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- /************************************************************
- Created: Tuesday, August 13, 1991 at 4:25 PM
- ImageCompression.h
- C Interface to the Macintosh Libraries
- Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1991
- All rights reserved
- ************************************************************/
- #ifndef __QUICKDRAW__
- #include <QuickDraw.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef __QDOFFSCREEN__
- #include <QDOffscreen.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef __TYPES__
- #include <Types.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef __COMPONENTS__
- #include "Components.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef __STANDARDFILE__
- #include <StandardFile.h>
- #endif
- enum {
- #define gestaltCompressionMgr 'icmp'
- /* These are the bits that are set in the Component flags, and also in the codecInfo struct. */
- #define codecInfoDoes1 (1L<<0) /* codec can work with 1-bit pixels */
- #define codecInfoDoes2 (1L<<1) /* codec can work with 2-bit pixels */
- #define codecInfoDoes4 (1L<<2) /* codec can work with 4-bit pixels */
- #define codecInfoDoes8 (1L<<3) /* codec can work with 8-bit pixels */
- #define codecInfoDoes16 (1L<<4) /* codec can work with 16-bit pixels */
- #define codecInfoDoes32 (1L<<5) /* codec can work with 32-bit pixels */
- #define codecInfoDoesDither (1L<<6) /* codec can do ditherMode */
- #define codecInfoDoesStretch (1L<<7) /* codec can stretch to arbitrary sizes */
- #define codecInfoDoesShrink (1L<<8) /* codec can shrink to arbitrary sizes */
- #define codecInfoDoesMask (1L<<9) /* codec can mask to clipping regions */
- #define codecInfoDoesTemporal (1L<<10) /* codec can handle temporal redundancy */
- #define codecInfoDoesDouble (1L<<11) /* codec can stretch to double size exactly */
- #define codecInfoDoesQuad (1L<<12) /* codec can stretch to quadruple size exactly */
- #define codecInfoDoesHalf (1L<<13) /* codec can shrink to half size */
- #define codecInfoDoesQuarter (1L<<14) /* codec can shrink to quarter size */
- #define codecInfoDoesRotate (1L<<15) /* codec can rotate on decompress */
- #define codecInfoDoesHorizFlip (1L<<16) /* codec can flip horizontally on decompress */
- #define codecInfoDoesVertFlip (1L<<17) /* codec can flip vertically on decompress */
- #define codecInfoDoesSkew (1L<<18) /* codec can skew on decompress */
- #define codecInfoDoesBlend (1L<<19) /* codec can blend on decompress */
- #define codecInfoDoesWarp (1L<<20) /* codec can warp arbitrarily on decompress */
- #define codecInfoDoesRecompress (1L<<21) /* codec can recompress image without accumulating errors */
- #define codecInfoDoesSpool (1L<<22) /* codec can spool image data */
- #define codecInfoDepth1 (1L<<0) /* compressed data at 1 bpp depth available */
- #define codecInfoDepth2 (1L<<1) /* compressed data at 2 bpp depth available */
- #define codecInfoDepth4 (1L<<2) /* compressed data at 4 bpp depth available */
- #define codecInfoDepth8 (1L<<3) /* compressed data at 8 bpp depth available */
- #define codecInfoDepth16 (1L<<4) /* compressed data at 16 bpp depth available */
- #define codecInfoDepth32 (1L<<5) /* compressed data at 32 bpp depth available */
- #define codecInfoDepth24 (1L<<6) /* compressed data at 24 bpp depth available */
- #define codecInfoDepth33 (1L<<7) /* compressed data at 1 bpp monochrome depth available */
- #define codecInfoDepth34 (1L<<8) /* compressed data at 2 bpp grayscale depth available */
- #define codecInfoDepth36 (1L<<9) /* compressed data at 4 bpp grayscale depth available */
- #define codecInfoDepth40 (1L<<10) /* compressed data at 8 bpp grayscale depth available */
- #define codecInfoStoresClut (1L<<11) /* compressed data can have custom cluts */
- #define codecInfoDoesLossless (1L<<12) /* compressed data can be stored in lossless format */
- #define codecFlagUseImageBuffer (1L<<0) /* (input) allocate buffer for whole image on decompress sequence */
- #define codecFlagUseScreenBuffer (1L<<1) /* (input) allocate buffer for screen on decompress sequence for faster updates */
- #define codecFlagUpdatePrevious (1L<<2) /* (input) udate previous buffer on compress sequence */
- #define codecFlagNoScreenUpdate (1L<<3) /* (input) dont update screen, but do update image buffer if allocated */
- #define codecFlagWasCompressed (1L<<4) /* (input) hint to compressor that image was previously compressed */
- #define codecFlagDontOffscreen (1L<<5) /* return error instead of automatically going offscreen */
- #define codecFlagUpdatePreviousComp (1L<<6) /* (input) udate previous buffer on compress sequence */
- #define codecFlagForceKeyFrame (1L<<7) /* when sent to CompressSequenceFrame, forces that frame to be a key frame */
- #define codecFlagOnlyScreenUpdate (1L<<8) /* (input) only update screen from */
- #define codecFlagLiveGrab (1L<<9) /* (input) data being compressed is from live source (speed is critical) */
- #define codecFlagUsedNewImageBuffer (1L<<14) /* (output) indicates that image buffer was first used on this decompress sequence */
- #define codecFlagUsedImageBuffer (1L<<15) /* (output) indicates that image buffer was used on this decompress sequence */
- #define codecErr -8960 /* the codec returned an error */
- #define noCodecErr -8961 /* the specified codec could not be found */
- #define codecUnimpErr -8962 /* this feature is not implemented by the specified codec */
- #define codecSizeErr -8963
- #define codecScreenBufErr -8964 /* the screen buffer could not be allocated */
- #define codecImageBufErr -8965 /* the image buffer could not be allocated */
- #define codecSpoolErr -8966 /* the compressed data must be in memory (spooling did not work) */
- #define codecAbortErr -8967 /* the operation was aborted by the progress proc */
- #define codecWouldOffscreenErr -8968 /* an offscreen access would have been used, but wasn't allowed because codecFlagDontOffscreen was set */
- #define codecBadDataErr -8969 /* compressed data was found to have inconsistencies */
- #define codecDataVersErr -8970 /* compressed data was of a format version that codec couldn't handle */
- #define codecConditionErr -8972 /* codec can not do requested operation */
- #define codecOpenErr -8973 /* the codec could not be opened */
- codecMinimumDataSize = 32768 /* The minimum data size for spooling in or out data */
- #define compressorComponentType 'imco' /* the type for "Components" which compress images */
- #define decompressorComponentType 'imdc' /* the type for "Components" which decompress images */
- };
- typedef Component CompressorComponent; /* a Component which compresses images */
- typedef Component DecompressorComponent; /* a Component which decompresses images */
- typedef Component CodecComponent; /* a Component which decompresses or compresses images */
- #define anyCodec ((CodecComponent)0) /* take first working codec of given type */
- #define bestSpeedCodec ((CodecComponent)-1) /* take fastest codec of given type */
- #define bestFidelityCodec ((CodecComponent)-2) /* take codec which is most accurate*/
- #define bestCompressionCodec ((CodecComponent)-3) /* take codec of given type that is most accurate */
- typedef short sBoolean; /* to make sure stack frames are right */
- typedef long CodecType; /* type descriptor for codecs i.e: 'appl','jpeg','rle ' */
- typedef unsigned short CodecFlags; /* flags for codec manager calls */
- typedef unsigned long CodecQ;
- #define codecLosslessQuality 0x400L
- #define codecMaxQuality 0x3FFL
- #define codecMinQuality 0x000L
- #define codecLowQuality 0x100L
- #define codecNormalQuality 0x200L
- #define codecHighQuality 0x300L
- typedef pascal OSErr (*DataProcPtr)(Ptr *dataP,long bytesNeeded,long refCon);
- typedef pascal OSErr (*FlushProcPtr)(Ptr data,long bytesAdded,long refCon);
- #define codecCompletionSource (1<<0) /* asynchronous codec is done with source data */
- #define codecCompletionDest (1<<1) /* asynchronous codec is done with destination data */
- typedef pascal void (*CompletionProcPtr)(OSErr result,short flags,long refCon);
- enum {
- codecProgressOpen = 0,
- codecProgressUpdatePercent = 1,
- codecProgressClose = 2
- };
- typedef pascal OSErr (*ProgressProcPtr)(short message,Fixed completeness,long refCon);
- typedef long ImageSequence;
- struct ProgressProcRecord {
- ProgressProcPtr progressProc;
- long progressRefCon;
- };
- typedef struct ProgressProcRecord ProgressProcRecord;
- typedef ProgressProcRecord *ProgressProcRecordPtr;
- struct CompletionProcRecord {
- CompletionProcPtr completionProc;
- long completionRefCon;
- };
- typedef struct CompletionProcRecord CompletionProcRecord;
- typedef CompletionProcRecord *CompletionProcRecordPtr;
- struct DataProcRecord {
- DataProcPtr dataProc;
- long dataRefCon;
- };
- typedef struct DataProcRecord DataProcRecord;
- typedef DataProcRecord *DataProcRecordPtr;
- struct FlushProcRecord {
- FlushProcPtr flushProc;
- long flushRefCon;
- };
- typedef struct FlushProcRecord FlushProcRecord;
- typedef FlushProcRecord *FlushProcRecordPtr;
- /*
- The ImageDescription is private data which is produced when an image or sequence
- is compressed. It fully describes the format of the compressed data.*/
- struct ImageDescription {
- long idSize; /* total size of ImageDescription including extra data ( CLUTs and other per sequence data */
- CodecType cType; /* what kind of codec compressed this data */
- long resvd1; /* reserved for apple use */
- short resvd2; /* reserved for apple use */
- short dataRefIndex; /* set to zero */
- short version; /* which version is this data */
- short revisionLevel; /* what version of that codec did this */
- long vendor; /* whose codec compressed this data */
- CodecQ temporalQuality; /* what was the temporal quality factor */
- CodecQ spatialQuality; /* what was the spatial quality factor */
- short width; /* how many pixels wide is this data */
- short height; /* how many pixels high is this data */
- Fixed hRes; /* horizontal resolution */
- Fixed vRes; /* vertical resolution */
- long dataSize; /* if known, the size of data for this image descriptor */
- short frameCount; /* number of frames this description applies to */
- char name[32]; /* name of codec ( in case not installed ) */
- short depth; /* what depth is this data (1-32) or ( 33-40 grayscale ) */
- short clutID; /* clut id or if 0 clut follows or -1 if no clut */
- };
- typedef struct ImageDescription ImageDescription;
- typedef ImageDescription *ImageDescriptionPtr, **ImageDescriptionHandle;
- /*
- The CodecInfo is the information returned as the codecInfo struct by a codec Component
- to the codec manager or to the caller. It is specific to the particular codec
- implementation and not to the codec type.*/
- struct CodecInfo {
- char typeName[32]; /* name of the codec type i.e.: 'Apple Image Compression' */
- short version; /* version of the codec data that this codec knows about */
- short revisionLevel; /* revision level of this codec i.e: 0x00010001 (1.0.1) */
- long vendor; /* Maker of this codec i.e: 'appl' */
- long decompressFlags; /* codecInfo flags for decompression capabilities */
- long compressFlags; /* codecInfo flags for compression capabilities */
- long formatFlags; /* codecInfo flags for compression format details */
- unsigned char compressionAccuracy; /* measure (1-255) of accuracy of this codec for compress (0 if unknown) */
- unsigned char decompressionAccuracy; /* measure (1-255) of accuracy of this codec for decompress (0 if unknown) */
- unsigned short compressionSpeed; /* ( millisecs for compressing 320x240 on base mac II) (0 if unknown) */
- unsigned short decompressionSpeed; /* ( millisecs for decompressing 320x240 on mac II)(0 if unknown) */
- unsigned char compressionLevel; /* measure (1-255) of compression level of this codec (0 if unknown) */
- char resvd; /* pad */
- short minimumHeight; /* minimum height of image (block size) */
- short minimumWidth; /* minimum width of image (block size) */
- short decompressPipelineLatency; /* in milliseconds ( for asynchronous codecs ) */
- short compressPipelineLatency; /* in milliseconds ( for asynchronous codecs ) */
- long privateData;
- };
- typedef struct CodecInfo CodecInfo;
- /* Table used for fast dithering. */
- struct DitherTable {
- long tag;
- long seed;
- long reserved;
- char data[1];
- };
- typedef struct DitherTable DitherTable;
- typedef DitherTable *DTabPtr, **DTabHandle;
- /* Name list returned by GetCodecNameList. */
- struct CodecNameSpec {
- CodecComponent codec;
- CodecType cType;
- char typeName[32];
- Handle name;
- };
- typedef struct CodecNameSpec CodecNameSpec;
- struct CodecNameSpecList {
- short count;
- CodecNameSpec list[1];
- };
- typedef struct CodecNameSpecList CodecNameSpecList;
- typedef CodecNameSpecList *CodecNameSpecListPtr;
- /* Matrix stuff */
- struct MatrixRecord {
- Fixed matrix[3][3];
- };
- typedef struct MatrixRecord MatrixRecord;
- typedef MatrixRecord *MatrixRecordPtr;
- #ifndef _FixedPoint_
- #define _FixedPoint_
- struct FixedPoint {
- Fixed x;
- Fixed y;
- };
- typedef struct FixedPoint FixedPoint;
- #endif _FixedPoint_
- #ifndef _FixedRect_
- #define _FixedRect_
- struct FixedRect {
- Fixed left;
- Fixed top;
- Fixed right;
- Fixed bottom;
- };
- typedef struct FixedRect FixedRect;
- #endif _FixedRect_
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- pascal OSErr CodecManagerVersion(long *version)
- = {0x7000,0xAAA3};
- pascal OSErr GetCodecNameList(CodecNameSpecListPtr *list,sBoolean showAll)
- = {0x7001,0xAAA3};
- pascal OSErr DisposeCodecNameList(CodecNameSpecListPtr list)
- = {0x700F,0xAAA3};
- pascal OSErr GetCodecInfo(CodecInfo *info,CodecType cType,CodecComponent codec)
- = {0x7003,0xAAA3};
- pascal OSErr GetMaxCompressionSize(PixMapHandle src,const Rect *srcRect,short colorDepth,
- CodecQ quality,CodecType cType,CompressorComponent codec,long *size)
- = {0x7004,0xAAA3};
- pascal OSErr GetCompressionTime(PixMapHandle src,const Rect *srcRect,short colorDepth,
- CodecType cType,CompressorComponent codec,CodecQ *spatialQuality,CodecQ *temporalQuality,
- unsigned long *compressTime)
- = {0x7005,0xAAA3};
- pascal OSErr CompressImage(PixMapHandle src,const Rect *srcRect,CodecQ quality,
- CodecType cType,ImageDescriptionHandle desc,Ptr data)
- = {0x7006,0xAAA3};
- pascal OSErr FCompressImage(PixMapHandle src,const Rect *srcRect,short colorDepth,
- CodecQ quality,CodecType cType,CompressorComponent codec,CTabHandle clut,
- CodecFlags flags,long bufferSize,FlushProcRecordPtr flushProc,ProgressProcRecordPtr progressProc,
- ImageDescriptionHandle desc,Ptr data)
- = {0x7007,0xAAA3};
- pascal OSErr DecompressImage(Ptr data,ImageDescriptionHandle desc,PixMapHandle dst,
- const Rect *srcRect,const Rect *dstRect,short mode,RgnHandle mask)
- = {0x7008,0xAAA3};
- pascal OSErr FDecompressImage(Ptr data,ImageDescriptionHandle desc,PixMapHandle dst,
- const Rect *srcRect,MatrixRecordPtr matrix,short mode,RgnHandle mask,PixMapHandle matte,
- const Rect *matteRect,CodecQ accuracy,DecompressorComponent codec,long bufferSize,
- DataProcRecordPtr dataProc,ProgressProcRecordPtr progressProc)
- = {0x7009,0xAAA3};
- pascal OSErr CompressSequenceBegin(ImageSequence *seqID,PixMapHandle src,
- PixMapHandle prev,const Rect *srcRect,const Rect *prevRect,short colorDepth,CodecType cType,
- CompressorComponent codec,CodecQ spatialQuality,CodecQ temporalQuality,
- long keyFrameRate,CTabHandle clut,CodecFlags flags,ImageDescriptionHandle desc)
- = {0x700A,0xAAA3};
- pascal OSErr CompressSequenceFrame(ImageSequence seqID,PixMapHandle src,
- const Rect *srcRect,CodecFlags flags,Ptr data,long *dataSize,unsigned char *similarity,
- CompletionProcRecordPtr asyncCompletionProc)
- = {0x700B,0xAAA3};
- pascal OSErr DecompressSequenceBegin(ImageSequence *seqID,ImageDescriptionHandle desc,
- CGrafPtr port,GDHandle gdh,const Rect *srcRect,MatrixRecordPtr matrix,short mode,
- RgnHandle mask,CodecFlags flags,CodecQ accuracy,DecompressorComponent codec)
- = {0x700D,0xAAA3};
- pascal OSErr DecompressSequenceFrame(ImageSequence seqID,Ptr data,CodecFlags inFlags,
- CodecFlags *outFlags,CompletionProcRecordPtr asyncCompletionProc)
- = {0x700E,0xAAA3};
- pascal OSErr SetDSequenceMatrix(ImageSequence seqID,MatrixRecordPtr matrix)
- = {0x7010,0xAAA3};
- pascal OSErr SetDSequenceMatte(ImageSequence seqID,PixMapHandle matte,const Rect *matteRect)
- = {0x7011,0xAAA3};
- pascal OSErr SetDSequenceMask(ImageSequence seqID,RgnHandle mask)
- = {0x7012,0xAAA3};
- pascal OSErr SetDSequenceTransferMode(ImageSequence seqID,short mode,const RGBColor *opColor)
- = {0x7013,0xAAA3};
- pascal OSErr SetDSequenceDataProc(ImageSequence seqID,DataProcRecordPtr dataProc,
- long bufferSize)
- = {0x7014,0xAAA3};
- pascal OSErr SetDSequenceAccuracy(ImageSequence seqID,CodecQ accuracy)
- = {0x7034,0xAAA3};
- pascal OSErr SetDSequenceSrcRect(ImageSequence seqID,const Rect *srcRect)
- = {0x7035,0xAAA3};
- pascal OSErr GetDSequenceImageBuffer(ImageSequence seqID,GWorldPtr *gworld)
- = {0x7015,0xAAA3};
- pascal OSErr GetDSequenceScreenBuffer(ImageSequence seqID,GWorldPtr *gworld)
- = {0x7016,0xAAA3};
- pascal OSErr SetCSequenceQuality(ImageSequence seqID,CodecQ spatialQuality,
- CodecQ temporalQuality)
- = {0x7017,0xAAA3};
- pascal OSErr SetCSequencePrev(ImageSequence seqID,PixMapHandle prev,const Rect *prevRect)
- = {0x7018,0xAAA3};
- pascal OSErr SetCSequenceFlushProc(ImageSequence seqID,FlushProcRecordPtr flushProc,
- long bufferSize)
- = {0x7033,0xAAA3};
- pascal OSErr SetCSequenceKeyFrameRate(ImageSequence seqID,long keyframerate)
- = {0x7036,0xAAA3};
- pascal OSErr GetCSequencePrevBuffer(ImageSequence seqID,GWorldPtr *gworld)
- = {0x7019,0xAAA3};
- pascal OSErr CDSequenceBusy(ImageSequence seqID)
- = {0x701A,0xAAA3};
- pascal OSErr CDSequenceEnd(ImageSequence seqID)
- = {0x701B,0xAAA3};
- pascal OSErr GetCompressedImageSize(ImageDescriptionHandle desc,Ptr data,
- long bufferSize,DataProcRecordPtr dataProc,long *dataSize)
- = {0x701C,0xAAA3};
- pascal OSErr GetSimilarity(PixMapHandle src,const Rect *srcRect,ImageDescriptionHandle desc,
- Ptr data,Fixed *similarity)
- = {0x701D,0xAAA3};
- pascal OSErr GetImageDescriptionCTable(ImageDescriptionHandle desc,CTabHandle *ctable)
- = {0x701E,0xAAA3};
- pascal OSErr SetImageDescriptionCTable(ImageDescriptionHandle desc,CTabHandle ctable)
- = {0x701F,0xAAA3};
- pascal OSErr GetImageDescriptionExtension(ImageDescriptionHandle desc,Handle *extension,
- long idType,long index)
- = {0x7020,0xAAA3};
- pascal OSErr SetImageDescriptionExtension(ImageDescriptionHandle desc,Handle extension,
- long idType)
- = {0x7021,0xAAA3};
- pascal OSErr FindCodec(CodecType cType,CodecComponent specCodec,CompressorComponent *compressor,
- DecompressorComponent *decompressor)
- = {0x7023,0xAAA3};
- pascal OSErr CompressPicture(PicHandle srcPicture,PicHandle dstPicture,
- CodecQ quality,CodecType cType)
- = {0x7024,0xAAA3};
- pascal OSErr FCompressPicture(PicHandle srcPicture,PicHandle dstPicture,
- short colorDepth,CTabHandle clut,CodecQ quality,sBoolean doDither,sBoolean compressAgain,
- ProgressProcRecordPtr progressProc,CodecType cType,CompressorComponent codec)
- = {0x7025,0xAAA3};
- pascal OSErr CompressPictureFile(short srcRefNum,short dstRefNum,CodecQ quality,
- CodecType cType)
- = {0x7026,0xAAA3};
- pascal OSErr FCompressPictureFile(short srcRefNum,short dstRefNum,short colorDepth,
- CTabHandle clut,CodecQ quality,sBoolean doDither,sBoolean compressAgain,
- ProgressProcRecordPtr progressProc,CodecType cType,CompressorComponent codec)
- = {0x7027,0xAAA3};
- pascal OSErr GetPictureFileHeader(short refNum,Rect *frame,OpenCPicParams *header)
- = {0x7028,0xAAA3};
- pascal OSErr DrawPictureFile(short refNum,const Rect *frame,ProgressProcRecordPtr progressProc)
- = {0x7029,0xAAA3};
- pascal OSErr DrawTrimmedPicture(PicHandle srcPicture,const Rect *frame,RgnHandle trimMask,
- sBoolean doDither,ProgressProcRecordPtr progressProc)
- = {0x702E,0xAAA3};
- pascal OSErr DrawTrimmedPictureFile(short srcRefnum,const Rect *frame,RgnHandle trimMask,
- sBoolean doDither,ProgressProcRecordPtr progressProc)
- = {0x702F,0xAAA3};
- pascal OSErr MakeThumbnailFromPicture(PicHandle picture,short colorDepth,
- PicHandle thumbnail,ProgressProcRecordPtr progressProc)
- = {0x702A,0xAAA3};
- pascal OSErr MakeThumbnailFromPictureFile(short refNum,short colorDepth,
- PicHandle thumbnail,ProgressProcRecordPtr progressProc)
- = {0x702B,0xAAA3};
- pascal OSErr MakeThumbnailFromPixMap(PixMapHandle src,const Rect *srcRect,short colorDepth,
- PicHandle thumbnail,ProgressProcRecordPtr progressProc)
- = {0x702C,0xAAA3};
- pascal OSErr TrimImage(ImageDescriptionHandle desc,Ptr inData,long inBufferSize,
- DataProcRecordPtr dataProc,Ptr outData,long outBufferSize,FlushProcRecordPtr flushProc,
- Rect *trimRect,ProgressProcRecordPtr progressProc)
- = {0x702D,0xAAA3};
- pascal OSErr ConvertImage(ImageDescriptionHandle srcDD,Ptr srcData,short colorDepth,
- CTabHandle clut,CodecQ accuracy,CodecQ quality,CodecType cType,CodecComponent codec,
- ImageDescriptionHandle dstDD,Ptr dstData)
- = {0x7030,0xAAA3};
- pascal OSErr MakeDitherTable(GDHandle gdev,DTabHandle *ditherTable)
- = {0x7031,0xAAA3};
- pascal OSErr DisposeDitherTable(DTabHandle ditherTable)
- = {0x7032,0xAAA3};
- pascal void
- StdPix(PixMapPtr src,const Rect *srcRect,MatrixRecordPtr matrix,short mode,
- RgnHandle mask,PixMapPtr matte,const Rect *matteRect,short flags)
- = {0x700C,0xAAA3};
- pascal OSErr GetCompressedPixMapInfo(PixMapPtr pix,ImageDescriptionHandle *desc,
- Ptr *data,long *bufferSize,DataProcRecord *dataProc,ProgressProcRecord *progressProc)
- = {0x7037,0xAAA3};
- pascal OSErr SetCompressedPixMapInfo(PixMapPtr pix,ImageDescriptionHandle desc,
- Ptr data,long bufferSize,DataProcRecordPtr dataProc,ProgressProcRecordPtr progressProc)
- = {0x7038,0xAAA3};
- pascal OSErr TransformRgn(MatrixRecordPtr mp,RgnHandle r)
- = {0x7039,0xAAA3};
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif
- enum {
- identityMatrixType = 0x00, /* result if matrix is identity */
- translateMatrixType = 0x01, /* result if matrix translates */
- scaleMatrixType = 0x02, /* result if matrix scales */
- scaleTranslateMatrixType = 0x03, /* result if matrix scales and translates */
- linearMatrixType = 0x04, /* result if matrix is general 2 x 2 */
- linearTranslateMatrixType = 0x05, /* result if matrix is general 2 x 2 and translates */
- perspectiveMatrixType = 0x06 /* result if matrix is general 3 x 3 */
- };
- typedef unsigned char MatrixFlags;
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- pascal short GetMatrixType(MatrixRecordPtr m)
- = {0x7014,0xABC2};
- pascal void CopyMatrix(MatrixRecordPtr m1,MatrixRecord *m2)
- = {0x7020,0xABC2};
- pascal Boolean EqualMatrix(MatrixRecordPtr m1,MatrixRecordPtr m2)
- = {0x7021,0xABC2};
- pascal void SetIdentityMatrix(MatrixRecord *matrix)
- = {0x7015,0xABC2};
- pascal void TranslateMatrix(MatrixRecord *m,Fixed deltaH,Fixed deltaV)
- = {0x7019,0xABC2};
- pascal void RotateMatrix(MatrixRecord *m,Fixed degrees,Fixed aboutX,Fixed aboutY)
- = {0x7016,0xABC2};
- pascal void ScaleMatrix(MatrixRecord *m,Fixed scaleX,Fixed scaleY,Fixed aboutX,
- Fixed aboutY)
- = {0x7017,0xABC2};
- pascal void SkewMatrix(MatrixRecord *m,Fixed skewX,Fixed skewY,Fixed aboutX,
- Fixed aboutY)
- = {0x7018,0xABC2};
- pascal OSErr TransformFixedPoints(MatrixRecordPtr m,FixedPoint *fpt,long count)
- = {0x7022,0xABC2};
- pascal OSErr TransformPoints(MatrixRecordPtr mp,Point *pt1,long count)
- = {0x7023,0xABC2};
- pascal Boolean TransformFixedRect(MatrixRecordPtr m,FixedRect *fr,FixedPoint *fpp)
- = {0x7024,0xABC2};
- pascal Boolean TransformRect(MatrixRecordPtr m,Rect *r,FixedPoint *fpp)
- = {0x7025,0xABC2};
- pascal Boolean InverseMatrix(MatrixRecordPtr m,MatrixRecord *im)
- = {0x701C,0xABC2};
- pascal void ConcatMatrix(MatrixRecordPtr a,MatrixRecord *b)
- = {0x701B,0xABC2};
- pascal void RectMatrix(MatrixRecord *matrix,Rect *srcRect,Rect *dstRect)
- = {0x701E,0xABC2};
- pascal void MapMatrix(MatrixRecord *matrix,Rect *fromRect,Rect *toRect)
- = {0x701D,0xABC2};
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- /* Standard Preview */
- pascal void SFGetFilePreview(Point where,
- ConstStr255Param prompt,
- FileFilterProcPtr fileFilter,
- short numTypes,
- SFTypeList typeList,
- DlgHookProcPtr dlgHook,
- SFReply *reply)
- = {0x303C,65,0xAAA3};
- pascal void SFPGetFilePreview(Point where,
- ConstStr255Param prompt,
- FileFilterProcPtr fileFilter,
- short numTypes,
- SFTypeList typeList,
- DlgHookProcPtr dlgHook,
- SFReply *reply,
- short dlgID,
- ModalFilterProcPtr filterProc)
- = {0x303C,66,0xAAA3};
- pascal void StandardGetFilePreview(FileFilterProcPtr fileFilter,
- short numTypes,
- SFTypeList typeList,
- StandardFileReply *reply)
- = {0x303C,67,0xAAA3};
- pascal void CustomGetFilePreview(FileFilterYDProcPtr fileFilter,
- short numTypes,
- SFTypeList typeList,
- StandardFileReply *reply,
- short dlgID,
- Point where,
- DlgHookYDProcPtr dlgHook,
- ModalFilterYDProcPtr filterProc,
- short *activeList,
- ActivateYDProcPtr activateProc,
- void *yourDataPtr)
- = {0x303C,68,0xAAA3};
- pascal OSErr MakeFilePreview(short resRefNum, ProgressProcRecordPtr progress)
- = {0x303C,69,0xAAA3};
- pascal OSErr AddFilePreview(short resRefNum, OSType previewType, Handle previewData)
- = {0x303C,70,0xAAA3};
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif
- enum {
- sfpItemPreviewAreaUser = 11,
- sfpItemPreviewStaticText = 12,
- sfpItemPreviewDividerUser = 13,
- sfpItemCreatePreviewButton = 14,
- sfpItemShowPreviewButton = 15
- };
- struct PreviewResourceRecord {
- unsigned long modDate;
- short version;
- OSType resType;
- short resID;
- };
- typedef struct PreviewResourceRecord PreviewResourceRecord;
- typedef PreviewResourceRecord *PreviewResourcePtr, **PreviewResource;
- #endif