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- This file contains the documentation specific to the Amiga version of
- POV-Ray.
- Differences from original distribution:
- The original distribution of POV-Ray is in ZIP format. For the Amiga,
- this has been converted to LZH format. In addition, the Amiga
- distribution of POV-Ray has CR-LF pairs converted to only LF's for text
- files. Otherwise, the Amiga distribution is identical to the ZIP
- distribution.
- Note: PLEASE SEE POVLEGAL.DOC. The Amiga version in LZH format is an
- officially supported format and can be distributed as is. You MAY NOT
- re-package the archive file or distribute any changes to it. If you
- do post it on a BBS or network, you must provide at least the scene
- files and documentation files with the executables. See POVLEGAL.DOC
- for complete details.
- Executables:
- Two executables are provided:
- povray881 - The version for systems with 68881 math coprocessors
- povrayieee - The version for systems without a coprocessor
- Running POV-Ray:
- When running POV-Ray, be sure that you have a large stack set. If the
- stack is too small, POV-Ray could crash without warning. I usually use
- 80,000 bytes, but then again, I have a lot of memory to spare.
- Memory Requirements:
- POV-Ray can run on simple files with 1 Meg of memory. I would highly
- recommend having more memory to render more complicated scenes.
- There's a known bug in this version which prevents POV-Ray from cleaning
- up gracefully if it runs out of memory in some instances. If this occurs,
- the cancel requestor will not be closed. If you click on it, the system
- will probably hang or reboot. This should be fixed in the next release.
- Display Formats:
- The Amiga version of the raytracer supports three types of display
- formats:
- +d0 - HAM (default)
- +dE - HAME
- +dF - Firecracker
- The firecracker mode adjusts the resolution according to the -w (width)
- parameter of the raytracer.
- 320 <= w < 0 use 320 x 482
- 640 <= w < 320 use 640 x 482
- 768 <= w < 640 use 768 x 482
- 1024 <= w < 768 use 1024 x 482
- File Formats:
- The default file format for the Amiga is "dump" format (+fd). Targa or
- raw may be specified on the command line or in the povray.def file.
- Building the source:
- POV-Ray was compiled using Lattice (now SAS) version 5.05. I'm sure that
- later versions will also work fine. If you're compiling with another
- compiler, you'll have to edit the makefile to set the proper compiler
- options. As far as that goes, you're on your own.
- To compile POV-Ray from the original source, follow the following
- instructions:
- 1) copy the files in the "source" directory into a "build" directory
- 2) copy the files in machine/amiga to the build directory
- 3) rename amigacon.h to config.h
- 4) rename amiga.mak to makefile
- 5) if you're building an IEEE executable, you must edit the makefile,
- comment out the line for "CFLAGS = ..." for the '881 and uncomment
- the line "CFLAGS = ..." for the IEEE emulator.
- Type "lmk povrayieee"
- 6) To compile a 68881 version of POV-Ray, leave the original makefile
- unaltered and type "lmk".
- Post-processing Images:
- A utility called dump2iff has been included in the executable archive to
- convert the POV-Ray format output to IFF HAM format. To run this utility,
- you must provide the names of the input and output files.
- eg.
- dump2iff picture.dis picture.ham
- The dump2iff program can also write out a file containing the palette
- it used to make the image. It can then be told to use this palette for
- when converting other images. This is useful for making animations for
- animation players that can't change color palettes between frames.
- To output a palette, use the -p option of dump2iff:
- dump2iff -ppicture.pal picture.dis picture.ham
- To use this palette for other images, simply add it to the command line:
- dump2iff pic2.dis pic2.ham picture.pal
- By default, dump2iff will perform dithering to help smooth out the color
- changes. To disable dithering, use -d on the command line.
- Personally, I've started using "The Art Department" by ASDG to
- post-process my images. The Art Department Professional can accept QRT
- format images (which is the format output by POV-Ray with the +fd
- command-line parameter). Alternatively, you can output Targa (+ft) or
- raw (+fr). To read the raw format into The Art Department, use the Scuplt
- reader. You'll have to type in the resolution you used to generate the
- image.
- Questions and problems in the Amiga version can be directed to David Buck.
- David Buck
- Internet: dbuck@ccs.carleton.ca
- CompuServe: 70521,1371