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- /*
- * C definitions for *all* of the toolbox global variables.
- * Variables are listed in the order in which they occur in memory.
- *
- * Adapted from toolequ.text, the user interface toolbox equate file by
- * Doug Moen (watmath!watcgl!kdmoen)
- * University of Waterloo Computer Graphics Lab
- * June 1985
- */
- #define toolVars ((Ptr)0x980) /* base address of toolbox globals */
- #define toolEnd ((Ptr)0xAFC) /* address of first byte past end */
- /*
- *
- * font manager globals
- *
- */
- #define romFont0 (*(FontRec** *)0x980) /* handle to rom-based system font */
- #define apFontID (*(short *)0x984) /* family id of standard application font */
- #define gotStrike (*(char *)0x986) /* boolean indicating if we've got the strike */
- #define fmDefaultSize (*(char *)0x987) /* byte holding default size */
- #define curFMInput (*(FMInput *)0x988) /* quickdraw fminput record */
- #define fMgrOutRec (*(FMOutput *)0x998) /* quickdraw fontoutput record */
- /*
- * The next 2 variables constitute the 28 byte
- * font characterization table for the current device.
- */
- #define fmDotsPerInch (*(Point *)0x9B2) /* v,h dotsperinch of current device */
- #define fmStyleTab ((char *)0x9B6) /* 24 byte style heuristic table */
- #define toolScratch ((char *)0x9CE) /* 8 byte scratch area */
- /*
- *
- * window manager globals
- *
- */
- #define windowList (*(WindowPeek *)0x9D6) /* z-ordered list of windows (nearest first) */
- #define saveUpdate (*(short *)0x9DA) /* boolean enabling update accumulation */
- #define paintWhite (*(short *)0x9DC) /* boolean enabling erasing newly drawn windows */
- #define wMgrPort (*(GrafPtr *)0x9DE) /* grafport used by window manager */
- #define deskPort (*(GrafPtr *)0x9E2) /* wide open port for use by applications */
- #define oldStructure (*(RgnHandle *)0x9E6) /* handle to saved structure region */
- #define oldContent (*(RgnHandle *)0x9EA) /* handle to saved content region */
- #define grayRgn (*(RgnHandle *)0x9EE) /* handle of rounded gray desk region */
- #define saveVisRgn (*(RgnHandle *)0x9F2) /* handle of temporarily saved vis region */
- #define dragHook (*(ProcPtr *)0x9F6) /* proc ptr to allow user control during dragging */
- #define tempRect (*(Rect *)0x9FA) /* rectangle used as scratch by toolbox */
- #define oneOne (*(long *)0xA02) /* long constant /00010001 */
- #define minusOne (*(long *)0xA06) /* long constant /ffffffff */
- /*
- * general purpose bitmap for plotting bitmaps
- */
- #define iconBitMap (*(BitMap *)0xA0E) /* bitmap used for plotting things */
- /*
- *
- * menu manager globals
- *
- */
- #define MenuList (*(Handle *)0xA1C) /* pointer to current menubar list structure */
- #define MBarEnable (*(short *)0xA20) /* word for enabling menubar for deskorns */
- #define curDeKind (*(short *)0xA22) /* kind of deactivated window */
- #define MenuFlash (*(short *)0xA24) /* integer holding flash feedback count */
- #define TheMenu (*(short *)0xA26) /* integer holding id of hilited menu */
- #define savedHandle (*(Handle *)0xA28) /* handle of saved menubits */
- #define mrMacHook (*(ProcPtr *)0xA2C) /* hook for mr. macintosh */
- #define MenuHook (*(ProcPtr *)0xA30) /* hook for user control during menuselect */
- /*
- * control manager globals
- */
- #define dragPattern (*(Pattern *)0xA34) /* pattern dragthergn uses */
- #define deskPattern (*(Pattern *)0xA3C) /* pattern to paint the desk with */
- #define dragFlag (*(short *)0xA44) /* implicit parameter to dragcontrol, 1 word */
- #define curDragAction (*(long *)0xA46) /* implicit actionproc parameter */
- /*
- * floating point package globals
- * first 2 bytes: mode and flag bits
- * next 4 bytes: user trap address
- */
- #define fpState ((Ptr)0xA4A) /* 6 bytes of floating point state */
- #define fpFlags (*(short *)0xA4A)
- #define fpTrap (*(ProcPtr *)0xA4C)
- /*
- *
- * resource manager globals
- *
- */
- #define TopMapHndl (*(Handle *)0xA50) /* handle to topmost map of list */
- #define SysMapHndl (*(Handle *)0xA54) /* handle to system map */
- #define SysMap (*(short *)0xA58) /* reference number of system map */
- #define CurMap (*(short *)0xA5A) /* reference number of current map */
- #define ResReadOnly (*(short *)0xA5C) /* readonly flag */
- #define ResLoad (*(short *)0xA5E) /* auto-load feature */
- #define ResErr (*(short *)0xA60) /* resource error code */
- /*
- *
- * misc toolbox globals
- *
- */
- #define taskLock (*(char *)0xA62) /* flag to prevent re-entering systemtask */
- #define fScaleDisable (*(char *)0xA63) /* flag to disable font scaling */
- #define curActivate (*(WindowPtr *)0xA64) /* window to receive activate event */
- #define curDeactive (*(WindowPtr *)0xA68) /* window to receive deactivate event */
- #define deskHook (*(ProcPtr *)0xA6C) /* hook for painting the desk */
- #define teDoText (*(ProcPtr *)0xA70) /* text edit private hook */
- #define teRecal (*(ProcPtr *)0xA74) /* "" */
- #define microSoft ((Ptr)0xA78) /* 12 bytes for our friends in seattle */
- #define ghostWindow (*(WindowPtr *)0xA84) /* window that frontwindow ignores */
- #define closeOrnHook (*(ProcPtr *)0xA88) /* hook for closing desk ornaments */
- /*
- *
- * alert/dialog manager globals
- *
- */
- #define RestProc (*(ProcPtr *)0xA8C) /* address of restart failsafe procedure */
- #define saveProc (*(ProcPtr *)0xA90) /* address of save failsafe procedure */
- #define saveSP (*(ProcPtr *)0xA94) /* safe sp for restart or save */
- #define ANumber (*(short *)0xA98) /* which alert is active? */
- #define ACount (*(short *)0xA9A) /* how many times this alert called? */
- #define DABeeper (*(ProcPtr *)0xA9C) /* beep routine */
- #define DAStrings ((Handle *)0xAA0) /* array of 4 handles to ParamText strings */
- /*
- *
- * textedit globals
- *
- */
- #define teScrpLength (*(long *)0xAB0)
- #define teScrpHandle (*(Handle *)0xAB4)
- /*
- * application package dispatch table -- 8 longwords
- */
- #define appPacks ((Handle *)0xAB8) /* handle to math code */
- /*
- * misc stuff (last minute additions)
- */
- #define SysResName ((char *)0xAD8) /* name of system file (20 bytes) */
- #define appParmHandle (*(Handle *)0xAEC) /* handle to hold application parameters */
- #define DSErrCode (*(short *)0xAF0) /* last deep shit alert id */
- #define ResErrProc (*(ProcPtr *)0xAF2) /* resource error proc. */
- #define teWdBreak (*(ProcPtr *)0xAF6) /* default word break routine */
- #define DlgFont (*(short *)0xAFA) /* default dialog font */