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- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Filename: CShowINIT.c
- Color ShowINIT, for use with LightspeedC
- This translation by Ken McLeod (thecloud@dhw68k.cts.com)
- Version of: Thursday, April 6, 1989 3:30:00 PM
- Devolved by Alex Chaffee (chaffee@reed.uucp) 9 Jan '90 [ADC]
- INIT notification routine
- by Paul Mercer, Darin Adler, and Paul Snively from an idea by Steve Capps
- Version of: Friday, July 15, 1988 12:08:09 AM (1.1B1)
- -revved back to previous calling interface.
- -you only need to call ShowINIT now and due to popular demand,
- deltaX is back!
- -also due to popular demand, color icons are now done automatically.
- -note that the color icon is only used if 4 bits or more is available on
- the main graphics device; the normal #ICN is used for all other cases.
- Converted back to a regular C function, for inclusion in a project [ADC]
- Prototype:
- pascal void ShowINIT(short iconID, short moveX);
- Usage:
- ShowINIT(ICON_ID, -1);
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* #include <MacHeaders> */
- #include <Color.h>
- typedef struct QuickDraw { /* struct to hold QuickDraw globals */
- char private[76];
- long randSeed;
- BitMap screenBits;
- Cursor arrow;
- Pattern dkGray;
- Pattern ltGray;
- Pattern gray;
- Pattern black;
- Pattern white;
- GrafPtr thePort;
- } QuickDraw;
- /*extern short ROM85 : 0x28E;*/
- /*extern GDHandle MainDevice : 0x8A4;*/
- extern short myH : 0x92C; /* CurApName+28 */
- extern short myCheck: 0x92E; /* CurApName+30 */
- #define firstX 8 /* left margin - offset to first icon */
- #define bottomEdge 8 /* this far from bottom of screen */
- #define iconWidth 32 /* size of icon (square normally) */
- #define defaultMoveX 40 /* default amount to move icons */
- #define checksumConst 0x1021 /* constant used for computing checksum */
- #define minColorDepth 4 /* min. bits/pixel for drawing color icons */
- #define maskOffset 128 /* offset to mask in ICN# resource */
- #define iconRowBytes 32/8 /* 32/8 bits */
- #define hasCQDBit 6 /* bit in ROM85 cleared if CQD available */
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Display the ICN# (cicn when in 4 bit mode or higher) specified by iconID
- and move the pen horizontally by moveX. Pass a -1 in moveX to move the
- standard amount (40 pixels).
- pascal void ShowINIT(iconID, moveX)
- short iconID, moveX;
- extern;
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- pascal void ShowINIT(iconID, moveX)
- short iconID, moveX;
- {
- Handle theIconHdl; /* handle to the icon (or cicn) */
- short dh; /* for calculating horizontal offset */
- short colorFlag; /* set if drawing a color icon */
- short theDepth; /* depth of main screen; used for CQD only */
- GDHandle theMainDevice; /* handle to main screen device; CQD only */
- Rect srcRect, destRect; /* source & destination rectangles */
- BitMap myBitMap; /* icon bitmap; used for b/w icon only */
- GrafPort myPort; /* port we draw into */
- QuickDraw qdGlobals; /* our own personal QD globals... */
- Ptr localA5; /* pointer to qdGlobals.thePort */
- Ptr savedA5; /* storage for saved contents of A5 */
- asm {
- move.l A5,savedA5 /* save "real" QD globals ptr */
- lea localA5,A5 /* set up A5 to point to our globals */
- move.l A5,CurrentA5
- }
- InitGraf(&qdGlobals.thePort); /* initialize our qdGlobals structure */
- OpenPort(&myPort);
- colorFlag = 0; /* default: no color */
- if (!(BitTst(&ROM85, 7-hasCQDBit))) { /* does CQD exist? */
- theMainDevice = MainDevice; /* yes; get handle to main device */
- theDepth = (*(*theMainDevice)->gdPMap)->pixelSize;
- if (theDepth >= minColorDepth) { /* deep enough to draw in color? */
- if ((theIconHdl = (Handle)GetCIcon(iconID)) != 0L)
- colorFlag = 1; /* found a color icon; set flag */
- }
- }
- if (!(colorFlag)) { /* no CQD, insufficient depth, or lack of 'cicn' */
- if (!(theIconHdl = GetResource('ICN#',iconID))) {
- SysBeep(3); /* can't get b/w icon; signal error and bail out */
- goto out;
- }
- }
- dh = (myH << 1) ^ checksumConst; /* checksum to find dh */
- myH = ((dh == myCheck) ? (myH):(firstX)); /* reset if necessary */
- /* notice that we stored the new horizontal value directly back into
- the low-memory 'myH' location, rather than using a temporary variable.
- This is the way the original ShowINIT works, and IconWrap relies on it. */
- destRect.bottom = myPort.portRect.bottom - bottomEdge;
- destRect.left = myPort.portRect.left + myH;
- destRect.top = destRect.bottom - iconWidth;
- destRect.right = destRect.left + iconWidth;
- if (colorFlag) { /* draw color icon */
- PlotCIcon(&destRect,(CIconHandle)theIconHdl);
- DisposCIcon((CIconHandle)theIconHdl);
- }
- else { /* draw b/w icon */
- HLock(theIconHdl);
- srcRect.top = srcRect.left = 0;
- srcRect.bottom = srcRect.right = iconWidth;
- myBitMap.rowBytes = iconRowBytes;
- myBitMap.bounds = srcRect;
- myBitMap.baseAddr = *theIconHdl + maskOffset; /* punch hole with mask */
- CopyBits(&myBitMap, &myPort.portBits, &srcRect, &destRect, srcBic, 0L);
- myBitMap.baseAddr = *theIconHdl; /* now draw the icon */
- CopyBits(&myBitMap, &myPort.portBits, &srcRect, &destRect, srcOr, 0L);
- HUnlock(theIconHdl);
- ReleaseResource(theIconHdl);
- }
- myH += ((moveX == -1) ? (defaultMoveX):(moveX)); /* advance for next time */
- myCheck = (myH << 1) ^ checksumConst; /* calc new checksum */
- out:
- ClosePort(&myPort);
- asm {
- move.l savedA5,A5
- move.l A5,CurrentA5
- }
- }
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/