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- Persistence of Vision Raytracer Ver 1.0
- ------------------------------------------
- Machine specific source files
- ------------------------------
- This archive contains other archives which have the machine specific C
- source, link and make files for POV-Ray. Each has a .CAT file describing
- the files it contains. You will need to rename your computer's config file
- to config.h and be sure to include your computer's .c,.h,.lnk and .mak
- files in the compile directory. If your computer is not included try using
- the unix or gcc files. Be sure to read PORTGUID.TXT found in MISC.ZIP
- before making any code changes. Many of the .mak and .lnk files will need
- small changes to run with your computer. Directory names are usually the
- only change needed.
- amiga.doc - system-specific documentation for Amiga
- amigacon.h - Amiga configuration header -- rename to config.h
- amiga.c - system-specific code for Amiga
- amiga.mak - makefile for Amiga (Lattice C)
- amiga.cat - a list of files in AMIGA.ZIP
- IBMPC.ZIP - archive of files for IBM-PC's and compatibles
- ibmconf.h - IBM-PC's configuration header -- rename to config.h
- ibmicb.mak - make and link file for Intel Code Builder (ICB)
- ICB is used for the IBM-PC release version of POV-Ray
- _get_ebx.obj - Small util file needed for ICB compile
- ibm.c - system-specific code for IBM-PC's under all compilers
- for both protected and non-protected modes.
- ibmmsc.mak - makefile for Microsoft C
- ibmmsc.lnk - link file for Microsoft C
- ibmbc.mak - makefile for Borland/Turbo-C
- ibmbc.lnk - link file for Borland/Turbo-C
- ibmgcc.mak - makefile for Gnu CC protected mode (386) compiler
- ibmgcc.lnk - linkfile for Gnu CC protected mode (386) compiler
- ibmwat.mak - makefile for Watcom C
- ibmwat.lnk - link file for Watcom C
- ibmwat3.mak - makefile for protected mode (386) Watcom C
- ibmwat3.lnk - link file for protected mode (386) Watcom C
- ibmzor.mak - makefile for Zortech C/C++
- ibmzor.lnk - link file for Zortech C/C++
- ibmzor2.mak - makefile for 286 extended memory mode Zortech C/C++
- ibmzor2.lnk - link file for 286 extended memory mode Zortech C/C++
- ibmzor3.mak - makefile for 386 protected mode Zortech C/C++
- ibmzor3.lnk - link file for 386 protected mode Zortech C/C++
- ztc386.asm - source asm file for Zortech 386 mode display code
- ztc386.obj - object file for Zortech 386 mode display code
- zpm.def - misc file for Zortech protected mode
- rtlink.cfg - file for use with RTLINK program
- ai.lib - needed for TIGA support (Texas Instruments Graphics Adapter)
- extend.h - needed for TIGA support (A specialized graphics chip used )
- tiga.h - needed for TIGA support (on the Hercules Graphics Station )
- tigadefs.h - needed for TIGA support (and some other 24 bit cards. )
- ibm.cat - list of files in IBM.ZIP
- MAC.SIT - StuffIt archive of file for Mac
- The MAC.SIT archive contains machine specific files for compiling POV-Ray
- on the Macintosh. It was not compressed using the standard archive format
- because the Stuffit format is much more common in the Mac world.
- It can be extracted using the Stuffit Expander, available from Aladdin
- through any one of the following sources:
- America Online: use QuickFinder with the following words to describe
- your area of interest: stuffit expander
- Compuserve: join the MACSYS forum, and search the libraries for the
- following keyword: stuffit
- The latest version as of 4/26/92 is: stufex.sea, if you want
- to download it without searching the libraries.
- The Twilight Zone BBS: (619) 480-2435, Escondido, CA. Download StufEx.sea
- from the files section.
- The Graphics Alternative BBS: (510) 524-2780, El Cerrito, CA.
- You Can Call Me Ray BBS: (708) 358-5611.
- Files in MAC.SIT:
- components.h - Apple include file for QuickTime support
- config.h - Mac version of the configuration header file.
- DoPOVPerf - an MPW file for doing performance analysis of POV-Ray
- code
- ImageCompression.h - Apple include file for QuickTime support
- Mac.cat - listing of files in MAC.SIT
- POV.C - Main application, mac-specific support routines.
- POV.Make - MPW-specific make dependency file.
- POV.r - MPW-specific resource source code file (SIZE rsrc)
- pov.?.rsrc - POV-Ray Mac resources (dialogs, balloon help, icons etc.)
- POVMac.h - Header file for POV.C and TextEditor.c
- printf2window.c - support code for redirecting C stdio to a window
- printf2window.h - header file for printf2window.c, used by POV.C
- ReadMe.txt - Release notes for using or compiling the Mac version of
- POV-Ray
- SaveCmpPict.c - QuickTime compressed picture saving code for POV-Ray
- SaveCmpPict.h - header file for QuickTime compressed pictures
- StdCompression.h - Apple include file for QuickTime support
- StdCompressionGlue.o - Apple glue code for using QuickTime under MPW
- StdCompressionGlue.? - Think C version of glue code
- stdio_p2w.h - header file for printf2window.c, used by config.h
- TextEditor.C - Code for the POV-Ray Source definition file editor.
- VAX.ZIP - archive of files for VAX
- vax.doc - system-specific documentation for VAX
- vaxconf.h - Vax configuration header -- rename to config.h
- vaxbuild.com - makefile for VAX
- vax.c - system-specific code for VAX
- vax.cat - list of files in VAX.ZIP
- UNIX.ZIP - archive of files for Unix
- unix.doc - system-specific documentation for Unix
- unixconf.h - UNIX configuration header -- rename to config.h
- unix.c - system specific routines for UNIX
- unix.mak - makefile for UNIX
- xwindows.c - B&W or color X Windows code for UNIX systems
- xpov.ico - the Icon for X Windows
- xwindows.mak - makefile for X Windows
- gcc.c - system specific routines for Gnu CC
- gccconf.h - header file for Gnu CC -- rename to config.h
- rs6conf.h - header file for HP RS6000 -- rename to config.h
- unix.cat - list of files in UNIX.ZIP
- MACHINE.CAT - list of files in MACHINE.ZIP