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- /****************************************************************************
- * amiga.c
- *
- * This module handles all of the Amiga-specific code for the raytracer.
- *
- * from Persistence of Vision Raytracer
- * Copyright 1992 Persistence of Vision Team
- *---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Copying, distribution and legal info is in the file povlegal.doc which
- * should be distributed with this file. If povlegal.doc is not available
- * or for more info please contact:
- *
- * Drew Wells [POV-Team Leader]
- * CIS: 73767,1244 Internet: 73767.1244@compuserve.com
- * Phone: (213) 254-4041
- *
- * This program is based on the popular DKB raytracer version 2.12.
- * DKBTrace was originally written by David K. Buck.
- * DKBTrace Ver 2.0-2.12 were written by David K. Buck & Aaron A. Collins.
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
- #include "frame.h"
- #include "povproto.h"
- #include <proto/exec.h>
- #include <proto/intuition.h>
- #include <proto/graphics.h>
- #include <proto/dos.h>
- #include <proto/expansion.h>
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <intuition/intuition.h>
- #include <graphics/display.h>
- #include <libraries/expansionbase.h>
- void geta4(void);
- void Requestor_Handler(void);
- void Amiga_open(void);
- void Amiga_close(void);
- void open_requestor(void);
- void close_requestor(void);
- void write_byte(int x, int y, unsigned char n);
- void write_hame_pixel(int x, int y, char Red, char Green, char Blue);
- void write_cookie(unsigned char *brand, int line);
- void make_hame_palette(struct ViewPort *vp);
- void SetRGB8 (short reg, unsigned char rr, unsigned char gg,
- unsigned char bb, short base);
- void OpenFirecracker (void);
- void write_firecracker_pixel(UWORD x, UWORD y, UBYTE r, UBYTE g, UBYTE b);
- extern unsigned int Options;
- extern char DisplayFormat;
- extern FRAME Frame;
- #define INT_REV 29L
- #define GR_REV 29L
- struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase;
- struct GfxBase *GfxBase;
- struct ExpansionBase *ExpansionBase;
- struct Screen *s;
- volatile struct Window *w;
- struct Task *Requestor_Task;
- volatile int Requestor_Running;
- volatile extern int Stop_Flag;
- #define SCREEN_WIDTH 320
- #define SCREEN_HEIGHT 400
- #define HAME_SCREEN_WIDTH 640
- #define HAME_SCREEN_HEIGHT 402
- struct NewScreen Ham_Screen =
- {
- 0, 0,
- 6,
- 0, 1,
- (UBYTE *) "POV-Ray",
- };
- struct NewScreen Ham_E_Screen =
- {
- 0, 0,
- 4,
- 0, 1,
- (UBYTE *) "POV-Ray",
- };
- int lacer; /* if non-zero, screen is an interlace screen. Set this... */
- /* ...as soon as you open your HAM-E screen. */
- unsigned char *fp0,*fp1,*fp2,*fp3; /* These are pointers which have been... */
- /* ...cached from the screens BitMap[] */
- /* ...array. This allows us to get at */
- /* ...them much faster. Set them as soon */
- /* ...as you open your HAM-E screen. */
- unsigned char bitpat[] = /* This table is used as a table of masks... */
- { /* ...to isolate bits in the HAM-E pixels */
- 128,64,32,16,8,4,2,1,
- };
- unsigned char ham_cookie[] = /* ham mode cookie... preceeds any HAM... */
- { /* ...color registers, and triggers hardware */
- 0xA2,0xF5,0x84,0xDC, /* ...into ham mode. */
- 0x6D,0xB0,0x7F,0x18
- };
- struct Window *Requestor_Window;
- volatile struct MsgPort *Requestor_Port;
- struct IntuiText chip Body_Text =
- {0, 1, JAM1, 5, 10, NULL, (UBYTE *) "Click to abort the picture", NULL};
- struct IntuiText chip Abort_Text =
- {0, 1, JAM1, 5, 3, NULL, (UBYTE *) "Abort", NULL};
- UWORD chip ColorTbl[16] = { 0x000, 0x111, 0x222, 0x333, 0x444, 0x555, 0x666,
- 0x777, 0x888, 0x999, 0xaaa, 0xbbb, 0xccc, 0xddd,
- 0xeee, 0xfff };
- LONG last_red = 0, last_green = 0, last_blue = 0, last_y = -1;
- /* Firecracker routines */
- typedef struct BOARD {
- ULONG orgb;
- ULONG orgb2; /* autoincrementing */
- UWORD pad;
- UBYTE control0;
- UBYTE control1;
- UWORD y, x;
- } BOARD;
- BOARD *board;
- int fc_width;
- void amiga_init_POVRAY(void )
- {
- (void) onbreak(amiga_close_all);
- }
- int matherr (x)
- struct exception *x;
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Math error type: %d from function %s values: %g %g\n",
- x->type, x->name, x->arg1, x->arg2);
- switch(x->type)
- {
- case DOMAIN:
- case OVERFLOW:
- x->retval = 1.0e17;
- break;
- case SING:
- x->retval = 0.0;
- break;
- case TLOSS:
- case PLOSS:
- return (0);
- default:
- break;
- }
- return(1);
- }
- void Requestor_Handler ()
- {
- Requestor_Port = CreatePort ("ray trace port", 0L);
- Requestor_Window = BuildSysRequest
- (NULL, &Body_Text, NULL, &Abort_Text, GADGETUP, 280L, 60L);
- Wait ((1 << Requestor_Port -> mp_SigBit)
- | (1 << Requestor_Window -> UserPort -> mp_SigBit));
- Requestor_Running = FALSE;
- Stop_Flag = TRUE;
- }
- void Amiga_open()
- {
- IntuitionBase = (struct IntuitionBase *) OpenLibrary ("intuition.library",INT_REV);
- if (IntuitionBase == NULL)
- exit(FALSE);
- GfxBase = (struct GfxBase *) OpenLibrary ("graphics.library", GR_REV);
- if (GfxBase == NULL)
- exit(FALSE);
- Requestor_Running = FALSE;
- }
- void Amiga_close()
- {
- if (Requestor_Running) {
- Signal (Requestor_Task, 1 << Requestor_Port -> mp_SigBit);
- Delay (2L);
- }
- if (Requestor_Window)
- FreeSysRequest (Requestor_Window);
- Requestor_Window = NULL;
- CloseLibrary (GfxBase) ;
- CloseLibrary (IntuitionBase) ;
- }
- void open_requestor()
- {
- Requestor_Window = NULL;
- Stop_Flag = FALSE;
- Requestor_Running = TRUE;
- Requestor_Task = CreateTask ("Raytrace Requestor", 2L,
- (APTR) Requestor_Handler, 20000L);
- }
- void display_finished ()
- {
- if (Requestor_Running) {
- Signal (Requestor_Task, 1 << Requestor_Port -> mp_SigBit);
- Delay (2L);
- }
- if (Requestor_Window)
- FreeSysRequest (Requestor_Window);
- Requestor_Window = NULL;
- if (Options & PROMPTEXIT)
- {
- printf ("Finished.\nPress CR to quit.\n");
- getchar();
- }
- }
- void OpenFirecracker() {
- struct ConfigDev *dev = NULL;
- ULONG i;
- ExpansionBase = (struct ExpansionBase *)
- OpenLibrary("expansion.library", 0L);
- if (!ExpansionBase) {
- printf("No expansion library\n");
- exit(999);
- }
- dev = FindConfigDev(NULL, 0x838, 0);
- if (dev) {
- board = (BOARD *)dev->cd_BoardAddr;
- }
- else {
- printf("Can't find FireCracker\n");
- exit(999);
- }
- CloseLibrary((struct Library *) ExpansionBase);
- if (Frame.Screen_Width > 768) {
- board->control0 = 0xf8;
- fc_width = 1024;
- }
- else if (Frame.Screen_Width > 512) {
- board->control0 = 0xb8;
- fc_width = 768;
- }
- else if (Frame.Screen_Width > 384) {
- board->control0 = 0x78;
- fc_width = 512;
- }
- else {
- board->control0 = 0x38;
- fc_width = 384;
- }
- board->control1 = 0x7f;
- board->y = 0; board->x = 0;
- for (i=0; i<fc_width*482; i++) {
- /* I write to the auto-increment and non-autoincrement registers
- to make this work on 68000's as well as 68020's. */
- board->orgb = 0x40404040;
- board->orgb2 = 0x40404040;
- }
- }
- void write_firecracker_pixel(x,y, r,g,b)
- UWORD x,y;
- UBYTE r,g,b;
- {
- ULONG v1,v2,v3,v;
- int new_x, new_y;
- v1 = r; v2 = g; v3 = b;
- v = ((v1<<16)&0xff0000) + ((v2<<8)&0xff00) + (v3&0xff);
- new_y = y+(482-Frame.Screen_Height)/2; new_x = x+(fc_width-Frame.Screen_Width)/2;
- if ((new_x >= 0) && (new_y >= 0)
- && (new_x < fc_width) && (new_y < 482)) {
- board->y = new_y;
- board->x = new_x;
- board->orgb2 = v;
- }
- }
- /*:
- .n write_byte()
- .k low_level write_byte byte_write write_pixel
- .b
- SYNOPSIS: void write_byte(x,y,n);
- short x;
- int y;
- unsigned char n;
- FUNCTION: This function is similar to the Amiga's WritePixel routine.
- is simply takes the incoming position and value and writes
- them to the HAM-E screen appropriately.
- INPUTS: x - horizontal position on screen.
- y - vertical position on screen.
- n - value 0-255 to write in the pixel.
- BUGS: None Known.
- LIMITATIONS:Hard coded for screen width of 320 pixels (640 hi-res pixels)
- SEE ALSO: Global variables "fp3", "fp2", "fp1", "fp0", "bitpat[]"
- :*/
- void write_byte(x,y,n)
- int x;
- int y;
- unsigned char n;
- {
- register int ypos,byte_offset;
- register short bit_offset;
- ypos = y * 80; /* index to correct scan line - note hard coded width! */
- bit_offset = (x << 1) & 7; /* find base bit position */
- byte_offset = (x >> 2); /* find base byte offset */
- if (n & 128) *(fp3 + ypos + byte_offset) |= bitpat[bit_offset];
- else *(fp3 + ypos + byte_offset) &= ~bitpat[bit_offset];
- if (n & 64) *(fp2 + ypos + byte_offset) |= bitpat[bit_offset];
- else *(fp2 + ypos + byte_offset) &= ~bitpat[bit_offset];
- if (n & 32) *(fp1 + ypos + byte_offset) |= bitpat[bit_offset];
- else *(fp1 + ypos + byte_offset) &= ~bitpat[bit_offset];
- if (n & 16) *(fp0 + ypos + byte_offset) |= bitpat[bit_offset];
- else *(fp0 + ypos + byte_offset) &= ~bitpat[bit_offset];
- bit_offset++; /* to next nybble */
- if (bit_offset == 8) /* carry into next byte? */
- {
- bit_offset=0;
- byte_offset++;
- }
- if (n & 8) *(fp3 + ypos + byte_offset) |= bitpat[bit_offset];
- else *(fp3 + ypos + byte_offset) &= ~bitpat[bit_offset];
- if (n & 4) *(fp2 + ypos + byte_offset) |= bitpat[bit_offset];
- else *(fp2 + ypos + byte_offset) &= ~bitpat[bit_offset];
- if (n & 2) *(fp1 + ypos + byte_offset) |= bitpat[bit_offset];
- else *(fp1 + ypos + byte_offset) &= ~bitpat[bit_offset];
- if (n & 1) *(fp0 + ypos + byte_offset) |= bitpat[bit_offset];
- else *(fp0 + ypos + byte_offset) &= ~bitpat[bit_offset];
- }
- /*:
- .n write_cookie()
- .k cookie low_level setup configure
- .b
- SYNOPSIS: void write_cookie(brand,line);
- unsigned char *brand;
- int line;
- FUNCTION: This function writes the cookie on a particular line.
- The variable "brand" is a pointer to an arrary of data
- that contains the particular cookie for the mode you want.
- These arrays are the global ones "ham_cookie[]" and
- "reg_cookie[]".
- Call as:
- write_cookie(ham_cookie,line);
- -or-
- write_cookie(reg_cookie,line);
- Note: If you have a four line palette, you need to call
- this function for each successive line the palette exists
- upon, for example:
- write_cookie(reg_cookie,0);
- write_cookie(reg_cookie,1);
- write_cookie(reg_cookie,2);
- write_cookie(reg_cookie,3);
- -or-
- for (i=0; i<4; i++)
- {
- write_cookie(reg_cookie,i);
- }
- If the global variable "lacer" is set, this function will
- write the cookie data on the appropriate lines in both
- fields... sending four lines of cookie to the function
- with the lines 0,1,2,3 will write cookies on line pairs
- 0-1, 2-3, 4-5, and 6-7.
- INPUTS: A pointer to the apropriate cookie and the line to put it on.
- BUGS: None Known.
- SEE ALSO: The global variable "lacer" and the "ham_cookie[]"
- and reg_cookie[] global arrays.
- :*/
- void write_cookie(brand,line)
- unsigned char *brand;
- int line;
- {
- int i;
- if (lacer) /* we need double the cookie data! */
- {
- for (i=0; i<8; i++)
- {
- write_byte(i,line*2,brand[i]);
- write_byte(i,(line*2)+1,brand[i]);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for (i=0; i<8; i++)
- {
- write_byte(i,line,brand[i]);
- }
- }
- }
- /*:
- .n make_hame_palette()
- .k amiga_palette palette_amiga setup configure
- .b
- SYNOPSIS: void make_hame_palette(vp);
- struct ViewPort *vp;
- FUNCTION: Sets palette for Amiga side of hardware: The palette here is
- designed to achieve two independant goals. First, and most
- importantly, it creates a situation where the IRGB lines at
- the Amiga's data port will exactly mirror the data in the
- bitplanes of the screen as each pixel is emitted.
- Secondly, this palette makes the images visible, if not
- sensible, on a non HAM-e equipped Amiga... Hopefully this
- distinctive color palette will quickly cue the user that
- they are missing something good. :^)
- IRGB to 12 bit correspondence:
- bit 8 - b3 of red
- bit 4 - b3 of green
- bit 2 - b3 of blue
- bit 1 - b0 of blue
- INPUTS: A pointer to the ViewPort that "belongs" to this screen.
- BUGS: None Known.
- :*/
- void make_hame_palette(vp)
- struct ViewPort *vp;
- {
- int rr,gg,bb,i;
- int col;
- col=0;
- for (i=0; i<16; i++)
- {
- rr=0; gg=0; bb=0;
- if (i & 8) rr = 8; /* this builds the IRGB bit outputs... */
- if (i & 4) gg = 8; /* ...these four bits are all that are */
- if (i & 2) bb = 8; /* ...required to make the HAM-E run, */
- if (i & 1) bb |= 1; /* ...they xfer b0->b3 to the IRGB lines */
- if (i != 0) /* we don't mess with c0 - we leave it black */
- {
- rr += (col & 7); /* build strange colors in cregs 1-15... */
- col += 2; /* ...these extra bits sent to the color */
- gg += (col & 7); /* ...registers make amiga palette very */
- col += 2; /* ...interesting to look at if the HAM-E */
- bb += (col & 6); /* ...is NOT attached. Otherwise useless. */
- col += 2; /* ...The code in this "if" is optional. */
- }
- SetRGB4(vp,i,rr,gg,bb); /* this actually sets the Amiga color regs */
- }
- }
- /*:
- .n SetRGB8()
- .k palette_hame hame_palette setup configure
- .b
- SYNOPSIS: void SetRGB8(reg,rr,gg,bb,base);
- int reg,rr,gg,bb,base;
- FUNCTION: This routine sets the color registers in the HAM-E hardware.
- It can handle color registers located at any point on screen,
- by setting the "base" variable to the starting scan line where
- the color registers exist. Normally, the cookie and it's
- associated color registers are located beginning at scan line 0.
- If the screen is an interlace screen, this routine will set both
- set of color registers identically; when in interlace, the
- HAM-E maintains separate sets of color registers for the
- odd and even interlace fields. Since this routine sets both
- sets of color registers identically, you don't have to
- worry about dealing with this feature.
- INPUTS: reg - the color register number from 0 to 255 to be set
- rr - the red value from 0-255
- gg - the green value from 0-255
- bb - the blue value from 0-255
- base - the starting scan line of the first coookie position
- (usually zero)
- BUGS: None Known.
- SEE ALSO: The global variable "lacer"
- :*/
- void SetRGB8(reg,rr,gg,bb,base)
- short reg;
- unsigned char rr,gg,bb;
- short base;
- {
- short p_row,p_index;
- p_row = (reg >> 6) + base; /* palette row 0-3. */
- p_index = ((reg & 0x3f) * 3) + 8; /* reg 0-63 in p_row */
- if (lacer) /* then we need both fields! */
- {
- /* for the even field: */
- write_byte(p_index, p_row*2, rr); /* put RED value */
- write_byte(p_index+1, p_row*2, gg); /* put GREEN value */
- write_byte(p_index+2, p_row*2, bb); /* put BLUE value */
- /* here is the stuff for the ODD field: */
- write_byte(p_index, (p_row*2)+1, rr); /* put RED value */
- write_byte(p_index+1, (p_row*2)+1, gg); /* put GREEN value */
- write_byte(p_index+2, (p_row*2)+1, bb); /* put BLUE value */
- }
- else /* just write to one field */
- {
- write_byte(p_index, p_row, rr); /* put RED value */
- write_byte(p_index+1, p_row, gg); /* put GREEN value */
- write_byte(p_index+2, p_row, bb); /* put BLUE value */
- }
- }
- void display_init (width, height)
- int width, height;
- {
- Amiga_open();
- open_requestor();
- Delay (10);
- if (DisplayFormat == 'E') {
- if ((s = (struct Screen *) OpenScreen (&Ham_E_Screen)) == NULL)
- exit (FALSE);
- ShowTitle (s, FALSE);
- lacer = 1;
- fp0 = s->BitMap.Planes[0];
- fp1 = s->BitMap.Planes[1];
- fp2 = s->BitMap.Planes[2];
- fp3 = s->BitMap.Planes[3];
- make_hame_palette(&s->ViewPort);
- SetAPen (&(s->RastPort), 0L);
- RectFill (&(s -> RastPort), 0L, 0L, HAME_SCREEN_WIDTH-1, 1);
- SetAPen (&(s->RastPort), 1L);
- RectFill (&(s -> RastPort), 0L, 2L, HAME_SCREEN_WIDTH-1, HAME_SCREEN_HEIGHT-1);
- write_cookie(ham_cookie, 0);
- SetRGB8 (0x11, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0);
- }
- else if (DisplayFormat == 'F') {
- OpenFirecracker();
- }
- else {
- if ((s = (struct Screen *) OpenScreen (&Ham_Screen)) == NULL)
- exit (FALSE);
- ShowTitle (s, FALSE);
- LoadRGB4 (&(s->ViewPort), ColorTbl, 16L);
- SetAPen (&(s->RastPort), 7L);
- RectFill (&(s -> RastPort), 0L, 0L, 319L, 399L);
- }
- }
- void display_close ()
- {
- if (Requestor_Running) {
- Signal (Requestor_Task, 1 << Requestor_Port -> mp_SigBit);
- Delay (2L);
- }
- if (Requestor_Window)
- FreeSysRequest (Requestor_Window);
- Requestor_Window = NULL;
- if (DisplayFormat != 'F')
- CloseScreen (s);
- }
- #define absdif(x,y) ((x > y) ? (x - y) : (y - x))
- #define max3(x,y,z) ((x>y)?((x>z)?1:3):((y>z)?2:3))
- void write_hame_pixel (x, y, Red, Green, Blue)
- int x, y;
- char Red, Green, Blue;
- {
- register unsigned char colour;
- short delta_red, delta_green, delta_blue;
- if ((x >= SCREEN_WIDTH ) || (y >= SCREEN_HEIGHT))
- return;
- Red = (Red >> 2) & 0x3F;
- Green = (Green >> 2) & 0x3F;
- Blue = (Blue >> 2) & 0x3F;
- if (last_y != y) {
- last_y = y;
- last_red = last_green = last_blue = 0;
- }
- delta_red = absdif (Red, last_red);
- delta_green = absdif (Green, last_green);
- delta_blue = absdif (Blue, last_blue);
- switch (max3(delta_red, delta_green, delta_blue)) {
- case 1:
- last_red = Red;
- colour = 0x80 + Red;
- break;
- case 2:
- last_green = Green;
- colour = 0xc0 + Green;
- break;
- case 3:
- last_blue = Blue;
- colour = 0x40 + Blue;
- break;
- }
- write_byte (x, y+2, colour);
- }
- void display_plot (x, y, Red, Green, Blue)
- int x, y;
- char Red, Green, Blue;
- {
- register short colour, index, mask, i, colour_mask;
- register char *addr;
- short delta_red, delta_green, delta_blue;
- if (DisplayFormat == 'E')
- return (write_hame_pixel(x, y, Red, Green, Blue));
- else if (DisplayFormat == 'F')
- return (write_firecracker_pixel((UWORD) x, (UWORD) y, Red, Green, Blue));
- if ((x >= SCREEN_WIDTH ) || (y >= SCREEN_HEIGHT))
- return;
- Red = (Red >> 4) & 0x0F;
- Green = (Green >> 4) & 0x0F;
- Blue = (Blue >> 4) & 0x0F;
- if (last_y != y) {
- last_y = y;
- last_red = last_green = last_blue = 0;
- }
- delta_red = absdif (Red, last_red);
- delta_green = absdif (Green, last_green);
- delta_blue = absdif (Blue, last_blue);
- switch (max3(delta_red, delta_green, delta_blue)) {
- case 1:
- last_red = Red;
- colour = 0x20 + Red;
- break;
- case 2:
- last_green = Green;
- colour = 0x30 + Green;
- break;
- case 3:
- last_blue = Blue;
- colour = 0x10 + Blue;
- break;
- }
- index = (SCREEN_WIDTH >> 3) * y + (x >> 3);
- mask = 0x80 >> (x & 7);
- colour_mask = 1;
- for (i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i++) {
- addr = &s->BitMap.Planes[i][index];
- *addr &= ~mask;
- *addr |= (colour&colour_mask) ? mask : 0x00;
- colour_mask <<= 1;
- }
- }
- int amiga_close_all ()
- {
- close_all();
- return (1);
- }