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- (in-package :oou)
- (oou-provide :serial-port)
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; :serial-port.lisp
- ;;
- ;; Copyright ⌐ 1991 Northwestern University Institute for the Learning Sciences
- ;; All Rights Reserved
- ;;
- ;; author: Michael S. Engber
- ;;
- ;; object for controling a Macintosh serial port
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- (oou-dependencies
- :+Devices
- :+Serial
- :macptr-u
- :traps-u
- )
- (export '(serial-port
- port baud stop-bits parity data-bits
- set-baud set-stop-bits set-parity set-data-bits
- sport-open-p sport-open sport-close
- sport-flush sport-chars-avail
- sport-read-char sport-read-line
- sport-write-char sport-write-line
- ))
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- (defclass serial-port ()
- ((drvr-refnum-in :reader drvr-refnum-in
- :allocation :class)
- (drvr-refnum-out :reader drvr-refnum-out
- :allocation :class)
- (ref-count-modem :initform 0
- :allocation :class)
- (ref-count-printer :initform 0
- :allocation :class)
- (port :initarg :port
- :reader port)
- (baud :initarg :baud
- :reader baud)
- (stop-bits :initarg :stop-bits
- :reader stop-bits)
- (parity :initarg :parity
- :reader parity)
- (data-bits :initarg :data-bits
- :reader data-bits)
- (eoln-char :initarg :eoln-char
- :accessor eoln-char))
- (:default-initargs
- :port :modem
- :baud 9600
- :stop-bits 1.0
- :parity :none
- :data-bits 8
- :open-on-init-p t
- :config-on-init-p t
- :flush-on-init-p t
- :eoln-char #\return))
- (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((sp serial-port) &rest initargs
- &key
- open-on-init-p
- config-on-init-p
- flush-on-init-p)
- (declare (dynamic-extent initargs)
- (ignore initargs))
- (when open-on-init-p (sport-open sp :config-p config-on-init-p :flush-p flush-on-init-p)))
- (defmethod ref-count ((sp serial-port))
- (ecase (port sp)
- (:modem (slot-value sp 'ref-count-modem))
- (:printer (slot-value sp 'ref-count-printer))))
- (defmethod (setf ref-count) (count (sp serial-port))
- (ecase (port sp)
- (:modem (setf (slot-value sp 'ref-count-modem) count))
- (:printer (setf (slot-value sp 'ref-count-printer) count))))
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; set methods for the serial port settings slots
- (defmethod set-baud ((sp serial-port) baud &key (config-p t))
- (setf (slot-value sp 'baud) baud)
- (when config-p (sport-config sp)))
- (defmethod set-stop-bits ((sp serial-port) stop-bits &key (config-p t))
- (setf (slot-value sp 'stop-bits) stop-bits)
- (when config-p (sport-config sp)))
- (defmethod set-parity ((sp serial-port) parity &key (config-p t))
- (setf (slot-value sp 'parity) parity)
- (when config-p (sport-config sp)))
- (defmethod set-data-bits ((sp serial-port) data-bits &key (config-p t))
- (setf (slot-value sp 'data-bits) data-bits)
- (when config-p (sport-config sp)))
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- (defmethod sport-open-p ((sp serial-port))
- (and (slot-boundp sp 'drvr-refnum-in)
- (slot-boundp sp 'drvr-refnum-out)))
- (defmethod sport-open ((sp serial-port) &key (config-p t) (flush-p t))
- (when (zerop (ref-count sp))
- (with-pstrs ((in-name_p (ecase (port sp) (:printer ".BIn") (:modem ".AIn")))
- (out-name_p (ecase (port sp) (:printer ".BOut") (:modem ".AOut"))))
- (rlet ((in-refNum_p :integer)
- (out-refNum_p :integer))
- (trap-nz-echeck (#~OpenDriver in-name_p in-refnum_p))
- (trap-nz-echeck (#~OpenDriver out-name_p out-refnum_p))
- (setf (slot-value sp 'drvr-refnum-in ) (%get-signed-word in-refnum_p))
- (setf (slot-value sp 'drvr-refnum-out) (%get-signed-word out-refnum_p))))
- (when config-p (sport-config sp))
- (when flush-p (sport-flush sp)))
- (incf (ref-count sp)))
- (defmethod sport-close ((sp serial-port))
- (when (plusp (ref-count sp))
- (decf (ref-count sp))
- (when (zerop (ref-count sp))
- (let ((in-refnum (drvr-refnum-in sp))
- (out-refnum (drvr-refnum-out sp)))
- (slot-makunbound sp 'drvr-refnum-in)
- (slot-makunbound sp 'drvr-refnum-out)
- (trap-nz-echeck (#~CloseDriver in-refnum))
- (trap-nz-echeck (#~CloseDriver out-refnum))))))
- (defmethod sport-config-bits ((sp serial-port))
- (+ (ecase (baud sp)
- ( 300 #.#$baud300)
- ( 600 #.#$baud600)
- ( 1200 #.#$baud1200)
- ( 1800 #.#$baud1800)
- ( 2400 #.#$baud2400)
- ( 3600 #.#$baud3600)
- ( 4800 #.#$baud4800)
- ( 7200 #.#$baud7200)
- ( 9600 #.#$baud9600)
- (19200 #.#$baud19200)
- (57600 #.#$baud57600))
- (ecase (stop-bits sp)
- (1.0 #.#$stop10)
- (1.5 #.#$stop15)
- (2.0 #.#$stop20))
- (ecase (parity sp)
- (:none #.#$noParity)
- (:odd #.#$oddParity)
- (:even #.#$evenParity))
- (ecase (data-bits sp)
- (5 #.#$data5)
- (6 #.#$data6)
- (7 #.#$data7)
- (8 #.#$data8))))
- (defmethod sport-config ((sp serial-port))
- (let ((config-bits (sport-config-bits sp)))
- (trap-nz-echeck (#~SerReset (drvr-refnum-in sp) config-bits))
- (trap-nz-echeck (#~SerReset (drvr-refnum-out sp) config-bits))))
- (defmethod sport-flush ((sp serial-port))
- (let ((refnum (drvr-refnum-in sp)))
- (rlet ((count_p :longint))
- (trap-nz-echeck (#~SerGetBuf refnum count_p))
- (let ((count (%get-signed-long count_p)))
- (when (zerop count) (return-from sport-flush t))
- (%stack-block ((buf_p count))
- (trap-nz-echeck (#~FSRead refnum count_p buf_p)))))))
- (defmethod sport-chars-avail ((sp serial-port))
- (let ((refnum (drvr-refnum-in sp)))
- (rlet ((count_p :longint))
- (trap-nz-echeck (#~SerGetBuf refnum count_p))
- (%get-signed-long count_p))))
- (defmethod sport-read-char ((sp serial-port) &key (wait-p nil))
- (let ((refnum (drvr-refnum-in sp)))
- ;wait/check for available char
- (loop (when (plusp (sport-chars-avail sp)) (return))
- (unless wait-p (return-from sport-read-char nil)))
- ;get the char
- (rlet ((count_p :longint)
- (char_p :character))
- (%put-long count_p 1)
- (trap-nz-echeck (#~FSRead refnum count_p char_p))
- (unless (= 1 (%get-signed-long count_p))
- (error "Reading 1 characater from serial port failed."))
- (%get-character char_p))))
- (defmethod sport-read-line ((sp serial-port)
- &key
- (wait-p nil)
- (wait-eoln-p wait-p)
- (eoln-char (eoln-char sp)))
- (let ((str (make-array 0
- :element-type 'base-character
- :fill-pointer 0
- :adjustable t)))
- (loop
- (let ((c (sport-read-char sp :wait-p wait-p)))
- (if c
- (if (char= c eoln-char)
- (return-from sport-read-line (values str t))
- (vector-push-extend c str))
- (unless (or wait-p (and wait-eoln-p (plusp (length str))))
- (return-from sport-read-line (values str nil))))))))
- (defmethod sport-write-char ((sp serial-port) char)
- (rlet ((count_p :longint)
- (char_p :character))
- (%put-long count_p 1)
- (%put-character char_p char)
- (trap-nz-echeck (#~FSWrite (drvr-refnum-out sp) count_p char_p))
- (unless (= 1 (%get-signed-long count_p))
- (error "Writing 1 character to serial port failed (~a written)."
- (%get-signed-long count_p))))
- t)
- (defmethod sport-write-line ((sp serial-port) string &key (eoln-char (eoln-char sp)))
- (let ((len (length string)))
- (rlet ((count_p :longint))
- (%put-long count_p (1+ len))
- (with-cstrs ((text_p string))
- (%put-character text_p eoln-char len)
- (trap-nz-echeck (#~FSWrite (drvr-refnum-out sp) count_p text_p))
- (unless (= (1+ len) (%get-signed-long count_p))
- (error "Writing ~a characters to serial port failed (~a written)."
- (1+ len)
- (%get-signed-long count_p))))))
- t)
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- #|
- ;a modest example - on a Pioneer laserdisc player
- (setf sp (make-instance 'serial-port :port :printer :baud 1200 ))
- ;open drawer
- (progn
- (sport-write-line sp "ST")
- (list
- (sport-read-line sp :wait-p t)
- (sport-read-line sp :wait-p t)))
- ;close drawer
- (progn
- (sport-write-line sp "PL")
- (list
- (sport-read-line sp :wait-p t)
- (sport-read-line sp :wait-p t)))
- (progn
- (sport-write-line sp "?D")
- (sport-read-line sp :wait-p t))
- (sport-chars-avail sp)
- (sport-close sp)
- |#