<script>on mousedownput "Introduction,Copyright & Distribution;" &¬"About The DF,When to Use DF,Fixed Field Format,Variable-length format,The Dilemma,About IBM Disks;" &¬"Using The DF,Select Files,Select Delimiters,Direction of Conversion,Supply A Header,Click Go!;" & ¬"What DF Expects,<BThe Header, <IInsert Guides…,Disk Space,Time,RAM,ASCII Import File;" & ¬"DF Operation Notes,Crashes,Assumptions,Extraneous Fields,Why HyperCard 2.1;" into stuffput HPopUpMenu(stuff, 0, bottom of me, left of me + 1) into choiceif choice is not empty then doField choiceend mouseDownon DoField choicelock screenput item 2 of choice into subchoiceif item 1 of choice contains "intro" thenshowField "intro"if subchoice is not empty thenif subchoice is "welcome" then FindTheText "◊ Welcome"if subchoice contains "distribution" then FindTheText "◊ Copyright"end ifelse if item 1 of choice contains "About" thenshowField "about"if item 2 of choice is not empty thenFindTheText "• " & word 1 of subchoiceend ifelse if item 1 of choice contains "Using" thenshowfield "operation"if item 2 of choice is not empty thenFindTheText the last word of subchoiceend ifelse if item 1 of choice contains "DF Expects" thenshowField "info #1"if item 2 of choice is not empty thenFindTheText "• " & subchoiceend ifelse if item 1 of choice contains "operation" thenshowField "info #2"if item 2 of choice is not empty thenFindTheText "◊ " & word 1 to 2 of subchoiceend ifend ifunlock screen with barn door open fastend doFieldon FindTheText whatput visibleField() into theFieldfind whole what in theFieldclick at the topleft of this cardend FindTheTexton mousewithinHCBalloon "This pop-up menu presents submenus pertaining to this stack’s" &&¬"documentation.",80,10, 0end mousewithin</script>
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