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- /*
- From weber@brand.UUCP (Allan G. Weber) Sat May 3 21:21:20 1986
- Path: ut-ngp!ut-sally!im4u!caip!topaz!uwvax!harvard!think!mit-eddie!genrad!decvax!ittatc!dcdwest!sdcsvax!sdcrdcf!usc-oberon!brand!weber
- From: weber@brand.UUCP (Allan G. Weber)
- Newsgroups: net.sources.mac
- Subject: unpit.c again
- Message-ID: <207@brand.UUCP>
- Date: 4 May 86 02:21:20 GMT
- Distribution: na
- Organization: U. of So. Calif., Los Angeles
- Lines: 438
- A couple of people have requested that I send them copies of my program
- "unpit" that unpacks Packit-II files (normal or compressed) on a Unix system
- so I'm posting it again for anybody else who might find it useful. A
- typical application of this program is for breaking apart a net.sources.mac
- file that contains a PackIt'ed executable program and the sources. After
- using "xbin" to get the .data, .rsrc, and .info parts of the Packit file,
- run "unpit" on the .data file to break it into its component parts. You can
- then use "tr" to change the carriage returns to new line characters in the
- data fork of the sources files, and print it out on your local line printer.
- Saves having to download the sources and watch your Imagewriter print it
- out.
- Allan Weber
- Weber%Brand@USC-ECL.ARPA
- ...sdcrdcf!usc-oberon!brand!weber
- */
- /*
- unpit - Macintosh PackIt file unpacker
- Version 2, for PackIt II
- This program will unpack a Macintosh PackIt file into separate files. The
- data fork of a PackIt file contains both the data and resource forks of the
- packed files. The program will unpack each Mac file.
- Some of the program is borrowed from the macput.c/macget.c programs.
- Author: Allan G. Weber
- Weber%Brand@USC-ECL.ARPA
- ...sdcrdcf!usc-oberon!brand!weber
- Date: September 30, 1985
- Revised: January 24, 1986 - added CRC checking
- March 25, 1986 - support compressed mode of PackIt II,
- check for illegal Unix file names
- */
- /* adapted to become part of suntar: */
- /*******************************************************************************\
- PackIt extraction module
- part of suntar, ⌐1991-92 Sauro & Gabriele Speranza
- This program is public domain, feel free to use it or part of it for anything
- \*******************************************************************************/
- /*
- Format of a Packit file:
- Repeat the following sequence for each file in the Packit file:
- 4 byte identifier ("PMag" = not compressed, "Pma4" = compressed)
- variable length compression data (if compressed file)
- 92 byte header (see struct pit_header below) *
- 2 bytes CRC number *
- data fork (length from header) *
- resource fork (length from header) *
- 2 bytes CRC number *
- Last file is followed by the 4 byte Ascii string, "Pend", and then the EOF.
- * these are in compressed form if compression is on for the file
- */
- #include "PB_sync.h"
- #include "antiglue.h"
- #include "suntar.h"
- #include "windows.h"
- #ifndef NULL
- #define NULL 0L
- #endif
- /*#define DEBUG*/
- typedef unsigned char byte;
- typedef short word;
- #define H_NAMELEN 63
- struct pit_header { /* Packit file header (92 bytes)
- byte nlen; /* number of characters in packed file name */
- byte name[H_NAMELEN]; /* name of packed file */
- byte type[4]; /* file type */
- byte creator[4]; /* file creator */
- word flags; /* File (finder) flags. */
- word lock; /* File locked if non-zero. */
- long dlen; /* number of bytes in data fork */
- long rlen; /* number of bytes in resource fork */
- long ctim; /* file creation time */
- long mtim; /* file modified time */
- };
- #define HDRBYTES sizeof(struct pit_header) /* 92 */
- struct node {
- unsigned char flag, byte;
- struct node *one, *zero;
- } *nodelist=NULL, *nodeptr, *read_tree();
- static Boolean decode;
- static unsigned char more_bits=0;
- static unsigned char current_bits;
- extern ParamBlockRec pb;
- #define ioDirID ioFlNum
- extern Boolean devo_chiudere_out;
- struct node *read_tree(void);
- void read_hdr(void);
- void unpit_file(void);
- Boolean getcrc(void);
- short getbit(void);
- short getbyte(void);
- void my_unpit()
- {
- OSType temp;
- int crc, data_crc;
- extern OSType filecreator,filetype;
- nodelist=NewPtr(512L*sizeof(struct node)); /* 512 is big enough:
- a binary tree with n leaves, where no node has one son, has 2n-1 nodes,
- and n is at most 256 */
- while (1) {
- if(readblock(&temp,4)) raise_error();
- if (temp=='PMag' || temp=='PMa4') {
- if (temp=='PMa4') {
- nodeptr = nodelist;
- read_tree();
- decode = 1;
- }
- else
- decode = 0;
- current_crc=0;
- read_hdr();
- printf("File %p (",&macbinh.nlen);
- if(decode) printf("compressed, ");
- printf("data %ld+res %ld bytes)\n",macbinh.dflen,macbinh.rflen);
- unpit_file();
- decode = 0;
- more_bits = 0; /* flush unused bits */
- }
- else if (temp=='PEnd'){
- deall_tree();
- return;
- }
- else if(temp=='PMa5' || temp=='PMa6' ){
- error_message("Use PackIt III to unpack encrypted files !\n");
- }
- else {
- error_message("Unrecognized Packit file header\n");
- }
- }
- }
- void deall_tree()
- {
- if(nodelist!=NULL){
- DisposPtr(nodelist);
- nodelist=NULL;
- }
- }
- /* This routine recursively reads the compression decoding data.
- It appears to be Huffman compression. See Knuth's Fundamental Algorithms
- for a description of the Huffman tree, and how a prefix visit describes
- a binary tree */
- static struct node *read_tree()
- {
- struct node *np;
- np = nodeptr++;
- if (getbit() == 1) {
- np->flag = 1;
- np->byte = getbyte();
- }
- else {
- np->flag = 0;
- np->zero = read_tree();
- np->one = read_tree();
- }
- return(np);
- }
- static void read_hdr()
- {
- get_pit_bytes(&macbinh,74); /* the MacBinary and PackIt headers are almost
- identical, but MacBinary stores also fdLocation and
- fdFldr, hence I must break the read into two pieces */
- *(long*)&macbinh.finfo.fdLocation=0;
- macbinh.finfo.fdFldr = 0;
- get_pit_bytes(&macbinh.protected,HDRBYTES-74);
- /*printf("protected=%d %d\n",macbinh.protected,macbinh.zero);*/
- }
- void unpit_file()
- /* this function is obviously inspired to the untar
- module of suntar, by Gail Zacharias and S&G Speranza */
- {
- extern int openfile_vrefnum;
- extern long openfile_dirID;
- extern unsigned char mac_file_name[120];
- if (getcrc()) {
- printf("File header CRC mismatch\n");
- if(!ignore_errors) raise_error();
- }
- current_crc=0;
- pStrcpy(tarh.name,&macbinh.nlen);
- p2cstr(tarh.name);
- filecreator=filetype='????';
- #ifdef V_122
- if (! create_file(tarh.name,fsWrPerm,true)) {
- controlla_spazio(macbinh.dflen,macbinh.rflen);
- conferma_invisibili();
- #if 0 /* Think C Marker.... */
- }
- #endif
- #else
- if( ! crea_e_controlla(true) ){
- #endif
- write_pit_fork(512,macbinh.dflen);
- pb.ioParam.ioVersNum = 0;
- pb.ioParam.ioPermssn = fsWrPerm;
- pb.ioParam.ioMisc = 0;
- if((pb.fileParam.ioDirID=openfile_dirID)!=0){
- pb.ioParam.ioVRefNum=openfile_vrefnum;
- pb.ioParam.ioNamePtr=mac_file_name;
- }
- if( PBHOpenRFSync(&pb)) pbsyserr(&pb);
- devo_chiudere_out=true;
- write_pit_fork(512,macbinh.rflen);
- if (getcrc()) {
- printf("File data/resource CRC mismatch\n");
- if(!ignore_errors) raise_error();
- }
- setmacbin();
- }
- else /* I should skip it, but I haven't a routine to do that, and to skip
- a compressed file requires to perform the decompression anyway, since
- the compressed size is not explicitly stored */
- raise_error();
- }
- static Boolean getcrc()
- {
- int calc_crc,stored_crc;
- CalcCRC(0);
- CalcCRC(0);
- calc_crc=current_crc;
- stored_crc = getbyte();
- stored_crc=(stored_crc << 8) | getbyte();
- /*printf("calc, letto=%x %x %x\n",calc_crc,stored_crc,current_crc);*/
- return stored_crc!=calc_crc;
- }
- /* This routine returns the next bit in the input stream (MSB first) */
- static short getbit()
- {
- if (more_bits == 0) {
- if(readblock(¤t_bits,1)) raise_error();
- more_bits = 8;
- }
- more_bits--;
- return((current_bits >> more_bits) & 1);
- }
- /* This routine returns the next 8 bits. If decoding is on, it finds the
- byte in the decoding tree based on the bits from the input stream. If
- decoding is not on, it either gets it directly from the input stream or
- puts it together from 8 calls to getbit(), depending on whether or not we
- are currently on a byte boundary
- */
- static short getbyte()
- {
- register struct node *np;
- register int i, b;
- if (decode) {
- np = nodelist;
- while (np->flag == 0)
- np = (getbit()) ? np->one : np->zero;
- b = np->byte;
- }
- else {
- if (more_bits == 0){ /* on byte boundary? */
- unsigned char c;
- if(readblock(&c,1)) raise_error();
- b = c;
- }
- else { /* no, put a byte together */
- b = 0;
- for (i = 8; i > 0; i--) {
- b = (b << 1) + getbit();
- }
- }
- }
- return(b);
- }
- extern int more_in_bytes;
- #define FAST_GET_PIT_BYTE(b) \
- if(!more_in_bytes) \
- {if(readblock(&b,1)) raise_error();}\
- else \
- b= disk_buffer[511-(--more_in_bytes)];
- void get_pit_bytes(buffer,len)
- /* by Speranza, 18 Jan 1992
- An example of a simple but effective optimization: as in the dehqx module,
- move the loop from the caller to the callee, so that register variables
- have a long life, and the stack frame creation/destruction is performed
- once rather than a few thousands times, and expand the body of some called
- functions to save the overhead of their calls.
- That is, this one is an exception to the universally accepted rule that
- "function call overhead is usually negligible".
- To code the bit extraction in assembly (with a fixed shift of 1 bit every time)
- and expanding the CRC computation would be the next step, but this routine
- is fast enough.
- */
- register char *buffer;
- register int len;
- {
- if(!decode && ! more_bits){
- if(readblock(buffer,len)) raise_error();
- while(len--)
- CalcCRC(*buffer++);
- }
- else if(!decode){ /* happens only in readtree, which does not call this function,
- but it's safer to handle all cases anyway */
- while(len--)
- CalcCRC(*buffer++ = getbyte());
- }
- else{ /* decode: optimize avoiding to call getbit so many times ! */
- register struct node *np;
- while(len--){
- np = nodelist; /* copy of the body of getbyte */
- while (!np->flag){
- if (!more_bits) { /* copy of the body of getbit, with one further
- optimization */
- FAST_GET_PIT_BYTE(current_bits)
- more_bits = 8;
- }
- more_bits--;
- np = ((current_bits >> more_bits) & 1) ? np->one : np->zero;
- }
- CalcCRC(*buffer++ = np->byte);
- /*printf("byte %d=%d\n",n,buffer[-1]);*/
- }
- }
- }