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- /*
- *
- * cnvdat.c
- * Last Update 6/10/92 - CdW
- * A small program to convert DKBTrace and POV-Ray Beta V0.51 to POV-Ray V1.0
- * Light sources are not converted and must be done by hand.
- * Convert all uppercase keywords to lowercase.
- * Converts INCLUDE to #include.
- * Converts DECLARE to #declare.
- * Should work as a base for more sophisticated conversions.
- *
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #define FALSE 0
- #define TRUE 1
- #define MAX_STRING_INDEX 41
- char String[MAX_STRING_INDEX];
- char End_Type[MAX_STRING_INDEX];
- int String_Index;
- char *start_block_words[] = {
- "CUBIC",
- "FOG",
- "PLANE",
- "POLY",
- "SHAPE",
- "UNION",
- };
- int Read_Write_Symbol (FILE *Data_File);
- void Begin_String();
- void Stuff_Character (int c);
- void End_String ();
- void Convert_String();
- int num_light = 0;
- main()
- {
- int c;
- int nest_level = 0;
- int exit = FALSE;
- fprintf(stderr,"DKBTrace\\POV-Ray Ver .5 to POV-Ray Ver 1.0 Converter\n");
- fprintf(stderr,"------------------------------------------------------\n");
- fprintf(stderr,"Usage: dat2pov < filename.dat > filename.pov\n");
- fprintf(stderr,"Light sources must be converted by hand. See dat2pov.doc!\n");
- fprintf(stdout,"// Persistence of Vision Raytracer\n");
- while(TRUE)
- {
- c = getc(stdin);
- if(c==EOF){
- fprintf(stderr,"Done Converting. End of File.\n");
- break;
- }
- /* Handle Comments */
- if(c == '{'){
- fprintf(stdout,"/*");
- exit = FALSE;
- while(!exit) {
- c = getc(stdin);
- switch(c) {
- case '{':
- nest_level++;
- fprintf(stdout,"/*");
- break;
- case '}':
- nest_level--;
- if(nest_level == -1){
- nest_level = 0;
- fprintf(stdout,"*/");
- exit = TRUE;
- }
- else
- fprintf(stdout,"*/");
- break;
- default:
- putc(c,stdout);
- break;
- }
- }
- continue;
- }
- /* KLUDGE - Skip over # since we write them later */
- if(c != '#')
- if(isalpha(c) || c == '_' ){
- ungetc(c,stdin);
- if (Read_Write_Symbol(stdin) == FALSE)
- break;
- }
- else
- putc(c,stdout);
- }
- }
- /* Read in a symbol from the input file. Check to see if it is a reserved
- word. If it is, write out the appropriate token. Otherwise, write the
- symbol out to the Symbol file and write out an IDENTIFIER token. An
- Identifier token is a token whose token number is greater than the
- highest reserved word. */
- int Read_Write_Symbol (Data_File)
- FILE *Data_File;
- {
- register int c, Symbol_Id,i;
- Begin_String();
- while (TRUE)
- {
- c = getc(Data_File);
- if (c == EOF)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected end of file");
- return (FALSE);
- }
- if (isalpha(c) || isdigit(c) || c == (int) '_' || c == (int) '.')
- Stuff_Character (c);
- else
- {
- ungetc (c, Data_File);
- break;
- }
- }
- End_String(Data_File);
- /* If symbol is all uppercase convert it to lower */
- Convert_String();
- i=0;
- while(start_block_words[i]){
- if(!stricmp(start_block_words[i],String)){
- strcat(String," {");
- break;
- }
- i++;
- }
- if(!stricmp(String,"colors.dat"))
- strcpy(String,"colors.inc");
- if(!stricmp(String,"shapes.dat"))
- strcpy(String,"shapes.inc");
- if(!stricmp(String,"shapesq.dat"))
- strcpy(String,"shapesq.inc");
- if(!stricmp(String,"textures.dat"))
- strcpy(String,"textures.inc");
- if(!strcmp(String,"include") || !strcmp(String,"declare"))
- putc('#',stdout);
- if(!strcmp(String,"checker_texture {") )
- strcpy(String,"tiles {");
- if(!strcmp(String,"imagemap {") )
- strcpy(String,"image_map {");
- if(!strcmp(String,"bumpmap {") )
- strcpy(String,"bump_map {");
- if(!strcmp(String,"phongsize") )
- strcpy(String,"phong_size");
- if(!strcmp(String,"bumpsize") )
- strcpy(String,"bump_size");
- if(!strcmp(String,"view_point {") )
- strcpy(String,"camera {");
- if(!strcmp(String,"CRed") )
- strcpy(String,"Red");
- if(!strcmp(String,"CGreen") )
- strcpy(String,"Green");
- if(!strcmp(String,"CBlue") )
- strcpy(String,"Blue");
- if(!strcmp(String,"QSphere"))
- strcpy(String,"Ellipsoid");
- if(!strcmp(String,"Sphere"))
- strcpy(String,"Ellipsoid");
- if(!strcmp(String,"X_Disk"))
- strcpy(String,"Disk_X");
- if(!strcmp(String,"Y_Disk"))
- strcpy(String,"Disk_Y");
- if(!strcmp(String,"Z_Disk"))
- strcpy(String,"Disk_Z");
- if(!strcmp(String,"Cone_X"))
- strcpy(String,"QCone_X");
- if(!strcmp(String,"Cone_Y"))
- strcpy(String,"QCone_Y");
- if(!strcmp(String,"Cone_Z"))
- strcpy(String,"QCone_Z");
- if(!strnicmp(String,"end_",4)){
- strcpy(End_Type,String);
- sprintf(String," }");
- /* Use this line to make extra comments available */
- sprintf(String," }/* %s */",End_Type);
- #endif
- }
- if(!stricmp(String,"light_source"))
- fprintf(stderr,"%d Light Sources\n",++num_light);
- fputs(String,stdout);
- return (TRUE);
- }
- void Begin_String()
- {
- String_Index = 0;
- }
- void Stuff_Character (c)
- int c;
- {
- if (String_Index < MAX_STRING_INDEX)
- {
- String [String_Index++] = (char) c;
- if (String_Index >= MAX_STRING_INDEX)
- {
- String [String_Index-1] = '\0';
- fprintf(stderr, "String too long %s",String);
- }
- }
- }
- void End_String ()
- {
- Stuff_Character ((int) '\0');
- }
- /* If symbol is all uppercase convert it to lower */
- void Convert_String()
- {
- char *tmpstr;
- tmpstr = String;
- /* check for any lower case*/
- while(*tmpstr)
- if(islower(*tmpstr++))
- return;
- /* cnv all upper to lower */
- tmpstr = String;
- while(*tmpstr){
- *tmpstr = tolower(*tmpstr);
- tmpstr++;
- }
- }