# text: "Antialiasing threshold\n(0.0 to 0.3 suggested):"
# item 23: ICON (0xA0) disabled
# bounds: x1=5 y1=135 x2=415 y2=137
# ICON resource ID: 128
# item 24: ICON (0xA0) disabled
# bounds: x1=5 y1=24 x2=415 y2=26
# ICON resource ID: 128
# item 25: ICON (0xA0) disabled
# bounds: x1=168 y1=56 x2=414 y2=58
# ICON resource ID: 128
# item 26: ICON (0xA0) disabled
# bounds: x1=168 y1=24 x2=170 y2=136
# ICON resource ID: 128
# item 27: ICON (0xA0) disabled
# bounds: x1=8 y1=184 x2=325 y2=186
# ICON resource ID: 128
# 5 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=135 y1=140 x2=193 y2=160
# text: "OK"
# item 1: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=55 y1=10 x2=266 y2=79
# text: "Sorry, this version of POV-Ray requires a certain minimum hardware and software configuration to run."
# item 2: CUSTOM (0x80) disabled
# bounds: x1=112 y1=144 x2=128 y2=160
# data: ""
# item 3: ICON (0xA0) disabled
# bounds: x1=10 y1=10 x2=42 y2=42
# ICON resource ID: 0
# item 4: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=55 y1=90 x2=266 y2=131
# text: "^0"
# 15 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=325 y1=220 x2=389 y2=244
# text: "OK"
# item 1: PICTURE (0x40) enabled
# bounds: x1=5 y1=2 x2=401 y2=61
# PICT resource ID: 130
# item 2: CUSTOM (0x80) disabled
# bounds: x1=310 y1=221 x2=326 y2=237
# data: ""
# item 3: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=19 y1=93 x2=393 y2=110
# text: "POV-Ray is based on DKBTrace 2.12 written by David K. Buck & Aaron A. Collins.\n"
# item 4: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=8 y1=121 x2=200 y2=137
# text: "Contributing Authors (Alphabetically)"
# item 5: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=15 y1=135 x2=135 y2=189
# text: "Steve A. Bennett\nAlexander Enzmann\nDouglas Muir\nScott Taylor"
# item 6: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=145 y1=135 x2=266 y2=187
# text: "David K. Buck\nDan Farmer\nBill Pulver\nDrew Wells"
# item 7: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=270 y1=135 x2=389 y2=186
# text: "Aaron A. Collins\nGirish T. Hagan\nRobert Skinner\nChris Young"
# item 8: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=10 y1=220 x2=311 y2=248
# text: "Macintosh programming by Jim Nitchals and Eduard [esp] Schwan.\nThink C 5.0 - Jim Nitchals, MPW C 3.2 - Eduard [esp] Schwan."
# item 9: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=5 y1=75 x2=153 y2=92
# text: "Copyright © 1992 POV-Team."
# item 10: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=163 y1=75 x2=406 y2=90
# text: "Version ^0 (^1)"
# item 11: ICON (0xA0) disabled
# bounds: x1=8 y1=113 x2=406 y2=115
# ICON resource ID: 128
# item 12: ICON (0xA0) disabled
# bounds: x1=8 y1=209 x2=406 y2=211
# ICON resource ID: 128
# item 13: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=76 y1=190 x2=300 y2=205
# text: "Other contributors listed in the documentation."
# item 14: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=93 y1=59 x2=326 y2=73
# text: "POV-Ray: A Ray-tracing image rendering package"
# 7 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=195 y1=75 x2=363 y2=99
# text: "Yes, just the range"
# item 1: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=10 y1=75 x2=178 y2=99
# text: "No, do the whole image"
# item 2: CUSTOM (0x80) disabled
# bounds: x1=176 y1=80 x2=192 y2=96
# data: ""
# item 3: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=55 y1=10 x2=366 y2=64
# text: "You chose \"From\" and \"To\" settings that will draw less than the whole image. Are you sure this is what you want to do?"
# item 4: ICON (0xA0) disabled
# bounds: x1=10 y1=10 x2=42 y2=42
# ICON resource ID: 2
# item 5: CUSTOM (0x80) disabled
# bounds: x1=304 y1=256 x2=320 y2=272
# data: ""
# item 6: CUSTOM (0x80) disabled
# bounds: x1=304 y1=256 x2=320 y2=272
# data: ""
# 4 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=145 y1=120 x2=203 y2=140
# text: "Quit"
# item 1: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=50 y1=10 x2=320 y2=109
# text: "An error has occurred. If it\'s an error in your data file, it will be described in the status window. Most other errors are caused by low memory conditions. These can be corrected by restarting POV-Ray or giving it more memory."
# item 2: CUSTOM (0x80) disabled
# bounds: x1=120 y1=120 x2=136 y2=136
# data: ""
# item 3: ICON (0xA0) disabled
# bounds: x1=10 y1=10 x2=42 y2=42
# ICON resource ID: 0
# 7 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=265 y1=245 x2=330 y2=266
# text: "OK"
# item 1: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=50 y1=10 x2=343 y2=59
# text: "The program has insufficient RAM memory to store the graphic image for a rendering this large."
# item 2: CUSTOM (0x80) disabled
# bounds: x1=240 y1=248 x2=256 y2=264
# data: ""
# item 3: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=10 y1=105 x2=344 y2=187
# text: "The rendering will be calculated and shown. Do not hide or resize the display window, otherwise portions of it may not be redrawn. If you\'ve requested a Targa output file, it will be created normally."
# item 4: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=10 y1=190 x2=344 y2=240
# text: "You won\'t be allowed to save a PICT file of the image. You may \"snapshot\" the screen using the command-shift-3 FKEY, however."
# item 5: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=10 y1=65 x2=344 y2=100
# text: "If you\'ve chosen an Output File option, it will be unaffected by this condition."
# item 6: ICON (0xA0) disabled
# bounds: x1=10 y1=10 x2=42 y2=42
# ICON resource ID: 2
# 5 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=220 y1=95 x2=298 y2=119
# text: "Stop"
# item 1: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=55 y1=95 x2=192 y2=119
# text: "Continue the trace"
# item 2: CUSTOM (0x80) disabled
# bounds: x1=200 y1=104 x2=216 y2=120
# data: ""
# item 3: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=50 y1=10 x2=302 y2=83
# text: "If you stop rendering now, you won\'t be able to resume because you didn\'t choose an output file. Are you sure you want to stop now?"
# item 4: ICON (0xA0) disabled
# bounds: x1=10 y1=10 x2=42 y2=42
# ICON resource ID: 2
# 4 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=130 y1=90 x2=188 y2=110
# text: "OK"
# item 1: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=50 y1=10 x2=291 y2=81
# text: "To continue rendering from where you just stopped, check \"Continue rendering using Targa output\" from the Rendering Options… dialog."
# item 2: CUSTOM (0x80) disabled
# bounds: x1=104 y1=88 x2=120 y2=104
# data: ""
# item 3: ICON (0xA0) disabled
# bounds: x1=10 y1=10 x2=42 y2=42
# ICON resource ID: 1
# 4 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=104 y1=72 x2=178 y2=92
# text: "Resume"
# item 1: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=50 y1=10 x2=245 y2=63
# text: "Pausing...\nMaximum time being yielded to other applications."
# item 2: CUSTOM (0x80) disabled
# bounds: x1=80 y1=72 x2=96 y2=88
# data: ""
# item 3: ICON (0xA0) disabled
# bounds: x1=10 y1=10 x2=42 y2=42
# ICON resource ID: 1
# 6 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=208 y1=120 x2=279 y2=144
# text: "Quit"
# item 1: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=48 y1=120 x2=185 y2=144
# text: "Continue rendering"
# item 2: CUSTOM (0x80) disabled
# bounds: x1=192 y1=120 x2=208 y2=136
# data: ""
# item 3: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=50 y1=10 x2=259 y2=77
# text: "If you quit now, you won\'t be able to continue this rendering later because you didn\'t choose an output file."
# item 4: ICON (0xA0) disabled
# bounds: x1=10 y1=10 x2=42 y2=42
# ICON resource ID: 2
# item 5: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=50 y1=85 x2=292 y2=105
# text: "Are you sure you want to quit now?"
# 6 entries
# item 0: PICTURE (0xC0) disabled
# bounds: x1=10 y1=10 x2=406 y2=69
# PICT resource ID: 130
# item 1: ICON (0xA0) disabled
# bounds: x1=315 y1=140 x2=347 y2=172
# ICON resource ID: 130
# item 2: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=40 y1=91 x2=358 y2=107
# text: "Release ^0"
# item 3: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=40 y1=113 x2=357 y2=132
# text: "Public release."
# item 4: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=40 y1=135 x2=280 y2=172
# text: "Use the \"About…\" menu to read important copyright information."
# item 5: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=40 y1=73 x2=380 y2=90
# text: "POV-Ray 1.0 Ray-tracer, Macintosh version."
# 6 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=180 y1=150 x2=244 y2=174
# text: "OK"
# item 1: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=55 y1=10 x2=420 y2=61
# text: "POV couldn\'t create a swap file to hold a copy of your image\'s graphics during rendering. There\'s insufficient space on the disk containing your data file."
# item 2: CUSTOM (0x80) disabled
# bounds: x1=160 y1=152 x2=176 y2=168
# data: ""
# item 3: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=10 y1=70 x2=427 y2=104
# text: "Display update and refreshing will be affected. Do not resize, hide or move your output display if possible."
# item 4: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=10 y1=115 x2=433 y2=135
# text: "You won\'t be able to save a \"PICT\" of the data after rendering."
# item 5: ICON (0xA0) disabled
# bounds: x1=10 y1=10 x2=42 y2=42
# ICON resource ID: 2
# 5 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=140 y1=85 x2=198 y2=105
# text: "OK"
# item 1: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=50 y1=10 x2=275 y2=47
# text: "An error prevented the PICT file from being created successfully."
# item 2: CUSTOM (0x80) disabled
# bounds: x1=120 y1=88 x2=136 y2=104
# data: ""
# item 3: ICON (0xA0) disabled
# bounds: x1=10 y1=10 x2=42 y2=42
# ICON resource ID: 2
# item 4: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=50 y1=55 x2=271 y2=73
# text: "The disk may be full or locked."
# 5 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=130 y1=115 x2=188 y2=135
# text: "OK"
# item 1: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=55 y1=10 x2=269 y2=47
# text: "There\'s insufficient memory to keep the swap file open."
# item 2: CUSTOM (0x80) disabled
# bounds: x1=96 y1=112 x2=112 y2=128
# data: ""
# item 3: ICON (0xA0) disabled
# bounds: x1=10 y1=10 x2=42 y2=42
# ICON resource ID: 2
# item 4: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=55 y1=55 x2=268 y2=106
# text: "You will no longer be able to save a PICT image, nor will window contents be preserved."
# 6 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=110 y1=185 x2=168 y2=205
# text: "OK"
# item 1: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=60 y1=15 x2=282 y2=33
# text: "POV rendering is now complete."
# item 2: CUSTOM (0x80) disabled
# bounds: x1=88 y1=184 x2=104 y2=200
# data: ""
# item 3: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=15 y1=55 x2=283 y2=92
# text: "If you don\'t see the image, choose a window from the \"WindowSize\" menu."
# item 4: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=15 y1=105 x2=279 y2=174
# text: "If the image is solid black, and you\'re running on a monochrome (2 color) display, try choosing \"Dither image\" from the Options menu."
# item 5: ICON (0xA0) disabled
# bounds: x1=15 y1=10 x2=47 y2=42
# ICON resource ID: 130
# 5 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=145 y1=95 x2=209 y2=119
# text: "OK"
# item 1: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=55 y1=15 x2=313 y2=34
# text: "Sorry, POV could not render your data."
# item 2: CUSTOM (0x80) disabled
# bounds: x1=120 y1=96 x2=136 y2=112
# data: ""
# item 3: ICON (0xA0) disabled
# bounds: x1=10 y1=10 x2=42 y2=42
# ICON resource ID: 0
# item 4: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=55 y1=45 x2=313 y2=81
# text: "Check the Status window for a description of the error."
# 5 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=120 y1=135 x2=178 y2=155
# text: "Quit"
# item 1: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=50 y1=10 x2=251 y2=46
# text: "An error occurred trying to update the preferences file."
# item 2: CUSTOM (0x80) disabled
# bounds: x1=96 y1=136 x2=112 y2=152
# data: ""
# item 3: ICON (0xA0) disabled
# bounds: x1=10 y1=10 x2=42 y2=42
# ICON resource ID: 2
# item 4: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=50 y1=55 x2=255 y2=124
# text: "Please be sure there is enough free space and that the POV Preferences file & your startup volume are unlocked."
# 5 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=135 y1=135 x2=193 y2=155
# text: "Quit"
# item 1: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=65 y1=10 x2=262 y2=47
# text: "An error occurred trying to create the preferences file."
# item 2: CUSTOM (0x80) disabled
# bounds: x1=112 y1=136 x2=128 y2=152
# data: ""
# item 3: ICON (0xA0) disabled
# bounds: x1=10 y1=10 x2=42 y2=42
# ICON resource ID: 2
# item 4: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=65 y1=55 x2=271 y2=124
# text: "Please be sure there is enough free disk space and that your startup volume and POV Preferences file are unlocked."
# 26 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=280 y1=258 x2=338 y2=282
# text: "Save"
# item 1: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=168 y1=259 x2=226 y2=283
# text: "Cancel"
# item 2: CUSTOM (0x80) disabled
# bounds: x1=256 y1=259 x2=272 y2=275
# data: ""
# item 3: EDIT_TEXT (0x10) enabled
# bounds: x1=200 y1=45 x2=264 y2=61
# text: "Width"
# item 4: EDIT_TEXT (0x10) enabled
# bounds: x1=200 y1=70 x2=264 y2=86
# text: "Height"
# item 5: EDIT_TEXT (0x10) enabled
# bounds: x1=240 y1=95 x2=264 y2=111
# text: "Q"
# item 6: CHECKBOX (0x05) enabled
# bounds: x1=10 y1=120 x2=116 y2=136
# text: "Anti-Aliasing"
# item 7: EDIT_TEXT (0x10) enabled
# bounds: x1=200 y1=120 x2=264 y2=136
# text: "0.0"
# item 8: EDIT_TEXT (0x10) enabled
# bounds: x1=111 y1=152 x2=150 y2=168
# text: "4"
# item 9: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=15 y1=182 x2=250 y2=198
# text: "Paths to search for included files:"
# item 10: EDIT_TEXT (0x10) enabled
# bounds: x1=14 y1=202 x2=346 y2=249
# text: "::StdInc:\n:StdInc:"
# item 11: ICON (0xA0) disabled
# bounds: x1=5 y1=5 x2=37 y2=37
# ICON resource ID: 130
# item 12: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=45 y1=5 x2=349 y2=23
# text: "Application preferences and default settings"
# item 13: ICON (0xA0) disabled
# bounds: x1=45 y1=30 x2=347 y2=32
# ICON resource ID: 128
# item 14: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=280 y1=45 x2=318 y2=62
# text: "(320)"
# item 15: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=280 y1=70 x2=320 y2=87
# text: "(240)"
# item 16: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=280 y1=95 x2=320 y2=112
# text: "(9)"
# item 17: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=280 y1=120 x2=312 y2=136
# text: "(0.3)"
# item 18: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=10 y1=45 x2=188 y2=62
# text: "Image width in pixels"
# item 19: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=10 y1=70 x2=187 y2=87
# text: "Image height in pixels"
# item 20: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=10 y1=95 x2=186 y2=113
# text: "Rendering Quality (0-9)"
# item 21: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=122 y1=120 x2=193 y2=136
# text: "Threshold"
# item 22: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=164 y1=145 x2=328 y2=178
# text: "1: best backgrounding\n15: fastest rendering"
# item 23: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=11 y1=144 x2=92 y2=177
# text: "MultiFinder\nFriendliness"
# item 24: ICON (0xA0) disabled
# bounds: x1=8 y1=142 x2=350 y2=144
# ICON resource ID: 128
# item 25: ICON (0xA0) disabled
# bounds: x1=8 y1=179 x2=350 y2=181
# ICON resource ID: 128
# 2 entries
# item 0: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=56 y1=8 x2=187 y2=41
# text: "Updating the POV Preferences File…"
# item 1: ICON (0xA0) disabled
# bounds: x1=8 y1=8 x2=40 y2=40
# ICON resource ID: 1
# 6 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=110 y1=195 x2=168 y2=215
# text: "OK"
# item 1: ICON (0xA0) disabled
# bounds: x1=10 y1=10 x2=42 y2=42
# ICON resource ID: 1
# item 2: CUSTOM (0x80) disabled
# bounds: x1=88 y1=192 x2=104 y2=208
# data: ""
# item 3: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=55 y1=10 x2=267 y2=63
# text: "If your computer is equipped, the power will be turned off when rendering is completed."
# item 4: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=10 y1=120 x2=263 y2=187
# text: "BE SURE to quit all other applications before rendering the image, or you will LOSE any work in progress in those applications. "
# item 5: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=10 y1=75 x2=267 y2=107
# text: "A PICT file of your data will be saved automatically, before shutdown."
# 4 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=120 y1=88 x2=178 y2=108
# text: "OK"
# item 1: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=55 y1=10 x2=246 y2=78
# text: "Sorry, this file is too large to be edited by POV\'s editor. Please use another text editor with this file."
# item 2: ICON (0xA0) disabled
# bounds: x1=10 y1=10 x2=42 y2=42
# ICON resource ID: 2
# item 3: CUSTOM (0x80) disabled
# bounds: x1=96 y1=88 x2=112 y2=104
# data: ""
# 7 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=152 y1=64 x2=210 y2=84
# text: "Go"
# item 1: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=64 y1=64 x2=122 y2=84
# text: "Cancel"
# item 2: CUSTOM (0x80) disabled
# bounds: x1=128 y1=64 x2=144 y2=80
# data: ""
# item 3: EDIT_TEXT (0x10) enabled
# bounds: x1=140 y1=20 x2=204 y2=36
# text: "Line#"
# item 4: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=55 y1=20 x2=130 y2=36
# text: "Go to line:"
# item 5: ICON (0xA0) disabled
# bounds: x1=10 y1=10 x2=42 y2=42
# ICON resource ID: 130
# item 6: ICON (0xA0) disabled
# bounds: x1=10 y1=50 x2=214 y2=52
# ICON resource ID: 128
# 4 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=128 y1=64 x2=192 y2=88
# text: "OK"
# item 1: ICON (0xA0) disabled
# bounds: x1=10 y1=10 x2=42 y2=42
# ICON resource ID: 2
# item 2: CUSTOM (0x80) disabled
# bounds: x1=104 y1=64 x2=120 y2=80
# data: ""
# item 3: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=55 y1=10 x2=257 y2=49
# text: "Sorry, only one file can be opened at a time (not ^0)!"
DITL_256_File Error.txt
# 4 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=115 y1=85 x2=175 y2=105
# text: "OK"
# item 1: TEXT (0x08) enabled
# bounds: x1=55 y1=10 x2=226 y2=74
# text: "^0^1^2^3"
# item 2: CUSTOM (0x80) disabled
# bounds: x1=96 y1=80 x2=112 y2=96
# data: ""
# item 3: ICON (0xA0) disabled
# bounds: x1=10 y1=10 x2=42 y2=42
# ICON resource ID: 2
DITL_257_Save Chgs.txt
# 5 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=279 y1=95 x2=345 y2=115
# text: "Save"
# item 1: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=65 y1=93 x2=148 y2=115
# text: "Don\'t save"
# item 2: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=205 y1=94 x2=264 y2=114
# text: "Cancel"
# item 3: TEXT (0x08) enabled
# bounds: x1=70 y1=10 x2=325 y2=73
# text: "^0^1^2^3"
# item 4: ICON (0xA0) disabled
# bounds: x1=20 y1=10 x2=52 y2=42
# ICON resource ID: 2
# 4 entries
# item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
# bounds: x1=125 y1=75 x2=183 y2=95
# text: "Quit"
# item 1: ICON (0xA0) disabled
# bounds: x1=10 y1=10 x2=42 y2=42
# ICON resource ID: 0
# item 2: CUSTOM (0x80) disabled
# bounds: x1=96 y1=72 x2=112 y2=88
# data: ""
# item 3: TEXT (0x88) disabled
# bounds: x1=55 y1=10 x2=267 y2=62
# text: "A fatal error occurred creating the output status window.\nError # is ^1."