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- /*******************************************************************************\
- movable modal dialog module
- ⌐ Gabriele Speranza 1-5 May 1991
- modified on 26-27 Dec 1991 in order to use a resource
- This program is public domain, feel free to use it or part of it for anything
- \*******************************************************************************/
- #include "antiglue.h"
- #include "windows.h"
- #include "suntar.h"
- /* I know that Apple has specified its rules about movable modal dialogs,
- but this module was written before I've seen System 7.0 or read about
- movable modal dialogs, hence I did it according to my personal taste and
- gave it the name I felt right for it. Maybe later I'll remove those little
- incompatibilities with Apple guidelines.
- Anyway, it works with dialogs having WDEF 5 rather than 3 (it does NOT work
- with WDEF 1, since MultiFinder does not send an application to background
- when the front window has WDEF 1), with the only anomaly that the dialog
- may be dragged also from any point in its content, not only from the title
- bar
- */
- static WindowRecord *sm_win_ptr;
- static Rect my_text_rect;
- static unsigned char** my_text;
- static int my_text_just;
- static Boolean my_has_default;
- Boolean finestra_sm_aperta=false;
- #define noItem 100
- int new_sm_evf(EventRecord *);
- static int new_sm_evf(theEvent)
- register EventRecord *theEvent;
- {
- /* internal event filter: it stops all events which are trying to bring
- to front a window which is not the semimodal dialog, and handles events
- regarding the window
- returns:
- 0: the event was not handled
- noItem: the event was handled
- anything else: semimodalDialog must close the window and return this code to the caller
- */
- int code;
- WindowPtr whichWindow;
- Point pt=theEvent->where;
- switch(theEvent->what){
- case mouseDown:
- code=FindWindow( theEvent->where, &whichWindow );
- if(code==inMenuBar||code==inDesk||code==inSysWindow)
- ;
- else if(code==inDrag && whichWindow!=(WindowPtr)sm_win_ptr &&
- (theEvent->modifiers&cmdKey))
- ; /* il tasto command comporta il non rendere corrente la finestra
- -- accept a command-drag of another window
- */
- else if(whichWindow==(WindowPtr)sm_win_ptr){
- /* inutile testare code, non puÿ essere che inContent, non ha altre aree */
- GrafPtr savePort;
- ControlHandle theControl;
- int item;
- GetPort( &savePort );
- SetPort( sm_win_ptr );
- GlobalToLocal( &pt );
- if ((FindControl(pt, whichWindow, &theControl)) != 0) {
- /*code=TrackControl(theControl, theEvent->where, 0L);
- if(code) controlHit=theControl; a button was pushed */
- if(DialogSelect(theEvent,&whichWindow,&item)) return item;
- }
- else{ /* nel resto della finestra => la sposto
- -- the semimodal dialog is moved by clicking on any point inside it
- but outside the buttons, and dragging
- */
- Rect dragRect;
- dragRect.left=0;
- dragRect.top=MBARHEIGHT;
- dragRect.right=screenBits.bounds.right;
- dragRect.bottom=screenBits.bounds.bottom;
- InsetRect(&dragRect,20,10);
- DragWindow( sm_win_ptr, theEvent->where, &dragRect );
- }
- SetPort( savePort );
- return noItem;
- }
- else{
- WindowPtr wp;
- wp=FrontWindow();
- if(wp!=NULL && ((WindowPeek)wp)->windowKind<userKind){
- /* allora il click sulla console va reinterpretato come un click sulla finestrina
- di dialogo e non va affatto ignorato
- -- I've got a click on the console when the current window belonged to a desk
- accessory or another task: bring to front the semimodal dialog
- */
- SelectWindow(sm_win_ptr);
- }
- return noItem;
- }
- break;
- case keyDown:
- if(my_has_default && ((unsigned char)theEvent->message==CR ||
- (unsigned char)theEvent->message==enter_key) ){
- short kind;
- Handle h;
- Rect r;
- GetDItem(sm_win_ptr,1,&kind,&h,&r);
- SelectButton(h);
- return 1;
- }
- } /* fine switch */
- return 0;
- }
- static void semimodal_updater(EventRecord*);
- static void semimodal_updater(theEvent)
- EventRecord*theEvent;
- {
- WindowPtr w=NULL;
- short item;
- DialogSelect(theEvent,&w,&item);
- if(my_has_default)
- {short kind;
- Handle h;
- Rect r;
- GetDItem(sm_win_ptr,1,&kind,&h,&r);
- OutlineControl(h);
- }
- }
- pascal void redrawText(WindowPtr,short);
- static pascal void redrawText(theWindow,itemNo)
- WindowPtr theWindow;
- short itemNo;
- {
- HLock(my_text);
- TextBox ((*my_text)+1,(long)(**my_text),&my_text_rect,my_text_just);
- HUnlock(my_text);
- }
- int semimodalDialog(dialog_ID,where,filter,titoli_italiani,n_titoli,p1,p2,p3,just,has_default)
- /* the only external entry point: create and handle a semimodal dialog: */
- int dialog_ID;
- Point *where;
- int (*filter)(EventRecord*); /* an optional event filter to use during the dialog,
- executed before the internal event filter. It must return on of these codes:
- 0: that event was not filtered, or was filtered but the standard actions
- still need be performed
- 1: filtered event, don't handle it
- <0: filtered event, you must return immediately with this value as return code,
- the caller knows what to do with that code
- */
- char **titoli_italiani;
- int n_titoli;
- Str255 p1,p2,p3; /* unfortunately, if I use static text items I have two problems:
- 1) suntar 1.0 and 1.1 used two different ways to center the messages,
- with static text items that can't be done: that's bad, but it might
- be tolerated
- 2) if a modal dialog appears (and there may be a modal dialog above a
- semimodal...) the ParamText for the modal dialog overwrites the ParamText
- for the semimodal, so that when it's redrawn later its messages are
- changed: horrible !
- Hence, I was obliged to avoid using ParamText
- */
- int just;
- Boolean has_default;
- {
- AlertTHndl alertHandle;
- int item;
- check_foreground();
- SetCursor(&arrow);
- alertHandle = (AlertTHndl)Get1Resource('DLOG',dialog_ID);
- if (alertHandle) {
- short kind;
- Handle h;
- Rect r;
- HLock((Handle)alertHandle);
- if(where==NULL||where->v<0)
- PositionDialog( &((**alertHandle).boundsRect));
- else{
- register Rect *r=&((**alertHandle).boundsRect);
- r->bottom= where->v+(r->bottom-r->top);
- r->right= where->h+(r->right-r->left);
- r->top=where->v;
- r->left=where->h;
- }
- /* (**alertHandle).windowDefProc=(Handle)altDBoxProc; */
- sm_win_ptr=GetNewDialog(dialog_ID,NULL,-1L);
- sm_win_ptr->refCon=-1; /* il -1
- serve per non essere considerata
- una "mia" finestra dal modulo windows
- -- the windows module uses the refCon field to
- recognize its own windows, hence it can't be 0 */
- HUnlock((Handle)alertHandle);
- finestra_sm_aperta=true;
- if(in_Italia && titoli_italiani){
- int fatti=0;
- for(item=1;fatti<n_titoli;item++){
- GetDItem(sm_win_ptr,item,&kind,&h,&r);
- if((kind&0x7F)==ctrlItem+btnCtrl){
- SetCTitle(h,*titoli_italiani++);
- fatti++;
- }
- }
- }
- my_has_default=has_default;
- if(has_default){
- GetDItem(sm_win_ptr,1,&kind,&h,&r); /* item 1 must be the default button */
- OutlineControl(h);
- }
- /*if(p1==NULL) printf("p1=NULL "); else printf("p1=%p",p1);
- if(p2==NULL) printf("p2=NULL "); else printf("p2=%p",p2);
- if(p3==NULL) printf("p3=NULL "); else printf("p3=%p",p3);*/
- if(p1!=NULL){
- int i;
- item=1;
- do{ /* find the Rect of the useritem (p1,p2,p3): an userItem MUST exist */
- GetDItem(sm_win_ptr,++item,&kind,&h,&my_text_rect);
- }
- while((kind&0x7F)!=userItem);
- SetDItem (sm_win_ptr,item, kind, (Handle)redrawText, &my_text_rect);
- /* probably I could have used a static text item and SetIText,
- but then I would have got left justification */
- i=p1[0]+1;
- if(p2) i+=p2[0];
- if(p3) i+=p3[0];
- my_text=NewHandle(i);
- my_text_just=just;
- pStrcpy(*my_text,p1);
- if(p2)pStrcat(*my_text,p2);
- if(p3)pStrcat(*my_text,p3);
- }
- else
- my_text=NULL;
- item=0;
- install_handlers(sm_win_ptr,semimodal_updater,NULL);
- do{
- {
- WindowPeek wp;
- wp= gInBackground ? NULL : (WindowPeek) FrontWindow();
- if(wp!=NULL && wp->windowKind>=userKind && wp !=sm_win_ptr)
- SelectWindow(sm_win_ptr); /* non dovrebbe mai capitare,ma non fidarsi
- puÿ salvare dai guai
- -- the internal event filter should prevent the console window
- from going to front but there are a few utilities which add
- a "windows" menu to applications and can bring to front any
- window by cheating. If that happens, bring to front the semimodal
- dialog again
- */
- }{
- EventRecord myEvent;
- if(get_event(&myEvent)){
- if(filter){
- if ( (item=(*filter)(&myEvent))==0 )
- item=new_sm_evf(&myEvent);
- else if(item>0){
- GetDItem(sm_win_ptr,item,&kind,&h,&r);
- if(kind==ctrlItem+btnCtrl)
- SelectButton(h);
- }
- }
- else
- item=new_sm_evf(&myEvent);
- if(item==0){
- if(my_event_filter!=NULL) (*my_event_filter)(&myEvent);
- handle_event(&myEvent);
- if(is_pause_command()){
- HideWindow(sm_win_ptr);
- handle_pause();
- ShowWindow(sm_win_ptr);
- SelectWindow(sm_win_ptr);
- }
- }
- }
- else{
- /* the user filter must be called for null events too... */
- if(filter){
- myEvent.what=nullEvent;
- item=(*filter)(&myEvent);
- }
- }
- if(item==noItem) item=0;
- }
- accept_abort_command();
- }
- while(item==0);
- my_event_filter=NULL;
- if(where){
- GrafPtr savePort;
- GetPort( &savePort );
- SetPort( sm_win_ptr );
- *where=*(Point*)&(sm_win_ptr->port.portRect); /* top e left */
- LocalToGlobal(where); /* remember where the window was before closing it*/
- SetPort(savePort);
- }
- DisposDialog(sm_win_ptr);
- remove_handlers(sm_win_ptr);
- if(my_text)DisposHandle(my_text);
- finestra_sm_aperta=false;
- return item;
- }
- }
- void close_semimodal()
- { /* viene chiamata in caso di un longjmp che potrebbe abortire la routine precedente
- -- in suntar, all files or windows which may be open when the abort command is enabled
- or when an error may occur, must provide a "cleanup" routine to close everything (except
- when their creator has a setjmp and performs directly the cleanup).
- Don't use for any other purpose
- */
- if(finestra_sm_aperta){
- DisposDialog(sm_win_ptr);
- remove_handlers(sm_win_ptr);
- if(my_text)DisposHandle(my_text);
- finestra_sm_aperta=false;
- }
- }