home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------
- File: main.c
- Purpose:
- Created by: Geoffrey Slinker
- Date: 8:26:41 AM 6/8/92
- Modified:
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <oops.h>
- #include <Movies.h>
- #include "Dlog.h"
- #include "about_Dlog.h"
- #include "Alert_Class.h"
- #include "vcr.h"
- #include "mycolors.h"
- #include "myQuickTime.h"
- #define NUKE_ALL_EVENTS 0
- #define MY_ALERT 601
- //#define VCR_DLOG 700
- #define VCR_DLOG 702
- #define BASE_MENU 600
- #define APPLE_ID 600
- #define FILE_ID 601
- #define ABOUT_ITEM 1
- #define OPEN_ITEM 1
- #define CLOSE_ITEM 2
- #define QUIT_ITEM 4
- /*-------------------------
- protos
- -------------------------*/
- void InitMac(void);
- void MainLoop(void);
- int Eventful(void);
- int HandleMouseDown(void);
- int HandleMenuChoice (long int choice);
- void HandleAppleChoice(int theItem);
- int HandleFileChoice(int theItem);
- void MenuBarInit(void);
- void InitMyStuff(void);
- void CleanUpMyStuff(void);
- void ClockTask(void);
- void MaintainMenus(void);
- /*-------------------------
- globals
- -------------------------*/
- EventRecord gEvent;
- MenuHandle gAppleMenu;
- about_Dlog *aboutDlog;
- Alert_Class *myAlert;
- QT *myQT;
- Boolean moviesLoaded = false;
- VCR *vcr;
- Boolean opened = false;
- //DateTimeRec oldT;
- long oldClockTick; // used for updating vcr clock
- extern Boolean blink;
- extern long oldTick; // used for updating status
- /**********************************************************************/
- void main()
- {
- InitMac();
- InitMyStuff();
- (*myQT).MovieCheck(); // Is QuickTime available?
- moviesLoaded = true;
- MainLoop();
- CleanUpMyStuff();
- }
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function: InitMac()
- Purpose:
- Returns:
- Created by: Geoffrey Slinker
- Date: 8:30:00 AM 6/8/92
- Modified:
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void InitMac()
- {
- InitGraf(&thePort);
- InitFonts();
- FlushEvents(everyEvent,NUKE_ALL_EVENTS);
- InitWindows(); // This calls InitPalettes
- InitMenus();
- TEInit();
- InitDialogs(NULL_POINTER);
- InitCursor();
- MaxApplZone();
- /*-------------------------
- Other things related to the MAC
- or the MAC interface that needs
- to be initiated
- -------------------------*/
- MenuBarInit();
- }
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function: void MainLoop()
- Purpose: repeatedly call function with getnext event and very
- large switch statement.
- Returns:
- Created by: Geoffrey Slinker
- Date: 8:33:44 AM 6/8/92
- Modified:
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void MainLoop()
- {
- AppFile theFile;
- int message, count;
- int response = 1;
- /*-------------------------
- Was the application launched
- by double click on a file
- of our type?
- Since this application does
- not save QT files, this will
- never happen.
- -------------------------*/
- CountAppFiles(&message,&count);
- if ( (message == 0) && (count >= 1) ) {
- GetAppFiles(1,&theFile);
- ClrAppFiles(1);
- } /* end if */
- while (response == 1){
- response = Eventful();
- }
- }
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function: Eventful()
- Purpose: Contains GetNextEvent and the switch statement.
- Returns:
- Created by: Geoffrey Slinker
- Date: 8:35:17 AM 6/8/92
- Modified:
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- int Eventful()
- {
- int response = 1;
- char theChar;
- GrafPtr aPort;
- WindowPtr whichWindow;
- Movie myMovie;
- CWindowPtr movieWindow;
- myMovie = (*myQT).myMovie;
- movieWindow = (*myQT).movieWindow;
- SystemTask();
- ClockTask();
- (*myQT).MyMoviesTask();
- GetNextEvent(everyEvent,&gEvent);
- switch ( gEvent.what ) {
- case mouseDown:
- response = HandleMouseDown();
- break;
- case keyDown:
- case autoKey:
- theChar = gEvent.message & charCodeMask;
- if ( (gEvent.modifiers & cmdKey) != 0 ) {
- response = HandleMenuChoice( MenuKey(theChar));
- }
- else {
- whichWindow = FrontWindow();
- }
- break;
- case activateEvt:
- SetPort( (WindowPtr) gEvent.message );
- InvalRect(&((WindowPtr)gEvent.message)->portRect);
- break;
- case updateEvt:
- {
- Boolean isDaWindow;
- if ( whichWindow == NULL_POINTER ) {
- isDaWindow = false;
- }
- else {
- isDaWindow = (( (WindowPeek)whichWindow)->windowKind < 0);
- } /* end if then else */
- if ( !isDaWindow )
- {
- BeginUpdate((WindowPtr)gEvent.message);
- GetPort(&aPort);
- SetPort((WindowPtr)gEvent.message);
- if ( (WindowPtr)gEvent.message == (*vcr).myDlog) {
- (*vcr).RedrawDialog();
- }
- if ((CWindowPtr)gEvent.message == movieWindow) {
- UpdateMovie( myMovie );
- }
- if ((CWindowPtr)gEvent.message == (*myQT).moviePosterWindow) {
- (*myQT).RedrawPoster();
- }
- EndUpdate((WindowPtr)gEvent.message);
- SetPort(aPort);
- } /* end if */
- }
- break;
- case nullEvent:
- MaintainMenus();
- break;
- default:
- response = 1;
- break;
- } /* end switch */
- return(response);
- }
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function: HandleMouseDown
- Purpose:
- Returns:
- Created by: Geoffrey Slinker
- Date: 8:38:43 AM 6/8/92
- Modified:
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- int HandleMouseDown()
- {
- WindowPtr whichWindow,frontWindow;
- short int thePart;
- long int menuChoice, windSize;
- Rect bRect;
- int response = 1;
- Point thePoint;
- thePart = FindWindow(gEvent.where,&whichWindow);
- switch ( thePart ) {
- case inMenuBar:
- menuChoice = MenuSelect(gEvent.where);
- response = HandleMenuChoice(menuChoice);
- break;
- case inSysWindow:
- SystemClick(&gEvent,whichWindow);
- break;
- case inDrag:
- SelectWindow(whichWindow);
- bRect = screenBits.bounds;
- DragWindow(whichWindow,gEvent.where, &bRect);
- break;
- case inContent:
- frontWindow = FrontWindow();
- SelectWindow(whichWindow);
- SetPort(whichWindow);
- if (whichWindow == (*vcr).myDlog) {
- (*vcr).HandleDialog(&gEvent);
- }
- break;
- case inGoAway:
- HideWindow(whichWindow);
- break;
- default: response = 1; break;
- } /* end switch */
- return(response);
- }
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function: int HandleMenuChoice(long int choice)
- Purpose: Distribute the menu choice to the proper handler.
- Returns:
- Created by: Geoffrey Slinker
- Date: 8:41:11 AM 6/8/92
- Modified:
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- int HandleMenuChoice (long int choice)
- {
- int theMenu;
- int theItem;
- int response;
- char stuff[80];
- Str255 message;
- response = 1;
- if (choice != 0) {
- theMenu = HiWord(choice);
- theItem = LoWord(choice);
- switch ( theMenu ) {
- case APPLE_ID:
- HandleAppleChoice(theItem);
- break;
- case FILE_ID:
- response = HandleFileChoice(theItem);
- break;
- default:
- sprintf((char *)message,"Menu Bar Item = %d",theItem);
- (*myAlert).AlertCaution("\pUnimplemented Menu Bar Item",
- CtoPstr(message),"\pSorry!",NULL);
- break;
- } /* end switch */
- } /* end if */
- HiliteMenu(0);
- return(response);
- }
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function: HandleAppleChoice
- Purpose:
- Returns:
- Created by: Geoffrey Slinker
- Date: 8:42:38 AM 6/8/92
- Modified:
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void HandleAppleChoice(int theItem)
- {
- Str255 accName;
- int accNumber;
- switch ( theItem ) {
- case ABOUT_ITEM:
- (*aboutDlog).HandleDialog(&gEvent);
- break;
- default:
- GetItem(gAppleMenu,theItem,accName);
- accNumber = OpenDeskAcc(accName);
- break;
- } /* end switch */
- }
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function: HandleFileChoice
- Purpose:
- Returns:
- Created by: Geoffrey Slinker
- Date: 8:44:06 AM 6/8/92
- Modified:
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- int HandleFileChoice(int theItem)
- {
- int response;
- WindowPtr whichWindow;
- Str255 message;
- response = 1;
- switch ( theItem ) {
- case OPEN_ITEM:
- opened = (*myQT).OpenMovie();
- break;
- case CLOSE_ITEM:
- (*myQT).CloseMovie();
- opened = false;
- break;
- case QUIT_ITEM: response = 0; break;
- default:
- sprintf((char *)message,"Menu Bar Item = %d",theItem);
- (*myAlert).AlertCaution("\pUnimplemented Menu Bar Item",
- CtoPstr(message),"\pSorry!",NULL);
- break;
- } /* end switch */
- return(response);
- }
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function: void MenuBarInit()
- Purpose: Load the menu resources
- Returns:
- Created by: Geoffrey Slinker
- Date: 9:06:34 AM 6/8/92
- Modified:
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void MenuBarInit()
- {
- Handle myBar;
- if ( (myBar = GetNewMBar(BASE_MENU)) == NULL_POINTER ) {
- ExitToShell();
- } /* end if */
- SetMenuBar(myBar);
- if ( (gAppleMenu = GetMHandle( APPLE_ID)) == NULL_POINTER ) {
- ExitToShell();
- } /* end if */
- AddResMenu(gAppleMenu,'DRVR');
- DrawMenuBar();
- }
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function: InitMyStuff();
- Purpose:
- Returns:
- Created by: Geoffrey Slinker
- Date: 9:16:28 AM 6/8/92
- Modified:
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void InitMyStuff()
- {
- DialogPtr myDlog;
- //GetTime(&oldT);
- oldClockTick = oldTick = TickCount();
- //oldTick = TickCount();
- aboutDlog = new about_Dlog;
- (*aboutDlog).loadResource(ABOUT_DLOG);
- myAlert = new Alert_Class;
- (*myAlert).ChooseResource(MY_ALERT);
- vcr = new VCR;
- (*vcr).loadResource(VCR_DLOG);
- (*vcr).PutUpDialog();
- myQT = new QT;
- (*myQT).LoadResources();
- }
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function: CleanUpMyStuff()
- Purpose:
- Returns:
- Created by: Geoffrey Slinker
- Date: 9:16:28 AM 6/8/92
- Modified:
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void CleanUpMyStuff()
- {
- delete aboutDlog;
- delete myAlert;
- delete vcr;
- delete myQT;
- if (moviesLoaded) {
- ExitMovies();
- }
- }
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function: ClockTask();
- Purpose:
- Returns:
- Created by: Geoffrey Slinker
- Date: 4:22:18 PM 6/12/92
- Modified:
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void ClockTask()
- {
- long newClockTick;
- Boolean blinky;
- blinky = blink;
- newClockTick = TickCount();
- if ( (newClockTick - oldClockTick) >= 60) {
- blink = !blink;
- oldClockTick = newClockTick;
- }
- if (blink != blinky) (*vcr).RedrawTime();
- (*vcr).UpdateProgress();
- }
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function: void MaintainMenus()
- Purpose:
- Returns:
- Created by: Geoffrey Slinker
- Date: 10:49:56 AM 6/13/92
- Modified:
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void MaintainMenus()
- {
- WindowPtr frontWindow;
- MenuHandle theMenu;
- DialogPtr myDlog;
- theMenu = GetMHandle(FILE_ID);
- if (opened) {
- DisableItem(theMenu,OPEN_ITEM);
- EnableItem(theMenu,CLOSE_ITEM);
- }
- else {
- DisableItem(theMenu,CLOSE_ITEM);
- EnableItem(theMenu,OPEN_ITEM);
- }
- }