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- /************************\
- * *
- * Parser *
- * *
- \************************/
- /* One pass optimizing compiler for typeless expressions
- written by Gabriele Speranza on a Sinclair QL (summer 1990),
- adapted to C language expressions and modified gen.c (november 1990)
- quickly ported to the Macintosh (jan-feb 1991)
- added comments & dynamic choice between the two calling protocols (june 92)
- Algorithms used:
- lexical analyzer: table lookup
- expression parser: left corner parsing
- optimizer: lazy evaluation & strength reduction
- */
- /* the QL screen is small, and the QL keyboard is rather awkward
- to use, hence a rather strange graphical appearence of the listing
- and almost no original comments. Now that I'm writing on a Mac I tried
- to add more comments, but more than one year has passed since I wrote
- the program and these comments are necessarily imprecise */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <setjmp.h>
- #include "gc.h"
- /* #define hidden static*/
- #define hidden
- /* i prossimi dovrebbero stare in ctype.h ma evidentemente qui non ci sono... */
- #define iscsym(c) (isalnum(c)||(c)=='_')
- #define iscsymf(c) (isalpha(c)||(c)=='_')
- struct t token;
- FILE *out;
- localmem currentExpr;
- static char buffer[160], *textPointer;
- static jmp_buf mainProgram;
- #define sTsize 64
- #define predefined 6
- /* table of predefined symbols:the code generator
- supports constant values and dynamic variables, but
- all new symbols are considered absolute (the C static
- variables), hence to try the capabilities of the program
- I have 3 predefined constants and 3 predefined dynamic
- variables */
- tabel *lastEntry,symbolTable[sTsize]={
- {dyn,"x",0},{dyn,"y",0},{dyn,"z",0},
- {const,"u",1},{const,"v",2},
- {const,"w",0}};
- /* the lexical analyzer is table driven, and here are the tables: */
- static char tabBichar[][2]={
- '-','>','<','<','>','>','+','+',
- '-','-','=','=','!','=','&','&',
- '|','|','<','=','>','='};
- static byte valBichar[][2]={
- 'P',255,0,4,1,4,0,255,1,255,EQ,1,
- NE,1,0,2,1,2,LE,1,GE,1};
- static word prioBichar[]={
- 0,0100135,0100135,060161,060161,
- 0115,0115,055,045,0125,0125};
- static char tabMono[]={
- '+','-','&','|','*','/','%','!',
- '~','<','>','^','?',',','=' };
- static byte valMono[]={
- 3,3,3,3,4,4,4,0,0,1,1,3,6,0,10};
- static word prioMono[]={
- 0100145,0140145,0140105,0100065,
- 0140155,0100155,0100155,0162,0162,
- 0125,0125,0100075,034,017,020027};
- /* coding of the priority:
- least significant 3 bits (l.s. octal digit) the associativity: see the #define's
- for (unary) prefix, (unary) postfix, leftass, rightass...;
- next 9 bits (three more octal digits) are the priority: 0 is reserved, hence
- up to 511 levels of precedence are possible. Only about 20 are really used for
- C expressions.
- The remaining 4 bits will be shifted to the "features" bytes, containing some
- attributes of the operator (lval1op,lval2op,unaryToo,asgnOpToo)
- The input parameter of E_parser has this same coding, but the upper four bit
- have a different meaning (bits 12 to 14 are always cleared, bit 15 means "this
- sub-expression is not nested within a parenthesis" and is not used currently,
- but it was used in the summer 90 version which used a Pascal-like syntax rather
- than a C-like one)
- Since it's the lexical analyzer which determines priority and associativity of
- operators, it would be extremely easy to dynamically insert and delete
- user-defined operators (e.g. using identifiers or sequences of chars which, by
- some simple rule, are guaranteed not to create ambiguities to the lexical analyzer).
- Question: why do Ada and C++ allow to redefine existing operators, but not to define
- new ones ?
- Answer: Ichbiah and Stroustrup never heard about left-corner parsing (the one
- used here). Probably they knew that C-Prolog allows to redefine operators,
- but Prolog means AI and AI algorithms are horribly slow and memory hungry
- (the left corner expression parser should be slightly faster and should
- use less memory than any other expression parsing algorithm)
- */
- #define UNARYPRIO 0162
- #define ASSIGNPRIO 027
- #define ASSIGNOPFEA 022
- void lexanal(),E_parser(),
- gestioneSel(),Statement();
- void main()
- {
- /*static word w2[4]={206,200,284,8};
- static word w1[4]={260,200,22,8};*/
- int width,heigth;
- FILE*fopen_win();
- lastEntry= &symbolTable[predefined];
- InitConsole();
- screen_size(&width,&heigth);
- if(width>=640){
- config_console(44,4,"\pinput",-1,25,40,0,0,0);
- printf("\f");
- out=fopen_win(44,320,"\poutput",0,25,40,0,0);
- }
- else{
- config_console(44,4,"\pinput",-1,25,40,0,0,0);
- printf("\f");
- out=fopen_win(44,256,"\poutput",0,25,40,0,0);
- }
- /*printf("Programma di esempio\n");
- printf("Parsing espressioni e\n");
- printf("generazione di codice\n\n");
- */
- printf("\nDemo code generator\nby Gabriele Speranza November 1990\n");
- printf("Type expressions in C, for example\"2+2\",\n\"t=(a[x]-b.u)^f(y,3+s); b= y*8+1\"\n");
- printf("or \"a=b?(!!c||d):(foo+=j),g(h|r)\"\n\n");
- if(setjmp(mainProgram)<0)
- {
- /*printf("Riprova !!\n");*/
- printf("Try again !\n");
- fflush(out); }
- for(;;){
- printf("Expr: ");
- /*getline(&buffer,sizeof(buffer));*/
- fgets(buffer,sizeof(buffer),stdin);
- if(buffer[1]=='\0'){
- fclose(out);
- return;
- }
- fprintf(out,"\f");
- textPointer= &buffer[0];
- Statement();
- fflush(out);
- printf("\n");
- }}
- /*********************/
- void Statement()
- {
- /* it does NOT parse C-like statements, only sequences of expressions separated
- by ';', but above the "expression" level it's typical to find something
- named "statement" */
- static char *classes[]={
- "immediate","*immediate","simplevar",
- "*simplevar","relocatable","based",
- "generated","flags"};
- do{
- lexanal();
- if(token.asc!='Z'){
- E_parser(Normal|externalCall);
- /* printf("class=%s\nlval=%d CExpr=%d\n",
- classes[currentExpr.class],
- currentExpr.lval,currentExpr.isCExpr);
- */
- if(currentExpr.class==flags){
- ForceJump(¤tExpr,0);
- Emit("...");
- }
- else
- ForceA(¤tExpr);
- }
- }
- while(token.asc==';');
- Emit("END");
- if(token.asc!='Z')errore("extra chars");
- }
- /**********************/
- /* parameter parsing must be done in a different way according
- to how parameters are passed (on the Mac, the two methods are
- called C and Pascal), since the "parse tree" must be built in
- two different ways (this programs builds no parse tree, but
- conceptually it exists, simply it's destroyed during the same pass
- which should construct it). This parser has both methods, with a global
- variable choosing
- /* hidden */void FunParameters()
- {localmem first;
- lexanal();
- first.op='(';first.opfea=0;
- InitSecOp(&first,8);
- while(token.asc!=')'){
- E_parser(commaIsNotOp);
- BinaryOp(&first,7);
- if(token.asc==',')lexanal();
- else if(token.asc!=')')errore(") expected");
- }
- first.op=')';first.opfea=32;
- BinaryOp(&first,8); lexanal();
- }
- /**********************/
- hidden void restOfPars()
- {localmem first;
- first.op=')';first.opfea=0;
- E_parser(commaIsNotOp);
- InitSecOp(&first,11);
- if(token.asc==','){
- lexanal();
- restOfPars();
- }
- else if(token.asc!=')')
- errore(") expected");
- first.opfea=32;
- BinaryOp(&first,11);
- }
- /**********************/
- hidden void FunParsInv()
- {localmem first;
- first.op='(';first.opfea=0;
- lexanal();InitSecOp(&first,12);
- if(token.asc!=')')
- restOfPars();
- first.opfea=32;
- BinaryOp(&first,12);lexanal();
- }
- /**********************/
- hidden void RecordOffset()
- {localmem first;
- first.op='.';first.opfea=lval1op;
- InitSecOp(&first,9);
- lexanal();
- if(token.asc!='I'||
- token.symTable->name[0]=='\0'||
- token.symTable->typ!=const)
- errore("field name expected");
- primary(token.symTable);
- BinaryOp(&first,9);
- lexanal();
- }
- /*****************/
- hidden void ArrayIndex()
- {localmem first;
- static localmem aux={
- '*',0,0,{0,immediate /* e il resto 0 */}};
- first.op='[';first.opfea=32;
- /* for(;;){ solo per indici multipli
- uncomment for Pascal, which allows a[x,y]
- */
- InitSecOp(&first,9);
- lexanal(); E_parser(Normal);
- /* solo per limite inf != 0
- uncomment for Pascal, where the lower limit is not 0
- aux.eval= - limite inferiore ;
- aux.op='+';
- BinaryOp(&aux,3);
- aux.op='*';
- */
- aux.eval=4; /* size dell'entit
- puntata */
- BinaryOp(&aux,4);
- /* solo per indici multipli
- uncomment for Pascal, which allows a[x,y]
- if(token.asc==',')
- BinaryOp(&first,9);
- else
- break;
- }
- */
- match(']');
- BinaryOp(&first,9);
- }
- /**********************/
- hidden void gestioneSel()
- {
- extern word parsInverted;
- for(;;){
- switch(token.asc){
- case 'P' /*'->'*/:
- UnaryPre('*',0);
- /* RecordOffset();
- break; */
- case '.':
- RecordOffset();
- break;
- case '[':
- ArrayIndex();
- break;
- case '(':
- if(!parsInverted)
- FunParameters();
- else
- FunParsInv();
- break;
- default:
- return;
- }}
- }
- /*********************/
- hidden void E_parser(input)
- word input;
- {
- /* left-corner expression parser */
- if(token.priority!=0 &&
- (token.features&unaryToo)){
- token.priority=UNARYPRIO;
- if(token.asc=='&')token.features=lval1op;
- }
- if(token.asc=='I'){
- primary(token.symTable);
- if(token.symTable->name[0]!='\0'){
- /* well, I must use some arbitrary criteria to tell which functions
- have a C interface and which ones have a Pascal interface... */
- parsInverted=((token.symTable->name[0])|0x20)<'m';
- lexanal();
- gestioneSel();
- }
- else
- lexanal();
- }
- else if(token.asc=='('){
- lexanal(); E_parser(Normal);
- parsInverted=0;
- match(')');gestioneSel();
- /* converting it to Pascal syntax, remember that somewhere there must be a
- this.lval=false */
- }
- else if((token.priority&7)==prefix){
- char c=token.asc,f=token.features;
- lexanal();
- E_parser(UNARYPRIO-prefix);
- /* that's for C, where all unary prefix operators have the same precedence,
- the highest, and right-associate with other operators at the same priority
- (*p++ means *(p++) ).
- Converting to Pascal syntax, where the precedence is not the highest, one
- should remember that a<-b is OK but a*-b is illegal; and since they
- left-associate with other operators at the same priority (-a-b means (-a)-b...)
- you should do this:
- int i=token.priority; lexanal(); E_parser(i+8-prefix);
- */
- UnaryPre(c,f);
- }
- else
- errore("missing token");
- /* MAIN LOOP */
- {word p,t,minprio=input&0xFFF;
- localmem first;
- /*OK, in theory I should mask out the lowest three bits (associativity)
- in both token.priority and minprio. However, not masking them and
- cleverly coding the associativity field allowed me to have some
- control about what happens when operators of different associativity are
- placed at the same priority, and what I obtained seems better than what
- happens by the "theoric" law obtained by masking those bits */
- while(token.priority>=minprio){
- t=token.priority&7;
- if(t==prefix)
- errore("missing operator");
- if(t==postfix){
- p=token.asc;lexanal();
- UnaryPost(p,input);
- }
- else {
- int i=token.index;
- p=token.priority;
- first.op=token.asc;
- first.opfea=token.features;
- InitSecOp(&first,i);
- lexanal();
- switch(t){
- case leftass:
- E_parser(p+(8-leftass));break;
- case rightass:
- E_parser(p);break;
- case noass:
- /* OK, I know that C has no no-ass operators, but
- they are supported anyway. And <,>,<= and so on should have been no-ass,
- the C meaning of a<b<c is absolutely silly */
- E_parser(p+(8-noass));
- if(token.priority==p)
- errore("noass !");
- break;
- case ternary:
- E_parser(p);
- if(token.asc!=':')
- errore("misused ternary");
- BinaryOp(&first,5);
- lexanal(); E_parser(p);
- break;
- default:
- errore("???");
- }
- BinaryOp(&first,i);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*********************/
- hidden void lexanal()
- {
- /* a very very simple lexical analyzer, containing a very simple
- symbol table handling
- */
- char *p=textPointer;
- static tabel lit={const,{'\0'},0};
- token.priority=0;
- while(*p>0&&isspace(*p)) p++;
- if(*p=='\0')
- {token.asc='Z';token.index=255;}
- else if(*p<0)
- {token.asc= *p++;token.index=255;}
- else if(*p>0&&isdigit(*p)){
- lit.val=0;
- do
- lit.val=lit.val*10+ *p++ -'0';
- while(*p>0&&isdigit(*p));
- token.asc='I';token.index=255;
- token.symTable=&lit;
- }
- else if(*p>0&&iscsymf(*p)){ /*car iniziale id */
- char *p1=&(lastEntry->name[0]);
- while(*p>0&&iscsym(*p)) /*car non iniziale id*/
- *p1++ = *p++;
- *p1='\0';
- token.symTable= &symbolTable[0];
- while(strcmp(token.symTable->name,lastEntry->name))
- token.symTable++;
- if(token.symTable==lastEntry)
- {lastEntry->typ=ass;
- if(lastEntry==&symbolTable[sTsize-1])
- errore("sym table full");
- lastEntry++;
- }
- token.asc='I';token.index=255;
- }
- else{
- char ricerca[2]; int i=0;
- ricerca[0]=*p++;ricerca[1]=*p;
- do
- if(*((word*)&ricerca[0])==*((word*)&tabBichar[i]))
- break;
- while(++i<sizeof(tabBichar)/2);
- if(i<sizeof(tabBichar)/2){
- token.asc=valBichar[i][0];
- token.index=valBichar[i][1];
- token.priority=prioBichar[i];
- p++;
- }
- else{
- token.asc=ricerca[0];
- i=0;
- do
- if(token.asc==tabMono[i])
- break;
- while(++i<sizeof(tabMono));
- if(i<sizeof(tabMono)){
- token.index=valMono[i];
- token.priority=prioMono[i];
- if(token.index==1)
- token.asc=token.asc=='<'?LT:GT;
- }
- else
- token.index=255;
- }
- token.features=0;
- if(token.priority!=0){ /* operatore... */
- token.features=(token.priority>>12)&0xF;
- token.priority&=0xFFF;
- if(*p=='='&&(token.features&asgnOpToo)){
- token.features=ASSIGNOPFEA;
- token.priority=ASSIGNPRIO;
- p++;
- }
- }
- }
- textPointer=p;
- }
- /*******************/
- match(c)
- char c;
- {
- static char p[]="missing ";
- if(token.asc==c)
- lexanal();
- else{
- p[sizeof(p)-2]=c;
- errore(p);
- }
- }
- /*******************/
- errore(mesg)
- char *mesg;
- {
- printf("\n%s\n",mesg);
- printf("%s\n",textPointer);
- longjmp(mainProgram,-1);
- exit(0); /*inutile...*/
- }