home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* this file contains code from two TextEdit-based little editors: */
- /*********************************************************************
- MiniEdit.c
- The sample application from Inside Macintosh (RoadMap p.
- 15-17)
- beefed up a bit by Stephen Z. Stein, Symantec Corp.
- *********************************************************************/
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # Apple Macintosh Developer Technical Support
- #
- # MultiFinder-Aware TextEdit Sample Application
- #
- # TESample.c
- #
- # Copyright ⌐ 1989 Apple Computer, Inc.
- # All rights reserved.
- #
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* the integration of the two environments (MiniEdit is autowrap-only, TESample
- is horizontal scroll only, both are single-window and their programming style is
- often radically different) is by us: */
- /*******************************************************************************\
- main events module
- suntar, ⌐1991-92 Sauro & Gabriele Speranza
- This program is public domain, feel free to use it or part of it for anything
- \*******************************************************************************/
- /* In general, we have kept the general structure of MiniEdit (which is easier to
- understand) but inserting many small excerpts of code from TESample (which is more
- powerful: for example, it's MultiFinder aware). Many features, however, are
- completely new for suntar and come from neither MiniEdit nor TESample.
- */
- #include "antiglue.h"
- #include "system7.h"
- /* inutili, sono in MacHeaders
- #include <QuickDraw.h>
- #include <MacTypes.h>
- #include <FontMgr.h>
- #include <WindowMgr.h>
- #include <MenuMgr.h>
- #include <TextEdit.h>
- #include <DialogMgr.h>
- #include <EventMgr.h>
- #include <DeskMgr.h>
- #include <FileMgr.h>
- #include <ToolboxUtil.h>
- #include <ControlMgr.h>
- */
- #include "windows.h"
- #include "suntar.h"
- #define REQUIREDSTACK 16384
- void (*my_add_menus)() =NULL; /* aggiunta men¥ dopo il men¥ preferences
- --add items in the preferences menu and further menus
- */
- void (*my_handle_menus)(long)=NULL; /* gestione nuove entry in qualunque men¥
- -- handles selection of any application-installed menu item
- */
- void (*my_event_filter)(EventRecord*)=NULL; /* permette di "filtrare" un evento, dopo che
- MainEvent ha chiamato GetNextEvent e prima che lo
- gestisca, basta settare il campo what a nullEvent per
- sopprimere la gestione standard
- -- event filter !
- */
- int (*my_at_exit)(); /* azioni da compiere al Quit
- --quit handler
- */
- static short quit_selection;
- static short n_about_entries;
- unsigned char PNS[]="\p";
- Point badmount_point={80,112};
- window_def my_windows[n_max_windows]; /* si potrebbe anche renderla una lista
- per non avere un valore massimo... ma mi fa comodo
- cosô per decidere dove posizionare le finestre */
- short n_currently_open=0;
- window_def *curr_window=NULL; /* la finestra attualmente corrente
- -- if the currently active window belongs to this module,
- curr_window must point to it (and the current grafport
- is set to it)
- */
- TEHandle TEH; /* della finestra corrente...
- -- copy of curr_window->TEH */
- static WindowPtr foreign_window[n_max_foreign];
- static upd_proc update_handler[n_max_foreign],activate_handler[n_max_foreign];
- MenuHandle myMenus[4];
- MenuHandle fontM[3];
- #ifdef SUNTAR
- MenuHandle hqxM;
- #endif
- Cursor editCursor;
- Cursor waitCursor;
- static struct acur{
- short n_cursors;
- short delay;
- Ptr cursor_ID_or_Ptr[1000]; /* the true size depends on the size of the resource */
- } *rot_cursor;
- extern int current_font,current_size,current_style,curr_font_index;
- /* #define kNoEvents 0 / * no events mask */
- /* GMac is used to hold the result of a SysEnvirons call. This makes
- it convenient for any routine to check the environment. It is
- global information, anyway. */
- SysEnvRec gMac; /* set up by Initialize */
- /* GHasWaitNextEvent is set at startup, and tells whether the WaitNextEvent
- trap is available. If it is false, we know that we must call GetNextEvent. */
- Boolean gHasWaitNextEvent; /* set up by Initialize */
- Boolean gHasResolveAlias;
- Boolean gHasCustomPutFile;
- /* GInBackground is maintained by our OSEvent handling routines. Any part of
- the program can check it to find out if it is currently in the background. */
- Boolean gInBackground=false; /* maintained by Initialize and DoEvent */
- /* kSysEnvironsVersion is passed to SysEnvirons to tell it which version of the
- SysEnvRec we understand. */
- #define kSysEnvironsVersion 1
- #define _WaitNextEvent 0xA860
- #define _AliasDispatch 0xA823
- #define _Gestalt 0xA1AD
- #define _InitGraf 0xA86E
- #define _Unimplemented 0xA89F
- #define TrapType Trap_Type
- typedef unsigned char Trap_Type; /* changed name, to avoid a conflict with
- newer standard headers which might have that
- declaration */
- void my_init(void);
- void SetUpMenus(void);
- void crea_menu_font(void);
- void set_marks_size(void);
- void set_marks_style(void);
- void DoFile(int);
- void SetUpCursors(void);
- Boolean _TrapAvailable(short,TrapType);
- unsigned long GetSleep(void);
- static void my_init()
- {
- register int i;
- SetUpMenus();
- for(i=0;i<n_max_windows;i++)
- my_windows[i].used=false;
- SetUpCursors();
- for(i=0;i<n_max_foreign;i++)
- foreign_window[i]=NULL;
- }
- void install_handlers(window,upd_handler,act_handler)
- WindowPtr window;
- upd_proc upd_handler;
- upd_proc act_handler;
- {
- int i=0;
- while(i<n_max_foreign){
- if(foreign_window[i]==NULL){
- foreign_window[i]=window;
- update_handler[i]=upd_handler;
- activate_handler[i]=act_handler;
- return;
- }
- i++;
- }
- }
- void remove_handlers(window)
- WindowPtr window;
- {
- int i=0;
- while(i<n_max_foreign){
- if(foreign_window[i]==window){
- foreign_window[i]=NULL;
- return;
- }
- i++;
- }
- }
- void UpdateFilter (theEvent)
- register EventRecord *theEvent;
- /* to be called exclusively for update & activate events */
- {
- /* It's annoying to be obliged to handle update and activate events; furthermore,
- according to TN 304 update events should never be ignored, even during a ModalDialog
- (which ignores them if they are not for the dialog itself, unless you specify a
- filter which handles them).
- Hence, when suntar began to have a number of windows and dialogs, I preferred
- to do things in a way that is complex but surely works in any situation,
- centralizing the handling of updates and activates: when calling ModalDialog one
- must use this filter, when calling MainEvent or get_event updates and activates
- are NOT returned to the caller, but are handled internally (just as happens to
- updates when one installs a picture in windowPic, but probably nobody has ever
- used that method for a dialog).
- It's always a good programming rule to rewrite something when the program grows
- and the old, simple method begins to be inadequate for the job.
- */
- if(ourTE(theEvent->message)){
- if(theEvent->what==updateEvt)
- UpdateWindow((WindowPtr)theEvent->message);
- else /* activate */
- DoActivate((WindowPtr)theEvent->message,theEvent->modifiers & activeFlag );
- theEvent->what=nullEvent;
- }
- else if(theEvent->message){
- int entry_n;
- for(entry_n=0;entry_n<n_max_foreign;entry_n++){
- if((WindowPtr)theEvent->message==foreign_window[entry_n]){
- if(theEvent->what==updateEvt){
- if(update_handler[entry_n])
- (*update_handler[entry_n])(theEvent);
- }
- else{
- if(activate_handler[entry_n])
- (*activate_handler[entry_n])(theEvent);
- }
- theEvent->what=nullEvent;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- void MainEvent()
- /* see the comment at the beginning of suntar.c for understanding this routine
- and the two following ones: suntar has NOT a main event loop... */
- {
- EventRecord myEvent;
- if(get_event(&myEvent)){
- if(my_event_filter!=NULL) (*my_event_filter)(&myEvent);
- handle_event(&myEvent);
- }
- }
- Boolean get_event(myEvent)
- EventRecord *myEvent;
- {
- Boolean retcode;
- if(curr_window)
- TEIdle(curr_window->TEH);
- #ifdef SUNTAR
- /* window 0 is the console window, and old text must be deleted if the
- TextEdit limit of 32 kbytes is approached... */
- if( my_windows[0].used && ((**my_windows[0].TEH).teLength >maxTElength-4000 ||
- /* according to TN 237, there is another limit to the size of a TextEdit
- record: the destination rect must not be taller than 32767 pixels:
- that limit is more stringent only if the line height in pixels is bigger
- than the average line length in characters, a very rare situation,
- unless you set the font size to 36 or 48, or use a small autowrap window */
- (**my_windows[0].TEH).nLines > 32000/(**my_windows[0].TEH).lineHeight) )
- SilentSuppression(50);
- #endif
- #ifdef SUNTAR
- #define MY_MASK (everyEvent& ~diskMask)
- if( ! (retcode=GetOSEvent (diskMask,myEvent)) ){ /* otherwise the disk is mounted... */
- #else
- #define MY_MASK everyEvent
- #endif
- /* use WNE if it is available */
- if ( gHasWaitNextEvent ) {
- long delay=GetSleep();
- /*AdjustCursor(mouse, cursorRgn);*/
- if(delay==-1){
- OSEventAvail(kNoEvents, myEvent); /* we aren't interested in any events */
- /* just the mouse position */
- MaintainCursor(myEvent->where);
- }
- retcode= WaitNextEvent(MY_MASK, myEvent,
- delay, NULL/*cursorRgn*/);
- /* in suntar disk insertions are masked, but
- WaitNextEvent returns, so that the event may be caught by the
- following GetOSEvent call above, hence the disk is mounted only if
- it's a Mac disk */
- }
- else {
- SystemTask();
- retcode= GetNextEvent(MY_MASK, myEvent);
- }
- #ifdef SUNTAR
- }
- #endif
- MaintainCursor(myEvent->where);
- if(retcode && (myEvent->what==updateEvt || myEvent->what==activateEvt) ){
- UpdateFilter(myEvent);
- return myEvent->what!=nullEvent;
- }
- return retcode;
- }
- void handle_event(myEvent)
- register EventRecord *myEvent;
- {
- WindowPtr whichWindow;
- /* RgnHandle cursorRgn;*/
- int code;
- /*printf("event=%x\n",myEvent->what);*/
- /*print_number("event=",(int)myEvent->what);*/
- switch (myEvent->what) {
- case mouseDown:
- code=FindWindow( myEvent->where, &whichWindow );
- /*printf("place=%d\n",code);*/
- switch (code) {
- case inDesk:
- SysBeep(5);
- break;
- case inMenuBar:
- MaintainMenus();
- DoCommand( MenuSelect(myEvent->where));
- break;
- case inSysWindow:
- SystemClick( myEvent, whichWindow );
- break;
- case inDrag:
- {
- Rect dragRect;
- dragRect.left=0;
- dragRect.top=MBARHEIGHT;
- dragRect.right=screenBits.bounds.right;
- dragRect.bottom=screenBits.bounds.bottom;
- InsetRect(&dragRect,4,4);
- DragWindow( whichWindow, myEvent->where, &dragRect );
- }
- break;
- case inGrow:
- if (curr_window)
- MyGrowWindow( whichWindow, myEvent->where );
- break;
- case inZoomOut:
- case inZoomIn:
- if(curr_window)
- myZoomWindow(whichWindow,myEvent->where,code);
- break;
- case inGoAway:
- if (curr_window)
- if (TrackGoAway( whichWindow, myEvent->where) )
- DoFile(opClose);
- break;
- case inContent:
- if (whichWindow != FrontWindow()){
- SelectWindow(whichWindow);
- }
- else
- if (curr_window)
- DoContent(whichWindow, myEvent);
- break;
- default: ;
- } /* end switch FindWindow */
- break;
- case autoKey:
- if((myEvent->modifiers & cmdKey) != 0) /*niente autorepeat sui comandi!
- --no autorepeat on commands ! */
- break; /* else prosegui in sequenza...
- -- else behave as a keyDown */
- case keyDown:
- DoKeyDown( (unsigned char) myEvent->message, myEvent->modifiers );
- break;
- /* moved to UpdateFilter
- case activateEvt:
- if (ourTE((WindowPtr)myEvent->message)){
- SetPort((WindowPtr)myEvent->message);
- DoActivate((WindowPtr)myEvent->message,myEvent->modifiers & activeFlag );
- }
- else{
- if (myEvent->modifiers & activeFlag )
- SetPort((WindowPtr)myEvent->message);
- }
- break;
- */
- case kOSEvent: /* eventi del MultiFinder */
- {
- WindowPtr w;
- switch ((myEvent->message >> 24) & 0x0FF) { /* high byte of message */
- case kMouseMovedMessage:
- /*MaintainCursor(myevent->where);*/ /* mouse-moved is an idle event */
- break;
- case kSuspendResumeMessage:
- gInBackground = (myEvent->message & kResumeMask) == 0;
- w=FrontWindow();
- myEvent->message=(long)w;
- myEvent->what=activateEvt; /* suspend/resume is also an activate/deactivate */
- myEvent->modifiers = !gInBackground ? activeFlag : 0;
- UpdateFilter(myEvent); /* my handler of activate events */
- #ifdef SUNTAR
- if(gInBackground){
- if( going_to_background() && ourTE(w))
- HiliteWindow (w,false); /* going_to_background does some
- dirty things which may leave the window incorrectly
- highlighted */
- SetCursor(&arrow); /* some applications do not set the cursor
- when they go to foreground... */
- MainEvent(); /* per andarci subito in background... non
- posso fare aspettare la prossima chiamata
- --immediately go to background: in suntar going_to_background
- may do a delay, I can't return to a routine which is going to do
- further work before calling MainEvent again
- when MultiFinder is waiting to switch me to background
- */
- return;
- }
- #endif
- break;
- }}
- break;
- /* moved to UpdateFilter
- case updateEvt:
- if (ourTE((WindowPtr)myEvent->message))
- UpdateWindow((WindowPtr)myEvent->message);
- break;
- */
- case diskEvt:
- /* It is not a bad idea to at least call DIBadMount in response
- to a diskEvt, so that the user can format a floppy. */
- #ifndef SUNTAR
- if ( hiword(myEvent->message) != noErr )
- DIBadMount(badmount_point, myEvent->message);
- #else
- unexpected_disk_insertion(myEvent->message);
- #endif
- break;
- default: ;
- } /* end of case myEvent->what */
- }
- /* gestione tasti */
- void DoKeyDown( theChar, modifiers )
- register unsigned char theChar;
- short modifiers;
- {
- if ((modifiers & cmdKey) != 0) {
- long mnk;
- MaintainMenus();
- mnk=MenuKey( theChar );
- if(hiword(mnk) == 0){ /* non esiste un tale comando, o non Å abilitato...
- --command not existing or not enabled
- */
- SysBeep(5);
- FlushEvents( keyDownMask|autoKeyMask, 0 );
- }
- else{
- SetPort(curr_window);
- DoCommand( mnk );
- }
- return;
- }
- else if (curr_window){
- SetPort(curr_window);
- if (theChar== enter_key) /* il TextEdit non lo gestisce
- --TextEdit does not know that enter is a "return" char
- */
- theChar=CR;
- if( theChar >= 28 &&theChar <= 31){ /* Å un tasto cursore
- --a cursor key
- */
- TEKey( theChar, TEH );
- }
- else if ( theChar == DelChar) /* questo Å gestito correttamente, ma per poter
- poi aggiungere al programma l'undo bisogna gestirlo
- direttamente, e la gestione per console Å diversa... */
- if( curr_window->flags&READONLY && ((**TEH).selStart<curr_window->lastPrompt
- || (**TEH).selStart==curr_window->lastPrompt &&(**TEH).selStart==(**TEH).selEnd))
- SysBeep(5);
- else{
- TEKey( theChar, TEH );
- curr_window->dirty = 1;
- }
- #ifndef AUTOSELECT
- else if( curr_window->flags&READONLY && (**TEH).selStart<curr_window->lastPrompt){
- SysBeep(5);
- FlushEvents( keyDownMask|autoKeyMask, 0 ); /* Å facile battere pi¥ caratteri
- insieme, e il beep dê tempo per accumularli...*/
- }
- #endif
- else if ( curr_window->flags&READONLY && curr_window->lastPrompt == 32767){
- /* a console window completely read-only */
- SysBeep(5);
- FlushEvents( keyDownMask|autoKeyMask, 0 );
- }
- else if((*TEH)->teLength - ((*TEH)->selEnd - (*TEH)->selStart) + 1 < maxTElength ){
- /* a console window with a read-only part on top and a read/write part
- on bottom */
- if(theChar==CR&&(curr_window->flags&CONSOLE)){
- TESetSelect (32767L ,32767L, TEH);
- TEKey( CR, TEH );
- curr_window->lastPrompt=32767; /* questo Å l'unico segno visibile dall'esterno
- che il return c'Å stato
- -- it's the only state change remembering
- that there was a carriage return */
- }
- else{
- /* non so se sia il caso di gestire a parte anche altri caratteri, tipo l'escape */
- if( curr_window->flags&READONLY && (**TEH).selStart<curr_window->lastPrompt)
- TESetSelect(32767L,32767L,TEH);
- #endif
- TEKey( theChar, TEH );
- curr_window->dirty = 1;
- }
- }
- else{ /* buffer pieno ! */
- SysBeep(5);
- ParamText("\pNo more space in window",PNS,PNS,PNS);
- my_alert();
- FlushEvents( keyDownMask|autoKeyMask, 0 );
- }
- }
- }
- void DoActivate(w,active_flag)
- register window_def* w;
- short active_flag;
- {
- GrafPtr savePort;
- if (!active_flag ) GetPort( &savePort );
- SetPort(w); /* pare che non guasti, per proteggersi da DA e (sotto
- MultiFinder) altri programmi che si comportino male; e poi,
- tutto il modulo presume che se curr_window Å != NULL allora
- la porta corrente Å lei
- -- in this module, all routines think that if curr_window is
- not 0, then the current port is curr_window */
- if (active_flag ) {
- Rect r;
- curr_window=w;
- TEH=w->TEH;
- TEActivate( w->TEH );
- if(curr_window==&my_windows[0]){
- /* posso averci fatto delle print, col che posizione e dimensioni
- complessive sono cambiate
- -- if printf has added text while the window was not in foreground,
- the scrollbar was not updated to reflect the current state
- */
- }
- ShowControl( w->vScroll );
- #ifdef HSCROLL
- if( w->flags&HSCROLL) ShowControl( w->hScroll);
- #endif
- TEFromScrap();
- /* the growbox needs to be redrawn on activation: */
- r=((WindowPtr)w)->portRect;
- r.top = r.bottom - (SBarWidth+1);
- r.left = r.right - (SBarWidth+1);
- InvalRect(&r);
- }
- else {
- ZeroScrap();
- TEToScrap();
- TEDeactivate(w->TEH);
- HideControl( w->vScroll );
- #ifdef HSCROLL
- if( w->flags&HSCROLL) HideControl( w->hScroll );
- #endif
- DrawGrowIcon(w);
- curr_window=NULL;
- SetPort( savePort );
- }
- }
- static void SetUpMenus()
- {
- int i;
- myMenus[appleM] = GetMenu( appleID );
- if(myMenus[appleM]==NULL){
- SysBeep(5);
- SysBeep(5);
- SysBeep(5);
- ExitToShell();
- }
- n_about_entries=CountMItems(myMenus[appleM]);
- if(n_about_entries>0)
- AppendMenu(myMenus[appleM], "\p(-");
- AddResMenu( myMenus[appleM], 'DRVR' );
- myMenus[fileM] = GetMenu(fileID);
- quit_selection=CountMItems(myMenus[fileM]);
- crea_menu_font();
- #ifdef SUNTAR
- hqxM=GetMenu(hqxID);
- InsertMenu(hqxM, -1);
- #endif
- myMenus[editM] = GetMenu(editID);
- myMenus[prefM] = GetMenu(prefID);
- for ( (i=appleM); (i<sizeof(myMenus)/sizeof(MenuHandle)); i++ )
- InsertMenu(myMenus[i], 0) ;
- if(my_add_menus!=NULL)
- (*my_add_menus)();
- DrawMenuBar();
- }
- static void crea_menu_font()
- {
- int i,font_n;
- Str255 fontName;
- /* gestione men¥ dei font */
- /* ispirata al dimostrativo in Pascal di Carlo Rogialli, SP Computer aprile 1989
- -- inspired to the demo program in Pascal by Carlo Rogialli, in an italian magazine
- */
- fontM[0]=GetMenu(fontID);
- AddResMenu( fontM[0], 'FONT' );
- fontM[1]=GetMenu(sizeID);
- fontM[2]=GetMenu(styleID);
- for(i=0;i<3;i++)
- InsertMenu(fontM[i], -1);
- curr_font_index=1+CountMItems(fontM[0]);
- do{
- curr_font_index--;
- GetItem(fontM[0],curr_font_index,&fontName);
- GetFNum(fontName,&font_n);
- /*printf("font %p %d\n",fontName,font_n);*/
- }
- while(font_n!=current_font &&curr_font_index>0); /* se il font monaco non Å presente
- si comporta stranamente ma almeno non crasha */
- SetItemMark (fontM[0], curr_font_index, 'Ñ');
- for(i=CountMItems(fontM[1]);i>0;i--){ /* if a size is checked, accept it; otherwise,
- use the default value (9) */
- int markChar;
- GetItemMark (fontM[1],i,&markChar);
- if(markChar==checkMark){
- char sizestr[16];
- GetItem(fontM[1],i,sizestr);
- current_size=pstrtoi(sizestr);
- break;
- }
- }
- set_marks_size();
- set_marks_style();
- }
- static void set_marks_size()
- {
- int i,size;
- char sizestr[16];
- for(i=CountMItems(fontM[1]);i>0;i--){
- GetItem(fontM[1],i,sizestr);
- if(RealFont(current_font, (size=pstrtoi(sizestr))) )
- SetItemStyle(fontM[1],i,outline);
- else
- SetItemStyle(fontM[1],i,0);
- CheckItem (fontM[1], i, size==current_size );
- }
- }
- static void set_marks_style()
- {
- int i,mask;
- CheckItem (fontM[2], 1, current_style==0 );
- mask=1;
- for(i=2;i<=6;i++){
- CheckItem (fontM[2], i, (current_style&mask) !=0 );
- mask <<=1;
- }
- }
- void DoFont( mResult)
- long mResult;
- {
- Str255 fontName;
- switch (hiword(mResult)) {
- case fontID:
- CheckItem (fontM[0], curr_font_index, false );
- SetItemMark (fontM[0], curr_font_index=loword( mResult ), 'Ñ');
- GetItem(fontM[0],curr_font_index,&fontName);
- GetFNum(fontName,¤t_font);
- set_marks_size(); /* Å cambiato l'essere real font o no
- -- "real font" sizes are represented differently,
- hence I must recompute their state */
- break;
- case sizeID:
- {char sizestr[16];
- GetItem(fontM[1],loword( mResult ),sizestr);
- current_size= pstrtoi(sizestr);
- }
- set_marks_size();
- break;
- case styleID:
- if(loword( mResult )==1)
- current_style=0;
- else
- current_style ^= (1<< (loword( mResult )-2)) ;
- set_marks_style();
- break;
- }
- }
- void DoCommand( mResult )
- long mResult;
- {
- int theItem, temp;
- theItem = loword( mResult );
- switch (hiword(mResult)) {
- case appleID:
- if(theItem<=n_about_entries)
- my_handle_menus(mResult);
- else
- {Str255 name;
- GrafPtr savePort;
- GetPort(&savePort);
- GetItem(myMenus[appleM], theItem, &name);
- OpenDeskAcc( &name );
- SetPort( savePort );
- }
- break;
- case fileID:
- if(theItem==quit_selection){
- DoFile(opQuit);
- if(my_at_exit!=NULL)
- if( !(*my_at_exit)()) break; /* quit cancelled */
- HiliteMenu(0);
- ExitToShell();
- }
- else
- (*my_handle_menus)(mResult);
- break;
- case editID:
- /* la funzione MaintaiMenus dovrebbe disabilitare i comandi di editing se non esiste
- una finestra corrente, ma per prudenza Å meglio controllare sempre...
- -- The commands are disabled when they are meaningless, but it's better to check
- anyway
- */
- if (SystemEdit(theItem-1)==0) {
- #ifndef AUTOSELECT
- if( curr_window==NULL || theItem!=copyCommand && (curr_window->flags&READONLY) &&
- (**TEH).selStart<curr_window->lastPrompt ){
- SysBeep(5);
- break;
- }
- #else
- if( curr_window==NULL || theItem!=copyCommand && theItem!=pasteCommand &&
- (curr_window->flags&READONLY) && (**TEH).selStart<curr_window->lastPrompt ) {
- SysBeep(5);
- break;
- }
- if( theItem==pasteCommand && (curr_window->flags&READONLY) ){
- /* un paste in una console si comporta in modo complicato: a parte che
- comunque non fa il paste di caratteri CR, accetta di essere eseguito
- anche quando non si Å dopo il prompt, portandocisi automaticamente, e se
- Å selezionato qualcosa fa un copy di esso, prchÄ sia nella parte read only
- -- a paste to a console is handled in a complex way: it performs autocopy
- (if something was selected, copy it to the clipboard), then autoselect
- (if the selection point is in the read-only portion of the window, move
- it to the end), and it truncates long clipboards and refuses to paste
- carriage returns */
- if( curr_window->lastPrompt == 32767 ){
- /* Å del tutto readonly, non console, quindi ho sbagliato a non dare errore */
- SysBeep(5);
- break;
- }
- if( (**TEH).selStart < curr_window->lastPrompt ){
- /* autocopy */
- if( (**TEH).selStart != (**TEH).selEnd &&
- (**TEH).selEnd < curr_window->lastPrompt)
- TECopy (TEH);
- TESetSelect(32767L,32767L,TEH);
- }
- }
- #endif
- switch (theItem) {
- case cutCommand:
- TECut( TEH );
- curr_window->dirty = 1;
- break;
- case copyCommand:
- TECopy( TEH );
- break;
- case pasteCommand:
- {
- register int i=TEGetScrapLen();
- if(curr_window->flags&CONSOLE && i>300 ) i=300; /* troppo per una riga sola... */
- if ( i + ((*TEH)->teLength -
- ((*TEH)->selEnd - (*TEH)->selStart)) > maxTElength ){
- ParamText("\pInsufficient space for pasting",PNS,PNS,PNS);
- my_alert();
- }
- else{
- if( curr_window->flags&CONSOLE){
- /* in modalitê console, non ha senso il paste di un carriage return! */
- char **scrap= TEScrapHandle();
- register char *p,*q;
- TEDelete(TEH);
- HLock(scrap); /*TEInsert vuole un Ptr...*/
- q= *scrap;
- while(i>0){
- p=q;
- while(i>0&&*q!=CR) q++,--i;
- if(p!=q)TEInsert(p,(long)(q-p),TEH);
- if(i>0){ /* e quindi *q==CR */
- TEKey(' ',TEH);
- q++;i--;
- }
- }
- HUnlock(scrap);
- /*for(n=0;n<i;n++)
- TEKey ( ((*scrap)[n]==CR) ? ' ' : (*scrap)[n] ,TEH); */
- }
- else
- TEPaste( TEH );
- curr_window->dirty = 1;
- }
- }
- break;
- case clearCommand:
- TEDelete( TEH );
- curr_window->dirty = 1;
- break;
- default: ;/* non esistono altri comandi abilitati*/
- }
- }
- break;
- case prefID:
- switch(theItem){
- case pmAutowrap:
- {int markChar;
- GetItemMark (myMenus[prefM], pmAutowrap, &markChar);
- CheckItem (myMenus[prefM], pmAutowrap, !markChar);
- if(my_windows[0].used) apply_preferences(&my_windows[0]);
- }
- break;
- default:
- (*my_handle_menus)(mResult);
- }
- break;
- case fontID:
- case sizeID:
- case styleID:
- DoFont( mResult);
- if(my_windows[0].used) apply_preferences(&my_windows[0]);
- break;
- default:
- (*my_handle_menus)(mResult);
- }
- HiliteMenu(0);
- }
- static void DoFile( operation )
- int operation;
- {
- switch (operation) {
- case opClose:
- if(curr_window!=NULL)
- CloseMyWindow();
- break;
- case opQuit:
- ZeroScrap();
- TEToScrap();
- break;
- }
- }
- void MaintainCursor(pt)
- Point pt;
- {
- /* lo chiamo dopo GetNextEvent, col che lo so giê dove sta il mouse (al pi¥, l'evento
- potrebbe essere un po' vecchio, se il programma ha delle situazioni in cui per lungo
- tempo non riceve eventi, la posizione cosô determinata puÿ essere diversa da quella corrente) */
- static unsigned long next_rotation=0;
- static short current_cursor=0;
- if(gInBackground) return;
- if(sto_lavorando){
- if(((WindowPeek)FrontWindow())->windowKind<0)
- /*SetCursor(&arrow) no, the desk accessory will take its decision,
- anyway the event which brought it to front caused a SetCursor(&arrow) */
- ;
- else{
- if(Ticks>next_rotation){
- next_rotation=Ticks+rot_cursor->delay;
- if(++current_cursor>=rot_cursor->n_cursors)
- current_cursor=0;
- }
- SetCursor( rot_cursor->cursor_ID_or_Ptr[current_cursor] );
- }
- }
- else{
- current_cursor=0;
- if (curr_window && (WindowPtr)FrontWindow()==(WindowPtr)curr_window) {
- SetPort(curr_window);
- GlobalToLocal(&pt);
- if ( PtInRect(pt, &(**TEH).viewRect ) ){
- SetCursor( &editCursor);
- return;
- }
- }
- SetCursor( &arrow );
- }
- }
- void MaintainMenus()
- {
- /*
- In presenza di console, readonly etc. le condizioni per cui i comandi del men¥
- Edit sono leciti diventano complicate, ho cercato di copiarle da DoCommand, con
- l'idea che Å meglio lasciarne abilitati di quelli che poi danno errore piuttosto
- che disabilitarne di quelli che sono eseguibili
- -- the conditions for allowing a command are complex, but since doCommands does
- its own checks, I duplicated those tests and in case of difference it's
- better to let the item enabled when it should be disabled then vice-versa
- */
- WindowPtr w=FrontWindow();
- Boolean selected,all_readonly,sel_readonly;
- if ( ! ourTE(w) ) {
- Boolean en=isDAwindow(w);
- en_dis_edit(undoCommand ,en);
- en_dis_edit(pasteCommand ,en);
- en_dis_edit(cutCommand ,en);
- en_dis_edit(copyCommand ,en);
- en_dis_edit(clearCommand ,en);
- }
- else {
- /*
- EnableItem(myMenus[prefM],pmAutowrap);
- EnableItem(myMenus[prefM],pmFont);
- EnableItem(myMenus[prefM],pmSize);
- EnableItem(myMenus[prefM],pmStyle);
- */
- DisableItem( myMenus[editM], undoCommand );
- selected = (**TEH).selStart!=(**TEH).selEnd;
- en_dis_edit(copyCommand,selected);
- if(curr_window->flags&CONSOLE){
- /* questo Å pensato per una console con autoselect e autocopy */
- all_readonly= curr_window->lastPrompt==32767;
- sel_readonly= (**TEH).selStart<curr_window->lastPrompt;
- en_dis_edit(cutCommand, selected&&!sel_readonly);
- en_dis_edit(clearCommand, selected&&!sel_readonly);
- en_dis_edit(pasteCommand,!all_readonly&&(TEGetScrapLen()>0||selected));
- }
- else{
- en_dis_edit(cutCommand, selected);
- en_dis_edit(clearCommand, selected);
- en_dis_edit(pasteCommand,TEGetScrapLen()>0);
- }
- }
- #ifdef SUNTAR
- MaintainApplSpecificMenus();
- #endif
- }
- void en_dis_edit(item,flag)
- short item;
- Boolean flag;
- {
- if(flag)
- EnableItem(myMenus[editM], item);
- else
- DisableItem(myMenus[editM], item);
- }
- static void SetUpCursors()
- {
- CursHandle hCurs;
- int i;
- hCurs = GetCursor(1);
- editCursor = **hCurs;
- hCurs = GetCursor(watchCursor);
- waitCursor = **hCurs;
- ResrvMem ((Size)200);
- hCurs=GetResource('acur',128);
- HLock(hCurs);
- rot_cursor= *hCurs;
- if(rot_cursor->delay==0) rot_cursor->delay=10;
- for(i=0;i<rot_cursor->n_cursors;i++){
- ResrvMem ((Size)sizeof(Cursor));
- hCurs=GetCursor(hiword(rot_cursor->cursor_ID_or_Ptr[i]));
- HLock(hCurs);
- rot_cursor->cursor_ID_or_Ptr[i]= *hCurs;
- }
- }
- int SilentSuppression (nlines)
- /* questa funzione serve per implementare finestre di console: in quel caso,
- l'utente puÿ tornare indietro a vedere che Å successo nel passato ma la storia
- passata non gli interesserê poi moltissimo, per cui se il buffer del TextEdit
- si riempie Å molto meno dannoso per lui cancellargli a tradimento le cose pi¥
- vecchie che dare errore.
- La funzione cerca di cancellare le prime nlines righe, ma riduce il numero se
- le ultime sono visibili sullo schermo o fanno parte della selezione, in ogni
- caso ritorna il numero di righe soppresse. Sullo schermo l'unico effetto
- visibile Å uno spostamento del bottone della scrollbar verticale (la posizione
- relativa entro il buffer Å cambiata).
- -- Deletes the first nlines lines of the content of the window, without
- letting the user suspect what's happening (the scroll bar button is the only
- thing on the screen which may be modified)
- */
- {
- int olds,olde,deltax,deltay,oktodelete,charsToDelete,linesOutOfScreen;
- Rect oldr;
- GrafPtr savePort;
- register TERec *TEp;
- TEp = *my_windows[0].TEH;
- linesOutOfScreen=(TEp->viewRect.top-TEp->destRect.top)/TEp->lineHeight;
- if(linesOutOfScreen<nlines) nlines=linesOutOfScreen;
- do{
- if(nlines<=0) return 0;
- charsToDelete= TEp->lineStarts[nlines];
- if( ! (oktodelete=TEp->selStart>charsToDelete) )
- nlines--;
- }
- while(!oktodelete);
- olds=TEp->selStart-charsToDelete;
- olde=TEp->selEnd-charsToDelete;
- oldr=TEp->destRect;
- GetPort( &savePort );
- SetPort( &my_windows[0]);
- HidePen();
- TESetSelect(0L, (long) charsToDelete, my_windows[0].TEH);
- TEDelete (my_windows[0].TEH);
- TESetSelect((long)olds, (long) olde, my_windows[0].TEH);
- TEp = *my_windows[0].TEH;
- deltax= oldr.left - TEp->destRect.left;
- deltay= oldr.top+nlines*TEp->lineHeight - TEp->destRect.top;
- if(deltax || deltay)
- TEScroll(deltax,deltay,my_windows[0].TEH);
- /* si potrebbe fare un ValidRect, ma allora bisogna sottrarci la vecchia regione
- di update e io questi giochi non li so ancora fare. Comunque, ho provato e il
- main loop non riceve alcun evento di update dopo il fatto, se qualcuno ritraccia
- allora Å direttamente il TextEdit */
- ShowPen();
- MaintainScrollBars(&my_windows[0]);
- if(my_windows[0].lastPrompt!=32767)
- if((my_windows[0].lastPrompt -= charsToDelete) <0)
- my_windows[0].lastPrompt=0;
- SetPort(savePort);
- return nlines;
- }
- #if 0
- /* from TESample.c */
- /* Check to see if a given trap is implemented. This is only used by the
- Initialize routine in this program, so we put it in the Initialize segment.
- The recommended approach to see if a trap is implemented is to see if
- the address of the trap routine is the same as the address of the
- Unimplemented trap. */
- /* 1.02 - Needs to be called after call to SysEnvirons so that it can check
- if a ToolTrap is out of range of a pre-MacII ROM. */
- Boolean TrapAvailable(tNumber,tType)
- short tNumber;
- Trap_Type tType;
- {
- if ( ( tType == (unsigned char) ToolTrap ) &&
- ( gMac.machineType > envMachUnknown ) &&
- ( gMac.machineType < envMacII ) ) { /* it's a 512KE, Plus, or SE */
- tNumber = tNumber & 0x03FF;
- if ( tNumber > 0x01FF ) /* which means the tool traps */
- tNumber = _Unimplemented; /* only go to 0x01FF */
- }
- return NGetTrapAddress(tNumber, tType) != GetTrapAddress(_Unimplemented);
- } /*TrapAvailable*/
- #else
- /* this one is suggested by Inside Mac volume VI, hence probably it's better;
- but we did not want to have three function to do what a single one would do,
- and a #define for _GetTrapType is evaluated at compile time... */
- #define _GetTrapType(theTrap) ((theTrap & 0x0800) !=0 )
- #define TrapAvailable(theTrap) _TrapAvailable(theTrap,_GetTrapType(theTrap) )
- Boolean _TrapAvailable(short theTrap,TrapType tType)
- {
- /* TrapType tType;
- tType = GetTrapType(theTrap); */
- if (tType == ToolTrap) {
- theTrap &= 0x07FF;
- if (theTrap >=
- (NGetTrapAddress(_InitGraf, ToolTrap) == NGetTrapAddress(0xAA6E,ToolTrap) ?
- 0x0200 : 0x0400) )
- theTrap = _Unimplemented;
- }
- return NGetTrapAddress(theTrap, tType) != NGetTrapAddress(_Unimplemented, ToolTrap);
- }
- #endif
- /* Calculate a sleep value for WaitNextEvent. This takes into account the things
- that DoIdle does with idle time. */
- unsigned long GetSleep()
- {
- long sleep;
- WindowPtr window;
- TEHandle te;
- if(sto_lavorando) return 0L;
- if ( gInBackground)
- sleep = MAXLONG;
- else if(!curr_window){
- #ifndef SUNTAR
- sleep = MAXLONG;
- #else
- sleep = 40; /* under System 6, with the Finder and WaitNextEvent in ROM, I
- do NOT get a null event when an event arrives but it's masked.
- Since to be able to catch disk insertions by GetOSEvent and be
- MultiFinder aware it's essential to perform a GetOSEvent with
- little delay relative to the disk insertion, I must use a short
- sleep time even if nothing need be done (it would be better to
- call GetNextEvent, since the Finder can't exploit the free time,
- and under MultiFinder and System 7 the null event arrives,
- but ther is no way to know whether I'm under MultiFinder or not !)
- */
- #endif
- }
- else{
- if (curr_window && (*TEH)->selStart == (*TEH)->selEnd )
- sleep = GetCaretTime(); /* blink time for the insertion point */
- else
- sleep=60; /* non uso le region per aggiornare la forma del cursore,
- quindi ho bisogno di lavorare ogni tanto anche se non ho un punto
- di inserzione lampeggiante
- -- I need to be periodically called to update the cursor shape,
- it would be better to use the MouseMoved event but this way is easier
- */
- }
- return sleep;
- } /*GetSleep*/
- void InitConsole()
- {
- InitGraf(&thePort);
- InitFonts();
- FlushEvents( everyEvent, 0 );
- InitWindows();
- InitMenus();
- MoreMasters();
- MoreMasters(); /* the typical heap of suntar has 100 used handles, obviously
- peek values may go beyond 128, hence three master blocks (one
- preallocated and two MoreMasters) avoid having a new nonrelocatable
- block placed among relocatable blocks */
- TEInit();
- InitDialogs(0L);
- InitCursor();
- if(ApplLimit> CurStackBase-(long)REQUIREDSTACK )
- SetApplLimit(CurStackBase-(long)REQUIREDSTACK);
- MaxApplZone();
- /* Ignore the error returned from SysEnvirons; even if an error occurred,
- the SysEnvirons glue will fill in the SysEnvRec. You can save a redundant
- call to SysEnvirons by calling it after initializing AppleTalk. */
- SysEnvirons(kSysEnvironsVersion, &gMac);
- /* Make sure that the machine has at least 128K ROMs. If it doesn't, exit. */
- if (gMac.machineType < 0){SysBeep(5); ExitToShell();}
- gHasWaitNextEvent = TrapAvailable(_WaitNextEvent /*, ToolTrap*/);
- gHasResolveAlias = TrapAvailable(_AliasDispatch /*, ToolTrap*/);
- gHasCustomPutFile=false;
- if(TrapAvailable(_Gestalt /*, ToolTrap*/)){
- long response;
- OSErr err;
- err=Gestalt('stdf',&response);
- #else /* the libraries of Think C 4 don't contain Gestalt... */
- asm{
- move.l #'stdf',D0
- dc.w _Gestalt
- move.l A0,response
- move.w D0,err
- }
- #endif
- gHasCustomPutFile= err==noErr && ((int)response&1);
- }
- my_init();
- }
- /* conversione stringa Pascal -> intero
- pascal string to integer
- */
- long pstrtoi(str)
- Str255 str;
- {
- register int i=str[0];
- register unsigned char *p=&str[1];
- register long val=0;
- while(i>0 && *p==' ') p++,i--;
- while(i>0 && *p>='0' && *p <='9' ){
- /* val = val*10+ *p -'0'; */
- val<<=1;
- val += (val<<2) + (*p -'0');
- p++; i--;
- }
- return val;
- }