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Date: Tue, 17 Mar 1992 0:24:21 PST
From: Bill Lipa <lipa@camis.stanford.edu>
Subject: Comp.sys.mac.programmer FAQ
Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.programmer
Subject: *** FAQ 02/26/92 *** Frequently Asked Questions (Read Me First!)
Summary: Frequently Asked Questions list for comp.sys.mac.programmer
Distribution: world
Organization: University of Oregon Computer and Information Sciences Dept.
Keywords: frequently asked questions faq
Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) Posting This version written
For newsgroup: comp.sys.mac.programmer February 26, 1992
This file is automatically posted on the first of each month to comp.sys.
mac.programmer. It is also available via anonymous ftp from ftp.cs.uoregon.
edu (user name 'anonymous', your internet address as password) in the
directory /pub/mac.
This file is maintained by Michael A. Kelly. He can be reached at the
following addresses:
Internet: mkelly@cs.uoregon.edu
SnailMail: Computer Science Dept.
University of Oregon
Eugene, Oregon 97403
The purpose of this posting is to answer some of the most common questions
asked on this group, and to refer people left with unanswered questions to
available sources of additional help.
Submissions, comments, etcetera, should be sent to Michael Kelly, as above.
All such material sent will be considered to have entered the public domain
(and will be subject to editing) unless specific text to the contrary
accompanies the message (which may render the submission unusable).
Development Software
Other Tools
Apple Developer Programs
The Associates and Partners Programs
Apple Developer University
Developer CDs
Other useful sources / wells of information:
Books and Periodicals
Usenet Mac Programmer's Guide (UMPG)
Kent Sandvik's Frequently Asked MPW C++ and MacApp Questions
FTP sites
ftp.apple.com []
sumex-aim.stanford.edu []
rascal.ics.utexas.edu []
mac.archive.umich.edu []
comp.binaries.mac [newsgroup]
One-liners: Aphorisms for our times
Specific Questions Answered:
(1) How do you tell if a specific key is being pressed?
(2) How do you get a full pathname?
(3) How could anyone love the File Manager?
(4) When do you put an ellipsis on the end of a menu item?
(5) How do you set the SFGet/PutFile directory?
(6) Why does malloc/calloc keep crashing or returning NULL in Think C?
(7) How can I get millisecond timing from the keyboard (or mouse)?
(8) How do you put a border around the default button in a dialog?
(9) How do I go about writing serial port communications?
(10) How do I get the menubar to disappear and re-appear?
(11) How do I write an INIT?
(12) How do you access the application's data fork?
(13) What is the fastest way to paint one pixel on the screen?
(14) How do you draw directly into a pixmap without using QuickDraw?
(15) How do you draw directly onto the screen without using QuickDraw?
(16) How do you register signatures and file types with Apple?
(17) What RGB value does the system use for dimmed buttons, menus and
window titles?
(18) What's the difference between the resource ID of a 'MENU' resource
and the menuID field of that resource?
(19) When should I call MoveHHi?
Eternal Debates:
Why doesn't the Mac do preemptive multitasking?
Credits / Acknowledgements
Added numbers to the Specific Questions Answered. If you see a question
posted to c.s.m.p. that is answered in this file, please refer the
inquirer to Question #x in the FAQ.
Added Specific Questions Answered #19.
Replaced the review of Development Software:Debuggers:TMON.
Added the review Development Software:Other Tools:Resourcerer.
Plus one- or two-line updates/typo fixes to the following:
Development Software:Compilers:Think
FTP sites:rascal.ics.utexas.edu
Development Software:Debuggers:MacsBug
Specific Questions Answered #2, #3, #4, #6, #8, #12, and #17.
Development Software
This is by no means a complete analysis of the tools, development systems,
etc. that are available. This is a short list of things which *most* Mac
programmers use (or are at least aware of, and have considered using).
Macintosh Programmer's Workshop (Apple)
MPW is a package which contains separately-purchaseable compilers
for Assembly, C, C++, and Object Pascal. All of these run in an
environment called the MPW Shell. The Shell is a command-line
oriented environment, designed for extreme configurability with
scripts, user-writeable "tools", i/o redirection, and lots of
other bells and whistles. On the pro side, it can do many things
that THINK cannot do; it scales much better to large projects; it can
be customized much more; and it's Apple's supported development
environment. On the con side, it is comparatively expensive, slow,
and difficult to learn. A debugger (SADE) is available for it, and
is philosophically similar to MPW. An object library is available
(MacApp) which allows applications to be built on an object-oriented
framework, again similar to MPW in it's approach of being very powerful,
but not necessarily easy to learn, easy to use, small, or fast.
MPW is also available on the quarterly Essentials-Tools-Objects CD-ROM
from Apple. This disc contains the latest version of the entire MPW
development environment, as well as debugging utilities and a huge
collection of sample source code. This brings the price of the MPW
environment down a bit, but it's still much more expensive than THINK.
Think (Symantec)
Think is two separate products, Think C and Think Object Pascal.
They are similar products. Both are integrated editor/compiler/
linker/debugger environments. Both come with a large library
of predefined classes (the C classes are written in a sort of
pseudo C++ language that is Symantec's own Object C, not C++).
Think Pascal is MacApp-compatable, as well. Both support inline
assembly, but there is no separate assembler. Their main selling
point, however, is that they are very fast and very simple.
They are ideal for small projects that you want to finish in a
few days, for beginners, and for people who need a full-fledged
development environment but cannot afford MPW. This is not to say
that the Think environments are not useful for commercial development;
many successful commercial programs were written with Think. The
difference in power between MPW and Think is only noticeable with
very large and/or multiple-developer projects.
Debuggers (beyond SADE and the Think debuggers)
MacsBug (Apple)
MacsBug is an assembly-level debugger. It is a command-line
driven, entirely text-based environment which uses little of
the Mac toolbox, and is thus fairly stable in crashes (although
it doesn't use protected memory, its main failing in the area
of stability). It supports complex operations with breakpoints,
A-line traps, macros, expressions, and more, and can be configured
even more with user-writeable 'dcmd' external code resources. MacsBug
is free via anonymous ftp from ftp.apple.com. It is also included with
the book "Debugging Macintosh Software with MacsBug."
TMON Professional (ICOM)
TMON Professional is an object-level debugger which is MUCH more
powerful than MacsBug. It has an elaborate interface which looks
nothing like a Mac application, and takes a while to get used to. It
is a very intelligent program, however, which can often display memory
in its most useful format without help (e.g. it will disassemble code,
and display a string as a string, automatically). It has strong
support for types, allowing you to easily view complex structures,
arrays, floating point numbers, and more. You can examine the stack,
the heaps, and just about anything else you could be interested in.
It also provides versatile scripting, and is amazingly configurable.
There are more goodies in this package than I can possible describe
here. Drawbacks are high price, and a very steep learning curve.
The Debugger (Jasik Designs)
The Debugger (also known as Jasik's Debugger, because it was written by
Steve Jasik) is the only source level debugger with all the low-level
features of Macsbug (speed, straight-forward display of important info)
and many of the advantages of source level debuggers (source code,
quick display of local variables). Some of its best features are
complete support for Object Pascal, speed, and the ability to look at
resource map and file information. You gotta love any debugger that
will display all of the low-level globals with their values in a single
keystroke! It also has a On the down side, the interface is an aquired taste, the
documentation needs work and distribution disks lack a certain polish.
But, phone support is very good (you often get Steve himself).
SourceBug (Apple)
This is similar to SADE, but I hear it is much nicer. It is not
scriptable, however. Perhaps someone would like to give me a review
of SourceBug to put here???
Other tools
ResEdit (Apple)
ResEdit is the accepted tool for editing and creating resources.
It has very little competition, partially because it is a very
good and comprehensive program, and partially because it is
free (available via anonymous ftp from ftp.apple.com). It allows
you to edit any resource in hexadecimal, and most of the standard
types have special editors that provide a direct-manipulation paradigm
for editing them. Users may write their own pickers and editors for
custom resource types, although this is rarely done in practice.
Resourcerer (Mathemaesthetics)
Resourcerer is a commercially available replacement for ResEdit. Many
developers use it exclusively, and swear by it quite vehemently. This
is from one of them:
RESORCERER is a no-holds-barred resource dynamo.
-- embarrasses the ResEdit dialog editor
-- supports many more template data types
-- swap in different resource templates based on a key value
-- creates recursive resources
-- generates starter code for a dialog
-- does complex searches against resource contents or titles
-- renumbers resources in batches
-- changes resource types
-- excellent support from the author himself
Virtual User (Apple)
Virtual User allows you to script user interactions with a program so
that they cal be relayed over and over, and it can execute scripts
remotely, over AppleTalk. So, for instance, you could write a script
that puts your program through its paces, and then automatically
execute that script simultaneously on lots of differently configured
Macintosh systems. It is available from APDA (#M0987LL/B).
(This paragraph taken from develop Issue 8, page 60.)
Online Companion (Addison-Wesley)
Online Companion is a reference tool. Hit a magic key combination,
and a pseudo-window opens at the bottom of the screen which allows
you to type in a full or partial name and find it in Online's
database. It contains Inside Mac and some supplements, Tech Notes,
etc. It's fast and simple.
Think Reference (Symantec)
Think Reference is a reference tool. It is a hypertext version of
Inside Mac I-V and the Tech Notes. Click on the function or data
type name to go to the page on which it is defined. It includes
some very useful notes and examples written by Symantec, and the
function prototypes can be copied and pasted into your editor.
Very fast and simple to use. But beware of typos and, in some cases,
bad advice.
Apple Developer Programs
The Associates and Partners Programs
From the back cover of 'develop' Issue 7:
The Associate's Program, Apple's mainstream program for commercial
developers, is a convenient and cost-effective way to get essential
technical and marketing information. This program offers self-help
technical support, keeps you up to date with the latest products and
technical documentation, and gives you access to the Apple developer
community through AppleLink. Associates also receive discounts on
equipment. The Associates program is designed for commercial developers
and others involved in development projects, such as contract programmers,
training providers, authors, and system integrators.
The Partners Program is open to Apple-selected commercial developers. In
addition to receiving the same development information and tools as
Associates, Partners receive technical support via electronic mail.
Membership in the Partners program is limited to developers who directly
contribute to Apple's long-term product strategies and business objectives.
Information about becoming an Apple Associate or an Apple Partner is
available from Apple. Call Developer Programs at (408) 974-4897,
AppleLink DEVHOTLINE (devhotline@applelink.apple.com), or write
20525 Mariani Avenue
M/S 75-2C
Cupertino, CA 95014,
for information or an application for the Associates or Partners program.
Developers outside the U.S. and Canada should instead contact the Apple
office in their country for information about developer programs.
Apple Developer University
From the back cover of 'develop' Issue 7:
Apple Developer University provides training for all levels of Macintosh
programmers. The hands-on classes give you experience using the most up-
to-date development tools. Classes are offered in locations across the
United States, and on-site instruction can also be arranged. Multimedia
self-paced courses are available from Developer University through APDA.
These courses include Macintosh Programming Fundamentals, User-Centered
Design, and Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming.
The registrar at (408) 974-6215 can reserve your place or send a current
catalog. You can also AppleLink DEVUNIV (devuniv@applelink.apple.com) or
20525 Mariani Avenue
M/S 75-6U
Cupertino, CA 95014
From the back cover of 'develop' Issue 7:
The Apple Programmers and Developers Association (APDA) offers convenient
worldwide access to development tools, resources, training products, and
information for anyone interested in developing applications on Apple
platforms. A quarterly APDA catalog features over 300 technical products
from Apple and third-party developers. There are no membership fees.
APDA offers convenient payment and shipping options, including site
licensing. Apple Associates or Partners automatically receive the APDA
To order products or to receive a complimentary catalog,
(800) 282-2732 U.S.
(800) 637-0029 Canada
(408) 562-3910 International
(408) 562-3971 Fax
171-576 Telex
APDA AppleLink (apda@applelink.apple.com)
20525 Mariani Avenue
M/S 33-G
Cupertino, CA 95014
Developer CDs
The developer CDs are available quarterly from APDA, or monthly to Apple
Associates and Partners. The quarterly version is also included in the
quarterly issue of d e v e l o p. They contain just about everything that
Apple makes freely available, including SpInside Mac, the Tech Notes, and
a plethora of code snippets.
Other useful sources / wells of information
Books and Periodicals
Technical Books
Inside Macintosh Volume I
Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-17731-5. $24.95
Inside Macintosh Volume II
Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-17732-3. $24.95
Inside Macintosh Volume III
Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-17733-1. $19.95
Inside Macintosh Volume IV
Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-05409-4. $24.95
Inside Macintosh Volume V
Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-17719-6. $26.95
Inside Macintosh Volume VI
Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-57755-0. $39.95
Inside Mac is the definitive reference regarding the Macintosh
toolbox. Volumes I and II are basically essential to any Mac
programmer who uses the toolbox at all. Volume III is essentially
a summary, cross reference, index-y sort of thing, and isn't very
useful. Volume IV is stuff specific to the Mac Plus and later
machines, which would make it almost as important as I and II (not
many 512K Macs left out there), except that the routines it
describes are not nearly as generally useful. It does have all of the
stuff on the HFS File Manager, however, so if you're working with File
Manager routines you should definitely consult IV before I-III.
Otherwise, you can survive without it for a while. Volume V is the Mac
II volume. It has everything on Color QuickDraw, as well as lots of
other goodies. I'd say it's more useful than IV, but only if you're
doing color. Volume VI is the System 7 volume. It contains all kinds
of bizarre new things which are probably not of general use or
interest; but it contains a lot of new non-System-7 stuff as well (such
as 32-bit Quickdraw), and it has corrections to the other five volumes.
Inside Macintosh X-Ref, Revised Edition
Addison Wesley. ISBN 0-201-57769-0. $12.95.
Inside Mac X-Ref is a cross-referenced index to the six volumes
and some other Macintosh technical books.
M68000 User's Manual
Prentice Hall. ISBN 0-13-609249-7. $22.95.
MC68020 User's Manual
Prentice Hall. ISBN 0-13-567017-9. $22.95.
MC68030 User's Manual
Prentice Hall. ISBN 0-13-566423-3. $22.95.
MC68881/MC68882 Floating-Point Coprocessor User's Manual
Prentice Hall. ISBN 0-13-566936-7. $22.95.
The Motorola references are required reading for anyone doing
assembly programming on the Mac. The 68000 is by far the most
important. The 68881 manual only has relevance to those who
want to do floating point and don't want to use SANE (the Standard
Apple Numeric Environment, slow but robust, precise and general).
Technical Introduction to the Macintosh Family
Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-17765-X. $19.95.
This book provides an overview of the general hardware design, system
archiecture, and ROM design of the Macintosh. It is not required for
programming, but does provide some useful background information for
programmers new to the Mac.
Programmer's Introduction to the Macintosh Family.
Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-19254-3. $22.95.
This book provides an overview of basic Macintosh programming
concepts. It is recommended for programmers new to the Mac.
Guide to the Macintosh Family Hardware
Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-52405-8. $26.95.
This is the definitive guide to the hardware design of the
Macintosh family.
Designing Cards and Drivers for the Macintosh Family
Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-52404-X. $26.95.
This is the official guide for developers of expansion cards and
peripheral devices for the Mac. This book is required reading for
anyone who wants to talk directly to expansion cards (video cards,
for example).
Human Interface Guidelines: The Apple Desktop Interface
Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-17753-6. $14.95.
This is the definitive guide to program interface design on the
Macintosh. When you find yourself wondering where to put the OK
button in a dialog, consult this book.
Apple Numerics Manual
Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-17738-2. $29.95.
This book describes the Standard Apple Numerics Environment (SANE),
and provides information about the IEEE-standard arithmetic and
about the SANE engines on the Apple IIgs and Macintosh computers.
Inside the Macintosh Communications Toolbox
Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-57775-5. $24.95.
This is the definitive reference volume for the Communications
Teaching Books
Macintosh Programming Primer
Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-15662-8. $24.95.
Macintosh C Programming Primer Volume II
Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-57016-5. $24.95.
These are excellent books for the beginning Mac programmer. Both books
use Think C in their examples, but developers using other platforms
will find a plethora of useful tidbits. I believe both books are
available in Pascal as well.
Macintosh Revealed, Volume One: Unlocking the Toolbox
Hayden Books. ISBN 0-8104-6551-5. $26.95.
Macintosh Revealed, Volume Two: Programming with the Toolbox
Hayden Books. ISBN 0-8104-6561-2. $26.95.
Macintosh Revealed, Volume Three: Mastering the Toolbox
Hayden Books. ISBN 0-672-48402-1. $26.95.
Macintosh Revealed, Volume Three: Expanding the Toolbox
Hayden Books. ISBN 0-672-48413-7. $26.95.
This encyclopedic collection covers the entire Mac Toolbox for the
beginning Pascal or Assembly programmer. It sometimes re-iterates
Inside Mac, but always offers a fresh perspective. Volume I covers
basics including memory management and QuickDraw. Volume II covers the
other essential Toolbox managers and exemplifies each by constructing
part of a complete text editor. Volume III expands this application,
covering printing, drivers, desk accessories, sound and definition
functions. Volume IV contains details of programming with MultiFinder,
Color QuickDraw and styled text.
How to Write Macintosh Software
Hayden Books. ISBN 0-672-48429-3. $28.95.
This book gives comprehensive coverage of memory management and
debugging techniques. It also gives an excellent overview of
assembly language programming on the Mac. A must-have. I hear that
it's out of print, though.
On Macintosh Programming: Advanced Techniques
Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-51737-X. $24.95.
This book contains a lot of information on all aspects of programming
the Mac, including hardware and software architecture, the toolbox,
and the use of assembly, C, and Pascal for programming the toolbox.
It includes quite a lot of source code.
Using the Macintosh Toolbox With C
Sybex. ISBN 0-89588-572-7. $29.95.
This is a fairly good book for beginning Mac programmers. Experienced
programmers will find nothing new here.
Programmer's Guide to MPW, Volume I
Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-57011-4. $26.95.
This is a basic introduction to using MPW. I don't recommend it for
anyone who already uses MPW.
Programming with MacApp
Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-09784-2. $24.95.
C++ Programming with MacApp
Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-57020-3. $24.95.
These give a basic introduction to programming with MacApp; the first
with Object Pascal, and the second with C++.
Elements of C++ Macintosh Programming
Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-55025-3. $22.95.
Just what the title says. I haven't had a chance to look at it yet.
Programming for System 7.
Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-56770-9. $26.95
This is a guide to creating applications for System 7. It describes
the new features and functions of the operating system in detail.
The sample code is in C and includes a complete System 7 application
in Chapter 1 which is expanded in succeeding chapters.
ResEdit Complete
Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-55075-X. $29.95.
Most of this book is not written for programmers, but includes quite
a bit of useful information nonetheless. It contains detailed
discussions of using, customizing and programming ResEdit, including
the creation of custom templates, pickers and editors. It comes with
ResEdit 2.1 on disk, with sample source code in MPW C and Pascal.
Debugging Macintosh Software with MacsBug
Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-57049-1. $34.95.
This looks like a really good and useful book, but I haven't had a
chance to look at it yet. MacsBug is included on disk, along with
several examples and dcmds.
Programming the M68000
Benjamin/Cummings. ISBN 0-8053-5550-2.
680x0 Programming by Example
Howard W. Sams & Co. ISBN 0-672-22544-1. $17.95.
M68000 Assembly Language: Techniques for Building Programs
Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-11659-6.
The Complete Book of Macintosh Assembly Language Programming [sic]
Scott, Foresman & Co.
Vol I ISBN 0-673-18379-3
Vol II ISBN 0-673-18583-4
These are all assembly books that have been recommended by people on
the net. The first two are general; the others are specific to the
d e v e l o p
Quarterly. $10 per issue. $30 per year.
Apple Computer, Inc.
P.O. Box 531
Mt. Morris, IL 61054
AppleLink DEV.SUBS
develop is Apple's technical journal for the Macintosh and Apple II
(the focus is on the Mac). The articles are well-written and useful,
and it includes the Developer CD.
Monthly. $5 per issue. $40 per year Third Class; $55 First Class.
1250 N. Lakeview Suite O
Anaheim, CA 92807
(714) 777-1255
The only Macintosh programming journal that I'm aware of. A good
source of sample code.
Usenet Mac Programmer's Guide
The Usenet Mac Programmer's Guide (UMPG) is a collection of useful tips
culled from comp.sys.mac.programmer. Compiled by Matthew X. Mora
(mxmora@unix.sri.com), it is organized by topic and includes a table of
contents and index. It is available via anonymous ftp from sumex-aim.
stanford.edu ( in the directory /info-mac/tech/.
It is also available in a pre-printed version, or on disk.
To get a copy of the printed version send $17.00 to:
USENET Macintosh Programmer's Guide Printed Version
39075 Carmel Ct.
Fremont, CA 94538
To get a copy of the disk version send $5.00 to:
USENET Macintosh Programmer's Guide Disk Version
39075 Carmel Ct.
Fremont, CA 94538
Kent Sandvik's Frequently Asked MPW C++ and MacApp Questions
This file is available upon request from ksand@apple.com or
via anonymous ftp to skinner.cs.uoregon.edu in the directory
FTP sites
ftp.apple.com []
This archive contains just about everything available for free from
Apple. Look here first for sample source code, the latest tech
notes, and tools such as ResEdit and MacsBug. Very little of what
can be found here is available from other archives.
Anonymous ftp.
You should read the file /dts/README.FIRST before downloading from
this archive. Everything for the Mac is in /dts/mac. The
moderators ask that you download during the off-peak hours if at
all possible, since this is just a IIci running A/UX.
You cannot post to this archive.
This archive contains a large collection of public-domain and
shareware for the Mac. It is well-maintained and updated regularly.
New submissions to the archive are listed every other day or so in
the newsgroup comp.sys.mac.digest.
Anonymous ftp.
Read the files in /info-mac/help for more detailed information
about the files in the archive. Everything is in /info-mac.
Sumex accepts all submissions that "are of general benefit to
the Macintosh community." Basically, if you have something that
you think is useful, and that other people may like to have, you
should feel free to send it to sumex. All submissions should be
compressed and BinHexed, and should include a short but informative
blurb at the beginning of the file. Mail your submissions to
info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu. Expect a delay of anywhere from
a week to a month before your file is made available. For more
detailed information, consult the file /info-mac/help/posting-
rascal.ics.utexas.edu []
This archive contains most of what can be found at sumex. Its
emphasis is on utilities and programming-related items, but it
contains quite a bit of other stuff as well. It is the home of
the comp.sys.mac.announce archives. Many items tend to appear
here before they show up at sumex or comp.binaries.mac.
Anonymous ftp.
Send submissions to macgifts@rascal.ics.utexas.edu (see Note below).
See Submissions for sumex for format description.
mac.archive.umich.edu []
I haven't explored this archive yet, but I hear it has quite a bit
of general Macintosh freeware and shareware. Perhaps someone more
familiar with this archive could send me a review....
Anonymous ftp.
More information to come....
This is a moderated newsgroup for distribution of Macintosh freeware
and shareware. Just about everything that gets sent to sumex and
the other major archives gets sent here as well.
Subscribe to the newsgroup....
All files should be compressed and binhexed for mailing. Posting
to the newsgroup should automatically get your file mailed to the
moderator. If this does not happen on your system, you can mail
your posting to the moderator yourself at macintosh@felix.uucp.
Expect a delay of as much as a month before your posting shows up
on the newsgroup.
Note: To submit a file to sumex, rascal, umich, and comp.binaries.mac, it
is probably easiest to send it just to macgifts@rascal.ics.utexas.
edu. Your file will then automatically get submitted to all four
The Main Loop and Events
Call MaxApplZone and MoreMasters when the application starts up.
If you call SetApplLimit, do it before calling MaxApplZone.
Use HD in MacsBug while running to estimate how many times to call MoreMasters.
Don't use SetEventMask to disable mouseUp events. Better not to use it at all.
Call WaitNextEvent if you're running under System 6 or later.
DTS sample code passes 0x7fffffff to WaitNextEvent when nothing is happening.
DTS sample code passes GetCaretTime() to WaitNextEvent when flashing a cursor.
Call both GetNextEvent and SystemTask only if WaitNextEvent is unavailable.
Call IsDialogEvents and DialogSelect even if GetNextEvent returns false.
SetPort to a known good grafPort once every time through the event loop.
Set the cursor on suspend and resume events.
Call GetDblTime to get the maximum time for a double click.
Measure double click time from mouse up to mouse down.
Use SetItem to include meta characters literally in menus.
Prepend an ASCII 0 to a menu item to use a leading '-'.
Never make MENU resources purgeable.
GetResource never produces resNotFound. Check for a NIL handle instead.
To create a resource file, call HCreate, then HCreateResFile.
To open a resource file read-only for shared access, use HOpenResFile.
Don't leave ResLoad set to false.
GetResource on a dctb may return a non-resource copy of the dctb.
Windows, Alerts, and Dialogs
Move and size windows to the bounding box of GetGrayRgn.
Hide scroll bars when deactivating a window.
Call DrawGrowIcon when activating or deactivating a window with a grow region.
DrawGrowIcon does not check to see if the window has a grow region.
Call PenNormal before calling DrawGrowIcon.
itemHit will not be set when a dialog filter is called.
Use a disabled UserItem to draw the roundrect outline around the OK button.
ModalDialog assumes the dialog is already visible and in the front.
Use screenBits.bounds to center dialogs, alerts, etc. below the menu bar.
If you save window locations in files, they may not be valid for all monitors.
DragWindow expects startPt in boundsRect; if not it may not call SelectWindow.
SelectWindow does not automatically call SetPort. You must do that yourself.
DialogSelect responds to activate events but ignores suspend/resume events.
Always set the VisRgn and ClipRgn of offscreen ports.
Set the ClipRgn first when making a picture.
Don't make rowBytes in bitMaps greater than 8191.
To dim text, draw a rectangle with penPat=gray and penMode=patbic over it.
To draw rotated text, draw to an offscreen bitmap, rotate it, and CopyBits it.
Don't use picSize to determine the size of a picture. Check the handle size.
Never draw outside a window except in XOR mode for temporary effects like drag.
To avoid animation flicker, synchronize drawing to the vertical retrace.
Lock handles to pictures before calling DrawPicture.
CopyBits on more than 3Kb data will work, but it might have to allocate memory.
The small Mac screen is 512 pixels wide by 342 pixels high including menu bar.
Don't write in the application file. This will fail with read-only devices.
Use PBGetVInfo to convert a VRefNum to a volume name.
Delete uses the Poor Man's Search Path, so don't delete blindly.
File Manager routines with dirID=0 use the Poor Man's Search Path.
Truncate and reallocate files before overwriting to reduce fragmentation.
Check/change the creator and type of Save As... files before overwriting.
If you rewrite files by deleting and creating, copy all Finder information.
Directory ID's are longs, not shorts. Shorts work ALMOST all the time.
Always set the version number that appears in some file manager calls to 0.
To convert a pathRefNum to a name or file number, use PBGetFCBInfo.
Prevent the creation of files with names that begin with a period.
Interrupts and VBL Tasks
Don't call any Memory Manager routines during an interrupt.
Unlocked handles may not be valid during an interrupt.
To synchronize to the vertical retrace on Macs with slots use SlotVInstall.
Handles and Pointers
Lock handles before passing their dereferenced pointers to any routine.
Lock handles before setting referenced data to expressions containing functions
Put an odd long at location zero on a 68000 to help find NIL handle references.
Use HGetState/HLock/HSetState to lock a handle then put it back as it was.
Always use unsigned characters within text and Pascal-format strings.
Save application preferences in a folder named Preferences in the System Folder
Use SysEnvirons to find the System (Blessed) Folder.
Use GetAppParms to get the name of the application.
The high bit of SysParam . volClik enables the alarm clock.
Check the application name at $910 before exiting with ES within MacsBug.
To exit to shell in the mini-debugger, enter SM 0 A9 F4 and then G 0.
In Pascal, don't nest procedures to be passed by procedure pointer.
In Pascal, "with theHandle^^" is unsafe if memory compaction can occur.
Controversy Corner (Don't shoot me; I'm just the messenger.)
Avoid writing tail patches for traps.
There is no official way to tell if MultiFinder is running or not.
Specific Questions Answered
(1) How do you tell if a specific key is being pressed?
Use GetKeys. GetKeys fills a 16-byte KeyMap structure with the state of
every key. Each bit represents a single key on the keyboard; 1 means the
key is down, 0 means it is up. Note that there can be a maximum of seven
keys being pressed at a time - any of the modifier keys plus at most two
other keys.
Here's an example in C:
Boolean IsKeyDown(
unsigned short theKey ) // a keyboard-specific scan code for a key
unsigned char keyMap[16];
GetKeys( (void *) keyMap );
return ((keyMap[theKey>>3] >> (theKey & 7)) & 1);
(2) How do you get a full pathname?
Take a look at Tech Note #238, available from APDA (and other places).
It tells you everything you need to know to get a full pathname, and why
you should, in general, use a volume name, dirID, filename (and perhaps
volume creation date) triple instead. Also check out the code snippets
available from ftp.apple.com et al. There are a couple of snippets that
give code to get a full pathname, as well as many other cool file manager
(3) How could anyone love the File Manager?
Its always those pesky wdrn's that are the problem. Here is a
summary of some of the things to know:
vrn = volume reference number
(small negative number; e.g. -2)
wdrn = working directory reference number
(large negative number; e.g. -32123)
dirID = directory ID
(small (but long integer!) positive number; e.g. 4123)
- vrn's and wdrn's can be used interchangably for the most part.
- A vrn represents either a volume, or the root directory of a volume.
- A wdrn represents a directory on a volume.
- A dirID represents nothing without a vrn or a wdrn.
- A dirID overrides the directory otherwise specified by the vrn or wdrn
unless it's zero, in which case it's ignored. If it is 2 it specifies
the root directory of the volume.
- You should always use vrn,dirID pairs. To convert a wdrn into a
vrn,dirID pair use GetWDInfo, which returns the vRefNum, the dirID and
the procID of the wdRefNum. The procID is almost always 'ERIK'.
- You can also use GetVol/SetVol to convert volume names to/from vrns.
- To store a vrn,dirID pair (between invocations of a program) convert
the vrn to a volume name & creation date (for verification) and store
them and the dirID (and a filename perhaps).
(4) When do you put an ellipsis on the end of a menu item?
Put an ellipsis (...) at the end of any menu item which requires more
information in order to complete or simply displays information. Usually
this involves a dialog of some kind, be it modal or non modal.
(5) How do you set the SFGet/PutFile directory?
To set the directory that is displayed by SFGet/PutFile, stuff the
volume reference number into SFSaveDisk, and the dirID into CurDirStore.
CurDirStore = $398; Current dirID from Standard File (long)
SFSaveDisk = $214; Negative of current vRefNum
(6) Why does malloc/calloc keep crashing or returning NULL in Think C?
#include <stdlib.h>
Explanation: In THINK C, parameters and return values are 2-byte ints
by default, which causes the value passed to malloc to be $10000 times as
large as you think it is, and causes the upper bytes of the return value to
be zeroed. Including stdlib includes a prototype which overrides the
Another common cause of problems with malloc is overwriting the end of a
string, such as only mallocing the size of the string and then writing
the string plus a null into the malloc'd space. Think's malloc algorithm
stores block size information in space adjacent to the storage it
allocates, so overwriting the storage tends to cause havoc. The problem
may not show immediately since it will probably be the next malloc that
encounters problems.
(7) I'm writing a psychology experiment. How can I get millisecond timing
from the keyboard (or mouse)?
The simple answer is that you can't. Although the new time manager can
call routines every couple of microseconds, input goes through the event
manager, which only posts events about every 16 milliseconds. Thus,
even if you poll the keyboard every 30 microseconds, you will not get
better than 16 ms. resolution. If you really need millisecond accuracy,
you need to use external hardware.
The good news is that you probably don't need better than 16 ms.
resolution anyway. Measuring with 16 ms. accuracy only increases the
standard deviation of your RT means by about 4.8 msec. Read: Ulrich, R
and Giray, M. (1989). Time resolution of clocks: Effects on reaction
time measurement -- Good news for bad clocks. British Journal of
Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 42, 1-12.
By the way, there is a mailing list dedicated to running psychology
experiments on the Mac. It frequently gets tied up in arguments about
millisecond timing. The address to write to is:
(8) How do you put a border around the default button in a dialog?
The most common way to do this is to create a dummy user item in the
dialog, and use SetDItem to install a procedure that outlines the
default button. Here is an example in C:
/* This function draws a border around dialog item #1 */
pascal void OutlineDefault(
DialogPtr theDialog;
short theItem;
Rect itemRect;
Handle itemHandle;
short itemType;
short diameter;
GetDItem( theDialog, 1, &itemType, &itemHandle, &itemRect );
diameter = (itemRect.bottom - itemRect.top) / 2;
if ( diameter < 16 )
diameter = 16;
PenSize( 3, 3 );
InsetRect( &itemRect, -4, -4 );
FrameRoundRect( &itemRect, diameter, diameter );
/* Assume myDialog has been initialized, and item #4 is the dummy
user item for outlining the default button. The following lines
install the outlining procedure OutlineDefault into the user
item, so that OutlineDefault will be called by the Dialog Manager
each time the dialog needs to be redrawn. */
GetDItem( myDialog, 4, &itemType, &itemHandle, &itemRect );
SetDItem( myDialog, 4, itemType, OutlineDefault, &itemRect );
(9) How do I go about writing serial port communications?
These days, it is best to use the new Comunications Toolbox (CTB).
By utiizing the CTB, you will be able to write your code to a single
specification, and the code will work with all current CTB "tools" and
all future CTB tools. The CTB tools allow programmers to extend the
CTB's functionality. There is a tool for each facet of the communications
puzzle: Connection Tools, Terminal Tools, and File Transfer Tools.
For example, once I have written a piece of code that uses the Serial
tool to connect me to a terminal server, combined with the VT102 Tool
to emulate a vt102 terminal, and the XMODEM Macbinary Tool to transfer
files, the same code will work with Apple Modem Tool, TCP/IP, AppleTalk
ADSP, ISDN, X.25, and all future Connection Tools. Further, the terminal
can emulate a VT320, ASCII, or other terminals. Files may be transfered
with XMODEM, TEXT, and soon ZMODEM and Kermit protocols.
The disadvantage of the CTB is that you must limit yourself to the
specification of the Connection, Terminal, and File Transfer interfaces.
These limitations are *rarely* a problem, but clearly something like
a FAX interface program or real time data analyzer, would have to
seriously consider the interfaces before committing.
For most standard communications applications, such as terminal emulators,
Bulletin Board Systems, etc., the CTB is the correct choice.
You can only get the CTB development kit from APDA. It is affordable,
somewhere just under $100. This includes working sample code.
(10) How do I get the menubar to disappear and re-appear?
A set of routines to do this in Pascal can be found in the Usenet
Macintosh Programmer's Guide. You can also ftp some sample code in C
from skinner.cs.uoregon.edu in /pub/mac/menu-bar.c.
(11) How do I write an INIT?
There is a simple INIT (SetWindow INIT) with source code and
explanations in the Usenet Macintosh Programmer's Guide.
(12) How do you access the application's data fork?
Call CurResFile when the application starts up.
Call PBGetFCBInfo to convert that refNum into a vRefNum, dirID and name.
Call HOpen with the vRefNum, dirID, and name to open up your data fork.
(13) What is the fastest way to paint one pixel on the screen?
Using QuickDraw, the fastest way to draw one pixel is
MoveTo( x, y );
Line( 0, 0 );
making sure that the pen size is 1 by 1. This is about twice as fast as
setting the pen size to 0 by 1 or 1 by 0 and calling Line( 1, 0 ) or
Line( 0, 1 ), respectively. I'm not sure why....
See below for how to draw a pixel without using QuickDraw.
(14) How do you draw directly into a pixmap without using QuickDraw?
As an example, here is a routine that paints a single pixel in a pixmap.
To use this procedure, you just have to know what 'value' to pass in.
This depends on the current bit-depth of 'thePixMap.' The rightmost n
bits of 'value' are used for the pixel value for depth = n. For depths
of eight or less, the value of each pixel is an index into a color
table. For depth = 16, each 16-bit pixel is interpreted as an RGB
value, as follows:
Bit: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Value: R R R R R G G G G G B B B B B U
where R = Red, G = Green, B = Blue, and U = Unused. For depth = 32,
each 32-bit pixel is interpreted as an RGB value as follows:
Bit: 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Value: A A A A A A A A R R R R R R R R
Bit: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Value: G G G G G G G G B B B B B B B B
where R = Red, G = Green, B = Blue, and A = Alpha.
void SetPixel(
short x,
short y,
long value,
PixMapHandle thePixMap )
unsigned long rowBytes;
unsigned char mask;
unsigned char shiftBits;
unsigned char *thePixel;
unsigned char pixelDepth;
char mode = true32b;
Boolean swapMode;
swapMode = PixMap32Bit( thePixMap );
LockPixels( thePixMap );
rowBytes = (unsigned long) ((*thePixMap)->rowBytes & 0x3fff);
thePixel = (unsigned char *) (*thePixMap)->baseAddr;
pixelDepth = (*thePixMap)->pixelSize;
switch ( pixelDepth ) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 4:
case 8:
thePixel += (rowBytes * y) +
(((unsigned long) pixelDepth * x) / 8L);
shiftBits = ((8 - pixelDepth) - ((x * pixelDepth) % 8));
mask = (unsigned char) ((1 << pixelDepth) - 1) << shiftBits;
if ( swapMode ) {
SwapMMUMode( &mode );
*thePixel &= ~mask;
*thePixel |= (unsigned char) value << shiftBits;
case 16:
thePixel += (rowBytes * y) + (2L * x);
if ( swapMode ) {
SwapMMUMode( &mode );
*((unsigned short *)thePixel) = (unsigned short) value;
case 24: /* untested */
thePixel += (rowBytes * y) + (3L * x);
if ( swapMode ) {
SwapMMUMode( &mode );
*thePixel = (unsigned char) (value >> 16);
*((unsigned short *)(thePixel+1)) = (unsigned short) value;
case 32:
thePixel += (rowBytes * y) + (4L * x);
if ( swapMode ) {
SwapMMUMode( &mode );
*((unsigned long *)thePixel) = value;
if ( swapMode ) {
SwapMMUMode( &mode );
UnlockPixels( thePixMap );
(15) How do you draw directly onto the screen without using QuickDraw?
Get the pixmap for the monitor that you want to draw on, and send it to
the above procedure. For example, to draw a red dot at position 10,10
on the main screen (if the main screen is in 32-bit mode):
GDHandle theDevice;
theDevice = GetMainDevice();
SetPixel( x, y, 0x00FF0000, (*theDevice)->gdPMap );
If you are drawing directly to the screen, you should always wrap your
drawing with calls to ShieldCursor and ShowCursor. Some monitors such
as the Radius Pivot series keep a virtual screen, and they don't update
the real screen unless they have to. When you write directly to the
screen, you're actually writing to the virtual screen, and your drawing
won't show up on the real screen until the system has some other reason
to update the monitor. Calling ShieldCursor each time you draw will
force these systems to update the real screen when you expect them to.
(16) How do you register signatures and file types with Apple?
Registering a signature and file type is free, and you don't have to be
an Apple Partner or Associate. You can ftp the registration form from
ftp.apple.com; it's available as
(17) What RGB value does the system use for dimmed buttons, menus and
window titles?
The gray color does not have a fixed RGB value. It is a weighted
average of the foreground and background colors. To obtain the
appropriate 'gray' color for a given foreground and background color,
the Palette Manager routine GetGray can be used:
pascal Boolean GetGray( GDHandle device, const RGBColor *backGround,
RGBColor *foreGround )
= {0x303C,0x1219,0xAAA2};
If at least one gray or intermediate color is available, GetGray stores
the color in foreGround and returns true. If no gray is available, or,
if you supplied two colors, no third distinguishable color is available,
the foreGround parameter is unchanged and the function returns false.
GetGray is not available in older versions of the system. Use Gestalt
to determine whether it is available.
(18) What's the difference between the resource ID of a 'MENU' resource and
the menuID field of that resource?
The resource ID of a 'MENU' resource is just the resource ID - it has no
hidden meaning. What is normally expected by beginning programmers is
that the number that MenuSelect and MenuKey return is the resource ID of
the menu. In fact, the number returned is the value of the menuID field
of the menu, and has no relation to the resource ID of the menu. You
can set the menuID to any number you want, but by convention it is
expected to be the same as the resource ID of the menu. (You can change
this value in ResEdit by opening the menu you wish to change, and
selecting 'Edit Menu & MDEF ID...' from the MENU menu.)
(19) When should I call MoveHHi?
MoveHHi is an expensive operation; calling it when you don't need to can
significantly slow down your program. Additionally, over-calling of
MoveHHi can fragment the top of your heap. Call MoveHHi before locking
a handle that is followed by some memory allocation. To effieciently
move a handle high in the heap and then lock it, you might want to call
HLockHi, a call new with MPW 3.2 and THINK C 5.0 (probably THINK Pascal
4.0 as well).
Eternal Debates
These questions have no final answers. They pop up every few months and
waste a tremendous amount of valuable network resources on discussions
that will never be resolved. Most people would be happy if they were
never discussed again in this newsgroup.
Q: Why doesn't the Mac do preemptive multitasking?
A: Pro-preemptives claim the current scheme is too vulnerable to ill-behaved
applications and too much trouble for application writers. Anti-
preemptives claim that preemptive multitasking would reduce interactive
response, and that the current cooperative system works well.
Credits / Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Ben Haller, who started this whole thing, and did quite a lot
of work on this posting before handing it off to me.
Thanks to these people for proofreading this list during its development:
Ben Haller
Wally Wedel
John B. Matthews
Patrick Beard
Steve Zellers
Thanks to Chris Webster for the one-liners.
Thanks to Peter Lewis for the answers to the following specific questions:
How do you get a full pathname?
How could anyone love the File Manager?
When do you put an ellipsis on the end of a menu item?
How do you set the SFGet/PutFile directory?
Thanks to Greg Ferrar for the review on TMON Pro.
Thanks to John Rinaldo for the review on Jasik's Debugger.
And thanks to everyone who has offered suggestions or constructive
criticism.... Keep those comments coming!