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<script>on mouseUpgo next cd of this bgend mouseUp</script>
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<script>on closeFieldif the visible of bg fld "Subject List" then send mouseUp to bg btn "Hide List"set cursor to watchrepeat with i = 1 to the number of lines of meput line i of me into itif it is not in bg fld "Subject List" thenput return & it after bg fld "Subject List"end ifend repeatsort bg fld "Subject List"end closeFieldon mouseUpedit the script of meend mouseUp</script>
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<script>on mouseUppush this cdgo to cd "Citation List"end mouseUp</script>
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<highlight> <false /> </highlight>
<autoHighlight> <true /> </autoHighlight>
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<name>Check refs</name>
<script>on mouseUppush cdgo to cd "Check refs"end mouseUp</script>
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<reservedFamily> 0 </reservedFamily>
<name>Subject List</name>
<script>on mouseUpglobal sTypeif the shiftKey is down then findSubjelse if the optionKey is down then edit the script of meelseselect the clickLineset the cursor to watchif word 2 of the clickLine is "1" or word 2 of the clickLine is "2" thenselect before line 1 of mebeepexit mouseUpelse if sType is "All" then findAll the selectionelse if sType is "Next" then findNext the selectionend ifend mouseUpon findSubjask "What subject do you want to look for?"if it is "Cancel" or it is empty then exit findSubjput it into theSubjput offset(theSubj, me) into startif start > 0 then select char start to start + length of theSubj -1 of meelseanswer "There is no such Subject listed" with "OK"select before line 2 of meend ifend findSubjon findAll whatlock screenput empty into hitspush cdgo cd 1repeat foreverfind what in bg fld "Subjects"if the result is "not found" then exit repeatput bg fld "1st last" & "," & bg fld "title" & return & return into itif it is not in hits then put it after hitselse exit repeatend repeatif hits is empty then answer "Didn't find any entries with that Subject" with "OK"elsesend mouseUp to bg btn "Hide List"go cd "Index"put (number of lines in hits)/2 into foundNif foundN = 1 then put "There is " & foundN & " entry about " & what into bg fld "Summary"else put "There are " & foundN & " entries about " & what into bg fld "Summary"put hits into bg fld "Index"end ifend findAllon findNext whatfind what in bg fld "Subjects"if the result is "not found" thenanswer "Didn't find any entries with that Subject" with "OK"else send mouseUp to bg btn "Hide List"end findNext</script>
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<autoHighlight> <true /> </autoHighlight>
<sharedHighlight> <false /> </sharedHighlight>
<name>Search Subjects</name>
<script>on mouseUpglobal sTypeif the short name of me is "Search Subjects" thenanswer "Type of search:" with "Cancel" or "Next" or "All"if it is empty or it is "Cancel" then exit mouseUpput it into sTypeput "Shift-click to look for a Subject" & return before bg fld "Subject List"put "Click on a Subject to look for it" & return before bg fld "Subject List"show bg fld "Subject List"set the name of me to "Hide List"elsehide bg fld "Subject List"set the name of me to "Search Subjects"delete line 1 of bg fld "Subject List"delete line 1 of bg fld "Subject List"set the scroll of bg fld "Subject List" to 0end ifend mouseUp</script>
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<highlight> <false /> </highlight>
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<name>Upkeep tools</name>
<script>on mouseUppush cdgo to cd "Upkeep"end mouseUp</script>
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<reserved5> 0 </reserved5>
<reserved4> 0 </reserved4>
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<showName> <true /> </showName>
<highlight> <false /> </highlight>
<autoHighlight> <true /> </autoHighlight>
<sharedHighlight> <true /> </sharedHighlight>
<name>Find Duplicate</name>
<script>on mouseUppush cdsort this bg by bg fld "title"sort this bg numeric by bg fld "date"sort this bg by bg fld "1st last"pop cdrepeat with i = the number of this cd to the number of cds in this bg -1set cursor to busyif bg fld "1st last" of cd i is in bg fld "1st last" of cd (i+1) thenif bg fld "date" of cd i is in bg fld "date" of cd (i+1) thenif bg fld "title" of cd i is in bg fld "title" of cd (i+1) thengo cd iput "Possible duplicate with following cd"exit repeatend ifend ifend ifend repeatbeepend mouseUp</script>
<visible> <false /> </visible>
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<name>Show Help</name>
<script>on mouseUpglobal showHelp, fromHereput not(the hilite of me) into showHelpset the hilite of me to showHelpif showHelp thendoCopyrightput true into fromHere --show helpFld when have clickedsend mouseEnter to the targetelseput false into fromHeresend mouseLeave to the targetend ifend mouseUpon mouseLeaveglobal fromHereif not fromHere then pass mouseLeave --don't hide helpFld when have clicked here (otherwise stack script will)else put false into fromHere --have already clicked hereend mouseLeave</script>
<text>Clicking this button allows you to search the entries for subjects entered in the subject field below. You can get either the next entry for a subject or a list of all entries for that subject.</text>
<script>on openCardput the number of this cd & "/" & the number of cds in this bg into bg fld "WhichOne"set the scroll of bg field 3 to 0set the scroll of bg field 4 to 0set the scroll of bg field "Title" to 0end openCard</script>