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Text File | 1992-06-06 | 33.2 KB | 1,350 lines |
- /*****************************\
- * *
- * Code Generator *
- * *
- \*****************************/
- /*
- Question: why in most compilers it's so difficult to see the generated code ?
- Answer: because the generated code is often so bad that if you should examine it
- carefully, you would think that it's better to try another compiler
- This code generator shows its code on screen, hence its code had to be
- tolerably good, but I wanted to write a simple one-pass code generator,
- and the only well-known one-pass optimizing technique is peephole optimization.
- Choosing an accumulator-based architecture helped, since there is no
- need for any register allocation strategy, but that was not enough.
- This program uses a few techniques, including a very restricted form
- of peephole optimization, but the big work is done in another way.
- Most compilers generate bad code knowing that later optimizing passes will
- modify it, but this code generator had to be one-pass, hence it had to
- identify bad code BEFORE generating it.
- So, I chose a rarely used method, the "lazy evaluation" or "approching
- deadline" technique.
- Really, that philosophy sounds familiar to me, and I prefer to call it
- the "lazy Italian" technique. You see, Italians are of the
- same race as Mexicans, and maybe you remember those movies with a peone
- who must do a work: he takes out the working tools, then he thinks:
- today I've done enough, I'll do the rest tomorrow. And tomorrow he
- does a siesta. But Italians are slightly different, when the deadline
- approaches they remember that they belong to the most civil people in the
- world, and they know that they must do the job, so they do it and they do
- it wonderfully well. Obviously, since so much work has accumulated they may
- use some technique which would not be possible otherwise, exploiting the
- mass of things to do: this code generator realizes that the delayed work
- could benefit from the new information it gathered in the meantime and
- exploits it.
- More technically: an expression is NOT left in a fixed state: there is a
- standard struct which may say "I've generated all the code to compute
- the expression into register A (Accumulator) or X (Index), but it might
- also say "no code was generated, all the informations are stored in this
- struct" or a mixed situation (some code was generated, but it did not
- compute the final expression, only a part of it, the rest is stored in the
- struct).
- There is only one struct, but for a two-operand operator there are,
- temporarily, two. The two operands and the operation on them must always be
- represented by a single resulting struct when one arrives to their end (the
- deadline), and that could oblige to generate code, but (lazy attitude) the
- program never generates more code than is strictly necessary to bring the
- expression to a valid state of the struct, and tries all ways (i.e.
- optimizations !) to avoid generating that code, or to avoid generating many
- instructions.
- Then there are some functions as ForceA, ForceGenerated etc. that oblige
- the code generator to bring the struct to a state or to one of a group
- of states (obviously the one that requires less work...)
- The possible states are:
- immediate: the value of the expression is stored in the struct (rvalue only)
- *immediate or immediate+1: the absolute, nonrelocatable address of the
- variable containing the value of the expression is stored in the
- struct (l/rvalue)
- simplevar: the struct stores a pointer to a symbol table entry which
- describes the variable, either absolute or dynamic (l/rvalue), plus
- an offset (usually 0)
- *simplevar or simplevar+1: as above, but with an added indirection,
- the variable contains the address of the variable (good for
- VAR-parameter passing) (l/rvalue)
- relocatable: the value is a constant value plus the address of an absolute
- variable (the pointer to symbol table is stored as a 16-bit
- offset) minus another absolute address (rvalue only)
- based: the program generated code to store a value into X, to which it
- must add the fixed offset stored in the struct in order to
- get the address of the variable containing the value (l/rvalue)
- generated: the program generated code to store a value into A or X, the
- struct contains only a boolean to tell which register (rvalue only)
- flags: the boolean expression is true if the generated code during execution
- will jump to labelTrue or if a conditional branch placed AFTER all
- the previously generated code will find true the "condition", it's
- false in case of a jump to labelFalse or if the condition is false
- (rvalue only). That seems complex, but it's the key to the optimization
- of && and ||.
- Finally, there are two temporary states that are NOT coded in the struct
- (the function which generated them must remember that):
- Stack: as generated, followed by the generation of a PUSH
- Jump: as flags, followed by the generation of a branch testing "condition"
- Written by Gabriele Speranza, summer 1990
- modified by rearranging and enlarging the set of possible
- expression states, november 1990
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "gc.h"
- /* #define hidden static */
- #define hidden /**/
- /* i soliti problemi di librerie non del tutto compatibili: */
- movmem(src, dest, len)
- register char*dest,*src;
- register int len;
- {
- while (--len>=0) *dest++ = *src++;
- }
- word newlabel();
- void InitSecOp(),BinaryOp(),Bflush(),BEmit();
- static word lastWasLabel=0;
- static char *AX[2]={"A","X"};
- /*********************/
- hidden void AddressingMode(expr)
- localmem*expr;
- {
- switch(expr->class){
- case immediate:
- fprintf(out,"#%ld",expr->eval);break;
- case immediate+1:
- fprintf(out,"%ld",expr->eval);break;
- case simplevar:
- if(expr->displacement!=0)
- fprintf(out,"%d+",expr->displacement);
- fprintf(out,"%s",expr->sTable->name);
- if(expr->sTable->typ==dyn)
- fprintf(out,"(SP)");
- break;
- case relocatable:
- fprintf(out,"#");
- if(expr->symplus==0)
- fprintf(out,"%ld",expr->eval);
- else{
- if(expr->eval!=0)
- fprintf(out,"%ld+",expr->eval);
- {char*p=TOLONG(expr->symplus);
- fprintf(out,"%s",((tabel*)p)->name);}
- }
- if(expr->symminus!=0){
- char*p=TOLONG(expr->symminus);
- fprintf(out,"-%s",((tabel*)p)->name);
- }
- break;
- case based:
- if(expr->displacement==0)
- fprintf(out,"(X)");
- else
- fprintf(out,"%d(X)",expr->displacement);
- break;
- case generated:
- fprintf(out,"%s",AX[expr->place]);
- break;
- default:
- /*ìììì*/
- printf("%d %lx",expr->class,expr);
- errore("???");
- }}
- /****************************/
- /* please excuse me if I did not use vararg and created a non-portable
- implementation: when I wrote it I knew rather little about post-K&R
- extensions of C and had never heard about vararg
- Anyway, it was written on the QL and ran without modifications on the Mac
- */
- void Emit(control /*...*/)
- char *control;
- {char **nextParameter = &control;
- Bflush();
- if(!lastWasLabel)
- fprintf(out," ");
- else
- lastWasLabel=0;
- while(*control!='\0'){
- if(*control=='%'){
- control++;
- if(*control=='n')
- fprintf(out,"\n ");
- else if(*control=='s')
- fprintf(out,"%s",*++nextParameter);
- else if(*control=='e')
- AddressingMode(*++nextParameter);
- /* else if(*control=='l')
- fprintf(out,"L%d",*++nextParameter);
- */
- else if(*control=='d')
- fprintf(out,"%ld",*++nextParameter);
- else
- /*ììì*/{
- printf("control=%c",*control);
- errore("???"); }
- }
- else
- fprintf(out,"%c",*control);
- control++;
- } /* end while */
- fprintf(out,"\n");
- fflush(out);
- }
- /*******************/
- /* an assembler usually accepts a forward reference, but it does not
- accept a forward reference to a forward reference, hence I can't simply
- emit EQU directives, I must store them until the label is emitted */
- static word EQUtab[10][2];
- static int lastEQU=0;
- hidden void partition(lab)
- word lab;
- {int i;
- for(i=lastEQU-1;i>=0;i--)
- if(EQUtab[i][1]==lab)
- if(--lastEQU!=i){
- word t;
- EQUtab[i][1]=EQUtab[lastEQU][1];
- t=EQUtab[i][0];
- EQUtab[i][0]=EQUtab[lastEQU][0];
- EQUtab[lastEQU][0]=t;
- }
- }
- hidden void LEmit(lab)
- word lab;
- {int i,f;
- if(lab==0)return;
- Bflush();
- if(lastWasLabel)fprintf(out,"\n");
- else lastWasLabel=1;
- fprintf(out,"L%d:",lab);
- if(lab<=9)fprintf(out," ");
- f=lastEQU; partition(lab);
- for(i=lastEQU;i<f;i++)
- LEmit(EQUtab[1][0]);
- }
- hidden void EQUforward(l1,l2)
- word l1,l2;
- {
- if(lastEQU==10)errore("too complex logic expr");
- EQUtab[lastEQU][0]=l1;
- EQUtab[lastEQU++][1]=l2;
- }
- hidden void EQUbackwards(l1,l2)
- word l1,l2;
- {int i,f;
- if(lastWasLabel){
- fprintf(out,"\n");
- lastWasLabel=0;}
- fprintf(out,"L%d %sEQU L%d",l1,l1<=9?" ":"",l2);
- f=lastEQU; partition(l1);
- for(i=lastEQU;i<f;i++)
- EQUbackwards(EQUtab[1][0],l2);
- }
- /********************/
- static byte bufferFull=0;
- static byte bufferVal;
- static localmem* bufferPt;
- /* PUSHs and BRanches are not emitted immediately, they are stored
- in a buffer from which is flushed at the next Emit, but they may also
- be annihilated before being flushed.
- That's not only an optimization, it's essential to follow the rule that
- a costant expression may be used in every place a literal may be, including
- places (e.g. declarations) where code must NOT be generated, since the
- expression will only be entered as an attribute in the symbol table. And
- I could not avoid to call a LazyPUSH or LazyJMP before knowing whether
- the current expression is constant or not.
- */
- hidden void LazyPUSH(plac)
- {
- Bflush();
- bufferFull=1;
- bufferVal=plac;
- }
- LazyPOP(plac)
- {
- if(!bufferFull)
- Emit("POP %s",(long)AX[plac]);
- else
- {if(plac!=bufferVal)
- Emit("MOV %s,%s",(long)AX[plac],(long)AX[bufferVal]);
- bufferFull=0;
- }
- }
- hidden void LazyJMP(expr)
- localmem*expr;
- {if(bufferFull&&bufferVal==16+T)
- expr->auxlabel=0xFFFF;
- else{
- expr->auxlabel=0;
- Bflush();
- bufferFull=1;
- bufferVal=16+T;
- bufferPt=expr;
- }
- }
- hidden void LazyLabel(expr)
- localmem*expr;
- {
- if(expr->auxlabel==0xFFFF)return;
- if(bufferFull&&bufferPt==expr)
- bufferFull=0;
- else
- LEmit(expr->auxlabel);
- }
- void Bflush()
- {
- if(!bufferFull)return;
- bufferFull=0;
- if(bufferVal<16)
- Emit("PUSH %s",(long)AX[bufferVal]);
- else
- BEmit(bufferVal&0xF,
- bufferPt->auxlabel=newlabel());
- }
- hidden void BEmit(cond,lab)
- {
- static char *brCode=
- if(cond==F)return; /* niente NOP...*/
- Bflush();
- if(!lastWasLabel)
- fprintf(out," ");
- else
- lastWasLabel=0;
- fprintf(out,"%s L%d\n",&brCode[cond<<2],lab);
- }
- /*******************************/
- #define this currentExpr
- #define right currentExpr
- #define left (*first)
- #define son currentExpr
- #define issimple(x) (x.class<4)
- #define islazy(x) (x.class<5)
- #define INVERSE(x) ((x)^1)
- #define Flabel gci.aa.Label[0]
- #define Tlabel gci.aa.Label[1]
- static byte bitarray[]={5,0,4,2,1,2,2,0};
- #define isimr(x) (bitarray[x.class]&1)
- #define usesX(x) (bitarray[x.class]&2)
- #define isimsim(x) (bitarray[x.class]&4)
- /********************/
- void ForceNative(expr)
- localmem*expr;
- {if(expr->class==simplevar+1){
- expr->class=simplevar;
- Emit("LOAD X,%e",expr);
- expr->class=based;expr->displacement=0;
- }
- }
- /********************/
- void ForceRvalue(expr)
- localmem*expr;
- {if(expr->lval)
- expr->lval=expr->isCExpr=0;
- }
- /**********************************/
- void ForceA(expr) /* solo per rvalue... */
- localmem*expr;
- {
- if(expr->class==generated){
- if(expr->place!=0)
- {Emit("MOV A,X");expr->place=0;}
- return;
- }
- else if(expr->class!=flags){
- if(expr->class==immediate&&expr->eval==0)
- Emit("CLR A");
- else{
- ForceNative(expr);
- Emit("LOAD A,%e",expr);
- }
- expr->isCExpr=0;
- }
- else{ /* flags */
- if(expr->condition<=T&&expr->Flabel==0&&expr->Tlabel==0)
- Emit(expr->condition==T?"LOAD A,#1":"CLR A");
- else{
- word t=newlabel();
- if(expr->Flabel==0)
- if(expr->Tlabel==0){
- Emit("CLR A");
- BEmit(INVERSE(expr->condition),t);
- Emit("INC A");
- }
- else{
- Emit("CLR A");
- BEmit(INVERSE(expr->condition),t);
- LEmit(expr->Tlabel);
- Emit("LOAD A,#1");
- }
- else /* Flabel!=0 */
- if(expr->Tlabel==0){
- Emit("LOAD A,#1");
- BEmit(expr->condition,t);
- LEmit(expr->Flabel);
- Emit("CLR A");
- }
- else{
- BEmit(INVERSE(expr->condition),expr->Tlabel);
- LEmit(expr->Flabel);
- Emit("CLR A");
- BEmit(T,t);
- LEmit(expr->Tlabel);
- Emit("LOAD A,#1");
- }
- LEmit(t);
- }
- }
- expr->class=generated;
- expr->place=0;
- }
- /********************/
- void ForceX(expr) /* solo Rvalue !!! */
- localmem*expr;
- {
- if(expr->class==flags)
- ForceA(expr);
- if(expr->class==generated){
- if(!expr->place)
- {Emit("MOV X,A");expr->place=1;}
- return;
- }
- ForceNative(expr);
- Emit("LOAD X,%e",expr);
- expr->class=generated;
- expr->place=1;expr->isCExpr=0;
- }
- /********************/
- void ForceFlags(expr)
- localmem*expr;
- {
- if(expr->class==flags)return;
- if(expr->class==immediate)
- expr->condition=expr->eval?T:F;
- else{
- ForceNative(expr);
- if(expr->class==generated&&expr->place==1)
- ForceA(expr); /* TEST X non esistente */
- Emit("TEST %e",expr);
- expr->condition=NE;
- }
- expr->class=flags;
- expr->Flabel=expr->Tlabel=expr->isCExpr=0;
- }
- /********************/
- void ForceBased(expr) /* solo per lvalue ! */
- localmem *expr;
- {ForceNative(expr);
- if(expr->class==based)return;
- Emit("LEA %e",expr);
- expr->class=based;
- expr->displacement=expr->isCExpr=0;
- }
- /********************/
- void ForceStack(expr)
- localmem*expr;
- {
- if(expr->class==generated&&expr->place!=0)
- LazyPUSH(1);
- else{
- ForceA(expr); LazyPUSH(0);
- }
- /* expr->place=-1; */
- }
- /********************/
- void ForceJump(expr,direction)
- localmem*expr;
- {
- ForceFlags(expr);
- if(!expr->label[direction])
- expr->label[direction]=newlabel();
- BEmit(expr->condition^(1-direction),
- expr->label[direction]);
- LEmit(expr->label[1-direction]);
- /* expr->label[1-direction]=0;
- expr->condition=-1; */
- }
- /********************/
- hidden word newlabel()
- {
- static word lastLab=0;
- return ++lastLab;
- }
- hidden void SuppressLabels(expr)
- localmem*expr;
- {if(expr->class!=flags)return;
- LEmit(expr->Flabel);LEmit(expr->Tlabel);
- /* expr->Flabel=expr->Tlabel=0; */
- }
- /*********************************/
- void primary(symbolTable)
- tabel *symbolTable;
- {
- if(symbolTable->typ==const){
- this.class=immediate;
- this.eval=symbolTable->val;
- this.lval=0;this.isCExpr=1;
- }
- else{
- this.class=simplevar;
- this.sTable=symbolTable;
- this.displacement=0;
- this.lval=1;
- this.isCExpr=symbolTable->typ==ass;
- }
- }
- /****************/
- void UnaryPre(op,features)
- char op;
- {
- if(features&lval1op)
- {if(!son.lval)errore("lvalue expected");}
- else
- ForceRvalue(&son);
- /* if(op=='+') in C non c'
- ForceRvalue(&son);
- else
- */
- if(op=='-')
- if(isimr(son)){
- word t=this.symplus;
- this.symplus=this.symminus;
- this.symminus=t;
- son.eval=-son.eval;
- }
- else{
- ForceA(&son);Emit("NEG");}
- else if(op=='~')
- if(son.class==immediate)
- son.eval=~son.eval;
- else{
- ForceA(&son);Emit("NOT");}
- else if(op=='&'){
- if(issimple(son))
- if(son.class&1)
- son.class--;
- else if(son.sTable->typ==ass){
- this.class=relocatable;
- this.symplus=(word)(TOWORD(son.sTable));
- this.eval=son.displacement;
- this.symminus=0;
- }
- else{ /* dyn */
- ForceBased(&son);
- this.class=generated;this.place=1;
- }
- else{ /* based */
- if(this.displacement!=0)
- Emit("LEA %e",&son);
- this.class=generated;this.place=1;
- }
- this.lval=0;
- }
- else if(op=='*'){
- if(isimsim(son)){ /*immediate,simplevar*/
- if(son.class!=immediate)son.isCExpr=0;
- son.class++;}
- else if(son.class==relocatable&&son.symminus==0){
- this.class=simplevar;this.displacement=son.eval;
- {char*p=TOLONG(son.symplus);
- this.sTable=((tabel*)p);}
- }
- else{
- ForceX(&son);
- this.class=based;this.displacement=0;
- }
- this.lval=1;
- }
- else if(op=='!')
- if(son.class==immediate)
- this.eval=!son.eval;
- else{
- word t;
- ForceFlags(&son);
- son.condition ^=1; /* cio =INVERSE(son.condition) */
- t=son.Flabel;
- son.Flabel=son.Tlabel;
- son.Tlabel=t;
- }
- else{ /* ++ e -- */
- ForceNative(&son);
- Emit(op==0?"INC %e":"DEC %e",&son);
- ForceRvalue(&son);
- }
- }
- /****************/
- void UnaryPost(op,input)
- char op;
- {
- ForceNative(&this);
- if(!(input&externalCall)||token.asc!=';')
- Emit("LOAD A,%e",&son);
- Emit(op==0?"INC %e":"DEC %e",&son);
- this.class=generated;
- this.lval=this.isCExpr=this.place=0;
- }
- /****************/
- /* for binary operators, the parser calls two code generator routines in
- two places:
- ISO_... is called after the first operand, when the operator is known but
- nothing is known about the second operand. "first" points to a
- struct describing the left operand, which has also a few fields which
- the code generator may use for its local variables
- BIN_... is called after the second operand, "first" points to the same
- struct passed to ISO_..., the global variable "right" describes
- the right operand, and the result of the operation must be stored
- int "this" (physically overlayed with "right")
- For unary operators there is only one call (in theory there could be
- two calls for prefix operators, but no operator had anything which needed
- to be done before the operand)
- Also the ternary operator and the parameter passing are transformed into
- a binary parse tree, but BIN_... may be called many times after a single ISO_...
- */
- /* not optimazed versions: don't try to read any of the
- optimazing routines without understanding the general
- rules followed by the non-optimazing routines */
- /* non-optimizing version NON OPERATIVO */
- hidden char* opCode(op)
- char op;
- {
- static char
- tab[]={'+','-','|','&','^'};
- static char tab1[]=
- i=0;
- while(tab[i]!=op&&i<5) i++;
- return &tab1[i<<2];
- }
- hidden void ISO_plusminus(first)
- localmem*first;
- {
- /* semplificato, senza ottimizzazioni... */
- ForceStack(&left);
- }
- hidden void BIN_plusminus(first)
- localmem*first;
- {
- ForceA(&right);
- if(left.op=='-')
- {Emit("NEG");left.op='+';}
- /* else if(op non commutativo)
- Emit("EXC A,(SP)"); */
- Emit("%s (SP)+",opCode(left.op));
- }
- /*******************/
- /* non-optimizing version NON OPERATIVO */
- hidden void ISO_andOr(first)
- localmem*first;
- {
- ForceJump(&left,left.op);
- }
- hidden void BIN_andOr(first)
- localmem*first;
- {
- ForceFlags(&right);
- if(right.label[left.op]==0)
- right.label[left.op]=left.label[left.op];
- else
- EQUforward(left.label[left.op],right.label[left.op]);
- }
- /*******************/
- /* non-optimizing version NON OPERATIVO */
- hidden void ISO_ternary(first)
- localmem*first;
- {ForceJump(&left,0);
- }
- hidden void BIN_1ternary(first)
- localmem*first;
- {
- ForceA(&right);
- BEmit(T,left.auxlabel=newlabel());
- LEmit(left.Flabel);
- }
- hidden void BIN_2ternary(first)
- localmem*first;
- {ForceA(&right);
- LEmit(left.auxlabel);
- }
- #endif /* NOT_OPTIMAZING */
- hidden void ISO_assign(first)
- localmem*first;
- {if(left.class==based)
- LazyPUSH(1);
- }
- hidden void BIN_assign(first)
- localmem*first;
- {char *p;
- if(usesX(right)) /* *simplevar,based o generated */
- ForceA(&right);
- if(left.class==based)
- LazyPOP(1);
- if(right.class==immediate&&right.eval==0)
- p="CLR";
- else
- {ForceA(&right); p="STORE"; }
- ForceNative(&left);
- Emit("%s %e",p,&left);
- this.isCExpr=0;
- }
- /*******************/
- hidden GestioneReloc(first)
- localmem*first;
- {
- if(left.class==immediate){
- left.symplus=left.symminus=0;
- left.class=relocatable;}
- if(right.class==immediate){
- right.symplus=right.symminus=0;
- right.class=relocatable;}
- if(left.op=='-'){
- word t=right.symplus;
- right.symplus=right.symminus;
- right.symminus=t;
- right.eval=-right.eval;
- left.op='+';
- }
- if(left.symplus==right.symminus){
- left.symplus=right.symminus=0;}
- if(right.symplus==left.symminus){
- right.symplus=left.symminus=0;}
- if(right.symplus==0){
- right.symplus=left.symplus;
- left.symplus=0;}
- if(right.symminus==0){
- right.symminus=left.symminus;
- left.symminus=0;}
- if(left.symplus==0&&left.symminus==0){
- right.eval+=left.eval;
- if(right.symplus==0&&right.symminus==0)
- right.class=immediate;
- return 1; /* ce l'ho fatta */
- }
- return 0; /* la somma resta a run time */
- }
- /******************/
- hidden void GenOp(op,expr)
- char op;
- localmem*expr;
- {
- static char
- tab[]={'+','-','|','&','^'};
- static char tab1[]=
- char*p;
- int i=0;
- long labs();
- while(tab[i]!=op&&i<5)i++;
- p=&tab1[i<<2];
- if(!expr)
- Emit("%s (SP)+",p);
- else if(expr->class!=immediate){
- ForceNative(expr);
- Emit("%s %e",p,expr);}
- else if(i!=3&&expr->eval==0||
- i==3&&expr->eval==-1)
- ; /* elemento neutro: +0,&-1 etc. */
- else if(i<=1&&labs(expr->eval)<=1)
- if(i==(expr->eval<0))
- Emit("INC A");
- else
- Emit("DEC A");
- else
- Emit("%s #%d",p,expr->eval);
- }
- /***************************/
- hidden void ISO_generic(first)
- localmem*first;
- {
- if(!islazy(left))ForceStack(&left);
- }
- hidden void BIN_plusminus(first)
- localmem*first;
- {
- if(isimr(left)&&isimr(right)){
- if(left.class==immediate&&right.class==immediate)
- switch(left.op){
- case'+':this.eval+=left.eval;return;
- case'-':this.eval=left.eval-right.eval;return;
- case'|':this.eval|=left.eval;return;
- case'&':this.eval&=left.eval;return;
- case'^':this.eval^=left.eval;return;
- }
- if((left.op=='-'||left.op=='+')&&GestioneReloc(first)!=0)
- return;
- }
- if(right.class>=generated||
- right.class==based&&left.class==simplevar+1)
- ForceA(&right);
- if(left.class==generated)
- if(right.class==generated){
- if(left.op=='-')
- Emit("NEG%nADD (SP)+");
- else
- GenOp(left.op,NULL);
- }
- else{ /* generated-lazy */
- LazyPOP(0);
- GenOp(left.op,&right);}
- else{ /* left==lazy */
- ForceNative(&left);
- if(right.class==generated){
- if(left.op=='-')
- {Emit("NEG");left.op='+';}
- GenOp(left.op,&left);
- }
- else{ /* lazy-lazy */
- if(left.op=='-'||left.class!=immediate){
- ForceA(&left); GenOp(left.op,&right);}
- else{
- ForceA(&right);GenOp(left.op,&left);}
- }
- }
- this.class=generated;
- this.place=this.lval=this.isCExpr=0;
- }
- /******************/
- #define SWAPCOND(op) op<=3?op:11-op
- hidden void BIN_compare(first)
- localmem*first;
- {
- if(left.class==immediate&&right.class==immediate){
- switch(left.op){
- case NE:case EQ:
- this.eval=left.eval==right.eval;break;
- case GE:case LT:
- this.eval=left.eval <right.eval;break;
- case GT:case LE:
- this.eval=left.eval<=right.eval;break;
- }
- if(left.op&1)this.eval^=1;
- return;
- }
- if(left.class==generated)
- if(right.class>=generated){
- ForceA(&right);
- Emit("SUB (SP)+");
- this.condition=SWAPCOND(left.op);
- }
- else{
- LazyPOP(0);
- if(right.class==immediate&&right.eval==0)
- Emit("TEST A");
- else
- GenOp('-',&right);
- this.condition=left.op;
- }
- else /* left==lazy */
- if(right.class==immediate){
- if(right.eval==0){
- ForceNative(&left);
- Emit("TEST %e",&left);}
- else{
- ForceA(&left);
- GenOp('-',&right);
- }
- this.condition=left.op;
- }
- else{
- if(left.class==immediate&&left.eval==0){
- ForceNative(&right);
- Emit("TEST %e",&right);}
- else{
- ForceA(&right);
- GenOp('-',&left);
- }
- this.condition=SWAPCOND(left.op);
- }
- this.class=flags;
- this.Tlabel=this.Flabel=0;
- this.isCExpr=0;
- }
- /*******************/
- hidden void ISO_offset(first)
- localmem*first;
- {
- if(left.lval==0){
- if(!islazy(left))
- ForceStack(&left);
- else if(left.class==immediate){
- left.lval=1;left.class=immediate+1;}
- }
- else
- if(left.class==based)LazyPUSH(1);
- }
- hidden void BIN_offset(first)
- localmem*first;
- {
- if(left.lval){
- if(usesX(right))ForceA(&right);
- if(left.class==based)LazyPOP(1);
- if(right.class==immediate){
- if(left.class==immediate+1){
- this.eval+=left.eval;
- this.class=immediate+1;}
- else{
- ForceNative(&left);
- this.displacement=left.displacement+right.eval;
- this.class=left.class;
- this.sTable=left.sTable; /* serve solo se simplevar */
- }
- }
- else{
- ForceBased(&left);
- if(!islazy(right))ForceA(&right);
- Emit("ADDX %e",&right);
- this.class=based;
- this.displacement=left.displacement;
- this.isCExpr=0;
- }
- }
- else{ /* rvalue */
- if(left.class==relocatable&&right.class==immediate){
- left.eval+=right.eval;
- ForceX(&left);
- this.class=based;this.displacement=0;
- }
- else{
- if(usesX(right))ForceA(&right);
- if(!islazy(left))
- LazyPOP(1);
- else
- ForceX(&left);
- if(!islazy(right))ForceA(&right);
- if(right.class!=immediate){
- Emit("ADDX %e",&right);
- this.displacement=0;
- }
- else
- this.displacement=right.eval;
- this.class=based;
- }
- this.isCExpr=0;
- }
- this.lval=1;
- }
- /*******************************/
- /* there are TWO ways to pass parameters on the stack:
- Pushing first the first parameter
- Pushing first the LAST parameter
- The second way is necessary to implement the functions with a variable
- number of parameters of C (e.g. printf), the first one is simpler,
- hence it's used when there is no printf to implement
- Note: this routines were written on a QL, not on the Mac. The C-like
- parameter passing method implemented is compatble with C compilers
- on the Mac, but the Pascal-like method does not account another
- feature of Pascal compilers for the Mac (and the Toolbox in ROM),
- which pass the return value on the stack rather than in a register
- (really, on paper I wrote the MC68000 equivalents of the
- abstract-accumulator-machine instructions which are generated by
- this program, but I never found the time to type them)
- */
- /* Di questa routine ne esistono due
- versioni, che pongono i parametri
- sullo stack in ordine diretto o
- inverso: c'Å bisogno anche di un
- parser leggermente diverso e la
- word parsInverted lo seleziona */
- (come nel C della GST) (as in Macintosh Pascal, but the
- return value is in accumulator)
- */
- word parsInverted=0;
- hidden void ISO_funCall(first)
- localmem*first;
- {
- if(islazy(left))
- left.counter=0;
- else{
- ForceStack(&left);
- left.counter=2;
- }
- }
- #define ISO_funpar null
- hidden void BIN_funpar(first)
- localmem*first;
- {
- ForceStack(&right);
- left.counter+=2;
- }
- hidden void BIN_funCall(first)
- localmem*first;
- {
- if(left.class==simplevar&&left.sTable->typ==ass||
- left.class==immediate){
- if(left.class==immediate)
- left.class=immediate+1;
- Emit("CALL %e",&left);
- }
- else{
- if(!islazy(left)){
- if(left.counter==2)
- { LazyPOP(1);left.counter=0;}
- else
- Emit("LOAD X,%d(SP)",(long)left.counter-2);
- }
- else
- ForceX(&left);
- Emit("CALL (X)");
- }
- if(left.counter!=0)Emit("ADD SP,#%d",(long)left.counter);
- this.class=generated;
- this.lval=this.place=this.isCExpr=0;
- }
- /* */
- /***********************/
- (come nel C MetaComco) */
- static word parOffset,parLname;
- hidden word newlname()
- {static word lastName=0;
- return ++lastName;
- }
- void QEmit(lab,val)
- word lab,val;
- {
- if(lastWasLabel){
- fprintf(out,"\n");lastWasLabel=0;}
- fprintf(out,"C%d%sEQU %d\n",lab,lab<=9?" ":" ",val);
- }
- hidden void ISO_funCall_inv(first)
- localmem*first;
- {
- if(!islazy(left))ForceStack(&left);
- left.counter=parOffset;parOffset=0;
- left.auxLname=parLname;parLname=0;
- }
- hidden void ISO_funpar_inv(first)
- localmem*first;
- {
- if(parLname==0)
- if(islazy(left))
- ;
- else if(token.asc==')'){ /* Wow,per un pelo ! */
- ForceStack(&left);
- parOffset=2;
- }
- else{ /* devo usare il modo costoso */
- Emit("SUB SP,#C%d",(long)(parLname=newlname()));
- ForceStack(&left);
- parOffset=2;
- }
- else{
- ForceA(&left);
- Emit("STORE %d(SP)",(long)parOffset);
- parOffset+=2;
- }
- }
- hidden void BIN_funpar_inv(first)
- localmem*first;
- {
- if(!islazy(left))return;
- if(parLname!=0){
- QEmit(parLname,parOffset-2);
- parLname=0;
- }
- ForceStack(&left);
- parOffset+=2;
- }
- hidden void BIN_funCall_inv(first)
- localmem*first;
- {
- if(parLname!=0)
- QEmit(parLname,parOffset-2);
- if(!islazy(left))parOffset+=2;
- if(left.class==simplevar&&left.sTable->typ==ass||
- left.class==immediate){
- if(left.class==immediate)
- left.class=immediate+1;
- Emit("CALL %e",&left);
- }
- else{
- if(!islazy(left)){
- if(parOffset==2)
- { LazyPOP(1);parOffset=0;}
- else
- Emit("LOAD X,%d(SP)",(long)parOffset-2);
- }
- else
- ForceX(&left);
- Emit("CALL (X)");
- }
- if(parOffset!=0)Emit("ADD SP,#%d",(long)parOffset);
- this.class=generated;
- this.lval=this.place=this.isCExpr=0;
- parOffset=left.counter;parLname=left.auxLname;
- }
- /***********************************/
- hidden int power2(val)
- long val;
- {int i;
- if(val<=0)return -1;
- for(i=0;!(val&1);val>>=1)i++;
- if(val==1)return i;
- else return -1;
- }
- hidden void GenMDS(op,expr)
- char op;
- localmem*expr;
- {
- static char tab[]={'*','/','%',0,1},
- *tab1[]={"MULT","DIV","MOD","LSHIFT","RSHIFT"},
- tab2[]="ASL\0ASR";
- int i,j;
- long val;
- for(i=0;tab[i]!=op&&i<5;i++) ;
- if(expr==NULL)
- {Emit("CALL %s",tab1[i]);
- return;}
- val=expr->eval;
- if(i<=1){ /* * e / */
- if(val==1)
- return;
- else if((j=power2(val))>=0){
- i+=3;val=j;}
- else if(i==0){
- if(val<0&&(j=power2(-val))>=0){
- Emit("NEG");
- i=3;val=j;}
- else if(val==0)
- {Emit("CLR A");return;}
- else if(val==3){
- Emit("PUSH A%nADD a%nADD (SP)+");
- return;}
- }
- }
- if(i==2){ /* MOD */
- if((j=power2(val))>=0)
- {Emit("AND #%d",~(~(long)0<<j));
- return;}
- }
- else if(i>=3){
- if(val<0){
- val=-val;i=7-i;}
- if(val<=3){
- while(--val>=0)
- Emit(&tab2[-12+(i<<2)]);
- return;}
- }
- Emit("PUSH A%nLOAD A,#%d%nCALL %s",val,tab1[i]);
- }
- /*******************/
- hidden void ISO_multdiv(first)
- localmem*first;
- {if(left.class!=immediate)ForceStack(&left);
- }
- hidden void BIN_multdiv(first)
- localmem*first;
- {
- if(left.class==immediate)
- if(right.class==immediate)
- switch(left.op){
- case'*':this.eval*=left.eval;return;
- case'/':this.eval=left.eval/right.eval;return;
- case'%':this.eval=left.eval%right.eval;return;
- case 0 :this.eval=left.eval<<right.eval;return;
- case 1 :this.eval=left.eval>>right.eval;return;
- }
- else if(left.op=='*'){
- ForceA(&right);
- GenMDS('*',&left);}
- else{
- ForceA(&right);
- Emit("LOAD X,#%d%nPUSH X",left.eval);
- GenMDS(left.op,NULL);
- }
- else
- if(right.class==immediate){
- LazyPOP(0);
- GenMDS(left.op,&right);
- }
- else{
- ForceA(&right);
- GenMDS(left.op,NULL);
- }
- this.class=generated;
- this.place=this.isCExpr=0;
- }
- /******************************/
- hidden void ISO_andOr(first)
- localmem*first;
- {
- if(left.class!=immediate)
- ForceJump(&left,left.op);
- else{
- if(left.eval!=0)left.eval=1;
- if(left.eval==left.op)
- LazyJMP(&left);
- }
- }
- hidden void BIN_andOr(first)
- localmem*first;
- {
- if(left.class==immediate)
- if(left.eval==left.op){ /* 0&& oppure 1|| */
- LazyLabel(&left);SuppressLabels(&right);
- this.eval=left.eval;this.class=immediate;
- }
- else{
- left.eval=0;left.op=NE;
- BIN_compare(&left);
- }
- else{
- ForceFlags(&right);
- if(right.label[left.op]==0)
- right.label[left.op]=left.label[left.op];
- else
- EQUforward(left.label[left.op],right.label[left.op]);
- }
- }
- /*******************/
- hidden void ISO_ternary(first)
- localmem*first;
- {
- if(left.class!=immediate)
- ForceJump(&left,0);
- else if(left.eval==0)
- LazyJMP(&left);
- else
- left.eval=1;
- }
- hidden void BIN_1ternary(first)
- localmem*first;
- {
- if(left.class!=immediate){
- ForceA(&right);
- BEmit(T,left.auxlabel=newlabel());
- LEmit(left.Flabel);
- left.auxternary=0xFF;
- }
- else{
- byte b=left.eval;
- right.isCExpr&=left.isCExpr;
- movmem(&right.gci,&left.gci,sizeof(struct GCI));
- if((left.auxternary=b)==0){
- LazyLabel(&left);SuppressLabels(&right);
- }
- else
- LazyJMP(&left);
- }
- }
- hidden void BIN_2ternary(first)
- localmem*first;
- {
- if(left.auxternary==0xFF){
- ForceA(&right);
- LEmit(left.auxlabel);
- }
- else if(left.auxternary!=0){
- LazyLabel(&left);SuppressLabels(&right);
- left.isCExpr&=right.isCExpr;
- movmem(&left.gci,&right.gci,sizeof(struct GCI));
- }
- }
- /*******************/
- #define ISO_comma SuppressLabels
- #define BIN_comma null
- /*******************/
- void null(){}
- static void (*ISOjmpTab[])()={
- ISO_comma,ISO_generic,ISO_andOr,
- ISO_generic,ISO_multdiv,
- null,ISO_ternary,ISO_funpar,
- ISO_funCall,ISO_offset,ISO_assign,
- ISO_funpar_inv,ISO_funCall_inv};
- static void (*BINjmpTab[])()={
- BIN_comma,BIN_compare,BIN_andOr,
- BIN_plusminus,BIN_multdiv,
- BIN_1ternary,BIN_2ternary,BIN_funpar,
- BIN_funCall,BIN_offset,BIN_assign,
- BIN_funpar_inv,BIN_funCall_inv};
- /**********************/
- void InitSecOp(first,i)
- localmem *first;
- {
- movmem(&(currentExpr.gci),&(first->gci),
- sizeof(struct GCI));
- if(!(first->opfea&32))
- if(first->opfea&lval1op)
- {if(!first->lval)errore("lvalue expected");}
- else
- ForceRvalue(first);
- if(first->opfea&assignOp){
- ForceNative(first);
- ISO_assign(first);
- first->counter=first->class; /* dirty !! */
- }
- (*ISOjmpTab[i])(first);
- }
- /********************/
- void BinaryOp(first,i)
- localmem*first;
- {
- if(!(first->opfea&32))ForceRvalue(&this);
- (*BINjmpTab[i])(first);
- if(first->opfea&assignOp){
- first->class=first->counter;
- BIN_assign(first);
- }
- this.isCExpr&=left.isCExpr;
- }