PackIt
- MPW Asm source code for the TrackPopUp function
- /mac/development/source/unpitsource.pit.hqx
- 50 11/11/86 BinHex4.0,PackIt
- Unpit.c and Unpit.r source for the Unpit program
- /mac/development/source/unzip1.01source.cpt.hqx
- 60 7/4/92 BinHex4.0,Compact1.33 UT/
- C source to decode files compressed in .zip format
- /mac/development/source/uupc3.0sourcecode.cpt.hqx
- 191 3/4/92 BinHex4.0,Compact1.33
- Think C 4.04 source code for UUPC
- /mac/development/source/watchdasource.c.txt
- 8 5/22/86 Text
- C source for an analog clock DA
- /mac/development/source/wdefpatch2.1.cpt.hqx
- 18 7/18/92 BinHex4.0,Compact1.33
- How to use an existing WDEF to do hit testing
- /mac/development/source/wizardrycharactereditor.c.txt
- 22 5/22/86 Text
- C source for the Wizardry character editor