home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- Copyright '89 Christopher Moll
- all rights reserved
- */
- # include <ColorToolbox.h>
- #include "graph3D.h"
- #ifndef _LSC3_
- # include <WindowMgr.h>
- # include <EventMgr.h>
- # include <MenuMgr.h>
- # include <FileMgr.h>
- # include <TextEdit.h>
- # include <ScrapMgr.h>
- #endif
- /* windows */
- extern GrafPtr windManPort;
- extern WindowPtr graphWind;
- WindowRecord fwindRecord;
- WindowRecord gwindRecord;
- extern Point *graphPoints; /* same elements as funcResults */
- extern Real startX, startY;
- extern Real endX, endY;
- extern Real deltaX, deltaY;
- extern int numX, numY;
- extern Boolean vectrsCurrent;
- extern Vector maxVect, minVect;
- extern Real rotMatrx[3][3];
- extern Boolean functCurrent;
- extern Real *funcResults;
- extern Vector *scalVectResults;
- /* menus */
- extern MenuHandle appleMenu, fileMenu, editMenu, plotMenu,
- gTypeMenu, windwMenu;
- extern int scrapCompare; /* status of the deskscrap (clipboard) */
- extern Boolean scrapDirty; /* deskscrap has been changed */
- extern Boolean inMultiFndr;
- extern Boolean colorQD, scrnColor;
- extern PatternList *greyList;
- extern int numGrays;
- extern long MoveToAddr, LineToAddr, FixMulAddr;
- DoSetup()
- {
- Init();
- OpenSerPort();
- AddrsSet();
- scrapCompare = ScrapInfo.scrapCount + 1;
- scrapDirty = FALSE;
- ReadDeskScrap();
- InitColor();
- MakeWindows();
- MakeMenus();
- InitPts();
- CheckMultiFndr();
- }
- static
- InitColor()
- {
- PattListHand greyHndl;
- SysEnvRec theWorld;
- GDHandle grefDev;
- int depth;
- Boolean ScrnHasColor();
- greyHndl = (PattListHand)GetResource('PAT#', 256);
- if (greyHndl)
- {
- MoveHHi(greyHndl);
- HLock(greyHndl);
- greyList = *greyHndl;
- }
- SysEnvirons(1, &theWorld);
- #ifdef _MC68881_
- if (theWorld.processor < env68020)
- {
- Alert(ALERT_020, NIL);
- ExitToShell();
- }
- else if (NOT(theWorld.hasFPU))
- {
- Alert(ALERT_881, NIL);
- ExitToShell();
- }
- #endif
- colorQD = theWorld.hasColorQD;
- scrnColor = ScrnHasColor();
- }
- Boolean
- ScrnHasColor()
- {
- int depth;
- GDHandle grefDev;
- if (colorQD)
- {
- grefDev = GetGDevice();
- depth = (**((**grefDev).gdPMap)).pixelSize;
- return(depth > 1);
- }
- else
- return(FALSE);
- }
- static
- CheckMultiFndr()
- {
- long WaitAdrs, unimpAdrs;
- WaitAdrs = GetTrapAddress(0x60);
- unimpAdrs = GetTrapAddress(0x9f);
- if (WaitAdrs EQ unimpAdrs)
- inMultiFndr = FALSE;
- else
- inMultiFndr = TRUE;
- }
- Init()
- {
- InitGraf(&thePort);
- InitFonts();
- InitWindows();
- InitMenus();
- TEInit();
- InitDialogs(0L);
- InitCursor();
- FlushEvents(everyEvent, 0);
- GetWMgrPort(&windManPort); /* get whole screen port that window mgr
- uses */
- SetPort(windManPort); /* and start off with it */
- SetEventMask(everyEvent);
- }
- MakeWindows()
- {
- Rect editRect;
- ShowSpecs();
- if (colorQD)
- graphWind = GetNewCWindow(WIND_GRAPH, &gwindRecord, -1L);
- else
- graphWind = GetNewWindow(WIND_GRAPH, &gwindRecord, -1L);
- ShowWindow(graphWind);
- SetPort(graphWind);
- SetGraphRect();
- ShowLimits();
- ShowFunctDial();
- }
- MakeMenus()
- {
- appleMenu = GetMenu(MENU_APPLE);
- AddResMenu(appleMenu, 'DRVR');
- InsertMenu(appleMenu, 0);
- fileMenu = GetMenu(MENU_FILE);
- InsertMenu(fileMenu, 0);
- editMenu = GetMenu(MENU_EDIT);
- InsertMenu(editMenu, 0);
- plotMenu = GetMenu(MENU_PLOT);
- InsertMenu(plotMenu, 0);
- gTypeMenu = GetMenu(MENU_GTYP);
- InsertMenu(gTypeMenu, 0);
- CheckItem(gTypeMenu, 1, TRUE);
- windwMenu = GetMenu(MENU_WIND);
- InsertMenu(windwMenu, 0);
- CheckItem(plotMenu, PLOT_WIREFRAM, TRUE);
- DrawMenuBar();
- }
- InitPts()
- {
- register long i, numElems;
- register Real *resltsPtr;
- MkRotMat(0.0, -.3, -.3, rotMatrx);
- GetSpecDCont();
- GetLimtDCont();
- numX = numY = 20;
- deltaX = (endX - startX) / numX;
- deltaY = (endY - startY) / numY;
- funcResults = (Real *)NewPtr((long)sizeof(Real) * (long)numX * numY);
- if (MemErr)
- goto Fail;
- scalVectResults = (Vector *)NewPtr((long)sizeof(Vector) * (long)numX * numY);
- if (MemErr)
- goto Fail;
- graphPoints = (Point *)NewPtr((long)sizeof(Point) * (long)numX * numY);
- if (MemErr)
- goto Fail;
- resltsPtr = funcResults;
- numElems = (long)numX * numY;
- for (i = 0; i < numElems; i++)
- *resltsPtr++ = 0.0;
- maxVect.x = 0.0;
- maxVect.y = 0.0;
- maxVect.z = 0.0;
- minVect.x = 0.0;
- minVect.y = 0.0;
- minVect.z = 0.0;
- vectrsCurrent = FALSE;
- functCurrent = TRUE;
- return;
- Fail:
- GenralAlert("\PToo little memory to run; returning to Finder");
- ExitToShell();
- }
- static long rtrnAdrs;
- static unsigned char buffer[256];
- tprintf()
- {
- asm {
- move.l (sp)+,rtrnAdrs
- }
- sprintf(buffer);
- SendPort(buffer, strlen(buffer));
- asm {
- move.l rtrnAdrs,a0
- jmp (a0)
- }
- }
- scprintf()
- {
- asm {
- move.l (sp)+,rtrnAdrs
- }
- sprintf(buffer);
- My_printf(buffer);
- asm {
- move.l rtrnAdrs,a0
- jmp (a0)
- }
- }
- /*flprintf()
- {
- asm {
- move.l (sp)+,rtrnAdrs
- }
- sprintf(buffer);
- AppendTempFile(buffer);
- asm {
- move.l rtrnAdrs,a0
- jmp (a0)
- }
- }*/
- static
- _My_printf(shwStr)
- char *shwStr;
- {
- char buffer[256];
- static Rect dispRect = {67, 54, 87, 166};
- ClipRect(&dispRect);
- EraseRect(&dispRect);
- MoveTo(dispRect.left + 10, dispRect.bottom - 4);
- strcpy(buffer, shwStr);
- ctop(buffer);
- DrawString(buffer);
- }
- static IOParam portParam;
- /*** open printer port ***/
- OpenSerPort()
- {
- portParam.ioCompletion = 0L;
- portParam.ioNamePtr = (StringPtr)("\p.BOut");
- portParam.ioRefNum = 0;
- portParam.ioPermssn = fsWrPerm;
- portParam.ioMisc = 0L;
- PBOpen(&portParam, FALSE);
- if (portParam.ioResult);
- /*if (portParam.ioResult EQ -98)
- GenralAlert("\PAppleTalk connected; won't be able to print");
- else
- GenralAlert("\PError opening printer port");*/
- }
- static
- OsErr
- SendPort(buffer, length)
- char *buffer;
- int length;
- {
- portParam.ioBuffer = buffer;
- portParam.ioReqCount = length;
- portParam.ioPosMode = fsAtMark;
- PBWrite(&portParam, FALSE);
- buffer[portParam.ioActCount] = '\0';
- return(portParam.ioResult);
- }
- _SetGray(theColor, greyShd)
- register RGBColor *theColor;
- register int greyShd;
- {
- int setColor;
- setColor = greyShd << 8;
- theColor->red = setColor;
- theColor->green = setColor;
- theColor->blue = setColor;
- }
- SetGray(greyShd)
- register int greyShd;
- {
- if (scrnColor)
- {
- if (greyShd EQ 0)
- PmForeColor(1);
- else if (greyShd EQ 255)
- PmForeColor(0);
- else
- PmForeColor(256 - greyShd);
- }
- else
- PenPat(greyList->patList + (63 - greyShd));
- }
- __SetGray(greyShd)
- register int greyShd;
- {
- RGBColor theColor;
- register int setColor;
- if (greyShd < 0)
- setColor = 0;
- else if (greyShd < 12)
- setColor = greyShd * 5462;
- else
- setColor = 0xffff;
- theColor.red = setColor;
- theColor.green = setColor;
- theColor.blue = setColor;
- RGBForeColor(&theColor);
- }
- static
- AddrsSet()
- {
- MoveToAddr = GetTrapAddress(MoveToTrapNum);
- LineToAddr = GetTrapAddress(LineToTrapNum);
- FixMulAddr = GetTrapAddress(FixMulTrapNum);
- }