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Text File
371 lines
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----- HyperTalk script -----
on openStack
global force,intl,moon
if the version < "1.2" then
Ask "This stack requires HyperCard 1.2.1 or newer" with "Drat!"
go recent cd
end if
put 0 into moon
if the short name of second cd is "Occult." then put 1 into moon
put 0 into force
hide message box
put the seconds/86400 + 16480.5 + DSTCheck()/24 into jd2
put trunc(jd2+24000000) +1 into jd
get the date
if it contains "."
then put true into intl
else put false into intl
convert it to dateItems
if intl then
repeat with i=1 to number of chars of it
if char i of it = "." then put "," into char i of it
end repeat
put item 1 of it into d
put item 2 of it into m
put item 2 of it into m
put item 3 of it into d
end if
put false into val
if m>4 and m<=10 then put true into val
put trunc(jd-7*trunc(jd/7)) into w
if m=4 and d>=w-1 then put true into val
if m=10 and (d-w)>=25 then put false into val
set hilite of bkgnd button "DST" of cd origin to val
if val then
put "D" into char 3 of last word of cd fld coords of cd origin
put "S" into char 3 of last word of cd fld coords of cd origin
end if
push cd
if the short name of this cd is "origin" then
put line 2 of cd fld "Algol" into ecl
if ecl > jd2 then exit repeat
add 2.8673075 to ecl
end repeat
set numberFormat to "0.0"
put "Next minimum of Algol occurs in" && (ecl-jd2)*24 && "hours at JD=" into line 1 of cd fld Algol
set numberFormat to "0.###"
put ecl+2400000 after line 1 of cd fld Algol
put ecl into line 2 of cd fld Algol
end if
end openStack
function nDate Uflag,Jflag,n
-- Uflag =0 for no UT, 1 for UT
-- Jflag =12 for JT, 0 for no JT
-- n = # days after given date
global intl
get the seconds
add 86400*n+3600*(Jflag+Uflag*DSTcheck()) to it
convert it to long date
if intl then
put char 1 to (offset(".",second word of it)-1) of second word of it && third word of it && last word of it into he
put char 1 to (offset(",",third word of it)-1) of third word of it && second word of it && last word of it into he
end if
return he
end nDate
function DSTcheck
get first word of line 4 of cd fld Coords of cd origin
if hilite of bkgnd button "DST" of cd origin
then put it-1 into temp
else put it into temp
return temp
end DSTcheck
function sgn x
if x<0 then
get -1
else if x=0 then
get 0
else if x>0 then
get 1
end if
return it
end sgn
function sind n
return sin(n*pi/180)
end sind
function cosd n
return cos(n*pi/180)
end cosd
function tand n
return tan(n*pi/180)
end tand
on dayOfYear
-- returns day, dayUT as number of day in year
global dayUT,day,daySecs,intl
put the date into daysecs
if intl then
repeat with i=1 to number of chars of daysecs
if char i of daysecs = "." then put "/" into char i of daysecs
end repeat
end if
convert daySecs to seconds
put number of chars of the date into ndate
put "12/31/" & (char ndate-1 to ndate of the date)-1 into Jan0
convert Jan0 to seconds
put (daySecs-Jan0)/86400 into day
put (daySecs-Jan0+3600*DSTcheck())/86400 into dayUT
end dayOfYear
on cheb a,b,c
global x,xa,xb
put 2*x*a-b+c into temp
put a into xb
put temp into xa
end cheb
on UT
global day,daySecs,x,xa,xb,m
dayOfYear -- gets daySecs
get ((the seconds-daySecs)/3600+DSTcheck())mod 24
put trunc(it) into h
put trunc(60*(it-h)) into m
if m<10 then put "0" before m
if h=0 then put "0" before h
put "Universal Time = "& h &":" & m into line 1 of fld UT
put it into line 2 of fld UT
end UT
on ST
global day,daySecs,x,xa,xb,dayUT
dayOfYear -- gets day
put (dayUT-1)/183-1 into x
put 0 into a
put 0 into b
put 7 into i
repeat until i=0
cheb a,b,word i+1 of cd fld "Sidereal Cheb" of cd origin
put xa into a
put xb into b
subtract 1 from i
end repeat
put xb into b2
cheb a,b,word 1 of cd fld "Sidereal Cheb" of cd origin
get ((xa-b2)/2+((the seconds-daySecs)/3600+DSTcheck())*1.00273791- (line 2 of cd fld "coords" of cd origin)/15+24) mod 24
put trunc(it) into h
put trunc(60*(it-h)) into m
if m<10 then put "0" before m
if h=0 then put "0" before h
put "Sidereal Time = "& h &":" & m into line 1 of fld ST
put it into line 2 of fld ST
end ST
on hm decv,arg
global h,m
put trunc(arg) into h
put trunc(60*(arg-h)) into m
if decv then put abs(m) into m
if m<10 then put "0" before m
end hm
on calc num,force
set cursor to 1001
-- calcs ra and dec, force =1 means do it anyway
global day,daySecs,x,xa,xb,dayUT,it,h,m,mode
dayOfYear -- gets day,dayUT
put pi/180 into fac
get line 3 of fld UT
put line 1 of cd fld "Coords" of cd origin into lat
if (it=trunc(dayUT) and the optionkey is up) and force=0 then
put line 5 of fld Pos into dra
put (line 6 of fld Pos) into dec
put line 3 of fld rise into arg
set cursor to 1002
put trunc(dayUT) into line 3 of fld UT
put (dayUT+((the seconds-daySecs)/3600+DSTcheck())/24-1)/183-1 into x
put 0 into a
put 0 into b
put num into i
repeat until i=0
set cursor to busy
cheb a,b,word i+1 of fld "ra cheb"
put xa into a
put xb into b
subtract 1 from i
end repeat
put xb into b2
cheb a,b,word 1 of fld "ra cheb"
get ((xa-b2)/2+48) mod 24
put it*15 into dra
put dra into line 5 of fld Pos
hm false,it
put short name of this cd &" R.A. = "& h &"h " & m &"m"into line 1 of fld Pos
put 0 into a
put 0 into b
put num into i
repeat until i=0
set cursor to busy
cheb a,b,word i+1 of fld "dec cheb"
put xa into a
put xb into b
subtract 1 from i
end repeat
put xb into b2
cheb a,b,word 1 of fld "dec cheb"
get (xa-b2)/2
put it into dec
put it into line 6 of fld Pos
put empty into sign
if it<0 and it>-1 then put "-" into sign
if it>0 then put "+" into sign
hm true,it
put short name of this cd&" Dec. = "&sign&h&"┬░ "&m&"'" into line 2 of fld Pos
if "Sun" is in short name of this cd then
get (-.20791-sind(lat)*sind(dec))/(cosd(lat)*cosd(dec))
put abs(atan(sqrt(1-it*it)/it)) into ang
if -.20791<sind(lat)*sind(dec) then put pi-ang into ang
put ang/fac/15 into delta
put (dra/15+(line 2 of fld UT)-line 2 of fld 2+24-DSTcheck()) mod 24 into arg
get arg-delta
put it into line 3 of cd fld twilight
hm false,it
put "Twilight begins at "& h &":" & m && mode into line 1 of cd fld twilight
get arg+delta
put it into line 4 of cd fld twilight
hm false,it
put "Twilight ends at "& h &":" & m && mode into line 2 of cd fld twilight
end if
get -sind(lat)*sind(dec)/cosd(lat)/cosd(dec)
put atan(sqrt(1-it*it)/it) into ang
if dec>0 then
add pi to ang
end if
put ang/fac/15 into delta
put dra/15+line 2 of fld UT-line 2 of fld ST+24-DSTcheck()into arg
get (arg-delta) mod 24
put arg into line 3 of fld rise
put it into line 4 of fld rise
hm false,it
put short name of this cd && "Rises at "& h &":" & m && mode into line 1 of fld rise
get (arg+delta) mod 24
put it into line 5 of fld rise
hm false,it
put short name of this cd && "Sets at "& h &":" & m && mode into line 2 of fld rise
set cursor to 1001
end if
-- calc alt and az of object
put ((360+15*(line 2 of fld ST)-dra) mod 360) into LHA
put cosd(LHA)*sind(lat)-tand(dec)*cosd(lat) into den
put round(atanq(den,sind(LHA))/fac) into temp
put sind(lat)*sind(dec)+cosd(lat)*cosd(dec)*cosd(LHA) into sina
if abs(sina)<1 then
put round(atan(sina/(sqrt(1-sina*sina)))/fac) into alt
if alt>0 then
put "Az. = "& temp into line 3 of fld Pos
put "Alt. = " & alt into line 4 of fld Pos
if temp>180
then put "W" into tem
else put "E" into tem
put "below " & tem & " horizon" into line 3 of fld Pos
put empty into line 4 of fld Pos
end if
end if
set cursor to 1
end calc
function atanq x,y
get atan(y/x)
if x>0 then add pi to it
return it mod (2*pi)
end atanq
on ampm
global h,mode,intl
if intl then
put empty into mode
put h into h2
if h>11 then
subtract 12 from h
put "PM" into mode
put "AM" into mode
end if
if h=0 then put 12 into h
end if
end ampm