This After Dark module is part of the shareware QuickTime utility Theater Maker. It will let you play a movie on a background picture whenver your screen dims.
Included with the module is one background picture that was created with Theater Maker: a drive-in theater. Check the BBS or online service where you got this file for the complete Theater Maker package that contains 5 other background pictures & the Theater Maker application which lets you create your own backgrounds from PICTS.
To use ADÑTheater, put it in your After Dark Files folder.
Click the "Movie" button to select a QuickTime movie file to play.
You can then optionally set the following options by clicking the "Options" button:
"Blank screen before playing" - check this to have the screen painted with black before the movie is played.
"Loop Movie:" - normally the movie will loop back to the beginning when it is finished. You can optionally have it delay a bit before starting over.
"Play on background" - turn this on and then click the "Choose Background" button to pick a Theater Maker background file that contains a picture to play the movie on.
"Resize to fit" - turning this on will size the movie so it fits exactly in the space assigned in a background. Resizing may slow the movie down a bit.