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- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; NotInROM-docs.txt
- ;;
- ;; Copyright ⌐ 1992 Northwestern University Institute for the Learning Sciences
- ;; All Rights Reserved
- ;;
- ;; author: Michael S. Engber
- ;;
- ;; Documentation for #~ "Not in ROM" syntax
- ;;
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- Neither I, Northwestern University, or the Institute for the Learning
- Sciences make any warranties about this code. It is provided free of
- charge. You are free to make modifications/additions, but please keep
- the copyright notices intact.
- Send comments and bug reports to:
- Mike Engber
- The Institute for the Learning Sciences
- 1890 Maple Ave
- Evanston, IL 60201
- (708)467-1006
- from InterNet: engber@ils.nwu.edu
- from AppleLink: engber@ils.nwu.edu@INTERNET#
- from CompuServe: >INTERNET:engber@ils.nwu.edu
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- In order to load NotInROM files with require, you must make sure its
- folder is in require's search path. You can do this will code like:
- (push #4P"ccl:Library;NotInROM;" *module-search-path*)
- Alternatively, you can explicitly provide the pathname to require:
- (require :NotInROM "ccl:Library;NotInROM;NotInROM")
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- NotInROM-u provides a way to define trap calls which MCL does
- not provide. These are generally traps that are listed as
- "Not in ROM" in Inside Macintosh. To call a "Not in ROM" trap
- you should use the following syntax:
- (#~SomeTrap args╔)
- or
- (require-trap-NotInROM #~SomeTrap args╔)
- The #~; reader macro will first check if there is a Not in
- ROM definition in effect for the trap name. If so, that's
- what will be used, if not, it will expand as if you'd used
- the regular #_ MCL syntax. The require-trap-NotInROM macro
- works analogously to MCL's require-trap macro.
- For example:
- #~Control expands into the high level Control call documented in IM II
- #_Control expands into the low level trap call documented
- under PBControl in IM II
- In the NotInROM folder you will find a variety of files which
- define "Not in ROM traps." The files use a naming convention
- of starting with a + followed by the name of the interfaces
- file (in MCL's interfaces folder) from which they were
- omitted.
- Unlike regular traps, the Not in ROM traps are not
- automatically loaded on an as needed basis (maybe someday
- I'll get around to it). So you will have to ensure the
- +interface files you need are loaded.
- If you want to just load all the Not in ROM calls at once,
- load the file NotInROM.lisp. You may want to do this, because
- selectively loading the files requires you to know which trap
- calls are Not in ROM and which interface file they belong to.
- In addition, both #~ and require-trap-NotInROM behave
- equivalently to #_ and require-trap for "in ROM" traps, so
- you can choose to always use them and not worry about which
- traps are "Not in ROM."
- The set of "Not in ROM" calls defined is not complete. It
- includes the most commonly needed ones; all the high level File
- Manager calls, all the high level Device Manager calls, all the
- Serial Manager calls, plus others. I've been adding to it on an
- as needed basis.
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- Macros of Interest
- To define your own Not In ROM traps use these macros.
- Note: all trap symbols should start with an underscore
- character, '_'.
- deftrap-NotInROM symbol result-type (&rest typed-arglist) &body body
- This macro defines a Not In ROM function. See the
- various +XXX.lisp files in the NotInROM folder for
- examples of it's usage.
- require-trap-NotInROM trap-symbol &rest arglist
- This macro works like MCL's require-trap except it works
- properly for traps of the form #~SomeTrap as well as
- traps of the form #_SomeTrap.
- deftrap-alt-name alt-trap-symbol asm-trap-symbol
- This macro is for defining traps whose high level names
- differ from their assembly language trap names. You can
- consider this a special case of the "Not in ROM" traps
- which only requires name mapping to handle. For example,
- the function DisposeHandle uses assembly language trap
- _DisposHandle. Currently, MCL seems to define all these
- traps in both their high level and assembly language
- names. This macro is provided in case this changes or
- omissions are discovered.
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- MCL provides a file of it's own "Not In ROM" function
- definitions, interfaces.lisp. However, these are defined
- as normal lisp functions, they do not use the #_ syntax, and
- the arguments they accept and the values they return are not
- always the same as those documented in Inside Macintosh.
- NotInROM-u is provided as an alternative which makes the "Not
- in ROM" calls more consistent with the other traps calls and
- behave as per Inside Macintosh.