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- (in-package :oou)
- (oou-provide :Traps-u)
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; traps-u.Lisp
- ;;
- ;; Copyright ⌐ 1992 Northwestern University Institute for the Learning Sciences
- ;; All Rights Reserved
- ;;
- ;; author: Michael S. Engber
- ;;
- ;; Utilities for working with trap calls
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- (oou-dependencies :+OSUtils
- )
- (export '(on-trap-nz-error trap-nz-echeck with-patched-trap
- ))
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
- (defmacro on-trap-nz-error (trap-form &rest body)
- (let* ((result (gensym))
- (trap-call (if (eq 'require-trap (first trap-form))
- (rest trap-form)
- trap-form))
- (args (rest trap-call)))
- `(let ((,result ,trap-call))
- (declare (dynamic-extent ,result)
- (fixnum ,result))
- (unless (zerop ,result)
- ,@body
- (error (MacOS-nz-error-string ',trap-form ',args ,result) ,@args))
- 0)))
- (defmacro trap-nz-echeck (trap-call)
- `(on-trap-nz-error ,trap-call))
- (defmacro with-patched-trap ((trap-number new-trap-addr &optional (old-trap-addr (gensym))) &body body)
- (let ((trap-type (if (plusp (logand #x0800)) #$ToolTrap #$OSTrap)))
- `(with-macptrs ((,old-trap-addr (%int-to-ptr (#~NGetTrapAddress ,trap-number ,trap-type))))
- (unwind-protect
- (progn
- (#~NSetTrapAddress (%ptr-to-int ,new-trap-addr) ,trap-number ,trap-type)
- ,@body)
- (#~NSetTrapAddress (%ptr-to-int ,old-trap-addr) ,trap-number ,trap-type)))))
- )
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- (defun MacOS-nz-error-string (trap-form args result)
- (format nil
- "mac error code = ~s~%> from trap call: ~s~%> with arg vals: ~{~%> ~s = ~~s~}"
- result
- trap-form
- args))
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- #|
- ;;example of patching EraseRect to do nothing. Useful for keeping
- ;; TextEdit from doing an EraseRect before imaging the text.
- (defpascal dummy-EraseRect (:ptr r :void) (declare (ignore r)))
- (defparameter *test-w* (make-instance 'window :view-size #@(200 200) :view-font '("Chicago" 12)))
- (with-focused-view *test-w*
- (let* ((topLeft #@(0 0))
- (botRight (view-size *test-w*))
- (mid (round (+ (point-v topLeft) (point-v botRight)) 2)))
- (rlet ((r :Rect :topLeft topLeft :botRight botRight)
- (r1 :Rect :topLeft topLeft :bottom mid :right (point-h botRight))
- (r2 :Rect :top mid :left (point-h topLeft) :botRight botRight))
- (#_FillRect r *gray-pattern*)
- (#_InsetRect r1 15 15)
- (#_InsetRect r2 15 15)
- (#_FrameRect r1)
- (#_FrameRect r2)
- (let ((text1 "Here is normal text edit drawing via _TextBox. Note: it calls EraseRect 1st")
- (text2 "Here the EraseRect trap has been patched to do nothing."))
- (with-cstrs ((text1_p text1)
- (text2_p text2))
- (#_TextBox text1_p (length text1) r1 #$teJustCenter)
- (with-patched-trap (#_EraseRect dummy-EraseRect)
- (#_TextBox text2_p (length text2) r2 #$teJustCenter)))))))
- |#